House View NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2020 - US Elections Outcome Fiscal Stimulus COVID-19 Vaccine News - DECEMBER 2020 US Elections Outcome ...

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House View NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2020 - US Elections Outcome Fiscal Stimulus COVID-19 Vaccine News - DECEMBER 2020 US Elections Outcome ...
House View
N OV E M B E R - D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0

US Elections Outcome
Fiscal Stimulus
COVID-19 Vaccine News
Key Highlights
• Advancements on the COVID-19 vaccine will heavily boost
  recovery in 2021.

• Saving rates and a normalisation of the investiment spending drive growth.

• Economy and markets are and will be supported by monetary policies.

• Preference for mid and small caps.

• Preference for cyclical and quality value stocks.

• Stimulus in the eurozone will keep supporting the market.

• Faster recovery in the US and China compared to the Eurozone.

• Swiss equities downgraded because of low probability of earning surprises.

Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker


                                          17               12                  6
 PRE-CLINICAL       PHASE 1            PHASE 2           PHASE 3           LIMITED
 Vaccine Animal   Testig Safety &   Expanded Safety    Large-Scale      Approved Early
    Testing          Dosage              Trials       Efficacy Tests    or Limited Use
      SANOFI          SANOFI             ANGES          MODERNA            SINOVAC
     NOVARTIS          GSK             ASTRAZENECA        PFIZER          SINOPHARM
 UNI PITTSBURGH      DYNAVAX             INOVIO         NOVAVAX              GRI
                                                                             Source: NYT

01                                                                         OpenCapital SA
Macroeconomic View
World                               VACCINES      STIMULUS   USA                             US ELECTIONS      STIMULUS

•    Rebound in economic activity still on track with        • A divided US Government is a positive outcome for
     regional divergences.                                     the markets, as it reduces the risk of tax hikes or busi-
                                                               ness unfriendly laws.
•    ECB expected to intervene in December.
                                                             • Divided chambers will likely result in less fiscal
•    COVID-19 second wave hitting harder and soon-             stimulus: 5% vs. 10-12% of GDP. Trade dispute with
     er than expected in Europe. Governments trying to         China and Europe unlikely to derail.
     avoid general and extended lockdowns.
                                                             • News on vaccine will favor sector rotation. FAANG
•    Positive news on vaccine effectiveness and avail-         stocks will probably underperform.
                                                             • Economic recovery stronger than expected. FED ready
•    Waiting for more fiscal stimulus.                         to intervene and still very supportive.

Europe                                   EQUITY   COVID-19   Emerging Markets                         CHINA        USD

• COVID-19 second wave materialized sooner than              • USD weakness, low interest rates, cheap valuations
  expected.                                                    and synchronized global economic growth are
• Governments forced to introduce harsh measures
  hoping to preserve the healthcare system.                  • China on track to outperform the rest of the world.

• Sector rotations favor European equity index, with
  highlights on Germany, Great Britain and Spain.

• Progress on a Brexit deal is still possible.

Base Scenario                                                Risks on the Base Scenario

• Vaccine effectiveness will help 2021 recovery.             • Harsh second waves of COVID-19.

• New monetary stimulus in December.                         • Hard Brexit.

• Global earnings recovery underway.                         • Geopolitical events.

• US Elections result is positive for markets. Reduced       • Trump’s legal actions against the US Elections
  chance of tax hikes and limits for tech and pharma.          outcome.

01                                                                                                          OpenCapital SA
Market View
Liquidity                                                  Fixed Income
Tactical 3 Months             Strategic 12 Months          Tactical 3 Months                   Strategic 12 Months

Liquidity                       Liquidity                  Investment Grade                    Investment Grade

• Cash is likely to deliver negative real return for the   High Yield                          High Yield
  foreseeable future.

• Strong monetary response to COVID-19 crisis and          •     Safest IG YTM unattractive.
  large output gap created by the fall in economic ac-
  tivity, maintains downward pressure on interest rates.   •     Some value left in EUR HY and crossover bonds.

Equities                                                   FX
Tactical 3 Months             Strategic 12 Months          Tactical 3 Months                   Strategic 12 Months

USA                             USA                        EUR/USD                             EUR/USD

Europe                          Europe                     EUR/CHF                             EUR/CHF

Switzerland                     Switzerland                USD/CHF                             USD/CHF

Emerging Markets                Emerging Markets           • Short term resistance around 1,20 for EUR/USD.

                                                           • USD as a counter-cyclical currency likely to under-
• European markets are cyclical and favored by rotation      perform in the medium term.

• High risk premium supportive in medium term.             • EUR/CHF downside pressure easing.

• Earnings recovery underway.

Gold                                                       Oil
Tactical 3 Months             Strategic 12 Months          Tactical 3 Months                   Strategic 12 Months

Gold                            Gold                       Oil                                 Oil

• Some technical resistances in the short term.            • Supply-Demand slowly re-equilibrating.

• Central Banks and negative real rates supportive in      • Prices will move in tandem with consumer confidence
  the medium term.                                           and economic rebound.

02                                                                                                          OpenCapital SA
Insights & Calendar
World Indices                           As of 11/11/20      Commodities                          As of 11/11/20

                              1 Month             YTD                                 1 Month                YTD
DJIA                            2.92%           3.09%       Crude Oil WTI               4.94%             23.94%
S&P 500                         1.97%           9.74%       CRB Index                   1.20%             17.35%
NASDAQ 100                      0.87%          33.11%       Natural Gas                 8.40%             12.75%
Nikkei                          7.32%           7.16%       Gold                        2.37%             23.73%
Euro Stoxx 50                   5.47%           7.82%       Silver                      3.28%             36.00%
SMI                             1.77%           1.08%       Copper                      2.81%             12.16%

Rates 10 Years                          As of 11/11/20      Currency / Cryptocurrency            As of 11/11/20

                    Yield%       1m Bps       YTD Bps                                 1 Month                YTD
USA                    0.92       14.72        - 100.00     EUR/USD                     0.22%              5.12%
UK                     0.36         9.04         - 44.90    EUR/GBP                     1.67%              5.10%
Germany              - 0.53         1.43         - 34.00    EUR/CHF                     0.71%              0.37%
Italy                  0.68         0.46         - 72.80    USD/CHF                     0.94%              5.07%
Spain                  0.13       - 1.35         - 32.80    Bitcoin/USD                33.97%            116.51%
Japan                  0.02       - 0.30            5.00    Litecoin/USD               16.36%             43.91%

November                                December                            January

November 22, 2020                       December 10-11, 2020                January 5, 2021
G20 Summit                              ECB Meeting                         Second round for Georgia’s
                                        European Council Meeting            Senate seat

                                        December 16, 2020                   January 20, 2021
                                        FED Meeting                         New President takes office

                                        December 17, 2020                   January 21, 2021
                                        BOE Meeting                         BOJ, ECB Meeting

                                        December 18, 2020                   January 27, 2021
                                        BOJ Meeting                         FED Meeting

                                        December 31, 2020
                                        End of Brexit
                                        Transition Period

03                                                                                                  OpenCapital SA
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Photo on first page by Gayatri Malhotra on

                                                                                                                                                OpenCapital SA
                                                                                                                                               Riva Paradiso 2A
                                                                                                                                         6900 Lugano - Paradiso
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