Are Satan and the demons real? - APRIL 2023 -

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Are Satan and the demons real? - APRIL 2023 -
What music are your       The meaning of     Iran in      Media hide
children listening to?   the Turkey quake   prophecy   Pfizer corruption

                                                             APRIL 2023

 and the
Are Satan and the demons real? - APRIL 2023 -
                                                                             Sam Smith, dressed as the devil, performs “Unholy” at the 2023 Grammy Awards.
                                                                                                                                               (Getty Images)

APRIL 2023 | VOL. 34, NO. 4 | CIRC. 217,919

The Dangerous Rise
of Demonism 3

What Music Are Your
Children Listening To? 7

The Impact of Turkey’s
Earthquake 11

How Iran Is Fulfilling
Bible Prophecy 14

Off the Charts 18

World Economic Forum:
Fascism Revives 20
What Is Fascism? 21

Media Blackout Hides
Pfizer Corruption 23

‘If I Can Save Anyone
That Pain’ 26

Uniting Against the Dollar 28

                                                         “And there appeared
Satan Is Real.
Do You Recognize Him?                                   another wonder in heaven;
PRINCIPLES OF LIVING 31                                  and behold a great red dragon,
How to Prevent Sin
                                                        having seven heads and ten horns,
WORLDWATCH 32                                             and seven crowns upon his heads. ...
COMMENTARY 35                                              And the great dragon was cast out,
Reject the Gateway Sins
                                                           that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan,
                                                                which deceiveth the whole world ….”
                                                                                                                       —Revelation 12:3, 9
                                                                                                                                                                GARY DORNING/TRUMPET

Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry’s   Trumpet executive editor Stephen          Regular news updates and alerts              News and analysis
weekly television program                 Flurry’s television program               from our website to your inbox               updated daily                        
Are Satan and the demons real? - APRIL 2023 -

Satan Is Real.
Do You Recognize Him?
Most people are totally ignorant of the most powerful spiritual force in the world today.

         atan-worshipers are getting bolder. The Grammy              all the empires that preceded it and occupied their territory.
         Awards this year featured a presentation of a song titled   Compare verse 2 of this chapter with Daniel 7, and you see the
        “Unholy” by performers dressed as the devil and his          components of those other empires: the head of the lion, rep-
 demons. The number of public schools in America hosting             resenting the Babylonian Empire; the legs of the bear, symbol-
“Satan clubs” has been increasing. The number of people              izing the Persian Empire; the swiftness, cunning and cruelty of
 openly identifying as Satanists is growing.                         the leopard, which symbolized Alexander’s Greco-Macedonian
    These trends get headlines and have many people concerned.       Empire. So God used familiar animals to represent the first
 Such blatant evil signals the depth of moral and spiritual          three dominant empires. But for the Roman Empire, He com-
 sickness of our society. Please read our feature story in this      bined all those animals into one monster. No single beast on
 Trumpet issue, “The Dangerous Rise of Demonism” (page 3). We        Earth adequately defined the Roman Empire.
 also have an article about how Satan is using popular music to        “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and
 reach many people today, especially youths (page 7, along with      his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered
 our infographic on page 18).                                        after the beast” (Revelation 13:3). This wound was inflicted in
    Yet the real threat that Satan and his demons pose in our        a.d. 476, when the Roman Empire was defeated, and healed
 world goes far beyond the obvious examples.                         in a.d. 554, with the Imperial Restoration—and it became
    Very few people really understand the devil described in the     the Holy Roman Empire, receiving the blessing of the Roman
 Bible. This is a being with tremendous power. Isaiah 14 says        Catholic Church and combining the religious element with the
 he made the Earth to tremble and he shakes kingdoms and             political-military empire. Other prophecies show there would
 empires. Different translations of verse 12 call him “crusher       be seven resurrections of this beast—and the seventh and final
 of nations” (Emphasized Bible) and say that he “didst lay low       of these resurrections is about to burst on the world scene.
 the nations” (American Standard Version) and “enslaved the            “And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto
 nations” (The Jerusalem Bible).                                     the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like
    That is a much bigger problem than a single perverse perfor-     unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” (verse 4).
 mance at an awards show. This powerful spirit being is, in fact,    Every indication is that this rising European power will be
“the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4). Revelation 12:9         more powerful than America, China and Russia. How is that
 warns that he has deceived the whole world! So few people           possible? It’s because they worship the devil! This gives them
 today understand this!                                              special power. Your Bible says they will become the super-
    How can we be free from this powerful monster? How can           power of superpowers!
 we face and deal with him? The Bible answers.                          This is a prophecy about a European superpower that we
   “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he     must be aware of. It is going to come on the scene and wreak
 will flee from you” (James 4:7). If you just submit to God, Satan   havoc for 3½ years—after which God will smash it!
 will flee. That’s quite a power God gives you and me—especially
 considering what the Bible reveals about the devil’s immense        Prince of Persia
 power. We don’t have to fear him if we use God’s power.             The book of Daniel was recorded 2,500 years ago, yet it is
                                                                     prophecy for this end time—our time today. Daniel 10:14
Beast Powers                                                         records the archangel Gabriel saying, “Now I have come to
Revelation 13 discusses a political power that has dominated         make you understand what will happen to your people in the
the world scene throughout history. It is described in symbol        latter days, for the vision refers to many days yet to come” (New
as a beast with seven heads and 10 horns. This represents the        King James Version). Daniel 12:4 and 9 also show that this pro-
world-ruling Roman Empire. It started in 31 b.c. It absorbed         phetic book is only for today. Daniel himself didn’t understand
                                                                                                                            APRIL 2023 1
Are Satan and the demons real? - APRIL 2023 -
what his prophecy was about! But God has revealed this truth           Do you see violence in this world? Oh, do we ever! That is the
 in our day, and you can understand it.                                 work of the god of this world.
   We need to know what this book says about Satan the devil.             “[T]hou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more”
   The Bible speaks of three archangels: Michael, Gabriel and           (verse 19). Satan truly is a terror to this world! He’s the world’s
 Lucifer. Lucifer rebelled against God and became Satan the devil.      number one terrorist! How many people really believe that?
   As Gabriel was delivering this prophecy to Daniel, he said,          Look at this world: It is getting more terrorized every day—to a
“But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and           frightening degree!
 twenty days …” (Daniel 10:13). No man could withstand the                 But, as that verse reveals, God is going to destroy this evil so
 mighty Gabriel! This is talking about Satan, fighting Gabriel,         he will never be a problem again.
 trying to stop this prophecy from being delivered!                        The Prophet Isaiah recorded a companion passage in Isaiah 14.
   Why did Gabriel call Satan “the prince of the kingdom of Per-        This records Lucifer as saying, “I will ascend above the heights
 sia”? The kingdom of Persia in this prophecy is the Medo-Per-          of the clouds; I will be like the most High” (verse 14). This being
 sian Empire. Satan is called the prince of Persia because he           had the audacity to try to overthrow God Himself! And he did
 had that much control over that world-ruling Empire!                   so again recently in this end time. So God cast him to Earth.
   Verse 13 continues: “[B]ut, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes,   Now, he and all those demons are confined here. No wonder our
 came to help me; for I had been left alone there with the kings of     world is so overwhelmed with crises! (Revelation 12:7-9, 12).
 Persia.” Michael had to come and help Gabriel overthrow Satan             Isaiah 14:16 asks: “… Is this the man [should read, the one]
 the devil. Satan fights with a mighty army of millions of demons!      that made the Earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms …?”
   Verse 20 speaks of “the prince of Grecia,” which the context         Satan makes the Earth tremble. He shakes this world!
 shows is referring to Alexander the Great, who ruled the Gre-             Genesis 1:2 describes Earth’s condition after the first war in
 co-Macedonian Empire. At the time of this prophecy, Satan              heaven and Satan was cast down: “And the Earth was without
 hadn’t yet gotten control of Alexander. But he did later, and Alex-    form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.”
 ander eventually died at the age of 32 in drunken debauchery.          Earth was destroyed!
   God allows Satan to get control of men if they give them-               Beyond that, much damage was done in the universe. When
 selves over to him. The devil is going to gain control of this         God created it, the universe was well structured and quite beau-
 beast power now rising in Europe. Prophecy shows he will               tiful. But when Satan rebelled, he not only destroyed the Earth,
 directly control the leader of that empire. This is amazing            he destroyed the face of the universe! What power the devil has.
 prophecy we must understand!                                             “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth
                                                                        in pain together until now” (Romans 8:22). Because of the devil’s
Lucifer to Satan                                                        rebellion, the universe is groaning in pain, waiting to be freed by
 Ezekiel 28:12 begins a passage directed to “the king of Tyrus”:        the sons of God, led by Jesus Christ and God the Father (verse 21).
“Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and             When God cast Satan out of the heavens, the heavens
 say unto him, Thus saith the Lord God; Thou sealest up the             rejoiced just to have him gone. The Earth is suffering, but very
 sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.” This begins talking       shortly, we too will be rejoicing in the same way; in a few years,
 about a human king, but then speaks of a being “full of wisdom,        our suffering will be over!
 and perfect in beauty,” who was in “the garden of God” (verse             Daniel 8 fills in more detail about how Satan will influence
 13). That couldn’t be a man. This is describing Lucifer, who           events in this end time. Verse 24 speaks of the physical leader
 became Satan the devil. But it shows that the king it begins           of that rising European power: “And his power shall be mighty,
 talking about was possessed by the devil! And the devil can still      but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully,

 possess people today. Imagine the power a man can have when            and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty
 Satan dominates him like that—particularly if he controls a lot        and the holy people.” This verse shows that Satan will actually
 of military armaments.                                                 possess this man. That leader’s power will come from the devil!
    Verse 14 reads, “Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth;           But God is going to end this evil rebellion. This man will
 and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of            attempt to go up against Jesus Christ, “but he shall be
 God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones           broken without hand” (verse 25). Thank God for that hope-
 of fire.” Lucifer covered the throne of God. He was there              filled conclusion!
 watching and learning from God for eons. Then God gave him                Something really special is happening on this Earth today.
 governance over Earth, along with one third of the angels. At          It’s exciting to be alive at this time because so much is happen-
 first, they rejoiced in their duty.                                    ing. Ninety percent of the prophecies of God are being fulfilled
   “Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast           today in this last end. And it shows that right now, Satan is in
 created, till iniquity [or lawlessness] was found in thee” (verse      a frothing rage because he knows his time is just about over
 15). At some point, Lucifer rebelled and persuaded those angels        (Revelation 12:12).
 to follow him. He became Satan. He is lawless! And he influ-              We are no match for the devil. But the devil is no match for
 ences people on Earth into lawlessness. We must beware this            God. Understand just how formidable the devil is and draw on
 powerful being!                                                        God’s power to resist him—and you can conquer the devil in
   “By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the            your own life!                                                  n
 midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned …” (verse 16).       To learn more about how to conquer the devil, request our free
 Satan is filled with violence, and he fills the Earth with violence!   booklets Overcoming Satan and How to Be an Overcomer.
Are Satan and the demons real? - APRIL 2023 -
The Dangerous
                                     Rise of Demonism   Open celebration of evil spirits is growing in popular culture.
                                                                It’s not just harmless fun. BY RICHARD PALMER

                                          ummoning demons has                Two transgender men dominated               What is going on?
                                          n eve r b e e n s o f u n ! ”   world headlines by dressing as Satan for
                                          That blurb from A Chil-         the Grammy Awards. One up-and-coming         Are Demons Real?
                                          dren’s Book of Demons           singer, also transgender, has the name of    Satan and demonism have become a
                                          is an apt description           his favorite demon tattooed on his fore-     part of our news cycle. The rise of all
                                          of the world we live in.        head. One rapper released a music video      these demonic themes has led many to
                                          Outright demonism is            that showed him descending to hell and       ask, Are demons real?
                        cool, trendy, even glamorous.                     giving Satan a lap dance. It was previewed     America’s Christians are split on
                          “After-school Satan clubs” are available        in a Super Bowl commercial—and fol-          whether or not Satan exists. Polls
                        at a handful of elementary schools. They          lowed up by “Satan Shoes”—a collabora-       generally put the split at around 50/50.
                        even have a theme song: “Satan’s not an           tion with Nike that allowed people to buy    That’s not too surprising; American
                        evil guy, he wants you to learn and ques-         the trainers Satan was shown wearing,        Christians are similarly split over
                        tion why.” Young witches post videos              which contain actual human blood.            whether or not God exists. One study

                        on how to get into paganism on TikTok.               Movies and video games involving          reached the bizarre conclusion that
                        People with “multiple personalities” get          demonic themes have been around for          more American Christians believe in
                        likes for switching between different             years but are getting worse and worse—       Satan than in God.
                        minds in front of the camera.                     and more and more accepted.                    What does the Bible say?
                                                                                                                                                    APRIL 2023 3
Are Satan and the demons real? - APRIL 2023 -
The Gospels record Jesus Christ regu-      Look around: The evil proliferating in                published by the American Psychiatric
larly being confronted by and casting out     every direction has a source, and this                Association in 2013 estimates that 1.5
demons (Matthew 4:24; 8:16; Mark 1:32,        prophecy exposes it.”                                 percent of Americans experience it
34, 39; Luke 4:41). He delegated similar        This is the spiritual reality behind the            each year. Other estimates say that
authority to His disciples (Matthew 10:8;     shocking news and modern trends.                      between 0.01 and 1 percent of the pop-
Mark 3:15; 6:13; Mark 16:17; Luke 10:17).       It’s important to know that some-                   ulation are affected.
Demon-influenced people are encoun-           thing does not have to look obviously                   S o m e h ave go n e o n to c reate a
tered regularly in the book of Acts.          evil to be evil. Satan can come as an                 following for themselves on TikTok or
   Some demons are violent and                angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).                 YouTube. The most prominent has over
aggressive (Matthew 8:28; Mark 5:1-5;         Something can appear wholesome,
Luke 8:27-29). Others are annoying            even appear as though it is from God,
(Acts 16:16-18). Some people possessed        yet be from the devil.
with demons suffer seizures and loss            But as society is driven further from
of control (Matthew 17:14-16); some           God, there is less reason to hide or
deliberately cut, mutilate or otherwise       disguise the evil. This is why outright
hurt themselves (Mark 5:5; Luke 9:42).        Satanism is now clearly on display.
They often make loud cries and screams
(Luke 4:33-35). Some cause physical dis-      Multiple Personalities
abilities (Matthew 9:32-33; 12:22; Luke        Perhaps the most naked display of
11:14). Multiple demons can possess the        demonism comes from the “multiplicity”
same person (Luke 8:30; Mark 16:9).            movement. Vice described the concept
   If you believe the Bible is accurate in     in a May 2015 article “Are Multiple Per-
its record of the life of Jesus Christ, you    sonalities Always a Disorder?” with an
have to believe that demons are real.          introduction through the lens of Falah
   The Bible shows that these spirit           Liang, who had sensed the presence of a
beings have a profound influence on            birdlike man in her mind since she was
this world. Often that influence is            5. This presence was joined by others as
invisible. But as it grows stronger, it is     she grew older.
becoming plainer.                                 Vice writes: “A ‘multiplicity system’
                                                                                                       Modern witchcraft, Wicca
   2 Corinthians 4:4 says Satan is “the        refers to the group within the body                     and neo-paganism are all
god of this world.” He subtly influences       itself (i.e. ‘I’m part of a multiplicity                forms of demon worship.
everyone in it (Ephesians 2:2). This has       system’). The system might consist of                   And they are on the rise.
been the case throughout mankind’s             two people, or it might consist of 200.
history—but the book of Revelation            … The multiplicity community insists
says things get much worse at the end of       on being seen as healthy—even normal.                 1 million followers. The hashtag #DiD—
that history. Revelation 12:12 describes a     This is our reality, they argue. Why are              which will bring up videos of people
time when Satan “knoweth that he hath          you imposing your reality onto us? Dis-               openly influenced by demons—has 2.5
but a short time.”                             sociative Identity Disorder (did)—and                 billion views. One video of a “system”
   Satan’s time as god of this world is        its controversial precursor, Multiple                 switching between personalities, and
almost over. After a “war in heaven”           Pe r s o n a l i ty D i s o rd e r — a re te r m s    the follow-up discussion, got 100 million
(verse 7), which Satan lost, “the great        roundly rejected by the community, and                views. “I get so many comments from
dragon was cast out, that old serpent,         most of them don’t feel that they belong              people saying, ‘Why does everyone have
called the Devil, and Satan, which             in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual              did all of a sudden?’” said one “host” of
deceiveth the whole world: he was cast         (dsm) at all.”                                       “a did system of 12.”
out into the earth, and his angels were          “With did, it’s more like a person’s                   Since did became a TikTok phenom-
cast out with him” (verse 9).                  body is a boardinghouse filled with                   enon, “all of a sudden, all of my adoles-
   God warns, “… Woe to the inhabiters         many guests, and you’re not quite sure                cent patients think that they have this,”
of the earth and of the sea! for the devil     who will come to the door when you                    psychologist Naomi Torres-Mackie told
is come down unto you, having great            knock,” states a March 2019 Vice article.             Teen Vogue last year.
wrath …” (verse 12).                              Some of these “multiplicity systems”                  The TikTok videos make these mul-
  “This verse tells us that Satan and          are so large they think of themselves                 tiple personalities seem cool and glam-
the fallen angels—millions of demons—          as a city rather than a person. Others                orous. The reality, as Teen Vogue admits,
were driven out of heaven and cast             push for more “rights” for other “mul-                is “truly scary”—ranging from amnesia
down to Earth and are now confined             tiplicity systems” through groups like                to fits and seizures. Over 70 percent of
                                                                                                                                                 MATT CARDY/GETTY IMAGES

here!” writes Trumpet editor in chief         “Plural Activism.”                                     outpatients being treated for did have
Gerald Flurry in his free book America            Those who embrace did so strongly                  attempted suicide.
Under Attack. “Never before has this           are rare, but the Diagnostic and Sta-                    Letting in a bunch of demons makes a
world been so infested with demons.            tistical Manual of Mental Disorders                   person very miserable.
Are Satan and the demons real? - APRIL 2023 -
Witchcraft and Paganism                                church (1.4 million). Even this may            as the devil’s angels (Matthew 25:41; Rev-
The Bible links witchcraft, wizardry and               undercount. Wicca is quickly becoming          elation 12:9). Like the righteous angels,
the occult with demonism. Some mod-                    yesterday’s movement; modern witches           the demons are sexless and genderless
ern witches would make this connection                 are more likely to call themselves “eclec-     (Matthew 22:30; Mark 12:25).
themselves; others consider themselves                 tic witches,” picking and choosing for            As Herbert W. Armstrong explained
the worshipers of nature.                              themselves what crafts they practice.          in his book The Missing Dimension in
  When God commanded ancient Israel                       Pagan beliefs are even more common.         Sex (request your free copy), God created
to avoid those who get into magic and the              More than 60 percent of U.S. adults hold       marriage and family for human beings
occult, He also warned against those who               at least one of the following “new age”        for a profound purpose—to teach us
                                                       spiritualist beliefs:                          wonderful truths about our potential to
                                                         • that spiritual energy can be located       be born as sons of God. The demons have
                                                            in physical things                        neither this potential nor the ability to
                                                         • in psychics                                reproduce themselves, and so they hate it.
                                                         • in reincarnation                              For centuries they have influenced
                                                         • in astrology                               religions to believe that sex is shameful,
                                                          The “psychic services industry,” which      that being single is better than being
                                                      “includes astrology, aura reading, medi-        married, and that priests should be
                                                       umship, tarot-card reading, palmistry,         celibate—none of which is taught in
                                                       among other metaphysical services,” is         the Bible. Now this hatred is manifested
                                                       estimated to be worth over $2 billion          more clearly than ever, with people
                                                       annually. Celebrities like the singer          mutilating their own bodies and taking
                                                       Adele have said they use healing crystals.     on “gender neutral” pronouns—imitat-
                                                       Witchcraft accessories like Tarot cards        ing the genderless demons.
                                                       or supposedly magical symbols can be              One in four lgbt youth use gen-
                                                       bought in mainstream stores.                   der-neutral pronouns. This movement is
                                                          Even practices as obviously occult          even inventing new pronouns. One of the
                                                       as using mediums are becoming main-            most popular is “fae, faer, faeself.” Fae is
                                                       stream. Prince Harry said he contacted         essentially a pagan word for a demon or
                                                       a medium to try to contact his dead            spirit. These transgender people want
                                                       mother. He is not alone—1 in 5 Ameri-          others to refer to them as demons. In fact,
               Members of the Shakti Sings choir
               sing as druids, pagans and revelers     cans say they have contacted a psychic         pagans are even complaining about the
               gather in the center of Stonehenge
                    at a winter solstice ceremony.     or medium. About the same proportion           lgbt movement appropriating their word.
                                                       believe that mediums have the ability to          Even more closely related to demons
                                                       contact the dead.                              is the “two spirit” movement. Billed as
“have familiar spirits” (Leviticus 19:31;                 But this movement is also receiving a       a native American version of the lgbt
 20:6)—who talk to demons. In the most                 glamorous online following. “WitchTok”         movement, they believe that having
 detailed example of witchcraft, the witch             has become a major phenomenon on the           two spirits in them is the cause of their
 of Endor in 1 Samuel 28, King Saul went to            TikTok video-sharing platform. Videos          homosexual or transgender behavior.
 a woman who had a “familiar spirit.” This             with tags like #WitchTok have amassed 30       The two-spirit movement now has its
 woman claimed to be putting Saul in con-              billion views. That’s more than tags such as   own flag and is taught in schools in
 tact with the dead Prophet Samuel (verses             #Biden (8.5 billion) and equal with #Kar-      California and Canada.
 11-15). The Bible establishes that the dead           dashians. Other tags like #babywitch—             More extreme still is the otherkin or
 do not know anything (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10).          helping people get into witchcraft—have        fictionkin movements, where people
 He could not have been talking to Samuel:             picked up hundreds of millions.                identify as animals or fictitious crea-
 Instead, a demon was impersonating him.                                                              tures, like dragons, vampires or elves.
    In the New Testament, the Apostle                 The Transgender Movement                        The Bible shows that many angels—and
 Paul stated that pagan religions directly             Perhaps the most blatant evidence of           therefore demons—look like animals
 worship devils (1 Corinthians 10:20).                 demonism is seen in the rapidly rising         (Ezekiel 1:10). Satan himself is described
    M o d e r n w i tc h c ra f t , W i c c a a n d    transgender movement.                          as a dragon. Some will even get extreme
 neo-paganism are all forms of demon                     In 1 Timothy 4:1-3 Paul warns of many        tattoos or piercings to look more like the
 worship. And they are on the rise.                    departing from the faith, listening to         animal they believe they are. Some will
    Early surveys estimated that in 1990              “doctrines of devils [demons].” What are        even call themselves “demonkin”—iden-
 about 8,000 Americans identified them-                these doctrines? Included in his list is       tifying as demons.
 selves as Wiccans—a form of witchcraft.              “forbidding to marry.”                             lgbt individuals, especially trans-
 The 2014 Pew Religious Landscape                        The Bible reveals that demons are            gender ones, are heavily represented in
 Study estimated that 1 to 1.5 million                 fallen angles. They left their first estate    other open manifestations of demonism.
 were Wiccan or pagan. That’s around the               (Jude 6) and rebelled against God. In          Those with multiple personalities are
 same number as attend the Presbyterian                some passages, demons are referred to          often transgender. A scroll through
                                                                                                                                    APRIL 2023 5
Are Satan and the demons real? - APRIL 2023 -
#WitchTok videos shows they are                Uplifting music from David could cause               Isaiah 57:5 gives God’s verdict on our
overwhelmingly from the “lgbt com-             demons to leave (1 Samuel 16:14-18). On           society today: “Inflaming yourselves
munity.” A 2015 Pew survey found that          the other hand, the Bible says Lucifer            with gods under every green tree, Slay-
lgbt people were twice as likely to have       was created with musical pipes—innate             ing the children in the valleys, Under
a non-Christian religion—including             musical ability (Ezekiel 28:13). He is the        the clefts of the rocks?” (New King
paganism and Wicca.                            real author of depraved music, and an             James Version). Today, lust draws many
                                               evil musical environment can open                 people into the worship of false gods and
Gateways to Demonism                           up one to demonic influence (article,             demons.
There is a spiritual reality behind the rise   page 7).                                            “Anciently the Israelites sometimes
of demonism. But there are other, direct         Pornography and perverted sex can               physically sacrificed their own children,”
causes. Certain behaviors open up the          be another gateway, with the demons’              writes Mr. Flurry in Isaiah’s End-Time
mind to demons, and these are on rise.         hatred of godly principles of marriage            Vision. “Today we sacrifice our youth
  “Under normal circumstances …,               and family (article, page 35).                    spiritually when we give them no uplift-
no one need fear a demon may take                                                                ing vision. We sacrifice them to sexual
possession” of their minds, wrote                                                                lust and fornication. The Internet alone
Mr. Armstrong. Generally it can only hap-                                                        does $10 billion to $13 billion worth of
pen if “you open your mind by letting it                                                         business in pornography every year
be blank, or under control of another, or                                                        just in America! It is the most profitable
you lose your mind in an emotional angry                                                         online business. We also sacrifice our
rage” (Worldwide News, December 1980).                                                           children to demoniacal music, drugs
   Certain religious rituals are designed                                                        and greed. In the nations of Israel, this
to let the mind go blank and allow a                                                             is done even before our youth are taught
demon to take control. But far more                                                              to use their minds!” Sadly, these trends
common today are mind-altering drugs                                                             have reached such extremes that today,
that break down the mind’s defenses                                                              some children have become possessed.
and can allow in demons. In 2021, over
100,000 people died of drug overdoses
                                                A homeless man, 24,
                                                                                                 A God More Powerful Than Demons
in the United States. The 2017 National         smokes fentanyl in                               While we should not go anywhere near
                                                Seattle, Washington.
Survey on Drug Use and Health estimated                                                          demons or demonic influences, we have
that 20 million Americans age 12 and over                                                        no need to fear demons. Throughout
had a substance disorder. There have              Certain behaviors                              the Bible, God reveals Himself as vastly
been some well-publicized examples of
addicts having their whole personality
                                                 open up the mind to                             more powerful than Satan and the fallen
                                                                                                 angels. Demons had to obey God’s min-
change—and they have gone on to vio-             demons, and these                               isters, and Christ “beheld Satan as light-
lently attack others. One such individual
videoed himself attacking and then eating
                                                     are on rise.                                ning fall from heaven” (Luke 10:17-18).
                                                                                                 The demons tremble with fear before
his homosexual partner. “There is such                                                           God’s power (James 2:19).
things as monsters, demons and ghosts,”          1 Timothy 4:3 also labels vegetarianism—           So powerful is God that He can use
he wrote on his Facebook page. “They live      forbidding to eat the meats that God has          Satan for His own ends. In the book of
inside of us, and sometimes they win.”         proclaimed fit for human consumption—             Job, God allowed Satan to bring great
   Dabbling in the occult is another way       as a “doctrine of [demons].” Is it a coinci-      suffering on Job. But it was to help
to invite in demons. God admonishes us         dence that vegetarianism—or a reduced             Job overcome and grow—and the book
to “have no fellowship with the unfruit-       meat “flexitarian” diet—is being pushed           ends with God blessing Job more than
ful works of darkness, but rather reprove      by the elites of this world? Physical health      ever before.
them” (Ephesians 5:11). Today, it’s mass       can affect mental attitude. Pushing people           God is allowing the demonic attack
entertainment. Harry Potter opened the         into unhealthy diets and lifestyles can           today. But though the demons are in
mainstream floodgates. Half of Ameri-          make them more open to evil influences.           total rebellion against Him, it is all to
cans ages 18 to 34 have read at least one        We need to protect our minds, and the           His glory. It will lead to mankind
of these books; 61 percent of Americans        minds of our children, from these kinds           learning the horrible con-
have watched one of the movies. Books          of influences. Instead, they are given            sequences of rebelling
and movies about zombies, werewolves,          free rein.                                        against God.        n
vampires and witches are common.
  Video games can also prove a potent
gateway—they are highly addictive
                                                                  Did God create demons?
                                                                                                                                              JOHN MOORE/GETTY IMAGES

and often coupled with violent or                  If demons exist, why would God make them? Or did God make demons?
demonic themes.                                         Get the Bible-based answer by ordering your free copy of Mystery
   The Bible reveals that music has a                                  of the Ages, by Herbert W. Armstrong, and studying
powerful connection to the spirit world.                                     Chapter 2, “Mystery of Angels and Evil Spirits.”
Are Satan and the demons real? - APRIL 2023 -
                                                                hen you press Play, what are you listen-
                                                                ing to? What about your children?
                                                                  “I always enjoy sharing my end-of-year
                                                                music playlist with all of you—and this
                                                                year we heard a lot of great songs. Here are
                                                                some of my favorites. Are there any songs or
                                                                artists I should check out?” This was a tweet
                                                                from former United States President Barack
                                            Obama at the end of 2022, accompanied by a list of 26 songs.
                                               The song list provides an accurate snapshot of today’s pop-
                                            ular music—many of them are chart toppers or celebrated
                                            by critics and industry awards. Have you heard them? This
                                            playlist revealed Obama’s preference for rap, hip-hop, dance
                                            and pop songs whose lyrics, in almost every instance, contain
                                            profanity, are heavy on slang and largely unintelligible if not
                                            literal gibberish. The parts you can understand glorify pride,
                                            lust, flamboyant materialism, perverse sexuality, drug use,
                                            racial hatred, violence, blasphemy against God and demonism.
                                            The music videos of these songs heavily feature partying, drugs,

                                            firearm violence, brazen sexual imagery, and demon influence.
                                               Here is a 61-year-old man, a former president no less, listen-

what music
                                            ing to and promoting music largely performed and consumed
                                              by teens and 20-somethings. Why? It’s quite strange. But it
                                               is very calculated—aimed at appealing to young people and

are your
                                                reinforcing the wretched direction of youth culture.
                                                    Are you truly awake to the reality that a war is raging
                                                   for influence over our minds—especially our children’s


                                                   THE SONG OF FOOLS

listening to?
                                                   “It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for
                                                     a man to hear the song of fools” (Ecclesiastes 7:5).
                                                     “The song of fools” is “the extravagant, boisterous
                                                       and immoral songs that are heard in the riotous
                                                        carousals of foolish men,” Lange’s Commentary

FIND OUT, FAST.                                         explains. This verse contrasts the way that leads to
                                                       life—hearing the rebuke of the wise—with the way
BY JOEL HILLIKER                                     that leads to self-destruction of mind and body—the
                                                     song of fools. Which do you listen to?

                                                          That 26-song playlist is filled with “the song of
                                                       fools.” This song fills the airwaves—you can hear
                                                        it in your car, at the store, at the restaurant, at the
                                                        game and on your devices.
                                                                      The song of fools provides fleeting plea-

According to,                                            sure. Like junk food and other lusts
Canadian pop artist Justin Bieber has                                       and sins, its appeal is instant and
658 million fans worldwide. His 2021                                          easy. You can readily give in to its
hit “Stay,” replete with explicit lyrics,                                      “hook,” its sweet beat, its catchy
                                                             tin ie

is a melancholy ode to wasting life. It                                         tune, its captivating vocal, its
has well over 3 billion listens between                                          clever lyric. It is crafted to

Spotify and YouTube alone. Almost as                                             catch your mind and stick
popular is his song “Peaches”; it too is                                         there. But also like junk food,
smothered with explicit lyrics.
                                                          be                    it not only fails to nourish you,
                                                            r                 it spreads poisons and toxins.
                                                                               The natural mind wants junk
                                                                          food, junk entertainment, junk
                                                                                                     APRIL 2023 7
Are Satan and the demons real? - APRIL 2023 -
information: the appealing, pleasurable,       But it can also be extraordinarily           daughter taps Play, which influence is
stimulating, easy choice. It does not want     deceitful and subtle. Many people may        he or she opening up to?
rebuke, correction, guidance. Especially       recognize certain music or performers           Opening up to whatever sounds good
when we are young, we want music that          as corrupt yet overlook other powerful       and feels right is opening up to a potent
numbs the mind and makes us feel good.         evil influences streaming from their         spiritual power whose influence domi-
   Many of us underestimate how pow-           own devices straight into their minds        nates the world. Yes, it will be appealing.
erful the grip of music can be, particu-       and the minds of their children.             Yes, it will even mix in some good.
larly on a young mind.                           You must “have [your] senses exer-            You must exercise your senses! Help
                                               cised to discern both good and evil”         your children exercise theirs. Young
THE POWER OF THE AIR                           (Hebrews 5:14). Can you tell the differ-     people have less discernment than older
Ephesians 2:2 describes Satan the              ence—according to God’s definition?          people about right and wrong and just
devil as “the prince of the power of the         The very first human beings were           how dangerous some influences can be.
air, the spirit that now worketh in the        presented with the same fundamental          If you are a parent, you must intervene to
children of disobedience.” How much            choice you and I must make (see Gene-        help them develop discernment, to train
is he exercising his malign influence
within the trillions of plays of billions                                                   Sam Smith, the British pop artist who

of songs on millions of playlists,                                                          appears on the cover of this issue, is
incessantly streaming across                                                                famous for his voice. His vocal coach
Internet cables and crisscross-                                                             noted that his vocal range “can soar from

ing airwaves straight into the                                                              baritone to tenor for dramatic effect.”
earbuds of millions of people,                                                              Fader magazine said he represents “a
young and old, for much of                                                                  return of the virtuosic vocalist in popular

their waking lives?                                                                         music.” However, the New York Daily
   Not only is the devil pow-                                                               News said Smith is “utterly unafraid to

erful, he can also be extremely               s                                             sound feminine.” He also doesn’t seem to
appealing. He presents himself                                                              have any problem dressing as Satan, as
as “an angel of light” (2 Corinthi-                                                         he did at this year’s Grammys.
ans 11:14). Human beings trust in
themselves to decide good from evil, but       sis 3:1-6). The first choice was to accept   their judgment so they can make right
this “angel of light” easily deceives the      God’s definition of good and evil rather     decisions when Dad and Mom are absent.
whole world (Revelation 12:9). The only        than their own. He pointed out to them         And you must set the example your-
escape is to heed the “rebuke of the wise”     two trees. One was the tree of life. Was     self of not listening to whatever feels
and the guidance of One even more              the other a twisted, rotten, ugly, repul-    right but rather what you are guided
powerful than this being.                      sive tree with toxic fruit named the tree    toward by your Creator and His Word.
   Satan excels at packaging that allures.     of death? No: The Bible records that
Ezekiel 28 reveals that when God created       the tree of the knowledge of good and        STALKING YOU—
the angel Lucifer, He endowed him              evil appeared “good for food … pleasant      AND YOUR CHILDREN
with superior musical skills. He was an        to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to     Another prominent leader shared his
angelic musician who served God with           make one wise.” The only distinction         favorite songs of the year: former Ger-
his skill. But then he chose to exalt his      between the two was that God said one        man Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu
will, his idea of right and wrong above        would lead to health, growth and life        Guttenberg. Like Barack Obama, he is a
God. His mind became perverted. He             and the other would lead to destruction,     man that Trumpet editor in chief Gerald
exerted his selfish, self-willed attitude      sadness and death. Would they trust          Flurry has told us to watch. Prophecy
on other angels, influencing and chang-        God?                                         warns that human choices under Satan’s
ing their minds as well. He led them in          No. Adam and Eve relied on their own       influence are prophesied to lead to
rebellion and war against their own Cre-       senses and their own minds to make the       massive human self-destruction, and it
ator! He became the adversary, and God         choice to put their will above God’s and     tells us to watch for certain men whom
changed his name from Lucifer to Satan.        define good and evil for themselves.         Satan is influencing and will influence
   Satan remains skilled at music. His           From the first humans to today, we         to wreak spiritual, mental and physical
skill is not in creating uplifting, beauti-    have built a society and a world on the      destruction on an enormous scale.
ful music but music that, appealing and        foundation of deciding good and evil           How do these men think? What music
powerful though it may be, is self-willed,     for ourselves. Our first parents chose       do they promote?
rebellious in spirit, and evil.                to think the same way Satan thought.           Guttenberg praised 12 albums as his
                                               Everything has flowed from them—and          top choices for 2022. Most of his favor-
DISCERNING GOOD AND EVIL                       us—making that choice. This is clearly       ites were pop music; many were the
Satan’s influence is increasingly pre-         true of our music.                           same as those on Obama’s list.
senting itself in society today as bra-          When you tap Play, which choice              Again a theme of demonism and of
zenly dark and demonic (article, page 3).      are you making? When your son or             hatred for America emerged. One of
Guttenberg’s favorite albums is named                                                        They are promoting drug use, racism
 Lucifer on the Sofa. The lead singer, gui-
                                                            hel cai                           and other sins. These performers are

 tarist and chief songwriter for the band                                                     the ones people are listening to every-
 said about this title song: “The Lucifer                                                     where right now. Some of it sounds rank,

 on the sofa is me. It’s the worst of me                                                      but some of it sounds good if you are just
 that can come out in times of distress or                                                    relying on your own discernment.
 stress, or anxiety. Everybody can kind of                                                      Yes, discern the horrid-sounding
 become the person they don’t want to                                                         songs, but also discern those peppy
 be. And I was dealing with that person                                                       pop songs, those hip-hop songs, those
 in the song. It’s really two sides of the                                                    country songs, that are promoting the
 same person.”                                                                                message of the devil. And help your
   Another of his favorites is by a 24-year-                                                  child to do the same. Use your authority
 old, born Hayden Silas Anhedönia to                                                          and love for your child to help him exer-
 a Southern Baptist family. Hayden                                                            cise his senses and build his character.
 declared himself to be homosexual at
 age 12, left the church at age 16, became                                                    HOW TO DISCERN
 transgender at age 20, and now goes                                                           How can you know which music you
 by the name Ethel Cain. The acclaimed                                                         should listen to? We have an article
 album Preacher’s Daughter mixes                                                               at by Ryan Malone,
 themes of shattered faith, family dys-            Don’t let the sultry sounds of his          director of musical activities at Herbert
 function, demons and death. One article           two most popular anthems fool               W. Armstrong College, titled “Are You
 stated, “If you’re someone who is critical        you. Ethel Cain appears female,             Listening to the Right Music?” (theTrum-
 of America, religion, your identity and           but is a transgender who was       It discusses three types of
 the people that seem to shape you into            born Hayden Silas Anhedönia.                music: fine art, folk and popular. Quality
 the person you are today, I highly recom-         Themes of shattered faith, family           music can be found in all three. Wrong
 mend Preacher’s Daughter.” Tattooed on            dysfunction, demons and death               music can also be found in all three;
 this artist’s forehead are Hebrew charac-         permeate his lyrics.                        though much fine art music is wonderful,
 ters spelling the names of the archangel                                                      some is corrupted by intellectual vanity
 Gabriel and of Ashmedai, king of demons.       prestigious awards in the music indus-         or a wrong spirit. You must exercise your
   Barack Obama and Karl-Theodor zu             try worldwide. The award ceremony in           senses and discern the good from the evil.
 Guttenberg recommend that you listen!          February included a performance by               As this article brings out, Satan tends
   This album is a good example of why          two men, one who calls himself “gender         to exploit popular music the most: It is
 you must exercise discernment. Some of         fluid” and dressed like Satan, the other       designed to entertain and appeal to a
 this music sounds innocuous; if I heard        transgender, who acted like a female           wide audience. The prince of the power
 my kids listening, I may not think twice.      stripper, with people resembling               of the air excels at broadcasting, upload-
 But this is a male who thinks he is a          demons dancing provocatively as huge           ing and streaming his message far and
 female with a demon’s name tattooed on         red lights flickered and flashed. This         wide, and he has more tools than ever
 his face singing, “God loves you, but not      was a blatant, disgusting display of pure      to get his message into human minds.
 enough to save you—so baby girl, good          evil. Many people were upset, but one         Young people are among the most vul-
 luck taking care of yourself.” “Jesus can      person protested that this performance         nerable of his targets.
 always reject his father, / But he cannot      was balanced out by the show closing              To accomplish his purposes, the
 escape his mother’s blood. / He’ll scream      out “with an 8-minute rap song about           devil doesn’t need you to become a
 and try to wash it off of his fingers, / But   God.” In truth, that was not a song about      die-hard fan of the most twisted band.
 he’ll never escape what he’s made up           God. That song repeatedly breaks God’s         All he needs is for you to treat this
 of.” This album tells a horrific storyline     commandment not to take His name in            lightly. That’s all. Go back to thinking
 ending in the preacher’s daughter being        vain, it exults in vanity and self-worship,    that your and your children’s playlists
 killed by her boyfriend and stored in a        and is loaded with profanity.                  don’t matter much. Just let the songs on
 freezer to be eaten. The tour is named            People are eating from the tree of the      your speakers and in your earphones be
“Freezer Bride.”                                knowledge of good and evil, thinking it’s      whatever you feel like listening to at the
   Discern evil when you hear it!               good for food—but God says it is the tree      moment. Just treat it lightly. Then he
   An awful lot of music is evil, but Satan     of death!                                      can come after you easily.
 usually does not present himself in an           Just look at the rest of the Grammy             God warns us that it is dangerous to be
 obviously evil light.                          Awards. Performers are tripping over          “ignorant of Satan’s devices” (2 Corinthi-
   The Grammys are considered the most          each other to promote lgbtq+ causes.           ans 2:11). You must exercise your senses
                                                                                               with God’s help to discern good and evil.
Opening up to whatever sounds good and feels                                                     What follows are three aspects of the
                                                                                               music your family listens to that you
right is opening up to a potent spiritual power.                                               should evaluate:
                                                                                                                             APRIL 2023 9
1. THE VOCALS:                                                           Be careful with streaming services.
What are the lyrics saying? If the performer is uttering foul            Apple Music, Pandora, Spotify and other services have
language, delete that song. If he’s blurting gibberish, delete.          enormous music libraries. Once you start listening, they
Reject songs about risky behavior, dysfunctional relationships,          automatically begin recommending or choosing songs for
drug use, depressed emotions, defying authority and other                you based not only on what you have been listening to but
forms of rebellion. If you think, That means most of the popular         also on overall category, what is popular, and whatever other
songs out there, you’re right. Evaluate songs by God’s definition        criteria music executives decide on. If you are not actively
of right and wrong, and you see dynamic proof that yes, Satan            discerning each song, you will inevitably find yourself
is the god of this world and the prince of the power of the air.         listening to evil lyrics, beats and attitudes from performers
   Many people have said, I like the song: I don’t listen to the lyr-    promoting wrong lifestyles and ideas.
ics. But these words are powerful and lodge in your mind more
easily than you think. Do not make the mistake of thinking that          Pull out the earbuds.
the evil parts don’t affect you. That is just what Satan wants           Young people especially love to listen through earbuds or
you to think! Pay attention. Evaluate. Discern. You are about to         headphones. This lets them turn up the volume, immerses
allow this message into your mind or your child’s mind. Take             them in the sound, tunes them out of everything and
the step of finding the lyrics and reading them.                         everyone around them, and prevents others from knowing
                                                                         what’s on the playlist. Earbuds or headphones aren’t
2. THE ATTITUDE:                                                         inherently wrong, but understand that especially children
What is the spirit of the song? Much of today’s music is bitter          using them involves more dangers than using speakers.
and angry, or suggestive and sensual. Our emotions and state of
mind are affected by the mood and atmosphere music creates               Monitor your children’s playlists.

through its tempo, rhythm and style. Studies show that music             You must do this. You need to know what your children are
even has actual physical effects on the nervous, circulatory and         listening to. They may begrudge showing you their music.
immune systems. It can have the same habit-forming qualities as          Some even have secret playlists that they actively hide.
food, drugs, gambling and sex. Many young people are addicted:           Your ignorance of the influences on your child’s mind gives
They need music on at all times. And at the ready are the devices        Satan an opening into their thinking. And remember, with
and services to stream unlimited music into their minds. How             streaming services, there is much more available to them
much is this contributing to the mental problems so many of our          than what is on their playlists. This is another reason to
youths have? You have to be honest about what music does to you.         disallow earbuds and one of several compelling reasons
   God wants to lift you up, help you, build you, strengthen you.        to disallow smartphones. If you want your child to have
He wants you to fill your mind with things that are true, honest,        a phone and music, there are several non-smartphone
just, pure, lovely, of good report. “[I]f there be any virtue, and if    options that play only the music you upload to them.
there be any praise, think on these things” (Philippians 4:8). He
wants you to have an improving, maturing attitude, spirit and life.      Build a taste for quality music.
Does the music you listen to help you do that? It does not always        You will be surprised what opens up to you if you begin
have to be happy: David played sad music sometimes (e.g. Psalm           to train your musical taste and your family’s. “Are You
49:4), and you might too. But it was in the right spirit and attitude.   Listening to the Right Music?” recommends listening to
                                                                         classical music and states, “When you notice things you
 3. THE CONTEXT:                                                         like, ask why you like them. When you don’t like something,
“The discerning process goes beyond the sound of the music,”             reserve your judgment for a while and determine, Do I
 Mr. Malone wrote. “What is this sound packaged in? What are             dislike this because it’s inappropriate or because it’s simply
 the artist’s or band’s ideals? What are they promoting? What            foreign to my tastes at this point? … Buy film soundtracks
 dress standards are they transmitting? What do the graphics             that emphasize the symphony orchestra. This music is
 on the album depict? … Is the personal lifestyle of the artist on       usually more accessible to the untrained ear than certain
 display? The persona of popular musicians in our society is far         classical pieces. This genre of music helps to condition the
 more noticeable and persuasive—and it’s designed to be! This            ear to a more symphonic sound and therefore make the
 is especially true in the case of young minds trying to identify        transition to ‘classical’ music much smoother.”
 with a certain look, style or peer group.”                                 Music is one of Satan’s main talents and one of his main
    Take the performer Beyoncé as an example—the most                    tools! He is using it powerfully. But used properly, music is
 awarded person in Grammy history, and whose songs are some of           also a force for great good. Use good music to invite God’s
 the most popular out there. At the 2016 Super Bowl, she used her        presence into your life. n
 halftime show to glorify the Marxist Black Panther Party. This
 year she dedicated her newest album to “black lbgtq+ legends
 who influenced her work.” Aren’t these things relevant when             TUNE INTO GOD’S
                                                                                                                                          BURAK KARA/GETTY IMAGES

 you’re trying to decide whether to listen to her music? Read “Are
You Listening to the Right Music?” for more aspects to consider.
    Here are a few additional steps to take to win the war for           Get the history and importance of music
 your mind and your children’s minds:                                    from the biblical perspective. Order your
 10 THE PHILADELPHIA TRUMPET                                             free copy of How God Values Music.
Rescuers help remove a body                                                                                  these earthquakes were
                                from the rubble in Adana,
                                Turkey, on February 6.                                                                                       not just an “average”
                                                                                                                                             disaster. “No words can
                                                                                                                                             describe the sight of
                                                                                                                                             families—most of whom
                                                                                                                                             [have been] displaced
                                                                                                                                             more than once—who
                                                                                                                                             had to leave their homes
                                                                                                                                             in the freezing cold to
                                                                                                                                             take refuge in unsafe
                                                                                                                                             streets in the middle of
                                                                                                                                             the night,” said Red Cross
                                                                                                                                             Near and Middle East
                                                                                                                                             regional director Fab-
                                                                                                                                             rizio Carboni. Turkish
                                                                                                                                             President Recep Tayyip
                                                                                                                                             Erdoğan called it “the
                                                                                                                                             disaster of the century.”

                                                                                                                                               T h e ea rth qu a ke s
                                                                                                                                             themselves were trau-
                                                                                                                                             matizing. But now that

                                                                                                                                             the dust has settled,
                                                                                                                                             que s t io n s ab ou n d .
                                                                                                                                             Where was God? Why
                                                                                                                                             did He allow this to hap-
                                                                                                                                             pen? And how will this
                                                                                                                                             alter the future for Tur-
                                                                                                                                             key, Syria and beyond?
                                                                                                                                               Let’s look into the
                                                                                                                                             Bible for answers.

                                                                                                                                             Where Was God?

                                of Turkey’s Earthquake
                                                                                                                                              Whenever tragedy on
                                                                                                                                              such an incompre-
                                                                                                                                              hensible scale occurs,
                                                                                                                                              many people ask why?
                                Why the aftermath of the disaster is truly seismic.                                                           Why should millions of
                                BY JOEL HILLIKER AND MIHAILO ZEKIC                                                                            people be shaken and
                                                                                                                                              terrified, their homes,
                                                                                                                                              schools and businesses

                                                                                                                                              destroyed, their neigh-
                                                   hen world events            official number of lives lost in Turkey and   borhoods turned to rubble? Why should
                                                   occur that alter the        Syria is over 41,000. By the time you read    thousands upon thousands upon thou-
                                                   lives of millions of        this, it could be closer to 50,000. Tens      sands of fathers, mothers, daughters,
                                                   people, reporters           of thousands more are injured. Millions       sons, brothers, sisters, grandparents
                                                   often use the term          from both nations have been displaced.        and grandchildren be crushed to death?
                                “geopolitical earthquake” to describe          In Turkey alone, an estimated 3,000           Why is our world so full of senseless
                                them. Such an earthquake began in the          buildings collapsed. Syria’s affected Idlib   tragedy? Is there a God? If so, why does
                                early hours of February 6. In this case, it    province is the last non-Kurdish rebel        He allow such suffering?
                                was also literal.                              stronghold in Syria. Several million peo-        Many people believe in God. They are
                                   Within 24 hours, three quakes of mag-       ple there were already in need of humani-     taught that He is all-knowing, all-loving
                                nitude 7.8, 7.7 and 6.0 shook the Turkish      tarian aid before the tremors struck. The     and all-powerful. But if that is true, He
                                city of Gaziantep, which has a metropol-       city of Aleppo, which previously suffered     knows about the suffering. And if He

                                itan area of over 2 million people. People     heavy shelling in the Syrian civil war, was   loves those people and He has the power
                                as far away as Cyprus and Lebanon felt         particularly hard-hit.                        to stop that suffering, why doesn’t He?
                                the tremors.                                      From heat waves to volcanic erup-             People have theories about why God
                                   With every passing day, the death           tions, the Mediterranean region has           allows suffering. But at times like these,
                                count rose. At the time of this writing, the   had its share of natural disasters. But       whether they are Christian, Muslim,
                                                                                                                                                          APRIL 2023 11
Buildings close to the epicenter                                        Residents rescue       Structures throughout
 in Turkey collapsed after a                                              an injured girl in    Jindayris were
 7.8-magnitude earthquake.                                               Jindayris, Syria.      decimated.

Jewish or otherwise, they struggle to         down Satan and confine him to Earth,                People were already getting fed up
find an explanation that rings true.          He has the power to protect people               with Erdoğan’s regime before the earth-
   There is a God. And He gives us the        from disasters, even disasters wrought           quakes hit. He has pulled every possible
clear, true answer in His Word. That          by the power of the devil. So why is God         string to hold on to power for two
answer precisely contradicts what             allowing these disasters? The sadness,           decades, from cracking down on opposi-
many religious people teach, assume           the misery, the tragedy that surrounds           tion figures in politics and the media to
and believe!                                  us must not be ignored. We must face up          altering Turkey’s electoral system. The
   God is not the god of this world.          to it—and learn from it.                         earthquakes appear to have crumbled
   Have you been taught that? The Bible          There may well be several ways in             his popularity even further. Many
states that the devil is real (“Satan Is      which what has happened here can                 people, decrying rickety infrastructure
Real. Do You Recognize Him?”, page 1).        advance God’s ultimate purposes.                 and a perceived slow and inadequate
Not only that, he has also deceived the                                                        government response to the quakes, are
whole world. And not only that, he is         Political Tremors                                now blaming Erdoğan for exacerbating
the god of this world (Revelation 12:9;       First let’s examine some potential politi-       the crisis, much as he did in 1999.
2 Corinthians 4:4).                           cal and prophetic implications.                     Presidential elections loom in May.
   Does the world around you begin to            These earthquakes were the most               These may produce such a landslide
make a little more sense when you real-       recent disasters to hit Turkey, but they         against Erdoğan that he would have little
ize that the god of this world is actually    add to a host of tragedies to ingrain            choice but to concede.
the devil?                                    themselves in the Turkish psyche. An                The earthquakes are also changing
   The Bible describes the age we live in     earthquake struck the area around                Syrian politics. When news broke of
as “this present evil world” (Galatians       Istanbul in 1999 and killed about 17,100         the disaster, international rescue teams
1:4). That is exactly what it is, and this    people. It also catapulted the political         rushed to Turkey’s aid. But what about
evil world has an evil god.                   career of the young mayor of Istanbul            Syria? It is ruled by iron-fisted dictator
   Ezekiel 28 describes a magnificent         at the time—a certain Recep Tayyip               Bashar Assad, who gained notoriety
archangel who was “full of wisdom, and        Erdoğan. The Turkish government’s                years ago for killing his own people with
perfect in beauty” (verse 12). Isaiah 14      slow response disillusioned many                 chemical weapons, and the civil war con-
tells us God gave this angel authority to     people. Erdoğan campaigned against               tinues to this day. Some governments,
rule the Earth. But then this angel turned    the unpopular status quo and became              like the United States, don’t even have
to evil and tried to seize God’s throne.      Turkey’s leader in 2003.                         diplomatic relations with Syria. Most of
This angel’s name was Lucifer. After he          Twenty years later, the antiestablish-        the West, including Europe and moder-
                                                                                                                                            ADEM ALTAN/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES, RAMI AL SAYED/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES (2)

rebelled, God changed his name to Satan.      ment Erdoğan is now Turkey’s “new                ate Arab states, have shunned working
And notice: God cast him back down to         old regime.” He has used a variety of            with Assad for years.
Earth (Ezekiel 28:16; Revelation 12:9, 12).   anti-democratic methods to cement his               But when the earthquakes hit, nearly
   Satan hates human beings. And the          power, but Turkey is still technically           all this animosity was immediately
Bible shows that the devil as the current     a democracy. Its three largest cities—           forgotten.
(though temporary) unseen ruler of this       Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir—are all                  Within two days, Assad made an offi-
world has the power to stir catastrophes      governed by opposition mayors. Erdoğan           cial plea for help to the European Union,
such as whirlwinds (see Job 1). It is pos-    originally campaigned on a platform of           and the EU quickly pledged millions of
sible that the devil has a hand in calami-    anti-corruption and wise economic stew-          dollars’ worth of aid and began orga-
tous events like the Turkish earthquake.      ardship. Yet today, inflation is sky-high        nizing a donor’s conference for March.
   But this leaves our question unan-         while many in Erdoğan’s inner circle             “[W]e are already sending now a mes-
swered. If God has the power to cast          have mysteriously become millionaires.           sage to the people of [Turkey] and Syria:
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