FIRST STATE STEWART ASIA - ASIA PACIFIC EQUITIES - First State Stewart Asia Asia Pacific Equities May 2019 Client Update - FSSA ...

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                                                First State Stewart Asia
                                                Asia Pacific Equities
                                                May 2019 Client Update

Client Update | May 2019
First State Stewart Asia – Asia Pacific Equities

    “To infinity...and beyond!”        At present, the Fed’s liabilities can   be so surprising. On balance, we
                Buzz Lightyear,        only be used to inflate financial       remain more focused on capital
                       Toy Story       assets via the banking system,          preservation than reaching for
                                       but the proponents of MMT argue         growth.
Although financial types               that the law should be changed
everywhere seem to believe that        so that they can be used to pay US
things are absolutely dire, world-     government expenditure directly.
                                                                               Portfolio implications
ending and the sky is about to fall    Onwards and ever upwards, it                “In preparing for battle, I
on our heads, most of humanity         seems; to QE43... and beyond.           have always found that plans
have better lives now than in all                                                are useless, but planning is
of history. That is certainly so in    How should you expect your
the developed world. Prosperity,       money manager to operate in                            indispensable.”
in our time, has yet again been        such economic conditions? After                US President and Army
underwritten by those clever           all, we are infamously allergic to                    General Dwight
technocrats at the world’s central     macro analysis and top-down views                       D. Eisenhower
banks.                                 of the world. We call investment
                                       themes ‘tailwinds and headwinds’.       Like President Eisenhower’s
Markets and assets everywhere are      What does MMT and its variants          reflections on war but rather more
broadly elevated. All is well. So,     mean from a portfolio point of          trivially, our discussions about
why the angst? Why all the talk        view? Does any of this make any         macro often seem wholly irrelevant.
about Japanification, zombies and      difference to how we should and         But, then again, such views can
unicorns?1 Just as heresy turns into   do invest?                              sometimes provide a helpful
orthodoxy, is Modern Monetary                                                  framework for understanding
Theory (MMT) the new QE? 2 To          Well, yes and no. At the very least     individual company valuations.
us, it looks like an even madder       a PER4 of 25x has become the new        Comprehension of the big picture
twist on what has generally passed     15x, as interest rates have plunged     can greatly aid implementation and
for economic policy over the last      around the world. Simplistically,       execution. Investing often involves
decade. Academic respectability        everybody knows that free capital       a synthesis of thinking top-down,
cannot be far behind.                  broadly erodes returns; and we          but at the same time investing
                                       would argue that overall quality,       bottom-up on a company-by-
      “There are some ideas so         as well as balance sheets, have         company basis.
        wrong, that only a very        become ever more important
                                                                               Today, it seems easy to argue that
       intelligent person could        in our bottom-up assessment of
                                                                               the world has changed irrevocably
               believe in them.”       companies.
                                                                               and that we are heading for
                 George Orwell         That has been the case over the         cataclysmic times. Economically, if
                                       past year, when higher quality          we do not eventually end up with
George Orwell was writing about        companies have generally held up        inflation, it seems that the negative
politics. But these days he would no   well, underpinning our returns.         consequences of deflation (no
doubt be appalled at what passes       Overall, our positioning has not        growth and falling returns) might
for economics. MMT looks radical,      changed very much, with some            be just as deleterious to returns.
but it is just the latest iteration    modest additions to technology          On the other hand, often the real
in a long line of dangerous ideas.     and China companies on earlier          and more pressing danger is being
Wrapped in the pseudo-science of       weakness.                               paralysed into inaction and thereby
a theory, MMT offers a pervasive                                               missing out on opportunities.
subversion of much of the              As recent volatility has clearly
economics that most of us learnt       demonstrated, the contradictions        Most of the time, the markets roll
at school, with regards to sound       and instability of a system piled       on unperturbed. If you read any
money management, inflation,           high with debt means that               of the economic histories, say of
independent central banks, deficits,   yet another crushing loss of            Britain or much of the world in the
capital flows and even markets.        market confidence would not             1970s, the environment was much

1   See appendix
2   Quantitative easing
3   Yet another round of quantitative easing
4   Price-to-Earnings Ratio

Client Update | May 2019
First State Stewart Asia – Asia Pacific Equities

worse; and yet investing fortunes      Most analysis, as we all know,          subsequently saw them plunge
were made. There is no morality in     consists of trend extrapolation.        and then just as quickly rebound
money. Markets are just efficient      Our mental framework is usually         to almost regain their previous
discounting mechanisms of future       bound by what has happened              highs. The MSCI China-rebalancing
returns. We can deplore all we         recently and many will admit            noise has helped. That is fine, as
like, but market conditions are        that inflection points are only         more broadly (though mostly at
something to be taken advantage        obvious in hindsight. Yet, just a       the margin), we used this same
of, rather than obsessed about.        short six months ago, everything        volatility to add a number of new
                                       was collapsing. Markets have            positions.
  “If something cannot go on           swiftly recovered, but economic
                      forever,         indicators and corporate earnings
                 it will stop.”        have continued to be quite weak.
                                                                               Attractive valuations?
                Herbert Stein          Market valuations are predicated        The sell-off meant that a number
With much of the developed world       on a sharp bounce in both. We now       of companies became more
now seemingly in a thorough mess       have to wait for the follow-through,    attractively valued (though they
– with lack of growth, lack of self-   with conditions otherwise likely to     have since rebounded). These are
belief and rolling political and       deteriorate again.                      companies that we have followed
economic crises – global capital                                               for a long time, but in many cases
                                       In the meantime, investors feel
has, unsurprisingly, projected its                                             they were previously richly-priced,
                                       broadly assured that any market
dreams onto Emerging Markets                                                   on what we felt were elevated
                                       sell-off will be quickly recouped
(EM). Increasingly, everybody seems                                            profit margins. We initiated new,
                                       through intervention, given the
all-in on China in particular, with                                            but relatively small, positions
                                       recent market-driven Fed-panic and
special thanks to MSCI. China’s                                                in Largan Precision, ASM Pacific
                                       policy-reversal. As usual, the stakes
growth will continue and the                                                   Technology, AAC Technologies
                                       get ever higher. Growing political
country will rightfully become the                                             Holdings, Uni-President China and
                                       influence argues for further
world’s second superpower, so the                                              CK Asset Holdings.
                                       policy-easing, too. Echoing Maya
story goes.                            Angelou, we are “hoping for the         In India, we added a small position
That may be true, but even             best, prepared for the worst, and       in Godrej Consumer Products, as it
if it marks just another surge         (should be) unsurprised by anything     has struggled with growth and a
in foreigners’ enthusiasm for          in between.”                            very high earnings multiple, while
somewhere far away and ill-                                                    in Japan we bought back into
                                                                               Ryohin Keikaku (Muji) and initiated
understood, it suggests an ongoing     Portfolio activity                      a new positon in Daikin Industries.
flow of funds to this part of the
world. Moreover, the case for EM is    Our last note, published in late        For both Muji and Daikin, China
persuasive and easy to understand,     2018, highlighted that there had        is the biggest driver of overall
given the prospects for longer-term    been more activity than usual in        growth. On the other hand, we
growth and plenty of tailwinds. It     our Asian portfolios, in a greater      sharply reduced our holding in
does not seem overly fanciful to       effort to focus on absolute             Nippon Paint which, with 50% of
expect the region to move closer       quality, above all else. We exited a    profits from outside Japan, is the
toward global norms, in terms of       number of weaker franchises and         PRC’s5 largest paint company.
consumption and wealth, over the       in hindsight this appears to have
                                                                               At the same time, we trimmed a
next decade. Indeed, we believe        been sensible, generally helping
                                                                               number of our more defensive
that to be so, which is why we         to underpin absolute and relative
                                                                               holdings, such as Hong Kong &
expect our absolute returns to         returns.
                                                                               China Gas, Jardine Matheson,
remain attractive.                     Over the last six months, as you        HDFC Corporation, HDFC Bank
                                       would expect, these efforts have        and Newcrest. We completely
De-coupling?                           continued; more so in our All-          disposed of China’s Sun Art Retail
                                       cap than Leaders portfolios. The        and subsequently, Shanghai
And yet, we have never believed in     swings in markets have, however,        International Airport. In Korea,
the idea of economic or market de-     been extreme as well as rapid.          we exited from Hanon Systems
coupling. As goes America, so goes     We have moved from bear to bull         and LG Household & Health Care,
the world. In particular, the impact   market conditions in China in just a    while in Australia we sold Ramsay
of US dollar-rates and liquidity       quarter, which is quite something,      Healthcare.
has always been amplified in EM.       even by EM standards.
Hence, the conflicted position of                                              In India, after further consideration
a bottom-up Asia fund manager.         Having earlier trimmed a number         and post the long discussion in
Today, the very idea that the world    of our holdings in China, such as       our last note on mistakes, we
will mean-revert and that rates and    Midea, China Mengniu Dairy and          finally sold Vodafone Idea. Though
profit margins will ever normalise     Shanghai International Airport          the position was not substantial,
seems rather fanciful.                 (SIA), at elevated levels, we           the loss is permanent, which is

5 People’s Republic of China

Client Update | May 2019
First State Stewart Asia – Asia Pacific Equities

unfortunate. It has subsequently         is now probably circa 16x FY19          Like the other two companies,
plunged, with the company                earnings, on a much reduced profit      ASM’s economics have more
announcing a highly-dilutive rights      forecast.                               recently been dominated by the
issue.                                                                           smartphone, which probably
                                         Largan Precision, listed in Taiwan,
                                                                                 accounted for up to 40% of sales.
As for our All-cap portfolios, we        is more opaque than AAC and
                                                                                 Their stock price has similarly
sold out of John Keells and Hatton       quite secretive about its prospects.
                                                                                 fallen sharply and the forward
Bank in Sri Lanka, Cemex in the          They operate at the top end of
                                                                                 PER is now supposedly 17x. As
Philippines and Greatview Aseptic        lens manufacturing. We all know
                                                                                 we all turn increasingly to data
Packaging, as well as Wuxi Little        that Apple (50% of Largan’s sales,
                                                                                 and chip-content intensifies,
Swan in China. Only Wuxi Little          previously) makes a fetish out of
                                                                                 these companies should perform
Swan has done well subsequently,         secrecy, but as ASM commented to
                                                                                 well, while areas like industrial
with a takeover offer from their         us in the past, they can only see a
                                                                                 applications and the automotive
parent, Midea. In India we sold          quarter out and that is based on
                                                                                 industry provide new avenues for
Mphasis, a mid-tier IT services          forward orders from clients. It is
company, as well as HDFC Life            hard to regard companies, with
Insurance on valuation grounds.          such characteristics, as ever being     In a completely different sector,
                                         large or top holdings.                  but using the same playbook, we
                                                                                 initiated a position in Universal
What we bought                                                                   Robina Corporation (URC) in the
A common theme behind three of
                                         5G & smartphones to the                 Philippines. We have known the
the new names (Largan Precision,         rescue?                                 company for many years; it is
ASM Pacific and AAC Technologies),       For Largan, the outlook seems as
                                                                                 the biggest food and beverages
is technology and in particular          hazy as for AAC, but the longer-
                                                                                 business in the country. Looking
smartphones. We have always              term tailwinds are perhaps more
                                                                                 back, we had struggled with their
struggled with such companies            powerful and easier to understand.
                                                                                 governance around the 1997 Asian
and in view of the share price           There is the 5G upgrade-cycle to
                                                                                 Crisis, but then failed to appreciate
volatility of the last six months        come, but camera quality (dual,
                                                                                 the changes underway. Over
that is perhaps understandable.          triple lenses and so on) is already a
                                                                                 the last decade, the company’s
They are manufacturers, but              smartphone-model differentiator.
                                                                                 revenues and profits have tripled
with the general enthusiasm for          In addition, vision (and the need
                                                                                 and the share price has surged. We
smartphones, growth and Apple-           for lenses), seems likely to be at
                                                                                 watched, but did not bite.
plays in particular, all three were      the centre of all sorts of future       With success came increased
rated like genuine technology            long-term trends. Machine vision is     challenges and greater
companies.                               increasingly the primary interface      competition. Troubles in some
Today, everybody knows everything        between us and the world of data,       of their markets (Vietnam), a
that is wrong with the smartphone        from robotics, to surveillance and      botched acquisition (New Zealand)
sector, from saturation to lack of       autonomous driving. Largan is one       and generational transition all
innovation. But, the companies now       of the industry leaders; however, its   came together. Consequently,
trade on much more appropriate           share price has already rebounded       their profits and the rating both
valuations for cutting-edge              very strongly (+50% year-to-date),      fell sharply last year. This would
manufacturing businesses. We             with the forward PER (21x FY19)         ordinarily be enough to pique
assume that the smartphone cycle         admittedly now a lot less enticing.     our interest, but the decision by
will again turn upwards, one day.        ASM Pacific is the only company
                                                                                 the controlling family to turn the
After all, it will probably not be too                                           CEO position over to an outside
                                         of the three businesses run by
long before everybody gets excited                                               professional motivated us to act
                                         professional managers, as opposed
about 5G. Such enthusiasm will                                                   more purposefully.
                                         to entrepreneurs and owners,
surely drive a big product upgrade       which is both good and bad. It is       The appointment of an ex-Proctor &
cycle. We like another of our larger     the most institutionalised too, as      Gamble professional manager, with
holdings, Mediatek, for similar          well as more broadly diversified        the family’s backing and a high
reasons.                                 by customer (though it is probably      degree of autonomy to reshape
All three companies have good            the same cycle). It would be too        the business, is very encouraging.
balance sheets, pay decent               much to call ASM the TSMC of            As we’ve highlighted before, it is
dividends and have strong track          semiconductor packaging machine         one of our favourite combinations.
records. AAC Technologies is             manufacturing, as there are a           When professional leadership
perhaps the most concentrated,           number of competitors, but the          is applied to under-managed or
or risky, with the business almost       company offers diversified exposure     somewhat tired, but fundamentally
entirely focused on acoustics and        to a large number of industries.        sound family-owned franchises, the
haptics for smartphones (although,       They are a leading surface-mount        subsequent outcome is often very
at least it is for both Apple and        technology (SMT) machine maker          positive in terms of returns.
Android). The share price declined       too (the machines which attach
by 75% to its trough, but we expect      components to circuit boards at
it to remain profitable and the PER      high speed).

Client Update | May 2019
First State Stewart Asia – Asia Pacific Equities

Professionals solving old               decade. UPC was listed in 2007; its     As we mentioned earlier, Daikin’s
                                        performance has been mediocre,          economics are dominated by China
problems                                with the underlying PRC noodles         (about 40% of profits), as well as
Many of the issues have been            and beverages business proving          the property and investment cycles.
experienced before, as well as          to be extremely challenging. The        Given our general concerns over
previously solved, in the West          business accounts for less than 20%     debt and very high investment
by multinationals. We have a            of parent profits.                      spending, it is perhaps not an
similar view about one of our                                                   obvious holding. The attraction lies
                                        Competition has been intense, with
largest holdings, Dairy Farm, as                                                in their very strong and long track
                                        the company engaged in a battle
discussed in detail in our last note.                                           record, their global positioning and
                                        for market share with Taiwanese-
Overhauling the product range,                                                  their efforts to localise in countries
                                        owned competitor Tingyi. This
SKU’s6, supply chain, distribution,                                             such as China and India.
                                        has meant years of capital-spend
logistics, capacity and branding        and promotional activity; and,          The heads of both the China and
are all familiar issues. As the new     consequently, thin margins, lack of     India businesses are on the main
CEO observed, the overall situation     cash-flow and low returns. Whisper      board (novel for Japan), while the
was “not unlike P&G in 1998”.           it softly, but capital-spending has     group trades on a prospective
Though the shares have rebounded,       peaked, cash-flow is rising and it      PER of 20x. Our holding remains
margins have fallen by a third and      may just be that even competitive       relatively small because the
you can see (though clearly it will     intensity has retreated slightly.       business is clearly cyclical, as their
not be easy) a route to recovery.                                               past profits track record makes
                                        Both companies recently declared
CK Asset Holdings is another                                                    amply clear. We are not very good
                                        100% dividend pay-outs and, while
business we know well. We have                                                  at owning cyclicals. It is always
                                        the beverages market remains
even owned it directly in the                                                   difficult to know when to add on
                                        brutal (subject to competition and
past, before Cheung Kong was                                                    economically-driven weakness
                                        fashion trends), we believe matters
split into two listed parts. We                                                 (or indeed when to sell). Daikin’s
                                        may be improving on a three-to-five
continue to hold CK Hutchison,                                                  quality should make it relatively
                                        year view. The industry could finally
which has become the utility-like                                               easier than for most.
                                        be moving from an obsession with
component of the group, while our       market share to thinking about          For our All-cap portfolios, the
CK Asset shares were previously         quality of profits. The group now       sum of all our activity in the last
sold in 2015. The shares have gone      trades on a forward PER of around       twelve months has been to sharply-
nowhere in that time, but it seems      21x. We believe that medium-            reduce the number of holdings,
that the group is being positioned      term growth should be mid-to-           particularly at the smaller-cap end
as the true successor to the original   high single-digit, with a potential     of the spectrum. These actions have
Cheung Kong. The family have            dividend yield of 4%. That looks        been positive, with such companies
increased their shareholding on         fine.                                   suffering in general, but in
weakness and the business has                                                   particular those in the Philippines,
become more diversified.                                                        Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Vietnam
                                        India & Japan                           doing worse. Liquidity has been an
Recurrent earnings account for
around half of profits, with the        Indian-listed Godrej Consumer           important factor, as all the interest
group optically-trading on a PER        is already owned broadly across         has pivoted to North Asia.
of sub-10x and a 0.6x price-to-         some portfolios, but has lately
                                                                                We bought two All-cap companies,
book ratio (PBR). The dividend          pulled back some 30% on earnings
                                                                                both of them in Indonesia. Astra
yield is over 3%, gearing is low and    disappointment. That said, the
                                                                                Otoparts is controlled by Astra
there is plenty of capacity for the     forward PER multiple is still circa
                                                                                International, which we already
group to expand with a USD45bn          40x. Hence our newer position is
                                                                                own indirectly through Singapore-
balance sheet. Though the property      small. They have stumbled in a
                                                                                listed Jardine Cycle & Carriage,
earnings will be volatile and the       number of overseas areas, such
                                                                                while the other is air-filter
group recently increased exposure       as Indonesia and Africa, but these
                                                                                manufacturer Selamat Sempurna.
to HK, their long-term track record     operations now appear to be
                                                                                Astra Otoparts, though illiquid,
gives great comfort. It should          turning around. Issues with the
                                                                                looks inappropriately priced. It is
be easier to add on any general         household insecticide business in
                                                                                the leading auto parts and service
reversal. In the meantime, we have      India seem to be only short-term
                                                                                company in Indonesia (Astra has
added to CK Hutchison as well.          and the management are focused,
                                                                                50%+ market share), but the market
                                        as well as motivated, on returning
In China (though it is listed in Hong                                           capitalisation is just USD550m,
                                        to growth. Like URC today, Godrej
Kong), we bought Uni-President                                                  while the group trades at 11x PER
                                        Consumer is a good example of a
China (UPC). We have owned                                                      and on a PBR of 0.7x.
                                        family-controlled company that
the Taiwan-listed parent, Uni-          moved to professional management        Selamat Sempurna is more
President Enterprises, for over a       a number of years ago.                  expensive, but trades at a similarly-

6 Stock Keeping Unit – or an individual item for sale

Client Update | May 2019
First State Stewart Asia – Asia Pacific Equities

attractive FY19 PER of 13x profits.     Korea is always difficult                add meaningfully when things go
Its market capitalisation is not                                                 against you. That was the case with
much bigger at USD600m, but             We have struggled to generate            Hanssem and calls into question
they have a strong balance sheet        strong, sustainable returns in           our original quality assessment.
and a good long-term track              Korea. Governance and indeed even
record. They have strong links with     regulation remain rather mixed, to
Donaldson of the US and expect to       put it politely, while the country as    Opacity and weak
be a beneficiary of any trade wars,     a whole is already rich. Growth is       regulation
though they are always long US          quite limited. Institutional reform,
                                        which looks rather necessary, has        Since we last wrote about the
dollars, being primarily an export
                                        historically always been choked          company, the share price has more
                                        off by the cosy nexus between the        than doubled, which of course
                                        Chaebols and the ruling party.           fills us with relief, but is more of
What we sold                            This doesn’t look like it is going to    a matter of luck than judgement.
                                        change anytime soon.                     The underlying business appears
In our last note, we highlighted                                                 to have stopped deteriorating and
our concerns around Shanghai            Over the last six months, we sold        Shanghai’s losses have slowed, but
International Airport’s substantial     out of Hanon after a surprisingly-       the rebound seems to hinge on
capital expenditure program,            positive experience, the more so         Korean corporate machinations.
and that we had already begun           given the company’s 50% exposure         There are all sorts of speculation
to trim our weighting on the            to Hyundai in particular and the         that the family are now sellers.
sharp rebound in the share price.       auto sector in general. The group
The share-price chart has since         is the biggest manufacturer of           When we initially bought the
resembled something of a roller-        HVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air-        company, there were suggestions
coaster, thereafter selling off,        Conditioning) systems for cars,          that they would cancel their
before rebounding again.                with the move to electric vehicles       treasury shares. Now it turns out
                                        providing a strong tailwind. The         that they might, with observers
It has now almost recovered
                                        group provides a good example            pointing out that a buyer would
back to when we initially made
                                        of the power of alignment, with          be able to take control of Korea’s
those remarks. Midea Group, the
                                        the company controlled by Korea’s        largest interior design, decoration
white goods and air-conditioning
                                        largest private equity company,          and furnishing company for less
manufacturer, has followed the
                                        Hahn & Co.                               than USD400m. It is very much an
same pattern – as has China in
                                                                                 insiders’ market. We have been
general. SIA looks quite fully priced   They are highly motivated to             reducing our stake on strength.
at 23x FY19 PER, given our concerns     increase returns, as we are all co-
around earnings, while Midea trades     invested in the same equity vehicle,     Lastly, in Australia we reduced and
on a forward PER of just 15x profits.   with leakages often a structural         then completely exited our holding
We sold out of SIA entirely and we      problem in Korea. Besides the            in Ramsay Healthcare. Ramsay is the
trimmed our Midea holding.              challenges facing the automotive         biggest private hospital chain in
                                        sector, the group subsequently           Australia, but they have been very
We noted then that we would be
                                        acquired a related American              acquisitive in the last few years,
more inclined to add on further
                                        controls business (from US-listed        expanding into the UK, France and
weakness. However, the company
                                        Magna International) for USD1.2bn.       latterly Scandinavia. Leverage of
has since rebounded on general
                                        With the purchase funded by              130% always concerns us, while the
A-share enthusiasm, despite
                                        debt, balance sheet gearing has          surprise exit (at least, to us) of its
concerns around the sustainability
                                        increased to 95%. While Magna            well-regarded CEO Chris Rex in mid-
of capital-spending and inventory
                                        trades on a forward PER of 8x,           2017 was disconcerting too.
oversupply across the home
appliances industry.                    Hanon trades on an FY19 PER of           Since then, the industry headwinds
                                        19x. It has held up surprisingly well.   appear to have grown stronger,
We finally exited Sun Art Retail,
                                        We detailed our issues with              with a softening of demand as
with the major Taiwanese
                                        Korea’s Hanssem in our last note,        privately-insured customers trade
shareholder selling their stake to
                                        with the weak housing market             down (premiums-wise). Insurance
Alibaba. As Amazon has acquired
                                        and expansion into Shanghai de-          companies and governments
Wholefood Markets, so Alibaba
                                        railing profits. We added to our         everywhere have become much
is experimenting with next-
                                        shareholding, with our confidence        tougher as well. The business now
generation retail. The French
                                        somewhat bolstered by their              trades on a forward PER of 22x
shareholder, privately-owned
                                        net cash balance sheet and the           profits and we sold our holding
Auchan, are still owners; but we
                                        25% shareholding of the family.          completely on the back of a recent
would not be at all surprised if
                                        Additionally, 25% of the company’s       share-price bounce. Subsequently,
profit is no longer the main focus
                                        shares are held as bought-back           reductions in the personal holdings
for the group. The shares have
                                        (but not cancelled) treasury             of both the CEO and CFO caught
fallen sharply since, with the group
                                        shares. However, the opacity of          our attention.
now trading on a prospective PER
multiple of 22x.                        Korea is such that it is hard to

Client Update | May 2019
First State Stewart Asia – Asia Pacific Equities

Portfolio positioning                     Indian versus Chinese                      Additions to existing
Our overall portfolio positioning         capitalism                                 holdings
has remained fairly constant,             The Bombay Stock Exchange,                 We have added to Techtronic
despite the stock additions (eight)       founded in 1875, is the oldest             Industries, OCBC, Dairy Farm,
and deletions (six). India remains        in Asia. China’s stock markets             TSMC and, latterly, President
the biggest weighting, despite the        (Shanghai and Shenzhen), only              Chain Stores; and discussed these
macro noise around the current            reopened thirty years ago in 1990.         companies in our last note. As
general election. The bulk of             Capitalism – the idea of a separation      for trims, most were made on
our holdings still consist of the         of powers between ownership and            valuation grounds, with Comfort-
IT services businesses (TCS, Tech         management, as well as the rights of       Delgro, Newcrest and Nippon Paint
Mahindra and US-listed Cognizant),        outside minority shareholders – has        perhaps the most significant, as
alongside the private banks (HDFC,        been established and subsequently          well as worthy of further discussion.
Kotak Mahindra and Axis).                 developed for over 150 years in            Comfort-Delgro has rebounded
It is interesting to reflect for          India.                                     strongly, but the core taxi business
a moment on the differences                                                          has been permanently impacted by
                                          By contrast, in China such ideas are
between India and China. Where                                                       ride-hailing apps.
                                          understandably more nascent. It is
China attracts plaudits for its top-      not at all surprising that as bottom-      The company’s response has been
down economic management, it is           up investors, we find it is still easier   to expand more aggressively
not unfair to say that the opposite       to find opportunities in India.            outside Singapore (already half of
is true of India. Typically, you don’t    That said, as China continues to           earnings), with a significant step-
buy India for its government; you         develop, the potential for growth          up in mergers and acquisitions
buy it for its corporate governance.      and positive change is clear. The          (M&A) in the UK and Australia. This
The opposite, ironically, seems true      challenge, in our view, remains            seems sensible, but increases the
in China. For bottom-up investors         on governance. In particular, as           risk profile and erodes free cash-
like ourselves, it is perhaps             was made clear towards the end             flow (FCF), with the original FCF
therefore not entirely surprising         of last year, the level of debt and        yield of 8% being what caught our
that we own more companies and            especially the pledging of shares by       attention in the first place. Perhaps
typically have bigger weightings          many A-share companies’ owners, is         less easy to understand is the
in India compared to China. We            a material hurdle.                         company’s decision to establish a
recently tried to put some number                                                    fund of USD150m for investment
                                          In terms of existing holdings,
around these assertions.                                                             into technology ventures. The
                                          there has been more trimming
                                                                                     shares have re-rated from 13x to
If you screen both countries’ main        and adding than usual, as general
                                                                                     18x forward PER. We have trimmed
stock universes for companies of          market volatility has provided
                                                                                     our holding.
over USD100m market capitalisation,       opportunity. In particular, we have
with 10% return on capital employed       continued to add to US-listed IT           Nippon Paint has, unsurprisingly,
(ROCE) and average earnings per           services company Cognizant, which          experienced very tough trading
share (EPS) growth greater than 10%       has a new CEO and now trades on            in China and yet the share price
(both over five years), there are twice   a forward PER of 17x. The stock has        has rebounded. It now trades on
as many qualifiers in India as China      rebounded since the beginning of           an FY19 PER of 34x. This seems
(723 in India compared with 285 in        the year, but still looks attractively-    rather excessive, with our previous
China). As a percentage of the listed     valued.                                    valuation being based on a PER of
universe, though, the countries are                                                  25x. We have sharply reduced our
                                          The relatively new CEO of AIA gives
much closer at 12% in India versus                                                   holding. The CEO described recent
                                          us great comfort too, with his
9% in China, with 5,820 listed India                                                 trading conditions as the worst
                                          focus on operations and people.
corporates compared with 3,052 in                                                    in his memory. Japanese M&A, as
                                          AIA is another case in point, with
China7.                                                                              well as the injection of the other
                                          China now driving 50% of group
                                                                                     half of the Asian business (and all
You could easily argue that this          economics. And yet, the company
                                                                                     of Indonesia), may give us another
comparison is unfair to China, as         (being the only 100% foreign-
it excludes the offshore markets          owned insurer in China) is only
where returns are generally higher        addressing a quarter of the PRC’s
and there is at least another 1,000+      GDP, via licenses to operate in            Gold?
companies (including all of Hong          three provinces. Another two areas
                                                                                     Finally, to Newcrest, which has
Kong’s H-shares). But are Hong            have been added recently and
                                                                                     been one of our top long-term
Kong & China Gas, or say Vitasoy,         further liberalisation to 2021 is
                                                                                     holdings. The company has
Chinese companies? Increasingly,          expected. AIA trades at embedded
                                                                                     continued to execute extremely
we would argue that they are and is       value, plus a multiple of 12x one-
                                                                                     well, with record production, cash-
another reason why we have never          year new business. This still seems
                                                                                     flow and profits. From risk of a
felt compelled to follow indexes.         quite reasonable, given the quality.

7 Source: Kotak Mahindra, as at end 2017. We believe these figures would not have changed materially.

Client Update | May 2019
First State Stewart Asia – Asia Pacific Equities

rights issue four years ago, the        looks like a possible mistake          of profits. At 30x earnings, we
current CEO Sandeep Biswas has          with the share price rebounding        exited our position, but on what
transformed the balance sheet,          substantially over the last few        we perceived to be shorter-term
with a cash inflow of USD2.5bn          months. We had concluded that          issues, and we added it back on
and gearing reduced to 13%. The         free capital and shared bikes          a supposed-PER of 20x. In the
company has delivered against           would permanently overturn the         meantime, we read the latest
promise and after its recovery is       industry’s economics. That may be      annual report, which undermined
now articulating a growth plan.         true, but the credit contraction in    our view in respect of the absolute
                                        China very quickly saw a number of     quality of the group. We have since
With the recent acquisition of a
                                        these start-up companies go under,     reduced our holding.
Canadian copper/gold mine for
                                        with Giant’s sales now starting to
USD807m, as well as plans for                                                  Their financial planning and
                                        recover. Electric bikes in Europe
existing assets, the group have                                                controls are not where they should
                                        were more apparent on my last
articulated a transformation path:                                             be, while rapid physical expansion
                                        trip there too, which offers another
from owning two tier-one assets                                                in China has diluted same-store-
                                        growth avenue for the company.
to being in a position to control                                              sales growth (SSSG). Retail is
and operate five on a three-to-five     In the past we have owned a            always difficult and there is an
year view. They are already there.      lot of LGH&H and Amore, with           element of fashion, which means
This will require significant capital   both companies at one stage            it can be difficult to add when
expenditure and inevitably much         together constituting more than        things go wrong. And then there
higher operational risk.                5% of the portfolio. We trimmed        is the internet. More recently, its
                                        them aggressively on escalating        results have been disappointing
We were recently taken to task by
                                        valuations. The entire sector was      and the shares have fallen. Our
a client for indirectly expressing a
                                        subsequently sharply de-rated on       position is small, but for now our
macro-view through our Newcrest
                                        the geopolitical fall-out between      level of confidence does not give
investment. The criticism is broadly
                                        China and Korea, with the PRC          us comfort to add. That probably
fair. Our push-back would be
                                        preventing packaged tours from         means it may well be regarded as a
that we have invested in the CEO,
                                        visiting its neighbour.                mistake in the future.
but naturally the fortunes of the
company depend on the gold price.
With gold attracting much
                                        Korean cosmetics                       Outlook and conclusion
opprobrium until fairly recently,       Duty-free sales collapsed and          Ray Bradbury, the science fiction
we considered the pricing risks         the two stocks declined. LGH&H         writer and author of Fahrenheit
to be more on the upside. That is       is something of a conglomerate,        451, said about his writing: “I was
arguably less true today, though        consisting of beverages and            not predicting the future, I was
without much prospect of interest       household products businesses          trying to prevent it.” One hopes
rate increases, a dividend-paying       too. We had always thought that        that in much the same way, today’s
gold mine run by sensible people        Amore was a higher-quality-focused     harbingers of doom will succeed in
still looks like a pretty decent        business, with an emphasis on          highlighting just how high the stakes
investment. Nevertheless, we have       longer-term brand value seeing the     are if we continue to subvert old-
reduced the position, with the          group periodically limiting sales.     fashioned economics. Perhaps we
future size of the holding being        Amore’s Sulwhasoo is one of the        may even avert financial disaster.
dependent on the ready availability     strongest cosmetics brands in Asia.
                                                                               Thankfully, we are not in the
of better bottom-up alternatives.
                                        On the other hand LGH&H owns the       business of prophesy. We have
                                        History of Whoo cosmetics brand,       always respected Yogi Berra’s
Mistakes                                which is said to be a favourite of     aphorism that “It’s tough to make
                                        the wife of China’s President Xi.      predictions, especially about the
As highlighted earlier, we
                                        Surely that has helped and LGH&H       future.” Investing in this part of the
capitulated on Vodafone Idea and
                                        has continued to do well (FY19 PER     world is still all about China, our
a good thing too. Thankfully, there
                                        of 29x), while Amore has lagged.       elephantine bedfellow, in terms of
have been no similar examples
                                        We have added to Amore in the          its relative economic dominance.
of such rapid capital loss in the
                                        meantime, with margins now at          You can find data, or a pithy
last six months, but in hindsight
                                        half their historic level and the      anecdote, to support any view
we sold Korea’s LG Household &
                                        valuation rather depressed, recently   about the country that you care
Health Care (LGH&H) too soon. Our
                                        trading down to 2x sales. Even         to advance. America is much the
preference for Amore Pacific has
                                        using conservative assumptions,        same.
yet to be proven, to say the least.
                                        reasonable upside seems more
Otherwise, having sold Ryohin                                                  China has lately surged from zero
                                        probable than not. The position
Keikaku at highs, buying it back                                               to hero in a furious rebound, but
                                        remains relatively small.
(though at much lower levels) looks                                            PRC scares come along regularly.
increasingly questionable.              Ryohin Keikaku has been successful     Our issue remains finding a
                                        in China, with the country now         sufficient number of companies
Our sale of Giant Manufacturing,
                                        accounting for around 40%              where our confidence levels are
the maker of racing-bikes, also

Client Update | May 2019
First State Stewart Asia – Asia Pacific Equities

high enough to add, should the          Sizzle and story are always
world turn upside-down. This            seductive. It can be tempting to
downturn gave scant opportunity         take the advice of Buzz Lightyear’s
to add to existing holdings,            pal, Woody, and “reach for the sky”,
being over in the blink of an eye       rolling along with the markets.
as a substantial jolt of credit         That is arguably even more the
was injected just as the second         case these days, given generally-
derivative of the downturn was          stretched valuations and an
beginning to be felt.                   apparent lack of growth. The sirens
                                        are beckoning us all. But, thirty
                                        years of history and a long track
Valuation of top 10                     record of investing in Asia means
holdings                                that we are not about to surrender,
                                        or capitulate and stick our hands in
Just as we concluded in our last
                                        the air.
note, we remain comfortable
with our portfolio positioning,         In the meantime, just as Orwell
almost irrespective of the market       was a firm believer in the wisdom
and economic cycle. Somewhat            of the ordinary citizen, we do not
surprisingly, for our top-ten           believe that many of these new-
holdings (circa 40% of the              fangled macro ideas will prove to
portfolio), the current average PER     be sustainable. It may indeed be
valuation (20x FY19) is at much the     different this time, but just as Buzz
same level as the ten-year average.     Lightyear later discovered, we are
The PBR (4.2x) is at the ten-year       probably not in another universe. It
average. By contrast, the MSCI Asia     is the same old world and perhaps
Pacific ex-Japan index PER valuation    the same old, if rather extended,
is 13x, but that is just a 10%          cycle.
premium to its 10-year average
PER of 12x. The current PBR for         We will instead continue to
the index is 1.5x, which is at the      invest in growth, on a company-
average level.                          by-company basis, all the time
                                        worrying most about capital
Given that we have doubled down         preservation and focusing on
on quality and balance sheet, in        absolute returns. If we can still
light of our longer-term track-         do that in a disciplined fashion,
record, we find this valuation          our longer-term returns – whether
data highly reassuring. It is also a    absolute or relative – should
little positively-surprising. We are    compound respectably. That should
confident that our returns will be      be true no matter what returns-
absolutely respectable, if money        universe, or indeed even which
printing continues; but if things       galaxy, you happen to prefer.
normalise, we expect to protect
capital and our relative numbers to     We are always very happy to hear
improve further.                        investor feedback or reply to your
                                        questions. Many thanks.
“Quality means doing it right
   when no one is looking.”
                 Henry Ford
Growth, unsurprisingly, remains at
a premium. But, any shocks should
provide us with good opportunities
to recycle capital from our more
defensive franchises to bolster
overall absolute returns. The key,
per Henry Ford, is to make sure
that our companies can stand up
to closer investigation and endure
more stressful conditions. There will
always be surprises, but we are very
confident of the absolute quality of
our portfolios.

Client Update | May 2019
First State Stewart Asia – Asia Pacific Equities

Economics & MMT                         the Hong Kong stock market in           Zombies
                                        1997, drew a deafening chorus of
At its heart, MMT expresses             disapproval around the world. These     Interest rates are used to price risk;
contempt for the idea that              days, it has almost become standard     whilst creative destruction, as cycles
money matters, arguing that it          operating procedure.                    rise and fall, is the process that
is just another thing that the                                                  keeps an economic system honest
modern state arbitrarily decides.       Wealth transfer                         and vigorous. If you break the
In some ways, it is an inevitable                                               key pricing signal, then arguably
consequence and the logical             But, why so serious? We seem, in all    everything ends up being mispriced.
culmination of the very idea of fiat    our over-clever modernity, to have      The subversion of market forces, as
currencies. It is already long ago      finally discovered the alchemy of       well as inappropriate allocation of
and far away that money was a           finance. Almost certainly though,       capital, leads in time to a decline in
claim on something tangible, first      such intervention will prove to         growth and returns for everybody.
via barter for goods and services       be unsustainable, if for no other       Demonstratively, we find ourselves
and then as an easy means of            reason than the machinations of         economically becalmed. Inefficient
                                        the political process. Over the         and zombie companies stay in
exchange via gold.                                                              business and returns generally fall
                                        last ten years, there has been a
 “Practical men, who believe            massive transfer of wealth from         towards the very low and falling
       themselves to be quite           labour to capital and from the poor     cost of capital.
exempt from any intellectual            to the rich. This has fed political     In the meantime, the predictable
    influence, are usually the          extremism, populism, intolerance        corporate response is not to invest,
                                        and a growing sclerosis in public       but to add even more debt through
       slaves of some defunct           affairs; in history this has produced   M&As and buy-backs in an effort to
                   economist.”          revolutionary conditions.               bolster lower returns. These M&As
         John Maynard Keynes                                                    increase corporate concentration,
                                              “What has been will be            decrease competition and underpin
As for fiat currencies, if a little
bit of something is good, then
                                            again, and what has been            corporate profit margins at the
surely more must be a whole lot              done will be done again;           expense of the broad populace.
                                          there is nothing new under            Buy-backs underpin and trigger
better. And so, we find modern                                                  stock incentive schemes. The
economics in love with the idea                              the sun.”          division between capital and labour
that governments can print money                      Ecclesiastes 1:9          is exacerbated and political division
with no inflationary consequences,                                              exaggerated.
interest rates will remain low          In democracies, we know politicians
forever and debt does not matter.       will eventually respond to such high    Long-established and proven
So far, so good. Japan is doing fine,   and rising levels of dissatisfaction.   business moats erode, too. A new
the argument goes.                      The rest of the world’s citizens are    competitor can, increasingly,
                                        unlikely to behave as quiescently as    borrow billions and take on any
It is really an economic vision of                                              business stalwart. Hence, the
                                        the Japanese. Nor is that desirable.
magic realism. Governments can                                                  mighty are fallen and we live in
                                        We know too, that when such
supposedly print as much of this                                                an age of accelerating disruption.
                                        excesses reverse, the unwinding
stuff as they want, summoning                                                   Mal-investment thrives and today’s
                                        is never gradual or indeed even
cash from computer code at will.                                                business plan, backed by billions, is
                                        particularly manageable. That
Central bank balance sheets swell,                                              soon off to the races. Unicorns have
                                        is what, we believe, makes
with government paper (bonds) on                                                become commonplace, soaring (or
                                        today’s market conditions so
the asset side, matched by growing                                              not?) on a tide of free money and
                                        unpredictable, volatile and really
cash and bank reserves on the                                                   hope. Whether it is sustainable or
                                        quite dangerous for investors.          not hardly matters when debt (and
liability side, as funds are injected
into the banking system. The price      More fundamentally (and this is         refinancing) is abundant.
of money goes down and assets           old-fashioned, real economics),         Some have argued, (like Y2K’s over-
generally escalate in a virtuous and    money-printing and excessive            investment in fiber-optics), that
seemingly never-ending spiral.          debt build-up have always proven        society still broadly gains. But the
                                        to be toxic for real returns.           trouble, as any cursory reading of
It is easy to see why this may
                                        Such conditions systematically          economic history teaches, is that
well have been warranted as
                                        undermine the constructive              when governments bypass markets
an emergency response to an
                                        beauty and utility of capitalism.       or dictate the price of money and
international liquidity and capital
                                        The longer-term damage to the           allocation of resources, we all end
crisis, such as the world experienced
                                        basis and credibility of capitalism     up impoverished. Socialism has
a decade ago. But, it has become
                                        – the force that has broadly driven     not worked in the past, but there
habitual and now looks like the
                                        wealth generation and human             is a generation coming of age that
standard global response to any
                                        progress over the last few hundred      feel like giving it a try. You can
economic bump in the road. Long
gone are the days when actions,         years – is even more invidious.         understand why.
such as the Hong Kong Monetary
Authority’s direct intervention in

Client Update | May 2019
First State Stewart Asia – Asia Pacific Equities

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