SCIENCE' THE The danger in putting faith in a false messiah -

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SCIENCE' THE The danger in putting faith in a false messiah -
The ‘impossible’         Crisis is trans-   The church that   The ultimate
new space telescope     forming Germany      ruled the world    plan of God

       SEPTEMBER 2021

    The danger in putting faith in a false messiah
SCIENCE' THE The danger in putting faith in a false messiah -
                                                                                                        Scientific experts are dictating the COVID-19
                                                                                                         response, and the world is blindly following.
                                                                                                                                  (Reese Zoellner/Trumpet)

SEPTEMBER 2021 | VOL. 32, NO. 8 | CIRC. 240,596

                                                                                                                                      The Jeroboam bulla

FEATURES                                                                                           DEPARTMENTS
FROM THE EDITOR 1                                  Why Is July 4 Suddenly                          WORLDWATCH 28
A Tiny Artifact Proclaims a                        Scandalous? 14
                                                                                                   SOCIETYWATCH 31
Powerfully Encouraging Message
                                                   ‘At the Verge of Impossible’ 16
                                                                                                   PRINCIPLES OF LIVING 33
                                                   INFOGRAPHIC                                     Beware Our Present-Tense Culture
The Tyranny of ‘Science’
Falsely So Called                                  Preparing to Scrutinze the Stars 18             DISCUSSION BOARD 34
The NHS: Britain’s False Religion 4
                                                   The Ultimate Plan of God 20                     COMMENTARY 35
Germany: Transformed                                                                               A Humble Request
by Crises 7                                        The Modern King Jeroboam II 23
                                                                                                   THE KEY OF DAVID TELEVISION LOG 36
The Church That
Ruled the World 10
                                                                                                                                                             DANI MACHLIS/BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY

Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry’s    Trumpet executive editor Stephen   Regular news updates and alerts               News and analysis
weekly television program                  Flurry’s television program        from our website to your inbox                updated daily                     
SCIENCE' THE The danger in putting faith in a false messiah -

A Tiny Artifact Proclaims a
Powerfully Encouraging Message
“Let the stones speak.” —Dr. Eilat Mazar

      or more than four years, I have explained that United            supervision of Ben-Gurion University Prof. Yuval Goren” (Times
      States President Donald Trump fulfills a role prophesied         of Israel, Dec. 10, 2020).
      in the Bible of an end-time “King Jeroboam.” You can find           The timing of this announcement was interesting. This bulla
this stunning prophecy in Amos 7, which talks extensively              has been around for a long time. In fact, it was purchased from
about this national leader.                                            a Bedouin antiquities merchant in the 1980s, more than 30
  This prophecy is connected to 2 Kings 14, which records the          years ago. For years, the man who purchased this tiny artifact
history of King Jeroboam ii in the eighth century b.c. As Israel’s     assumed it was a forgery. There was no record of where it came
longest-serving monarch, this man presided over a remarkable           from or how it was discovered. He paid about 10 shekels for
national resurgence in the kingdom. Like much of Israel and            it—a few cents.
Judah’s ancient history, the events in 2 Kings 14 are dual, which         About five years ago, Prof. Yuval Goren from Ben-Gurion
means there is also an end-time fulfillment. (Read our article         University began testing the seal impression. The procedure was
explaining this on page 23 of this Trumpet issue.)                     intense. Professor Goren “followed a protocol he had forged over
  Amos 7 and 2 Kings 14 are crucial passages to understanding          the past decade, which includes a series of overlapping tests from
Donald Trump’s presidency, the current political situation in          varied scientific disciplines.” Only after five years of scrupulous
America, and even broader trends in the world.                         testing was it announced that the bulla was authentic. The media
   Even now, with Joe Biden in the White House, I continue             in Israel and worldwide published many articles about it.
to believe Donald Trump will once again become America’s                  This wonderful artifact brings King Jeroboam ii to life. But
president. The reason is that I understand and believe God’s           it also brings to life Amos 7 and 2 Kings 14, two prophecies
prophecy in Amos 7. If only more people really believed the            about an end-time Jeroboam ii!
Bible, they would have so much more understanding and hope!               I don’t believe the timing of this announcement was a
  Right now, the situation may look dire for Mr. Trump, since          coincidence.
he no longer leads the nation and his enemies are so wide-                Faith is “the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). My
spread and fierce. Events appear to undermine the prophecy             faith is in God’s Word—not in a tiny 2,500-year-old artifact.
in Amos 7, yet neither God nor His prophecies have changed—            However, such a discovery can be an inspiring miracle that God
which means I cannot change my view either.                            often gives to those who believe His message. That encourages
   Late last year, as it seemed that evidence disproving this          us to build even more faith. As our faith grows, so do the mira-
prophecy was piling up, we learned about a very special discov-        cles. Then our Bible comes alive as never before!
ery in Israel. I believe God had a hand in this discovery.                The oval-shaped bulla is small: roughly 3/4 inch tall and 1 inch
   In the world of archaeology, the discovery and authentication       wide. Though tiny, it packs a powerful message!
of a seal stamp (bulla) mentioning a biblical king is rare. The last      On the front is an image of a roaring lion standing with its
time it happened was in 2015, when it was revealed that archae-        tail raised. Above the lion is a paleo-Hebrew inscription that
ologists had uncovered a bulla mentioning Judah’s King Heze-           reads, “l’Shema eved Yerov’am,” which means “Belonging to
kiah. Last December was another one of those rare occasions.           Shema the servant/minister of Jeroboam.” This bulla didn’t
What was the name of the biblical king inscribed on this seal?         belong to King Jeroboam personally; it belonged to a servant,
   It was King Jeroboam ii!                                            or minister, who worked with the king.
                                                                          The word Shema is used many times in the Bible. It means
The Lion of Israel                                                     hear, or listen. This is the word in Deuteronomy 6:4, where
Amanda Borschel-Dan, one of Israel’s finest archaeology                God says, “Hear, O Israel ….” The word is used 10 times in the
journalists, wrote this about the bulla: “What is arguably the         book of Amos, including in chapter 7. “Now therefore hear thou
earliest inscribed clay seal impression from the land of Israel—       the word of the Lord …” (verse 16). Do you think God might be
used at the court of Israelite King Jeroboam ii—has been               trying to tell us something with this bulla? I do.
authenticated after years of strict laboratory testing under the                                                 ARTIFACT PAGE 22 u
                                                                                                                       SEPTEMBER 2021 1
SCIENCE' THE The danger in putting faith in a false messiah -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MOON/GETTY IMAGES
                                                                                                                                            CHANDAN KHANNA/AFP/GETTY IMAGES, LUIS ACOSTA/AFP/GETTY IMAGES, FIONA GOODALL/GETTY IMAGES
                               Society is making sacrifices to a false messiah.
                                                                             BY STEPHEN FLURRY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          THE PHILADELPHIA TRUMPET
SCIENCE' THE The danger in putting faith in a false messiah -
                             l ot o f wh at   “15 days to slow the spread,” and later               this pandemic. Claiming their deci-
                           you’re seeing as    advocated unprecedented lockdowns                    sions were “backed by science,” health
                           attacks on me,      for more than a year. He is the man who              experts have recommended a labyrinth
                           quite frankly,      initially advised that masks were unnec-             of contradictory rules and insisted on
                           are attacks on      essary, then claimed that he had been                phenomenally oppressive measures that
                           science.” That      misleading people so that they would                 have shuttered businesses, devastated
                           is Dr. Anthony      leave enough masks for health-care                   education, upended millions of lives,
                           Fauci’s descrip-    workers, and still later said that the effec-        and created far more grievous problems
                           tion of Dr.         tiveness of double masks was “common                 than they have solved.
                           Anthony Fauci,      sense.” He is the man now telling the                  This is to say nothing of the fact that
                           from a June         world that he has spoken “consistently               scientists, including Dr. Fauci himself,
interview. “Because all of the things that     from the very beginning,” and has, at the            almost certainly caused the pandemic.
I have spoken about, consistently from         same time, “evolved” his advice.                       One of Dr. Fauci’s many articles was
the very beginning, have been funda-              Some people advance through the                   published in 2012 by the American Soci-
mentally based on science. … [I]f you are      educational, medical, political or other             ety for Microbiology. There he explicitly
trying to, you know, get at me as a public     systems of our societies and become                  wrote that “gain of function” research on
health official and a scientist, you’re        what we consider elite, wise, high-                  bat coronaviruses was worth the risk of a
really attacking not only Dr. Anthony
Fauci, you’re attacking science.”
   Anthony Fauci is an alumnus of the
                                              SOME PEOPLE ADVANCE THROUGH THE EDUCATIONAL,
College of the Holy Cross and a doctor        MEDICAL, POLITICAL OR OTHER SYSTEMS OF OUR SOCIETIES
of Cornell University Medical College.
He has received 50 honorary doctorates
                                              AND BECOME WHAT WE CONSIDER ELITE, WISE, HIGH-MINDED.
from universities in the United States        YET THIS DOES NOT IMMUNIZE THEM FROM BEING WRONG.
and other countries. According to a
government website, he is the 132nd           minded. Yet this does not immunize                    pandemic if it increases our knowledge of
most-cited author of 992,000 authors          them from being wrong.                                diseases. The government nevertheless
in general and internal medicine, the            The Apostle Paul wrote this about some             banned “gain of function” research only
32nd most-cited living researcher, the        people in his day: “Professing themselves             two years later. But Dr. Fauci and his
20th most-cited author of 2.4 million in      to be wise, they became fools” (Romans                colleagues at the National Institute of
the field of research and experimental        1:22). Look at the elites in the news today.          Allergy and Infectious Diseases found
medicine, the ninth most-cited author         Don’t these words apply to them?                      a loophole. They now admit to U.S. law-
out of 2.5 million immunologists, a pre-                                                            makers that, under Fauci’s guidance, the
senter of major lectures around the globe,    Trusting Experts                                      National Institute of Health earmarked
and a recipient of the National Medal of      The scientific community is probably                  $600,000 for the Wuhan Institute of
Science, the George M. Kober Medal, the       the second-most-trusted institution in                Virology and funneled it to the Chinese
Mary Woodard Lasker Award, the Albany         America, after the U.S. military. Only                lab through the nonprofit EcoHealth
Medical Center Prize, the Robert Koch         20 percent of Americans say they trust                Alliance. This money was used to study
Gold Medal, the Prince Mahidol Award,         the government, but 44 percent say they               whether bat coronaviruses could be
the Canada Gairdner Global Health             have a great deal of confidence in the                transmitted to humans. Now even leftists
Award, and the Presidential Medal of          scientific community.                                 who recently scoffed at the lab leak as a
Freedom, the highest civilian honor             Fa i th i n s c i e nt i f i c ex p e r t s h a s   conspiracy theory admit it is likely a fact.
awarded by the U.S. government. He is         remained steady for the past 50 years—                   If it is true that covid-19 originated in
also the highest paid of all the govern-      even after the drastic Fauci-recom-                   a lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology,
ment’s 2 million-plus employees.              mended, government-enforced, covid-19                 then Dr. Fauci may have directly contrib-
   By all these measures, Dr. Anthony         lockdown measures. A survey of more                   uted to the development of the covid-19
Fauci is a success. This is why he has        than 20,000 Americans conducted by                    pandemic by funding this research.
come to the forefront of the government       Prof. David Lazer found that both Demo-                  Yet fo r m a ny, th ei r d evot io n i s
in its response to the covid-19 outbreak.     crats and Republicans trusted scientists              unshaken. Mask mandates, social-dis-
And apparently, this is why he equates        and doctors to handle the covid-19 pan-               tancing measures, school closures,
the field of scientific study to himself.     demic more than any other individual or               business lockdowns: Millions have
   Yet well-paid, award-winning, exten-       institution, including state governments              submitted to and been subjected to
sively cited, doctor-times-50 Anthony         and the federal government.                           these acts of “faith in Fauci.” Americans
Fauci is also the man who initially helped      This faith has remained despite                     have taken on $6 trillion more in debt
fund the lab where covid-19 likely origi-     repeated misjudgments by scientists                   and sacrificed their economy before
nated, then opposed the lab-leak theory;      and public health experts over the past               a priesthood of scientific experts for
who initially said the outbreak would         two years that have demonstrated that                 salvation from a pandemic that those
likely remain minor, then promoted            they do not really know how to deal with              experts likely caused!
                                                                                                                               SEPTEMBER 2021 3
SCIENCE' THE The danger in putting faith in a false messiah -
Consequences                                 demanded by the press and the political        dealing with new information that the
There is no evidence that covid-19 is        left are massive socialistic interventions?    science is providing,” he said. But on the
substantially more contagious or deadly      Or is it more reasonable to think that         day that the cdc reversed its mask-wear-
than a normal flu, which infects some        the scientific community is just as            ing guidance, they did not publish any
9 to 45 million Americans each year.         fallible—even biased and politically           new research. Even the Washington Post
There is no evidence that wearing a          motivated—as every other government            asked, “Where’s the data?”
paper or cloth mask stops the spread         institution?                                     After the cdc’s flip-flop, a reporter
of a 20-nanometer coronavirus particle.         Consider the Centers for Disease            called out Joe Biden: “You said if you
But scientists, flanked by leftist politi-   Control and Prevention’s recent series         were fully vaccinated, you no longer
cians and progressive media, pushed          of mixed messages about who should             need to wear a mask.” Biden’s response:
these drastic, catastrophic interven-        wear face masks. In early 2021, as            “I didn’t say that.”
tions with stunning self-assurance,          more people were vaccinated, many                 Even when the experts are plainly
quashing any dissenting concerns about       wondered when mask mandates would              wrong, they’re still right! To criticize
the broader consequences.                    be lifted. If the vaccine was as effective     them is to attack science—and truth.
  Those broader consequences were            as the experts claimed, why wear the             And the same week that the new
colossal. In addition to the financial       mask? In May, the cdc revised its              cdc guidance came out—effectively
and economic disruptions, and the            guidelines, prompting Joe Biden to             showing that vaccines do not prevent
physical and mental health problems          announce, “If you are fully vaccinated,        people from contracting and spreading
caused by compulsory social isolation,       you no longer need to wear a mask.” Just       coronavirus—Joe Biden announced
these lockdowns helped politicians           two months later, however, the science         strict new measures cracking down on
push last-minute changes to mail-in          again changed. In July, the cdc discov-        all unvaccinated federal workers. The
ballot rules that helped throw the 2020      ered that vaccinated individuals could         contradictions are head-spinning.
presidential election into chaos.            still contract, carry and spread covid-19.       This pandemic is a massive and painful
   Is it a coincidence that the dire pre-    Back to the masks! Are you following           case study proving that Americans’ faith
dictions pushed by scientific experts        the science?                                   in the scientific community is misplaced.
have had major political ramifications?        Anthony Fauci defended the cdc, say-            In reality, science stands exposed as a
Is it a coincidence that the solutions       ing they weren’t flip-flopping. “They’re       false messiah.

B   ritain’s National Health Service is apparently the best
    thing ever. Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer called it “our
country’s greatest institution.” Former Health Secretary Matt
                                                                    about is the nhs. It has been weakening Britain from within
                                                                    for decades.
                                                                      The National Health Service began after World War ii, when
Hancock went one better, saying, “The nhs is the best gift a        the British voted out Winston Churchill and elected the Labour
nation has ever given itself.”                                      Party. Labour celebrated by singing “The Red Flag,” the Com-
  On July 5, the nation celebrated the “birthday” of the nhs. A     munist anthem, in Parliament. Aneurin Bevan was one of the
thanksgiving ceremony was held at St. Paul’s Cathedral. Buck-       most extreme of these socialists, having been briefly kicked out
ingham Palace hosted a garden party. Most remarkable was the        of the Labour Party six years earlier due to vocal support for
awarding of the George Cross, Britain’s highest civilian award      communism. Then he became minister of health and helped
for “acts of the greatest heroism or of the most conspicuous        establish the nhs. His biographer, Labour Party leader Michael
courage in circumstances of extreme danger,” to the nhs.            Foot, said his thinking was “rooted in Marxism.”
  In the venerated name of the nhs and its covid-19 directives,       The nhs was part of a reformation of the welfare state that
the British have surrendered freedoms that their ancestors          deeply rooted socialist thinking into the British psyche. These
fought and died for for hundreds of years.                          reforms minimized personal freedom and responsibility,
  Yet the nhs is measurably worse than health services in other     replacing them with a collectivist approach. Any man’s per-
developed countries. Dr. Kristian Niemietz, head of policy at       sonal failings became society’s problems. If he failed to care for
the Institute of Economic Affairs, compared nhs performance         his health, ran out of cash, or fathered children out of wedlock,
in four common cancers and found that Germany’s health sys-         the nation would bear the expense.
tem yields 12,000 fewer deaths every year. James Bartholomew           Of course, any just society needs a safety net. No one wants to
crunches even more numbers in his 2013 book, The Welfare            see a child die because his or her parents can’t afford to pay the
State We’re In, and concludes that if the nhs functioned as well    bills. But the new welfare state went much further. And the result
as an “averagely good health-care system,” it would yield about     was not just an economic decline but a decline in character.
48,000 fewer deaths each year.                                        Bartholomew writes, “It is not going too far to say that there
  Britain has been shut down for the last year “due to covid.”      seems to have been a revolution in the culture and character
In fact, the infectious virus we really ought to be concerned       of the British people in the last 60 years. The evidence is
SCIENCE' THE The danger in putting faith in a false messiah -
An Exact Description                              True science is true knowledge. Our       came from a Creator and are thus com-
 The Bible describes our situation per-         Creator intends us to receive true edu-     pelled to devise explanations for how
 fectly. It prophesies of the society that      cation, engage in true scientific study,    creation came about on its own. Ignoring
 would exist “in the last days.” It says that   and acquire true knowledge about the        and suppressing all evidence to the
 among those who are “lovers of their           creation around us. But there is such       contrary, they accept as absolute fact
 own selves, covetous, boasters, proud,         a thing as science falsely so called. In    the alternative faith of godless evolution.
 blasphemers” and even “traitors,” there        fact, science falsely so called dominates   Unable to support that theory with any
 are those who are “highminded” (2 Tim-
 othy 3:1-4). These verses apply to the
“perilous times” of our generation. This
                                                TRUE SCIENCE IS TRUE KNOWLEDGE.
 perfectly describes many of the educated       OUR CREATOR INTENDS US TO RECEIVE TRUE EDUCATION,
 elites behind the covid-19 pandemic.
    God also inspired Paul to write this
                                                ENGAGE IN TRUE SCIENTIFIC STUDY, AND ACQUIRE
 insightful admonition to his assistant:        TRUE KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE CREATION AROUND US.
“O Timothy, keep that which is com-
 mitted to thy trust, avoiding profane          our society. And in recent months, it is    of the proof they insist on in all other
 and vain babblings, and oppositions of         increasingly turning into a tyranny!        scientific inquiry, they contradict their
 science falsely so called: Which some            Why is this?                              own standards and the foundation for
 professing have erred concerning the             In these “last days” of human civili-     true science. Nevertheless, they thereby
 faith” (1 Timothy 6:20-21).                    zation, scientists so called assume the     anoint themselves—along with their
    Science falsely so called!                  nonexistence of the Creator. They are       high-minded observations and reason-
    The New King James Version trans-           almost all taught and trained to reject     ings—as the highest authority in the
 lates verse 20, “avoiding the profane and      revelation from God and God’s Word and      universe!
 idle babblings and contradictions of what      to deny God’s existence. This rejection       This is why science and academia are
 is falsely called knowledge.” The Greek        of God is the very foundation of human      so prone to, as the New Living Trans-
 word for “science” in this verse is gnosis,    knowledge production.                       lation renders it in verse 20, “godless,
 which means knowledge.                           Scientists scorn the idea that creation   foolish discussions.” Scientists and

overwhelming that they are less polite and more violent. … A          responsibility. It too is rejecting any ambition to help or even
picture emerges of a country that has become brutish and even         set an example for the wider world.
degenerate compared to how it was.”                                      This is perhaps the most pernicious effect of the welfare
  The whole world has suffered in this collapse. Defense              state. It took Britain’s focus off a wider vision and turned it
spending suffered cut after cut to pay for the nhs. For many,         inward. No longer would we dare great things. And when a dis-
January 1968 marks the official end of the British Empire.            ease came along which 99.97 percent of healthy people survive,
Prime Minister Harold Wilson announced that Britain would             we cowered in fear and prayed to the nhs for salvation.
withdraw all its forces east of the Suez Canal. United States            The desire to place faith in a big government to take care of
Secretary of State Dean Rusk was incredulous and “could not           us is alluring but deadly. We were created to thrive in personal
believe that free aspirin and false teeth were more important         responsibility, striving to look after ourselves and each other,
than Britain’s role in the world.” But Britain had no interest in     rather than sitting back and waiting for a bureaucracy to do
empire or even in a responsible drawdown of the empire. It just       it for us.
dropped everything, heedless of the lives it shattered.                  A society that encourages individuals to strive is one that
   In India, the result of Britain’s hurried handover to native       allows them to thrive—and enables them to then give to others.
elites was a disaster. As British authorities pulled out of India,    No society has ever been perfect, but some have been far better
the ethnic tensions they had kept under control exploded.             than others. Those are the nations, like Britain, that have
Estimates vary wildly, but somewhere in the region of 1 million       acknowledged that men are created to exercise freedom, bear
people died in the violence. As Britain pulled out of Uganda,         responsibility, help others and build society.
Zimbabwe, Egypt and elsewhere, men like Idi Amin, Robert                 God allowed the decline of Britain and now America to
Mugabe and Gamal Abdel Nasser took over.                              pave the way for a new society—one that takes care of its
  The nhs has been part of an agenda that has diminished              poorest and ensures the sick don’t die for lack of funds, but
personal responsibility, destroyed families, and extinguished         not by stripping individual and family responsibility. You can
Britain’s sense of duty toward the world. America is rapidly          read more about it in our free booklet The Wonderful World
hurrying down the same path, expanding the welfare state              Tomorrow—What It Will Be Like, by Herbert W. Armstrong.
and government power, and smothering individual liberty and                                                         RICHARD PALMER
                                                                                                                      SEPTEMBER 2021 5
SCIENCE' THE The danger in putting faith in a false messiah -
other experts have knowledge, but                         These people were not Satan worship-       Eve had to make was this: Whom would
much of it is false knowledge. It is filled            ers, as we usually think of the term, yet     they believe? God gave them the choice
with authoritative pronouncements                      Jesus Christ told them to their faces,        to believe Him and obey Him. Satan gave
that conflict with other statements of                “Ye are of your father the devil …. He …       them the choice to reject God, promis-
irrefutable fact. We are floating in a                 abode not in the truth, because there is      ing, “For God doth know that in the day
flood of information that is truth mixed               no truth in him …” (John 8:44). What a        ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be
with error, good mixed with evil.                      revealing statement! The devil doesn’t        opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing
                                                       just inspire “satanic” people—he influ-       good and evil” (verse 5).
The Traditions of Men                                  ences everyone (see 2 Corinthians 4:4            That is an appeal to the human mind
 Read what the Bible says about knowl-                 and Revelation 12:9).                         and intellect. It is an appeal to disbelieve
 edge and so-called experts, and ask                      For someone who has excelled in the        and disobey the God who created that
 yourself if it doesn’t perfectly describe             tradition of men, who holds 50 honorary       mind and intellect. It is an appeal to
 the intellectual arrogance motivating                 degrees, it is easy to assume that he         decide good and evil for yourself, to
 the authoritarian scientific regime                   is like a god. That is how he can say, I      experiment as you see fit, to set your
 increasingly dominating our society.                  am science! I am the truth! while he          own boundaries.
    Paul wrote that those who reject God’s             deceives people who face a society-wide         Verse 6 says, “And when the woman
 truth are conceited, ignorant and pas-                life-and-death situation.                     saw that the tree was good for food, and
 sionate for controversy and argument,                    This is deeply ingrained in human          that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a
 which leads to envy, dissension, insults              nature. Paul encountered it in Athens         tree to be desired to make one wise, she
 and insinuations (1 Timothy 6:3-4). He                among the intellectuals of Greece:            took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and
 decried “[p]erverse disputings of men                “[A]ll the Athenians and strangers which       gave also unto her husband with her;
 of corrupt minds, and destitute of the                were there spent their time in nothing        and he did eat.”
 truth, supposing that gain is godliness”—                                                             “They pioneered in deciding for them-
 and concludes with the sage counsel:                                                                selves what is right and what is wrong—
“from such withdraw thyself ” (verse 5).
                                                      BEING SMART AND                                what is righteousness and what is sin!”
    D u r i n g J e s u s C h r i s t’s d ay, t h e   BEING GOOD ARE TWO                             Mr. Armstrong wrote in The Missing
 governing elites were knowledgeable,                                                                Dimension in Sex. “And humanity has
 highly acclaimed, wealthy and powerful.
                                                      DIFFERENT THINGS.                              been doing what seems right in its own
 They even believed in God and devoted                MANY VERY INTELLIGENT                          eyes ever since. And how did they do
 much of their lives to their religion.                                                              it? They 1) rejected revelation, 2) used
 They excelled within that system. They
                                                      PEOPLE HAVE DONE VERY                          observation, 3) used experimentation
 gained status, respect and much more.                EVIL THINGS.                                   and 4) used human reason. And that is
 Yet religious as they were, they were                                                               precisely the ‘scientific’ method used by
 steeped in intellectual vanity. They and             else, but either to tell, or to hear some      modern science today!”
 others supposed they were godly—yet                  new thing” (Acts 17:21). These thinkers           The false “scientific method” started
 when they encountered knowledge                      devoted their lives to gaining new knowl-      with the first human beings! They
 from the very Son of God, they wanted                edge. They were amazed by the human            rejected revelation from God and
 to destroy it and destroy Him!                       mind, but they worshiped it rather than        relied instead on their own five senses
    In Mark 7:7-9, Christ said, “Howbeit              worshiping God and building God’s char-        and human minds. This marked the
 in vain do they worship me, teaching for             acter. As Herbert W. Armstrong wrote           foundation of the world as we know it!
 doctrines the commandments of men.                   in “The Modern Athenians in Today’s            Human beings have continued to build
 For laying aside the commandment of                  Universities,” our educational system          civilization by rejecting God’s revealed
 God, ye hold the tradition of men …. And             worships the human mind!                       truth and relying on observation, exper-
 he said unto them, Full well ye reject the               Our system of education is founded         imentation and human reasoning. And
 commandment of God, that ye may keep                 on this belief. It exalts knowledge and        what we have constructed is increas-
 your own tradition.”                                 science falsely so called. It worships it as   ingly unstable—and ready to collapse!
    In Matthew 11:24, Christ gave this                if it were a messiah! This is why, despite        What a powerful insight from the
 shocking warning: “[I]t shall be more                producing amazing advancements, it             Bible. God is not the only spirit being
 tolerable for the land of Sodom in the               has also propagated egregious evils.           out there. The same spirit being that
 day of judgment, than for thee.” My                  Being smart and being good are two             gave Adam and Eve false education is
 father quoted this remarkable passage in             different things. Many very intelligent        still educating people today. That is why
“The Fatal Flaw in Modern Science” and                people have done very evil things!             our society is the way it is!
 wrote, “Intellectual vanity is more dan-                How deep does this fatal flaw go?
 gerous than the sexual sins of Sodom!”                                                              Philosophy and Pride
 (Trumpet, January 2018).                             The Origin of the Scientific Method            “Beware lest any man spoil you through
    In verse 25, Jesus thanked God the                Genesis 3 records Satan the devil subtly        philosophy and vain deceit, after the
 Father for hiding the truth from the                 reasoning with the first woman ever             tradition of men, after the rudiments
 elites and revealing it to the lowly.                created. The ultimate choice Adam and                              SCIENCE PAGE 32 u
SCIENCE' THE The danger in putting faith in a false messiah -
People stand on a      rivers flooded in 2002, Chancellor
                                                                                                   street destroyed by
                                                                                                     floods in western       Gerhard Schröder appeared as crisis
                                                                                                   Germany on July 16.
                                                                                                                             manager and used his power to help
                                                                                                                             his people. His rival, Bavarian State
                                                                                                                             Premier Edmund Stoiber, was in no
                                                                                                                             position to make a difference and nar-
                                                                                                                             rowly lost the election.
                                                                                                                                In the early days of the recent flood-
                                                                                                                             ing, Laschet failed to make such an
                                                                                                                             impression. But he was able to provide
                                                                                                                             economic relief to his own state, while
                                                                                                                             others could only make promises. The
                                                                                                                             rivals to Merkel and Laschet’s Christian
                                                                                                                             Democratic Union (cdu) are the Greens,
                                                                                                                             and they hoped to use the flood to score
                                                                                                                             political points, but polls indicate they
                                                                                                                             failed; some even saw their attempts to

                                                                                                                             do so as inappropriate.
                                                                                                                                In a July 21 Forsa/rtl/n-tv survey
                                                                                                                             regarding which of the candidates should
                                                                                                                             replace Merkel, the most popular answer,

                                   Transformed by Crises
                                                                                                                             at 44 percent, was “none of the above.” In
                                                                                                                             the crisis, Germans looked for leadership
                                                                                                                             and found none. While the effect on the
                                                                                                                             election remains to be seen, the effect on
                                                                                                                             the public mood is already clear.
                                   In editorials, online posts and beer halls, the sentiment is the same: Our                   Many Germans and media outlets
                                   leaders are pitifully powerless. Something must change. BY JOSUÉ MICHELS                  blamed the government for not doing
                                                                                                                             enough to warn citizens and provide

                                          nfähig, machtlos, selbstsüchtig:      invisible in her party’s campaigning. Her    help. The European Flood Awareness
                                          incompetent, powerless, selfish.      departure from politics comes as the Ger-    System did issue warnings, but many
                                          Th at is h ow m a ny G e rm a n s     man mood is ready for drastic changes.       residents were still caught by surprise.
                                   would describe their government right                                                     Some called it a monumental failure
                                   now. Katastrophe is how they would           Record Floods                                of the system. One hydrologist told
                                   summarize the government’s coronavi-         On July 16, as Central Europe was hit        Science that researchers “were stupidly
                                   rus response and its preparedness for        by devastating floods, German Defense        congratulating ourselves that we were
                                   recent record flooding. Some are saying      Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer          forecasting something so early. … The
                                   this in private, others in public. And       declared a military disaster alert. Rivers   assumption was that would be really
                                   some are growing impatient. A survey         of water rushed through major cities,        helpful,” she told Science. “We should
                                   published on May 17 showed more Ger-         people were evacuated, houses were           not be seeing this number of people
                                   mans than ever (61.5 percent) desiring a     destroyed, and emergency workers             dying in 2021 from floods. It just should
                                   big shift within the federal government.     were brought to their limits, with some      not be happening” (July 20).
                                     Germany has stumbled from the euro         losing their lives. About 200 people were       Floods are common in Germany. So
                                   crisis to the refugee crisis to the coro-    confirmed dead and 1,300 were reported       why isn’t it better prepared for such a
                                   navirus crisis to the recent flood crisis.   missing during the height of the flooding.   crisis? Some are blaming privacy con-
                                   Each has transformed Germans.                The damage was estimated in the billions.    cerns. While other countries routinely
                                     Germans love stability and strong             The disaster could not have come at a     warn citizens through mass text mes-
                                   leaders, especially in unstable times.       worse time. Following months of lock-        sages, German lawmakers have resisted
                                   The prolonged lack of such leadership        downs, Germany’s economic reserves           such measures. But within days of the
                                   has grievously agitated them. It is an       are meager and trust in the government       floods, priorities changed and the nation
                                   alarming repeat of history.                  is at a low.                                 green-lighted mobile providers to text
                                     In September, Germans will vote in            The flooding also hit Germany’s           emergency warnings to specific areas.

                                   national elections, hoping for a leader to   North-Rhine Westphalia, the home state          This is just a small example of how a
                                   steer the nation through choppy waters.      of chancellor candidate Armin Laschet.       crisis can change Germany. Once people
                                   Angela Merkel, chancellor for the past 16    The German Army used tanks to clear          feel powerless, they quickly give up free-
                                   years, is not running again, so whatever     debris from the streets.                     doms in favor of stronger government.
                                   stability she provided will disappear.          Past floods have changed election            The coronavirus crisis revealed a
                                   In recent months, she has been almost        outcomes. When the Elbe and Oder             similar trend.
                                                                                                                                                      SEPTEMBER 2021 7
SCIENCE' THE The danger in putting faith in a false messiah -
Dysfunction and Pandemic                      further at the time-hallowed perception         the national government’s coronavirus
Despite Germany’s world-class economy,        of German excellence in organizational          measures, she would “have to consider
medical infrastructure and pharmaceu-         matters” (Telegraph, April 4).                  whether we will find [other] ways” to
tical industry, its management of the           On March 20, Der Spiegel’s cover              push the decisions through, perhaps
covid-19 outbreak has been a crisis of        story was “Descent of a State: The New          giving the national legislature “a greater
its own. Politicians, commentators and        German Incompetence.” It asked: “Why            role.” This was a demand for nothing less
everyday citizens agree that this crisis is   can’t we get a handle on the coronavirus        than a major transfer of power from Ger-
self-inflicted. They don’t blame individ-     mess? It’s about more than scandals             man states to the national government.
ual politicians or parties, but their form    and mishaps: The republic’s systemic               In April, Germany ended up passing
of government.                                weakness is being revealed, and the             the amendment that Merkel and others
   Mr. Laschet was elected party leader       citizens’ patience is at an end. … A rude       demanded. The power to enforce lock-
of the cdu on January 16 and is now in        awakening is taking place, coupled with         downs was centralized in Berlin. When
                                                                                              it was signed into law, Germany’s most
                                                                                              popular newspaper, Bild, called it “A
                                                                                              Black Hour for Freedom!”
                                                                                                 The power shift from the people and
                              “Germany is facing an epic                                      the states to the central government is
                           identity crisis. After 16 years                                    said to be only temporary and only for
                                                                                              lockdowns during pandemics. But the
                          in the saddle, Angela Merkel’s                                      threshold has been crossed. In peace-
                              legacy is a disoriented and                                     time, Germans are content with democ-
                                                                                              racy, but in crisis, they seek something
                                         divided country.”                                    more akin to autocracy.
                                                                    thomas kielinger             Expect the central government to help
                                                                                              itself to that power whenever it pleases.

a prime position to become the next            resentment against politicians” (Trum-         In Crises, Freedoms Vanish
chancellor. As such, the eyes of millions      pet translation throughout).                   It used to be that protests were an incen-
of people were on him in the crisis              With many, though, it is resentment          tive for the government to change its
months of early 2021. But when leader-         against their entire system of government.     policies. Today, protests seem to be an
ship was needed, Laschet was nowhere              In “Weakness of Federalism: Make            excuse to increase governmental power.
to be found. Germans in a crisis heard         Germany Finally Ready for Crises”              Citizens fed up with restrictions have
him say he was “contemplating” what            (April 2), Spiegel’s Martin Knobbe wrote:      marched in the streets. Authorities have
to do. This downgraded him from being         “Germany’s small-scale federalism is            responded by trying to lock them up.
merely unpopular among the average             failing in the coronavirus pandemic.” He          On April 28, the Federal Office for the
German to being a laughingstock: The           praised the nation’s small-state model as      Protection of the Constitution warned
social media hashtag #laschetden-             “a success story that goes back centuries,”     that since the government began enforc-
ktnach (“Laschet contemplations”)              and he described the Hitler era as “a          ing measures to contain the covid-19
trended in Germany.                            warning for today of what a monopoly           pandemic, the nation’s “democratic order,
   But something more serious is taking        of power at the head of the state can do.”     as well as state institutions … faced multi-
place: Demand for decisive leadership          However, the nation’s Basic Law, drafted       ple attacks.” For this reason, the domestic
is building. Many Germans believe the          with the help of the Allies in 1948 to pre-    secret service put certain citizens under
coronavirus is killing thousands as            vent the rise of dictators, is proving “dys-   nationwide surveillance. This surveil-
a direct consequence of government             functional” in the age of the pandemic.        lance includes monitoring meetings,
failure. Some say the government is              Knobbe reasons that Germany’s entire         intercepting e-mails, even screening
implementing lockdowns in an incon-            way of governing itself must change “to        bank accounts and financial flows.
sequential, haphazard, irresponsible           equip Germany for special challenges,             Such surveillance has been used on
manner. Also, some politicians have            for extraordinary crises—of which there        far-left and right-wing extremists, as
profited from the crisis through dubious       will probably be more rather than fewer        well as Islamists who pose a terrorist
business deals and rank corruption. It         in the future.”                                threat. Now the government is target-
is as if the coronavirus exposed weak-            Case in point: During the pandemic,         ing a movement called Querdenker
nesses in the German system itself.            Chancellor Merkel was leading one way          (“Lateral Thinkers”), which, it argues,
                                                                                                                                             TOBIAS SCHWARZ/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

   In “Germany Is Facing an Epic Identity      while the state premiers chose their           is causing an “anti-democratic and/or
Crisis,” Thomas Kielinger wrote, “After        own paths. In most cases, this is a sign       security-endangering delegitimization
16 years in the saddle, Angela Merkel’s        of a functioning democracy, but it visibly     of the state,” according to Spiegel Online.
legacy is a disoriented and divided coun-      bothered Ms. Merkel. In a March 28             This movement doesn’t quite fit into any
try. [O]ur woefully inadequate response        interview, she threatened Germany’s 16         of the previously established categories,
to the covid pandemic is chipping away         state premiers: If they failed to support      and it draws its support from people of
many diverse backgrounds. Yet millions          Governments across Europe are             European project knew that creating
 of citizens who support the lockdowns        passing more anti-terrorist laws and         the euro—a unified European cur-
 have criticized the Querdenker move-         tightening their screening methods for       rency—without all the other aspects of
 ment, so don’t expect much backlash          migrants. They are introducing new           a unified government would provoke
 from the general populace.                   surveillance measures and granting           economic crisis,” Mr. Flurry wrote. “Yet
   Still, this is an alarming development.    security authorities more power. Behind      they still deliberately proceeded with
 If Querdenker supporters can be              the scenes, military strategists are pre-    their plan, knowing that crisis would
 surveilled for “delegitimizing the state,”   paring to deal with the problem head on.     provide the pretext for transforming
 what German is immune from surveil-            Without the crisis, such trends would      Europe into a superpower!”
 lance? Government critics of all sorts       have been unthinkable in multicultural,        Jean Monnet, an EU founding father,
 can expect to be targeted.                   tolerant Europe.                             said, “Europe will be forged in crises and
   In the July 2020 Trumpet, editor in                                                     will be the sum of the solutions adopted
 chief Gerald Flurry warned of the early      Euro Crisis                                  for those crises.” Former German
 stages of this dictatorial approach:         All these crises have created serious        Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble
“European leaders are increasingly            financial concerns for Germany and kept      said, “Crisis represents an opportunity.
 behaving like dictators and assuming         its government and people off-balance.       Europe always moves forward in times of
 dictatorial power. The people of             Germany is surrounded by failing econo-      crisis. Sometimes you need a little pres-
 Europe are being conditioned to              mies, all bound together in one common       sure for certain decisions to be taken.”
 accept more tyrannical leadership.”          currency, the euro. Germany was repeat-        The euro crisis has paved the way for a
   Now we see European states trying to       edly forced to bail out European countries   worse crisis to hit Germany. Germany’s
 force citizens to take the vaccine. These    after the economic crisis of 2008.           economy hinges, like so many others, on
 and other measures would have been              covid-19 has also caused an epidemic of   the United States dollar. When the tick-
 unthinkable if not for the media over-       debt across Europe. With the exception of    ing debt bomb of the U.S. Federal Reserve
 hyping the covid threat. Once again, a       Ireland, every single country that needed    explodes, it will also leave Europe’s
 crisis has transformed nations.              a bailout in the last economic crisis now    system in ruins. When this occurs and
                                              has even worse debt problems. Even           Europeans fall into despair, one nation
Refugee Crisis                                large economies like Italy and France        will emerge as the natural leader to
Overshadowed by the recent flooding           are in deep danger. Across the eurozone,     resolve the emergency: Germany.
and the coronavirus crisis is another         government debt has increased by               The upper echelons in Germany know
grinding crisis that has already trans-       $1.3 trillion. Much of southern Europe       this is coming. They know that all of
formed Germany and Europe, yet is far         only stayed afloat due to the European       Europe will look to their nation for solu-
from over: immigration.                       Central Bank printing €1.3 trillion          tions. They also know the German peo-
  In the first half of 2021, the number of

                                              Europeans realize that their leaders cannot
migrants arriving in Italy was three times
higher than during the same period last
year. Between the start of the year and       solve their problems. They are growing
                                              more in favor of authoritarian rule.
June 10, authorities counted 15,252 boat
migrants arriving at Italy’s shore—a
sevenfold increase over 2019 (yet still a
fraction of what Italy experienced at the     (us$1.5 trillion). This has made Germans     ple are fed up with weak leadership and
peak of the refugee crisis in 2015).          very worried that runaway inflation could    with bailing out other countries; they
  The next refugee crisis looms. Fol-         soon destroy their savings.                  don’t want to risk their savings to save
lowing the withdrawal of nato forces,           “Many experts will tell you that Europe    Greeks. All of Germany’s recent troubles
violence is escalating in Afghanistan.        is about to break apart,” Mr. Flurry wrote   are about to culminate into one decisive
Clashes between the Taliban and the           last year. “If these nations’ response       crisis. This is prophesied to unite
Afghan government are causing more            to the coronavirus does not cause an         Europe into a sleeker, pared-down ver-
and more to flee the country. While           immediate economic meltdown, the             sion of the European Union. European
many seek to escape to Turkey, Europe         debt they are accumulating will still        leaders often talk about a “two-speed
will be their next destination. On July 27,   come due at some point. Some kind of         Europe” or “core Europe”—but it will
Germany’s Welt asked: “Is Europe in           financial crisis is inevitable. When it      take a crisis to turn these dreams into
Danger of the Next 2015?”                     comes, watch what happens! A crisis          reality. It will also take strong leadership.
  With every wave of migration, Europe-       like the current one is exactly what           This is exactly what Bible prophecy
ans are increasingly concerned that they      European leaders have longed for to          says Europe is about to get.
are losing a part of their identity. More     forge a European superstate!” (ibid).
and more people are willing to resort to         It is precisely such a financial crisis   Bible Prophecy
extremes: attacks on refugees; refugee        that is needed to transform Europe into      All the above-mentioned crises make
centers set ablaze; far-right parties         the single federal power its founders        Europeans realize that their leaders
voted into national parliaments.              dreamed of. “The founders of the                                GERMANY       PAGE 27 u
                                                                                                                    SEPTEMBER 2021 9
system. What was the result? That
                                                                                            history teaches us where today’s renais-
                                                                                            sance of Vatican diplomacy is leading.

                                                                                            Holy Roman Empire: Force of Nature
                                                                                            “[N]ull, void, invalid, iniquitous, unjust,
                                                                                             damnable, reprobate, inane, empty of
                                                                                             meaning and effect for all time.” That
                                                                                             was Pope Innocent x’s official and infal-
                                                                                             lible verdict on the Peace of Westphalia.


                                                                                                What made the pope so wrathful
                                                                                             against this series of peace agreements?
                                                                                             Those agreements, though they put an
                                                                                             end to some of the bloodiest warring in
                                                                                             Europe’s history, also acknowledged the
                                                                                             legitimacy of separate sovereign nation
                                                                                             states. The system of international law
                                                                                             created by the Peace of Westphalia forms

                                                                                             the very foundation of modern inter-

                                                                                             national relations. The pope’s hostility
                                                                                             reveals a lot about how Roman Catholics
                                                                                             view their church’s role in the world.
                                                                                                Prior to the rise of Christianity, the
                                                                                             idea of a unified world religion was alien.
                                                                                             Different races and peoples had not only
                                                                                             their own histories and characteristics

                                                                                             but also their own local gods. But as the

                                                                                             idea of a universal religion and church
                                                                                             spread, it became natural for people to
                                                                                             believe in a universal government.
                                                                                               “Because divinity was divided, human-
                                                                                             ity had been divided likewise; the doc-
                                                                                             trine of the unity of God now enforced
                                                                                             the unity of man, who had been created
                                                                                             in His image,” James Bryce wrote in The
                                                                                             Holy Roman Empire. “The first lesson of
                                                                                             Christianity was love, a love that was to
                                                                                             join in one body those whom suspicion
                                                                                             and prejudice and pride of race had
                                                                                             hitherto kept apart. There was thus
                                                                                             formed by the new religion a community
         What happens when the Vatican gets involved in politics?                            of the faithful, a holy empire, designed
                   History tells. BY RICHARD PALMER                                          to gather all men into its bosom, and
                                                                                             standing opposed to the manifold poly-

        n March 5, the elderly Pope           instrumental in a Nobel-prize winning          theisms of the older world ….”
        Francis arrived in what was           peace agreement in Colombia. Many                 Bryce described a common theme that
        recently a war zone. Popes John       people applaud such efforts; after all,        developed in Western theories of world
Paul ii and Benedict xvi both tried to        in a world full of war, injustice and per-     government: that is, “a world-monarchy
visit Iraq, and Francis had been trying       secution, surely we need a great moral         and a world-religion.” People came to
for years. Despite the risk to his life, he   force in international relations.              believe that what the world needed was
traveled into what was once the core of          But when put in its historical context,     a single empire led by a world ruler who
the Islamic State.                            the pope fulfilling this role gives pause      could referee disputes between rival
  Around the world, the pope is active        for thought.                                   kings, avoid war, and bring justice.
in politics and international relations.         This is hardly the first time the Catho-       To the people of the Middle Ages, a

A secret letter from him in 2014 to           lic Church has had a major role in inter-      world of competing states with no over-
then United States President Barack           national relations. For nearly a thousand      arching authority is “null, void, invalid,”
Obama helped open U.S. relations with         years it was a genuine superpower and          an aberration, a sign of something going
Communist Cuba. His officials were            dominated the European international           horribly wrong.
Bryce wrote that throughout the                That was the theory. In practice, this
Middle Ages, the Holy Roman Empire            neat hierarchy wasn’t always followed—
was seen as “an institution divine and        or even recognized. But often it was.                  SEVEN
necessary, having its foundations in         “Popes served as arbiters, and papal                RESURRECTIONS
the very nature and order of things.”         legates served as peacemakers,” the                    OF THE
People “went on for centuries believing
in the necessary existence of the Roman
                                              Encyclopedia Britannica notes. “Papal
                                              ambassadors held status above those                   HOLY
Empire, because they believed in its nec-     from mere states.”
essary union with the Catholic Church.”          How far did the pope’s power extend?
  He described the way that the Cath-        When Spain and Portugal discovered
olic Church of this period interpreted        the entire rest of the world and disputed
Bible history and prophecy to claim that      who owned what, it was Pope Alexander
                                                                                            “The seven heads are seven
a Holy Roman Empire, ruling over all          vi who drew a line on a map that divided
                                                                                             mountains, on which the
other states, was God’s divine order for      the territory between them.
the world.                                       No form of international relations was
                                                                                                  woman sitteth.”
  Pasadena City College philosophy pro-       beyond the reach of the Catholic Church.               revelation 17:9
fessor Edward Feser wrote that under             In business, the church also reigned
this worldview, it is not aberrant for the    supreme. For example, alum, a vital           The Apostle John compares the Holy
Mongol Empire or the nation of Yugosla-       material for textile dyes, was heavily reg-   Roman Empire to a mountain range
via, for example, to expire, but in this      ulated by the church. The pope awarded           comprised of seven mountains.
view, “there is something abnormal, and       himself a monopoly on it: No one was            Just as yawning valleys separate
contrary to natural law and the super-        allowed to sell it but the papal states.          mountains, there are valleys
natural order, that there is no longer           Granted, the church’s involvement in        distinguishing these seven peaks,
a Holy Roman Empire. Indeed, on this          the alum trade was the exception, not the
                                                                                            or resurrections, of the Holy Roman
view of things, given that the natural and    rule. But in that age, it was big business.
                                                                                            Empire. These troughs mark a lull in
supernatural orders require that there        It showed that any industry could find
                                                                                                the power and activity of the
be such an empire, it is not quite correct    itself brought under papal regulation.
to say that the Holy Roman Empire no             When Sir Thomas More fought King           Roman Catholic Church and the Holy
longer exists. It is more accurate to say     Henry viii’s attempts to break England                   Roman Empire.
that it is dormant.”                          away from the Catholic Church, he
                                              argued that this wasn’t simply a reli-                 a.d. 554
The Reality                                   gious system. England, he said, was “but              IMPERIAL
Catholicism teaches that human beings         one member and small part of … the
have a soul and a body. Their theory of       church. It could not make a particular
world politics taught that the Catholic       law disagreeable with the general law
                                              of Christ’s Universal Catholic Church.”
Church was the soul, and the Holy Roman
Empire was the body. Each had its own         It was like London “being but one poor         FRANKISH KINGDOM
role, but the two could not separate any      member in respect of the whole realm,
more than body and soul could separate.       might make a law against Parliament to               962
   This vision of universal church and        bind the whole realm.” England was not        HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE
empire never governed the entire globe.       a sovereign state, More asserted: It was
But in Europe, it was reality.                part of a much larger hierarchy.                     1530
   The Catholic Church’s role in regulat-        Thomas More was articulating ortho-
ing religious life is well known. When        dox Catholic doctrine, and the Vatican         HABSBURG DYNASTY
King Henry viii wanted a divorce, he          later made him a saint. As England con-
first asked permission from the pope,         tinued to reject the church’s authority,                1804
for example. But the authority of the         Pius v declared that God had made                    NAPOLEON’S
church extended even further.                 the pope “ruler over all peoples and
   In a very real sense, Catholic canon       kingdoms, to pull up, destroy, scatter,
law was international law across Europe.      disperse, plant and build,” and that Hen-
It did not concern itself merely with         ry’s daughter, Queen Elizabeth i, must
religious disputes.                           be overthrown.                                  ITALIAN & FASCIST
   The one-empire-one-religion theory            But before the Catholic Spanish                  REGIMES
meant that it wasn’t up to states to         Armada was dashed on the rocks in 1588,
negotiate disputes through diplomacy.         the pope’s vision of world government                 Today
Instead, they were to take them to the        was already crumbling. England was
higher power: the emperor of the Holy         not the only country to embrace a new
                                                                                                UNITED EUROPE
Roman Empire and the pope.                    religion and a new system.
                                                                                                                SEPTEMBER 2021 11
This brings us back to the Peace of          submit their international disputes to          pressure the United States to open up its
Westphalia. More than a century after           his supreme verdict any time soon.              relations with antagonistic, Communist
the Protestant Reformation, Europe was            Or will they?                                 Cuba. Negotiations took place in the
hopelessly fractured. Persecutions and            One way the Catholic Church has been          Vatican, and the pope offered to act as
wars designed to put it back together           rebuilding its international role has           guarantor to the agreement.
had claimed 50 million lives. When more         been through mediation.                            In 2014, Catholic bishops met with
than 100 delegations arrived in Westpha-          One early example was the 1978                high-ranking ayatollahs in Iran to try
lia in 1648, they ended the Thirty Years’       conflict between Chile and Argentina            to help then-President Barack Obama’s
War and established a new international         over the Beagle Channel, a conflict that        nuclear deal with Iran. In 2016, Colom-
system on a core principle familiar to          seemed headed for war. Pope John                bian President Juan Manuel Santos
anyone who has had an argument that             Paul ii stepped in and reconciled the           received the Nobel Peace Prize for
nobody can win: Let’s agree to disagree.        two sides.                                      negotiating a peace deal with Marxist
   But this idea completely contradicted                                                        militant rebels from the Revolutionary
Catholic doctrine. It rejected the princi-                                                      Armed Forces of Colombia. Vatican Sec-
ple of the Holy Roman Empire holding                                                            retary of State Pietro Parolin, probably
authority over lesser states and replaced                                                       the most powerful figure in the church
it with a principle of legal equality                                                           besides the pope, personally attended
between states. The Holy Roman                                                                  the deal’s signing ceremony prior to
Empire continued to exist, but as one                                                           the referendum. The Catholic Church
of several major European powers, not                                                           attended the peace negotiations in Cuba,
as a body with any theoretical claim to                                                         pushing both sides to reach a deal.
overarching power.                                                                                 The current pope has also been active
   The Catholic Church’s period of dom-                                                         in the Middle East, traveling to Israel
inating international relations had been                                                        and hosting the Palestinian Authority
deemed a complete failure and compre-                                                           in Rome. He stopped for a photo op at
hensively rejected. In time, the Peace
                                                  The Vatican-led world                         an Israel security barrier. The photo
of Westphalia became the standard for                                                           quickly became an iconic implication
international relations around the world.        order in the Middle Ages                       that the Israelis are the oppressors. In
                                                 ended in one of Europe’s                       March he visited Iraq, attempting to
The 20th Century                                    most destructive                            solve a conflict America has spent tril-
 Ideologically, it was the Protestant
                                                 conflicts in generations.                      lions trying to bring to an end.
 Reformation that sent the Catholic                                                                The Konrad Adenauer Foundation
 theory of world empire into remis-                The Bible tells us the                       wrote that “there are clear indications of
 sion. Yet the Catholic Church did not            new era will be much                          efforts being made under Pope Francis’s
 change its teachings on this until the          shorter but much more                          leadership to reach out beyond the faith
 Second Vatican Council in 1962, when
                                                       destructive.                             by putting forward ethical-universal
 it softened—but did not eliminate—the                                                          arguments rather than Catholic-moral
 doctrine. Pope John Paul ii’s Catechism                                                        ones. … Consequently, the Holy See is
 of the Catholic Church states that “the          In a world split between capitalism           developing into an informal authority
 church shows forth the kingship of             and communism, the pope represented             on moral standards reaching far beyond
 Christ over all creation and in particular     an ancient institution that was aligned         the boundaries of Catholicism.” The
 over human societies.” It states that          with neither side. The two sides quickly        pope is now reaching out to the world,
 societies that reject the church’s vision      accepted the pope’s mediation.                 “not just as head of the church and head
“arrogate to themselves an explicit or            The Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the           of state, but as a moral authority.”
 implicit totalitarian power over man           think tank for German Chancellor Angela            The foundation noted that the Vatican
 and his destiny.”                              Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union,           “has the oldest diplomatic service in the
    Professor Feser noted that “the Cath-       produced a paper in 2015 called “Micro-         world. Only few other actors of interna-
 olic doctrinal principles still reflected in   state and Superpower—The Vatican in             tional politics take a similarly clear and
 the Catechism are those that informed          International Politics.” It described the       consistent stance with respect to global
 the theory of the empire.” In other            Vatican’s role as being “involved in central    challenges. Also, no other religious
 words, the Middle Ages theory of Catho-        decision-making and events of world             community or secular worldview has
 lic supremacy in international relations       politics for a long time, acting patiently      produced an institution that comes
 is still alive and well within Catholicism.    behind the scenes, particularly since the       close to the Catholic Church in terms of
    But the rest of the world continues         middle of the 20th century.”                    durability, centralization, global pres-
 to reject that authority. So the pope has        This effort has accelerated under             ence and membership.”
 had to find for himself a new role. No for-    Pope Francis. He deployed “forceful,               Their conclusion: “At first glance, the
 eign ministries or state departments will      confidential” letters and secret visits        Vatican is a microstate without massive
 be waiting at his ornate Vatican doors to      from high-ranking archbishops to                resources,” the authors wrote. “Be that
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