Page created by Ida Durand
JUNE 2022


                 Cover Photo by Adam N. Richards
                          HEY MAN,                                                                            PUBLICATION TEAM
                                                                                                              PUBLISHER | Ida Durand

                       KNOW YOUR STATS                                                                        ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE | Halee Yates
                                                                                                              CONTENT COORDINATOR | Peter Alford
                                                                                                              DESIGNER | Courtney Mueller
                                                                                                              CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER |
                                             1 20/80                                                          Sara Arnold-Nixon

                                                                                                              CONTACT | Ida Durand | 706.523.1497

                                                                                                              CONTACT | Halee Yates | 706.302.1533
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2 | JUNE 2022                                                                               HIGHLAND LIVING                                                                           Photo by Adam N. Richards   JUNE 2022 | 3
Expert Contributors
   To learn more about becoming an expert contributor, contact BVM at idurand@bestversionmedia.com or 706-523-1497.

                Dermatology Specialists of Georgia
                Myles S. Jerdan, MD                                         Tim Ellen & Associates
                (706) 882-5119                                              Tim Ellen
                1605 Whitesville Street                                     (706) 845-8449
                LaGrange, GA 30240

                                                                            Statewide Mortgage
                Alex Brown State Farm                                       (706) 443-5010
                Alex Brown                                                  316 S Lewis Street
                (706) 416-3190                                              LaGrange, GA 30240

                                                                                                                           For Over 40 YEARS, We’ve Served The Community & Are Honored To Be Your Toyota Dealer!

                                                                                                                                   OBSESSED WITH GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE SINCE 1978!
                Kia of LaGrange                                             Childress Dental Center
                Todd Parrish                                                George Childress

                (706) 298-5024                                              (706) 882-1888
                                                                                                                                   MICHAEL STOGNER/OWNER

                                                                            Thrive, Mind, Body & Soul                                    1221 LAFAYETTE PARKWAY, LAGRANGE, GA 30241
                Southern Life Insurance
                                                                            Selina Dominguez
                Crystal Poe                                                 (706) 885-2985
                (706) 594-9204                                              301 W Broome St. Suite 200
                crystalgcotton@yahoo.com                                    LaGrange, Georgia


                Sweet Pea’s Floral Designs of Distinction
                Mechelle Whells
                (706) 882-5800
                                                                            Aspinwall Chiropractic Clinic
                                                                            (706) 884-8360
                                                                            302 S Greenwood St. LaGrange, GA
                Lafayette Christian School                                  Whispering Hills
                John Cipolla, Superintendent
                                                                            Memorial Nature Preserve
                (706) 884-6684
                                                                            (706) 884-7435
                1904 Hamilton Road
                                                                            3550 Mooty Bridge Road LaGrange, GA 30240
                LaGrange, GA 30241

                Watts Furniture
                Ryan Watts
                (706) 882-0004
                212 Commerce Ave
                LaGrange, GA 30241

                Go Realty Angie Cotton
                Angie Cotton
                (706) 884-3882
                                                                                                                           706-884-8360 | aspinwallclinic.com
                                                               Family Owned & Operated by the Higgins Family               302 S Greenwood Street LaGrange, Georgia | www.aspinwallclinic.com
4 | JUNE 2022                                                                                            HIGHLAND LIVING                                                                                  JUNE 2022 | 5
Beall Dental Center
                                                                       (706) 882-2597

                                                             bealldentalcenter@yahoo.com | www.bealldentalcenter.com

                The Chuckwagon
                  S teakhouse
                    Clark Brothers Quality Meats
                 1507 Main Street. Roanoke, Alabama

                                                                       www.phalagrange.net       706-882-6416
6 | JUNE 2022                              HIGHLAND LIVING                                                      JUNE 2022 | 7
Finding Solace
                                                              at Whispering Hills
                                                                                            By Ida Solomon Durand

                                  Families across the Southeast find a lasting      streams, and meadows here have become             of LaGrange, whose youngest brother Kyle
                                  connection with natural cemetery in LaGrange.     just as cherished by families across the          Czarnonycz passed away in May of last year at
                                                                                    Southeast who’ve chosen Whispering Hills as       the age of 28.
                                  Ralph Howard and his sister Jean found a          a final resting place for themselves or loved
                                  way to protect the land that means so much        ones passed.                                      Following Kyle’s death, Caitlin and her mom
                                  to their family – turning 140 acres they first                                                      Teresa learned of Whispering Hills and toured
                                  explored as kids 70 years ago into a memorial     Finding that Special Resting Place                the preserve and green cemetery. “We saw a
                                  nature preserve, featuring a 20-acre state-                                                         part in the woods, with beautiful rocks and
                                  certified natural green cemetery, they named      “We weren’t sure where my brother Kyle’s final    moss, and I looked at mom and said that’s it,
                                  Whispering Hills.                                 resting place would be, but we knew it had to     this is where he’s supposed to be. It absolutely
                                                                                    be someplace very special, a place that would     took our breath away,” Freeman said.
                                  One year in business, and the beautiful forest,   have left him speechless,” said Caitlin Freeman

8 | JUNE 2022   HIGHLAND LIVING                                                                                                                                        JUNE 2022 | 9
Freeman is so thankful she and her brother spoke freely about what they          Ralph Howard and Whispering Hills.”
                 wanted in a final resting place when their time came. “Because it wasn’t
                 too long after that conversation, we had to make that choice for him.            Higgins is among a number of area funeral
                 Kyle found beauty in everyone and everything, and he certainly would             directors who see the opportunity to offer
                 find it here.”                                                                   green burial options to families. “Ralph and
                                                                                                  the Howard family could have easily sold
                 Coincidentally, Kyle’s girlfriend, Anna McNamee, lives close to Whispering       this beautiful land to developers, but instead
                 Hills. “I often walk the trails through the preserve and green cemetery, and     they brought this green cemetery and nature
                 feel close to him and nature,” McNamee said.                                     preserve and all the good it represents to
                                                                                                  our community,” he said. “It has been a
                 Boyd Taylor, a longtime friend of the Howard’s, first toured the property        labor of love, and there’s no doubt this place
                 with Ralph as he seriously considered plans for a green cemetery on the          will serve local families as well as families
                 property in 2019. Two years later, one of Boyd’s final requests before his       from across the Southeast and beyond for
                 death in April 2021 was to see Whispering Hills.                                 generations to come.”

                 “Boyd pointed at the spot where he’s buried now. That’s exactly where he         Ralph Howard admits he was only trying
                 wanted to be in this incredibly beautiful forest,” Sherry Taylor recalled        to protect his family’s cherished land
                 of her husband of 57 years. “He always told me and our daughter that             from the encroachment pushing north
                 he’d much rather we visit him among the trees and streams, not the               from LaGrange. “As it turns out, we have
                 headstones at a traditional cemetery.”                                           protected this land for so much more than I
                                                                                                  ever thought possible,” said Howard.
                 Families who’ve chosen Whispering Hills select a native stone from the
                 preserve to mark their resting place with a special engraved tribute. “And       Howard, who’s 79, meets and greets people
                 one day when it’s my time to go to Heaven, I’ll have a rock there in that        who’ve come to Whispering Hills in search
                 special place with my name on it,” said Taylor.                                  of a better way to prepare for and celebrate
                                                                                                  the end of life in a place full of life. He’s    Whispering Hills offers rights to full body burials in biodegradable shrouds and
                 A Homecoming Closer to Home                                                      grateful for the incredible response to this     containers, including pine caskets. There is no embalming involved in green burials
                 19-year-old Shiloh Perry recently visited her grandfather Harold “Whit”          green cemetery and nature preserve.              and there are no metal caskets or concrete vaults on the property or in any certified
                 Whitman’s gravesite here with her mom and dad, Amy and Jack Perry,                                                                green cemetery. Families can also purchase rights for scatterings or burials of
                                                                                                  “It’s so fulfilling to see just how fast this    cremated remains.
                 who along with Whit’s wife Anita decided to donate their family’s
                                                                                                  place has become so special to so many
                 plots at a traditional cemetery and purchase natural burial rights at
                                                                                                  families who now have their own strong,          Whispering Hills is one of three green cemeteries in Georgia. Featuring forests,
                 Whispering Hills.
                                                                                                  emotional attachment to this land they’ve        streams, trails and flower-filled meadows, it is part of a fast-growing national trend
                 “I would much rather visit my grandfather in a peaceful place like this          chosen for a final resting place.”               toward natural burials.
                 surrounded by meadows filled with flowers and a forest with beech trees                                                           To review or discuss pricing options, please call Whispering Hills at 706-884-7435 or
                                                                                                  For more information about Whispering
                 like the ones he enjoyed on our land at home near Columbus,” Shiloh said.                                                         visit www.whisperinghillspreserve.com.
                                                                                                  Hills, located at 3550 Mooty Bridge
                 “My dad often told us that when he left us he wanted to be returned              Road, LaGrange, Georgia, visit
                 to the earth in a simple pine box among the trees in a peaceful place –          www.whisperinghillspreserve.com.
                 Whispering Hills is that place,” Amy Perry said.

                 Perry recalls her mom and dad reading about greener, simpler alternatives
                 to traditional cemeteries, “but those options were always located in
                 faraway places,” she noted. “Thanks so much to the Howards and the
                 caring and warm staff here for fulfilling my dad’s wishes, our family’s
                 wishes for a more beautiful way to celebrate his life in a place where we
                 find solace – a homecoming with each visit that’s closer to home.”

                 A Labor of Love
                 Jeffrey Higgins of Higgins Funeral Home in LaGrange, Georgia, has seen
                 interest in the green cemetery and burial movement grow as families look
                 for a more meaningful way to pay tribute to their loved ones. Whispering
                 Hills is one of three green cemeteries in Georgia, while the number of
                 green cemeteries has grown to more than 350 in the U.S. and Canada.
                                                                                                                                          WHISPERING HILLS
                 “The services are so very special here at Whispering Hills. It’s really hard
                 to capture in words, you just have to experience it,” said Higgins. “It’s more
                 natural, more of an ashes to ashes approach. It feels like what we should
                 be doing, and I don’t know that I would have ever experienced it without

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                                                                        Jack Doerr, 30A Hero
                                                                                                                      By Judy Chung

                                                                                                         Jack Doerr, Senior LaGrange High and varsity swimmer saved the lives of 2 young kids in
                                                                                                         Flordia while on Spring Break.

                                                                                                         Here is the story from a Beach Ambassador from Santa Rosa Beach, FL…

                                                                                                         My name is Judy Chung & I am a Beach Ambassador in Santa Rosa Beach, FL. I oversee one of
                                                                                                         the many beach accesses along 30A.

                                                                                                         On my day off my husband & I were at Gulfview Heights enjoying the late afternoon sun on the
                                                                                                         beach. Earlier that day the warning flag went from double red flag to single red. In an instant,
                                                                                                         2 young children (12 & 8 y.o.) were caught in a rip tide. Their mother frantically screamed for
                                                                                                         help & yelled at anyone nearby who could save her kids. Jack jumped into the rough water &
                                                                                                         grabbed them safely to shore. The children were ok & relieved to be back on dry land. And their
                                                                                                         mother was thankful for Jack’s heroic effort.

                                                                                                         I want to commend Jack & acknowledge his bravery. He is a fine young man.

                                                                                                         Along with his friends who were with him during their spring break trip, all of them were
                                                                                                         respectful, engaging & a breath of fresh air. My husband & I enjoyed our conversations w/ them.

                                                                                                         Please tell Jack & his friends that I wish them many years of happiness & success.

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14 | JUNE 2022                          HIGHLAND LIVING                                                                                                                                  JUNE 2022 | 15
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16 | JUNE 2022                                                   HIGHLAND LIVING                                                                                  JUNE 2022 | 17

                                      Highland Gatherings
                                                                                     By Ida Durand | Photos by Adam N. Richards

                                    Highland Park’s new “Highland Gatherings”           from loblolly pines taken from the Highland       Reese notes that the chapel’s design conceals
                                    feature community-based events that                 Park property.                                    these modern amenities, allowing visitors to
                                    organize worship services, lectures, music,                                                           experience the property’s classic charm in
                                    and related events. Highland Gatherings             According to property owner Mack Reese, the       modern comfort.
                                    will be managed by the 501-C3 non-profit            chapel was originally in the “long term” plan.
                                    Highland Chapel & Meetinghouse and utilize                                                            “It could have been constructed two years ago
                                    the property’s timeless Chapel.                     “The chapel was an odd combination of a           or two hundred years ago,” he said. This tranquil,
                                                                                        ‘vision and a reaction,’” he said. “Designed by   unimposing architecture allows for the chapel
                                    Highland Gathering attendees are sure to be         architect Taylor Dawson as an early American      to serve its mission: to provide a quiet, timeless
                                    awed at the chapel’s timeless beauty.               ‘Meetinghouse,’ it was in the ‘long term plan’    place for peaceful study and contemplation,
                                                                                        until we agonized over the removal of some of     fellowship, uplifting music, and problem
                                    Strategically placed among the trees and            the lands 100-year-old pine trees.”               solving—all without the interferences of the
                                    natural flora of the surrounding area,                                                                modern world.
                                    Highland Chapel is designed after traditional       After deliberation, it was decided that the
                                    “meetinghouses” of early New England                pines would be “put to good use in the            Now, the family seeks to preserve the chapel’s
                                    townships. These early meetinghouses                chapel,” where they can now be found in           beauty by transferring it to Highland Chapel &
                                    served as a community’s only public building,       every pew, door , and window.                     Meetinghouse, Inc.
                                    becoming the de facto church, schoolhouse,
                                    and social meeting place and political forum        The property does contain a few “modern”          “This year, we will transfer the building from our
                                    for civic meetings. Highland Chapel features a      improvements, however, including electricity,     family to the 501-C3,” said Reese. “This allows it to
                                    custom-built, traditional design constructed        HVAC, and plumbing.                               remain in its current state into perpetuity.”

 18 | JUNE 2022   HIGHLAND LIVING                                                                                                                                            JUNE 2022 | 19
This preservation of the timeless can be found       who added that “the deer eliminated the              Preserving and enhancing this natural Georgia
                 throughout Highland Park. The property’s             hydrangeas and others.”                              beauty remains a mission of the Reese family.
                 natural design and attention to history provide
                 a refreshing escape for visitors.                    Other areas of the park highlight the                “We’ve always thought this land reflected an
                                                                      development’s natural beauty.                        idea, scenic Georgia pine forest,” said Reese. “So,
                 “The property contains 93 acres and was                                                                   in an effort to preserve its natural beauty, we set
                 purchased by our family on November 12,              “Complementing the chapel, we created                aside fifteen acres, including the wooded area
                 2003,” said Reese.                                   the adjacent athletic field, which is used for       of the park, into a conservation easement held
                                                                      baseball, football, soccer, and community            by the Chattahoochee Valley Land Trust.”
                 Before that, he noted, it was owned by               gatherings,” said Reese. “Interestingly, the
                 the heirs of Fuller Callaway, Sr., who               unique terracing on the northern boundary of         Long term, the family intends to preserve many
                 had purchased it in 1919 while acquiring             the field was Roy’s idea as measure to prevent       of the property’s nature trails by adding them to
                 thousands of acres in the area.                      balls from rolling out in the street and creating    the easement.
                                                                      safety hazards.”
                 “He gave 220 acres for the establishment                                                                  For now, focus remains on the central gathering
                 of Highland Country Club in 1922, sold               While practical, this terracing enhances             area of the property: the field, pavilion, chapel,
                 approximately 900 acres to his friend John           Highland Park’s scenic atmosphere, as does its       and gardens.
                 Newman around 1930, and transferred                  nearby pavilion.
                 hundreds of acres to the Corps of Engineers in                                                            “We have additional plans to make this area
                 the mid 1960’s for the creation of West Point        “The pavilion was also a Roy Ashley creation         the ‘gathering’ place Roy always envisioned,”
                 Lake,” said Reese. “Along the way, his heirs         with support columns create from natural             said Reese. These plans include, in part, the
                 (and brother Cason) sold and/or developed            Eastern Red Cedars, field stone, and green,          new Highland Gatherings. These gatherings
                 adjoining properties around the Country Club         living roof,” said Reese, who noted the cedars       aim to offer fellowship and social engagement
                 and Piney Woods Lake.”                               and field stone were imported from Tennessee         opportunities, as well as spiritual instruction,
                                                                      and that the roof is planted on all sides with       and general education speaker series. To this
                 The 93-acre parcel that would eventually             sedum plants. “Along with the adjacent stone         aim, Highland Gatherings look to include
                 become Highland Park remained largely                cook-pit, it’s the perfect gathering spot for        activities such as Bible studies, music training,
                 untouched until purchased by the Reese family        residents and the LaGrange community.”               guest speakers, and church and civic meetings,
                 in 2003. It was the location’s natural beauty                                                             among other events. In this way, the chapel
                 that first attracted the family to the land nearly   The purpose behind this architecture                 will function much like one of the original New
                 twenty years ago.                                    proves simple.                                       England meetinghouses on which it’s based.

                 “Seeing the old growth trees and perfect             “The basic concept of Highland Park was to           For Reese, these new gatherings highlight
                 topography, we sensed the potential for a            minimize vehicular traffic and use consistency       another way in which the Highland Park project
                 remarkable community, so we hired nationally         and simplicity,” said Reese, who noted that this     continues to grow.
                 acclaimed landscape architect Roy Ashley             has led to architectural conformity. “Everyone
                 to plan a lower density residential division,”       must use Meyer Zoysia grass, identical copper        “In a conversation with a fellow resident and
                 Reese said.                                          mailboxes, compatible landscaping and homes          friend, we mentioned that one day ‘what
                                                                      are strategically sited to minimize tree removal.”   started out as a real estate experiment quickly
                 Ultimately, he added, Roy, along with local                                                               became a social experiment,’” he said. “The
                 surveyor and engineer Andy Camp, based his           The property also includes custom street             community that we have tried to create
                 plan on Callaway Gardens, winding the roads          signs and street lights, as well as signature        represents more than bricks and mortar. The
                 among the trees and creating a novel storm           landscaping from Roy Ashley.                         friendships and watching others raise their
                 water drainage plan that directed the water to                                                            children and grandchildren here are the most
                 existing creeks and under roads.                     “His landscaping has now matured, and                gratifying parts.”
                                                                      Highland Park’s Japanese Maples—over
                 “Roy also created a landscape plan that              fifty currently—provide magical fall colors,”        For more information about Highland Park,
                 provided ‘colors of each season,’” said Reese,       said Reese.                                          visit www.highlandparklagrange.com.

20 | JUNE 2022                                                                                                                                              JUNE 2022 | 21
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22 | JUNE 2022                                                                                                                                                             HIGHLAND LIVING                                                                                                                    JUNE 2022 | 23
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                                                                                                                                                            “These players, they don’t just represent themselves,” Cagle said. “They       “We want to be able to help the local community as well,” Cagle said.
                                                                                                                                                            represent their parents, and they represent their coaches now, and they        “We want to partner with our parks and rec and maybe put on a free
                                                                                                                                                            represent my organization and me. They’re going to be held to a high           clinic for all the kids signed up through the rec department in the
                                                                                                                                                            standard.”                                                                     summer to try to help them develop more, whether they’re in our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           program or not.”
                                                                                                                                                            Cagle will also use his connection with the Yankees to give the Klutch
                                                                                                                                                            team members valuable instruction from some of the best players in             Cagle said Klutch Baseball has also forged a relationship with LaGrange
                                                                                                                                                            the world.                                                                     Academy that he believes will be mutually beneficial.

                                                                                                                                                            “One of the big things with us is, I’ll be able to implement a lot of our      “I’m on the board at LaGrange Academy, and I met with Brian
                                                                                                                                                            things in New York, whether it’s having players Facetime in and talk           (Dolinger) our head of school, and with Charles Parker last week, and
                                                                                                                                                            about their approaches at the plate, whether it’s an Aaron Judge or            we are going to start our official academy at LaGrange Academy,” Cagle
                                                                                                                                                            Giancarlo Stanton, or have Gerrit Cole Facetime in and do a virtual            said. “There’s a concrete slab where they had built for a tennis court
                                                                                                                                                            clinic with our pitchers, or bring our catcher in for a day and have him       several years ago, and I’m actually going to put a building on that slab.

 For Grant Cagle, The Mission Is All About
                                                                                                                                                            give a clinic to all of the catchers in our program,” Cagle said.              It’ll be indoor cages, and mounds, and we’ll have full access to their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           weight room, and their field, and their batting cages and everything.
                                                                                                                                                            When Cagle was putting the plan for Klutch Baseball together, he knew          We’ll have Klutch Baseball Academy run out of LaGrange Academy for

Helping A Player Become The Best He Can Be                                                                                                                  how critical it would be to have a professional, knowledgeable coaching
                                                                                                                                                            staff, and he’s confident he has done that.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the time being. And hopefully down the road, we’ll continue to grow,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and we’ll have a separate facility. Now, with us having full access to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           their field and weight room and everything else, it’ll be perfect for us.”
                                            By Kevin Eckleberry, Editor in Chief, Sideline Pass                                                             He also believes Klutch Baseball will avoid some of the pitfalls that
                                                                                                                                                            other travel teams face.                                                       Ryan Mingin, who is the director of operations, and Corey Mingin, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           director of player development, will also help lead the baseball program
For Grant Cagle, the mission is all about helping a player become the         To aid in that, Cagle will make sure that every player in the organization    “I’ve seen this for so long that a lot of these travel-ball teams are          at LaGrange Academy.
best he can be.                                                               will get on the field, making sure they get those valuable repetitions.       coached by dads, and their kids play all the time, whether they should
                                                                                                                                                            or shouldn’t,” Cagle said. “There’s a lot of politics. I want to do away       “They’ll volunteer to help coach at the Academy and start trying to
Cagle, along with Ryan Mingin and Corey Mingin, has created Klutch            “We’ll have multiple teams hopefully at each age group so that we have        with all that. All or our head coaches will be on staff with me. We            instill these life lessons and field lessons into the kids there, too, and
Baseball, a LaGrange-based travel baseball organization that opened           plenty of space for everyone,” Cagle said. “They may not be a top-tier        may have some dads that help out during practice or something, but             try to start building the sports programs at the Academy,” Cagle said.
for business in October and has held tryouts at Georgia State University      player, but they may be on our B or C team, but they’re still getting to      there will not be a dad of any player on any team that makes lineups           “Years ago, they had a great baseball program, and over the years, kids
in Atlanta and at LaGrange College.                                           play, and they’ll practice like our A team will. Nobody’s going to be         or determines who plays. It’s all coming from the coaches in our               have left, but hopefully we can start to turn that program around and
                                                                              sitting the bench on these teams. We want players to be able to get reps,     organization that are on staff with me. It’s not fair to the dad to be in a    be a good asset for LaGrange Academy as well as far as bringing players
                                                                              and get at-bats, and really grow.”                                            position where he has to put his kid in the lineup, and it’s not fair to the   to the school to enroll in the Academy.”
Cagle has big plans for the organization, and he’s confident it will grow
and flourish, but the underlying objective will remain the same, no                                                                                         son, either.”
matter how much it expands.                                                   Cagle has a baseball background, and he has seen first-hand the game                                                                                         OF NOTE: For more information on Klutch Baseball, to go
                                                                              played at the highest level as one of the partners who has an ownership       Cagle also wants Klutch Baseball to be a key part of the community, to         the website at www.kutchbaseballga.com, or send an email to
                                                                              stake in the New York Yankees.                                                provide a helping hand to local players, whether they’re a part of his         Klutchbaseballga@gmail.com
 “Our goal is to help develop kids into whatever their potential is,” Cagle
said. “We want to provide the best coaches to help these kids succeed,                                                                                      organization or not.
and we want to put them in positions where they can succeed. We want          While the Yankees are known for consistently putting winning teams
to run practices in an orderly manner. Everything’s going to be very          on the field, Cagle appreciates the franchise’s commitment to doing
organized, and structured. We want the players to continue to grow,           things the right way, something he promised Klutch Baseball will be all                                                                                         THE GRAND HOTEL HOGANSVILLE
and improve, just by being able to have repetitions.”                         about as well.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                303 E Main Street, Hogansville, GA | (678) 590-7412
Cagle added that “we want them to feel like every time they step on the       “We want to be able to teach these kids how to be respectful and good                                                                                                     Book Now! www.grandhotelhgvl.com
field that we as an organization have put them in a position to succeed.      people off the field as well,” Cagle said. “With the Yankees, that’s one of                                                                                            Live Music Every Saturday in the 1890 Room
Now, we know that they won’t win every single time they step on the           our core values is pride. You take pride in your organization, and you
field, but we want them to feel that every time they step on the field,       take pride in your coaches, and your teammates.”
they can compete with whoever they play against. That’s something
that we want to instill in these kids, from our 7-and-8-year-old              The members of the Klutch family, Cagle stressed, will know that it’s
divisions, and all the way through our kids going to college.”                about more than just the individual player.

26 | JUNE 2022                                                                                                                    HIGHLAND LIVING                                                                                                                                                    JUNE 2022 | 27

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           612 Lincoln St - LaGrange, GA - (706) 756-1554                                                                                                                                                                                             By ?
                    Mon -                                                               Tim Ellen, LUTCF
                                                               Insure. Prepare. Retire.
                                                                                    Agent, New York Life Insurance Company
                                                                                        113 Highland Pointe Dr.
                                                                                                                                                 SMRU1861729 (Exp.07/30/2022)
                                                                                        LaGrange, Georgia 30240-3791                             ©2020 New York Life Insurance Company,
                                                                                        706.845.8449                                             51 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010.        SCHOOL                   PLACE      POINTS      Lagrange 3 – 179                 Callaway – 225
                                                                                                                                                 All rights reserved. NEW YORK LIFE, and the
                                                                                        tim@timellen.com                                         NEW YORK LIFE Box Logo are trademarks of
                                                                                                                                                 New York Life Insurance Company.              LaGrange High School       1st         0        Saxon Chastain – 43*             #1 – 52*
                                                                                                                                                                                               Callaway High School       2nd         0        Hugh Kersey – 41*                #2 – 50*
                                                              Insure. Prepare. Retire.                                                                                                         Troup High School          3rd         0        Kevin Neighbors – 46*            #3 – 64
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Andrew Williams – 49*            #4 – 61*
                                                                                                                                                                                               The Granger golf team, which was divided        Jamarion Wilkerson – WD (Inj.)   #5 – 62*
                                                                                                                                                                                               into three 5-man teams, took home first,
                                                                                                                                                                                               second, and third place in the 5-team county    Lagrange 2 – 188                 Troup – 267
                                                                                                                                                                                               championship Tuesday afternoon at Highland      Ty Ormsby – 45*                  #1 – 57*
                                                                                                                                                                                               Country Club.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Tripp Hollstrom – 44*            #2 – DNF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               TJ Wilkerson – 49*               #3 – 66*
                                                                                                                                                                                               Team 3, which was made up of senior Kevin
                                                                                                                                                                                               Neighbors, sophomore Andrew Williams,           Bo Bowman – 50*                  #4 – 72*
                                                                                                                                                                                               and two eighth graders – Saxon Chastain and     Logan Comerford – 51             #5 – 72*
                                                                                                                                                                                               Hugh Kersey – took home the team title with
                                                                                                                                                                                               a team score of 179. Team 2, which was led      Lagrange 1 – 193
                                                                                                                                                                                               by Ty Ormsby and Trip Hollstrom, finished
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Ben Woodham – 46*
                                                                                                                                                                                               second with a score of 188, and Team 1, which
                                                                                                                                                                                               was led by Ben Woodham and Jackson Dennis,      Jackson Dennis – 43*
                                                                                                                                                                                               finished third with a team score of 193.        Mack Martin – 48*
                                                                                                                                                                                               Callaway finished fourth in the event, with     Jack Terrell – 56*
                                                                                                                                                                                               a team score of 225, and Troup finished fifth   Luke Hill – 57
                                                                                                                                                                                               with a team score of 267.

28 | JUNE 2022                                                                                                                HIGHLAND LIVING                                                                                                                                                    JUNE 2022 | 29
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