Jordi Sierra i Fabra - Hans Christian Andersen Award 2020 Candidature to the - International Board on ...

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Jordi Sierra i Fabra - Hans Christian Andersen Award 2020 Candidature to the - International Board on ...
Sierra i

Candidature to the
Hans Christian Andersen
Award 2020
Category: Author
Spain (Spanish Section)
Jordi Sierra i Fabra - Hans Christian Andersen Award 2020 Candidature to the - International Board on ...
P. 5 	Institutional Endorsement

P. 6		   Application Letter (by María Jesús Gil)
		       Application Letter (by Reina Duarte)

P. 8		   Interview by José R. Cortés Criado

P. 12    Study by Anabel Saiz Ripoll

P. 24    Biography

P. 32    Literary Awards

P. 36    Published Works and Current Editions

P. 42    Selected Literary Works

P. 52    Books Published in Other Languages

P. 60    Comments in the Press

P. 66    10 Selected Books Published in Spain

P. 68    5 Selected Books for the Jury to read
		       & Published Reviews of the Books Submitted to the Jury

P. 73     ollage (Interviews, Conferences,
         Feature Press Comments, etc.)

Jordi Sierra i Fabra - Hans Christian Andersen Award 2020 Candidature to the - International Board on ...

    Organización Española del Libro Infantil y Juvenil
 (Spanish Organisation for Children´s and Young Adults´ Books)
             C. Santiago Rusiñol 8, 24040 Madrid

        Consell Català del Llibre Infantil i Juvenil
 (The Catalan Council for Children´s and Young Adults´ Books)
              C. Mallorca 272, 08037 Barcelona

Jordi Sierra i Fabra - Hans Christian Andersen Award 2020 Candidature to the - International Board on ...
by the SM Foundation together with the               are already classics of the LIJ. I would like to

            APPLICATION LETTER TO                                                                    following institutions: Centro Regional for
                                                                                                     the Promotion of Books in Latin America
                                                                                                                                                          make a special mention to the fact many of
                                                                                                                                                          them are about sensitive and conflictive

         THE HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN                                                                 and the Caribbean (CERLALC), International
                                                                                                     Board on Books for Young People (IBBY),
                                                                                                                                                          topics that interest and concern young
                                                                                                                                                          readers, as well as about the defence of

                AWARD 2020
                                                                                                     Organization of Ibero-American States for            human rights and movements changing our
                                                                                                     Education, Science and Culture (OEI), and            society”.
                                                                                                     the Regional Office of Education for Latin           For all these reasons, I firmly believe that
                                                                                                     America and the Caribbean of the United              Jordi Sierra i Fabra is an extraordinary
Dear President and Jury members:                    the extinction of indigenous tribes in Brazil,   Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural         candidate for the highest award, the
                                                    the struggle in Chiapas (A Man with a Fork       Organization (UNESCO / OREALC); with                 Andersen Prize, and I would ask you to

   have been really very fortunate to meet          in a Land of Soups) and the massacres of         the collaboration of the International Book          consider his whole work that way.
   Jordi Sierra i Fabra when I was beginning        peasants in Guatemala. A recurring theme         Fair of Guadalajara (FIL), where the prize is
   as an editor of books for children and           on his work is the problems faced by youth       presented.                                           Thank you so much. Kind regards.
young people in the 80s. From that times,           as in Friday night, We Will Never be Rock        I would like to highlight a paragraph of the
often waiting on an airport or during long          Stars, Six Stories about Mario or Fields of      Jury minutes: “The outstanding renovating
trips across the Atlantic, or having a coffee       Strawberries.                                    will, the tireless creativity and the overflowing
on my desk, we have shared our points of            Jordi deals with all these topics through        versatility of the set of his work, as well as his
view on literature in general and, in particular,   a well documented literature rich in             agile style, direct and clear, which is close to                           María Jesús Gil
on that intended to be read by children and         situations, creating atmospheres, plots          readers of the different Spanish-speaking                                   IBBY Honorary
young people. In addition, I have had the           and strong and credible characters.              countries, having transcended their novels
honour of publishing a good number of his           When studying Jordi’s work it is                 to other languages ​​          through multiple                                   Member
most outstanding works.                             important to take into account his three         translations published in Europe, Asia,                                            Madrid,
I would like to share with you some of my           great hobbies: music, travelling and             America and Oceania. Many of Jordi’s novels                             15th October, 2018
impressions about Jordi’s work. To begin with,      cinema, which will be one of the main
and to understand better his work, I consider       sources of inspiration for his literature.
relevant what the author says about himself:
“I have always been an impenitent traveler, a
devourer of images and words, a perplexed
                                                    During his lecture at the 27th IBBY
                                                    International Congress in Cartagena de Indias
                                                    in 2002, the author said: “My commitment
                                                                                                     REASONS FOR THIS NOMINATION
visionary, frightened, happy, in love and           is based on telling what I have seen and
                                                                                                                       by Reina Duarte
above all in solidarity with what I have seen.      fighting for what I believe in”. “There are          Publisher Director of EDEBE, former IBBY Vice
I am also an astonished child who does not          authors who assume the risk of being less
renounce to dreams, utopia and the passion          pleasant and more real, because we have
                                                                                                     President and Former member of the HCA Award Jury
to imagine that all could be inside a book. I       gone through a world that only showing it

firmy believe that hope is the great weapon         can be improved by future generations. That         t is an honour for me to introduce Jordi          his subjects, his different points of view, his
of our faith. But we must feed our hope with        is our commitment”. “I advocate that we             Sierra i Fabra to IBBY’s 2020 Hans Christian      impressive list of awards and so on. However,
acts, gestures, help, strength, and words.          also accept the commitment to tell the truth        Andersen Jury as Spanish Author candidate.        when I want to be honest with myself, I have
That is why every book we write is an act of        wherever we are and offer it to our readers      My first contact with him was as a reader,           to say that the most important challenge that
faith and hope. And each reader is the final        with passion and honestly”.                      when I was a young adult. Then, Spain had            this big writer has won is other.
reward.”                                            His commitment is based on being honest          lived under a dictatorship for 40 years and my       He changed a country of readers who had not
This statement summarizes well what the             and writing what he have seen and in             favourite books were always translations from        found books for them. He changed not only
author has devoted to his extensive work            denouncing unfair situations to try to get a     other languages. When I read “La Revolución          my generation as reader, so as person, plus
in which, through all genres, science fiction,      better world for children and young people.      del 32 de Triciembre”, by Jordi Sierra I Fabra, I    a lot of the following generations (eighties,
poetry, crime fiction, humor, fantasy etc...        As a result of this commitment to literature     discovered a close and strong voice, someone         nineties, millennials), and not only from Spain,
has touched on very diverse topics: war, the        and young people, Jordi has obtained the         who spoke with freedom about other young             from other countries of Latin America too,
labor exploitation of children (The Music of        highest awards in Spanish language such          people who wanted to live in peace, making           because he never stops writing, never. And
the Wind ), drugs, slavery, refugee children        as The National LIJ Award for “Kafka and         love, not war. Yes, the main characters were         yes, he writes about all the subjects (human
(The wings of the sun), organ transplantation,      the Traveling Doll” in 2007, the Cervantes       hippies, but I had never read a novel about          rights, ecology, science fiction, love, war,
youth violence, drugs, intolerance, racism,         Chico in 2012, the Gold Medal for Merit in       this kind of characters. It was magic!               feelings, history…), because he lives with us
emigration, the power of new technologies,          the Fine Arts in 2017, the Creu de Sant Jordi    Some years later, I became an Editor, a              in the last Century and nowadays, and he is
animals in danger of extinction, some of the        of the Generalitat de Catalunya in 2018, and     Children’s and young adult Editor, and I had the     worried about the same things like us.
great issues that have plagued Latin America        the considered the most important prize in       opportunity to meet him in person, to contract       Jordi Sierra I Fabra is a writer who makes
in recent decades: the Chilean and Argentine        Spanish language: The Ibero-American Prize       his novels, to publish some of his books.            children and young adults fall in love of
dictatorships (The Memory of Lost Beings),          in 2013. This Prize is summoned annually         I could speak to all of you about his literature,    reading.

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Jordi Sierra i Fabra - Hans Christian Andersen Award 2020 Candidature to the - International Board on ...
                                                                                                              life as a writer, which is what has a real meaning     writing until I found Colombia. And I could asist
                                                                                                              to me. I don’t come to terms with anybody, it is       over one hundred thousand children each year.
                                                                                                              not worth it. I hope aswell to shut up the mouth       I have seen the power of a book has in changing

        IS A WRITER”
                                                                                                              of more than one assholes who think I have 50          a person, the smile of a boy receiving one, this
                                                                                                              Chinese writing for me since 40 years —what            feeling that sets you in the right place and in the
                                                                                                              a country Spain is!— I do everything alone. I          right moment doing things that transcend the
                                                                                                              have always worked alone. I love writing and           fact of invented stories. It’s somehing exciting,
                                                                                                              I respect my profession. When I was a child I          unpayable.
    INTERVIEW BY JOSÉ R. CORTÉS CRIADO (*) CLIJ MAGAZINE #251                                                 dated everything I did and I continue in doing
                                                                                                              so. I have all my works documented. When               Now you are sixty five, you write and publish

                                                                                                              an idea comes to me whenever and wherever              novels more often than in the past. What is
       ordi Sierra i Fabra is a tireless writer       Critics and historians must answerd that. I don’t       it apperas, I date the pages. Everybody could          the secret to have this creative ability?
       who keeps writing with the passion             think there are new things in my books. I still write   create a diary by taking these references that         There is no secret, it is only work and pleasure.
       of a beginner. For him, life is about          as I would be ten or twelve years ago. Dialogues,       appears in every singleof my books. They can           I cannot disconnect it. I feel alive and I never
       writing and without it he woud never           short sentences, vertiginous chapters, intense          see how has my existence been as a writer and          give up my curiosity. The day I leave bechind
be anything.                                          narrative… I always look after the suprise, the         a traveller. While reviewing my life in this way, in   my curiosity, I will begin to die. Also I have fear
He celebrated his fourty years writing on             risk, and, specially, the commitment. Books             the prologue, Victoria Fernández says that it is       of dying. It is a defense mechanism. The older
2012 with a book called ‘My (first) 400 books         are powerful tools to denounce things and to            possible to read it as a novel, and that, to me,       I am the more I like to write. I don’t waste my
– Jordi Sierra i Fabra literary memories’ and         raise awareness about them to open minds,               is the best. By making a book about a personal         time, I have great ideas, I feel alive and I feel
he is still writting with frenetic rhythm. In this    to touch sensitive issues. This is my style and I       experience, I show what I have always be: a            happier than ever. Five years ago I overcame an
interview he shows himself as he is: vitalist,        was born and I will die with it. I have always tried    novelist.                                              aggressive cancer. The day after I knew about
sincere, enthusiastically, risky and tell us          to learn and to progress. In my memories I talk                                                                it, I woke up and I wrote 15 pages of the novel
about the support his foundations provide             about failures, even more than about sucesses.          In your beginnings you wrote detective crime           I was writing. And the following day, 16 pages
to young novelists. He thinks it is necessary         Failures help you to grow up, to shape yourself.        novels and music had a lot of presence in              more…That summer was like that. I reflected
to promote the pleassure of reading and               World changes along fourty years, but if you are        your books. Then you faced the reality, you            on death although I knew that I was not going to
writing. He believes in the power of books in         still faithfull with your thoughts you progress. I      left the music, and you started writing about          die. I understood that in the case I would reach
changing people.                                      write better now than I did when I was fourty           problems who affect people. Now we can                 whatever I would reach, I have to die being what
                                                      and I hope I’ll think the same when I am be 80.         read in your memory book that you are in a             I allways have beeng. Maybe I am a romantic
Although there are people who said fourty             This means I will grow up as human and a writer.        stage called ‘Lighting years’. What do you             person, I don’t know, but it is my behaviour. In
years are nothing, I wonder what are fourty                                                                   mean by that?                                          six months, cancer went away but I think about
years for you.                                        Have you changed a lot as human and as a                I published my first book at the age of 25, my         these memories as a legacy to avoid the noise
Not only I have been writing for fourty years but     writer?                                                 first novel at the age of 28. I then realised that     that would follow my death, the meaning of my
I have sixty five years of life. Incredible, it has   I don`t think so. People around me say I am still       I started to write well at the age of 35 and the       books…I need to put in order this chaos that
passed like a gust of wind. I am still a child with   being the same donkey (in the best sense, I like        massive success begun around my forties. It            represent for the rest the fact that I have wrote a
hunger of travelling, creating stories, writting,     having fun, being optimistic, being a dreamer, I        was a natural progress, logical, the importance        lot. I wanted to send aswell a letter to my sons
doing things… And suddenly, I’m old. How              always laugh…) The gallons haven’t went up              of a life lived step by step, without brags, neither   and my grandchildren. My letter was book of
and when has this happened? I have realised           to me, I am still talking with people, listening to     Hollywood making movies or Coca Cola giving            memories. It is simple, writen naturaly. Should I
about it while writing my memories and it is truly    everyone who has something to say me and                away my characters in pins. And I’m happy and          continue living beyond 100 years old, there will
overwhelming.                                         receiveng them at my home. I have opened my             proud of it because siren songs are constant           be a second part.
                                                      Foundation to share, not to lock myself up in a         threats. Firstly, I was a rocker who wrote, then I
What is left of rocker Jordi?                         tower.                                                  was a young autor who cames from rock, then…           Last autumn, the first number of The written
Everything and anything. I am still whom I                                                                    Everybody puts tags on me but the only thing I         page magazine, created for young audience
was, the same heart and spirit. This is part of       You have just published ‘My (first) 400 books           am is a writer. I jump from a theme to another         was born. What was the needed to publish it?
my breath of life. Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Dylan,        Jordi Sierra i Fabra literary memories’. What           one, I am curious. I write about everything for        When I opened my Foundations in 2004 I
Springsteen songs are what feed me. But now I         is relevant in its pages?                               everybody. Just that. It`s true that I went into       designed the magazine as a resource to form
don’t have long hair or rocker clothes anymore.       The story is about a boy who dreams about               realistic novels in early nineties, when I travelled   new writers and as a support for teachers and
We have to burn stages in life. I left the music      being a writer, since the age of 8, and everybody       around the world; I felt it in my body. This defined   librarians. Also I wrote my method, with the
behind in order to be free, to be able to travel      thrashes him. It is the story of a boy who never        my literature. I called ‘Lightning years’ the stage    same title, and it was published in 2006. But
around Asia, Africa or Latin Americ, without any      gave up, who was selfconfident and it is also the       that starts on the XXI century because it has          in 2004 we were only three persons in Medellin
tie. Today I take on my condition of writer with a    story about an adult who keeps respecting his           being the happiest stage of my life: I get a full      and in Barcelona I was alone. Now I have an
past marked forever.                                  dream after he has achieved it, without betraying       realization, I write the best novels, I get national   incredible staff and the people who volunteer,
                                                      it ever. I didn’t show off my music experiences,        and international recognition, more awards, and        proffesionals, amateurs…In this magazine
What things are new in your literature                I’m not a rocker, I don’t show the tours, interviews    especially, my Foundations in Barcelona and in         anybody charges, it is something made by
compared with those from your beginnings?             or parties. These are only things connected with        Medellín. I thought that I couldn’t be happier than    hand. Everybody believes on that project and

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Jordi Sierra i Fabra - Hans Christian Andersen Award 2020 Candidature to the - International Board on ...
INTERVIEW                                                                                                        phone to the 30 finalists of my award, I want to
                                                                                                                 let them understand that. I also write a letter to
                                                                                                                                                                           University. This is not casuality.

                                                                                                                 encourage them to continue. We live in a crazy            You are the 8th autor most readed in Spain
                                                                                                                 world and someone has to put sanity. That is              schools.
they understand its sense. There is nothing            few that all of the things that America Latina has        the most difficult thing.                                 This is only a tag. The day that someone tells
similar to it and the response was wonderful in        allways given to me in some many aspects.                                                                           you: Did you know you are the spain author who
Spain and in Latin America. For instance, Which                                                                  The VII Jordi Sierra i Fabra award four young             has more books published? I was frightened
magazine publishes poems and short stories             You will open a base in Barcelona at last                 writers has being celebrated this year. It is             because since this moment I know I have this
with the endorsemnet of a Foundation?                  Yes. In Medellin we have two floors and                   a consolidated award in Literature. Do you                tag. It was happend the same ten years ago
                                                       Colombia Bank gave us a local (without asking)            think it was necessary this award?                        about the most readed authors. The first ones
Do you think Jordi Sierra i Fabra Foundation           to promote a writer and an ilustrator school,             92 books competed in this VII edition and we              were Becquer, Lorca, Galdós, Baroja… They
has reached its goals?                                 where many people are working now. In Spain               have received 111 for the next one that we will           were all dead. We only still alive Delibes, García
I pushed it as a if it was a vital need and we are     instead… Nothing. There, one euro lasts                   celebrate the next february. Do we have to ask            Marquez and me. García Márquez was the 7th,
on the way. If life brings you a gift, give the gift   more. Two years ago I understood that I had               the reason of an award like this? Numbers say             I was the 8th and Camilo José Cela the 9th. It
back a 10% to life. This is something normal           to win a great award to open my Foundation in             everything. This summer, 111 girls and boys               was a honor for me but it was in 2002. A lot of
in a musical context, rock stars support a lot         Barcelona. So I presented a novel to Torrevieja           wrote their own novel, in some many cases their           time has passed. Maybe now I am the 27th but
of solidarity causes, but in literature… Along         Award and I won. It was no easy, I competed               first one and just only because there is a place          there is no more polls to check it.
the years, while going to schools, I met boys          with 524 books of 11 countries. With this                 to send it. If you don’t give them opportunities,
and girls who reminded me of who I was at              360.000 euros I bought a local in Sants district. It      then don’t complaint. The boy who won the                 Comeback to the present. What do you feel
their age, with dreams that have not apparent          will be inaugurated during the first three months         first award, Arturo Padilla, has four novels              knowing you have sold ten millions of books?
exist because they were not selfconfident or, as       of 2013. Works have being very expensive                  published. The girl who won the year after is a           We are speaking about Spain, so this is a huge
in the case of my father, because their familiy        too. There will be a library, a study center, a           journalist in Madrid… She collaborates in the             numbre, incredible, although it has taken 40
don’t let their write. I realised there is nothing     multimedia space, there will be a speaker’s               magazine ‘The Written Page’. I don’t think the            years. Then, someone tells you J.K. Rowlling
and nobody supporting this kids. It is in the          zone and of course there will have an exhibition          111 aspirants this year or the 92 who competed            sells that in one week with her Harry Potter and
teenage years when your dreams are born and            with my originals, scripts, young novels, draws,          last year will be writters but the fact of dare with      you have to laugh. Well, I think it is incredible,
you make them strong. I have persevered but            my old machines, tables where I wrote, awards,            a novel is a gift, the pleasure of writing is unique.     especially because the audience is renovated
how many young boys have it now? All seems             memories…I save everything.                               All of the shapes of Art, to know how to play an          each five years and new readers still reading
to go so fast. I need to create an award for                                                                     instrument, drawing or painting… It is a gift that it     me. Some of them have being read me in the
young writters, to develope new ideas, formative       Why this strive to promote younger writters?              makes you a better person. There are countries            last 20 or 25 years. It is incredible. But I still be
programmes… Well, my instinct always leads             Is there any future?                                      in Europe where the 4% students learn music.              anonymous. I might be the most famous author
me. The only trouble was money because I have          I believe in that cause. And yes, there is a lot of       Here they only are the 0,4% and the school                anonymous. I don’t appear on TV shows, I
no support, everything goes from my author’s           future. Impatience kills them because they want           removes these hours because it is not useful. If          like the discretion. I wouldn’t resist a paparazzi
righst. I’m not rich. I just support what I can.       toe at the world before time. So the essential is         we not cultivate the spirit… Then… ¿are we all            making pictures of me in a desert island where
Adults must transmite our knowledge to young           to prepare them for this long waiting. Recently,          materialistics? I help young people for that, and         I usually go to prepare scripts. The most
people, is law of life. Iwould be bitter to die        I girl with 15 years old wrote me to tell me that         I encourage them to continue because there is             important is to put your feet on the ground and
keeping all that knowledge, it would be selfish.       she was goint to give up, discouraged, because            no formative schools in this area.                        to know which is your role on life.
After 8 years I think the two Foundations have         three publishing house has give back her book.
given more than we expected. And we are still          I shouted at her….I said that she has to write ten        In 2009, the library of IES María Zambrano in             What will be the future for Jordi Sierra i Fabra
being modest. The goal is to form future writers       books more, one each year, probably without               Torre del Mar (Málaga) was called Jordi Sierra            followers?
and to comunicate the pleasure of reading. It          sharing anybody —this mania of publishing                 i Fabra. What did this distinction entail?                Work, illusion, more novels, more stories, more
was wonderful when in 2010 we received the             everything in Internet to get opinions…— to be            When you die, a library or a school received your         love, sincerity, the same creative avalanche,
Ibby-Asahi award to promote reading, the most          able to publish, with luck, at her twenties. It is so     name. Great. But it is no sense for you. If you are       until my body wants…This is what I can offer.As
important world award for recognized that.             difficult to them to understand that. Everything          alive to see it is magic. It was a gift for me. Anyway,   I always said, I will rest when I die.
We compited with countries as United States,           is fast. To be famous at first like in Big Brother.       there is a lot of places in Spain where, for some
Japan, Canadá, México… Also is important               But ¿Learn? ¿To be prepared? ¡Nothing at all!             reasons, I have a special relation and Malaga is
that 50 spanish writers and ilustrators went           That is not the point, this is not to be a writter.       one of them. There, I introduced one of my first                            (*) José R.
to Medellín and everybody cameback in love             Writing one, two or ten books is not being a              novels and ‘Strawberry fields’ is one of the most                      Cortés Criado
with the city and with my people. To some of           writer. Being a writer is something more. Art             requested books in libraries, more than Lorca                           is the author of
them this travel has changed their lifes. Alfredo      doesn’t measure because of the money or the               and Unamuno!... The same as in Extremadura,                  “The social commitment
Gómez Cerdá wrote ‘Mud of Medellín’ in his first       fame yo have, you have to feel what you make.             Asturias, Catalunya, and more places…But                   in the work of Jordi Sierra
visit and with that novel won the National Prize.      This is your reward. Obviously, when you have             when everything happens at the same time in                     i Fabra (1983-2003)”,
This is motivation. I have open two Foundations        15 years old you don’t think about you have the           the same place is wonderful. In Málaga, you have              Extraordinary Doctorate
because of a simple reason: I have my roots in         rest of your life to write. This is not a retirable job   writen the first doctoral thesis of my work and               Award and Cum Laude
Barcelona but in Colombia I give back only a           so there is much time. For this reason I call by          it was recognized whit an extraordinary prize in                for the doctoral thesis

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                                                                                                By his altruistic personality, he opened        books and politics novels.
                                                                                                Foundations in Barcelona and in Medellín
                                                                                                with the goal to promote culture and arts       The reflexion years. 1982 – 1985. This is

                                                                                                between young people. They promote the          an inflection point in his work; the author
                                                                                                Literature Award Sierra i Fabra for young       begins to wonder about his role on the
                                                                                                writers since 2005.                             world and a reflexion about his career.

                                                                                                                                                The increasing years. 1985 – 1992. He
                                                                                                                                                left the musical themes and he began to
                                                                                                    FREEDOM DOESN’T ADMIT                       travel around the world reporting unjust
                                                                                                     METHODS OR MANUALS                         situations.
                    STUDY BY ANABEL SÁIZ RIPOLL,                                                Jordi Sierra i Fabra is a lively person, a      The realistic years. 1992 – 2001. His work
     PHD IN PHILOLOGY AND PROFESSOR OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE                                  tireless traveller, he loves cinema and he      could be defined as critical realism, with
                                                                                                has studied contemporary music —“It             seriousness, he ignores nothing even if is
                                                                                                is part of my life (…) without music life       a difficult subject
                                                Jordi Sierra i Fabra (Barcelona, 26-7-1947)     would be bored and uninteresting”—.
            INTRODUCCIÓN                        has been written since childhood, in spite      He knows better than anybody how to             The lightning years. 2001 – 2018. This

     ordi Sierra i Fabra is, without any        of his father’s and teacher’s opposition. He    energize and vitalize his work. He doesn’t      is the current stage where his work has
     doubt, the Spanish author who has          has always known his way. His first contact     consider himself a genius, just a worker.       been consolidated going deeper into the
     more books published than any other.       with a big audience was in rock music, in       The numbers and diversity of his work           human being, in its lights and its shadows,
His very large work could be the theme of       ‘The Big Musical’ (Cadena Ser). Before          are respected. He is a writer who catches       in misseries and the possibilities we have
many doctoral thesis. He likes the novel        his thirties he founded and directed the        you and doesn’t leave you indifferent.          as human society.
genre but he has involved himself in short      most important musical magazines at that        Reading his declarations or speaking with
novel, poetry, and in haikus ass well.          time in Spain: ‘Disco Express’, ‘Popular        him we understand why he is obsessed            At this moment, his production is in its last
                                                1’, ‘Top Magazine’, ‘Super Pop’…He also         about writing: “Writing is my passion and       stages, the most solid and full years with
With a lot of books published and almost        worked on the radio with a programme            my head is an erupting volcano. On the          the most compromise and quality literature.
50 years writing, Jordi Sierra i Fabra is       called ‘Informative weekly about pop            other hand, writing comes to me easy; it        So we must review some of the books he
still unbeatable and versatile in Spanish       music’ (1974-78). He wrote ‘The story           is a blessing. Even if I have this skill, the   has written during his latest years.
literature. He focuses about the actuality.     of rock music (1981 – 83) and ‘The big          investigation process takes many years”.
He is in a hurry, he moves with agility.        rock encyclopaedia from A to Z’ (1993-
His mind spins until he has a good idea         4). Jordi Sierra i Fabra carries a rocker at    It would be a mistake to approach his
and then, the process is frenetic. He has       heart. Many of his stories have an original     books with a close mind; we need to try              WRITING IS STILL ALIVE
written about many subjects: sci-fi novels,     soundtrack.                                     to understand his stories with calmness         Sierra i Fabra stories have plenty of
ecology, wars, slavery, rock music,                                                             to capture their essence. Even though           strength, force, energy and honesty. Step
adolescence, drugs, violence, indigenous        Sierra i Fabra is one of the most               he has a extensive production, there is a       by step, we are infected by his intensity
tribes, towns in danger, new technologies,      prizewinner and recognised authors in the       only minimum selection of titles that we        and hope.
opera,        dictatorships,     philosophy,    contemporary Literature. In 1975 he won         can highlight. “I made mistakes but there
history… Sierra i Fabra does not shut up,       Villa de Bilbao Prize with ‘The revolution of   were my mistakes. Life is short and I have      -“There are five words in my ‘book of
he needs to denounce the harms of a             triciembre the 32th’ and then 41 awards         a lot of things inside to give. I don’t force   life’: peace, love, honesty, respect and
dark society. We could say he is the last       more until 2018, the year that he won           anybody to buy my books but I force myself      hope”. Jordi Sierra i Fabra is a fighter and
romantic, as many of his characters. He is      Sant Jordi cross. For instance, some of         to write them. I have this compromise with      he doesn’t stop due to obstacles. When
intuitive, visceral, pacifist… Sierra i Fabra   these awards are National Prize (2007),         life”. He is a man with principles; he knows    he is interested on something he tells it
believes in freedom and he hates any kind       Ibby-Asahi to Promote Reading (2010, to         what and why he wants to do something.          without censorship. “Behind each book, I
of violence. He doesn’t write to sweeten        his Foundation), Barco de Vapor (2012),         He is a free spirit and he runs away from       have a story to tell. Maybe it will not be
problems or do didactic readings.               Iberoamericano (2013), Anaya (2013) or          restrictions. “I am a ordinary author and       released at the end but it is useful to me. I
He believes in life and in its power, in        Edebé (2016). He has the Barcelona Medal        that annoys a lot of people”.                   feel the passion living inside me and I try to
solidarity, in human beings. He thinks it is    of Honour (2015) and The Gold Medal of                                                          squeeze it in any way I can”.
possible to act in some different ways to       Arts (2017).                                    He shows his development in his memory
change injustice or pain. As a writer, he                                                       book ‘My first 400 books’ (2012). If we         His communication power is amazing and
has this need and must do it. He writes         His books are written in Spanish and            follow the text structure, we will find out     he moves as a fish on the water along
with urgency and power because there is         also in Catalan language and have been          his personal career and production:             different territories of literary creation.
no time to loose and there still be many        translated to more than 30 languages and                                                        From the most playful exercise to the
causes to fight for.                            many readers keep discovering his stories.      The rocker years. 1971 -1982. Musical           most compromise themes of his time like

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STUDY                                                                                                camp in ‘The wings of the sun’ or about
                                                                                                     the babies trafficking in the time of South
                                                                                                                                                       With ‘Stories about great pictures’ (2016)
                                                                                                                                                       we can go to a museum to find hidden
                                                                                                     America’s dictatorships in ‘The memory of         stories behind some of the pictures that
                                                                                                     lost beings’. He lets us realise the problems     shocked the author.
drugs, racism, wars, disenchanted youth,            cause suffering, it should be the reason         of young people in this imbalance society.
violence, loneliness…Sierra i Fabra is              for life, a reason that moves you to get         On one hand, they have everything but on
absolutely compromised with his time. He            up in the morning: “You don’t choose to          the other hand, modernity society causes
has an overwhelming sincerity and visceral          be a writer, it just happens. In my case,        them personality problems, anxiety…Sierra            YOUNG PEOPLE IN TRANSIT
curiosity. He faces problems that move              it is a pleasure and it doesn’t take other       i Fabra literature says “stop”. Feelings must     Young characters in his work were males
him and he takes them to a novel with               arguments. I just live by what I write, it has   not be treated as something frivolous.            at first and since the nineties are females.
sensibility, intelligence and energy: “There        become an obsession”. Sierra i Fabra is          ‘Friday night’, ‘We’ll never be rock stars’,      They appear pretty defined. They usually
are moments when you cannot avoid to                fighting against time and that is why he         ‘Six stories around Mario’ and ‘Strawberry        are about 16, 17, 18, 19 years old with
keep a compromise because there is a                writes. He wants to tell the most stories        fields’ are just an example. He doesn’t           a problem —a family conflict, a social or
feeling that hurts. This is the present and         and experiences as possible. “Before I           forget difficult aspects of this society like     an affective problem—. To overcome this,
that is what worries me”.                           die I want to write the more I can, I want       terrorism, the ETA conflict appears in ‘The       they can take the fast way —drugs— or
                                                    to empty myself”. He thinks a lot about          time of forgetfulness’. At last, to overcome      their work and their personal will, their
Sierra i Fabra writes because he loves it.          the stories, he caresses them in his mind,       these themes, he writes humour stories to         own effort in a false society that seems
He writes what he feels and how he feels            he spins them, he takes notes until they         have fun: ‘Victor and company books’ or           everything is easy when this is just a mirage
it, without thinking about if it is profitable or   come out and flow free without ties. So          the galactic heroe ‘Zack Galaxy’. We also         and the reality is the unemployment and
not. He does not write for young people or          then is that he begins to write, after the       find society criticism between jokes.             the lack of resources and opportunities.
adults, he writes for himself and all kinds         search and the compilation process. “My                                                            They are romantics as the author in the
of people. He enjoys doing it because he            method is based on travelling, I travel a        In this XXI century, Sierra i Fabra has           sense of his rebelliousness, the search of
feels a story brewing and it needs to come          lot. I prepare the argument, the script, in      continued with his ‘Lightful years’. There are    his freedom, the desire to reach his own
out. He does not think in a prototype of            a hotel or in a plane and then I sit down        more accommodating times, stories with            destiny, to find a place in the world. They
reader when he writes: “I don’t believe in          and I write the book in a week. I would say      greater significance because of his travels,      have passion in their life, in their projects
youth novels. When I write a book I don’t           I write quickly but I think slow”. We can        his personal compromise with the world            and their relationships even in their failures.
think about who is going to read it. I just         understand his peculiarity. The continuous       and his evolution as human beings. ‘The
write it. It can be read by anybody. I don’t        writing is a school, a method of learning:       wire girls’ (1999) is about anorexia ‘Víctor      In ‘The last miwok summer’ (1987), David,
think my books are youth books”. It’s fine          the more you write, you better write. And        Jara (bursting silences) (1999) is about the      the main character, is a boy who has a
if adolescents or children read them but            that’s the important thing: to write better      last days of this Chilean songwriter; ‘Rage’      goal: he wants to meet his father. John
he doesn’t choose the subject because               every day.                                       (2000) is about adolescence feelings which        Lennon star in his early years one of his
of that. The stories he writes are authentic                                                         nobody understands; ‘The murder of a              most successful books, ‘Young Lennon
and not only are read by young people.              We can observe two narrative areas that          Mathematics teacher’ (2000), a new way to         (1988)’. This a story about his learning
Sometimes adults are interested as well in          complement each other like concentric            understand Maths; ‘In a place called war’         years, the author wrote the embryo of all
his books because they reminisce stories            circles. The novels he wrote in the eighties     (2002), about a journalist in an fictional war;   that happened after, The Beatles…Jordi
from the past.                                      were more fictional like ‘The hunter’, the       ‘The soldier and the girl’ (2003), a beautiful    Sierra i Fabra couldn’t meet John Lennon
                                                    trilogy of ‘The cycle of lands’, The last        story about pacifism; ‘Sensitive material.        but he met the rest of The Beatles. He
                                                    miwok summer’, ‘Young Lennon’ or ‘The            Cruel stories’ (2005), distress and essential     always feels next to him, he considers
                                                    ballad of XXI century’.                          stories; ‘Kafka and the traveller doll’ (2006),   Lennon his big brother. This novel is about
     SIERRA I FABRA’S STYLE                                                                          an emotional story about the last days of         his adolescence, his musical passion, his
Jordi Sierra i Fabra has a kind of satellite        Since the nineties, he approaches other          Kafka; ‘A sweet story about butterflies           rebelliousness and his family relations.
dish that captures future events to                 themes with more compromise. We                  and dragonflies’ (2008), another emotional
denounce them. He is a visionary. After a           found critic realism in his first works and      story that goes deep into a human being;          Vicente Prats is 17 years old. He is the main
month of publishing ‘A man with a fork in a         he develops them. In the last century            ‘Tears of blood’ (2008) about gender              character on ‘Soundtrack’ (1993) and he
land of soaps’ (1998) the Chiapas slaughter         Sierra i Fabra has talked about problems         violence; ‘Diego wars’ (2009) about the           wants to change his life in a special way.
started. He also has written Casting                like the ethnic groups disappearance in          History of Spain; ‘The poet island’ (2009)        He wants to be a professional musician and
(2002) about an influence TV programme              ‘Kaopi’ (1993) or in ‘A plastic bag of chips     about a literary creation and its mysteries;      he asks his father for help but he doesn’t
before ‘Operación Triunfo’ arrived and ‘My          in Polynesia’ (2018). He also has talked         ‘The teacher Palermo’s extraordinary              have much relation with him because
brother’s war (2004) before the invasion of         about Moroccan immigrant problems in             ingenuity speaker’ (2012), a story about          he broke up with his mother. There are
Irak.                                               ‘Moon night in the narrow’ or in ‘Clouds         love and magic; ‘Where the wind returns’          many characters in Sierra i Fabra work
                                                    in the sky’ (2008); about child exploitation     (2007), about the guerrilla in Guatemala;         who have no father or they abandon their
Not always the best work is the one                 in India in ‘The music of wind’; about the       ‘What I think (about everything)’ (2018), a       sons... This meeting is positive, gives them
that takes more effort behind or the one            Chiapas conflict in ‘A man with a fork in a      story written in first person, about a young      maturity. The father is always important to
that is more painful. Writing must not              land of soups’; about problems in a refugee      boy who wonders about his surroundings.           Sierra i Fabra characters, even if he has

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STUDY                                                                                             help from people she meet. She decides
                                                                                                  to continue with her career only under her
                                                                                                                                                     change as the story goes on. ‘Story of
                                                                                                                                                     a second’ (2010) is another love story.
                                                                                                  own conditions that are play tennis to have        Two adolescents are separated because
                                                                                                  fun. There are many female characters              of their different social status. Temporal
died. In ‘The Diego’s wars’ there is a father    look for adventure, he just run away from        in ‘The inside voice’. There is a college          aspect is basic. Sometimes the most
who has left home in a peace mission and         himself, from his familiar problem.              of nuns with a group of girls with some            important thing in our lifes happens in
there is a pacifist grandfather in contrast to                                                    weakness, frailties but also with so many          one second, just a moment. ‘A little bit of
compare. In ‘My brother’s war’ there is a        Mario is another example of social and           interests. There is a psychological analyse        April, some of May and all of September’
violent familiar excision. Marcos goes to a      familiar problems in ‘Six stories around         about these five girls. They are friends and       (2011) is another love story with a hard
war and his father is proud of him. On the       Mario’ (1995). Mario has 19 years old            they have fears and doubts. The affect,            background because the main character
other hand, Gabriel goes to many anti-war        and he is the youngest of three brothers.        the tenderness and comprehension of the            is HIV positive.
and pacifists protests. A family divided like    He has lived a special childhood, very           female characters are so important. Jordi
society itself.                                  protective by his mother. He grows up in         shows how girls are more intelligent than
                                                 a family with a lot of money and he gets         boys and they open the way.
 In ‘The time of forgetfulness’ (1993) Carlos    hooked on drugs. Finally, he suffers an                                                              NOT EVERYTHING IS ALLOWED
looks for the killer of his father who died      overdose and he dies. Nobody is to blame         Almost in the XXI century, Sierra i Fabra                    IN WAR
in a terrorist act. He arrives at the Basque     for this but everybody causes the Mario          takes another round beginning to write
Country and meets Tetxu, the son of the          disenchantment with life. In ‘A man with         about sensitive subjects. In ‘The wire girls’      Jordi Sierra i Fabra denounces wars and
man who killed his father ten years ago.         a fork in a land of soups’ Isaac lives an        he approach the cruelty of the anorexia            atrocities. Diego’s grandfather talks about
It was a mistake. They get on well and           adventure in Chiapas. He wants to know           world. In ‘Without time to dream’ (2006)           useless wars in ‘The Diego’s wars’. He
their friendship is stronger than the hate       the reason about his brother’s suicide,          Marta has beeng murdered and Julia and             talks about the war in which his father
that Carlos feels.                               who was a famous journalist at the time.         Gil, Journalism students, beginning to             was hurt and the wars that rased Spain
                                                                                                  investigate the facts. They find out a hard        since ever. He warns about the dangers
Mothers are also important. They are             In ‘Out of the game’ (2005) Isidro is a boy      truth, full of pain. In ‘Broken dreams’ (2011)     of thinking of being right with calm and
usually alone; they had to raise their           in a crossroad. He is 17 years old and           Niaga can travel to Gambia in summer. It           passion. In ‘Don’t take photos to soldiers
children by themselves. They also have to        he is beginning his career as a football         is a good new but her friend Elsa thinks           crying’ the author treats the inside of a
overcome a divorce and their sons try to         player. He has to decide what is the most        that there could be a dark reason for that         war, what is behind the battles and deaths,
know the truth. They suffer but they are         important for him, money and ambition or         travel. Sierra i Fabra denounces ablation in       the people who gets involved in conflicts,
full of tenderness. As it happened with          his studies, the love and the sport that he      an intelligent and sensitive way. Frontera         usually the most vulnerable. In ‘Where
John Lennon and his mother Julia, all the        really likes: basketball. In ‘Special effects’   (2003) is about a Moroccan girl, Amina.            the wind returns’ (2001) there is not a war
Sierra i Fabra young characters have a           (2014) Antonio is in a crucial moment.           Her parents want to send her to Morocco            but there is an extreme situation, the life
special relationship with their mothers.         He is an athlete and he has to take some         to get married with an old man. Amina              in Guatemala guerrilla. Why a 12 year old
They would be able to kill because of            important decisions in a race. The author        fights for her freedom and she has a very          boy leaves his world to follow the guerrilla?
them (The morning star, 1996’) or to             shows the light and the darkness of being        good friend, Estefanía, to help her. ‘Nude’        In ‘My brother’s war’ (2004) Marcos has
forgive a lie (Estela feels affect for her       an athlete in the elite. Parco (‘Parco 2013’)    (2014) is another book of compromise and           to move in a peace mission to a conflict
adoptive mother even though she hates            is the nickname of a boy who just entered        social denounce. Marga, a girl frightened          zone and his pacifist brother Gabriel is
her father in ‘The memory of lost beings’,       a juvenile protection center. He is accused      by her boyfriend. She just wants to be             going to join several anti-war and pacifism
1998).                                           of a murder and he lives to the limit. It is     herself without any fears.                         protests. In ‘A place called war’ Néstor is
                                                 one of the most shocking novels written                                                             a young journalist and he goes as a war
These      adolescences       are    usually     by Jordi Sierra i Fabra because of his style     Love appears in some many books. Jordi             correspondent to an old URSS Republic.
disorientated as Mariano, Ismael, Lázaro,        and the hard situations approached. Parco        Sierra I Fabra treats love with lyricism: “I’m a   He meets a boy called Milo who is going
Serafín and José Luis in ‘Friday night’          is not a disorientated boy, he is a person       sentimental, emotive and romantic person.          to change his life. Sierra I Fabra focuses in
(1993). They have problems and they feel         being on the ropes, the person who bears         I believe in love (…). In my books there are       the most vulnerable people who receives
loneliness. Sierra I Fabra writes in this        a blame which is not his blame.                  no many sex scenes, it is not necessary,           the worst part in wars.
novel about the conflict in this evolution                                                        but characters are alive and they have
to maturity, about social and sentimental        There are also many girls as the main            feelings like us”. Love is a constant theme        ‘The soldier and the girl’ (2003) is an anti-
problems. Ventura, 19 years old, is the          characters. ‘The last set’ (1991), ‘The          but it is not the essential. ‘Morning star’        war book. A soldier who is going to die by
main character in ‘We’ll never be rock           inside voice’ (1997) or ‘The memory of lost      (1996) is an exception. This is a real love        a bullet sees a girl, the real death. She talks
stars’ (1993). He is a good reader, he loves     beings’ (1998). In the first one, Virginia       story between Beatriz, a high-class girl,          to him and makes him reflect on the absurd
music and cinema, but he has a problem           has just won Roland Garros but she is            and Joma, a low-class boy. He has a talent         of wars. ‘The bomb’ (2004) shows the
with his father and he gets involved in          in a difficult moment, she is disoriented        for drawing but he has a disfuntional family.      rear, wars and poisoned presents. Three
robberies and violence. He lives a difficult     and she decides to hide herself at her           His father is in prison and his mother suffer      boys of an unknown place in the world find
moment and he has to face maturity when          grandmother home, a retired tennis player.       violence genre with her new partner. But           a bomb. They think is a treasure until the
he only has one chance. Ventura doesn’t          She reflects about her life and she gets         love is stronger than anything. Characters         reality imposes. Life is a continuous effort

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STUDY                                                                                            the most innocent girl, donates it to her.
                                                                                                 The structure has three different parts (the
                                                                                                                                                   Century’. The second one is an intrigue
                                                                                                                                                   novel, with elements of police and themes
                                                                                                 concert, the night and the dawn) and a            related with his life: rock music world, radio
                                                                                                 prologue. Each part has different numbered        and friends.
to Bishr and Mussy. They are 14 years old        game. Lucy is in a coma after an overdose.      moments, flashes, except the ones about
and they live in a trench in Siria. They know    She is a really good chess player so during     María, her final countdown, and the ones          ‘The memory skin’ (2008) shows an often
what is being part of a armed movement.          her coma she makes some movements               about Leonardo, a man without motivations         structure in Sierra i Fabra novels. It begins
‘The shout of the butterfly’ (2016) is one       and this is what is going to give bring back    who causes the accident. These parts              with a prologue that is part of the story.
of the hardest and most moving stories by        her life.                                       begin with an alphabet letter. The reader         Then, we can find 70 numbered chapters
Jordi Sierra i Fabra.                                                                            is being involved with the specific place         and an end with an epilogue written a few
                                                 There are different characters, her parents,    and hour changes. ‘The last set’ (1991) is        years later. ‘The shout of the butterfly’
                                                 her sister, the policemen, the journalist,      structured like a tennis match. The author        (2016) is ordered around different moments
                                                 her boyfriend, her friends, the drug dealer,    mixes the sports with his passion: writing        of the day: dawn, morning, afternoon,
     A PERSONALITY FORGED                        her bulimic friend… They all move around        and music and themes about reflexions…            evening and night. The 40 numbered
        NOVEL BY NOVEL                           Lucy. She thinks in first person and the        Including The Virginia diary and the story        chapters to adress a hard story. ‘The big
                                                 rest do it in third person. This is an agile    that she is writing about a rock star that        dream’ (2018) is a very documented novel.
Jordi novels are meticulous. He focuses          story with lots of dialogues and action.        has failed.                                       He focuses on the American dream of five
on the structure and the narrative               Sierra i Fabra likes multiple characters                                                          young people who travel to New York from
techniques. He knows how to use slow-            stories. In ‘Six stories around Mario’ (1995)   ‘Soundtrack’ (1993) shows a lineal story          Barcelona’s port in 1881. They are going
tempo, flashbacks, perspectives, and             something similar happens. Six characters       with autobiography elements, many of              to cross their lives in the new world..
monologues and sometimes he resorts to           tell six stories about Mario, under their       Jordi Sierra I Fabra rock music memories.
the omniscient narrator. Sierra i Fabra style    own perspective. The author alternates          There are 46 chapters and it is written           Sierra i Fabra style is characteristic, direct,
could be defined as a cinematographic            first person with third person. Mario thinks    in third person. It has agility and there         cutting. When he writes in third person
style. He uses short sentences, very few         and says goodbye in the epilogue. The           are lots of dialogues. ‘We’ll never be            he doesn’t loose details or descriptions.
inflection moments, a lot of action and          chapters order follows a final countdown.       rock stars’ (1995) has more elaboration.          The dialogue is crucial and he leaves his
dialogues to bring us the possibility to         It is a chronicle of a death foretold. There    The action happens in two days and the            characters free to show them as themselves.
know the characters.                             are different perspectives also in ‘Without     book is written in three different areas:         Some of his novels are separated with
                                                 no return’ (2005). Jacinto is dead and          the external adventure (third person),            numbers and others are ordered in a
‘The hunter’ (1981) is organized in four         there are different opinions about the          the internal adventure (first person) and         chronological way. Some of them begin
allegorical parts. First sign: the last night;   facts. As sergeant Galindo says, his death      external action. These are three different        in the middle and he goes forward and
Second sign: the way; Third sign: the            gives us more questions than answers.           areas written with different typography. The      backwards. Some of them show only one
hunting; Fourth sign: the enemies. All is        There are no logical facts or evidences         external rhythm is precisely and fast. This       part of the story. Other ones are pieces of
shown in 110 small chapters connected            although it seems so. ‘Clouds in the sky’       is a novel of learning that shows Ventura’s       a rigorous puzzle. Nothing is for free in his
with his cinematographic style. The              is about five adolescents from numerous         way as a symbol to make him react. The            style. He programmes everything in a very
chapters are hasty sequences in order            countries. They are very different. This is     author achieves the perspective with this         thoughtful. There is nothing casual in his
to reach an overwhelming and fast end.           a compromised novel about immigration,          multiple point of view. ‘The boy who lived in     work. Although a Sierra i Fabra novel is
The climax goes in ascends —the story            integration and racism through these five       the stars’ (1996) is written with clearness.      slight, fast and energetic, there is a lot of
of a hunter who wants to sell his last prey      crossed stories.                                There is a counterpoint between the               work behind, a laborious documentation
alive— and at the end the reader breaks                                                          psychiatrist and the truth about this boy         and a good previous work.
all the anguish and suffering kept along         ‘Friday night’ (1993) is another exercise of    who seems fallen from the stars. There
the personal adventure of the hunter. In         perspectives. The author mixes first and        are two parts and an epilogue. He takes
‘The last miwok summer’ David remember           third person again to recreate the thoughts     part in the plot and the resolution of his
his last summer with a Miwok Indian and          of each character. They have their own          story so he connects with readers.                     THE WRITER AND OTHER
with his father after 10 years without him.      typography. The story begins with a slow                                                                   CHARACTERS
There are two moments: the narrator time         rhythm but has a fast and surprising            ‘The sound of silence’ (1998) is written
in third person —maybe the father writing        ending. Behaviorism is the technique            in first person with flashbacks. The writer       The writer is a key figure in Sierra i Fabra
the novel— and David time in first person        used. The author leaves his characters          remembers a story from the past. ‘The             work and he has defined characteristics.
remembering this special summer from             free and he just collects their words and       XXI century ballad’ (1989) and ‘The killer        Pablo Lafarga is a compulsive writer in
the past. Present and future are realities       movements. There are several characters         of Sgt. Pepper’s’ (1994) have the musical         ‘The last miwok summer’ like Sierra i
against the past. The structure seems like       also in ‘Badlands’ (1994). This is a hasty      passion of Sierra I Fabra in their structure.     Fabra. He doesn`t correct anything, he
a symphony with 9 movements.                     story in the end.                               The first one is written in first person and is   has passion and energy. Ernesto is the old
                                                                                                 structured like two albums. It also includes      writer in ‘The last set’. He has clear ideas
‘Strawberry fields’ (1997) is structured         As if it would be managed by destiny to         press articles and different perspectives         and he helps Virginia to reorient her life.
around different sequences like a chess          get the heart that María needs to live, Cati,   around the members of the band ‘XXI               There are references about a writer who

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STUDY                                                                                            one of the most important things in his
                                                                                                 life: he visits Cuba to discover that his
                                                                                                                                                 in these stories.

                                                                                                 grandfather is not dead as he thought.          With ironic and a very affective way Sierra
                                                                                                 He is a channel between himself and his         i Fabra writes ‘Dear son: you are fired’
has visited the college in ‘The voice inside’.   Lennon, Kaopi, The memory of lost beings’       past. His grandfather fought in the Cuban       (2000) about very protected children. We
He talks about the compromise with life in       or ‘The sound of the wind’ for example.         Revolution and met Che Guevara.                 make them think that everything is possible
a passional way. In ‘Fresh news’ (Víctor’s       The author involves himself in his work and                                                     and they become the family kings. Miguel
serie) a writer comes to his school to tell      he wants the reader to do it as well. That’s                                                    is one of these boys. Her mother, tired of
him how to organize a newspaper.                 why he talks about or his reflexions.                                                           this, decides to fire her son to make him
                                                                                                          LOCAL PROBLEMS                         realise his mistakes. It is a book with a lot
In ‘The odd people club’ (2015) Sierra           The old man is another key figure to talk       Jordi Sierra I Fabra involves himself with      of irony and very critic as well.
I Fabra becomes himself in a fictional           about the experience and the sanity in a        young people society problems. He does it
character to visit Hugo’s school. He             story. Young characters are disoriented         with fairness. There is a social conscience     Much of the Sierra I Fabra novels reflect
stutterers and creates a club, the odd           most of time so he puts an old man in           in his literature.                              the contradictions of the capitalist society
people club. Sierra i Fabra also stutterers      front of them to give the perfect advice.                                                       declining. He doesn’t forget our recent
and, as he always does in school visits,         In traditional societies, old men were in       ‘Strawberry fields’ was a very important        History and remember it like a conscience
he talks about it is possible to laugh at        charge of Justice. In our societies this        work. It is a story about designer drugs and    voice to wake up this insensitive society.
oneself, doesn’t matter what the rest of the     figure is changing by a “use it and throw       young people who only live on weekends.         ‘The fires of the memory’ (2007) is about
world think of you. When the writer signs        it” culture and Jordi wants to claim to get     They don’t stop moving their bodies and         common graves after the Spanish Civil
Hugo’s book he tells him he overcame his         it back. Old men are wise but sometimes         dancing during two or three days. The           War. They still need a review because we
stutterer the day that he didn’t care of that.   they are considered as crazy people             author doesn’t blame them. He just critizes     must know and assimilate what happened
There is another Jordi Sierra I Fabra alter      because they usually tell you as it is truth,   this cruel and mean world, that get benefits    to forgive and to live in peace.
ego in ‘What I think (about everything)’. He     a truth that nobody wants to hear so it’s       of pain, naivety and ignorance.
visits the school where Xavier is studying.      better to dismiss it as crazy.
The poet Isaac Estruch has retired to a                                                          In ‘Badlands’ he treats donations of
little Caribbean island 20 years ago in ‘The     ‘Tortuga Veloz in ‘The last miwok               organs. He writes about the actions that          OTHER LANDS, OTHER LIFES
poet island’. Isa decides to visit him and       summer’ represents the tradition, the           cause the death of a character, and give        Sierra I Fabra involvement looks beyond
one night, during an emotive dialogue,           truth, the origins, the land. Vicente           life to other one.                              his setting. He is very interested in travels
Estruch speaks about his demons and              Santolaria is the figure of a father that                                                       and he is a great observer. “My books
share his passion for writing that keeps         Joma is searching for in ‘Morning star’;        ‘Friday night’ is about young people who        usually treat hard themes because I travel
burning inside of him. He decided to retire      in ‘Aydin’ (1994) Godar’s grandfather is        go out on weekend as a ritual only because      all around the world and I see people on
himself because his ideas of success or fail     an example of this wise old man; Hari,          they feel lonely. They feel courage only        hard conditions so I try to reflect this”.
are not the same as the rest of the world.       the old man in ‘Tigers from the valley’         when they are part of a gang. They try to
                                                 (1994) is the voice of truth, the justice       break all limits with drugs and alcohol only    Sometimes he talks about a problem or a
The writer is a key figure because of his        and the passion. Only he warns about            to keep their rage. It is a kind of escapism,   mistake, something that happens so far
capacity to create and motivate feelings.        the danger of killing the tigers, an            the saddest evasion that drives to the          away but it wakes our sleeping conscience
Jordi Sierra i Fabra reflects himself in all     opposite opinion against ambition and           alienation of the individual. There are         up. Sierra i Fabra literature acts against
of these writers with his own force and          ignorance; Kaopi’s grandfather knows            young people who live between wellness          conformism. ‘The last miwok summer’
spirit. “Nobody visited my school when I         how to keep hope and what he tells              and destruction and they don’t know how         approaches Indian persecutions in America
was a child and I thought it is a good idea      Kaopi is never to give up. Ammed, the           to get out of this.                             and their extermination. He anticipated in
to show young people that the writer is a        old man in ‘Moon night in the narrow’                                                           ‘The music of silence’ the Vicente Ferrer
human being’. This can be the explanation        helps Habib to calm his impulse to leave        Sierra i Fabra books finish quickly,            work in India treating children exploitation
of such as multiples travels he did around       the settlement. The old man Tobías              precisely and optimistically. After a bad       making carpets manufactured. ‘Kaopi’
schools in Spain and Latin America.              is a key figure in story development in         moment, a turbulent episode comes the           focuses on persecuted ethnic groups.
                                                 ‘Concert in Sol Major’ (1997). Tuí, in          calm and the reflexion. The characters          ‘Moon night in the narrow’ is about the
Sierra I Fabra often explains in the prologue    ‘The wings of the sun’ (1994) is one            look for peace and balance. Whatever the        illegal Maghreb immigration and the
the reason why he was motivated to write a       of the most poetic characters. Óscar            situation is, there is always an open door      treatment they suffer in their own land,
book. He talks directly to the reader. There     grandfather, Valentí, explains to his           to hope. It is possible to move on after a      with dealers looking for money who don’t
he explains the reasons of ‘Strawberry           grandson the meaning of simple things           compromise with oneself. Sierra i Fabra         care about safety. ‘The wings of the sun’
Fields’ story and in the third book of the       about existence in ‘Frost time’. There is       works are usually urban novels and there        is placed in a refugee camp, Shek Kong
trilogy ‘Cycle of lands’, ‘The testament of      a ‘sadhu’, a Hindu saint, in ‘The music         is not a rule. The sadness and the lack         camp in Hong Kong. Jordi Sierra i Fabra
a place called Earth’ (1987) he talks about      of wind’ who cheers the journalist up to        of communication, the loneliness, and           has been there. It is difficult to survive
his debt with Einstein to create these sci-      carry on with his goal. In ‘Asleep over the     young people as prisoners of rich, of a         between mafias and legal aspects that
fi novels. The same happens in ‘Young            mirrors’ (2000) Diego is going to find out      powered and glorious world are present          avoid the exit.     ‘The memory of lost

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