HOLIDAY ISSUE Moving Truck Ramp Maintenance Angel Tree Are QR Codes Making A Comeback? And MORE!! - On The Move Trucks

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HOLIDAY ISSUE Moving Truck Ramp Maintenance Angel Tree Are QR Codes Making A Comeback? And MORE!! - On The Move Trucks
Edition 27 / January - March 2021

                                  Q U A R T E R LY

Moving Truck Ramp Maintenance
Angel Tree
Are QR Codes Making A Comeback?
And MORE!!
HOLIDAY ISSUE Moving Truck Ramp Maintenance Angel Tree Are QR Codes Making A Comeback? And MORE!! - On The Move Trucks
Table of Contents
                                                    Editor’s Letter............................................................................................................... 3
                                                    On The Move News...................................................................................................... 4
                                                    On The Move Christmas Party...................................................................................... 5
                                                    New Trucks On The Road.............................................................................................. 6
                                                    Employee Spotlight...................................................................................................... 8
                                                    Moving Truck Ramp Maintenance.............................................................................. 10
   Through superior customer service and            Critical Pre-Marketing For Your New Store................................................................. 12
                                                    What A Year In Real Estate For The Self-Storage Industry.......................................... 14
   quality innovative products, On The Move         Are QR Codes Making A Comeback?.......................................................................... 16
   provides their Licensees the ability to add      When Disaster Strikes: Preparing For It And Dealing With The Aftermath................ 18
                                                    Angel Tree................................................................................................................... 20
   value and profits to their business.
                                                    COVID-19: Lasting Impacts On the Self-Storage Industry........................................... 22
                                                    Recipe......................................................................................................................... 24
                                                    Uhaul Cartoon............................................................................................................ 25
                                                    Truck Of The Quarter.................................................................................................. 26
                                                    Handling Vagrancy In Self-Storage.............................................................................. 28
                                                    Resource Guide.......................................................................................................... 31

     Name                                  Title                                                                      E-mail
     Maury Westerdale                      Chairman of the Board                                            

     Susan Parra                           CEO/President                                                    

     Brian Obeck                           CFO                                                              

     CJ Stratte                            Marketing Director                                               

     Tim Moranz                            Specialty Vehicle Program Manager                                

     Derek Garris                          Account Executive                                                

     David Nasis                           Account Executive                                                

     Daniel Garza                          National Sales Manager                                           

     David Vaughan                         Account Executive                                                

     Amber White Mclane                    Sr. Account Executive                                            

     Laura Campos                          Accounting Administrator                                         

     Angie Reese                           Customer Service Representative                                  

     Kurt Varela                           Account Executive                                                

     Rebecca Johnson                       Controller                                                       

     Lexie Rose                            Staff Accountant                                                 

     Noemi Gonzales                        Title Registration Associate                                     

     Karen Lunski                          Customer Service Director                                        

     Juan Castillo                         Warehouse Manager                                                

     Michael Woolard                       Senior Account Executive                                         

2 | On The Move
HOLIDAY ISSUE Moving Truck Ramp Maintenance Angel Tree Are QR Codes Making A Comeback? And MORE!! - On The Move Trucks
                                     Rule #1 of 2021: Do not talk about 2020. Before I agree to 2021, I need to see some
                                     terms and conditions. All jokes aside, 2020 was a tumultuous year and we are so
                                     lucky to be in a time that we could use technology to keep our business open! I’m so
                                     grateful that we work in industries that were resilient during this time. Most of our
                                     real estate customers found new opportunities and our storage customers tend to be
                                     resilient no matter what hurdle we encounter. Food trucks also found a lot of new
                                     opportunities by being able to staying open while restaurants were forced to close
                                     their doors.

                                  Personally, 2020 was a growth year. I was able to slow down and get creative. I
learned to work with other people, ask for help, and think outside of the box. At On The Move, I helped launch
our podcast and worked with amazing people to bring great topics to light. We also wanted to feature some of our
partners and fellow vendors in this issue. They bring valuable knowledge and experience to our magazine and I’m so
excited they agreed to be part of it.

We also spent some time improving processes and websites for you. We were able to add digital signatures to our
ACTION!2.0 software. Watch for training webinars in your inbox as we finalize the changes. Our website has also had
some massive improvements making it easier to order products from our store. If you are a SecureLease customer, we
have added an automated way to send your reports. Many new things for the new year!

Thank you for being our customer! We look forward to serving you in 2021! If you would like to be featured in our
magazine, please send an email to me at

Trainings Available to our Customers
This is webinar is for new or experienced facility managers. Expect a review of the truck rental process, claims and how to fill
out the correct forms.

Learn how to use our truck rental software!

Are you offering tenant protection at your facility? Now is the time to learn best practices, claims process and more!

Interested in any of these trainings? Reach out to CJ Stratte at to schedule a personalized webinar for
you and your team.

                                                                                                                      On The Move | 3
HOLIDAY ISSUE Moving Truck Ramp Maintenance Angel Tree Are QR Codes Making A Comeback? And MORE!! - On The Move Trucks
On The Move Christmas Party

4 | On The Move
HOLIDAY ISSUE Moving Truck Ramp Maintenance Angel Tree Are QR Codes Making A Comeback? And MORE!! - On The Move Trucks
HOLIDAY ISSUE Moving Truck Ramp Maintenance Angel Tree Are QR Codes Making A Comeback? And MORE!! - On The Move Trucks
New Trucks On The Road

6 | On The Move
HOLIDAY ISSUE Moving Truck Ramp Maintenance Angel Tree Are QR Codes Making A Comeback? And MORE!! - On The Move Trucks
On The Move | 7
HOLIDAY ISSUE Moving Truck Ramp Maintenance Angel Tree Are QR Codes Making A Comeback? And MORE!! - On The Move Trucks
                                  KIMBERLY CHUMBLEY
                                                 Account Executive

 When did you start working                 break (ha, ha) as a stay at home mom;     11 attends Curington ES where he is
 at On The Move?                            Most recently a Special Education         involved as a safety patrol, Student
 October 1, 2020                            Teacher in Northside ISD                  Council representative and every
                                                                                      other activity he can participate in.
 Where are you from?                        Favorite thing about On The               Hobbies: Hiking, kayaking, camping
                                            Move?                                     with the family and Shopping (of
 TEXAS! Born in Austin, Grew up in
                                            I love the camaraderie and family         course)
 San Antonio and currently reside in
 Boerne                                     atmosphere of the company/ office.
                                            Tell us about your family: Kimberly       Favorite animal
                                            has been married to Lynn for 20           I love dogs. During quarantine we
 Alma mater?
                                            years. Lynn is a Project Manager          fostered a German Short-Haired
 I have my BS in Biology/ Chemistry;
                                            for USAA. They have 4 children;           Pointer named Maverick!
 MBA- Health Organization
 Management both from Texas Tech            Lawson – 17 attends Boerne HS
 University                                 where he is an offensive tackle for       Favorite music
                                            the Greyhounds and involved in FFA.       I love LIVE music- all kinds.
                                            Kaitlyn- 15 attends Boerne HS where
 What did you do before On
                                            she is active with her friends and FFA.
 The Move?
                                            Deacon- 12 attends BMSN and plays
 I was a Sr. Vaccine Specialist at Sanofi
                                            the Saxophone in the band. Hudson-
 Pasteur for 10 years; Then took a

8 | On The Move
HOLIDAY ISSUE Moving Truck Ramp Maintenance Angel Tree Are QR Codes Making A Comeback? And MORE!! - On The Move Trucks
On The Move | 9
HOLIDAY ISSUE Moving Truck Ramp Maintenance Angel Tree Are QR Codes Making A Comeback? And MORE!! - On The Move Trucks
Moving Truck Ramp
                   BY C J STratte , marketing DIREC TOR

                                                          Most moving truck loading ramps have
                                                          several things in common. For starters,
                                                          aluminum construction is almost
                                                          universal. Aluminum provides adequate
                                                          strength and durability while keeping
                                                          weight as light as possible. Second,
                                                          loading ramps are constructed with a
                                                          non-slip surface. Renters can expect to
                                                          work in every weather condition and a
                                                          ramp must lend to safety when its wet
                                                          outside. Another common trait of loading
                                                          ramps is that they conveniently store
                                                          between the frame of the commercial
                                                          truck and are pulled out from the rear
                                                          bumper area. This otherwise unused ramp
                                                          storage space leaves the cargo area free.
                                                          Additionally, most moving truck ramps
                                                          have a weight capacity rating of 1,000 lbs.

                                                          Next Level Ramps
                                                          On The Move has taken moving truck
                                                          ramps to the next level. Listening to our
                                                          customers’ needs, we have adapted and
                                                          redesigned storage of the ramp. On our
                                                          Aerocell model, we extended the back
                                                          door to cover the ramp. This solved a
                                                          few issues that were concerning our
                                                          customers. During the 2008 financial
                                                          crisis, many ramps were being stolen.
                                                          Aluminum was a hot commodity at scrap
                                                          metal yards and moving truck ramps were
                                                          easily stolen. The extension of the door
                                                          covers the ramp and allows it to be locked
                                                          when the door is secured. Ad space
                                                          was also increased with the extension of
                                                          the door. Safety is also a huge concern
                                                          for On The Move. Securing the ramp
                                                          is mandatory in order to shut the door.
                                                          Slippage of the ramp while driving is
                                                          prevented with this simple alteration that
                                                          is exclusive to On The Move trucks.

                                                          Maintenance of Ramps
                                                          Pull out ramp do have their own issues,
                                                          but its minimal. Broken pull handles
                                                          and worn out slide mechanisms are the
                                                          most common problems. Make sure to
                                                          inspect your ramps and make sure they
                                                          are clean.

10 | On The Move
    CALL 800-645-9949
Critical Pre-Marketing
          For Your New Store
  BY M. A nne Ballard, P resident, M arketing , Training and Developmental S ervices, Universal S torage Group

                                                                                                spaces, with a map, etc.) and your pre-
                                                                                                leasing special (ex: free boxes or lock). Be
                                                                                                sure to run at least 1500 extra post cards
                                                                                                to use for “cold call” marketing.
                                                                                                Mailing Service – Contract with a local
                                                                                                direct mail service for mailing list and
                                                                                                processing, or better yet, use the USPS at
                                                                                                door-direct-mail.htm for Every Door Direct
                                                                                                Mail - EDDM. Plan at least 3 drops of
                                                                                                9,000 – 10,000 cards to your target area.
                                                                                                Drops should be at least 7-10 days apart,
                                                                                                but not more than 2 weeks apart.

                                                                                                Specialty Letters/Postcards and Emails
                                                                                                Real Estate offices, banks, doctors,
                                                                                                and contractors all have special needs.
                                                                                                Design specific marketing letters for each
                                                                                                category, using your local yellow pages
                                                                                                as a mailing source, or online searches
                                                                                                for all of a category type; meaning all
                                                                                                lawyers, dentists etc, within a certain
                                                                                                distance from your store. For example,
 From your Feasibility Study (we are            with other successful developers to get         you might send an “Uncluttered Houses
 assuming you have done your homework),         ideas for your customized marketing plan.       Sell Faster” to real estate companies and
 you will begin to shape your exact ideas       The following is a suggested timeline you       agents. Message should briefly address
 for creating awareness to your targeted        may consider.                                   the problem and then give the reasons
 new customers. Are they residential                                                            why agents should refer their clients to
 between the ages of 35-46, 56-65 or            Sixty days before opening:                      you; free move truck, large units, climate
 apartment dwellers, commercial, college        Confirm your website, logo, colors,             control, camera surveillance, etc. Be
 students, etc. All of these factors play an    signage, market position – i.e., upscale,       sure to include a referral program in your
 important part in designing your pre-          contractors, offices, drive up climate units,   program. Or send a letter with an emery
 leasing and on-going marketing programs,       wine or unique offerings that will attract      board attached saying “Your files are no
 and for filling up any new location.           renters to you. Make sure the image             Problem with Us”. This small marketing
                                                is consistent in all print and collateral       action makes you memorable.
 Once you have established your target          materials.
 service area, which can be within 3-5                                                          Chamber of Commerce
 miles and or 10 to 20-minute drive times,      Direct Mail Program:                            Establish your place in the business
 with luck it includes a wide cross section     Material: A 4x6 jumbo postcard,                 community, join the Chamber now. It’s
 of customer types needed for self storage      2-sided, full color postcard works well         never too early to begin networking and
 success. Then you may set the wheels in        (approximate cost $65/M for 30,000              marketing your product. The Chamber
 motion to create your opening timeline         cards) you can design the card yourself,        will play an important part in your Grand
 of marketing action items necessary to         there are some easy graphic programs            Opening and future marketing events,
 achieve success. The website is ready and      now available, or hire a graphic designer       such as the Ribbon Cutting or Business
 you’ll be hoping for lots of phone calls and   which we recommend. You only get to be          After Hours onsite events for small
 walk in traffic. How do we make sure the       brand new one time, don’t be penny wise         businesses such as these.
 store will attract the balance of prospects    and pound foolish; a professional design
 needed to reach our proforma of new            goes a long way. The postcard should            Priority Waiting List
 leases each month? By now, you have            include: opening date, phone number,            As soon as possible, secure your facility’s
 joined the SSA and your state association      location, pertinent benefits (free move         phone number and forward it to your
 and started reading articles and visiting      truck, climate control, large commercial        office or management company. Post

12 | On The Move
that number on a Coming Soon Sign at           recommend you purchase member labels            party store. Bag should include: small
the property that says “Now PreLeasing”.       from the Chamber and mail your own set          promo items (pens, magnet, key chains,)
Whenever possible the phone should             of invitations.                                 business card, referral program card,
be answered by a “live” operator. The                                                          special thank you flyer with event special
person answering the phone should be           Your grand opening should be a gala             coupon, candy, etc. Customize the bag to
able to give all the benefits your facility    event with a theme. Choose a theme              your specific products each guest should
will offer and be enthusiastic about the       that has a connection to the name of            receive a bag before they leave upon
opening. Obtain as much information as         your property, time of year or upcoming         exiting.
possible from your potential customer,         holiday. For example, a cruise theme,
name, phone number, estimated size of          “Cruise the Hudson” (name of facility), a       Proper staffing is a must during events.
unit, email address. Stay in contact with      luau theme “Hot Summer Nights” (beach           There should be enough staff to give
your potential customer, updating them         location), the choices are endless. Use         personal tours and mingle with your
on the opening date and establishing a         decorations throughout your facility that       guests. Staff should be well versed on the
relationship. Contact is everything! If        are a reflection of your theme. Twinkle         property statistics and amenities and be
the customer is unable to wait until your      lights, fresh flowers, balloons, beach balls,   able to answer questions. Provide a Golf
facility is open, help them locate another     hay bales, etc., be CREATIVE and have fun       Cart Valet service. Choose designated
facility. Yes, help them locate another        with your event.                                parking areas throughout your property
facility. They won’t forget your great                                                         and send the golf cart to pickup your
customer service and will become a future      Mail, email or hand-deliver your                guest, another way to provide a tour of
referral source, both the new storage          invitations approximately 3-4 weeks             your property. Be sure and provide return
customer and the store you sent them to,       before the event, and don’t forget to           valet service at end of event.
and now when you visit the competitor          invite everyone you have made marketing
you’ll be welcomed with open arms.             calls on and give them an invitation.           Provide a place for guests to leave
                                               Your invitation list should include all         business cards and register for your door
Competitor survey                              chamber members, area businesses,               prizes. Everyone must register for your
Get out there and visit all your like kind     personal business associates, friends, and      door prizes and you should give away at
competitors and let them know you look         family. Obtain 2-4 catering bids (always        least 3-5 of them, display them in the
forward to sharing referral fees with them     use Chamber members). Remember,                 office with numbers on them and as you
for products you may not have and vice         it is not necessary to provide a meal,          give each person their treasure map to
versa.                                         light hors d’oeuvres are sufficient. Most       all the goodies remind them at what time
                                               events include beer and wine; however,          you will be picking the winners so they
30 days before opening                         this is your personal choice. How do            need to be back in the office at that time
Follow up visits - Remember those              you serve 200 guests in a storage facility,     for the drawings. This will give you the
specialty letters, or postcards you mailed     and give them a tour at the same time?          email and phone number for each person
or emailed? Now’s the time to make             Use our special tip for food placement.         to add to your marketing database.
follow-up visits to introduce yourself and     Choose several units of different sizes
update them on an opening date. Be             throughout your facility, not too far apart     No later than 10 days after your event,
sure and take some small token on your         and in flow of foot traffic, to serve your      send a follow up email thanking your
visit; pens with facility name and number,     food. Four units work very well, two            guest, outlining your services, and
pre-leasing postcard, referral cards, etc.     with hors d’oeuvres, 1 with dessert and         confirming that your event special is still
Begin making other marketing calls at this     non-alcoholic punch and 1 for beer, wine        valid until (date). Continuous contact is
time to apartment leasing agents, local        and soft drinks. Each unit should be            very important.
businesses, etc. Don’t forget the mall         decorated. We recently had a caterer that
shops during the holiday season.               loved the idea so much, she decorated           The ideas and opportunities for pre
                                               the units herself using our Fall Halloween      leasing and opening events are endless.
Plan your Grand Opening                        theme and they were fabulous. Provide           Remember, do your homework; define
Coordinate your Grand Opening and              your guests with a “treasure map” of the        your target area, develop a budget, design
Ribbon Cutting with the Chamber                property listing unit #, size, and treat they   a plan, be consistent in your marketing
event coordinator, choosing a date             will find inside. For example: Climate          efforts, be creative and have fun.
approximately 45-60 days after opening.        Control Unit 515, 10 x 10 – Cold Shrimp
An evening event is recommended;               Scampi, Stuffed Mushroom Caps, and              You can, with these types of actions,
5:30 -7 pm or 6 – 8 pm. Your Chamber           Honey Sesame Chicken Bites.                     create an extensive Priority Waiting List.
representative will make arrangements                                                          When the doors open wouldn’t it be nice
with local dignitaries to participate in the   Be sure and prepare a thank you gift            to have 100 names on your list waiting
ribbon cutting and send invitations to all     bag for each guest. You can purchase            for your call. This puts money in the bank
Chamber members. The rest is up to you.        small white bags with your name and             from day one and helps lessen the sting of
Most Chamber’s have event guidelines,          logo on them for a minimal price from           lots of expenses and no income as is usual
be sure to get a copy from your                any promotional product supplier or you         for a new location.
representative. If available, we strongly      may opt to use clear bags from the local

                                                                                                                       On The Move | 13
What a year in real estate for the
     self-storage industry
                                 Nicholas J. Malagisi, SIOR Managing Director
                     N ational Director Self Storage, SVN Commercial Real Estate Advisors

 I’ve accumulated a number of Press            engaging 3rd party professional self          mortgage REIT, Jernigan Capital, and
 Releases on real estate matters this past     storage management companies to run           they’re taking the company private.
 12 months and it’s amazing to see the         the day-to-day operations of their self
 positive activity that is happening within    storage business. And fourth, the number      Finally, I have just received a report
 our industry.                                 of new companies that are forming equity      from CoStar and they are reporting that
                                               funds to acquire self storage continues to    through November 30th, 2020 they have
 Four notable trends are continuing            grow with each passing month.                 recorded $3.2 Billion in self storage sales.
 from the previous 5-6 years or since the                                                    This equates to 1,477 sales transactions
 end of the last recession in 2012/2013.       Besides these four trends, there were         at an average sale price of $3.5 Million or
 Those trends are that institutional capital   several investment opportunities that         $89 per net rentable square foot.
 continues to note the steady returns on       were created in 2020. Simply Self Storage
 investment that the public REITs have         portfolio of properties and company is        Yes, this has been a most productive year
 enjoyed these past several years and          being acquired by the Blackstone Group        for the self storage real estate sector with
 capital continues to enter our sector in      for $1.2 Billion. Storage-Mart, the largest   continued low interest rates combined
 the form of debt and equity. Secondly,        independent self storage company is           with low Cap Rates to entice owners to
 the consolidation of smaller owner/           partnering with Cascade Investment,           either sell or refinance their properties.
 operators being sold to large operators       a Bill Gates owned company, in a $2.7
 who improve their economies of scale.         Billion transaction to continue growing       Happy Holidays!
 The third continuing trend is the growing     the company and create a private REIT.
 number of property owners who are             Nextpoint Storage has purchased the

14 | On The Move
are qr codes making a comeback?
                                                BY C J STratte , marketing DIREC TOR

 Quick Response codes (QR codes) are             social distancing, you can use a QR code      Where do you get a QR code?
 being used more and more in 2020. They          to find a menu at the restaurants you         There are many sites to generate a QR
 are scannable 2D codes that prompt a            frequent. You simply open your camera         code. I’d be happy to create one for you.
 visit to your website, social media profiles    app and scan the QR code launching the        Just email me at CJ@onthemovetrucks.
 or any hyperlink that you may use for           restaurant’s menu.                            com and I can have to you within 24
 your business. Around 2011, they first                                                        hours. All I need is the link that you
 debuted with not much traction. They            How can you use QR codes in your              would like the QR code to point to!
 were such a cool concept but we did not         marketing?
 have the technology to execute them.            You can fulfil a variety of objectives with   Scan this QR code to leave us a review on
 Our smartphone internet speed and               a QR code including linking to a website      our Google page!
 cameras did not work as they do today.          or landing page, direct users to leave
 It was tedious to download a third party        you a review, access a special offer, view
 app to scan the QR code. It was easier to       your Google maps location or direct
 just type the web address manually.             customers to your social media profiles.
                                                 One of the most obvious places to put
 How do you use QR codes in 2020?                a QR code is on your moving truck. You
 Now QR codes can be seen in many                can print a sticker and easily add to
 places including on movie, concert or           your graphics. You can also put on your
 even airline tickets. SnapCodes from the        business cards, postcards, and print
 social app SnapChat make it easier to           advertising. It can be a tool to bridge
 find a friend or share your profile. With       your online and offline marketing.

16 | On The Move
When disaster strikes…
              Preparing for it and dealing
                  with the aftermath
                                               By Derek Gariss, Sr . Broker

 We live in a very unpredictable world.         ability to cause devastation in a matter of      severely damaged a high school and other
 Disaster can come in a variety of ways;        minutes. Every year since 2008, the annual       buildings. Each year about 1,200 tornadoes
 but at the end of the day, I’m not here to     cost of hail and storm damages has reached       with wind speeds as high as 300 mph
 scare or alarm you. I would like to help       $19 billion or higher. Nationwide, hail is the   touch down in the United States. Though
 you prepare if and when a disaster strikes.    most common natural disaster.                    not generally as destructive as hurricanes,
 In 2019, the insurance industry in the U.S.                                                     tornadoes are more frequent and can also
 spent nearly $24 billion in repair damage      Thousands of homes, businesses and               cause severe damage.
 from major storms. Natural catastrophes        vehicles were destroyed by the twister that
 in 2019 caused about 9,000 deaths.             sent 205-mph winds through the town of           There are 200+ fires every day at work,
                                                Greensburg, Kansas, in 2007. The Oklahoma        according to U.S. government data. But
 Hail may be only a momentary side effect       town of Sweetwater, about 225 miles south        having a fire extinguisher isn’t enough
 of a larger storm, but hailstones have the     of Greensburg, was hit hard by a twister that    to protect what business owner’s work

18 | On The Move
so hard for. Fire damage can be costly       Protective Shields                             Your disaster plan should include steps to
to repair so many businesses protect         Install protective shields or screens over     notify tenants on the state of the facility
themselves against potential losses          skylights, HVAC units, and other roof-         and let them know when they can safely
by buying insurance. Fortunately, fire       mounted equipment.                             access the property via website and social
insurance is widely available.                                                              media announcements, emails and/or
                                             Public Areas                                   texts, and printed instructions. Provide
So how do you protect ourselves and the      Make sure that all appropriate signage is      timely updates whenever possible.
business you worked so hard for? There       in place. ADA signage is a must.
are many steps that we can take to reduce                                                   Lastly, providing a protection plan like
the overall impact on our business. We       Review your insurance policy                   SecureLease is an easy way to insure that
will investigate a few now.                  Make sure that you have the proper             your tenants goods and your buildings are
                                             coverage and limits for your business.         protected.
Prevention and Risk Mitigation can help      Coverages like Business Interruption,
small businesses minimize and ideally        Customer Legal Liability, Sale and             All of the items above should be part
prevent the impact of a crisis. The          Disposal, and a specific wind and hail         of your business-continuity plan and
effective way to protect your business,      policy for your area.                          updated regularly. You can review and
employees and customers are to                                                              create your own plan at
anticipate the possibility of a crisis and   Create an emergency plan
develop a risk management plan. This         Creating an emergency plan can not only        Response to a Disaster
ensures that everyone on your team           save you time and money, it could be the       When the facility is safe to approach, it’s
understands what to do before, during        difference between opening or closing the      your duty to protect your buildings from
and after disasters occur.Making sure that   doors forever.                                 further damage. Secure the property,
you are doing regular maintenance can                                                       contact local authorities and call your
help you prevent loss in the event of a      A good disaster plan starts with a list        insurance agent to report the claim in
severe storm                                 of emergency contacts including the            a timely manner. Take photographs and
                                             local fire and police departments as well      document all loss.
Facility Maintenance                         as your insurance agent, electrician,
Prepare your property for severe wind        plumber, and HVAC contractor. In               Contact your tenants and provide
and hail with maintenance tasks that         addition, keep an updated list of              instructions on how and when they can
can help reduce potential damage. Trim       employees, tenants and vendors readily         access the property in a safe manner.
trees to prevent damage from falling         available. This information should be          According to the Federal Emergency
limbs and falling trees. Make sure           backed up and retained off site. A site        Management Agency, 40 percent
equipment is secured in a protective         map or diagram, building plans, and bank-      of businesses don’t reopen after a
structure. Tie down construction             account records should also be kept at an      major disaster. The Small Business
materials and other items that could         off-site location.                             Administration indicates that an
become airborne and cause damage                                                            additional 25 percent fail within two
during a severe storm. Inspect doors         For employee safety, maintain                  years following the loss. When we
and door latches to make sure that they      an emergency kit that includes                 take the statistic from the magazine
are in proper working order. Make sure       blankets, a fire extinguisher, first-aid       “Claims Journal” that 75 percent of small
to place vermin deterrent.                   essentials, battery-operated lights, a         businesses don’t have a disaster plan,
                                             radio, water, a whistle and basic tools. You   these numbers provide a valuable lesson.
Roof Inspections and Maintenance             also need to plan for disruption to your       Planning ahead and taking the steps to
Schedule regular inspections with            utility services. Determine which ones are     develop a disaster-preparedness plan is
a qualified roofer to evaluate the           necessary for continuing your business         the key for business continuation.
condition of the roof and perform the        (for example, phone) and contact your
necessary maintenance on any areas           local provider to see what back-up options
identified as defective.                     are available.

                                                                                                                    On The Move | 19
               BY Jennifer Danuff, Marketing Manager, Capco General Contracting

                                                                                           on a tree for donors to select from.
                                                                                           You may have seen these trees around
                                                                                           your local malls and Walmarts in past
                                                                                           years. This year, however, because of the
                                                                                           pandemic, many of the adoptions were
                                                                                           done virtually. At Capco, we were able to
                                                                                           send the tags digitally to our donors and
                                                                                           many gifts were able to be purchased
                                                                                           online. Our team was so thankful to
                                                                                           be able to continue with our toy drive,
                                                                                           despite the unique circumstances.

                                                                                           We were so happy to see half of our
                                                                                           angels get adopted with in the first week
                                                                                           this year! Many of our employees and
                                                                                           partners get excited to shop for the
                                                                                           angels and have made it a part of their
                                                                                           company’s traditions as well. As time
                                                                                           goes on, we hope to continue to increase
                                                                                           our goal, bringing the magic of Christmas
                                                                                           to as many children as possible.
                                              In 2017, we held our first Angel Tree Toy
                                              Drive and collected gifts for 60 angels.     While the angel tree is one of Capco’s
                                              This past holiday season, our team           biggest fundraisers of the year, our
                                              donated gifts to 100 children with the       team makes it a priority to support
                                              help of our employees, clients, suppliers    local and national programs through
                                              and subcontractors. With 2020 so heavily     both employee volunteerism and
                                              impacted by COVID-19, it was more            charitable giving throughout the year.
                                              important than ever this holiday season      The Food Bank, Shriners Hospitals,
                                              to help the increasing number of those       Arc of San Antonio, Life Academy,
                                              in need. The Salvation Army predicted        The San Antonio Clubhouse and the
                                              they would need resources to serve up        Texas Foundation of Hope are just a
                                              to 155% more people with Christmas           few of the numerous organizations we
                                              assistance in 2020.                          contribute to year after year.

                                              Recipients of the Angel Tree gifts come      Capco General Contracting is a full-
                                              from families who have applied for           service general contractor in San
 While many holiday traditions may have       assistance through The Salvation Army.       Antonio, Texas. We have the expertise
 looked a little different this year, the     The children range in age from newborn       to provide a full range of value-added
 Capco team was able to continue one          to 12 years and come from a variety of       services to ensure the construction of
 of our favorite traditions: our company      backgrounds. Each angel has a paper tag      your project is seamless, on budget
 wide Angel Tree Toy Drive benefiting         associated to them in the shape of an        and on time. Our experienced team of
 the Salvation Army of San Antonio. The       angel with their first name, age, gender,    project managers and superintendents
 Angel Tree program launched in 1979          clothing size and wish list items. The       are committed to executing your vision
 with goal of providing clothing and toys     wants and needs of the children range        from beginning to end.
 for children at Christmastime. Since then,   from educational toys and art supplies to
 the Angel Tree Toy Drive has become          bicycles, scooters and roller skates.
 well-known across the country.               The angel tags are traditionally displayed

20 | On The Move
                        lasting impacts on the
                        self-storage industry
         By Renee Tulve, Marketing Manager, Platinum Storage Group; Storage Direct

 The Covid-19 pandemic transformed            other large companies also dramatically      decide how to best move forward in a
 consumer behavior and forced operators       discounted rates in many markets, forcing    continuing pandemic under uncertain and
 to adapt at a pace unseen before the         small and medium sized operators to          quickly changing market conditions.
 outbreak. Before COVID-19 and the            make concessions and change their
 resulting pandemic, self-storage operators   operations to better accommodate             While there were many negative effects
 had enjoyed a steady upward trajectory at    tenants to remain competitive. Owners        on the storage industry during the
 their sites that supported a sort of long-   were also faced with local legal mandates    pandemic, positive changes were made as
 term status quo in the industry. However,    and ethical concerns regarding liens and     owners were forced to find new creative
 during the pandemic, a drop in demand        late fees and the sale of customers goods,   ways to do business with their customers
 resulted in a decline in rental rates that   resulting in higher delinquencies than       while avoiding direct contact. Platinum
 defied trends set in previous years;         previous years. This added pressure made     was uniquely positioned to adapt to these
 forcing operators to respond. REITS and      many owners reassess their abilities to      changes as our longtime emphasis on

22 | On The Move
technology allowed our operations team        competitive landscape. Not only do          repairs. This leaves the owner with time
to quickly shift to contactless rentals and   they have the expertise and experience      to pursue other interests while knowing
payments. Our company’s partnership           necessary to be competitive with            their property is being well-managed.
with the StoreLocal Storage Co-op allowed     the large, well-financed regional and
us to instantly deploy contactless online     national companies, they can provide        About Platinum:
rentals with ID verification, and online      certain economies of scale that might       Platinum Storage Group is a top national
document management distribution              not be possible otherwise. By hiring a      self-storage owner-operator, property
systems to conduct business with              professional management company, an         manager, developer and asset manager
customers through their phones and            owner gets the best of all worlds. They     with over 30 years experience operating
computers via e-signature documents.          still own the property and get a monthly    self-storage facilities nationwide and
Davinci combination locks were also           check without having to handle day-to-      over 20 facilities in our acquisitions and
utilized to allow customers to access their   day operations. They have an expert with    development pipeline. We are excited
units before or after office hours, which     the tools and experience to help increase   for the future and looking forward to our
meant a customer could rent online, enter     occupancy, decrease operating expenses,     continued growth and success.
the site and access their unit without any    and oversee capital improvements and
face to face interaction with site staff.
Customers could also completely manage
their documents and payments online
rather than having to visit the office.
These upgrades allow us to better serve
our customers now and, in the future, as
we continue to build systems to automate
and simplify the storage experience.

As with most economic downturns,
storage once again proved to be one of
the most resilient asset classes during
the pandemic. In fact, most of Platinum’s
properties performed well through the
pandemic and even exceeded 2019
income. Looking into the future for 2021
we expect storage rates to make a full
recovery and potentially get back on
pace with the pre 2020 annual growth
rates. While delinquency and bad debt
will need to be addressed in Q4 and Q1
2020, historically low vacancy rates leave
room for any small dip in occupancy
from sorting out these units. Our team
also believes that there will be room for
raising street and in-place rental rates
as we enter the new year. We anticipate
that self-storage will continue to do well
in 2021 as operators are well equipped
to deal with the ongoing challenges of
the pandemic.

Are you looking for a third-party
management company that will ensure
your property has the tools it needs
to succeed? Third-party management
companies provide self-storage owners
with a tremendous resource that they
can rely on to navigate the changing

                                                                                                                 On The Move | 23

                   Delicious sweet and savory Southern        PREP TIME: 15 minutes
                   smothered green beans are a perfect side   COOK TIME: 40 minutes
                   dish during the Holidays!                  TOTAL TIME: 55 minutes

                   Ingredients                                Instructions
                   3 (14.5oz. cans) cut green beans drained   Spritz 9 x 13 pan with your favorite
                   12 Slices Cooked Bacon (crisp and          cooking spray such as Pam.
                   2/3 Cup Brown Sugar                        Put drained green beans into the pan.
                   1/4 Cup Melted Butter
                   6 Teaspoons Tamari Soy Sauce               Mix the brown sugar, melted butter,
                   2 teaspoons garlic powder                  tamari soy sauce, garlic powder, and
                   2 teaspoons onion powder                   onion powder. Pour over green beans.
                   Cooking Spray for Pan
                                                              Add Cooked Bacon

                                                              Bake 40 Minutes in 350º F oven.

24 | On The Move
On The Move | 25

26 | On The Move
How did you become involved in
the real estate industry?
While buying and selling homes,
it spiked my interest in the real
estate industry. I obtained my 1st
Brokers license in 1980 in Colora-
do. Currently, I have three offices
in Austin.

How long have you been an On
The Move customer?
My truck is fairly new…only about
6 months.

How do you use your truck?
I loan it out to my clients and

What is your favorite thing about
your truck?
It is easy and fun to drive while
providing great advertising.

Any advice for being successful
with a rental truck program?
Make sure to know what you want
to use it for. Have fun!

                   On The Move | 27
Congrats on your Wedding, Noemi!

 Looking back at the summer of 1983,              Luis told those doctors was, “What is        yellow roses. There was not a dry eye in
 then Noemi DeLaGarza 16 years old and            impossible with man is not impossible        the crowd!
 Luis Farias 18 years old were each other’s       with God.”
 first boyfriend and girlfriend. That Fall                                                     Needless to say, they both will face many
 they departed ways, Noemi returning to           Enter July 23rd, 2020 Noemi and Luis met     challenges as Luis rehabilitates and begins
 High School and Luis pursuing his college        in person and began their reconnection       his return to Law Enforcement. But they
 basketball career in Salinas, CA.                with daily meetings and phone call           are each other’s constant support system
                                                  conversations lasting up to five hours.      and are convinced that God was their true
 Fast forward 37 years, nearly 4 decades,         They felt like they had picked up where      matchmaker which makes them convicted
 Noemi reached out to Luis on July 22nd           they left off in 1983. Nothing about their   in embracing their future together.
 2020 through Facebook messenger after            reunion felt awkward at all. Their bond      Jeramiah 33:3
 running across some old photos of each           was re-sealed. Staring at love in each
 other.                                           other’s faces they decided to marry on
                                                  October 23rd, 2020.
 N: “Hey Luis, this is Noemi. How are you?”
 L: “Going through a rough time in life           They had a small ceremony at El Mirasol
 actually. I really can’t believe I am actually   Restaurant in San Antonio, TX. The entire
 hearing from you. What an extreme                wedding party convened out to the
 surprise!!!”                                     courtyard where Luis surprised Noemi
                                                  with a 3 song serenade (Perfect-Ed
 What Noemi did not know, was Luis was            Sherran, Back At One-Brian McKnight and
 involved in a catastrophic motor vehicle         All of Me-John Legend). He auditioned
 accident on February 2, 2017 in his police       seven singers before making his final
 patrol unit. He suffered physical and            selection with singer/songwriter Ponciano
 neurological injuries to both legs below         Seoane who happened to appear on the
 the knees after being ejected from his           Voice Season 11-Team Adam. After each
 unit. Doctors advised him that his career        song, Luis had his nieces and nephew
 in Law Enforcement was over. What                present Noemi with a dozen red, pink and

28 | On The Move
Handling Vagrancy in
                                  By Carol Mixon , OwneR, SkilCheck Services, Inc.

                                                                                             space out to keep them safe and other
                                                                                             customers’ goods safe as well.

                                                                                             Unfortunately, there are multiple videos
                                                                                             on YouTube that are helping to teach
                                                                                             people how to live in self-storage units
                                                                                             and even how to cook out of the space.
                                                                                             Below you will find a link to a very
                                                                                             disturbing video where a man teaches
                                                                                             others how to start a fire with toilet paper
                                                                                             to cook out of his storage space.

We have experienced life in a whole new      Danger to Self-Storage Operations               What Can You Do - Preventative
way during the COVID-19 pandemic.            As you know, self-storage was never             Measures
Fortunately, those of us in the self-        intended for people to live in or out           It is important to walk or ride around
storage business have seen an increase       of! For the sake of people trying to live       the entire storage property several times
in customer use of self-storage and RV       out of the space and for our other self-        per day, especially if you know that you
storage. The RV industry has increased       storage customers, we need to monitor           have customers on the site that are
sales by 170% in the 2020 pandemic.          the property daily and in some locations        trying to live or simply hang out in the
Fortunate people have decided to take to     hourly to make sure we don’t have people        storage space. Those tenants who are
the road and see America.                    trying to live out of the space.                problematic should get written notice that
                                             There have been multiple deaths of              they are going to have limited access to
Unfortunately, the homeless and drug         customers trying to live out of their           the space.
addicts have become more widespread          storage space.
during the pandemic too. The chart                                                           For example:
below shows an estimate of homeless          Lafayette Police investigate the scene of an    Restricted access through the gate or into
people by state.                             early morning fire at Simply Self Storage,      the building during office hours only.
                                             4900 Tazer Drive, Thursday, Nov. 12, 2020 in
This chart shows that vagrants are           Lafayette, Indiana                              Overlock their space every day when the
attracted to warmer and more liberal         On November 12th, at the Simply Self            office closes.
leaning states.                              Storage location in Lafayette, Indiana a
                                             fire occurred. Firefighters stated a space      Increase their rent due to the fact that
A report in Austin, Texas reads that while   heater in one storage unit that someone         you are having to provide more security
a lot of attention has gone to homeless      was living in caught other items in the St.     and labor to manage them.
camps under the overpasses, advocates        Elmo’s Self Storage unit on fire. The person
say there are more hidden people             trying to live in the space was treated for     These measures may sound unfair, but
struggling with homelessness. “We            smoke inhalation. Twenty-eight spaces were      they are for the safety of not only the
have people in sort of more rural areas,     destroyed due to this fire.                     tenant but all the other tenants and goods
obviously people downtown and in some                                                        stored at the property.
of the more urban spots, but there isn’t     The fire raises concerns about affordable
one specific type of place that people end   housing in Austin. Experts say if people        If you want to hear more about this
up if they’re unsheltered,” said Executive   cannot find an affordable place to live,        and other storage topics, please go the
Director Matt Mollica with the Ending        they will resort to other options like living   SkilCheck YouTube channel at YouTube.
Community Homelessness Coalition             in a storage unit for shelter. However, as      com/SkilCheckServices.
(ECHO).                                      storage operators we need to be diligent
                                             to keep customers trying to live in the         Thanks, and happy renting!

                                                                                                                    On The Move | 29
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  For Truck Claims (Fleet Response)............ 800-338-0619
  SecureLease Claims.................................. 212-269-8220
  Windshield/Glass Repair.......................... 830-428-0785
  On The Move Roadside Assistance........... 888-242-9044
  Order Supplies.......................................... 800-645-9949
  Request Cert/ID card................................ 830-428-0785
  ACTION!2.0....................830-428-0778 or 830-428-0779
  Submit Address Change

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