How Do You Want To Age? - Baby boomers talk about aging - Keiro

How Do You Want To Age? - Baby boomers talk about aging - Keiro
W I N T E R 2022 | A N N UA L P U B L I C AT I O N

How Do You Want To Age?
Baby boomers talk about aging.
How Do You Want To Age? - Baby boomers talk about aging - Keiro

Edwin Hiroto, one of Keiro’s founders and
first CEO, standing near the Keiro Nursing
Home site. The innovation and evolution
of Keiro began since its early days and
continues to this day.
                                                                                                                                      A MESSAGE FROM KEIRO PRESIDENT & CEO

                                                                                                                                      As we begin 2022, I am optimistic for what the year has in store for us.

                                                                                                                                      Each day, as 10,000 Baby Boomers in America turn 65, we realize that we are no
                                                                                                                                      longer the future older adults – we are now the older adults. This new wave provides
                                                                                                                                      opportunities for Keiro to take innovative strides to address the current and future
                                                                                                                                      needs of older adults and caregivers wherever they call home.

                                                                                                                                      When I think about my own future, I want to age in my own home for as long as
                                                                                                                                      possible – and also not be a burden on my children. But to do that, all of us need to
                                                                                                                                      start planning and preparing now.
                                                                                                              Gene S. Kanamori
                                                                                                                                      I am pleased to share that, over the coming months, Keiro will roll out a new
                                                                                                              President & CEO
                                                                                                                                      series of programming and initiatives to begin preparing for what aging will
                                                                                                                                      look like in Our Community in the future. Building off of Keiro’s existing
                                                                                                                                      community partnerships, grantmaking, and caregiver programs, we will focus on
                                                                                                                                      expanding community-based services, launching caregiving initiatives for younger
                                                                                                                                      generations, and exploring options to establish permanent presence in
                                                                                                                                      the community.

                                                                                                                                      Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Together with your help,
                                                                                                                                      Keiro will be there every step of the way, as a resource and trusted asset to care for
                                                                                                                                      our aging community!
                                             Inside This Edition:

                                             2    I want to age____________:
                                                  A Conversation With the Baby Boomer Generation                                      2022年を迎え、今年こそ皆さまにとって良い年になるようにと希望するばかりです。

                                             5    How Iyashi Care can Benefit the Millennial Generation                               アメリカでは毎日1万人のベビーブーム世代が65歳を迎えています。私自身もすでに高齢者
                                                                                                              Keiro Board             の仲間入りをしていることを認識せずにはおれません。この新しい高齢者世代の波こそ、
                                             6    Memory Loss — Is This Normal?                               of Directors            応えるサービスを、それぞれがホームと呼び·選ぶ場所で提供していく機会と捉えております。
                                             8    Mental Health Support During the Pandemic                   Lynn Miyamoto, Esq.,
                                                                                                                Board Chair           私自身の将来を考える時、少しでも長く自宅で歳を重ねたいと願うと同時に、子供たちの
                                                  Partnership between Little Tokyo Service Center and Keiro
                                                                                                              Doug Aihara
                                             9    Technology with a Twist: Enjoy Life More and Live Better    Ernest Doizaki
                                                  by Debra Satterfield                                        Sharon Fong             Keiroでは今後、高齢化する未来のコミュニティ像に備えた新しいプログラムやイニシアチブ
                                                                                                              Kimiko Fujita           の展開を予定しています。Keiroの既在のパートナーシップ、助成金や介護者支援のプログ
                                             10   Friends of Keiro                                            Gerald Fukui            ラムを基盤に、コミュニティ主体のサービスの拡張、若い世代が介護について考える機会の
                                                                                                              Thomas Iino, CPA        提供、そしてコミュニティに永続的に根差せる拠点の検討を予定しております。
                                             10   2021 in Review
                                                                                                              Claire Koga, MD
                                                                                                              Jack Kurihara, PharmD
                                             13   Newly Retired: Janis Parkinson                                                      は、高齢化するコミュニティを支える信頼されるリソースとして、身近に感じ頼っていただけ
                                                                                                              Hiroko Murakami, MSW
                                             17   Two Cents from Three Centenarians                           Lisa Sugimoto, EdD      お願い申し上げます。
                                                                                                              Gene S. Kanamori,
                                                                                                                President & CEO       代表兼CEO       ジーン・カナモリ

                                                                                                                                                                                 WINTER 2022      |   A N N UA L P U B L I C AT I O N   1
How Do You Want To Age? - Baby boomers talk about aging - Keiro
Old Word, New Meaning                           Concerns and
                                                                                                               It can often be difficult to determine          Accommodations
                                                                                                               when one considers themselves “old,” or         The conversation then turned towards
                                                                                                               even understand what that term really           aging concerns, sparked by the question
                                                                                                               means. We first asked the participants,         “What are your biggest concerns about
                                                                                                               “What do you think of the term ‘old’”?          aging?” Some mentioned the changes they
                                                                                                               Teeny: When I think of somebody who             were willing to make with their lifestyle
                                                                                                               is old, I think of the word “experienced.”      and living space, while others noted that
                                                                                                                                                               setting up plans for future care is an              “That’s kind of my
                                                                                                               Tim: It’s actually not in my vocabulary         important step they should take.                    fear — that when
                                                                                                               yet. I don’t consider it being old, I
                                                                                                               consider it adjusting, in terms of lifestyle,   Deena: Losing your mobility or                      I get older, who’s
                                                                                                               to our body. So I never say “old.”              independence, that’s a huge concern.
                                                                                                                                                               But what I’m seeing is that the more                going to be taking
                                                                                                               Deena: I don’t think I’ve used that             active you are, you do stay healthier
                                                                                                               term too often! I used to think it was          and you keep your mind active, so that’s            care of me?”
                                                                                                               a number, but that just flew out the            influenced me in wanting to stay a little
                                                                                                               window. I still don’t think I’m old, I just     more alert and doing things.                        – Deena
                                                                                                               think I’m not as young as I once was!
                                                                                                                                                               Teeny: I’m also ready to get a new
                                                                                                               Tim: Well that’s a way of looking at            bathroom with accommodations, with
                                                                                                               it, half full versus half empty! I totally      the low entry or a seat. And I’ll clear
                                                                                                               understand that. The only times you             away all my clutter so I don’t trip.
                                                                                                               wonder is when you wake up and you
                                                                                                               feel an ache that you didn’t have a day         David: Mine is Medicare. Health              Tim: I know this might sound bad, but
                                                                                                               before. And you say, “Whoa, why does            insurance keeps on changing – and            I have no concerns. There will always be
                                                                       (L to R) David, Deena, Teeny, and Tim   my shoulder hurt today? I didn’t do             then not having any kids of my own,          issues — I figure I’m going to deal with
                                                                                                               anything.”                                      like, who’s going to take care of me?        them as they come up.

                                                                                                               Teeny: I realized I was kind of old when        Deena: Yeah. It’s ideal to age at home,      David: I respect that. There’s a lot of
                                                                                                               my former students turned 60. And I             but since I have no children as well,        people that have feelings like you do.
                                                                                                               was going, “Oh, that means – oh.”               that’s probably not going to happen that     But the one thing I tell them is make
                                                                                                                                                               way. I think that’s kind of the reality      sure you have everything in place so you

            I want to age____________ :                                                                        David: When people at work started
                                                                                                               calling me “sir” instead of my first
                                                                                                                                                               that my husband and I are going to
                                                                                                                                                               have to face. That’s kind of my fear —
                                                                                                                                                                                                            don’t have to think about it.

                                                                                                               name, I knew I was old.                         that when I get older, who’s going to be

            A Conversation With the
                                                                                                                                                               taking care of me?                                       article continued on next page

            Baby Boomer Generation
            As the next generation begins to see aging-related care on the horizon,
            Keiro strives to provide innovative ways to support and guide individuals
            on this next phase of life. We gathered four adults from the baby boomer
            generation to ask how they view aging, with particular focus on their
            different approaches to preparing for their future care.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Participants were filmed as they discussed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     their aging experience together.

2   KEIRO                                                                                                                                                                                                  WINTER 2022      |   A N N UA L P U B L I C AT I O N   3
How Do You Want To Age? - Baby boomers talk about aging - Keiro
Starting the Conversation                            Tim: I think with me it’s pretty clear                have to worry about me. I think it’s
                                                         in terms of what I want to happen. So I               something my husband and I do need to
    Ensuring everything is in place                      think my loved ones totally understand                talk about, because it is just us. I think
    includes talking to loved ones about                 the issues. I just don’t want to have to              I have to talk to more family members
    the changes in accommodations that                   think about the whole thing because it                about the future, because you never
    may be needed down the road. We                      might not happen that way. When there                 know how fast that future comes.
    asked the interviewees, “Have you had                are issues that I need to address health-
    a conversation with your loved ones                  wise or mentally, then I’ll address it.               The baby boomers closed the discussion
    about future care?”                                                                                        with plenty of laughter and smiles,
                                                         David: I don’t expect [future caregiving              having become quick friends over the

                                                                                                                                                                   How Iyashi Care
    Teeny: I find it hard to imagine that my             from family]. I got my living trust                   course of their conversation. All agreed
    two sons will take care of me. Right now             done, and Medicare. When I retired,                   that they would be taking time to
    it’s like, I’m the only one who does stuff,          I got a financial planner. So basically               think about the questions from the day,

                                                                                                                                                                   can Benefit the
    so I’m going to take care of my husband              everything is set, in my opinion. I don’t             considering how they can best prepare
    who’s old, but what about me when                    have any kids, so my niece and nephew                 to enter the next chapter of their lives.
    I’m at that point? I have long-term care             — I tease them, I say, “You know you’re
    insurance and other plans… I think I’ll
    be the one to find the place for myself.
    But I need to communicate to my
                                                         going to be taking care of me!”

                                                         Deena: I do the same thing! I don’t
                                                                                                               For the full article, visit         Millennial Generation
    children what my desires are.                        think I’ve talked to anybody about                    Stay tuned for the release of the video of
                                                         aging… I don’t expect my nieces to                    their discussion!

                                                                                                     Thank you to the Japanese American National Museum
    DISCUSSION PARTICIPANTS                                                                              for generously providing the location for this project.

                                                                                                                                                                                     Keiro interviewed         my grandma’s background. It wasn’t          chuckled Michelle. “I think there’s this
                                                                                                                                                                                     Michelle Hirano,          just health records, but what were you      bigger question of what do we need to
                                                                                                                                                                                     family member of an       interested in, what were you doing.         know to be better informed and make
                                                                                                                                                                                     Iyashi Care patient,      It was about the whole person. That’s       better decisions.”
                                                                                                                                                                                     who shared about          how the [Iyashi Care] team got to know
                                                                                                                                                                                     her experience with       she was from Okinawa, which is so           When asked what the millennial
                                                                                                                                                                                     Iyashi Care and           important for my grandmother.”              generation should know about
                                                                                                                                                                   how it may be beneficial to others in the                                               caregiving, Michelle said that it is
                                                                                                                                                                   community, including the millennial         Michelle went on to recall one specific     important to be aware of resources
                                                                                                                                                                   generation.                                 visit, where Dr. Yanami played sanshin      before you need them. “Learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                               (Okinawan guitar). This episode stayed      about Iyashi Care could be a proactive
                                                                                                                                                                   For Michelle and her family, her            with her, as it wasn’t anything they had    thing for you and your family. I feel so
    David, 63                               Deena, 64                                Teeny, 71                               Tim, 67                               grandmother was a key caretaker who         ever experienced with other health care     fortunate enough to know this program.”
                                                                                                                                                                   kept the family together. With time         services. “My grandmother doesn’t
                                                                                                                                                                   and her grandmother aging, that role        show emotions and is very stoic, so for
    David lives on his own                  Deena lives with her                     Teeny lives with her                    Tim lives with his wife,              began shifting. Going from the primary      her to have tears and show emotions         For the full article, visit
    and has no children. After              husband, Bob, and has no                 husband, Sei, and has two               Sandy, and beloved dog, and           care provider in a large extended family    was a huge breakthrough for my mom.”
    working at UPS for 36 years,            children. Deena worked as                children. She was a teacher             has no children. He retired           to accepting care from others was a
    he has focused his life on              a pediatric occupational                 at Belmont High School for              from Automobile Club of               difficult transition both for Michelle’s    Michelle believes that the concept of
    taking care of himself and              therapist for 39 years.                  37 years and still keeps in             Southern California. Tim              grandmother and mother.                     whole person, holistic care is becoming
    reconnecting with friends               Deena enjoys going                       touch with her students. She            is currently president of the                                                     more preferred by her generation and
    and family. He enjoys                   on walks with her dog                    enjoys spending time in her             board of directors of East            Living alone became more dangerous          the need for such services will only
    exercising, walking his                 and volunteering with                    garden at home and looks                San Gabriel Valley Japanese           for her grandmother, and eventually         continue to grow. She agrees that given
    dog, doing yard work, and               Pasadena Nikkei Seniors                  forward to planting more                Community Center.                     the family looked into other options.       how complex and difficult the health
    detailing his car.                      for their lunch deliveries.              fruit trees.                                                                  Michelle’s mother first heard about         care system is, caregiving is a much-       For more information about
                                                                                                                                                                   the Iyashi Care program through             needed topic that could be shared more      Iyashi Care, contact us at
                                                                                                                                                                   Keiro’s quarterly publication. “My          widely. “We [millennial generation]
    To ensure the safety of all individuals involved in the filming of this discussion, all necessary precautions were
    taken according to Los Angeles County's COVID-19 protocols.
                                                                                                                                                                   mom realized it would be impactful          always talk about ‘adulting,’ and people    213.873.5791
                                                                                                                                                                   once the team started asking about          say, ‘I don’t know how to adult’,”

4   KEIRO                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 WINTER 2022     |   A N N UA L P U B L I C AT I O N   5
How Do You Want To Age? - Baby boomers talk about aging - Keiro
“There’s such a stigma to
                                                                                                                                                                                dementia, Alzheimer’s, and
                                                                                                                                                                                memory loss that, as a way of
                                                                                                                                                                                self-preservation, we start to
                                                                                                                                                                                become defensive and come
                                                                                                                                                                                up with ways to not appear to
                                                                                                                                                                                have that memory loss.”
                                                                                                                                                                                - Margaret Shimada, LCSW
                                                                                                                                                                                Director of Service Programs, Little Tokyo Service Center

    Memory Loss —
    Is This Normal?                                                                                                                                                                                       Normalizing a Judgment-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Free, Honest Conversation
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Other than maintaining our brain
                                                                                                                                                                                                          health, normalizing honest yet
                                                                                                                                                                                                          judgment-free conversations with loved
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ones about these signs of forgetfulness
                                                                                                                                                                                                          or memory loss is important. “There’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                          such a stigma to dementia, Alzheimer’s,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          and memory loss that, as a way of
                                                                                                                                                                                                          self-preservation, we start to become
    As we age, we may start to notice changes in our        What’s “Normal”                               Memory Loss That Isn’t                           The Next Steps                                 defensive and come up with ways
                                                            Memory Loss?                                  Necessarily Dementia                                                                            to not appear to have that memory
    bodies and in our memory. For some people,                                                                                                             The first step to take, regardless of          loss,” Margaret explained. “But denial
    there is a different level of worry when it comes to    Debra Cherry, PhD, executive vice             Memory loss, especially if it starts suddenly,   whether you are experiencing memory            oftentimes contributes to the problem.
                                                            president of Alzheimer’s Los Angeles,         can be temporary and caused by reasons           loss or not, is to establish a baseline, or    At the same time, we also do not want
    experiencing forgetfulness. There are a variety of      shared with us that as we age, our brains     other than dementia and Alzheimer’s.             what is normal for your memory. Dr.            to jump to conclusions. That’s when
                                                                                                                                                           Cherry recommends that if you have
    factors in our lives that can cause forgetfulness or    do experience changes. According to           Some factors that may contribute to
                                                                                                                                                           concerns, you should let your physician
                                                                                                                                                                                                          the conversation with our family and
                                                            Dr. Cherry, our memory peaks when we          temporary memory loss include grief,                                                            physician becomes so important.”
    mild cognitive decline without necessarily indicating   are in our 20s, but after our 40s, there is   depression, medication interactions,             know how your current function
                                                                                                                                                           differs from your baseline. During             When we have those conversations that
    early signs of Alzheimer’s or dementia.                 a modest and gradual decline, mostly at       vitamin deficiencies, and more.
                                                                                                                                                           one short physician visit, it might be         are open and free of judgment, we are
                                                            an unnoticeable level.
                                                                                                          Margaret Shimada, LCSW, director of              difficult for your doctor to notice a          not instilling fear in the individual, but
                                                            She shared, “If you were looking at these     service programs at Little Tokyo Service         substantial change. If you feel like your      rather taking that step in normalizing
                                                            normal changes and were comparing             Center, has interacted with individuals          memory and thinking differ from your           the idea that “This is okay.” With this
                                                            them to a dementia, like Alzheimer’s          who have experienced different stages            baseline, it may be beneficial to ask your     new mindset, we’ll be able to look at
                                                            or vascular dementia, losses due to           of forgetfulness. She has seen in cases of       physician for a referral to a specialist in    the individual holistically, and take the
                                                            dementia gets so severe that they             grief when someone loses a loved one,            memory disorders, usually a neurologist        proper steps to approach forgetfulness
                                                            interfere with our functions of daily         they become more forgetful, scattered,           or a geriatrician.                             and memory loss.
                                                            living.” Experiencing mental changes          and less focused. Once they were able to
                                                            that impact daily function or quality of      grieve or work through their depression
                                                            life may be a sign to consider checking       with therapy, support, or medication, the                                                       For the full article, visit
                                                            in with a doctor.                             fog lifted and they became more alert.

6   KEIRO                                                                                                                                                                                                WINTER 2022     |   A N N UA L P U B L I C AT I O N   7
How Do You Want To Age? - Baby boomers talk about aging - Keiro
Kaede was very socially active, but with
                                                                                     the pandemic, her hobbies, projects, and
                                                                                     trips were suddenly cancelled, with only
                                                                                     feelings of anxiety to replace them. This
                                                                                     eventually led to symptoms commonly
                                                                                     associated with panic disorder. She
                                                                                     was unable to sleep and found herself
                                                                                     waking her husband up in the middle
                                                                                     of the night.

                                                                                     It was then that Kaede’s Japanese-
                                                                                     speaking psychiatrist recommended
                                                                                     counseling alongside medical treatment.
                                                                                     “It seemed like a good option because

    Mental Health
                                                                                     I didn’t want to be too reliant on
                                                                                     medication,” said Kaede, “and I could                      Technology with a Twist:
                                                                                     talk freely in Japanese.”

    Support During                                                                   Kaede began her counseling sessions
                                                                                     at LTSC virtually once a week with
                                                                                                                                                Enjoy Life More and Live Better
                                                                                     her therapist, Yuka Kato. “We started

    the Pandemic                                                                                                                                Debra Satterfield
                                                                                     by having Kaede talk about what
                                                                                     was making her anxious. Then we
                                                                                     talked about calming and relaxation
                                                                                     techniques.” Kaede now meets with
    Partnership between Little Tokyo                                                 Yuka once every three weeks. She is also
    Service Center and Keiro                                                         re-embracing her diverse interests and
                                                                                     has restarted several activities.             New technology is always on the horizon,      intelligence or “AI”. The basis for all    • Connecting to a Fulfilling Life in
                                                                                                                                   and it keeps us constantly learning           AI is computer codes and statistics or       our Metaverse Communities: In the
    According to a recent AARP survey of older adults, most rated their mental       Initially, Kaede was hesitant to seek
                                                                                                                                   new things! Some new technologies are         probability formulas.                        metaverse, we will have new ways
    health during the pandemic as excellent, very good, or good. But more            help. “I didn’t want to be thought of
                                                                                                                                   found in the gadgets and things we use                                                     to stay connected with the people
    than half of respondents also said they were feeling anxious about things        as this crazy person. I hated the idea                                                    The combination of AI, IoT, and the
                                                                                                                                   every day such as digital watches or a                                                     we care about and to keep doing the
    and/or having difficulty falling or staying asleep. More individuals sought      of being labeled as having a mental                                                       metaverse will seamlessly create a new
                                                                                                                                   smart phone. So, what is coming next?                                                      things we love.
    mental health support services offered in partnership by Keiro and LTSC          illness,” she explained. “But I knew that                                                 world of opportunities for all of us
                                                                                                                                   Here are three things to watch on the
    during the pandemic as well. One client, Kaede, sought out help when she         I was falling apart, and I was scared.”                                                   in our daily lives. Here are just a few      We will be able to enjoy more active lives
                                                                                                                                   technology horizon:
    realized how the pandemic was affecting her.                                                                                                                               ways these emerging technologies can         with greater ease and comfort. And all
                                                                                     Kaede concluded, “[Thanks to
                                                                                     counseling,] I now feel like I have
                                                                                                                                   • The Metaverse is a term for a             support our future lifestyles:               of this is so you can live better and enjoy
                                                                                                                                     future world that is made up                                                           life more. Welcome to the metaverse!
                                                                                     enough strength to think positively, and
                                                                                                                                     of computer-generated virtual             • Independence with Driverless Cars
                                                                                     to be able to shift my feelings towards                                                     and Personal Mobility: Many of us
                                                                                                                                     communities, digital technologies,
                                                                                     gratitude. If there’s someone around me                                                     do not want to give up their keys,
                                                                                                                                     and entertainment. It is based on                                                      For the full article, visit
                                                                                     experiencing this, I would encourage                                                        but in the future, with automation,
                                                                                                                                     augmented and virtual reality, also
                                                                                     them to seek counseling. Because the                                                        IoT and other technology, driverless
                                                                                                                                     called “AR/VR” or blended reality.
    SPEAKER SERIES | MAY 2022                                                        best first step you can take is to try                                                      cars will be a new method of
    A MENTAL HEALTH CONVERSATION                                                     talking about it.”                            • The Internet of Things, also known          transportation.
                                                                                                                                     as “IoT”, are small devices that                                                          A BOUT THE AUTHOR
    Series of Virtual Webinars – This series, consisting of multiple presentations                                                   connect us to the internet and allow      • Worry Free with Responsive Smart
    throughout the month of May, is centered around how and why a strong mental      For the full article, visit     us to participate in the metaverse.         Homes: Today we worry about being
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Debra Satterfield is a professor at
    health benefits one’s aging experience on a physical and emotional level.                                                                                                    a burden to our loved ones and                California State University, Long Beach.
                                                                                     パンデミックによって生活が一変した                             • Deep Learning and Machine                   needing help in our homes, but in the         She holds an MFA degree in design
                                                                                     日本人のカエデさん。Keiroとリトル東京                           Learning will help us to find things        near future, our homes themselves             from Iowa State University and a BS in
            Registration will open              Visit       サービスセンターによるメンタルヘルス                              or direct us to things we might             will be smart and can help support            computer science from Morningside

            Monday, April 4, 2022.              for more information.                支援によって支えられたお話の日本語                               enjoy. This is also known as artificial     our daily lives.                              College. Her research is on smart home
                                                                                     版はよりご覧くだ                                                                                                                 technologies, aging in place, service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               design, and human experience design.

8   KEIRO                                                                                                                                                                                                                  WINTER 2022      |   A N N UA L P U B L I C AT I O N   9
How Do You Want To Age? - Baby boomers talk about aging - Keiro
Don T. Hachiya                Charles & Almira Ida          Keiko & Larry Jacobson          Kyoko Kent                         Randall & Karen Lim
                                                                                                                                                                             Kiyoshi Hachiya               Craig & Judy Ida              *Japanese American Cultural &   Jessie Kikuchi                     *Fumiko Lin

                  Friends of Keiro
                                                                                                                                                                             Sandra & Renato Halili        David Ida                         Community Center            Deanne Kim                         *Locke Lord LLP
                                                                                                                                                                             Donna Ito Hallett             *Tsutomu Ige                  *Japanese American National     Akiko Kimura                       Joy Longworth
                                                                                                                                                                             Marsha &Eric Hamamoto         *Thomas & Barbara Iino            Museum                      Hiroko Kinoshita                   Susan Lorenzini
                                                                                                                                                                             Kenneth & Carol K. Hamamura   G.T. Ikeda                    *John H.Grace Foundation        Jean Kinoshita                     Yuka Lui
                                                                                                                                                                             John & Akiko Hanabusa         Rodney & Judy Ikeda           Diana Johnson                   Betty Kiriyama                     Shizuko Lundin
                                                                                                                                                                             Kathy Handa                   Ronnie & Irene Ikeda          Elizabeth Jue                   Dorothy Kirkland                   Kayoko Maas
                  Donors, supporters, and volunteers help Keiro advance the quality of                                                                                       Linda M. Hara
                                                                                                                                                                             Mark Hara
                                                                                                                                                                                                           *John & Lily Ikegami
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Henry & Alice Ikehara
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Larry & Wandy Jung
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Brian & JoAnn Kaba
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Karen Kishi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Yasuhiro & Judy Kishimoto
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Ronald & Darlene Maeda
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Lori Magallanes
                  life for Japanese American and Japanese older adults wherever they                                                                                         *Elaine Harada
                                                                                                                                                                             Ellen Harada
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Eunice N. Ikemoto
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bryce Ikemura
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Susan Kadomatsu
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Hank & Nancy Kagawa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Alan Kita
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Dawn Kita
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Julie Mah
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Masahiro & Shizue Makabe
                  call home. Your support allows Keiro to adapt and meet the changing                                                                                        Marvin & Gail Harada
                                                                                                                                                                             Heather Harada
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Paul Imahara
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Kenny & Rita Imamoto
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Susan Kai
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Al Kaino
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Mr. & Mrs. Kuni Kitajima
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Gary & Toni Kitazawa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Eddie & Susan Maki
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Yoko Makiyama
                                                                                                                                                                             Danny & Doreen Haramoto       Gail Inoue                    Martha T. Kaji                  June Koba                          Janet & Mike Maloney
                  needs of Our Community. Our sincere appreciation goes to all who                                                                                           Jill Harris                   Jean Oba-Inouye               Lucy Kajimoto                   *Claire Koga & Stephen Beck        En-May Mangels
                                                                                                                                                                             Gene & Kathleen Hashiguchi    Jennifer Inouye               Dr. Franklin & Judy Kam         Chris Komai & Qris Yamashita       Norma Mannari
                  join Keiro to enhance the quality of senior life in Our Community.                                                                                         Fusaye Hashimoto              June Inouye                   Nora Kam                        George & Betty Kometani            Nobuko Marcial
                                                                                                                                                                             Mary Hatae                    Kenneth & Donna Inouye        Asao Kamei                      Marian Komori                      Janis Margis
                                                                                                                                                                             John & Miyoko Hataye          Kenneth Inouye                Harold & Ellen Kameya           Gail Kondo                         Joan & Johnny Martinez
                                                                                                                                                                             Doug Hayashi                  Ted & Laura Inouye            Emi Kamikawa                    Kan Kosugi                         Mits & Elaine Marume
                                                                                                                                                                             Janet Hayashi                 Nancy Inouye                  Edward Kamiya                   Tadashi & Atsuko Kowta             Betsy Marumoto
                                                                                                                                                                             Laurie Hayashi                Norman & Elsie Inouye         Emi Kamiyama                    Frank & Elaine Koyama              Miyoshi Marumoto
                                                                                                                                                                             Marion Hayashida              Yoshiko Iriye                 Chisato Kanagi                  Judy Koyama                        Alan & Rene Maruyama
                                                                                                                                                                             Jean Henmi                    Gerald T. Iseda               *Gene & Vickie Kanamori         Kazuko Krasner                     Phyllis Maruyama
                                                                                                                                                                             Ernest & Carol Hida           Alan & Linda Ishibashi        Harry & Louise Kaneshiro        Janet Kubota                       Ayako Masada
     CASH DONATIONS                      Anonymous                           Hiromi Choy                         *Jeff & Namy Folick            Mr. & Mrs. Sus Fukuchi       Etsuko Hide                   Mr. & Mrs. Shigeo Ishibashi   Lucy Kaneshiro                  Janice Kubota                      John Masaki & Jeanne Wada
                                         Sharon Aoto                         Nobuko Christoph                    Sharon Uyeda Fong              *Jimmy K. Fukuhara           Brenda Y. Higa                Chrys & Nancy Ishida          Jean Inouye                     Nora Kubota                        Grace Masuda
     Keiro gratefully acknowledges       Craig & Caroline Arakaki            Deana Chuang                        Hideko French                  *Gerald Fukui
     the following donors who                                                                                                                                                Sueko Higa                    Virginia Ishida               Miyoko Kanzawa                  Chiaki & Rance Kudo                Jerry Masuda
                                         Janice Arakaki                      Ayako Constantine                   Clyde Fugami                   *Fukui Mortuary              Joyce Higa-Rideau             Dayle Ishii                   *Kenneth & Bonnie Kasamatsu     Dean Kujubu                        Setsuo Masuda
     contributed from January –          Steven Arakaki                      Linda Cota-Kumagai                  Glenn & JoAnn Fujihiro         Nancy Fukumoto
     December 2021.                                                                                                                                                          *Frank & Betty Hiji           Fumiko Ishii                  Takuji & Harumi Kasamatsu       Kunio & Suyeno Kunisaki            Steve & Coco Masukawa
                                         Hiroshi Aramaki                     Kathy L. Davis                      Raymond Fujii                  Paul & June Fukunaga         Hideo Hikida                  Ikuko Ishii                   Hiroshi & Sadako Kashiwagi      Dennis & Joyce Kunishima           Asao Masumiya
                                         *Aratani Foundation                 Valerie Dea                         Grace Fujikawa                 Yugo & Diana Fukushima       Teresa Hirahara               Masaaki Ishikura              Tak Kataoka                     Richard Kuramoto                   Eiko Masuyama
     24Hr HomeCare
                                         Bruce & Lori Arikawa                Lynne Dohi                          Ben & Janice Fujikawa          Bonnie S. Furukawa           Rod & Gayle Freed             Cherry Ishimatsu              Ken & Julia Katayama            Milnes & Noriko Kurashige          Howard Matsuda
                                         Norman Arikawa                      Davis Doi                           Sharlene Fujikawa              Clara Furukawa               John & Debbie Hiramoto        Dianne Ishimine               Arlene Kato                     Allan & Grace Kurihara             Morley & Sue Matsuda
     George Abe
                                         Becky Asato-Seo                     *Doizaki Family                     *Bradley & Janet Fujikuni      *Leslie Furukawa & John      Kazuo & Jeanne Hirano         Fumiko Ishino                 Hirokatsu Kato                  *Jack Kurihara & Carol Inge        *Matsuda Family Trust
     Kazuyuki Abe
                                         Jean Asuncion                       Emiko Donville                      Akira & Atsuko Fujimoto            Hayashi                  Michelle & Derek Hirano       Stephanie Ishioka             Roy & Jean Kato                 Stephen Kurumada                   Yoshiko Matsumori
     Activision Blizzard
                                         Elizabeth Baca                      Liz & John Doomey                   *Ben Fujimoto                  Nancy Furukawa               Erica Hirata                  Kaoru Itayama S.              Hiroko Kawachi                  Winn & Carol Kurumada              Aiko Matsumoto
     ADS Consulting Group, Inc.
                                         Virginia Kajikawa Baker             Don & Marcia Dougherty              Glenn & Cindy Fujimoto         Christine Furusawa           Lori Hirata                   Beverly Ito                   Glenn & Carolyn Kawafuchi       Al & Mitzi Kushida                 Don & Kathy Matsumoto
     Derrick & Joanne Aiau
                                         Lillian Bando                       Terry Ebihara                       Jack Fujimoto                  Sandee Furuta                Yukiko Hirata                 Gerald & Linda Ito            Ken & Karen Kawaguchi           Arlene Kushida                     Harold & Mineko Matsumoto
     *Doug & Chris Aihara
                                         Kathryn Bannai                      EIX Employee Giving                 James & Lynn Fujimoto          Gail Furuya                  Louis & Ann Hirokawa          Joan Ito                      Gary & Suzette Kawaguchi        Doris E. Kusumoto                  Jane Matsumoto
     Hiroko Aihara
                                         Richard & Shirley Barnard               Community                       Shizuko Fujimoto               Patricia L. Garvey           Bob & Kay Hirose              KathyIto                      *Kawaguchi-Kihara Memorial      Mr. & Mrs. Shig Kuwahara           Michi Matsumoto
     Ted T. Akahori
                                         Emiko Bell                          *Doris Elam                         Tamiko Fujino                  *George Komatsu Fund         Tara Hirose                   Lisa Ito                          Foundation                  *Mr. & Mrs. George Kuwayama        Steven Matsumoto
     Jennifer Akamine Phillips
                                         Jane Bettwy                         Patty Elias Rosenfeld               Chris Fujioka                  Kumiko Gerber                Donald & Betty Hiroto         Robert & Lucy Ito             Harry & Jane Kawahara           Karen Kwong                        Myra Matsumoto-Wong
     Shizuko Akasaki
                                         Matsuko Brooks                      Nancy Ellison                       David Fujioka                  Wayne Ginoza                 Kori Hojo                     Amy Iwamasa                   Ernest & Sandra Kawai           Anne Lastimado                     Manabu & Michiko Matsunami
     Kaoru Akiyama
                                         *California Wellness Foundation     Christiane Elsbree                  Susan Fujisaki                 *Go For Broke National       David & Kelly Hokyo           Susumu & Emiko Iwamasa        Karl & Jean Kawakami            Ellen Lau                          Dorothy Matsuoka
     Masako Akiyama
                                         Madeline S. Chandler                Koichi & Kazuko Endo                *Beth Fujishige                    Education Center         Charles & Masako Hollowell    Roy & Margo Iwami             Karen Kawakami                  Alan & Florence T. Lee             Hiroshi & Masako Matsushita
     Minnie T. Allison
                                         Naomi Chang                         Mary Endo                           Darleen Fujita                 Ed & Connie Gohata           Russell & Nancy Hombo         Hank & Joy Iwamoto            Howard & Taeko Kawamoto         Benton & Bonnie Lee                James & Patsy Matsushita
     Vincent & Carolyn Altuna
                                         Alice Chaurest                      Toshihisa Enoki                     *Kimiko Fujita & Kihei Otani   Yas & Nancy Gohata           *Home Care Assistance         Sumiko Iwamoto                Hideo & Jane Kawamura           *Brandon Leong                     Yuzo & Gene Matsutsuyu
     AmazonSmile Foundation
                                         Dr. Kyong Chee                      Karen Escano                        Linda Fujita                   Harry K. Gondo               Amy Honjiyo                   Thomas & Bernice Iwasaki      Richard & Misako Kawano         Robert & Nancy Leong               Al Matsuyama
     Anaheim Free Methodist Church
                                         Nancy Chin Chu                      Motoko Ezaki                        Marianne Fujita                *Gonsaku & Mine Ito Family   John & Laurie Hosoume         George & Kinuyo Iwashita      Kenji & Kayoko Kawasaki         Brent & Peggy Lew                  Glenn & Karen Mayeda
     Steven & Amy Ando
                                         Martha Chono-Helsley                Facebook                            Masa Fujitani                  Alan Goto                    Tini Ibrahim                  Amy Iwata                     Elsie Kawato                    Wing & Evelyn Lew                  Melvin & Christine Mayeda
     Richard & Helen Ando
                                         Flora Chou                          *Chizuko Favatella                  Alma Fujiwara                  Gary Gottlieb                Mr. & Mrs. Kaz Ichikawa       Sakuye Iwata                  D.K. & L. Kazahaya              Alice & Hank Lewis                 Stewart Mayeda
     *Angeles Investment Advisors,
                                         Karen Chou                          *FIA Insurance Services Inc.        Calvin & Patty Fujiwara        Randy Goya                   Ralph Ichikawa                Judy Izumo                    *Kenichi & Takayo Nakase        Christine Li                       Patrick & Yuriko McGowan
                                         Angie Chow-Osako                    Sasagawa Family & Lindy Nagata      Helen Fukino                   Lila Grant                   Ellen Ichinaga                Masaru & Atsuko Izuno             Family Foundation           Fumi Liang                         Paul & Joy Middo

     * Asterisks denote cumulative gift amounts of $1,000 and over for the donation period between January - December 2021.

                                                                                                                 LT EATS                                                                                                                                                                           COVID-19

     2021                                                                                                        Keiro supported the
                                                                                                                 LT Eats program, in
                                                                                                                 partnership with Little
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   BOOSTER CLINIC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Little Tokyo Service Center,

     IN                                                                                                          Tokyo Service Center
                                                                                                                 and Little Tokyo
                                                                                                                 Community Council,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Keiro celebrated our 20 th
                                                                                                                                                                                                           year of hosting Caregiver
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Wesley Health Centers, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Keiro partnered to bring a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   mobile clinic to Little Tokyo

     REVIEW                                                                                                      providing over 19,000
                                                                                                                 meals to local older
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Conferences with valuable
                                                                                                                                                                                                           presentations on caregiving
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   in December — providing the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   COVID-19 vaccine booster
                                                                                                                 adult residents                                                                           during the pandemic,                                                                    to local low-income older
                                                                                                                 throughout the course                                                                     reflections from past caregivers,                                                       adults, essential workers,
                                                                                                                 of 18 months.                                                                             and culinary tips for caregivers.                                                       and childcare professionals.

10   KEIRO                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        WINTER 2022           |   A N N UA L P U B L I C AT I O N   11
How Do You Want To Age? - Baby boomers talk about aging - Keiro
Jean Miike                    Karen & Howard Nakagiri      Mary Odson                   *Joji & Gladys H. Nakata      Martin Cohen                   Mary Tamura                         Kathryn Uchida
     Rich & Ann Mikami             Arthur & Janie Nakahara      Paul & Janet Ogasawara       Grace Richardson              Tim Shimizu                    *Randy & Mari Tamura                Robert & Mae Uchida
     Yaichiro Minami               Masaru & Ruby Nakahara       Jerry Ogawa                  Riteway Charity Services      Elizabeth Shimoda              Janice Tanabe                       Russell & Susan Uchiyama
     Jean Mitsuhata                Mr. & Mrs. K. Nakakura       Cheryl Ohashi                Linda Ritter                  Rui Shimomura                  Ailene Tanaka                       *UCLA Terasaki Center for
     Hiroko Miyagishima            Sachiko Nakamoto             Michiko Ohye                 Brent & Mary Roath            Jeffrey Shimoyama              Art & Kristine Tanaka                   Japanese Studies
     Amy Miyakawa                  Kenneth & Fumiko Nakamura    Wesley Ohye                  Yukari Roberts                Diane Shinmoto                 Bessie Tanaka                       Ms. Akemi Ueda
     Akemi Miyake                  Makoto & Cindy Nakamura      Rick & Dolly Oishi           Dorothy Rosero                Scott & Shelley Shinmoto       Don & Karen Tanaka                  Joyce Ueda
     Corliss & Michael Miyamoto    Richard & NJ Nakamura        Gregg & Sandra Okada         Ronald Sahara                 Faith H. Shinsato              Gail Tanaka                         Dean & Julia Ueda
     *Lynn Miyamoto & Kevin        Rosemary Nakamura            Jay & Diane Okada            Glenn & Susan Saita           Mitz & Nancy Shiozaki          Janice Tanaka                       Masaki & Sumi Ueki
        Kroeker                    Tom & Janet Nakamura         Joel & Becky Okada           Bruce Saito                   Gary & Yukie Shirtcliff        K. Ray & Carol Tanaka               Hiroko Uesugi
     Mr. & Mrs. Victor Miyamoto    Ken & Joanne Nakano          Thomas & Loreen Okada        S Saito                       Helen Shishino                 Masaru & Catherine Tanaka           Harvey & Kay Ujimori
     Sei & Colleen Miyano          Otto & Eleanor Nakano        Emiko Okanishi               Toshi Saito                   Mona Soo Hoo                   Michael Tanaka                      Fred & Mary Ushijima
     Tom & Tsuru Miyasaki          Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Nakano    Jack Okazaki                 Toshiko Saito                 Susan Toy Stern                Ronald & Janet Tanaka               Yoshi & Lori Usuki
     Marie Miyashiro               Mark & Donna Nakashima       Yasuyuki & Sachiko Okazoe    Phil Saka                     Ellen Stewart                  Stacey Tanaka                       Patricia Usuki
     Ellen Mizoguchi               Penny Nakashima              Mr. & Mrs. James Okimoto     Mitchell & Elinor Sakado      Joan Koyama Stonehouse         Wayne Tanaka                        Elsie Uyeda
     Norman Mochinaga              Warren I. Nakasone           Dennis & Barbara Okita       Bill & Janet Sakahara         Mr. & Mrs. Ben Suda            Winston Tanaka                      Brian & Patricia Uyeda
     Jean Mohr                     Dwight & Janet Nakata        Michael Doughlas Okuda       Carol Sakamoto                Sadao & Yuriko Suda            Betsy Tango                         Kelvin & Sharon Uyeda

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Newly Retired:
     Barbara Moncada               David & Lily Nakatani        Mark Okuno                   Dan & Setsuko Sakamoto        Michiko Sueda                  Benjamin Tani                       Eleanor & Thomas Uyeda
     Garry & Joy Monji             Rumiko & Ray Nakatani        Amy Omatsu, Frank Omatsu &   Louise Sakamoto               Bea Sueki                      Linda Tanigawa                      Cathy Uyemura
     Kirk Moody                    *Debra Nakatomi                 Edith Nishikawa           Ronney & Colleen Sakoda       *Lisa Sugimoto                 Brian Taniguchi                     Peter Wakamatsu
     Richard & Patricia Mori       Karen Nakatsu                Mei Ong                      Janice Sakuma                 Ray & Judy Sugimoto            Ned & Lois Taniguchi                Grace Wakamoto

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Janis Parkinson
     Shigeru & Yoshiko Mori        Lloyd & Kyoko Nakawaki       Donald & Jeanette Onishi     Ichiro Sakurai                *Dennis & Joani Sugino         Richard & Carol Tanizawa            Alvin & Marsha Wakasa
     Bob Moriguchi                 Randy & Sueko Nakayama       Roy & Frances Onishi         *Sam & Haruko Yamashita       Yae Sugino                     Kathleen Tanji                      Barbara Wakasa
     Reiko Moriguchi               Rex & Carol Namba            Harry & Sadayo Ono               Foundation                Toshitada & Frances Sugiyama   Herb & Fumiko Tasaka                Glen & Rosemary Waki
     James & Arlene Morikawa       Larry Natsume                Robert & Doreen Ono          Donna Sanada                  Marian Sunabe                  *TDW+Co                             Raymond & Janice Waldorf
     Michael & Vivian Morimoto     Kathy & Kyle Naughton        *Yoko Ono Lennon             Aaron & Carolyn Sanwo         Cooke & Elaine Sunoo           Mae Tenma                           Allison Walsh
     Dennis & Mona Morinaga        Eileen Nawa                  Lionel & Naomi Onomura       Arthur A. Sasahara            Liliana Suzuki                 Cheryl & David Teragawa             Yung Sheng Wang
     Yoshiharu & Hiroko Moriwaki   Debra Nicklaus               Mayumi Onuma Lee             Donald & Wendy Sasaki         Mieko Suzuki                   Mitsuyo Terashima                   Kathy Warth                        Recently retiring during the pandemic, Janis Parkinson spent the first
     Noriyoshi Moriwaki            *Nikkei Senior Gardens       Yoshiki Oshima               Laura Sasaki                  Ronald & Kyoko Suzuki          Ted & Nancy Teshima                 Amy Wasserzieher                   year of her retirement committing to focusing on herself and making
     Marie Morohoshi               Tomoe Nimori                 Fred & Amy Oshiro            Frank & Marian Sata           Joyce Tabata                   *Tracey Doi                         Bruce & Sherry Watanabe            the most out of her day.
     Ken Motoda                    Ken & Shari Nishi            Masanobu Oshiro              Blanca Sato                   Pam Tabata                     Kimiko Thompson                     Karen Watanabe
     Ayako Motoyasu                Lila Nishi                   Takako Osumi                 David & Joanne Sato           Ken & Mary Tabuchi             Joanne Tokeshi                      Mark & Phyllis Watanabe
     *MUFG Union Bank, N.A.        Chase Nishida                Gene Ota                     Pat Sato                      Momoya Tada                    Virginia Tokudomi                   Mitsuru Watanabe                   After over 40 years at her job, she felt that retiring at the age of 64 was
     Ken & Priscilla Mui           Kenneth & Kathleen Nishida   Henry Y. Ota                 *Yozo & Tomie Satoda          Derick & Yoko Tagawa           Faye M. Toma                        Terry & Sharon Weber               the perfect fit for her. “I wanted to change my habits to be a little bit
     Tsukasa Mukai                 Lillian Nishihara            John & Irene Ota             *Kimiko Sasaki Schock         Harry & Harriet Taguchi        Ellen Tome & Winston Lew            Sherry Winn                        healthier. Now I have more time to do healthier things.” A fun activity
     George & Frances Murakami     Jon & Janice Nishimori       Koyu & Etsuko Ota            Ikuko Schroder                June Taira                     Richard & Shirley Tomei             Christine Wong
     *Hiroko Murakami              Kourtney Nishimori           Lawrence & Anita K. Ota      Cheryl Segawa                 Florence Takaaze               Yoshihiro Tominaga                  Josh & Lulu Wong                   that Janis regularly takes part in is regularly going to Knott’s Berry
     Julia Murakami                Kathy Nishimoto              Richard Ota                  Toshiyuki & Midori Seino      Kenneth & Doris Takabayashi    Mariko Tomita                       Mae Wong                           Farm to spend time with her sister.
     Mark Murakami                 Satomi Nishimoto             Denise Otani                 Victor & Claire Seki          Aileen Takamoto                Mitsuo Tomita                       Mary Ellen Wong
     Sandra Murakoshi              Rodney & Marion Nishimura    Ann Otoide                   Merle & Gail Sharp            Mr. & Mrs. N.R. Takamoto       Yutaka Tomoike                      Mel & Vicki Wong                   Before the pandemic, Janis did not have much interaction with Keiro.
     Hiroko Muramoto               Russell Nishimura DDS        Darrell & Susan Otsu         Eunice Shen                   Dianne Takao                   Masayoshi & Suzanne Tonokawa        Nina Wong
     Frank & Mary Muraoka          Lillian & Sidney Nishimura   Ed Oyama                     Keiko Shibata                 Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Takata        Ron & Jeannie Toshima               Yep Wong
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Since attending a Keiro Speaker Series in October 2020, Janis has
     Takako Murashige              Robert & Gail Nishinaka      William S. Oyama             Raymond & Sharon Shibata      Robert Takata                  Patricia Toy                        Harriet Woo                        become a regular attendee and joins virtual forums twice a week.
     Paul & Arlene Murata          Joyce Nishioka               Joe & Aiko Ozaki             Reiko Shibata                 Judy Takayama                  Cynthia Toyoshima                   Harumi Yamada
     Willie & Betty Ann Nagami     *Akio Nitta                  Isamu & Lois Ozasa           Steven & Shirley Shibuyama    Nobuko Takayama                Nancy Toyota                        Jean Yamada                        When asked about what comes next, she shared, “It’s coming up
     Gail Nagaoka                  Karl & Sandra Nobuyuki       Ruby Ozima                   Diane Shigekawa               Geraldine Takayoshi            Stacy Toyota                        J & S Yamagata                     on a year, so I have to get serious about different goals I have set up
     Herbert Nagasawa              Nancy Anne Nuno              Anthony & Barbara Perez      Arikuni & Mieko Shima         Bryan & Jerilynn Takeda        *Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.   Judy Kita Yamaguchi
     Sheri Nagata                  Christopher Obi              Dean & Karen Petersen        Glenn & Jo Ann Shimabukuro    Mr. & Mrs. Makoto B. Takeda    *Stuart & Frances Tsujimoto         Paul & Marianne Yamaguchi          for myself.” Janis looks forward to enjoying time to herself but also
     Mark & Nancy Nagayama         OCBC Dana Program            Audrey Pettyjohn             Haruko Shimabukuro            Elaine Taketa                  Cynthia Tsukamoto                   Nobue Yamaki                       setting new goals to further enjoy the new lifestyle she began.
     Susan Naito                   OCBC Project Kokoro          Diane Plaskow                David & Eleanor Shimahara     Grace Takeuchi                 A. Albert Tsukimoto                 Carole Yamakoshi
     Frank & Margie Naka           Tad T. Ochi                  Noel Poole                   Helene Shimane                Masaru & Cheryl Takeuchi       Jean Tsutsui                        Ms. Kazuko Yamamoto
     Karen & Dennis Nakaba         Josie T. Oda                 Dudley & Patti Poon          Franklin & Florence Shimizu   Takao & Maureen Takeuchi       Takashi Tsutsui                     Ken & June Yamamoto
     Ray & Nancy Nakagama          Takashi & Suzuko Oda         Atsuko Ragano                Hitoshi Shimizu               Emiko Takusagawa               Judy Tyler                          Ramon & Akiko Yamamoto             For the full article, visit
     Irene & Shinji Nakagawa       Warren Oda                   Susan Ratliff                Jean Shimizu                  Bob Takushi                    Roger & Betty Uchida                Richard & Janet Yamamoto
     Robert Nakagawa               Michael Odanaka              Lorraine Remigio             Raymond Shimizu               Frank & Cheryl Tamada          *Florence Uchida                    Sheryl Yamamoto

                                                                                                                                                                                              KEIRO GRANTS
                                                                ALZHEIMER’S                                                                                                                                                                                                         SAFETY
                                                                                                                                                                                              Keiro’s Grants Program continued to
                                                                CONFERENCE                                                                                                                    support new and ongoing programs                                                      With the rise in hate
                                                                                                                                                                                              that focus on reducing social isolation                                               crimes impacting Asian
                                                                Keiro and Alzheimer’s Los Angeles co-presented                                                                                and loneliness among older adults and                                                 American older adults,
                                                                their first Alzheimer’s Conference together                                                                                   caregivers. As one of the grants recipients,                                          Keiro hosted multiple
                                                                in May. This bilingual conference assembled                                                                                   pictured are members of San Fernando                                                  senior safety classes
                                                                a panel of expert speakers to educate our                                                                                     Valley Japanese Community Center who                                                  and created flyers and
                                                                community on Alzheimer’s disease including                                                                                    took a day trip to the Ronald Reagan Library                                          resources with safety
                                                                current research, treatment options, and more.                                                                                for the first time since the pandemic.                                                tips for older adults.

12   KEIRO                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    WINTER 2022       |   A N N UA L P U B L I C AT I O N   13
Flora Yamanaka               Yuriko Yasuda               Clara Yoshimura                 MAY Y. ENDO                KIYOKO NATORI HILLER         RICK H. KAZAMA                    LILY MIYATA                      HITOSHI OHARA              KIKUE SUZUKI                 SAIJIRO & FUMIKO TANI
     Russell & Barbara Yamanaka   Jose S. Yasuhara            Dan & Eileen Yoshimura          Bernard & June Oshima      Simon Hiller                 Barbara Kazama                    Michael & Donna O’Kane           Gary & Linda Yamauchi      Toshie Park                  Jimmy & Penny Sakoda
     Dick & Judy Yamane           Ernest & Miyoko Yasukochi   Dean & Holly Yoshimura
     Louie & Irene Yamanishi      Yoshimi Yasumi              James & Haruko Yoshitake        JEFF FOLICK                SAMUEL & KIMIE HIRAMOTO      DOROTHY K. KINOSHITA              SADAO MOCHIDOME, PHARM. D        SHINICHI OHASHI            HELEN M. TAKAHASHI           MITZIE TANIZAWA
     Monica Yamanoha              Audrey Yee                  Bryan Yoshiyama                 Makoto & Lily Nakayama     EDWARD HIRAMOTO              Kenji Kinoshita                   Richard & Matricia Mori          Dale Ohashi                Glen & Ellen Takahashi       Hayami Helen Fukino
     Betty Yamasaki               Claire Yeh                  Edmond & Susan Young                                       SUMIKO HIRAMOTO
                                                                                              FRIENDS                                                 FUMIKO KITAGAWA                   HIDEKO MOCHIZUKI                 MILES ONO                  MAS TAKAHASHI                GENE TAWA
     Tsuyako Yamashige            Kenji & Lorraine Yogi       Thelma Young                                               STEVEN SASAHARA
                                                                                              Margaret Yamashita                                      Amy Kato                          Paul & Diane Conlon              Russell & Diana Ono        Hisaye Takahashi             *Steven & Sharon Nakase
     Alan & Carolyn Yamashiro     Michael Yokota              Akiye Yuasa                                                Perry Hiramoto
     Roger Yamashiro              Carol Yokoyama              Joseph & Amy Yukawa             MARGARET & ANSON FUJIOKA                                NAMIO KITAOKA                     JUN & MAY MORI                   DOROTHY ORIDA              MARCHIE TAKESUYE             THE KUDOWS
                                                                                                                         TOSHIKO HIRASHIMA
     Akio & Kimie Yamashita       Elaine Yokoyama             George & Ileen Yumibe           WILLIAM & MICHIKO                                       Werner & Aileen Willoughby        Jean Yamada                      *Carrie Orida & Kasey Li   Mike Takesuye                Arlene Nakamura & Traci
                                                                                                                         Maxine Sakakihara
     Andy Yamashita               Masaru Yokoyama             Betty S. Yumori                    YAMAGUCHI                                                                                                                                                                          Toyofuku
                                                                                                                                                      LAWRENCE & THELMA KOGA            MARION MOTODA                    TOSHIKO OTA                MITSURU (MITS) TAMURA
     Isamu & Katsuko Yamashita    Olga Yokoyama               Lisa Yumori                     Karen Nelson               YURIKO LILY HIRASHIMA
                                                                                                                                                      *Claire Koga & Stephen Beck       Ken Motoda                       Anonymous                  Stella Tamura                FAYE TODA
     Ted Yamashita                Atsuko Yomogida             Mike Kaku & La Donna Yumori-                               Margaret Yuki
                                                                                              KIYOSHI FUJISAKI                                                                                                                                                                   Charlotte Nakamura
     Robert Yamato                                               Kaku                                                                                 MASAO & SHIZUYE KONDO             MR. & MRS. TORAICHI SHIMIZU      HEISHIRO & CHISATO OTANI   KAZUO GEO TANAKA
                                  Kiyoko Yoneda                                               Michael & Corinne Araki-   ALICE HIRATA                                                                                                                                            Mary M. Tamura
     Gary & Linda Yamauchi                                    Pat Yuzawa-Rubin                                                                        Reiko Kondo                       Chineko Shimizu                  Keiko Otani                Wayne Tanaka
                                  Noboru & Joyce Yonemoto                                     Kawaguchi                  Nahan Gluck
     Roland & Nancy Siu           Chris & Lynne Yoon          Kate Zankowicz                                                                          EDWIN KUBOTA                      MR. & MRS. TAKEKICHI MUKAI       KAZUO OTANI
     Jack & Elaine Yanabu                                     Ann Zumwinkle                   HENRY FUKUMOTO             TERRY HIROTO
                                  Nan & Ko Yoshida                                                                                                    Janet Kubota                      Anonymous                        Robert Baensch
     Mitsie Yanari                                            Dan Zumwinkle                   Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mayeda   Paul J. Fukushima
                                  Suzanne Yoshida                                                                                                                                       Chineko Shimizu
                                                                                                                                                      KUEI-CHUN KUCHIDA                                                  REIKO OTANI
     Deena Yanari                 Joanne Yoshii                                               YOSHIKO HANABUSA           BEN HOSHINO
                                                                                                                                                      Hiro Kuchida                      BENNY & MARIAN MUKOGAWA          Keiko Otani
     Carolyn Yano                 *Thomas Yoshikawa, M.D.                                     John & Akiko Hanabusa      Seiko Hoshino
     Katsuko Yashiro              Sandy Yoshima
                                                              DONATIONS IN                                                                            EIX Employee Giving               *David Mukogawa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         WATARU OYE
                                                              MEMORY OF                       YUKI & TAKEYOSHI HANDA     SANDRA ICHIKAWA                 Community
                                                                                                                                                                                        SUMIKO MURAKAMI                  Theodore & Ming-Chu Oye
                                                                                              MICHIHIKO HANDA            Karen Muramoto
                                                              Keiro gratefully acknowledges                                                           YUKIO & ALICE KUDOW               David & Charlotte Murakami
                                                                                              MINEKO HANDA                                                                                                               HARUYE SAITO
                                                              the following donors who                                   CHIHARU IKEDA                Dianne Odagawa & Cindy
                                                                                              ROBERT HANDA                                                                              FRANK MURAOKA                    Keiko Shibata
                                                              contributed from January –                                 Yoko Kato                       Nakamura
                                                                                              Yuki Moore Laurenti                                                                       Russel & Joyce Nomura
          CONSIDER MAKING                                     December 2021.                                             MR. & MRS. KATSUMI IKEDA     SHARON ASAKO KUMAGAI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         KIYOMI SAITO
                                                                                              FUMIO HANGAI                                                                              DOROTHY NAGAO                    Anonymous
          A RECURRING GIFT                                    Bolded names indicate           Mineko Kimura
                                                                                                                         Hiromi Uyeda                 Mae Kumagai
                                                                                                                                                                                        Patty Yoshioka
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         TOM & SETSUKO SAITO
                                                              individuals who are being                                  HIDEKO & MITSUHIRO IWAMAYE   Y. JACK KUNITOMI
          TO KEIRO                                            honored with gifts to Keiro.    CHIZ HARA
                                                                                              Steve & Junko Hara
                                                                                                                         Judy Sai                     Ed & Kerry Cababa
                                                                                                                                                                                        RHONDA NAKABAYASHI
                                                                                                                                                                                        Frances Wolf
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Margaret Saito
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         PEGGIE SAKA
                                                              TOMIKO AKAHORI                                             LLOYD INUI                   KOFUKU MAKISHI
                                                                                              HENRY & LILY HARADA                                                                       THOMAS HISASHI NAKADA            Phil Saka
                                                              Ted T. Akahori                                             Atsuko Yomogida              Kazumi Chinen
                                                                                                                                                                                        Harold & Ellen Kameya
                                                                                              Myron Quan & Gay Harada
                                                                                                                         SHIZUYE ISHIBASHI            EIKO & LUIS MANABE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         MISAKO SASAKI                   TRIBUTE GIFTS
                                                              MITSURU & TOMIKO AMABE          MARY MICHIKO HARADA                                                                       NATSU NAKAMINE                   Anonymous
          Monthly giving helps continue our mission                                                                      Amy Niwa                     Jodi Halperin
                                                              Michi Lee                       Akahoshi Family                                                                           Ko & Mary Yamaguchi
          to enhance the quality of senior life in                                                                                                                                                                       ROBERT K. SASAKI
                                                              MASAKO ANDO                                                MATSUE & KOTABURO ISHINO     MAREO & MITS MASUNAKA
          Our Community through programs and                                                  KOSOME HARAKO                                                                             ARCHIE NAKAMOTO                  Alice Sasaki
                                                              Kenji & Frances Ando                                       Isabel Ishino                Bruce & Carrie Hymanson                                                                            A gift to Keiro is a thoughtful way to
                                                                                              Robert & Sanaye Kumagai                                                                   Sachiko Nakamoto
          resources to meet their changing needs.                                                                                                                                                                        GEORGE & MARY SATO
                                                              ELBERT & GRACE ARAKAWA                                     YAEKO ISHIOKA                SADAKO MATSUOKA                                                                                    honor someone, by remembering and
                                                                                              MARJORIE HASEGAWA                                                                         MASAMITSU MARK NAKAMURA          Ken Sato
                                                              Glen Arakawa                                               Albert & Peggy Saiki         Tadao & Helen Kuroda                                                                               celebrating a key milestone in a loved
          A monthly gift forms a predictable source                                           David Nagai                                                                               Joanne Nakamura
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ROB SCHOCK
                                                              ALMA ARAO & MITSIE KIKUTA                                  SHIZUKO IWAMOTO              SHOJI MAYEDA                                                                                       one’s life.
          of income, providing assurance that                                                 FUMIO HATAKEYAMA                                                                          CHIYE NAKASHIMA                  *Kimiko Sasaki Schock
                                                              Daniel & Gayle Kikuta                                      Diane Iwamoto                Noel Kinoshita
                                                                                              Mary Suzuki                                                                               Donna Matoi
          reliable resources and support remain                                                                                                                                                                          TOSHIRO & YETSUKO SETO          Your gift not only supports Keiro’s work
                                                              RAYMOND CHIKAHISA                                          YOSHIO IWAMOTO               TOSHIKO MAYEDA
          available, while also enabling us to                                                TOSHIKO “TISH” HATTORI                                                                    HELEN I. NIKAIDO                 Scott & Catherine Seto
                                                              Tracey Doi                                                 Sumiko Iwamoto               Karen Mayeda                                                                                       to improve the quality of life for older
                                                                                              Anonymous                                                                                 Ray Nikaido
          continue to innovate our programs and               Toyota Motor Sales USA                                                                                                                                     TAKEO SHIMIZU                   adults but also pays special tribute to
                                                                                                                         DAHLIA KAKIUCHI              TOMOKO MILLS
          services in order to meet the changing                                              MATSUE HAYAKAWA                                                                           JEAN NISHIMOTO                   *Lily Shimizu & Family
                                                              NOBUYE DOIZAKI                                             Mitchell & Deena Lew         Anonymous                                                                                          your loved ones. Consider making a
                                                                                              George & Betty Hayakawa                                                                   Marcella T. Yano
          needs of Our Community. To learn more               James & Fumie Doizaki                                                                                                                                      FUSANO SHIMONO
                                                                                                                         MAE & SHOGO KANAMORI         KOMA MINAMIDE                                                                                      tribute gift today.
          about our Monthly Recurring Program,                                                KAZUMA HAYASHI                                                                            YURIKO NOJIMA                    Debrah F. Knight
                                                              RONALD DOIZAKI                                             Anonymous                    Marci Minamide
                                                                                              Satsuki One                                                                               Eilen Nojima-Lazar
          please contact Development at                       James & Fumie Doizaki                                                                                                                                      RUBY SUMIDA                     Contact or visit
                                                                                                                         MRS. KARIYA                  MARIKO MIURA
                                                              Kazuko Doizaki                  NAOZO & TOSHIKO HAYASHI                                                                   DICK & UMEKO NOZAWA              Ronney & Colleen Sakoda
 or 213.873.5793.                                                                             Vikki Luke                   Yohko Takehara                                                                           
                                                                                              Sharon Hayashi                                                                            Diane Handley
                                                              FUMIKO EEJIMA                                                                                                                                              MASAYE SUNADA
                                                                                              Mr. & Mrs. N.R. Takamoto   DENNIS H. KATO               FRANK & KIKUYE MIYAMURA
                                                              Bob & Kay Hirose                                                                                                          ROBERT & MICHIKO OBI             John & Mary Sunada
                                                                                                                         Scott & Iris Aiboshi         Joyce Hernandez
                                                                                                                                                                                        Christopher Obi & Michelle Obi

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 TEACH ME
                                                              KEIRO NO HI FESTIVAL                                                                                                                                                                                               SERIES
                                                              Keiro and Japanese American Cultural &                                                                                                                                                                             We started a new video
                                                              Community Center presented the fourth                                                                                 Keiro celebrated its 60 th                                                                   project called Teach Me
                                                              annual Keiro no Hi Festival virtually in                                                                              anniversary with a virtual                                                                   Series. In these videos,
                                                              September. This event brought our community                                                                           celebration highlighting                                                                     we asked older adults to
                                                              together through an online video premiere,                                                                            the organization’s history                                                                   be our teachers, sharing
                                                              fine arts showcase, and bento and gift package                                                                        and vision for the future                                                                    their stories related to an
                                                              pickup at community hubs.                                                                                             in October.                                                                                  activity they enjoy doing.

14   KEIRO                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   WINTER 2022     |   A N N UA L P U B L I C AT I O N   15

                                                                                                                                                       Two Cents from
     FAYE TODA                       Kenneth Ohtomo                  Lisa Hida
     Dennis & Sharon Nakafuji
                                     YUKIKO YUGE                     TSURUYE NISHIKAWA
     MR. & MRS. KIYOSHI TOKIYAMA     Keith Yuge                      Penny Nakashima
     Ken & Yoshie Tokiyama
                                                                     IYOKO NISHITANI
     DIANNE TOMOOKA                  DONATIONS IN                    Kazuko S. Takahashi

                                                                                                                                                       Three Centenarians
     Randy, Sandy, Brooke, & Derek   HONOR OF                        ANGELES S. REVITA
     MR. & MRS. TOM TSUBONE          Keiro gratefully acknowledges   Loreta Revita Marks
     Yoshiko Ikoma                   the following donors who        SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
     DENNIS TSUJIMOTO                contributed from January –      GARDENERS
     Shoko Tsujimoto                 December 2021.                  Jody M. Hoshino
     Cecily Umezuka
                                     Bolded names indicate
                                     individuals who are being
                                                                     DR. JUNE USHIJIMA
                                                                     Dolores Kaneshina                                                                 Advice to those who are turning 65
                                     honored with gifts to Keiro.
     TSURU UNE                                                       CATHERINE YOSHIKAWA
     George & Mabel Kanno            442ND “GO FOR BROKE”            *Thomas Yoshikawa, M.D.
     Shigeru & Kaoru Mase            Jody M. Hoshino                 SPECIAL OCCASION
     Toshiko Takashio
                                     YAEKO AIHARA
                                     Nahan Gluck                     Keiro gratefully acknowledges
                                                                                                        LEAVE A LEGACY                                                                       “Don’t take your health for granted. Each day
     Russell & Jana Waki
                                     BRAD FUJIKUNI
                                     Russell & Miyoko Ukita
                                                                     the following donors who
                                                                     contributed from January –
                                                                                                        WITH KEIRO                                                                           is a blessing and continue to share your gifts.”
                                                                     December 2021.
     JUNE WAKIMOTO                   ALICE HIRATA
     Nelson Wakimoto                 Nahan Gluck                     Bolded names indicate
     Ronald Wakimoto                                                 individuals who are being
                                     RALPH ICHIKAWA                                                     Anyone can leave a legacy with Keiro.
     MASAYO WATAMURA                 Anonymous
                                                                     honored with gifts to Keiro.                                                                                            MADAME FUJIMA KANSUMA (103) is a legendary Classical Japanese dance
                                                                                                        Consider leaving a lasting impact on
     Lynn & Pat Kaneshiro            TERRY IDENO                     60TH ANNIVERSARY
                                                                                                                                                                                             instructor. She has over 50 natoris (someone who has received a degree in Japanese
                                                                                                        improving the quality of life for Japanese
     HELEN T. WATANABE               Craig Ideno                     Brandon Leong                                                                                                           dance and given a professional stage name) who received the Fujima name and degree.
                                                                                                        American older adults. Legacy giving
     Ronald & Joan Watanabe          CHIEKO INOUYE                   ANNIVERSARY OF JOE                                                                                                      She finds being able to teach and share dance with her beloved students for over 80 years
                                                                                                        is the transfer of assets to Keiro during
     HAROLD WONG                     David C. Hoshiyama              SHOKICHI & KIMIKA HOSHINO                                                                                               an unbelievable gift.
     Ruby Wong                                                       Jody M. Hoshino                    one’s lifetime or as part of an estate plan.
                                     YOSHIMORI & KIMIKO INOUYE
                                                                                                        It is a win-win approach to philanthropic
     KIKUI YAMASHINA                 Robert & Ina Inouye             BIRTHDAY OF BRANDON LEONG
     Toyoko Yamashina                                                Michelle Obi                       donations that supports Keiro and
                                     THE ISSEI & NISEI GENERATION
                                                                                                        can benefit you now or in the future.
     SUEME YAMASHITA                 Jody M. Hoshino                 JACK MASAO’S FIRST BIRTHDAY
                                                                                                        Consider including Keiro as part of your
     Carrie T. Horton                TEIJI KAWANA & FAMILY
                                                                     Atsuko Yomogida
                                                                                                        estate plan.                                     “Take it easy and don’t worry too much.
     Camryn Sugita-Lee               KUNIKO LIU                      IN-KIND DONATIONS
                                                                                                        If you have already made a planned gift          You need to relax!”
     SHIGEO YASUI                    Dawn Copell                     Keiro gratefully acknowledges
                                                                                                        to Keiro, would like to speak to someone
     Claire Akune                    HARRY M. MIURA                  the following donors who
                                                                     contributed from January –         about a planned gift, or would like
     GOSAKU & UME YOKOTA             Shelley Miura-Hatakeyama
     Mieko Hiroshima                                                 December 2021.                     additional information about Keiro’s
                                     LYNN MIYAMOTO
                                                                                                        Legacy Circle, please contact Michelle           TED YASUNAGA (100) is a Nikkei Senior Gardens resident who was part of
     YURIKO YOKOYAMA                 Laura Matsunaga                 AARP                                                                                the 442nd Regimental Combat Team during WWII. Even after his milestone
     Stanley & Ann Nakamoto                                          Bourbon Foods USA                  Hirano, director of development, at
                                     TATSURO MOHRI                                                                                                       100th birthday, he continues to be independent, managing his own finances, and
                                                                     Huntington Library, Art            213.873.5705 or
     RAY YOSHIYAMA                   Anonymous
     Anonymous                                                       Museum, and Botanical Gardens                                                       staying up-to-date on the latest news, especially about sports.
                                                                     Nanka Seimen Co.

                                                                                                                                                                                             “Patience is very important.
                                                                                                                       THANK                                                                 And being grateful.”

                                                                     IYASHI CARE                                       YOU
                                                                                                                                                                                             SAKAYE ARATANI (102) is the wife of the late George Aratani. Her family, including
                                                                     We continued to strengthen our
                                                                     Iyashi Care program, providing
                                                                                                                       FOR A                                                                 her great-grandchildren, is a large part of what keeps her going. Her curiosity to explore
                                                                     peace of mind to hundreds of
                                                                     older adults living with serious                  MEMORABLE                                                             also keeps her busy, including earring creations, which she began during the pandemic.
                                                                     illnesses while also supporting
                                                                     their family members navigating                   2021!
                                                                     the complex health care system.
                                                                                                                                                        For the full article, visit

16   KEIRO                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  WINTER 2022     |   A N N UA L P U B L I C AT I O N   17
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Fax:     213.873.5799



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Upcoming Events

     2022 Caregiver Conference:
     Understanding Long-Term Care
     Tuesday, March 8
     Navigating Challenging
     Wednesday, March 16
     Stress Management
     for Caregivers
     Saturday, March 26

     Speaker Series:
     A Mental Health Conversation
     May 2022

     Alzheimer’s Conference
     June 2022

     Keiro no Hi Festival
     September 2022

*Dates are subject to change

For more information on
Keiro’s upcoming events,              Community members of East San Gabriel Valley Japanese Community
visit                               Center during their meal pick-up for older adults.
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