How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance - Feb. 8, 2021 - S&P Global

How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance - Feb. 8, 2021 - S&P Global
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub
Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their
Feb. 8, 2021


                                         Greg M Koniowka
                                         +44-20 -7176-1209
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance - Feb. 8, 2021 - S&P Global
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance

How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K.
Pub Corporate Securitizations May
Influence Their Performance
  Key Takeaways
  − The U.K. government’s lockdown restrictions to mitigate the effect of the COVID-19
     pandemic are heavily curtailing the operations of the pub estates backing U.K. pub
     corporate securitizations.
  − The pub estates have different geographic footprints and, should the regional tiering
     system be imposed once the national lockdown ends, their exposure to regional
     restrictions will differ.
  − The overall risk to each pub estate’s trading performance will be shaped by its geographic
     footprint, the regional progression of the coronavirus cases across the U.K., and the
     consequent restrictions put in place by the U.K. government.

In this report, S&P Global Ratings presents some key data that may be useful in assessing the exposure to
increased lockdowns of each U.K. pub corporate securitization that we rate. The data focuses on the
location of pubs within the pub estate backing each transaction, which is generally not the whole of each
parent company’s pub estate. The overall risk to each pub estate’s trading performance will be shaped
by its geographic footprint, the regional progression of coronavirus cases across the U.K., and the
consequent restrictions put in place by the U.K. government, as currently dictated by a nationwide
lockdown in England.

Geographic Footprint
In terms of exposure to Greater London (comprising Inner and Outer London), Mitchells & Butlers
Finance PLC, Spirit Issuer PLC, and Unique Pub Finance Co. PLC (The) have far greater exposure than
Marston’s Issuer PLC and Greene King Finance PLC, with Marston’s having just one pub in Outer London
and none in Inner London. Spirit, albeit with a relatively small estate, has the highest exposure to Greater
London, followed closely by Mitchells & Butlers, with both having over 10% of their estates within Inner
Mitchells & Butlers has the most diversified geographic footprint, while Marston’s is the least diversified,
with approximately 56% of its pubs spread across the East and West Midlands, with additional pockets in
the North West, Yorkshire, and the Humber.
Greene King’s estate is heavily centered in the south east and the east of England, with another
concentration in Scotland. At the end of November 2020, with the introduction of the U.K. government’s
first version of its tiering system, Greene King’s concentration gave it some distance from the Midlands
hotspots and those areas facing the most stringent restrictions, with Marston’s being the most exposed
to local restrictions that hampered their ability to trade. However, the landscape has shifted quickly, and
it is now the south east that is exhibiting the highest levels of new cases, with Greene King replacing
Marston’s as the most exposed. As regional coronavirus hotspots continue to flare up and dissipate,
there could be further reversals of fortune.                                                                                     Feb. 8, 2021   2
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance - Feb. 8, 2021 - S&P Global
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance

In terms of population center concentration, which is an indicator of the availability of outside space that
helps to lessen the impact of restrictions on both social distancing requirements and bans on standing
and drinking indoors, over a third of Marston’s estate is situated in a rural setting, compared with around
14% for Mitchells & Butlers and Spirit, 20% for Unique, and 25% for Greene King.
Chart 1

Regional Distributions

                                                                                                                                              Mitchells & Butlers

                    30                                                                                                                        Spirit

                    25                                                                                                                        Unique
% of total estate

                                                                                                                                              Greene King




                               Inner    Outer   South   South     East of   East    West      North      North   Yorkshire Scotland   Wales
                              London   London   East    West      England Midlands Midlands   East       West    and The

Source: S&P Global Ratings.
Copyright © 2021 by Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC. All rights reserved

Chart 2

Population Center Distributions (Urban/Rural)

                                                                                                                                              Mitchells & Butlers
% of total estate

                         50                                                                                                                   Marston's

                         40                                                                                                                   Greene King




                                       Urban              Rural                     Urban         Small town                 Rural
                                           England/Wales                                              Scotland

Source: S&P Global Ratings.
Copyright © 2021 by Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC. All rights reserved                                                                                                                                  Feb. 8, 2021   3
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance - Feb. 8, 2021 - S&P Global
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance

Chart 3

Population Center Distributions (Detail)

                                                                                                                                                               Mitchells & Butlers
% of total estate

                                                                                                                                                               Greene King





                         Urban   Urban   Urban       Rural       Rural       Rural     Rural    Large   Other   Accessible Remote Accessible Remote    Very
                         major   minor    city        town       village    hamlet    village   urban   urban     small     small   rural     rural   remote
                                          and          and                 isolated   sparse     area    area     town      town                       rural
                                         town        fringe                           setting
                                                 England/Wales                                                           Scotland

Source: S&P Global Ratings.
Copyright © 2021 by Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC. All rights reserved

Coronavirus Progression
The following set of maps show the geographic footprint of each pub company on the current (Jan. 24,
2021) coronavirus landscape in the U.K., represented by the rolling seven-day new cases figure. (As
reported by specimen date, divided by an area’s population and multiplying by 100,000, or the cases per
100,000) We chose a level of detail that represents the 2019 local authority districts in the U.K., which
closely aligns with the Lower Tier Local Authority area type used in U.K. government’s coronavirus
dashboard. Following adjustments made by the U.K. government when presenting its data, the
coronavirus case data for City of London and Isles of Scilly are combined with Hackney and Cornwall
respectively. Likewise, we mapped any pubs located in the City of London to Hackney, to form a
combined entity, Hackney and the City of London. All coronavirus data is as of Jan. 24, 2021.                                                                                                                                                   Feb. 8, 2021   4
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance - Feb. 8, 2021 - S&P Global
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance

Chart 4
Geographic Footprint With U.K. Coronavirus Landscape

Source: S&P Global Ratings.
Copyright © 2021 by Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC. All rights reserved                                                                            Feb. 8, 2021   5
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance - Feb. 8, 2021 - S&P Global
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance

Chart 5
Mitchells & Butlers’s Geographic Footprint With U.K. Coronavirus Landscape

Source: S&P Global Ratings.
Copyright © 2021 by Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC. All rights reserved                                                                            Feb. 8, 2021   6
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance - Feb. 8, 2021 - S&P Global
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance

Chart 6
Green King’s Geographic Footprint With U.K. Coronavirus Landscape

Source: S&P Global Ratings.
Copyright © 2021 by Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC. All rights reserved                                                                            Feb. 8, 2021   7
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance - Feb. 8, 2021 - S&P Global
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance

Chart 7
Marston's Geographic Footprint With U.K. Coronavirus Landscape

Source: S&P Global Ratings.
Copyright © 2021 by Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC. All rights reserved                                                                            Feb. 8, 2021   8
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance

Chart 8
Spirit’s Geographic Footprint With U.K. Coronavirus Landscape

Source: S&P Global Ratings.
Copyright © 2021 by Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC. All rights reserved                                                                            Feb. 8, 2021   9
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance

Chart 9
Unique’s Geographic Footprint With U.K. Coronavirus Landscape

Source: S&P Global Ratings.
Copyright © 2021 by Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC. All rights reserved

The U.K. Government's Responses
Following the end of a four-week lockdown in England, on Dec. 2, 2020 the U.K. government implemented a
new tiering system replacing a local COVID-19 alert level, or tiering system, whereby each local area in
England was assigned a local COVID-19 tier of "medium," "high," or "very high," based on the level of
infections for that area. The recommendations and rules for the tiering system and the framework for
determining which tier is assigned to which area were governed by the U.K. government’s COVID-19 Winter
Plan. On Dec. 20, 2020, the U.K. government expanded its tiering system to include a fourth tier, tier 4,
which was a stay at home order. Pubs fall within the hospitality sector and are, therefore, subject to the
restrictions applied to hospitality businesses within each tier.

Tier 1: Medium alert
−      Provide table service only.
−      Stop taking orders after 10 p.m.
−      Close between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.                                                                                   Feb. 8, 2021   10
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance

−       Continue selling food and drink for consumption off the premises after 10 p.m. as long as this
        is through delivery service, click-and-collect, or drive-through.

Tier 2: high alert
−       Close, unless operating as a restaurant, only serving alcohol with substantial meals.
−       Stop taking orders after 10 p.m.
−       Close between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.
−       Continue selling food and drink for consumption off the premises after 10 p.m. as long as this is
        through delivery service, click-and-collect, or drive through.

Tier 3: Very high alert
−       Closed with the exception of takeaway, click-and-collect, drive-through, or delivery services.

Tier 4: Stay at home
−       Closed with the exception of takeaway, click-and-collect, drive-through, or delivery services.

In its COVID-19 Winter Plan, published in November, the U.K. government listed five key epidemiological
indicators that will contributed to decisions on which area goes into which tier, which include case
detection rates in all age groups and the rate at which cases are rising or falling, both of which are
leading indicators for the pressure on the NHS, another of the factors considered. The table below shows
a relationship between the seven-day rolling rate of new specimen cases reported for each local authority
district and its tier as of Jan. 4, 2021, the day before the tiering system was withdrawn and supplanted by
a nationwide lockdown with stay at home restriction.

Table 1
Distribution of Local Authority districts amongst Tiers in England (%)
As of January 4, 2020
7-day rolling rate of new specimen cases per
100,000                                        2014            2015           2016            2017    Total

10.1-50                                          0.0            0.0             0.0             0.0     0.0

50.1-100                                         0.0            0.0             1.0             0.3     1.3

100.1-150                                        0.0            0.0             2.5             0.6     3.2

150.1-200                                        0.0            0.0             1.6             2.5     4.1

200.1-250                                        0.0            0.0             5.1           10.8     15.9

250.1-400                                        0.0            0.0             4.4           44.1     48.6

400.1+                                           0.0            0.0             1.0           26.0     27.0

Total                                            0.0            0.0            15.6           84.4    100.0

When it was introduced, the tiering system was intended to be in effect until the end of March 2021.
However, England went into a full nationwide lockdown on Jan. 5, 2021 and is expected to remain in
lockdown for at least six weeks. The current restrictions on pub operators are the same as those put in
place under tiers 3 and 4, with pubs ordered to close with the exception of providing takeaway for food
and non-alcoholic drinks and delivery of food and drink (including alcohol) until 11 p.m.
We expect that new restrictions will continue to be introduced at the regional and local level when the
U.K. government lifts the current national lockdown and, we assume, reverts to some form of tiering
system. Taking the epidemiological indicators of case detection rates and the rate at which cases are
rising or falling as an indicator of which tier a region may be assigned post lockdown, the chart below                                                                                    Feb. 8, 2021   11
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance

shows the exposure of each pub company to regional differences of each indicator. When the seven-day
rolling rate of new specimen cases and its rate of change are combined, the differences in the geographic
footprints between the pub companies begin to reveal their relevance. Each pub company’s estate is
exposed to the general trend throughout the U.K. in the number of new cases, which have been falling
over the last week. However, the differences in their geographic footprints discussed above show that
those with greater exposure to regions with adverse epidemiological indicators may face greater
restrictions under a new tiering system. The distributions in table 2 show that Marston’s had the least
number of pubs in regions that were under tier 4 restrictions in early January, but seem to be in regions
where the rate of decline is more muted than, say, either Mitchells & Butlers or Greene King. If this trend
holds, it may suggest that Marston’s pub estate may face tougher restrictions than the other pub

Chart 10
Pubco Presence Within The Landscape Of Coronavirus Cases

Source: S&P Global Ratings.
Copyright © 2021 by Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC. All rights reserved

Table 2

Distribution Of Pubco Estates Among Tiers In England (%)
On Jan. 4, 2020

                                   Country of Great
Issuer                                      Britain Scotland/Wales                  Tier 1   Tier 2    Tier 3   Tier 4

                                               England                       0.0      0.0      0.0       9.9     78.9

Greene King Finance PLC                       Scotland                     10.3       0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0

                                                 Wales                       0.9      0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0

Greene King Finance PLC
                                                                           11.3       0.0      0.0       9.9     78.9

Marston's Issuer PLC                           England                       0.0      0.0      0.0      28.2     63.4                                                                                               Feb. 8, 2021   12
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance

                                  Wales              8.4          0.0            0.0            0.0    0.0

Marston's Issuer PLC
                                                     8.4          0.0            0.0           28.2   63.4

                                England              0.0          0.0            0.0           16.4   75.8

Mitchells & Butlers
                                Scotland             4.4          0.0            0.0            0.0    0.0
Finance PLC

                                  Wales              3.4          0.0            0.0            0.0    0.0

Mitchells & Butlers
                                                     7.8          0.0            0.0           16.4   75.8
Finance PLC Total

                                England              0.0          0.0            0.0           13.6   80.0

Spirit Issuer PLC               Scotland             5.4          0.0            0.0            0.0    0.0

                                  Wales              0.9          0.0            0.0            0.0    0.0

Spirit Issuer PLC Total                              6.3          0.0            0.0           13.6   80.0

                                England              0.0          0.0            0.0           30.5   65.9
Unique Pub Finance Co.
PLC (The)
                                  Wales              3.5          0.0            0.0            0.0    0.0

Unique Pub Finance Co.
                                                     3.5          0.0            0.0           30.5   65.9
PLC (The) Total

Given the current uncertainties surrounding the path the COVID-19 pandemic will take in the U.K., the
prospects of and timing for a vaccine against the virus, and the U.K. government’s response, the situation
remains quite fluid.
We will continue to monitor the regional progression of COVID-19 within the U.K. and evaluate the
potential effects from U.K government restrictions on the expected size and duration of reductions in the
securitized transactions' net cash flows. Against the backdrop of those developments, we continuously
evaluate whether adjustments to our base-case and downside projections are appropriate. Changes in
our projections could adversely affect our debt service coverage estimates, which, in turn, could put
pressure on our ratings. If longer-term effects emerge that reshape the economy or industry, we may
revise our assessment of a company's business risk profile, which could also result in rating changes.
Our ratings on 14 classes of notes from four U.K. pub corporate securitizations are currently on
CreditWatch negative. The CreditWatch placements reflects the ongoing significant uncertainty
surrounding the timing and robustness of the COVID-19 recovery and each issuer’s available liquidity.

Table 3

U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations On CreditWatch Negative

                                           Class                 Rating

Marston's Issuer PLC                       A2                    BB+ (sf)/Watch Neg

Marston's Issuer PLC                       A3                    BB+ (sf)/Watch Neg                                                                                   Feb. 8, 2021   13
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance

Marston's Issuer PLC                      A4                     BB+ (sf)/Watch Neg

Marston's Issuer PLC                      B                      B+ (sf)/Watch Neg

Greene King Finance PLC                   B1                     BB+ (sf)/Watch Neg

Greene King Finance PLC                   B2                     BB+ (sf)/Watch Neg

Unique Pub Finance Co. PLC (The)          A4                     BB+ (sf)/Watch Neg

Unique Pub Finance Co. PLC (The)          M                      B (sf)/Watch Neg

Unique Pub Finance Co. PLC (The)          N                      B- (sf)/Watch Neg

Mitchells & Butlers Finance PLC           B1                     BB (sf)/Watch Neg

Mitchells & Butlers Finance PLC           B2                     BB (sf)/Watch Neg

Mitchells & Butlers Finance PLC           C1                     B+ (sf)/Watch Neg

Mitchells & Butlers Finance PLC           C2                     B+ (sf)/Watch Neg

Mitchells & Butlers Finance PLC           D1                     B+ (sf)/Watch Neg

As vaccine rollouts in several countries continue, S&P Global Ratings believes there remains a high
degree of uncertainty about the evolution of the coronavirus pandemic and its economic effects.
Widespread immunization, which certain countries might achieve by midyear, will help pave the way for
a return to more normal levels of social and economic activity. We use this assumption about vaccine
timing in assessing the economic and credit implications associated with the pandemic (see our research
here: As the situation evolves, we will update our assumptions and
estimates accordingly.

Related Research
•    Greene King Finance Class A And AB U.K. Corporate Securitization Ratings Affirmed, Class B Notes On
     CreditWatch Negative, Dec. 22, 2020
•    The Unique Pub Finance Co. PLC Class A, M, And N U.K. Corporate Securitization Notes Kept On
     CreditWatch Negative, Dec. 18, 2020
•    Credit Conditions Europe: Waiting For Relief, Dec. 3, 2020.
•    The Eurozone Can Still Rebound In 2021 After Lighter Lockdowns, Dec. 1, 2020
•    U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations Ratings Remain On CreditWatch With Continued Uncertainty As
     Winter Approaches, Oct. 22, 2020
•    SLIDES: EMEA Retail & Restaurants: Industry Overview, Credit Trends, And Outlook, Oct. 16, 2020
•    Q3 European Economic Snapshots Indicate A Second COVID-19 Wave Is Dampening The Recovery,
     Oct. 14, 2020
•    Mitchells & Butlers Class A And AB U.K. Corporate Securitization Notes Ratings Affirmed, Oct. 12,
     2020, July 21, 2020
•    Various Rating Actions Taken On Marston's Issuer's U.K. Corporate Securitization Notes, July 15,
•    Various Rating Actions Taken On Greene King Finance Corporate Securitization Notes, July 14, 2020
•    Rating Affirmed On Spirit Issuer Corporate Securitization Notes, July 14, 2020                                                                                 Feb. 8, 2021   14
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance

•    Unique Pub Finance Co. PLC Class M And N U.K. Corporate Securitization Notes Ratings Lowered,
     July 7, 2020
•    Various Rating Actions Taken On Mitchells & Butlers U.K. Corporate Securitization Notes, June 25,
•    34 Tranches On Seven U.K. Corporate Securitizations Placed On CreditWatch Negative Due To
     COVID-19 Uncertainty, April 17, 2020
•    European Corporate Securitizations: Assessing The Credit Effects Of COVID-19, March 26, 2020
•    Coronavirus Dramatically Increases Risk For Already Stressed Retail And Restaurant Sectors, March
     20, 2020


•    Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2020
•    Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2020
•    Contains Public Health England data © Crown copyright and database right 2020
•    Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0                                                                               Feb. 8, 2021   15
How The Geographic Footprints Of U.K. Pub Corporate Securitizations May Influence Their Performance

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