Page created by Harry Haynes

Living In The
Now, Planning For
Tomorrow               SPRUCE UP YOUR
                       CULINARY SKILLS
Dear Resident,

                                                                              We hope that you and your family are safe in these challenging
                                                                              times, and we urge you to exercise extreme caution and protect
                                                                              yourselves. The novel coronavirus pandemic is truly uncharted
                                                                              territory for all of us and, while daunting, we believe we can
                                                                              navigate it better together.

                                                                              Over the past few weeks, DLF has stepped up to assist the
                                                                              community during the lockdown, and will continue to do so. We
                                                                              believe that it is both our duty and responsibility to reach out to
                                                                              our extended community, especially those who have lost their
                                                                              ability to earn daily livelihoods and are facing severe financial,
                                                                              medical and emotional distress. As a DLF family member, you
                                                                              will be proud to learn that we have partnered with various
                                                                              government authorities and NGOs to provide financial help,
                                                                              daily essentials and medical supplies to the most vulnerable

 600+ FAMILIES                                                                sections of our community. To learn more about our initiatives,
                                                                              head to the In Focus section in this issue. We know that each

                                                                              one of you is also helping the community at your end, and that
                                                                              is what sets DLF5 apart. By working together, we can make a
                                                                              substantial difference.

                                                                              As we adjust to a new normal, it is time for us to come together in
  The opportunity to own this magnificent lifestyle                           a different way. In fact, in keeping with the need of the hour, this
  is now limited to last two residences.                                      issue of High5 has come to you as an e-edition. It focusses on the
                                                                              theme of making the most of your time, giving yourself and your
  Unit nos. F012 and F112 in Tower F                                          mind a boost, and celebrating what we have—individually, as a
                                                                              family and as a community.
  4 bedroom luxury apartments | 3116 SFT | Large outdoor deck
  for sit outs, opening up to internal greens and club | Most                 Expert advice coupled with interesting articles forms the basis of
  awarded lifestyle     Magnificent Clubhouse with several                    this month’s issue, and is supplemented with ideas and inspiration
  amenties | INR 6.91 Cr.+                                                    from DLF5 residents. Our usual mix of features remains intact,
                                                                              and we feel that is necessary at this time. We hope you will
                                                                              find this issue both engaging and diverting, and we value your
  For enquires, call - +91 93194 51812                                        submissions and constant support.

                                                                              As we find ways to cope with this crisis, and eventually rise from
Actual images
                                                                              it, we wish you safety and peace. DLF5 is known for its sense of
                                                                              community and we are sure that we will come out of this stronger.

                                                                              Aakash Ohri
                                                                              Senior Executive Director
                                                     Kitchen    Bedroom       DLF Home Developers Limited

                                                                                                                                                    www.dlf 5 .in   1
Balcony View                                         Bedroom    Living room
4   high 5 | MAY-JUNE 2020   www.dlf 5 .in   5

                                                                                                                                                                              THE BELAIRE
                                                                                                                                                               Already a home to over 580 families, The Belaire is a
                                                                                                                                                                    thriving cosmopolitan community in DLF5.

                                                                                                                                                         The opportunity to own a home is limited to the very last unit.
                RITU MATHUR                     KRIsHAn KAlRA                      T.K. MUKHeRjee               sUbodH bHARdwAj
                                                                                                                                                                               Unit no.: BLE192
           For this issue, Ritu Mathur         An engineer by training,           A resident of DLF5,          A practising astrologer                    Ready-to-move-in | 4 bedroom apartment with 2 domestic
             has interviewed Vijay         Krishan Kalra has been in the           T.K. Mukherjee is a         for over four decades,                     help rooms | 4213 SFT. | 3 parkings | Club facilities including
                                           corporate sector for 38 years.       chartered accountant, a        Subodh Bhardwaj is a                                 swimming, tennis, etc. | INR 5.91 Cr.+
             Dhasmana, a rewilding
                                          He also served as the Additional     Ford Foundation Fellowship         numerologist and
           practitioner in Gurugram.
                                          Secretary-General for FICCI and       awardee, a management             Vaastu specialist
           Read the story to discover       later as Secretary-General of      consultant, an HR specialist      with an impeccable
           how we can help keep our       the PHD Chamber of Commerce                and a corporate            command over gems
                 ecology intact.                     and Industry.                governance advisor.           and precious stones.

                                                                                                                                               Actual images                                For enquires, call - +91 93194 51812
               pReeTI cHAdHA                      deepAK gUpTA                        neeRA nATH                    neHA KAUsHIK

                Founder of the              A resident of The Magnolias,        An international designer,      A former journalist who is
         TravelHappyGroup, Preeti is        Deepak Gupta is the Founder        Neera Nath has experience        now a digital content and
         an enthusiastic traveller and         & Managing Director of            working with icons like       marketing specialist, Neha
          interior designer. She has           Eden Retirement Living            Yves Saint Laurent and         explores the relationship
         shared a heartfelt tale of her     Private Limited, which has its     Jean-Louis Scherrer. She is     between luxury consumers
             journey of becoming             first Senior Living facility in    a nature-lover and fitness    and technology. She is also an
               an entrepreneur.                       Dehradun.                        enthusiast.               automobile aficionado.

                                                                                                                                               View                   Internal spaces      Internal spaces      Wardrobe

6   high 5 | MAY-JUNE 2020
top5 for high5

                                                                                                                                     LAKE MACDONNELL, EYRE
                                                                                                                                     PENINSULA, AUSTRALIA

                                                                                                                                     True, this looks like a scene from Alice
                                                                                                                                     In Wonderland, but this pink lake does
                                                                                                                                     actually exist in South Australia, in a
                                                                                                                                     part of the country that is famous for its
                                                                                                                                     abundance of pink lakes. The bubble-
                                              CROOKED                                                                                gum pink hue comes from high salinity
                                              FOREST, WEST                                                                           levels that attract salt-loving algae and

                                              POMERANIA,                                                                             halobacteria (pink bacteria). What
                                              POLAND                                                                                 separates this lake from its watermelon
                                                                                                                                     friends is its positioning: a vibrant blue
                                              Shrouded in                                                                            lake is literally across the road, leading to
                                              mystery, no one                                                                        a juxtaposition fit for an artist.

                                              quite knows how
                                              these 400 pine trees in a small corner of Poland have managed to curve up
                                              towards the north in an identical manner—and it has remained a secret ever
                                              since the 1930s. And after they all take the same turn, they all come back to
                                              their natural trajectory and path, leading to even more disarray in the minds of         LAKE BAIKAL, SIBERIA, RUSSIA
                                              those who view them. There are, however, multiple theories behind the twisting:
                                              some say it has to do with gravity or they were buried under a snowstorm in their        When the temperature plummets to minus-zero, water in Lake
These five wonders of the                      infancy, others say that it is a result of war-time damage. Another speculation is       Baikal begins to freeze unevenly. This leads to protruding large
                                              that some foresters intentionally did this to the trees in the hope of using them as     ice blocks, which you will be forgiven for thinking are gems. The
natural world will outdo                      furniture. Whichever it is, choose your reason and head over there to verify it for      lake is also the oldest one in the world, which places it on the
anything on your current                      yourself. Just try not to get too scared should the eeriness get to you.                 UNESCO World Heritage Site list as well as the focus point of
bucket list                                                                                                                            various Russian folktales. Being the oldest lake makes it a treat for
                                                                                                                                       anyone interested in nature, as there are plenty of unique species
                                                                                                                                       and flora to explore here.


    With its spectacular white travertine                                                                                                                                                                      GRAND PRISMATIC SPRING,
    terraces that are home to mineral-                                                                                                                                                                         YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK,
    rich thermal water, Pamukkale                                                                                                                                                                              UNITED STATES
    resembles a waterfall that has been
    put on pause. And, we are not the                                                                                                                                                                          Here, you can explore the largest hot spring
    first ones, or the first millennium, to                                                                                                                                                                      in the USA, and the third-largest in the world,
    realise its magic: an entire ancient                                                                                                                                                                       and see the way the rainbow colours reflect off
    Greek-Roman spa-city, Hierapolis,                                                                                                                                                                          the surfaces around. One can see this multi-
    was created next door to this marvel                                                                                                                                                                       coloured landscape in the national park from a
    for the citizens to relish. So, on your                                                                                                                                                                    distance thanks to its bands of orange, yellow
    trip here, you can combine floating                                                                                                                                                                         and green that surround a deep blue centre.
    in these pools with a long walk                                                                                                                                                                            The azure focus point came to be because
    around the ruins of age-old baths                                                                                                                                                                          of the different amounts of microbial mats
    and temples, making it a journey                                                                                                                                                                           that live in the mineral-rich and progressively
    that is the perfect blend of relaxation                                                                                                                                                                    cooler water, leading to the different colours at
    and exploration.                                                                                                                                                                                           different temperatures.

8   high 5 | MAY-JUNE 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                      www.dlf 5 .in     9
top shelf                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  advertorial

            READY FOR THE GLAM
                Your style essentials for the summer

                                                                             LATIQUE BRACELET
                                                                             Fusing modernity and tradition,
                                                                             this bracelet dazzles with its polki
                                                                             diamonds and bright meenakari work.
              RHEA PILLAI RASTOGI ENSEMBLE                                   We recommend pairing this with a crisp
              From ace designer Rhea Pillai Rastogi, this set makes          white shirt as a standalone accessory in
              classic nude anything but ubiquitous. With intricate           order to truly let it shine.
              trails of beads and pearls, the delicate feminine
              silhouette gets an edgy makeover.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     By the end of 2020, we will enter a new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     world, with a change in how we use
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     technology. The automobile industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     will see a shift towards eco-friendly fuels.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Our ways of living will become more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     sophisticated and the IT sector will see

                                                                                                                        GazinG                                       The war between novel coronavirus and
                                                                                                                                                                     humans is a deadly one. The infection
                                                                                                                                                                     is rapidly spreading, more so because of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     great developments, like 6G and 7G.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Nuclear energy will be used to help
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     bring electricity to one and all, while in

                                                                             MICHAEL KORS SUNGLASSES
                                                                             Play with lines as these sunglasses
                                                                                                                                                                     the lack of social distancing. The planet       the agricultural sector, equipment and
                                                                             are infused with a graphic touch. The                                                   Rahu is usually considered the cause of         processes will be updated.
                                                                             irregular frame around the UV-protective                                                such disastrous situations. From March
                                                                             lenses makes a statement on its own,

                             KIKO MILANO EYE SHADOW
                                                                             making them perfect for those who want                                                  24, this disease took a catastrophic turn,      (This inference is based on Vedic
                             Coming from their new Konscious vegan
                             collection, this palette covers the basic
                                                                             to truly stand apart.                                                                   engulfing many nations. Only those who          astrology and the 27 nakshatras.)
                             shades, but intersperses them with some                                                                                                 stay safe and protected, and in their
                             glittery options, making the set a neat                                                                                                 homes, will win against this virus. If          About the Astrologer:

                             little do-it-all. Expect buildable pigment
                             and a moisturising texture that will last                                                                                               we do not, then by May 31, about 0.5
                             through the day.                                                                                                                        percent of the world’s population will be       A practising astrologer for over four
                                                                                                                                                                     affected by this virus. From June 2, the        decades, Subodh Bhardwaj is a

                                                                                                                                                                     situation will start getting better, seeing a   numerologist and Vaastu specialist with
                                                                                                                                     he novel coronavirus            gradual decline in cases till September 7.      an impeccable command over gems
                                                                                                                                     essentially came into being                                                     and precious stones. For his divine
                                                                                                                                     on December 26, 2019.           The virus will finally meet its end on          practice and unwavering commitment
                                                                                                                                     This was the day of an          September 15, leaving no trace behind.          to astrological sciences, he is regarded
                                                                                                                        annular solar eclipse, which happened        But, after this, several nations will deal      as the best astrologer in Gurugram.
                                                                                                                        after 672 years. At this time, six planets   with hunger and poverty, leading to an          He does precise horoscope reading
                                                                                                                        were in conjunction with the moola           increase in the number of robberies             or horoscope analysis for providing
                                                                                                                        nakshatra of the Sagittarius sign (dhanu     and thefts, and many countries will lose        astrological consultation to clients on
                                                                                                                        rashi). Even though a solar eclipse is an    their developed status. India, compared         various issues of life.
                                                                                                                        astrological event, the consequences         to other nations, will not be as badly
                             HAVAIANAS SLIPPERS                              BUGATTI SNEAKERS
                             Your trusty summer slippers just got            These casual sneakers help accentuate an   of this particular eclipse were not just     influenced by this catastrophe, and
                             a tropical update! Available in myriad          understated ensemble by adding a splash    astrological. In the same manner, in the     will win the fight against the novel
                             warm shades, they will help bring the           of vibrancy through the mustard yellow     year 1347, an epidemic called the Black      coronavirus. But the world economy is
                             beach to you if you cannot make it. Plus,       hue. Thanks to a base made from memory                                                                                                                     For consultations:
                             the floral cloth strap pairs well with breezy   foam, you are guaranteed to remain         Death destroyed more than half of            going to suffer a major setback, hitting                     subodh_45@hotmail.com
                             summer dresses.                                 comfortable as well.                       Europe’s population.                         rock bottom.                                                         +91 9811275777

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           www.dlf 5 .in      11
en vogue

                                                                                                                                         and so it is important to designate a       entire pair into one slot. Another idea    clever with your storage. Drawer
                                                                                                                                         space for your baubles. Give every          is to have DIY sandal holders using        dividers are the obvious choice as
                                                                                                                                         trinket its own spot, slot, or box, so      wire hangers.                              they create instantly polished make-
                                                                                                                                         pieces do not get broken, misplaced,                                                   up drawers. Or opt for stackable
                                                                                                                                         tangled, lost, or inadvertently tossed.     PERFECT MAKE-UP                            acrylic drawers so you can scan the
                                                                                                                                         Stow earrings, necklaces, watches,          Categorising your make-up is a good        contents without rummaging through
                                                                                                                                         and/or bracelets in jewellery holders.      place to start. Separate your lipsticks,   101 different lipsticks. Make-up brushes,
                                                                                                                                         Stack chunky bangles and wide               blushers and eye make-up. Then             eyelash curlers and eyeliners can be
                                                                                                                                         bracelets on a standing paper-towel         group them based on colour or texture      kept upright in open-top containers.
                                                                                                                                         holder or a pretty bottle’s neck. Stow      (whether it is cream or powder). Make      You could opt for a hanging drawer
                                                                                                                                         your everyday jewellery in plain            sure you chuck anything with an off        organiser. A little bit of creativity and a
                                                                                                                                         sight near your getting-ready station.      smell or change in colour. Then get        few containers will do the trick.
                                                                                                                                         Keep necklaces knot-free by hanging
                                                                                                                                         them on a makeup mirror or a wall-
                                                                                                                                         mount hook. Stow the smaller stuff in
                                                                                                                                         decorative trays, dishes, or bowls that
                                                                                                                                         are big enough so pieces do not get
                                                                                                                                                                                         FOR A

                                               GET TIDY!
                                                                                                                                         entangled. Adapt jewellery organizers

                                                                                                                                         by suspending hooks from a curtain
                                                                                                                                         rod or a dowel. These hanging
                                                                                                                                         organizers are best suited for storing

                              Grant every item in your wardrobe a pride of
                                                                                                                                         bracelets, necklaces, and fashion rings.
                                                                                                                                         And crafting your own organizer can
                                                                                                                                         easily become a fun DIY project.
                                                                                                                                                                                     FREE CLOSET,
                                    place so that your daily living is
                                       a decluttered experience                                                                          SHOE STUFF                                    TRY A 'ONE
                                                                                                                                                                                      IN ONE OUT'
                                                                                                                                         When it comes to shoes, your first
                                                                                                                                         instinct may be to dump them on the
                                                                                                                                         floor of your closet. It makes your

                                                                                                                                         shoes harder to find when everything
                                                                                                                                         is flopped over each other in a big
                                                                                                                                         space. Implement some basic shoe
                                                                                                                                         organization. Do not throw them in
                                                                                                                                         a heap. It is advisable to keep shoes
                                                                                                                                         off the floor—for example, you could
                                                                                                                                         make a ladder shoe shelf. While

                                                                                                                                         avoiding storing shoes in wire racks,
        rish playwright, critic, polemicist   it is definitely time to reposition your      a holiday box, full of items like sun hats    sort shoes into categories—the ones
        and political activist George         wardrobe back into shape.                    and floaty summer dresses. Make sure           you wear all the time, less frequently
        Bernard Shaw said, “Better keep                                                    it is clearly labelled and place it up on a   and lastly, party wear, that can be
        yourself clean and bright; you        DECLUTTER YOUR CLOSET                        high shelf so it does not take up valuable    stacked high and far away. Similar
are the window through which you              How often have you discovered an item        everyday wardrobe space. Store occasion       styles should stick together. Shoes you
must see the world”. And when there           in your wardrobe that you completely         wear separately. Make sure you do not         wear to work should be in one group.
is talk of cleanliness, our wardrobes         forgot you owned? The answer is              let your wardrobe get out of hand again;      Shoes you would wear out to dinner
deserve mention. This is one thing that       probably much too often. Go through          you could try a ‘one in one out’ policy, or   might be in another group, and shoes
is a part and parcel of our daily lives.      all your clothes and only keep items         just start regular pruning to ensure that     suited for doing a lot of walking could
When your closet starts brimming with         you really need or love. One excuse we       everything you own deserves its place in      be in a third group. Store fancy heels at
clothes that you no longer wear, you          frequently use for hoarding possessions is   your clutter-free wardrobe.                   the top of the closet. Shoe organizers
cannot find what you need and it is            sentimental value. Go through the closet                                                   that hang over the closet door can be a
so jam-packed that your clothes are           and purge some old clothing, then donate     JUST JEWELLERY                                good idea—particularly for lightweight,
wrinkled when you pull them out, then         or consign it. For better spacing create     Most women love to wear jewellery             casual shoes since you can bunch an

12   high 5 | MAY-JUNE 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                          www.dlf 5 .in     13

                                                                                                                                                 1                                                                 3

                          IMMERSE YOURSELF
                                 These gadgets will change your viewing

                                          experience at home

            ou have probably had to        need are a few gadgets to up the ante,     the current state of your entertainment
            stay in more often than not    and you have a space that offers you and    centre (if you do not have one, this
            of late, thereby missing out   your family an immersive dive into the     could also be your guide to building it).           7
            on the theatre experience.     latest films to watch and dissect later.    With the help of small additions like                                                                                                                                 5
But, who said you cannot recreate it for   And we are not talking about television    lighting changes and the perfect sound
yourself at home? (And, frankly, it is     sets here; we want you to work with what   modulation, your space is about to get
a lot more comfortable there.) All you     you already have and simply enhance        the revamp it deserves.

                                                                                                                                  1. PHILIPS HUE                               Bluetooth speaker is perfect with its 360°   can be seen in the option to control the
                                                                                                                                  Lighting is crucial when watching a          sound transmission. It will stay on for 16   volume of your chat and game audio
                                                                                                                                  movie, and the genre you are watching        hours, making that Die Hard marathon         independently.
                                                                                                                                  may require different levels of brightness.   possible—and recommended.
                                                                                                                                  So, switch your regular bulbs with these                                                  6. SONOS BEAM
                                                                                                                                  LED smart ones from Philips. They can        4. OCULUS QUEST                              This soundbar was developed specifically
                                                                                                                                  be controlled with your voice through        Entertainment needs to be felt and           keeping in mind audio from movies
                                                                                                                                  Alexa, Apple HomeKit or Google               interacted with, and what better way         and television. With the help of four
                                                                                                                                  Assistant, or by a simple touch on the       than a VR set for gaming? This pick          full-range woofers and the involvement
                                                                                                                                  app, giving you the freedom to decide        from Oculus goes beyond just a virtual       of Oscar-winning technicians, its
                                                                                                                                  the mood at all times.                       experience and understands the space         construction is such that you will
                                                                                                                                                                               you are playing within, helping you avoid    be able to track human voices with
                                                                                                                                  2. BENQ HT3550                               clashes with nearby physical objects. The    utmost clarity—there is even an option
                                                                                                                                  Bring the big screen to your den with        headset comes equipped with audio, so        to enhance them. It also migrates
                                                                                                                                  this projector that will be an unobtrusive   you can hear your teammates as well          seamlessly from product to product,
                                                                                                                                  addition. It requires a shorter distance     during these battles, while the intuitive    ensuring that each of your devices can
                                                                                                                                  between the screen (throw) than most,        controllers make the experience as real      get its voice heard.
                                                                                                                                  making it ideal for homes. With true         as possible.
                                                                                                                                  4K resolution, you can rest assured of                                                    7. DASH POPCORN MACHINE
                                                                                                                                  premium quality. The only thing you          5. SENNHEISER GSP 670                        It really is not a movie unless you have
                                                                                                                                  need now? Head over to the last point.       If you want to stick to old-school           some popcorn, but it needs to be freshly
                                                                                                                                                                               gaming, at least invest in better            popped, not store-bought. This machine
                                                                                                                                  3. BOSE SOUNDLINK REVOLVE+                   headphones? Sennheiser’s first dip into       simply requires you to add the kernels
                                                                                                                                  If you need something that you can           this world turned out to be successful       and sit back as it does all the work. The
                                                                                                                                  use in other rooms as well, but does         as can be seen by their noise-cancelling     best part? It requires no oil, making it
                                                                                                                                  not compromise on power, this Bose           Bluetooth set. The attention to detail       perfect for those trying to stay healthy.

14   high 5 | MAY-JUNE 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                      www.dlf 5 .in    15

                Where comfort rules
                       Make your bedroom a space that is neat, elegant,
                    attractive and comfortable with minor tweaks to give it
                             a warm, snuggly and reposeful appeal

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bedside accessories
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                should Be
                                                                                                                                   were the first ones to popularise white
                                                                                                                                   linen back in the 1990s. According
                                                                                                                                                                              for a memory-foam mattress to ease
                                                                                                                                                                              pressure on the back, yet maintain the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Beautiful accents
                                                                                                                                   to them, the all-white bed creates a
                                                                                                                                   ‘halo’ effect, which leads one into
                                                                                                                                   believing the rooms have been recently

                                                                                                                                                                              layered harMony
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               in the room
                                                                                                                                   remodelled. Maybe the next time you        The more layers you add, the more            unabashedly. When they said ‘less is
                                                                                                                                   are browsing around for bed linen,         cushy and restful your bed will feel.        more,’ they definitely were not thinking
                                                                                                                                   gravitate towards white—the whiter,        Hotels generally layer three sheets—         about a luxurious sleep.
                                                                                                                                   the better.                                an oversized flat sheet that is firmly
                                                                                                                                                                              tucked all around the mattress, a            Bedside accessories
                                                                                                                                   Quality factor                             middle sheet that is tucked in at the        Treat your feet to a velvety rug when
                                                                                                                                   When it comes to bed linen nothing         sides and the foot, and a top sheet for      you get up in the morning. Take away
                                                                                                                                   can beat quality. Good quality linen       that buttery sleep. You can skip some        the clutter from your bedside table and
                                                                                                                                   is not just a thing of beauty; it scores   work of spreading the flat sheet every       instead add a lamp, a pillow mist, a
                                                                                                                                   high in terms of the comfort quotient.     day by using a mattress cover instead        flower, a scented candle, a glass, a water
                                                                                                                                   Those glossy, fluid yet crisp sheets you   and still get a smooth sleeping surface.     carafe, and maybe a favourite family
                                                                                                                                   notice in hotels clock in at least 300     Layer it with a middle sheet and a top       photograph. Hold your essentials but
                                                                                                                                   thread-count marks. And, they are          sheet. Give it a finishing touch with a      choose them to look like a beautiful
                                                                                                                                   crafted from Egyptian cotton, which        fluffy, light, down comforter. For that      accent to the room. Install sconces with
                                                                                                                                   keeps them cool and breezy (so steer       ultra-luxurious feel, choose a duvet         warm, yellow bulbs but with lower
                                                                                                                                   clear of any imitations of microfibre      that is at least four inches larger than     wattage to keep the room whimsy.
                                                                                                                                   or synthetics). Most international         your bed so that it can be draped

                                                                                                                                   hotel chains now retail high-quality       subtly on the sides.
              merican fashion designer    a place where one is just oneself shut        Just White                                 bed linen of up to 800 thread
              Vera Wang says, “My         away from the world. For those with a         Ever wondered why most hotels use so       count, online.                             PilloW talk
              bedroom is my sanctuary.    discerning taste, the bedroom needs to        much of white in the rooms, right from                                                The puffy comforter, the cloud-like
              It is like a refuge, and    be more than just a place to retire after     towels and toiletries to packaging and     Mattress touch                             sheets, and mattress play their roles
it is where I do a fair amount of         a day’s work. For them, the bedroom           bed linen? White linen helps to assure     When it comes to mattresses, do not        to perfection but what is it that makes
designing—at least conceptually, if       is a reflection of their personality, their   guests that the bed is clean and freshly   be parsimonious with possessing one        the bed positively soporific? It is most
not literally”. A bedroom has different   style and their aspirations. A few smart      made. Given that the colour white          for yourself. While you may want to        definitely the pillows. If you have noted,
connotations for different people… it     manoeuvres combining comfort and              makes the bed and the space around         retain your current mattress, add a        typically, a hotel bed is furnished with
could be a creative hotspot for some,     snugness can help morph your regular          look neat and clean, it tricks one into    feather mattress topper on the lines of    two to four down pillows and more
a literary den for others or even just    bed into a vacay-quality one.                 an impression of luxury. Westin hotels     the utopian hotel bed. You can also go     shams. Go ahead and copy the idea

16   high 5 | MAY-JUNE 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                     www.dlf 5 .in     17

                    IF WALLS COULD TALK
                              Paint your world a new shade! This soothing
                                 spring palette can be your inspiration
                                                         By Varun Sarin

                                                                                                                   BEIGE                                                SAGE GREEN
                                                                                                                   One of the best paint colours for a                  This shade of green is inspired by lush
                                                                                                                   bedroom, beige is not boring anymore.                meadows and the raw grace of the earth.
                                                                          LIGHT LILAC                              Dependable, versatile, warm and subtle, it           It aims to bring the colours of nature
                                                                          Exuding a calm, serene energy, this      creates the apt setting to wake up to every          indoors. It soothes and calms the eyes,
                                                                          lavender oasis is proof that you         day. You can create highlights with a light          encouraging us to re-engage with the
                                                                          can decorate with colour and still       taupe shade, which will contrast with the            natural world, which will have a real and
                                                                          remain understated. This shade           crisp bright interiors. For decor, you can           positive impact on your well-being. Pair
                                                                          has a romantic yet rustic undertone      add pops of cheerful colours via throw               the muted green with other hues found
                                                                          that makes it perfect for a personal     pillows and wall hangings. Always relaxing,          in nature, like browns, beiges and the
                                                                          parlour or sitting lounge. The key is    the colour brings to mind long walks on a            Pantone Colour Of The Year, Classic
                                                                          to stick to a colour story of muted      sandy beach.                                         Blue, to create a relaxing space.
                                                                          pastels. In this case, things are kept
                                                                          interesting with contrasting textures,
                                                                          shapes and finishes.

                                                                                                                      Warm putty paint colours inspired
                                                                                                                      by aged plaster, earthenware and
                 BLUSH PINK                                               BRIGHT WHITE                                clay are trending in 2020. The rich,       ICE BLUE
                 The general outlook on pink is                           While some may say white is the             raw touch of this shade inspires           Walk into a room with soft blue walls and you will
                 evolving and it is becoming the                          absence of all colours, it creates          creativity and sustainability. It is a     feel soothing air wafting through. Ice blue adds
                 new neutral. This posh blush pink                        a timeless look and allows other            suitable companion for wood or             an ethereal, dreamy quality to every space and
                 perfectly captures the balance of                        colours and design elements to              stone furnishings, and creates a           offers versatility, which is well suited for a classic
                 optimism and calmness that we desire                     stand out. Walls in white will keep         vivid backdrop for your indoor air-        bedroom setting. It will invoke a quiet mood,
                 at home. It is a sophisticated hue                       you energised through the day,              purifying plants. A stable, grounded       setting the stage for thoughtful engagement—
                 that creates the perfect backdrop for                    making it an apt choice for a work          shade like this in the living space will   whether you want to curl up with a great book or
                 antique accessories and artwork.                         or study area.                              always be warm and welcoming.              have a glass of wine.

18   high 5 | MAY-JUNE 2020                                                                                                                                                                           www.dlf 5 .in       19

                                                                                                                                  CAMP                                                                                     he was involved in secret work for the
                                                                                                                                  Kayla Miller                                                                             government on the ‘tesseract problem’.
                                                                                                                                  Olive is sure that she will have the best
                                                                                                                                  time at summer camp with her friend                                                      the eVerYthINg KIDs’ eAsY
                                                                                                                                  Willow–but while Olive quickly makes                                                     sCIeNCe eXPerIMeNts booK
                                                                                                                                  friends with the other campers, Willow                                                   J. Elizabeth Mills
                                                                                                                                  struggles to form connections and                                                        Why is the sky blue? What makes a
                                                                                                                                  latches on to the only person she knows–                                                 balloon float? Why can I not see in the
                                                                                                                                  Olive. And it is more than Olive can                                                     dark? Keep busy through summer by
                                                                                                                                  handle! The New York Times bestselling                                                   discovering answers to these questions
                                                                                                                                  author-illustrator Kayla Miller has                                                      through experiments. Using household
                                                                                                                                  created an emotional and honest story                                                    materials like soda bottles and
                                                                                                                                  about navigating new experiences,                                                        flashlights, you can build bubbles, create
                                                                                                                                  learning to step outside one’s comfort                                                   plastic—and even make raisins dance!
                                                                                                                                  zone, and the satisfaction of blazing        “I, Willy Wonka, have decided to allow      All of the experiments are kid-tested and
                                                                                                                                  your own trails.                             five children to visit my factory this       educational—but most importantly, they
                                                                                                                                                                               year. These lucky five will be allowed       are so much fun to do, you will forget
                                                                                                                                  hArrY Potter AND the                         to see all the secrets and magic.” Do       that you are actually learning science!
                                                                                                                                  sorCerer’s stoNe                             you know who Charlie is? Charlie
                                                                                                                                  J.K. Rowling                                 Bucket is the hero of this story. The
                                                                                                                                  Harry Potter has never heard of              other children in this book are devilish
                                                                                                                                  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and            little creatures. Clutching their golden
                                                                                                                                  Wizardry, but mysterious letters from        tickets, they all arrive at Wonka’s

                              MAGIC OF WORDS
                                                                                                                                  the school keep arriving at his doorstep.    Chocolate Factory. But what mysterious
                                                                                                                                  They are swiftly confiscated by his           secrets will they discover?
                                                                                                                                  aunt and uncle. Then, on Harry’s 11th
                                                                                                                                  birthday, a strange man bursts in with       the CurIous INCIDeNt oF
                                                                                                                                  some important news: Harry is a wizard       the Dog IN the NIght-tIMe
                                                                                                                                  and has been awarded a place to study        Mark Haddon
         This summer, help your child escape to a different world through                                                         at Hogwarts. And so the fi rst of the         Seen through the eyes of Christopher,
                                                                                                                                  Harry Potter adventures begins.              a mathematical genius and Sherlock
                 tales of adventure, mystery, magic and science                                                                                                                Holmes fan with Asperger’s syndrome,
                                                                                                                                  the borroWers                                this bestseller begins with the discovery
                                                   BY aaKriTi JaiSWaL                                                             Mary Norton                                  of a murdered dog in a neighbour’s
                                                                                                                                  It is available both as an e-book and an     lawn. In his search to discover the
                                                                                                                                  audiobook. The plot follows the tale of      identity of the killer, Christopher
the seCret Zoo                              ANNe oF greeN gAbles                    triumphs and thrills to the depths of         the Borrowers, who live in the secret        uncovers some disturbing information
Bryan Chick                                 Mariah Marsden, illustrated by Brenna   despair, Anne turns every moment into         places of quiet old houses: behind the       about his own family. This funny,
This novel is an excellent choice for       Thummler                                something extraordinary.                      mantelpiece and under the kitchen floor.      touching and compelling novel is a
tween readers in grade five or six. Noah,    The magic of L.M. Montgomery’s                                                        The protagonist, Arrietty, learns how        must-read for adults and children alike.
his sister Megan, and their best friends,   treasured classic is reimagined in a    MY FoX Ate MY hoMeWorK                        to ‘borrow’ from her father, Pod, who
Richie and Ella, live next door to the      whimsically-illustrated graphic novel   David Blaz                                    was an expert borrower. He could scale       A WrINKle IN tIMe
zoo. Megan begins to notice the puzzling    perfect for newcomers and kindred       It is a funny fantasy for children who are    curtains using a hatpin, and bring back      Madeleine L’Engle
behaviour of some of the animals, and       spirits alike. When Matthew and         in elementary and middle school, and          a doll’s teacup without breaking it. But     A tesseract is a wrinkle in time. To
then one day she disappears. Her brother    Marilla Cuthbert decide to adopt an     the colourful illustrations never fail to     then something happens that changes          tell more would rob the reader of the
and their friends embark on a journey       orphan who can help manage their        grab the attention of reluctant readers.      their lives: Arrietty becomes friends with   enjoyment of uncovering the book’s
to find her by following a series of clues   family farm, they have no idea what     The story is about a sixth-grader named       a human.                                     secrets. A Wrinkle in Time is the story
and sneaking into the zoo. They soon        delightful trouble awaits them. With    Jonah Johnson, who has to deal with the                                                    of the adventures in space and time,
discover that there is much more to the     flame-red hair and an unstoppable        school bully on his first day! If that was     ChArlIe AND the                              of Meg, Charles Wallace and Calvin
Clarksville City Zoo than they could        imagination, 11-year-old Anne Shirley   not bad enough, there is a talking fox that   ChoColAte FACtorY                            O’Keefe. They are in search of Meg’s
have ever imagined.                         takes Green Gables by storm. From       keeps getting him into trouble at home.       Roald Dahl                                   father, a scientist who disappeared while

20   high 5 | MAY-JUNE 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                    www.dlf 5 .in    21

                                                           The Ties ThaT                                                                                                                                            The Blind Side
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Families are made, it is not as simple as being born into

                                                              Bind Us
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    one for some people. A biographical film, The Blind Side
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    is a stellar example of this side of the story. The movie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    follows Leigh Anne, a mother of two, and Michael, a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    talented football player who comes from an impoverished
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    background. After finding each other, Leigh Anne helps
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    him realise his potential and welcomes him into her
                                             Blood relations or not, these movies put family first                                                                                                                  family. It is the perfect movie for those looking for a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    heart-warming tale, or for sports fans.
                                                                               By kumar shree

                                            CoCo                                                                                                                                                                  Spider-man:
                                            Even if you have seen this movie, it always                                                                                                           inTo The Spider-VerSe
                                            helps to watch it again. Each time you                                                                                                         This animated take on the original is
                                            do, a new meaning appears. Maybe it                                                                                                        edgy and cognisant of the toll becoming
                                            is 12-year-old Miguel’s unflinching and                                                                                                       a superhero can take on an adolescent
                                            inspiring dedication to pursue his passion                                                                                                 boy. The genre usually shows an isolated
                                            for music, or the importance of depicting                                                                                                     main character, but this movie has his
                                            culture in cinema, like this movie did for                                                                                                  parents being very much in his life, and
                                            Mexican culture. Sure, the movie starts                                                                                                    you actually learn about his relationship
                                            with his own family banning music, but                                                                                                        with them and other family members.
                                            eventually, after his journey to the Land                                                                                                     You see a father and son struggling to
                                            of the Dead, dreams begin to come true                                                                                                        find a foothold in each other’s life, but
                                            and you learn more about the multi-                                                                                                       both still trying to do so. Despite covering
                                            generational household. Also, you will be                                                                                                   the supernatural and parallel universes,
                                            humming the soundtrack for days.                                                                                                            there are moments throughout that will
                                                                                                                                                                                                      resonate with every viewer.

                                                                                                                                        KniVeS ouT                                                                                    This story follows a man rediscovering
The Family STone                                                                          liTTle miSS SunShine                          The classic whodunnit makes a return                                                          the relationships he has missed out on,
Families can be complicated—that                                                          A movie that was both ahead of its time       in this family-friendly hit. When the                                                         and has him going back to his culinary
is just a fact. The Family Stone shows                                                    and the perfect encapsulation of it, Little   patriarch of a family is seemingly                                                            roots. After losing all prospects of getting
this facet of life beautifully when                                                       Miss Sunshine takes you on the road           murdered, everyone finds out that he has                                                      a restaurant job, Carl, our protagonist,
the son brings his girlfriend over                                                        trip of a lifetime. While the aim of the      left everything to his young and dedicated                                                    sets his eyes on a food truck so that he
to meet everyone else, as he plans                                                        movie is for the entire family to take the    caretaker, Marta. As the case unravels, it                                                    can remain true to his own vision. His
on proposing to her. Meeting the                                                          youngest daughter, Olive, to the beauty       becomes clear that everyone in the family                                                     young son, with whom he shares a strained
family, however, comes with its own                                                       pageant she has qualified for, you get to     had a motive to have committed the                                                            relationship, helps him build this dream.
array of problems, as the girlfriend soon                                                 know about each one’s problems, some          crime. So, why is it on this list? Because,                                                   They begin to learn more about each other
finds out, and is prompted to call for                                                    of which do not usually get the attention     the family, despite all the lying and                                                         as this new adventure begins, both relying
back-up: her sister. Watch this movie                                                     they deserve on screen. Perfect for a         conspiring, has to face the consequences                                                      on one another for advice, and slowly
to see awkward interactions, families                                                     rainy day, watch the family fight, laugh      of their actions together. And, again, we                                                     making headway into fixing their lines of
reconnecting, and, ultimately, family                                                     and come together to help each other          see families being made in spite of not                                                       communication. It is touching, real and
members having each other’s backs.                                                        no matter what life throws at them.           being blood relations.                                                                        shows some delectable food.

22   high 5 | MAY-JUNE 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 www.dlf 5 .in     23
cover story

                 The aRT OF BeinG
                     Discover the transformative power of yoga
                     and experience a sense of joy and freedom
                                             BY aakrITI JaIsWaL

                            oday, when a majority        Yoga is a lot more than just postures
                            of our waking hours          and breathing techniques; it is about
                            are spent working,           discovering yourself in a way you
                            and then meeting the         never imagined possible. By encouraging
              demands of the households we run,          relaxation, yoga also helps lower stress.
              being sedentary is convenient. In fact,    Do not practise yoga with expectations
              it is expected. And it goes hand in hand   and preconceived notions, and you will
              with stress eating, lowered immunity,      be surprised with what your body and
              soreness and body image trouble,           mind can achieve together.
              leading to a deepening of the chasm
              between you and ‘wellness’.                As it is an ancient art, yoga has
                                                         developed into many forms over the
              A few of us read the signs in time and     years, Hatha yoga being the most
              step out of that cycle. But what about     popular. The term is broadly used,
              the rest of us, the ones who depend on     but it typically involves a gentle
              crash diets, staccato spurts of physical   introduction to basic yoga postures
              activity, unused gym memberships and       for beginners and those who prefer a
              the like? We need something consistent     more relaxed style. You may also have
              to guide us, help us reconnect with        heard of Ashtanga yoga, which has
              ourselves. On June 21, the International   a sequence of physically demanding
              Day of Yoga, make a choice and let         postures, making it more suitable for
              yoga guide you towards wellness. It will   yoga experts. It starts with the sun
              benefit not only your body, but also       salutation and then moves into a series
              enhance your mind’s well-being.            of standing and floor postures.
cover story

                                                                                                                                  Sup yoGa
Try This, Try That                                                                                                                SUP yoga, or Stand Up Paddleboard
As yoga slowly became recognised globally, modern yoga came                                                                       yoga, is another cool style that has caught
into being with variations in technique and form. We can learn                                                                    on in the past few years. SUP yoga is
so much about our body, mind and connection to the self from                                                                      challenging, fun and perfect for a hot
yoga, which can often mean exploring different styles in order to                                                                 summer’s day. Since SUP yoga is practised
find what resonates with you. Try some of these trending types                                                                    on top of a paddleboard in a still water
for fun, and who knows, you might just find your fitness go-to:                                                                   body, you will learn a whole new way of
                                                                                                                                  moving and balancing to counteract the
                                                                                                                                  resistance that the water offers.

                        anTi-GraViTy yoGa
                        Ditch the mat and take yoga into the air
                        with this aerial form. Test your limits by
                        learning to hang suspended in the air with
                        the support of a hammock and perform
                        different asanas. It is a great stress-buster
                        that makes your body more agile. It fuses
                        the benefits of traditional yoga and dance
                        with aerial acrobatics for a unique full-
                        body workout.

                                                                                                                               reSToraTiVe yoGa
                                                                                                                               Restorative yoga is the perfect way to relax
                                                                                                                               and soothe frayed nerves. Also described as yin
                                                                                                                               yoga, restorative classes use bolsters, blankets
                                                                                                                               and blocks to prop students into passive poses
                                                                                                                               so the body can experience the benefits of a
                                                                                                                               pose without having to exert too much effort. A
                                                                                                                               good restorative class is more rejuvenating than
                                                                                                                               a nap. It also acts as a meditative yoga practice
                                                                                                                               that helps you find inner peace, perfect for
                                                                                                                               winding down after a long day.

                                                                        aCro yoGa
                                                                        The secret to Brazilian model Gisele Bündchen’s
                                                                        toned body is this combination of yoga and
                                                                        acrobatics. The exercise is performed in pairs with
                                                                        one person supporting the other in a series of
                                                                        poses. The result: a strong core, better flexibility
                                                                        and balance, and some Instagram-worthy
                                                                        photographs! It is a great technique to help create
                                                                        a strong bond and increase understanding among
                                                                        the practitioners: there is physical contact, mutual
                                                                        support and constant communication.

26   high 5 | MAY-JUNE 2020                                                                                                                                                        www.dlf 5 .in   27
cover story

Your Next Big Escape                                                                                                                                                                                                         At Atlantis, The Palm Dubai,
We are all planning for a break that will be worth the wait, so why not choose                                                                                                                                               take part in underwater yoga classes
to spend some rejuvenating time at a yoga retreat? You do not need to be a                                                                                                                                                   in the Ambassador Lagoon, which
skilled yogi to enjoy a retreat, in fact, for beginners, an immersive week is a great                                                                                                                                        holds about 11 million litres of water.
chance to learn new skills and practise them daily. On a retreat, you will have                                                                                                                                              The serenity seems miles away from
the time (and space) to fully submerge yourself in the practice. Many see a                                                                                                                                                  the busyness of the modern world,
yoga retreat as a good excuse to log out of Instagram, and instead spend their                                                                                                                                               allowing you to rejuvenate in a unique
downtime relaxing, reading or taking part in other activities. So, here are our                                                                                                                                              aquatic surrounding while practising
picks for retreats where you can lose yourself in the world of yoga.                                                                                                                                                         yoga that suits your body. Open for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             guests and non-guests, this underwater
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             yoga class is the perfect way to kick-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             start vacations. You will be given a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             yoga mat, a bottle of water, and a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             personalised session with not more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             than 20 people in the chamber at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             one time.

                                                                                                                                          The semi-meditative yoga nidra, a state of
                                                                                           On June 21, we celebrate the                   consciousness where one lightly floats between sleep and
                                                                                           International Day of Yoga.                     wakefulness, is highly relaxing. Try this at Jiva Spa at Taj
                                                                                           Rishikesh, home to the most experienced        Coromandel, where millennia-old Indian healing traditions
                                                                                           sages, yogis and rishis, has always been       are highly valued. Thus, yoga and meditation are an integral
                                                                                           revered by those who have a deep regard        part of their wellness menu. Yoga nidra drains tension from
                                                                                           for yoga and its impact on the human           muscles and internal organs, and at an advanced level,
                                                                                           mind and body. Every year, it becomes a        synchronises the flow of breath and energy through the body.
                                                                                           ground for like-minded spiritual seekers       Regular practise of this has been known to cure insomnia,
                                                                                           and peace-lovers to come together and          or at least to mitigate the feelings of exhaustion in those who
                                                                                           immerse themselves in yoga for seven           suffer from it. Indigenous flowers and spices form the base of
                                                                                           days. Enroll for a session at a yoga retreat   several products and massage techniques that are part of their
                                                 We live our lives through our             or training centre, such as the Anand          heritage spa menu. Plus, the setting, by the backwaters, is a
                                                 senses. Whether you enjoy doing           Prakash Yoga Ashram. The centre                sight for sore eyes.
                                                 yoga on a pristine beach as the scent     offers modest accommodation for those
                                                 of sweet sugarcane fills the air, or      seeking long-term courses. Another
                                                 prefer indulging in fresh food in         option in town is Parmarth Niketan,                                                                                               meaning steps or limbs. Symbolically,
                                                 their restaurants, Shanti Maurice,        one of the largest interfaith institutions                                                                                        it refers to the eight-step journey
                                                 Mauritius, has everything covered.        in India, where you can opt for two- to                                                                                           towards samadhi or self-freedom. A
                                                 A boutique lifestyle resort and           five-week courses, learning to commit to                                                                                          spiritual yet dynamic form of yoga,
                                                 luxury spa destination, the resort has    the ‘yoga way of life’.                                                                                                           it lays emphasis on the harmony
                                                 61 spacious suites and villas. This                                                                                                                                         between breath and movement.
                                                 can easily become the place where                                                                                                                                           Its various poses are practised in
                                                 you make life-changing decisions;                                                                                                                                           the same order while the focus is
such is the power of this serene destination. It is set amid the expansive blues                                                                                                                                             kept on the meditative aspect. Post
of the Indian Ocean and the mesmerising sugarcane fields on the untouched                                                                                                                                                    the session, various other wellness
southern coast of Mauritius. Imagine living in a luxurious villa on the beachfront,                                                                                                                                          experiences are scheduled for the
overlooking the ocean, with the luxury of a private pool and an outdoor rain                                                                                                         Inspiring healthier ways of             benefit of resident as well as non-
shower. It is best to spend at least five days here so that you can customise a wellness                                                                                             living, Heavenly Spa by Westin          resident guests. Experience a mindful
package comprising spa treatments, diet, fitness and well-being sessions, including                                                                                                  at The Westin Resort Nusa Dua,          rendezvous with your inner self as
a rundown on stress management, breathing techniques, yoga and guided                                                                                                                Bali, offers sessions of Ashtanga       you channelise your mental, physical
meditation. The resort is also popular for its paddle yoga sessions and bike yoga                                                                                                    yoga. Ashtanga comes from the           and spiritual energies through
tours—the latter combines yoga with the fun of cycling around town.                                                                                                                  words ashta, meaning eight, and anga,   Ashtanga yoga.

28   high 5 | MAY-JUNE 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                      www.dlf 5 .in   29
Hip On Cyberspace
Many people think that yoga is not for everyone, or that pretzel-
perfect poses are a mandate, which is a big misconception. If                                                                           MADDIE LYMBURNER
done right, at the right pace, relaxing postures of yoga are for
anyone and everyone. There are yogis and yoginis on social media,                                                                   With a YouTube channel that focusses
who are bringing their knowledge of the practice to the world,                                                                     on HIIT and cardio sessions for fitness
one picture (or video) at a time. Scroll through their feed to get                                                                 fans, Maddie also has a section of yoga
inspired, watch tutorials and receive daily insights on how to                                                                       workouts for times when you need to
keep your mind and body young, happy and healthy.                                                                                   take it down a notch. Last month, she
                                                                                       @samratpasham                             posted some stress-busting yoga workouts,                     @anshukayoga
                                                                                                                                   including a 20-minute full-body stretch
                                                                                                                                 and yoga session to help you focus. To ease
                                                                                                                                   feelings of stress and anxiety, we would
                                                                                                                                      recommend you visit her channel.

                                                                                            SAMRAT PASHAM
                                                                                                                                                                                              ANSHUKA PARWANI
                                                                                        From weighing 101kg and working
                                                                                      in a typical nine-to-five environment,                                                           A celebrity trainer and wellness expert in
                                                  ADRIENE MISHLER                        to now being an ace instructor of                                                            her field, Anshuka combines the basics of
                                                                                         Vinyasa yoga, Samrat is all things                                                             yoga and pilates to teach a fusion called
                                                 Using her online yoga videos          fitness and yoga, with an impressive                                                          ‘yogalates’. Anshuka’s feed reflects all things
                                                  to promote mental as well as        Instagram feed to prove it. Based out                                                            yogic, ranging from pilates to aerial yoga
         @deepikamehtayoga                        physical health, popular yogini    of Bengaluru, he practises and teaches                                                           and restorative yoga. And if you are really
                                                 Adriene Mishler takes a holistic     a blend of Vinyasa and Hatha styles.                                                              caught up with work, just take a glance
                                                   approach to health. She has a     His emphasis on breath, alignment and                                                              at her quick fitness tips to work on your
                                                   huge selection to choose from     pose integrity allows students to safely                                                            spiritual, mental and physical fitness.
                                             on her Yoga with Adriene YouTube          deepen their practice and build full-
                                             channel as well, which aims to help             body strength and control.
                                            her followers with a variety of mental
                                               health problems from depression
        DEEPIKA MEHTA                        to anxiety. She recently uploaded a
                                              soothing yoga flow titled ‘Yoga To
After a rock-climbing accident when she      Heal Stress’, which we recommend
was told that she would never be able to               as a must-watch.
 walk again, Deepika used yoga to heal.
 Her willpower helped her rise above all
 obstacles and today she is a role model
                                                                                                                                                 MIA CAINE
for women across the globe. Now a well-
 known fitness and yoga enthusiast with                                                                                          Lest you think all yoga happens at the beach
  a fetching Instagram account, she is a                                                                                             or surrounded by nature, Mia Caine, a
 beacon of hope for many. An ace yogini,                                                                                          certified yoga instructor based in New York
she lives in Mumbai and teaches yoga to                                                                                          City, is here to prove that notion wrong. Her
 people from all over the world. Popular                                                                                          feed is flooded with poses amid skyscrapers,
   for teaching Ashtanga yoga, Mehta                                                                                               large crowds of people, and other makings
  had initially done her teacher training                                                                                             of the concrete jungle. Caine’s mix of                                       te
course from the Sivananda Yoga Kendra                                                                  ise                                                                                     @the_h
                                                                                                                                stunning yoga poses, nutrition advice, wellness
  in Kerala. She has also trained many                                                  @adr                                    suggestions, and other lifestyle tips will inspire
  Bollywood actors like Aishwarya Rai                                                                                               you to live your best life. And she has an
 Bachchan and Priyanka Chopra Jonas.                                                                                                           adorable dog, too.
in focus

                                                                                                                           ● A sum of five crore rupees has
                                                                                                                             been donated to the Haryana
                                                                                                                             Corona Relief Fund. In
                                                                                                                             addition, a sum of 50 lakh
                                                                                                                             rupees has been donated to
                                                                                                                             the Tamil Nadu State Relief
                                                                                                                             Fund, 10 lakh rupees to
                                                                                                                             the Chennai Kanchipuram
                                                                                                                             District Relief Fund and five

                                                                                                                             lakh rupees to the Society for
                                                                                                                             Cyberabad Security Council
                                                                                                                             in Hyderabad.
                                                                                                                           ● DLF Foundation is ensuring
                                                                                                                             distribution of more than 33

                                                                                                                             lakh meals to slum dwellers
                                                                                                                             and stranded migrant workers
                                                                                                                             in Manesar, Gurugram,
                                                                                                                             Sohna, Pataudi, Farukhnagar,
                                                                                                                             Noida and Delhi.
                                                                                                                           ● As of now, cooked meals
                                                              The DLF Foundation, along                                      have been served to 6,37,767
                                                                                                                             slum dwellers and migrants,
                                                            with its stakeholders, has been                                  and dry rations equivalent
                                                       working relentlessly to help the poor in the                          to 26,80,000 meals are
                                                        midst of the novel coronavirus pandemic                              being supplied to the poor
                                                                                                                             and needy.
                                                                                                                           ● DLF Foundation donates

            he Foundation is ensuring    Farukhnagar and Pataudi districts of    Gurugram have both appreciated the          ventilators, multiple
            distribution of more         Haryana and also to areas in New        efforts made by the Foundation in           diagnostic machines and
            than 42 lakh meals           Delhi and Noida.                        providing meals to the poor and needy       hospital beds to the South
            to the poor in urban                                                 during the lockdown.                        Delhi Municipal Corporation.
slums and migrants in NCR who            DLF Foundation is working closely                                                 ● DLF Foundation donates

                                                                                                                                                                 dLF FOUndaTiOn WiLL COnTinUe TO seRVe
are stranded, have lost their daily      with the District Administrations of    DLF Foundation is also providing            80,000 masks and three
means of livelihood and have             Delhi, Gurugram and Noida, helping      medical relief and safety equipment         lakh gloves, sanitizers to the
nowhere else to look for support. The    in both identifying the vulnerable      to the District Administration for          District Administration in

                                                                                                                                                                     67,000 COOKed MeaLs eVeRY daY
Foundation is committed to serving the   sections and in distributing meals in   distribution to those in need. The          Gurugram and Noida.
underprivileged in this time of utmost   areas where they are most required.     Foundation has provided 80,000 face       ● DLF Foundation contributed
need and distress.                                                               masks, three lakh surgical gloves,          five crore rupees to the
                                         Cooked food is being distributed in     full body suits and sanitizers to the       Chief Ministers Relief Fund,
In addition to those meals, DLF          all 35 wards within the municipal       district authorities in Gurugram, Noida     Haryana, 50 lakh rupees
Foundation will continue to              limits, thereby covering the entire     and Chennai.                                to the Tamil Nadu Chief          DLF has paid salaries to all workers
serve 67,000 cooked meals every          city of Gurugram. Meals are also                                                    Ministers COVID Fund,            and daily-wagers working directly
day through DLF Clubs, Akshay Patra      being sent to the slums in Manesar,     The Foundation has also                     10 lakh rupees to Chennai        with DLF, or indirectly through its
and ISKCON, and all efforts are          Sohna, Pataudi and Farukhnagar.         donated ventilators, five multiple           Kanchipuram District             active contractors for the months of
being made to ensure that no one         The food is being distributed in        diagnostic machines, 40 hospital            Relief Fund and five lakh         March and April 2020. This is being
sleeps hungry. These meals are being     all areas with the assistance of the    beds, multiple oxygen cylinders             rupees to the Society for        done via a direct beneficiary transfer
distributed to migrant workers and       Municipal Corporation and the           and mattresses to the South Delhi           Cyberabad Security Council       system into the bank accounts
daily wage earners in the urban slums    District Administration. The DC         Municipal Corporation for a municipal       in Hyderabad.                    of the workers (to the maximum
of Gurugram, Manesar, Sohna,             and the Municipal Commissioner of       hospital in South Delhi.                                                     extent possible).

32   high 5 | MAY-JUNE 2020
in focus

                                 TogeTher we sTand
                                 At a time when the world faces the challenges
                              arising from the pandemic, residents of DLF5 come
                                        together for the cause of mankind
                                                                By Pallavi Singh

                                             s we sit at the crossroads   come together with others in her
                                             of a changing world          condominium to do something for the
                                             paradigm, largely due        underprivileged sections of society. The
                                             to the existing health       residents joined hands with an NGO
                              crisis, one can sense the transformed       to provide food to people living on the
                              lifestyles in and around us. With           road or in slums. Every morning, the
                              offices working remotely and markets        residents place specially packed food
                              witnessing restricted movement, it is       in the building lobby, which then gets
                              a new way of life for everyone. Amid        collected by the NGO for distribution
                              the prevailing despondency and the          among those in need. “Every house
                              solitude on account of the quarantine,      tries to contribute in whatever way they
                              people have adapted to the new way of       can. You can make food for as many
                              life and are, in fact, making an earnest    people possible. There is no specified
                              endeavour to uplift the spirits of those    amount. Anyone who is willing helps to
                              serving society against all adversities.    contribute to the common cause,” Ms.
                                                                          Khanna added.
                              Talking of community spirit and
                              standing together, the residents of         The one visible change we all can
                              DLF5 have proved that they lead             witness is the way people have
                              by example. Ms. Seema Khanna, a             come together to honour healthcare
                              resident of The Crest, decided to           professionals, the police personnel
                                                                          on duty, the municipal staff and
                                                                          cleaners, and guards in the society
                                                                          who have been performing their duties
                                                                          despite the current crisis. Ms. Khanna
                                                                          informed us that residents of The
                                                                          Crest come together on a group app
                                                                          and decide an activity for everyone
                                                                          to participate in. At an appointed
                                                                          time in the evening, they all join in to
                                                                          either recite the Gayatri Mantra, chant
                                                                          hymns, play the conch or sing bhajans
                                                                          together. “This helps us feel connected,
                                                                          distracts us from the monotony of our
                                                                          daily routines, and provides comfort
                                                                          to residents who are currently alone in
                                                                          their homes,” she said.

34   high 5 | MAY-JUNE 2020                                                                   www.dlf 5 .in    35
in focus

                                noThing uniTes us
                                                                                                                                                                     to form a Special Committee that
                                                                                                                                                                     will specifically take care of all issues
                                                                                                                                                                     pertaining to controlling the spread of

                              fasTer Than fighTing
                                                                                                                                                                     COVID-19. One of the first steps taken
                                                                                                                                                                     by this committee was to ensure that all
                                                                                                                                                                     residents within our complex who had

                                a common enemy
                                                                                                                                                                     travelled overseas were immediately
                                                                                                                                                                     quarantined. However, merely putting
                                                                                                                                                                     these residents into quarantine was not
                              The residents of Gurugram                                                                                                              enough. It was imperative to ensure that
                              enthusiastically participated in the                                                                                                   all their daily needs were suitably met.
                              Prime Minister’s clarion call to                                                                                                       And this is where the community spirit
                              action, and on the evening of March                                                                                                    could be seen at its best, as neighbours
                              22, stepped out in their balconies                                                                                                     happily volunteered to provide all
                              to clap and ring bells in honour of                                                                                                    essentials for these families.”
                              the professionals who are out on
                              the front line protecting society. All                                                                                                 “During this lockdown, all of us are
                              the condominiums of Gurugram                                                                                                           struggling without our domestic help
                              reverberated with the beating of                                                                                                       but the senior citizens are finding it the
                              utensils, clapping, ringing bells or                                                                                                   hardest to manage without them. Here
                              the conch. One could even hear the                                                                                                     again, a lot of ladies have graciously
                              chanting of hymns from a distance.                                                                                                     offered to provide a meal a day to those
                              The Sobtis who are residents of The                                                                                                    who need it. Many youngsters offer to
                              Crest informed us that the session                                                                                                     bring medicines and other essentials
                              proved to be immensely powerful with                                                                                                   to those who are not able to step out
                              positivity filling the evening air. The                                                                                                for health reasons. The chat group
                              residents of The Aralias have also been                                                                                                of our condominium is constantly
                              following the call earnestly, according      the background. Soon, the atmosphere         aims to disseminate useful information       buzzing with requests and concerns,
                              to Ms. Nupur Kaul, a resident. In fact,      was one of piousness and serenity.           regarding the pandemic, and, therefore,      which are promptly addressed by fellow
                              the impact of this initiative has been       This helped to take away the negativity      help curb its spread.                        residents. Never before have we seen
                              so magical that it has resulted in the       and fill the surroundings with bliss. It                                                  such unity within our community. While
                              residents having a small session every       felt divine.” Residents of The Belaire       A resident of The Carlton Estate,            I pray that this pandemic comes to an
                              evening, says Mr. Rrajesh Bakshi, a          organised an Om chanting session in          Tirath Mehta also shared some                end soon, I hope that this new-found
                              resident of The Magnolias. “Residents        their society to send out positive vibes.    observations: “Nothing unites people         community spirit never ends!”
                              have started to come out to their            They even had a clapping session to          faster than fighting a common
                              balconies in the evening to sing songs       honour healthcare professionals. Tipsy       enemy, and currently the whole world         When we talk of people coming
                              together using apps like AmpMe, or to        Anand, a resident of The Belaire tells       appears to have come together for one        together as a community, DLF5 is
                              cheer each other up on weekends. This        us, “as a community we have all stood        thing—to prevent the spread of the           clearly setting a new standard. The
                              helps everyone bond and feel a sense         together during these testing times.”        highly contagious novel coronavirus.         residents have been playing their role as
                              of togetherness. It is a welcome change                                                   Interestingly, while these are times when    motivators, providers, and givers to the
                              after being indoors for the whole day,”      Stutie Khanna, a young resident of           we are all practising social distancing,     hilt. The deserted streets and the eerie
                              he adds.                                     The Crest told us that “the residents        this is also the time when communities       silence notwithstanding, the positive
                                                                           of our condominium participated with         seem to be coming closer together in         side is evident in the beauty of spring
                              The same enthusiasm was witnessed            gusto in the March 22 initiative where       this fight. The residents of DLF5 are        blooms, the chirping of birds, the lack
                              on April 5 when people came out to           people were seen flying flags of different   no exception, and each condominium           of pollution, the fresh air and in being
                              light diyas, candles, etc. on the Prime      nationalities. Even the diya lighting was    within DLF5 is striving to ensure that       able to experience life in its simplest
                              Minister’s request. Monica Bindra, a         a sublime affair.” Meanwhile, Snehal         the welfare of its residents is completely   form. As we sit and introspect on the
                              resident of The Aralias tells us that “the   Bindra, a young resident of The Aralias,     taken care of during this difficult time     prevalent situation, one song that plays
                              residents of the condominium dressed         has launched an app named mysafeside.        of lockdown.”                                in my head is the 1964-released hit by
                              up and proceeded to their balconies to       com, which envisages ways and means          “In The Carlton Estate, a diligent group     American, singer-songwriter Bob Dylan,
                              light the diyas, while hymns played in       to help fight COVID-19. The app              of volunteers has sprung into action         The Times They Are a-Changin’.

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