HNEWS - Elkhart Faith United Methodist Church

Page created by Lori Day
HNEWS - Elkhart Faith United Methodist Church

                         Gather • Grow • Live • Launch
                "March (with a little April) Madness"
As I write this, I have no idea how the NCAA tournament will go for the teams (both men and women)
left in the “big dance.” No doubt, there have been surprises, close calls and a little madness. Each
game brings with it a unique story line of heart break and sheer joy. But if you haven’t looked at the
schedule, while most of the games are played in March, the champion isn’t crowned until April.

Similarly, we are called to experience the fullness of life in the here and now. Our lives on this big,
blue planet are not merely a test run or practice for eternity. We should approach every day with joy,
courage, and the expectation to be blown away by the Holy Spirit. We don’t have to wait to be a part
of God’s Kingdom and the body of Christ. It is available for all who seek and ask.

But as great as this life is, we also wait with bated breath and expectant hearts for the day when
Jesus Christ comes again in all His glory to put things right and vanquish sin and death for all
eternity. It is with the advent of this ultimate victory that the vision John shares with us in the book of
Revelation will come true.
   “Then I saw 'a new heaven and a new earth,’ for the first heaven and the first earth had
   passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem,
   coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her
   husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Look! God’s dwelling place is
   now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God
   himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes.
   There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things
   has passed away. He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’
   Then he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.’ He said to me:
   ‘It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will
   give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Those who are victorious will
   inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children’” (Revelation 21:1-7).
Enjoy the dance! Live life to the fullest. Experience the power and joy of the Holy Spirit. Celebrate
Easter on April 17! But know this . . . the best is yet to come.

God Bless,    Pastor John

               You will find these bookmarks in the main hall at the welcome desk.
     Please take a few and hand them out to neighbors, friends, or to someone you pass in the
       grocery store parking lot. Invite them to experience Holy Week with you at Faith.
HNEWS - Elkhart Faith United Methodist Church
Starting Monday, April 11th, Janet Miller will begin a new Bible Study on The Chosen. Together you’ll
journey through the first season of The Chosen. During this study you will delve more deeply into
each episode as you explore the life of Jesus. You'll come to realize that you are called, cherished,
and carried; have been made new and established; are now his witness; and more. Study will take
place Mondays at 10am beginning April 11th . To sign up, check the bulletin board in the Narthex, or
contact Pastor Sarah.

If you are looking for a small group, the Ladies Lunch & Learn Small Group will be beginning a new
study coming May 2nd! Join them for “God was Here and I was Out to Lunch.” This study explores
how, due to our rigid preoccupation with our busy-ness and routines, we fail to sense or appreciate
the presence of God all around us. Consequently, we miss out on the chance to tap into common
sense, we miss out on the chance to love God and others, and we miss out on the chance to connect
with Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. The author highlights hallmarks of the Christian faith that
are essential and life-giving for all persons, and which can be ours if only we will learn to recognize
God’s majesty when it is near and open our lives to the change God offers. This group meets on the
first and third Mondays of the month to eat lunch and learn together! If you are interested contact
the group leader, Bev Radeline or Pastor Sarah.


                                 @ 10am


                                  April 11
                                                                    Every other


                                                                     @ 11:30am

                                                                  starting May 2

Support Resources
Next Generation Parenting Support Group is a new support group for guardians, grandparents, and
caregivers of minor children. This support group meets at Faith UMC the first Wednesday of the month
at 6pm. There is no cost and no registration is required. For more information contact Carol Jarvis at
Goshen College 574 535-7402.

Ryan’s Place is starting a miscarriage, stillborn, infant loss support group on Thursdays 6:00-7:00 at
Ryan’s Place office (118 Main St. #3, Goshen).

Ryan’s Place is starting an Expressive Art Therapy Grief Support Group which will meet every other
Saturday from 9:30-11:00 am. There is no charge and no art experience is needed! They welcome
individuals that want to express their grief in a unique and powerful way!

Ryan's Place continues to have grief support groups for school age children ages 3 thru 18. They also
have adult grief support groups for parents that have had a child die, a spouse group, a suicide group,
family support group, and Spanish speaking adult group. The sessions are every other Monday evening
from 6:30-8:15 pm at Silverwood Mennonite Church, 1745 Lincoln Ave. Goshen, throughout the school
year. A meal is provided for the family at no charge at 6:30 before the sessions start at 7:10.

For more information on any of these programs or to register, contact Ryan’s Place office 574 535-1000
or email
HNEWS - Elkhart Faith United Methodist Church
BREAKTHROUGH STUDENT MINISTRY                                          Stewardship Report:

                                                                     Annual Budget:      $ 698,571
                                                                     Year to Date Need: $ 161,209
       April 3: No Youth Group (Spring Break)                        Year to Date Rec'd: $ 163,570
       April 10: Mission Trip Meeting 4pm
                 Youth Group & Confirmation 5-6:30pm                        Ways to give:
       April 17: No Youth Group (Easter)                             Mail (we collect mail each day)
       April 24: Youth Group & Confirmation 5-6:30pm                 Online (
                                                                     Text "give" to 833-942-1919
 We are thrilled to enter April and enjoy all of the great Easter
 excitement. We had a great month in March for our youth group       Online & Text options can be set
                                                                     up as a one-time or recurring gift.
 and fellowship!
 On April 10th we will have a mission trip meeting at 4:00pm for
 anyone interested in this trip. For this month we will be doing a
 series on Jesus and Easter!
 We hope you have a blessed month and rejoice in the fact that              Worship
 He has Risen.
                                                     ~Tyler                 8:30 a.m. Traditional
                                                                         9:45 a.m. Growth Studies
                                                                         10:45 a.m. Contemporary
                                                                     10:45 a.m. Breakout (Grades K-6)
                                                                      The first Sunday of each month is
                                                                       Family Worship. (No Breakout)

                                                                      We will continue to live stream a
            Confirmation Retreat May 13-14th                          full service online at 10:45 a.m.
                                                                      You will find these through
                 Amazing Race on May 22
                                                                      Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo,
               Graduation Sunday June 12
                                                                      and at
       Mission Trip (Registration closed) June 18-26
                  Sr. High Camp July 3-8
                  Jr. High Camp July 10-15
                                                                     Children's Sunday School

                                                                      will be returning Sunday,

                                                                       April 24 at 9:45am! If

                                                                          you feel led to help

                                                                      prepare our children for

                                                                     their life in Christ, contact

                                                                           Tyler information!
STEPHEN MINISTRY                                                              submitted by Linda Schrock, SM Leader

  The Easter season is upon us. It’s a time of celebration of Christ’s resurrection. Many families share a special meal
  for the first big gathering of the calendar year. Many organizations and families have fun dyeing, hiding, finding, and
  then eating (though they may be cracked) Easter eggs.

  Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are also commemorated in the Christian church. However, the joyous
  celebrations of Easter sometimes overshadow the events that preceded the victorious resurrection. To me, one of
  the important aspects of remembering Maundy Thursday and Good Friday is that Jesus walked that lonesome path
  before us. He knows physical suffering, mental anguish, and total separation from his Father God.

  When we are struggling with disappointments, setbacks, and isolation from loved ones it helps to remember Jesus
  knows and understands, both from a human perspective and from a spiritual perspective what it is like to go through
  dark valleys. While he was abandoned by his disciples, he never abandons us in our struggles.

  I was once given a poem entitled “Just a Suggestion, God. I need a Miracle Every Day,” by Lynne Hundley. In it the
  writer asks God to send a message/answer as big as a burning bush, or a pillar of cloud, (or a billboard). It
  concludes with the sentiment that a still small voice is sometimes difficult to wait for, and then to hear.

  Jesus is with us. He may not publish a billboard nor cause a bush to burn before us nor create a pillar of cloud to go
  before us. But if we remember the verse from Isaiah 40:31, “They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength,
  they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint,” it may
  make the waiting easier. It is the reassurance needed to keep putting one foot in front of the other and live one day
  at a time.

  When you want a caring person to walk with you through your “waiting” as you try to discern an appropriate
  response to a difficult experience, please feel free to contact one of the Stephen Ministry referral coordinators,
  Pastor John at 574-875-4438 ext 105, or Vicki Shoemaker at 574-226-6903 so that a referral to a Stephen Minister
  can be made where appropriate.

                     This year we are promoting 3 different weeks of camp for our three age groups.

                            Elementary (grades 3-5) @ Camp Lakewood week of June 26-July 1
                               Jr. High (grades 6-8) @ Camp Adventure week of July 10-15
                                        Sr. High @ Epworth Forest week of July 3-8

 We have been blessed to be able to continue offering to contribute 75% of the cost for your child to attend. In order to
receive this discount, you’ll need to call the church office to receive a discount code. Payment plans for the balance are
also available through the camp registration site.

Sr. High students will need to register through a personalized link to our rented cabin which is available now from
Pastor Sarah. Payment will be collected at a later date. If you have any questions about the camping ministry or
registration, please contact Pastor Sarah.
April Missions
Birthdays                                                          Loose Coins for
 April   1: Jamie Buckmeier • David Gaff • Chance Hardman       World Missionary Press
                                                             Along with financial support, we go
 April   4: Jana Whitehead • Austin Zimmermann              once a month to help run the presses
 April   9: Rachel Huang                                     (no experience necessary). To date

 April   10: Stephen Dinehart                                 we have helped produce nearly

                                                             9 million
 April   11: Brianna Buckmeier • Vern Miller                             pieces of literature! Sign

                                                             up in the narthex under "LAUNCH".
 April   12: Sara Bowen • Stacey Poynter
 April   13: Jax Bierbaum                                   Church Community Services:
 April   14: Linda Schrock • Ginger Vilmure                              Infant Diapers

 April   15: Pat Beehler • Joe Clark • Judy Ponciroli           Adult Incontinence Products

 April   16: Kayla Coleman                                          Nonperishable Food

 April   17: Lori Shay • Cathy Southern
 April   18: Don DuBois • Patty Gertz • Aaron Hochstetler
 April   19: Hayden Spicher • Vickie Stevens
 April   21: Cristol Valdez
 April   22: Abby Joslin
                                                                Kingdom Kids
 April   23: Debbie Black                                    Thank you to the many of Faith
 April   24: Joyce Parker • Kyle Rasler                     for your support. Your generosity
 April   25: Luke Hogsett
                                                              with new supplies & toys has
 April   26: Melody Knudson
                                                                    been unmatched.
 April   28: Mike DeHays • Ryan McClane
                                                                We are excited about our
 April   29: Deb Wilfert
                                                            "Summer Camp" for school age

                                                             children. Summer enrollment is

Anniversaries                                                 open for children ages 6-12.

 April   2: Gene & Karen Bohn
 April   2: Bert & Kim Mays
 April   3: John & Fay Goerlach
 April   3: Tim & Kathy Yoder                                United Methodist
 April   12: Don & Pat Griffey
 April   16: Don & Ruth DuBois                                           Women
 April   20: Jeff & Dianne Moore
 April   23: Matt & Heather Simon                             United Methodist Women™ is
 April   25: Ted & Melody Knudson                             now United Women in Faith™
 April   26: Doug & Glenna Nickell
 April   26: Bruce & Deb Van Dyke
                                                             Our first meeting of the year is
 April   28: Jean Bailey
                                                             April 12th, 1:00 pm in the parlor.
 April   28: Andy & Shannon Jamison
                                                             Maureen Mauzy of the district
 April   28: Tom & Barb Weaver
                                                                will be our speaker on the

                                                             reading program. All ladies are

                                                                     invited to attend.
In Our Prayers
Cancer                   Medical                         Medical (cont.)                 Other
Becky Adams              Cody, Wife & Infant Twins       Tim & Michelle Jones            Mary Karon
Scott Armold             Jaxson (8yrs old)               Remington Juday                 Joann Vance
Jim Bellamy              Alex Alber                      Ramona Kelly                    Marcus Weldy
Rudy Chapman             Phil & Tonda Alwine             Tyler Knudson                   Persecuted Christians
Becky Cline              Bruce & Lynda Atkinson          Diana Mathewson                 Our Youth & Children
Don Dailey               Harry Bennett                   Ian McMillan                    Stephen Ministers
David Filer*             Chelsea Burgess                 Larry & Karen Miller            Susanna's Kitchen
                                                                                         Kingdom Kids Daycare
Brittany Gasper          Brayden Baker                   Bailey Morgantown
Mona Gorsuch             Maureen Bellamy                 Kevin Myers
Ed & Deb Kiefer          Virginia Bennett                Wendy Myers
Tim Kris                 Karen Bohn                      Bruce Neely*                                JOYS!*
Alyssa Lintz             Lynn Brooks                     Steve Page                        Congratulations to Patsy
                                                                                          Boehler named Woman of
Betty Love               Bob Buckey                      Betty Plaisted                  the Year locally for her work
Deb Michael              Beckyk Cardenas*                Dawn Rider                       in science and promoting
Howie Morgan             Allan Carlson                   Nicole Robinson                      science to children.
Kelly Nielsen            John Clark                      John Ruderschmidt                     Eugene Huang is
Doug Nickell             Christina Cook                  Carley Schenk                       celebrating the 1 year
                                                                                           anniversary of his kidney
Joyce Parker             Diana Cunningham                Bob Schlobohm
                                                                                          transplant and doing well.
Cassandra Peters         Alex Derenak                    Pat Sharkey                        Thank you for prayers!
Timmy Phillips           Edward Dowd                     Betty Shaver*
                                                                                            Susanna's Kitchen has
Jeremy Schutz            Kathy Eash                      Lori Shay                        started meal service once
Molly Smith              Sue Everett                     Marilou Snell                     again in a new location!
Cathy Spry               Jeff Fecher                     Kaitlin Snyder
Christina Stevenson      Carol Fort                      Savannah Speer
Joel Taylor              Sam Gratz                       Judy Stickel
Carol Tice               Carolyn Greenwood               Darlene Stiver
Linda Utley              Austin Groves                   Alicia Sullivan
Glen Wade                Dwight Hamilton                 Ramona Sutphin
Cindy West*              Pam Hamilton*                   Kurt Teggee
Marlene Whitehead        Karen Hartung                   George Valdez
Joe Williams             Benitta Herman                  Ginger Vilmure
                                                                                              *New this month
Lori                     Sherwin Hibbets*                Joan Wagner
                         Scott Hinman                    Chuck & Kit Waite
                         Lloyd Hochstedler               Shirley Weaver
                         Alain Huff                      Sue & Paul Weesner
                         Everett Jamison                 Sue Weldy
                                                         Sherrill Wenger

Losses: Gene Cook (Christina Cook, Sue Weldy); Cecil Dixon; Elsie Jackson (Shane & Tina Jackson);
        Dan Schaefer (Tatum Schaefer, Mike & Patt Schaefer)

                Please update the office about those you have added to the prayer list. Thank you.

         Military: Josh Eash, Jr. • Chris Fisher • Stephanie Hempel • Caleb Toler
                                 Vanessa Toler • Aaron Zigler
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