PAN AFRICAN VISIONS D.R.Congo: Turning Point For

Page created by Johnny Guzman
PAN AFRICAN VISIONS D.R.Congo: Turning Point For
MAG 0221 Vol III, FEB. 2021.        

D.R.Congo: Turning Point For

                                                            Will Faki Make or Mar In
                                                                      Second Term?

                                                                      Sierra Leone:
                                                      Kaifala’s Tough But Winnable
                                                                 War On Corruption

                                                                  Biden And Africa:
                                                       Time For A Concrete Agenda

                               Special Report:                           Ethiopia:
                               Jack Ma Foundation’s         Ambassador Arega Sets
                               ABH Awards In Focus             The Record Straight
PAN AFRICAN VISIONS D.R.Congo: Turning Point For
PAN AFRICAN VISIONS D.R.Congo: Turning Point For
Contents                                                                                              PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

A Second Term For Faki At The AU: Will He Make or Mar?__________2          Q and A with Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo On The Power of Miracles________35

Moussa Faki Reelected Unopposed as Chairperson of the African Union        For Prophet Lovy 2021 A Year Of Walking With The Presence Of God__37
                                                                           Debunking Covid-19 Myths and Facts as Africa Starts Rolling Out Vac-
Expect More Positives: Moussa :Faki Buoyant As He Starts Second Term As    cines _______________________________________________ 39
AUC Chairperson ______________________________________5
                                                                           Zimbabwe: A Heavy Toll on Top Government Officials _____________40
Nigeria: Succession playing Out As Buhari Stutters_______________8
                                                                           From COVID 19_______________________________________40
Can New Majority in Parliament allow Tshisekedi to turn DR Congo around
                                                                            SPECIAL REPORT: A Lifeline for African Entrepreneurs from the Jack Ma
                                                                           Foundation ABH Awards _________________________________43
DRC: Joseph Kabila Has Nothing Else To Offer, It’s Time For Tshisekedi-
                                                                           We Hope To Spark A Movement Around Entrepreneurship In Africa-Zahra
Eloge Mwandwe_______________________________________11
                                                                           Baitie ______________________________________________45
Kenya: Ruto's hurdles ahead of 2022 polls_____________________14
                                                                           ABH Helps In Highlighting The Brilliance, Determination & Capabilities of
Ethiopia is Waxing Strong In Face of Multiple Challenges-Ambassador        Africans- Chebet Lesan from Kenya,2020 Winner._______________47
                                                                           The ABH Experience Was Both Challenging And Gratifying- Oluwasoga
Ghana: The "Escapades of Junior Jesus "- Jerry John Rawlings_______20      Oni from Nigeria, 1st Runner Up.___________________________48

Sierra Leone: Anti-Corruption Crusade Gathers Steam Under Kaifala__23      A Lifetime Experience for Me -2nd Runner Up Ethel Mupambwa from Zim-
Mozambique:Terrorists Threaten $50bn LNG Projects. ____________25
                                                                           Young Agri-Entreprenuer Making Waves in Zimbabwe ____________51
Biden and Africa: Time for a concrete agenda___________________28
                                                                           Cameroon Film Industry Gets New Life with Fisherman's Diary______53
Americans Of African Descent Must Be Considered For Assistant Secretary
Of State For Africa_____________________________________30                 City Of Harare Awaits Proclamation Of Wetland City Accreditation Status
                                                                           To Enhance Sustainable Development________________________55
Relief for African Muslim-majority nations as Biden Lifts Muslim Travel
Ban _______________________________________________31                      CHAN 2020: Morocco Defends its Crown, as Cameroon Credited for a
                                                                           Beautiful Organization__________________________________56
Cameroon Anglophone Crisis: A Legacy On The Line For Cardinal Tumi_32
                                                                           CHAN 2020: A Yardstick for Upcoming Major Tournaments_________58

   Pan African Visions
                                                             Managing Editor          Adama Makasuba,             Graphic Designer
                                                             Ajong Mbapndah L         Bah Uzman Unis,             Atemnkeng Jerry M,
                                                                                      Mohammed M Mupenda,         (Young Jerry)
   7614 Green Willow Court, Hyattsville, MD                  Contributors             Pierre Afadhali             EC designs, Abudhabi - UAE
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   Tel: 2404292177,                                          Papisdaff Abdullah       Boris Esono Nwenfor
   email:,                         Ajayi Olyinka            Amos Fofung
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                                                                                                                        PAV - APR. 2019 - MAG 0419 Vol 3   1
PAN AFRICAN VISIONS D.R.Congo: Turning Point For
PAN AFRICAN VISIONs                                                                                                            Inside Africa
      A Second Term For Faki At The AU: Will He Make or Mar?
                                                                          By Ajong Mbapndah L

             eactions to the election of      a strong presence and                                                                              mechanisms to attract
             Moussa Faki to a second term     conspicuous voice in                                                                               the    creative     genius
             as Chairman of the African       Washington. While the                                                                              and resourcefulness of
    Union Commission have been mixed.         AUC Chair may have                                                                                 a diaspora eager and
    For all the lofty achievements listed     been in his right to                                                                               willing to come on board
    in his re-election manifesto, his first   replace the Ambassador                                                                             .
    term had a couple of blemishes which      Arikana, the decision                                                                                 Leading the AU is no
    left quite a dent.                        did not go well and the                                                                            easy feat, the issues are
       From the African Continental           embers of the raucous                                                                              complex, the challenges
    Free Trade Agreement, AfCFTA, to          between the AU and                                                                                 are many and the
    the launching of the African Union        the diaspora are still to                                                                          resources are still scarce.
    passport, the AU Peace Fund and           completely dissipate.                                                                              Even those who do not
    the robust continental wide response        Free from the shackles                                                                           like Faki have to come
    to COVID 19, the first term of            of electoral calculations,                                                                         to terms with the fact
    Moussa Faki had quite some positive       Moussa Faki has the                                                                                that he is at the helm
    developments for the continent.           potential to make the                                                                              for another four years.
    Where these enough for him to get         second mandate even                                                                                If he succeeds, Africa
    a second term? For African leaders,       more eventful than                                                                                 succeeds, and if he fails,
    with 51 out of 55 votes, it was a         the first. Touted as a                                                                             Africa fails. Hopefully
    resounding endorsement for Faki.          game changer for the                         Ajong Mbapndah L, Managing Editor
                                                                                                                                                 he succeeds and delivers
    For ordinary and everyday Africans        continent, it is under                                                                             on the promises he has
    there seems to be a healthy dose of       Faki’s watch that the AfCFTA has           French fighting , it is about time the    made for his second term or atleast
    skepticism.                               taken off. For all the excitement,         AU gets bullish on conflict resolution.   continue with reforms that could
       There are many reasons for the         people are not lost to the fact that the      Expectations will be high from         make a difference.
    dichotomy in perceptions, chief           undoing of the African Union has also      impatient Africans who think the             Amongst the numerous partners
    amongst them the image of a club          been the absence of a political will to    challenges of the times, require          willing to help in making a difference
    of old leaders who cater first and        follow through on visions. The fear is     more robust leadership. People            is the Jack Ma Foundation which is
    foremost for their own interest. By       that let the AfCFTA not turn out to be     are waiting to see progress on the        using the African Business Heroes
    fate or design, the AU has done little    one those.                                 continental passport, they are            Awards to build a strong network of
    to shed this image. Though not              Talking about the political will         eager to see Africa take charge of        entrepreneurs across the continent.
    probably of his making, many people       to follow through on lofty goals,          its security challenges; they want to     In its second year now, circa $2.5
    question the fact that Moussa Faki        many are still waiting for the AU          see a leadership that prioritizes the     million has been distributed to young
    ran unopposed for a second term.          to show more backbone in the               interests of everyday Africans and not    entrepreneurs across the continent.
    To hardline critics, this only mirrors    implementation of the Protocol on          that of special interests. Mr. Faki may   From three different countries, in
    what election in a number of African      Free Movement of Persons and the           not be a miracle worker to deliver on     three different regions, two females
    countries with sit tight leaders look     Pan African Passport in particular.        everything, but there is a minimum        and one male, with projects ranging
    like.                                     The plan was to have the passport          he can do to earn the trust, respect      from renewable energy, health and
       Through out his first term, the AU     ready for use by 2020.The AU has           and confidence of skeptic Africans.       micro finances, the top three laureates
    stayed mute to questionable elections     not made good on that promise. How            A joker waiting to be used for the     2020 edition sum up the challenges
    that took place in several countries.     will the AfCFTA function well when         good of the continent is its Diaspora.    and hopes of a continent .This issue of
    From Cameroon, to Guinea, Cote            people cannot move freely across the       For all the potential it represents,      the magazine takes a look at the ABH
    d’Ivoire, the AU Chair Faki have been     continent? When people like Aliko          the Diaspora has been willing to          awards and the ground breaking
    on unequivocal in their support of        Dangote complain, about the hassles        fully contribute in moving the            impact it is having.
    the incumbents. To pro-democracy          of traveling across Africa, then what      continent forward but the response           This issue of the magazine also
    activists across the continent, Faki is   the ordinary African goes through can      from the continental body has been        takes a look at the changing political
    no friend of theirs and did not deserve   be anyone’s guess. Getting concrete        discouraging. Is the 6th region label     dynamics in the D.R.Congo with
    a second term.                            results on the African passport could      lumped on the diaspora just a cliché?     President Tshisekedi taking the upper
       In the course of his first term        bolster the legacy of Faki.                If it is not, Chairman Faki has to        hand, prospects for U.S -African
    as well, the diaspora, a bloc with          Conflict resolution remains one of       engage with the diaspora in a more        ties in the Biden Administration,
    enormous potential to positively          the areas where the AU has faced a lot     forceful way for the kind of impactful    understanding the crisis in Ethiopia’s
    impact development in the continent       of challenges. In the Central African      contributions that can come from          Tigray Region, the fight against
    was highly critical of the dismissal      region where Faki hails from, the          them. The diaspora has been a             corruption in Sierra Lone, threats to
    of the AU Ambassador to the USA           Cameroon Anglophone crisis have            strong part of economic progress          the Gas industry in Mozambique, and
    in October of 2019. Hugely popular        been raging on for some four years,        and development in Asia and South         more. Happy Reading!!
    with the diaspora and very vocal,         in the Central African Republic it is      America, there is no reason at this
    Dr Arikana Chimbori gave the AU           chaos, in parts of the Sahel it is the     point why Africa should not work out

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PAN AFRICAN VISIONS D.R.Congo: Turning Point For

                      PAV - FEB. 2021 - MAG 0221 Vol III   3
PAN AFRICAN VISIONS D.R.Congo: Turning Point For
PAN AFRICAN VISIONs                       Inside Africa
    Moussa Faki Reelected Unopposed as Chairperson of the
                     African Union Commission
                                                                      By Prince Kurupati

            he former Chadian Prime
            Minister     Moussa        Faki
            Mahamat       was      recently
    reelected as the Chairperson of the
    African Union Commission. In doing
    so, Moussa Faki made history as the
    first person to be reelected as the
    Chairperson of the AU Commission.
    Running unopposed, the former
    Chadian Prime Minister garnered 51
    out of 55 votes in a secret ballot to
    enter into his second final term as the
    Chairperson of the AU Commission.
       The AU Commission elections
    happened on Saturday 6 February
    2021, during the 34th African Union
    Summit. Owing to the unprecedented
    corona virus pandemic, the 34th
    African Union Summit was held                Basking in adulation after his victory .51 out of 55 members supported Mr Faki in his second
                                                                                     term bid as AU Chair.
    virtually with the leaders of all 55
    member states as well as their foreign    Faki said he was “deeply humbled             During the same Summit,            and livelihoods. The current second
    ministers/delegates present.              by the overwhelming and historic       elections were also held for other AU    wave of the pandemic which engulfs
       Moussa Faki’s reelection will see      vote of confidence by AU Member        Commission positions including the       the continent is leaving behind lots
    him serve as the AU Commission            States by voting 51 out 55 to extend   new set of commissioners and that        of dead people. In the process, it’s
    Chairperson for the next four years.      my mandate at the helm of the AUC      of deputy chairperson. Rwanda’s          also disrupting livelihoods for the
    Speaking on his triumph on Twitter,       Commission for another 4 years.”       Dr Monique Nsanzabaganwa who             survivors thus ushering in double
                                                                                          is the deputy governor of the       jeopardy. There is of course the threat
                                                                                          National Bank of Rwanda won         of an imminent 3rd wave which may
                                                                                          the deputy chairperson race. In     as well be more devastating than the
                                                                                          a Twitter post after her triumph,   1st and 2nd waves. Faced with all
                                                                                          Dr Monique Nsanzabaganwa            these challenges, Moussa Faki, Dr
                                                                                          said, “My very sincere gratitude    Monique Nsanzabaganwa have it all
                                                                                          and appreciation for the trust      to do from the onset.
                                                                                          and honor that the Heads of           At the present moment, many
                                                                                          States and Government of the        countries across the globe are battling
                                                                                          African Union have bestowed on      to secure Covid-19 vaccines. In
                                                                                          my country and in my person. I      the case of Africa however, several
                                                                                          commit to serve with dedication     reports have indicated that the
                                                                                          and to the best of my ability       continent finds itself at the bottom
                                                                                          under your wise guidance.”          of the ladder of a grossly unequal
                                                                                            For Moussa Faki, Dr Monique       distribution of Covid-19 vaccines.
                                                                                          Nsanzabaganwa         and     the   Malcolm Webb of Al Jazeera states
                                                                                          new set of AU Commission            that “Experts estimate that the richest
                                                                                          commissioners, there really is no   countries will have vaccinated most of
                                                                                          time to celebrate their victories   their populations at some point later
                                                                                          as they have to come up with        this year, and that the world’s poorest
                                                                                          long-lasting solutions to the       countries – many of which are in this
                                                                                          threats facing the entire African   continent (Africa) – will not vaccinate
                                                                                          continent. They all know very       the same amount of their population
                                                                                          well the devastating impacts        until maybe three years from now
                                                                                          that the novel corona virus         or possible never at all.” Faced with
          Dr Monique Nsanzabaganwa from Rwanda is the new AUC                             pandemic has brought about on       such a dim outlook, Moussa Faki
                             Deputy Chair.
                                                                                          the continent disrupting lives      and his new team will have to work
4       PAV - FEB. 2021 - MAG 0221 Vol III
PAN AFRICAN VISIONS D.R.Congo: Turning Point For
Inside Africa                                                                                                      PAN AFRICAN VISIONs
near-miracles to ensure the continent       has to worry about. The continent          measures to address the continent’s       villagers in that region. The threat in
moves at par with other developed           is still bedeviled by several conflicts    socio and political problems.             the Mozambique poses a new threat
nations. The AU Chairperson knows           which are hindering continental               At the present moment, there are       in a region that constantly reels under
himself the task ahead as he stated         development on the socio-economic          two socio-political problems which        electoral violence conflicts.
that “There is vaccine nationalism          as well as political front. Instances of   need urgent attention. Up north,             At the same Summit, the president
on the rise, with other rich countries      electoral violence are still reported in   the Anglophone Crises in Cameroon         of the Democratic Republic of Congo
jumping the queue, some even pre-           many countries across the continent        is showing no signs of coming to an       Felix Tshisekedi assumed the year-
ordering more that they require,”           while cases of abuse of human rights       end in the near future. However, the      long chairmanship of the African
in an interview before the Summit.          and Islamist extremism violence is         number of people who are dying, those     Union. Addressing fellow Heads
Against this background, Moussa             on the rise. The new AU Commission         disposed and those whose livelihoods      of State, the DRC president said
Faki as he stated will have to come up      team will therefore, need to find ways     have been affected by the crises is       in his tenure as the AU Chair, he
with great strategies and initiatives to    to bring these conflicts to an end.        huge such that an urgent intervention     plans to focus on climate change,
“correct the glaring inequality in fiscal   The frontrunner for the AU’s newly         is needed to prevent further damage.      fighting sexual violence, promoting
stimulus measures between advanced          merged political affairs and peace         Down south, there is a rising security    the African Continental Free Trade
economies and the rest of the world.”       and security department Bankole            crises in northern Mozambique             Area and accelerating the DRC based
   It’s not just the threat of the corona   Adeoye from Nigeria will have the          ushered in by Islamist extremists         Grand Inga Hydropower Project.
virus pandemic that Moussa Faki             all-important task of coming up with       who are reported to kill mercilessly

       Expect More Positives: Moussa :Faki Buoyant As He
           Starts Second Term As AUC Chairperson
                                                                         By Amos Fofung

                                                    Moussa Faki Mahamat - Photo Credit: African Union

        s African leaders took time to      on the continent hence the reason          Faki Mahamat. Though involved in a          Winning comfortably with 51 out
        deliberate on issues affecting      African leaders are so determined to       one-man race, Moussa Faki had it all      of the 55 votes cast, one thing which
        the continent during the 34th       choose right candidates for the job.       to do as he could only win a second       managed to help Moussa Faki to win
Summit of the African Union, they             Several candidates were in the           term if he garnered at least two-thirds   his reelection bid were the numerous
spared some time to cast votes to           running for different positions as         of the votes cast. Luckily for him, he    successes recorded by the AU during
choose the person to lead the African       the position of the AU Commission          managed to do that and he won the         his first four years at the helm of the
Union Commission for the next four          Chairperson, deputy Chairperson as         race in doing so breaking history         AU Commission. Moussa Faki, the
years. The African Union Commission         well as Commissioners all needed           as he managed to become the first         man who was at one point the Prime
is AU’s secretariat which undertakes        to be filled. In the Chairperson race,     Chairperson of the African Union          Minister of Chad stated himself that
the day to day activities of the union.     there was only one candidate in the        Commission to be reelected for a          during his first term, the continent
As such, it plays an important role         race that is, the incumbent Moussa         second and last term.                     underwent many positives “both

                                                                                                                                      PAV - FEB. 2021 - MAG 0221 Vol III   5
PAN AFRICAN VISIONS D.R.Congo: Turning Point For
PAN AFRICAN VISIONs                                                                                                          Inside Africa
    in terms of economic and social          Trade Area (AfCFTA) as well as            the continent over the years still          “How come, that four years
    development of our Member States,        the Protocol on Free Movement             linger around and Faki faces a huge       down the line, at this same time,
    both individually and as a bloc. In      of Persons, the right of residence        task of eradicating them. Shrinking       we are having only one candidate,
    view of the achievements made by the     and the right of establishment and        of democratic space, corruption,          and people are telling us that that
    AU during the same period, a second      the introduction of a Pan African         mismanagement, the fragility of           is representative enough? If three
    look at the outcomes is enlightening     Passport in February 2019. To             States and conflict factors such as       wasn’t representative enough, how
    for more than one reason.”               encourage greater cooperation and         electoral violence, unconstitutional      can one be representative enough?
       When he was elected for the first     trade amongst African countries, the      changes of government and extension       How can we go this way when we are
    time, he took charge of a Commission     African Union during Moussa Faki’s        of Presidential term limits are the       preaching democracy throughout all
    which was under heavy criticism          first term launched in January 2018       major problems that Faki is expected      the 55 African countries? When are
    owing to its strong bureaucratic         the Single African Air Transport          to address.                               we telling the people of Africa that
    nature. His first task, therefore, was   Market (SAATM), an initiative known          To address the socio-economic          we want to go the democratic way, ?”
    to change the negative perception        as «Africa’s Open Skies», which           and political problems facing the         Sarfo questioned
    charactering the institution. He did     establishes a single unified market       African continent, Faki speaking            The AU Chair also faced criticism
    this by implementing institutional       through the liberalization of the         before his reelection said he will        for not doing enough to root out
    reforms.      Working      in   unison   airspace in Africa. An initiative which   remain dependent on the decisions         violent extremists in the Lake Chad
    with Rwandan President Paul              according to watchers of the economy      and policies as determined and            Basin and across the country.
    Kagame, Moussa Faki oversaw the          will foster economic integration          adopted by the sovereign organs             From the Anglophone crisis in
    restructuring of the organization by     program of the Continent.                 of the Union. In his capacity             Cameroon to the conflict in Central
    enhancing the “working methods of           As his term was coming to an end,      however, as the Chairperson of the        Africa, the AU has been found wanting
    the Union with the establishment of      the continent like others worldwide       AU Commission, Faki said he will          in providing leadership for lasting
    a Coordination Summit instead of the     witnessed the arrival of an unwanted      prioritize the following: finalize the    solutions. The continental body has
    Ordinary one of July, the Division of    guest by the name corona virus. At        institutional reform and strengthen       equally done little to shed the image
    Labour between the Commission and        the helm of the AU, Moussa Faki was       the leadership of the Commission,         in many minds that it is nothing but a
    the Regional Economic Communities        faced with the insurmountable task        enhance administrative and financial      club of leaders who protect their own
    (RECs), the financing of the             of drafting strategies to mitigate the    accountability, spread the ‘Silence       interests and not those of the people.
    Organization and the implementation      impacts of the virus both on the lives    the Guns’ initiative on the whole         Using the examples of silence from
    of budgetary reforms.”                   and livelihoods’ front. Suffice to say,   continent,      execute    successfully   the AU in the face of electoral short
       Just like his predecessor Nkosazana   Moussa Faki did a remarkable job as       key integration projects, food self-      comings in Uganda, Cote d’Ivoire,
    Dhlamini-Zuma from South Africa,         he partnered with Africa CDC to come      sufficiency, reduce poverty by building   Guinea and others, critics fault Faki
    Moussa Faki during his term              up with the Continental Response          resilience through Agriculture and        for not doing enough to support or
    was faced with a myriad of socio-        Strategy for COVID-19. Through            the Blue Economy, protect the             advance democratic causes in Africa.
    economic and political problems.         the Continental Response Strategy         environment, operationalize policies
    On this front, he did come up with       for COVID-19, the AU managed              in favor of youth and women,                 Still, many are those who think that
    various initiatives all of which have    to set up the Response Fund,              stimulate African thought on the          the success of Moussa Faki as he starts
    managed to bear some fruit. On the       implement effective advocacy for debt     obvious determining factors of crises     his second term as AUC Chairperson
    political front, Faki came up with       cancellation, and set up the Medical      and continue to renew strategic           hinges upon establishing, renewing
    the ‘Silence the Guns’ initiative, an    supplies Platform initiative.             partnerships.                             and        strengthening      strategic
    initiative “geared at recognizing the       The successes recorded by the             Though not likely of his making,       partnerships. A second term means
    fact peace and security is a crucial     continental body with Faki at the         running unopposed is something            that Mr. Faki could be has the
    dimension, and that setting it as an     helm have strengthened Faki’s faith       some Africans questioned .Sarfo           opportunity to focus on his legacy in
    objective is an essential condition      and optimism as he looks ahead to his     Abebrese, author of a petition by the     lieu of electoral calculations. There
    for the AU’s development goals.” On      second term. Despite the successes,       Coalition of Supporters Unions of         will be little room for excuses if he
    the socio-economic front, working        Faki knows too well the challenges        Africa, said the AU postponed the         fails to put the AU on a way higher
    with leaders from AU member states,      that lie ahead but is buoyant that the    vote four years ago when there were       pedestal than it is today.
    the former Chadian Prime Minister        African Union will continue to record     only three candidates for that seat.
    fast tracked the establishment           more successes in the next four years.    At the time, the AU said that was not
    of the African Continental Free          Age old challenges that have bedeviled    enough.

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PAN AFRICAN VISIONS D.R.Congo: Turning Point For

                      PAV - FEB. 2021 - MAG 0221 Vol III   7
PAN AFRICAN VISIONS D.R.Congo: Turning Point For
PAN AFRICAN VISIONs                                                                                                            Inside Africa
            Nigeria: Succession playing Out As Buhari
                                                                         By Richard Mammah

                   months to the close
                   of his second term
                   presidency,            the
    Muhammadu Buhari administration
    in Nigeria continues to wobble
    through one challenge or the other.
       It is like a case of one day one
    trouble with the local media being
    daily awash with one piece of bad
    news or the other. From issues of
    insecurity to issues related to the
    yet troubled economy and on to the
    continuing incidence of corruption,
    the headlines clearly point to the fact
    that much more needs to be done.
    Ironically, security, the economy and
    tackling corruption were the flagship
    campaign planks of the Buhari
                                                    In the face of so many challenges, Nigerians have not found leadership in President Buhari.
    presidency in 2015. And even as it had
    gone on to clinch a second term, the        a loss as to what the party would be      and again.                                   Buhari’s chief opponent in the
    street verdict largely is that neither      offering the Nigerian people next.           In addition, he would not do live      2019 polls, former Vice President
    the promise of change nor that to take         Despite       having       massively   media chats and often reads prepared      Atiku Abubakar is like him also a
    the nation to the next level presently      decapitated the main opposition           speeches or is spoken for by one or       Northern Muslim but hails from the
    stand a chance of being met.                Peoples Democratic Party, PDP,            more of a battery of aides from the       North Eastern State of Adamawa. It
       At     sober      moments,      even     which lost one of its governors to the    ubiquitous Presidency. Asked to           is believed that he would be making
    administration officials, the President     ruling party recently, the ruling party   explain this distance, presidential       a pitch for the position once again.
    included, concede that much more            is heavily factionalised under the        aide, Femi Adesina puts it to the         But he is having immense challenges
    should be done. But they also become        table and there continue to be strong     President’s personal style. He does       convincing even some who voted for
    even more passionate when they              internal infighting over both policy      not just talk much.                       him in 2019 as to why power should
    very energetically situate their prime      and political direction.                  Succession blues                          yet remain in the North. A second
    challenge as arising out of the failings       One example of this came to the           In the midst of these, political       snag on Atiku’s way is age. He is 74
    of the previous administration. They        fore recently when the Presidency         contenders interested in succeeding       and the median age is 18.1.
    equally lambast critics for not giving      and the Ondo State Government,            President Buhari have begun to               There is also former House
    the administration enough credit for        both controlled by the ruling party,      make faint moves and noises. At the       of Representatives speaker and
    its efforts and initiatives.                were locked in a war of words over        same time, a number of issues and         incumbent Governor of Sokoto state,
       However, the critics are not             how to address the challenge of           personalities that are expected to        Aminu Tambuwal who had been
    backing down and contend that               nomadic herdsmen. While the Ondo          star in the forthcoming contest are       ‘frightened’ out of the race for the All
    the administration suffers from a           State Government insisted that            already being identified.                 Progressives Congress presidential
    chronic crisis of leadership capacity       undocumented herders must no                 The first is the issue of geography.   ticket by Team Buhari in 2014 and
    that is very well traceable to its early    longer be permitted to encroach on        Where would the next President            also defeated by Atiku in 2018 in
    beginnings: the vision and capacity         the state’s forest reserves and should    come from? Buhari is a Northern           the contest for the PDP ticket. His
    challenges that began to manifest           therefore be ejected, the Presidency      Muslim from the North West. One           first challenge this time is also going
    when Buhari spent almost a half             riposted that the sub-national            likely candidate whose name made          to be geography. He is a North West
    year in putting together his initial        government had no right to so order.      the rounds earlier in the day as          Muslim like Buhari at a time when the
    leadership team.                            Eventually, a truce of sorts was          regards the Buhari succession was         mood is stridently pro-South.
       Since then, there have been              arranged. But the genie had already       Kaduna Governor, Nasir El Rufai. But         Another Northern player who gets
    other points of criticism, including        walked out.                               coming from the same demographics         mentioned sparingly is former INEC
    accusations      of     nepotism     and       Indeed, things have not been           as Buhari in a country that is much       boss, Attahiru Jega. A relatively
    favouritism.                                helped by the President’s near-total      sold on the notion of power shift is a    decent political science teacher,
       Indeed the crisis has even muddied       absence on the plain field as he has      hurdle. There are also other hurdles      Jega is linked to the PRP, one of the
    the succession waters with even             literally been confined to his Aso Rock   that include questions about diversity    smaller political party formations in
    leading lights of the ruling All            fortress for months, with Nigerians       management and insecurity in his          the country whose main driver and
    Progressives Congress, APC still at         only seeing him on television now         home state.                               former Governor of Kaduna State,
8        PAV - FEB. 2021 - MAG 0221 Vol III
Inside Africa                                                                                                  PAN AFRICAN VISIONs
Balarabe Musa passed on several                                                                                         practices; and that to play its history-
months back. Given that the PRP                                                                                         assigned role as a leader in Africa, the
clearly does not have the muscle,                                                                                       most populous nation in the continent
bite and resource base to prosecute                                                                                     needs to have the most robust
nationwide polls, the thinking is that                                                                                  leadership it can find and afford.
Jega is being packaged as a back-                                                                                       And there is seeming consensus that
up card for other more elaborate                                                                                        achieving that would involve an even
permutations that are yet to publicly                                                                                   more comprehensive systems reset
unfold.                                                                                                                 that would take along ingredients
   From the South South, former                                                                                         like a wholesale restructuring of the
President Goodluck Jonathan has                                                                                         country, fiscal federalism, devolution
been mooted as a possible draftee,                                                                                      of power, a new constitution and a
and perhaps one on the APC slate                                                                                        popular referendum. Indeed, they
                                                APC Chieftain Ahmed Bola Tinubu is one those considered
this time around. The idea here is                                                                                      say that Nigeria needs more than a
                                                 as a likely replacement for Buhari when he leaves office.
that having already served a full term                                                                                  towering President, a strongman that
in office and being one that has not       June 12 1993 polls, Bashorun MKO Olusegun Obasanjo trounced the very everyone looks in his direction to fix
really demonstrated any penchant to        Abiola and former Vice President apparent regional choice, Olu Falae, the country’s many challenges.
rock the Northern boat, his return         Atiku Abubakar. Indeed, in Nigeria’s suggests that non-regional actors          Given the long held opposition of
to office would be a short cooling off     history, not being seen as wealthy, could sometimes hold the aces.           President Buhari and his close circle
period in a nation where the tensions      has a way of enhancing the political     From the South East PDP, one of to the need for these changes, what
of the 1914 amalgamation are not           fortunes and stature of candidates the probable candidates is former is therefore coming to the fore now
easing off.                                as had been the case with the likes Anambra Governor, Peter Obi. But is that about the best that the 2023
   Also from the South South zone          of Tafawa Balewa, Shehu Shagari, he would have to persuade his co- presidential polls could indeed offer
is the rumoured aspiration of              Aminu Kano, Balarabe Musa and travellers in the political class who is an opportunity to vote around these
Rivers Governor and current PDP            even the incumbent President. Would had opposed even his emergence as issues. And therein is the hope, in
strongman, Nyesom Wike. It is said         Tinubu be Nigeria’s Berlusconi?        VP candidate in 2019 to drop their that sense, for those who are waiting
that he is presently in agreement with        But that is not all that Tinubu has opposition. There is also former for a rejuvenated Nigeria that would
Tambuwal to run on a joint ticket,         to contend with as even from within Secretary to the Government, Anyim now help in the crystallization of a
whichever way things go.                   the field of potential South West Pius Anyim.                                renascent Africa.
   If we discount Wike’s chances and       contenders, several other interests      On the APC side, likely contenders     The businessman and politician,
the Jonathan return hype, we would         are rooting for either current Vice are clearly keeping their cards to their Sesugh Akume is one of those who
then be left with the two principal        President Yemi Osinbajo or Ekiti chests. But outside of the rival parties, expresses this view and he says it is
zones that are believed to really be in    Governor, John Kayode Fayemi. there is clearly one contender that most important that, Nigeria should
initial contention for the office in the   Another name that is called up now may have presently decided to begin at this point put on the front burner
popular street discourse, namely the       and again is that of former Lagos to test the waters. He is former CBN the imperative of having a consensus
South West and the South East.             Governor and Works Minister, Deputy Governor, Kingsley Moghalu on how to build a strong, viable and
   For the South West APC leadership,      Babatunde Fashola. And while it may who had run in 2019 with very little progressive nation.
the chance to produce a Southern           be conceded that Tinubu is heads and success. What has he done differently      ‘Yes, that is a very important
president from the zone was a              shoulders above any of these other now? And how does he hope to unseat conversation we need to have…For
first factor in their allying with the     potential South West contenders in the bigger boys?                          goodness sake, the era of oil will soon
CPC to take out the PDP. And this          the arena of cross-cutting regional      But watchers of pan-African come to an end. I don’t know we are
arrangement had Asiwaju Bola               political reach and sagacity, the political trends say that Nigeria looking at that at all. There are so
Ahmed Tinubu as poster boy and             lesson from the 1999 polls process clearly needs to do more in the area many things we are doing wrong that
President-in-Waiting. While Tinubu         in which a less regionally-fancied of elevating its internal political have an impact on us now and in the
as leader of the South West APC                                                                                         long term. There are areas like power
would ordinarily have been said                                                                                         generation and consumption; I don’t
to indeed be a shoo-in, there are                                                                                       think we are looking at that at all at
however several hurdles on its path.                                                                                    different levels. Not just at the federal,
They include alleged opposition from                                                                                    but state, local, senatorial levels; we
President Buhari and several of his                                                                                     can be doing many of these things
core associates, his Muslim religious                                                                                   differently, but we are not thinking
identity as well as questions related                                                                                   straight. But I think a time will come
to the need to provide sufficient                                                                                       when we have to start asking these
explanation for what Nigerians would                                                                                    questions and thinking straight and
call his ‘stupendous wealth.’ It will                                                                                   considering what we need to do
be recalled that similar concerns had                                                                                   because we cannot continue this way.
been raised in the past by opponents                                                                                    This house is falling on us; maybe
                                                 Governor Nyesom Wike is one of those said to be nursing
of the presumed winner of the                                        presidential ambitions.                            someday we will realize it.’

                                                                                                                                PAV - FEB. 2021 - MAG 0221 Vol III   9
PAN AFRICAN VISIONs                             Inside Africa
                        Can New Majority in Parliament allow
                        Tshisekedi to turn DR Congo around ?
                                                                    By Jean-Pierre Afadhali

              he resignation of DR Congo’s
              Prime Minister Sylvestre
              Ilunga Ilunkamba on 29
     January gives President Felix
     Tshisekedi more power to implement
     his agenda by appointing his loyalists
     in a new government.
        Tshisekedi gained the majority
     in parliament that helped him
     to overpower his predecessor’
     supporters he said were paralyzing
     the coalition government throughout
     his first two years in the office.
        Lawmakers overwhelmingly passed
     a vote of no-confidence against Illunga
     over poor performance in the climax
     of a process to minimize former
     president Joseph Kabila’s influence
     in parliament and government. The
     move initiated by Tshisekedi started
     with the impeachment of the pro-
     Kabila speaker Jeanine Mabunda late             Recent political developments now give President Tshisekedi broader powers to run the
     last year. The former speaker was                                               affairs of D.R.Congo.
     accused of conflictual and partisan       dominated by loyalists of Kabila,      administration that some observers        Censure against his government.
     leadership and alleged lack of            whose party controlled a majority of   say did not live up to expectations       “As a republican who respects the
     transparency in parliament’s finance      seats in the National Assembly. The    of many Congolese despite some            constitution and the republic’s
     management.                               defunct coalition was formed after     important political decisions such as     institutions, I acknowledge the
        President Tshisekedi announced         controversial elections in 2018 that   freeing political prisoners.              competency of the National Assembly
     the end of the coalition between his      were followed by the first peaceful       The Premier resigned after             that passed the vote of no-confidence
     platform Heading for Change (CACH)        power transfer in the mineral-rich     opposing the motion of censure he         against me by 306 lawmakers,” he
     and Joseph Kabila’s Common Front          country. Kabila’s platform had won     had said it was illegal. In a statement   wrote.
     for Congo (FCC) last December,            60 percent of seats in parliament.     seen by Pan African Visions, Ilunga         The end of the coalition happens
     signaling rising tension within           The situation pushed the President     noted that on 27 January the              as Tshisekedi marks two years at the
     the coalition government that was         to govern under a coalition            parliament had passed a motion of         helm of the Central African nation
                                                                                                                                with a controversial record amid
                                                                                                                                insecurity in the volatile East of the
                                                                                                                                country and the global Covid-19
                                                                                                                                pandemic. In a recent interview
                                                                                                                                with Radio Okapi- a UN affiliated
                                                                                                                                FM station, the Secretary General of
                                                                                                                                the Union for Democracy and Social
                                                                                                                                Progress (UDPS), the President’s
                                                                                                                                party, Augustin Kabuya said the party
                                                                                                                                leader and Head of State “suffered
                                                                                                                                humiliation in the last two years”.
                                                                                                                                Kabuya added: “When he [ president]
                                                                                                                                realized that the interests of our
                                                                                                                                people were being trampled on, he
                                                                                                                                was forced to stop the FCC-CACH
                                                                                                                                machine to look in another direction.”
                                                                                                                                  President Tshisekedi is reported to
              The strong change in political fortunes is further buttressed for Tshisekedi with the                             have told the Congolese diaspora in
                           Chairmanship of the African Union that he now assumes.
                                                                                                                                the United Kingdom that he could not

10       PAV - FEB. 2021 - MAG 0221 Vol III
Inside Africa                                                                                           PAN AFRICAN VISIONs
implement his agenda because he was                                                                            shortly before the 2018 elections.
being blocked by Kabila’s loyalists.                                                                           They then became members of
However, the party’s Secretary                                                                                 opposition after the general elections.
General defended the government’s                                                                                 Former      Kabila      government
record in the past two years while                                                                             spokesperson Lambert Mende is
admitting the CASH-FCC coalition                                                                               among the notable MPs who joined
did not transform much one of the                                                                              the ‘Sacred Union’.
biggest countries on the continent.                                                                               However,     former     presidential
                                                                                                               candidate Martin Fayulu, who still
The controversial record                                                                                       claims, with substantial evidence,
  Tshisekedi has recorded several                                                                              that he won the 2018 vote, will remain
accomplishments of the Head of                                                                                 in opposition together with former
State, Kabuya argued, while blaming                                                                            premier Adolphe Muzito.
economic shortcomings on the                                                                                      A new cabinet that has not yet been
global pandemic. “Today, the global        Modeste Bahati Lukwebo was instrumental in coblling the             appointed at the time of this report has
economy has struggled with Covid-19.             new majority coalition for President Tshisekedi.              a daunting task to deal with insecurity
All the great nations of the world are new majority that would allow him to minimize Kabila’s influence in the in Eastern DRC, Covid-19 and the
in trouble, except in the DRC, where consolidate power, a goal he appears National Assembly, 391 MPs out of struggling economy. It remains to be
you want the Head of State to invent to have achieved. Many pro-Kabila 500 have joined the “Sacred Union seen whether Tshisekedi will succeed
things that are not possible in the lawmakers have joined the platform, of the Nation” giving the president in living up to his promises of political
current political context,” Kabuya giving the head of state a majority that an overwhelming majority. Notable stability and economic growth during
told a journalist in an interview with allowed him to get rid of Mabunda support for Tshisekedi’s platform the final two years of his term in office.
Radio Okapi.                           and paved the way for the subsequent comes from political heavyweights The president’s envoy has hinted that
  In place of the old coalition, vote of no-confidence against Illunga. Moise Katumbi, former Governor of it will not be an easy task to form a
President Tshisekedi late last year       According to Modeste Bahati Katanga Province, and Jean-Pierre new government after the Premier’s
formed a new platform he called Lukwebo,            a    former     minister Bemba, a former vice-president. resignation.
“the Sacred Union of the Nation” in appointed by the President in early Both were members of the coalition
parliament as he sought to form a January to gather a new majority and ‘Lamuka’ (Wake up) that was split

   DRC: Joseph Kabila Has Nothing Else To Offer,
     It’s Time For Tshisekedi- Eloge Mwandwe
                                                            By Maniraguha Ferdinand

        wist and turns in the complex                                                                              the resignation of Prime Minister
        political games in the DR                                                                                  Sylvestre Ilunga Ilunkamba, two days
        Congo have resulted in the                                                                                 after parliament voted him out.
emergence of a new coalition which                                                                                    Pan African Visions sat for an
gives President Tshisekedi an upper                                                                                interview with Eloge Mwandwe,
hand in the power struggle with his                                                                                a political analyst, researcher in
predecessor Joseph Kabila.                                                                                         Rural Economics from Kinshasa and
  Kabila’s coalition had majority both                                                                             lecturer at the University of Likasi
in government and in parliament and                                                                                in Kinshasa. Mwandwe is also a
on some occasions, developmental                                                                                   member of AFDC (Alliance des forces
projects were blocked due to                                                                                       démocratiques du Congo), the same
disagreements, which stalled pledges                                                                               party as of Lukwebo.
Tshisekedi had promised citizens who
voted him in 2018.                                                                                                 PAV: After the informant
  In the end of 2020, Tshisekedi                                                                                   presented his report, what is
made some reforms. He made                                                                                         next for DRC?
                                               The cohabitation between President Tshisekedi and his
political consultations with other key                                                                               Mwandwe:       A new permanent
                                            predecessor was making it difficult for his vision to flourish.
political parties including those that                                                                             national assembly›s bureau will
had joined FCC of Joseph Kabila. In        Senator Modeste Bahati Lukwebo, January 2021, after lobbying more be put in place, and the president
the end, they agreed to form another     a former ally of Joseph Kabila, was than 390 lawmakers out of 500 to join in respect of our Constitution, will
Coalition named        ‘Union sacrée’    named as an informant to identify a Union sacrée, with majority quitting appoint a new Prime Minister among
(Sacred Union) aimed at finding          new majority coalition in the National the FCC of Joseph Kabila.          the political leaders who form the
a new majority both chambers of          Assembly. He presented his report to     The report came in the same week current new identified majority.
parliament.                              president Tshisekedi by the end of that President Tshisekedi accepted
                                                                                                                        PAV - FEB. 2021 - MAG 0221 Vol III   11
PAN AFRICAN VISIONs                                                                                                  Inside Africa
      PAV: It is said that Union                                                                                              defending his vision. It is a
     sacrée aims at weakening                                                                                                 matter of time, it is a matter of
     the power of former                                                                                                      political results and improving
     president Kabila, what                                                                                                   lives.
     kind of threat did he pose
     to the current president?                                                                                                PAV: Kabila used to be
        Mwandwe:         The    new                                                                                           a powerful figure in the
     identified majority has nothing                                                                                          army, do you think the
     to do with individual, instead,                                                                                          army is behind Tshisekedi
     it was formed to improve                                                                                                 now?
     citizens› life, It is about the                                                                                             Mwandwe: Thank God we
     country. I first of all do not                                                                                           can now talk of a republican
     think that the President Kabila                                                                                          army, not an individual’s army.
     whom I owe respect as former                                                                                             According to our Constitution,
     head of state, after eighteen                                                                                            the president of the republic is
     years of power has something                                                                                             the only supreme commander
     else to offer to Congolese. He                                                                                           of the army. Today, President
     has done what he could and                                                                                               Tshisekedi is the president of
     now, it’s time for the current                                                                                           the republic, so, he is the most
     president,      Felix   Antoine    After 18 years, Joseph Kabila has nothing new to offer Congolese says Mwandwe.        powerful figure in the army.
     Tshisekedi to implement his           for a better future on behalf of next his vision has total support from
     vision through the next government. generations.                             Congolese, but I do think he knows PAV:              Observers        define
                                                                                  that his vision will take the country developments         in    DRC      as
     PAV: Do you think Kabila will PAV: Are all Congolese behind to the better heights. It will give hope worrisome, which could end
     not retaliate?                        these reforms of President the country has lost a long time ago.             in violence, what do you think
        Mwandwe: We are talking about Tshisekedi?                                   Before elections, we had some about it?
     future. Honestly, Congolese people       Mwandwe: Even God in heaven people who could not agree with
     know President Kabila and know his experienced opposition, that is the him, but they are the ones who are            Mwandwe: It is their opinion, I
     limits as well.                       reason why today we talk of Lucifer. supporting him today. Some did not don›t see such things happening in
                                           I don›t think that the president of want even to mention his name some the future. People should understand
     PAV: What incentives did the the republic is concerned on whether weeks ago, however they are now that the DRC has moved from a
     Informant give to FCC                                                                                                     country which        could not
     MPs to join Union sacrée?                                                                                                 give hope to its citizens, to
        Mwandwe:            He only                                                                                            the country envisioning hope
     presented to them as well as                                                                                              for its citizens. Majority of
     other members of parliament                                                                                               Congolese are focused on
     from       different    political                                                                                         implementing the president of
     organizations,      the   vision                                                                                          the republic›s vision.
     that the President has for the
     country, which you will agree                                                                                               PAV: Is there any clear
     with me that majority of them                                                                                             difference from FCC of
     decided to support. As I said                                                                                             Kabila and new Sacred
     earlier, it has nothing to do                                                                                             Union of Tshisekedi?
     with individual but the country.                                                                                             Mwandwe: The difference
                                                                                                                               between FCC and Sacred
     PAV: Are you sure that                                                                                                    Union is that the FCC was
     they will stick to the                                                                                                    created to win elections which
     agreement?                                                                                                                it failed to achieve (in 2018).
        Mwandwe: Only God never                                                                                                On the other hand, Sacred
     knows. For members of                                                                                                     Union was created to bring
     parliament, I choose to remain                                                                                            reforms in different areas,
     optimistic, because the issue at                                                                                          which will improve social
     hand concern the future of our                                                                                            and economic lives of the
     country. We have reached a           Mwandwe says that it is time for President Tshisekedi to deliver on                  Congolese people.
                                                                 what he promised the people.
     point where we need to decide

                                   Pan African Visions MAGAZINE, 7614 Green Willow Court, Hyattsville,MD 20785
                                 Tel:2404292177, email:,

12       PAV - FEB. 2021 - MAG 0221 Vol III

                      PAV - FEB. 2021 - MAG 0221 Vol III   13
PAN AFRICAN VISIONs                        Inside Africa
               Kenya: Ruto's hurdles ahead of 2022 polls
                                                                          By Samuel Ouma

                                        Deputy President William Ruto is in the fight of his political life. Photo courtesy.

              enya heads towards critical      the ODM’s earlier announcement            presidential elections on the ODM          IEBC,» said the Registrar of Political
              elections in 2022, and many      inviting applicants interested in vying   party ticket to declare their interest     Parties Anne Nderitu.
              candidates    have     already   for the 2022 presidential election        by submitting their applications to          The ruling party›s ongoing battles,
     expressed their interests in the          of the party’s ticket to submit their     the NEB, “ read the part of the advert.    Jubilee, have seen the formation of
     country›s top seat led by Deputy          applications latest on February             Other candidates include former          a new political outfit, namely the
     President William Ruto. With 2022         26, 2021. The Elections Board             vice presidents Kalonzo Musyoka            United Democratic Alliance (UDA)
     drawing closer, political realignments    Chairperson      Catherine     Muyeka     and Musalia Mudavadi, Governors            associated with the deputy president.
     and new parties› formation have           Mumma, in an advert on a local            Alfred Mutua and Kivutha Kibwana,          Even though the second in command
     begun at very high gear.                  daily, said that each candidate must      Senators Gideon Moi and Moses              has not personally come out and
        So far, more than ten candidates       pay a ksh 1 million (approximately        Wetangla,      Secretary-General      of   identify himself with the new party,
     have announced their presidential         10,000 USD) non-refundable fee.           the United Nations Conference on           his allies several times have hinted
     bids, and the number might increase       The applicants must also meet             Trade and Development Mukhisa              that the party is the chosen bus that
     with time. The latest to join the race    t the minimum requirements of             Kituyi, and former minister Mwangi         will drive their boss to the presidency.
     is Kakamega Governor Wycliffe             presidential candidates as set out        Kiunjuri.                                  Ruto’s allies are somehow correct
     Oparanya       and    his    Mombasa      by the Independent Electoral and            Between now and next year,               because the outfit is associated with
     counterpart Hassan Joho of the            Boundaries Commission (IEBC).             Kenyans are set to witness the birth of    the Hustler Nation slogan, along with
     Orange       Democratic     Movement        “Pursuant to the resolution of          new political parties and alliances and    the Wheelbarrow Movement that
     (ODM) party headed by the AU envoy        the party’s Central Committee on          party-hopping as leaders try to find       Ruto has been popularising across the
     Raila Odinga. The duo whose terms         the need for early preparations           out a political vehicle that will drive    country.
     as Governor expire next year are          towards the 2022 General Elections        them to power. Reports from the                “We formed Jubilee but to our
     deputizing Odinga. Oparanya and           and guided by The Constitution of         Registrar of Political Parties› office     dismay, we are humiliated and
     Joho seek the ODM ticket in a battle      Kenya, 2010, The Elections Act,           show that many people are tendering        derided. We no longer have a say
     that will pit them against their boss     2011, The Political Parties Act, 2011,    their resignation from one party and       in it. In UDA which is an affiliate to
     to get a strong candidate to face Ruto.   The Elections (General) Regulations,      move to another.                           Jubilee, we have a home that can help
        “I will submit my nomination           2012, The ODM Constitution and              “We do have an increase in people        us ascend to power. There is an option
     papers to seek the ODM ticket for the     The ODM party National Elections          changing parties. People resign from       now for us who have a difference of
     2022 presidential race,” Oparanya         and Nomination Rules, the National        one party and join another every day.      opinion regarding the operations
     told the Star.                            Elections Board (NEB) hereby gives        Resignations are all over now, maybe       of the Jubilee party. UDA has now
        The bold decision taken by the         notice to party members who are           because of the several by-elections        gained traction across the country and
     two county bosses was preceded by         interested in vying for the 2022          that have been scheduled by the            we shall use it for shelter,” reiterated

14       PAV - FEB. 2021 - MAG 0221 Vol III
Inside Africa                                                                                                PAN AFRICAN VISIONs
MP Caleb Kositany.
   The United Democratic Alliance
(UDA), formerly the Party of
Development and Reform (PDR),
will be launched soon, followed by
the election of officials from the
grassroots to the national level,
according to the party›s chairman
Johnson Muthama.
   “We have succeeded in changing
the name and already have our
headquarters. Now we are in Phase
Two where we are set to open offices
in all the sub-counties and county
headquarters. From there, we will
elect officials in all our branches to
the top leadership. This is the party
by the hustlers and for the hustlers
and we want them to own and be
part of every step and process of the         From friends to foes, relations between Deputy President Ruto and PresideKenyatta have
decision-making in the party,” said                                                    soured
   The country›s political atmosphere    the former vice president termed         rejoinder, described Mudavadi and       Raila criticized him over Jubilee›s
is already tensed as the presidential    Ruto’s claims wild and desperate         his party as confused, asking them to   unfulfilled promises labeling him
hopefuls engage in a bitter exchange     propaganda and challenged him to         keep off the Jubilee party›s affairs.   «Mr. Six months.»
of words. Recently, Kalonzo and Ruto     subject himself to lifestyle audit and     “Who is supposed to complain?            «Mr Six months! The youngsters
locked horns over land grabbing          investigations.                          Is it ANC or members of Jubilee?        you promised laptops eight years ago
claims. Ruto had accused the former        Prior, Musalia Mudavadi›s Amani        That is a sign of a confused party,”    are now old enough to see through
of grabbing land belonging to the        National Congress Party (ANC)            said former National Assembly Chief     your lies. The youth you promised
National Youth Service in Yatta,         had asked Ruto to resign or face         Whip Benjamin Washiali.                 eight million jobs in eight yrs can see
Machakos County. Kalonzo instead         impeachment over his constant attack       Moreover, Ruto’s claims that          through the wheelbarrow lie you are
turned guns on the deputy president,     on the president. Ayub Savula, an        Raila should take responsibility        now peddling. It has been eight yrs
accusing him of all manner of ills,      ANC deputy party leader, threatened      for the government›s failures to        Mr Six months and not three years.
and ended up branding him the            to rally lawmakers to ouster Ruto        meet the development plan due to        No Mr Six months!»
chief land grabber. Addressing the       for allegedly disrespecting President    a famous handshake has put him             «There are people like ‹Mr. Six
press in Nairobi on January 19, 2021,    Uhuru Kenyatta. Ruto, allies in          under fire from the opposition chief.   Months Time›, In six months time
                                                                                                                          we shall give all children in schools
                                                                                                                          laptops, in six months time we shall
                                                                                                                          give one million jobs to our youth, in
                                                                                                                          six months we shall build 47 modern
                                                                                                                          stadia, in six months we shall build
                                                                                                                          tarmacked roads,” said Raila.

                                                                                                                            President Kenyatta had indicated
                                                                                                                          that he would prefer a person from
                                                                                                                          an ethnic community other than any
                                                                                                                          of the two that have produced the
                                                                                                                          country›s past presidents to succeed
                                                                                                                          him. Many leaders welcomed his
                                                                                                                          statement except those in Ruto’s
                                                                                                                          camp. Ruto hails from the Kalenjin
                                                                                                                          community, which produced a long-
                                                                                                                          serving head of state in Kenya›s
                                                                                                                          political history. The late Daniel Moi
                                                                                                                          served for 24 years before retiring in
    Ruto in a handshake with opposition leader Raila Odinga while President Kenyatta looks
on.Both men are frontline candidates to succeed Kenyatta when his second and last mandate ends.

                                                                                                                               PAV - FEB. 2021 - MAG 0221 Vol III   15
PAN AFRICAN VISIONs                                                                                                  Inside Africa
       Ethiopia is Waxing Strong In Face of Multiple
              Challenges-Ambassador Arega
                                                                  By Ajong Mbapndah L

             thiopia’s envoy to the USA USA and Ethiopia may have been
             Ambassador Fitsum Arega    ruffled due to bias in favour of Egypt
             says amidst a myriad of    from the previous administration,
     challenges, the country is waxing  Ambassador Arega said he was
     strong. Speaking in an exclusive zoom
                                        optimistic on prospects of stronger
     interview with PAV, Ambassador     bonds of cooperation with the Biden
     Arega says doomsday scenarios      administration.
     painted about his country in some    Despite the challenges posed by
     media circles do not amply capture COVID 19, Ambassador Arega said
     the realities on the ground.       his Embassy had remains open and he
        Defending the forceful response of
                                        has been working hand in glove with
     Prime Minister Abiy’s government   the dynamic Ethiopian diaspora to
     to the crisis in Tigray, Ambassadorsupport recovery efforts back home.
     Arega says that no country in the  In the interview which also covers
     world would have tolerated the     the upcoming elections, investment
     provocation and heinous actions    opportunities, and changes in the
     of the TPLF. Ambassador Arega      country since Prime Minister Abiy
     laments the suffering that the war took office, Ambassador Arega                 No country in the world would have tolerated the provocation and
     has brought but is quick to say hisshared reassuring perspectives on            heinous actions of the TPLF says Ambassador Arega in defence of the
                                                                                                    response of Ethiopia to crisis in Tigray.
     government was doing its maximum   his country .Prime Minister Abiy
     best and working in partnership with
                                        has inspired millions since he came lockdowns, trade roots, logistics and            Ambassador Arega: The diplomatic
     international partners to ensure that
                                        to office and reforms are still alive , tourism challenges, the economy relations have been essentially old, to
     aid is brought to people in need and
                                        Ambassador Arega said.                   has been affected. But compared to be exactly one hundred and seventeen
     normalcy returns to the region.                                             some other countries in Africa, since years and last year was one of the
        On      the     Grand           Pan African Visions: May we Ethiopia›s economy is predominantly challenging years due to President
     Renaissance       Dam              start with how Ethiopia is agricultural and the rural areas are Trump›s invitation for the three
     Arega said it is a public and not adoing politically, economically less affected, Ethiopia has had some countries to negotiate on the Ethiopian
     government project with circa five and socially?                            positive growth; last year it was 6%.     dam. That did not work out the way
     billion dollars raised by Ethiopians Ambassador Arega: Ethiopia has            In terms of political stability, since we all wanted. It was not impartial,
     in the country and in the diaspora.been doing very good before COID in Prime minister Abiy came to power some unacceptable proposals were
     Ambassador Arega said his country  terms of economic stability as well as things were going very well. But due coming from Washington, and we
     has been forthcoming in sharing allsocial cohesion. Since the pandemic, to the TPLF provocation and act had to realign the negotiation. We
     progress and developments with     Ethiopia is one of the least affected so of treason that they committed on accepted Washington as an observer,
     other countries in the region and  far. Around 2100 people died because November 3, 2020, by attacking the but the treasury department went on
     any scepticism from any quarters isof covid and close to 200,000 got Northern command, the Ethiopian influencing or supporting Egypt›s
     uncalled for.                      infected, most of them recovered government had to respond to this proposals. Because of that, the
        While relations between the     quickly. But due to the international aggression. Due to that things have relation was a little bit challenging.
                                                                                 gotten a little challenging for the Now, relations are getting far better,
                                                                                 Ethiopian government to provide and it is going well.
                                                                                 humanitarian supplies to these
                                                                                 affected areas. We are hoping for the Pan African Visions: Last year,
                                                                                 best because we are heading to an the US suspended some aid to
                                                                                 election that will happen on June 5, your country. Now, with a new
                                                                                 2021.                                     administration, what efforts
                                                                                                                           are being made to make sure
                                                                                 Pan African Visions: We will get these sanctions are lifted?
                                                                                 to the specifics of the conflict in         Ambassador      Arega:   A   new
                                                                                 a moment but let’s talk about administration is just coming in;
                                                                                 your current functions. You they have not even fully assigned the
                                                                                 have been Ambassador for staff that will investigate all these
                                                                                 a couple of years now, what challenges. So far, we have just the
        Since Prime Minister Abiy came to power, he has inspired
                                                                                 is that state of ties between secretary of State, Deputy Secretary
       millions and reforms are still alive, says Ambassador Arega.
                                                                                 Washington and Addis Ababa? still not assigned. We are in touch
16       PAV - FEB. 2021 - MAG 0221 Vol III
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