NAU Photography Club Constitution and Bylaws 2018-2019
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NAU Photography Club Constitution and Bylaws 2018-2019 1. Name a. NAU Photography Club, it shall be abbreviated to NAU Photo Club and/or Photo Club. 2. Purpose a. The purpose of the NAU Photography Club is for photography majors, minors, and individuals who have an excelling interest in photography, make connections with other photographers through a learning environment both inside and outside of the classroom. With this club we hope to improve knowledge about the world of photography, create portfolios, critique photos, and most importantly have fun doing something we are passionate about. 3. Membership a. Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in photography. We agree to abide by Northern Arizona University policies prohibiting discrimination in organizational membership on the basis of race, color, culture, creed, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, age, or veteran status. b. The club reserves the right to accept or decline any request to join. c. To become a member of NAU Photo Club the person must be on our emailing list. i. Members join the emailing list by sending a request to d. There is no membership cap for NAU Photo Club. e. There is $10 membership fee to be a part of NAU Photo Club per year. i. Scholarships to waive this fee will be given on a case-by-case situation, if you are in need of this scholarship please email f. For events or trips that require driving (carpooling) or overnight stay, members must contribute gas money or fees. i. If fees are not paid prior to trip, the member will not be allowed to attend. 1. If fees are not paid, the member will receive three strikes which terminates membership status. 4. Meetings a. Meetings will be held on every other Thursday at 7pm in the Communication Building, room 244. i. Meetings for Fall 2018 will start on September 6th, 2018. ii. Meetings for Spring 2019 will be determined at a later date. iii. Meetings will not be held during reading or finals week.
b. Officers meetings will be held once a month on an alternating Thursday evening in the Communication Building, room 244. c. Member attendance at meetings is not mandatory, but is encouraged. i. There is no consequence for missing a meeting. d. Meeting topics and photo prompts will be voted on by members, majority vote wins. Each topic will be decided on at the meeting prior to the next one. Topic suggestions will be written down and kept for the next vote, if not voted on previously. 5. Conduct a. Members are expected to sign in at each meeting that they attend. b. Members must be respectful of all members, presenters, and environments. c. When giving any critique or feedback on another member’s work, be respectful and mindful of their skill level. d. We have a strike system implemented to ensure members are being respectful of their commitments and abiding by the bylaws. i. If a member receives three strikes, their membership will be terminated. 6. Trips a. Trips will happen once a month to various locations around Northern Arizona. i. Each month’s location will be determined in advance. ii. Location ideas can be given by any member, and will be voted on by officers. b. An email will be sent out at least one week before the trip to gauge interest and transportation needs. c. The mode of transportation for all trips is limited to carpooling using member and officer vehicles. i. The number of seats available in a driver’s car will be stated by the driver in their email of confirmation. ii. The number of seats available will be restricted and deemed by the driver. d. The number of people on a trip depends on the number of seats available. All trip sign ups are based on first come first served. i. Members that attend a meeting and sign in on the sign-up sheet will receive first priority for the correlating trip or excursion. e. Arrival and departure for trips will be behind Education Parking Lot (P8) near the exit closest to the Communication Building (Building #16). i. It is recommended you arrive 15 minutes before agreed departure time. ii. If someone is running late, they are expected to notify the officer leading the trip by phone or text. f. The officer leading the club trip is responsible for printing/collecting the sign in sheet, communicating with drivers, and confirming that everyone returns safely. i. Sign in sheet must include the participants name, phone number, and emergency contact. g. At least one officer must attend each field trip. h. Time will be allotted if members who are driving need to stop for gas before departure.
i. Members are expected to prepare properly for trips, trip emails will list recommended equipment and gear. Members are encouraged to not overpack for trips to save space within the vehicles. j. Trips are a privilege for members, if members do not behave on trips (including but not limited to, being disrespectful of historical sites, not cleaning up personal litter or trash, and making requests of a driver to drop off at a location not agreed on by the club) they will receive one strike. k. If members are interested in going on the trip they must sign up at the meeting, or email at least 24 hours in advance of departure time. l. If members who said they were interested in a trip can no longer attend, they must notify the club by emailing at least 24 hours in advance of departure time. i. If members fail to notify the club via email and do not show up at the agreed departure location for the trip, this will count as two strikes against them (exceptions can be made in the case of emergencies, these will be reviewed by the officers at the next officer meeting) m. Trips can cost money (for gas and/or entrance fees) the exact amount for each trip will be noted at the meeting before the trip, as well as in the meeting minutes, and the trip email. n. Excursions to local locations will be held at various times throughout the semester. i. These will be based on meeting topics, prompts and member recommendations. This gives members an opportunity to practice techniques covered in the meetings. ii. At least one NAU Photo Club Officer must be in attendance on excursions. 7. Officers a. Positions in the club include: Advisor, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Social Media Officers. b. These positions are one academic year long positions. Officers must stay in good academic standing with the university to maintain their position. i. Good academic standing will be determined by NAU policy. ii. According to TrueBlue Connects clarifies that officers must have at least a 2.25 GPA. c. In case of an officer vacancy, a new officer will be appointed by the club to substitute them. d. Keep records of trip attendance, meeting attendance, and members’ strikes via Google Sheets. 8. Elections a. Elections for officers is based on interest, if only one person is interested in the position they are elected. If more than one person is interested in a position they will be required to write a 250-500 word proposal on why they want the position, how they can be valuable to the club, and what they are wanting to get out of the officer experience. The decision will be left to the advisor and (past and future) president of the club.
b. Elections can be made by both self nomination or by another member, members are free to decline nomination at any time in the election process. c. Elections should be completed before the last meeting of the semester. d. Available positions will be sent out to all members via email at least one week prior to elections. 9. Officer Positions and Responsibilities a. All Officers i. Required to club and officer meetings, if they are not able to go they must notify the Advisor or President 24 hours before the meeting (in case of emergencies, exceptions will be made). ii. Officers may miss one officer meeting per semester. Officers may miss two regular club meetings per semester. If officers miss more than one officers’ meeting and two regular meetings, then they will be put on probation. 1. Probation is a 2-week, temporary status assigned to an officer which includes monitoring by the advisor and officers to ensure responsibilities are being fulfilled. 2. At the end of the probation period, an officers’ meeting will be held to determine whether or not the person is still fit for the position. 3. Exceptions will be made based on extenuating circumstances. iii. Any officer may send emails to members. 1. Emails must be reviewed by another officer. 2. Emails should contain correct grammar and be clear and concise so members are not confused by the content of the emails. 3. All mass emails should BCC the members. iv. At least one officer must attend all NAU Photo Club events, trips, or excursions. b. Advisor i. Ensure the club officers are doing their respective duties. ii. Assist with requesting location of meetings, finding information about trips (ex. discounts for students), and finding guest speakers. iii. Provide assistance to the club when deemed appropriate and necessary. c. President i. Lead club meetings by coming prepared with a presentation. ii. Create agendas for club and officer meetings. 1. Includes meeting presentations, attendance sheets, and mailing list. iii. Attend all events, trips, and excursions or appoint another officer to attend in their place. iv. Manage the email with assistance from other officers. v. Manage the Google Drive shared with all officers. vi. Manage the mailing list and members page on True Blue Connects vii. Keep information updated anywhere NAU Photo Club is represented viii. Delegate tasks to other officers and members. d. Vice President
i. Lead club meetings in President's absence. ii. Create agendas for club and officer meetings when requested to do so by the President. iii. Help the president manage the club email and Google Drive. iv. Attend all events, trips, and excursions or appoint another officer to attend in their place. v. Reach out to other clubs and organizations both on campus and within Flagstaff to increase the club’s exposure and notify members of learning experience and job opportunities. 1. Forward all emails from other clubs and organizations onto members and provide them with contact information for job related opportunities. vi. Any other duties assigned by Advisor or President e. Secretary i. Required to attend every photo club meeting, or appoint another officer to record the meeting in their absence ii. Attend a majority of the officer meetings iii. Give at least 24-hour notice if unable to attend a meeting iv. Maintain a professional communication channel via email (includes proper grammar and appropriate content) v. Send out weekly meeting reminders at least 24 hours in advance from the meeting vi. Keep members informed of events, excursions, and trips in the form of reminder emails, preferably one week in advance vii. Create meeting minutes at club and officer meetings viii. Send out meeting minutes and meeting slides to members at least 24 hours after a meeting ix. Keep attendance at meetings, events, trips, and excursions x. Keep track of member’s strikes f. Treasurer i. Have a basic understanding of the club’s finances to ensure that it functions properly ii. Sign onto the bank account at Wells Fargo and apply for a debit card iii. Make ten transactions per month to avoid a $14 service fee from Wells Fargo iv. Keep two Excel spreadsheets on the google drive i. One spreadsheet for all transactions, and donations ii. A second spreadsheet for gas money calculations v. Organize fundraisers both on campus and in Flagstaff community. vi. Report account balances at meetings when necessary vii. Work with the officers to order any food from Sodexo viii. Collect receipts from club money spent. ix. Assist in planning and finding out information about trips and cost of trips for both the club and members.
x. Calculate how much members owe for gas based upon average price of gas, miles that will be traveled, average gas mileage per gallon, and number of passengers. xi. If attending a trip, be responsible for collecting and managing any money received from members. If treasurer is not on the trip this duty falls to next highest ranking officer. g. Social Media Officers i. Coordinate with the other Social Media Officers in this position to create a schedule to manage the Instagram, Facebook, and any other social media accounts the club creates. ii. Send out reminders to members to send in prompts or trip photos, especially when the photo queue is getting low. iii. Each social media platform should be posted on at least once a week with announcements, member photographs, and other relevant photography content. 1. Social media officers are expected to spend a minimum of 30 minutes total per week on all social media platform. iv. When managing the Instagram account: 1. Officers will not post their personal photos and information, leave that for the next social media officer to post. 2. Officers will give credit to the work published by including member’s user information. 3. Make sure to include relevant and popular hashtags. 4. Keep a consistent look to all posts. All content must reinforce the values of NAU Photo Club. 5. Use all platforms responsibly and fairly. Be sure not to give yourself an advantage other members don’t have access to. v. When managing the Facebook account: 1. Post photography-related content and club updates. 2. Keep an eye out for any behavior that does not reflect kindly on the club and remove it promptly. 3. Accept member requests a. If a request seems questionable reach out to Advisor or President. 4. Post meeting and event reminders to the page. vi. Manage the email in a way that is organized and easy to hand off to the next officer in charge of managing the accounts. vii. Protect the passwords to the various accounts. 10. Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws a. Bylaws will be shared with all members at the beginning of each semester. b. Changes to the Constitution and Bylaws can be recommended by any member. c. Suggested changes will be reviewed and voted on by the officers at the next officers’ meeting. d. Major changes will be reported at the next club meeting
11. Club Dissolvement a. If the photography club ever dissolves, the bank account will be terminated. Any and all leftover funds will be donated to the NAU Photography Department.
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