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    THIS WEEK                                 NAMED
      REVEALED IN FULL                        FANDUEL CLO
                               AMID MACAU’S
       AND BET365              WHAT WILL
                               THE FUTURE

  Todd Myers, Founder & CEO,
        GoZone Wifi
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         Macau revenue plummets for July amid lockdown struggles, making economic recovery feel
             far off. We all know Macau will be back, just like Las Vegas. The question is when?

   Macau reports 95% GGR drop for July, worst month             Macau’s current state and its plans for the future. Not only
   since pandemic began                                         does it – and its licence holders – plan to reclaim its status
Macau’s gross gaming revenue (GGR) is down 84%                  as the world’s most lucrative gaming region, but as per
when compared to June, as the region’s Covid-19                 the terms of Macau’s renewed gaming laws, the region
restrictions take their toll.                                   wants to expand its services into foreign markets.
  According to data from the Gaming Inspection and
Coordination Bureau (DICJ), Macau generated MOP$398m            “New era” for Macau gaming industry, according to
(US$49m) for July, the city’s worst monthly performance         new Commission President
since the pandemic began.                                       The Macau gaming industry is set to enter a “new era,”
  This also represents a 95% year-on-year drop in GGR,          according to the President of the new Commission for
falling from MOP$8.44bn, and continues a general                Gaming Licences Tender, André Cheong.
downward trend.                                                    Speaking at a press conference, Cheong outlined the
  For June, Macau reported MOP$2.47bn, which constitutes        Commission’s goal of expanding the Macau gambling
a 62% decrease year-on-year, while May and April saw            sector into foreign markets, a move intended to provide
the city post 68% GGR losses.                                   a boost for the industry.
   So far this year, every month except February has               Cheong went on to discuss the previous 2001
seen Macau post double-digit GGR decreases when                 Commission, highlighting how different objectives account
compared to 2021.                                               for the need for different panel members.
  Much of this can be attributed to Macau’s enforcement of         He said: “At that time, what was on the line was gaming
China’s Zero Covid policy. An outbreak in mid-July saw          liberalisation and the focus was on boosting Macau’s
the city once more plunged into lockdown, with casinos          economic development from the gaming sector, so that
among those properties forced to close.                         this was reflected in the composition of the members
  While this only lasted less than two weeks, with casinos      of the Commission.”
opening on Saturday 23 July, other restrictions remain             Cheong added: “This time, and after 20 years have passed,
and their negative financial impact has been enormous.          we already have a certain scale and so the Government
  There is, however, cause for some immediate optimism.         does not want and will not reinforce the infrastructure
                                                                of the casinos.
Macau reopens leisure facilities                                   “We will not do that. We will pay more attention to the
Reported Covid-19 cases in Macau have dropped to                non-gaming elements, as well as support for the small
zero for nine consecutive days.                                 and medium enterprises (SMEs) and expansion into
  All results from the 14th round of nucleic acid testing       foreign markets.”
(a type of viral diagnostic test that detects the virus)
throughout the city were negative. This has led to              Dream vs Reality
the reopening of leisure facilities, such as beauty             GI Verdict: Plans for a “new era” in Macau are no pipe dream;
parlours, gyms, dine-in restaurants and other food              they are enshrined in policy. But the reality of the region
and beverage establishments.                                    today feels a million miles away from this proposed
  All the above-mentioned facilities, and many others,          upgrade, given Macau has not once stabilised and
opened to the public starting 2 August.                         returned to profitability since the pandemic began
                                                                in 2020.
The bounce back?                                                   But Macau’s return to “normal” should be a formality.
Although the exact legal details surrounding Macau’s            It’s just a question of when. Its current lockdown has
post-consolidation phase remain ambiguous, there is a           pushed the goalposts back somewhat.
clear sense that the region’s governmental bodies are pushing      Most predictions for a late 2023, early 2024 recovery for
to get operational levels back up to at least what they were    the region remain intact, but a lot will depend on China’s
before the recent Covid outbreak.                               continued insistence to employ a zero-Covid policy.
  Pre-July, Macau’s operations were still hampered by              Just look at Las Vegas; its operations have recovered
an impairing lack of tourists, owing to stringent travel        dramatically since casinos began operating at 100%
restrictions prohibiting entry to the region. This included     capacity post-Covid in May 2021, making over $1bn in
restrictions in the neighbouring Guangdong province             gaming revenue for 16 months in a row.
and one of Macau’s largest customer bases, Hong Kong.              Macau will quite obviously make its comeback. But how
  But now, this previous reality might look appealing           will it look when it does and which operators will be there
to a market where casinos can only operate at 50%               to enjoy the pent-up demand? Perhaps one final question
and a host of businesses remain closed.                         we need to ask is: Why is Macau still insistent on not
  There is also somewhat of a disconnection between             regulating online gaming within the region?
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NUMBERS                                   CAROLYN RENZIN NAMED FANDUEL
                                          CHIEF LEGAL OFFICER
11%                                            FanDuel has appointed Carolyn
                                               Renzin as the operator’s new Chief
                                                                                       continuity,” with each executive having
                                                                                       separate and direct reporting routes to
Increase in Q2                            Legal Officer (CLO), in a move that will     CEO Amy Howe.
revenue for Caesars                       “significantly expand” Renzin’s duties.         The company recently launched
Entertainment, driven                        At the same time, Renzin will continue    branded Evolution live dealer studios
by its Las Vegas business                 in her role as Chief Compliance Officer.     in Michigan and Pennsylvania, and
                                             In her new position, Renzin will be       has also appointed Andrew Sneyd as
                                          responsible for overseeing legal, risk,      Executive Vice President of Marketing.
                                          regulatory engagement, compliance and        Sneyd will steward growth marketing,
                                          responsible gaming for FanDuel, with her     media and customer engagement.

                                          team working to ensure the company              GI Verdict: Renzin’s appointment as
                                          continues to promote customer safety,        CLO is significant for several reasons.
                                          security and compliance.                     First and foremost, an expansion of
                          The amount         Renzin previously worked at JP Morgan     responsibilities places further trust in a
                  LeoVegas was fined      Chase & Co, where she served as an           female executive with an important role at
                     by the Gambling      Assistant General Counsel, working as a      what is arguably the biggest operator in
                 Commission ($1.4m)       regulatory litigator and in the Office of    North America. As a market leader, this
                                          the General Counsel.                         shows that FanDuel is taking its diversity
                                             Renzin also has previous experience in    and inclusion role seriously. Renzin joins
                                          compliance consulting with Guidepost         other women in high-profile roles at
                                          Solutions, as well as litigation and         FanDuel, including CEO Amy Howe and

3,000                                     regulatory enforcement with law firm
                                          Stillman, Friedman and Shechtman.
                                             FanDuel President Christian Genetski
                                                                                       Chief Product Officer Sarah Butterfass.
                                                                                          Furthermore, Renzin’s appointment
                                                                                       points to a wider restructuring of
                                          said: “Carolyn is a passionate, bright,      FanDuel’s leadership team, following
Virtual games                             empathetic, and extremely hard-working       the appointments of both Genetski as
per day, the
amount offered by                         leader and colleague.                        President and Raffensperger as CCO.
Sportradar’s virtual                         “In her time at FanDuel, she has led      It could be that the operator is
NBA database, over                        transformative change for our business in    planning to become self-sustaining, if it
12 betting markets                        building out a regulatory and compliance     ever breaks away from its parent Flutter.
                                          function befitting the current and future    This is an option Howe did not rule out in
                                          scale of our company, and I’m confident      her CEO Special interview with Gambling
                                          she is the right choice to lead our          Insider earlier this year.
                                          high-performing legal team going forward.”      The loss of Flutter would pose risks,

                                             Genetski was named as FanDuel             though, as FanDuel would be losing core
                                          President in July 2022, while Mike           resources. Its success as the dominant brand
                                          Raffensperger was appointed to               in the US suggests, financially, the move to
                          IGT’s drop in   the newly created position of Chief          independence is both achievable and
                       revenue for Q2     Commercial Officer.                          sustainable. But it still has a huge parent
                   2022 after reporting      The move came as the company              firm in Flutter – and one that ultimately
                   $1.02bn in revenue
                                          looked to support “important leadership      may not want to lose FanDuel anyway.

1 July                                          THE LATEST ISSUE OF
                                            GAMING AMERICA IS OUT NOW
The date PSG
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with online betting
platform 1XBet
20,000                   GLOBAL GAMING AWARDS ASIA 2022:
                                       FULL SHORTLIST REVEALED
              Dutch gamblers have
             used the Netherlands’     Gambling Insider is pleased to announce         Pioneer Entertainment Holdings,
             self-exclusion register   that the full Shortlist for the Global Gaming   Akiko Takahashi, EVP & Chief of Staff at
                   since it launched   Awards Asia 2022 is now available to read.      Melco Resorts & Entertainment, Dallas
                        last October
                                         Following the success of the Global           Orchard, COO, Asia Pacific at IGT, Jason
                                       Gaming Awards events in Las Vegas and           Barry, SVP-Table Games at Galaxy
                                       London, Gambling Insider is beyond              Entertainment Group, and more.
                                       excited for the inaugural Global Gaming           KPMG in the Crown Dependencies will

$1.3bn                                 Awards Asia event this month.
                                         “As you will see in the Shortlist, Covid-19
                                       did not stop suppliers across APAC from
                                                                                       once again independently adjudicate the
                                                                                       voting process to ensure full transparency
                                                                                       and fairness.
The amount won                         developing new products or improving              The winners will be announced at a
by an Illinois                         existing products,” said Julian Perry,          virtual ceremony on 22 August at 5pm
player on the Mega
Millions lottery                       Editor-in-Chief of Gambling Insider.            Singapore/Macau/Philippines time (10am
                                         “Meanwhile, a lot of operators                BST). The event will be streamed on
                                       announced major renovation or expansion and on
                                       plans. It’s also fascinating to see how much    Gambling Insider’s LinkedIn page.

 300 million
                                       certain markets, such as Singapore and the        BetConstruct is the Lead Partner of this
                                       Philippines, have grown.”                       year’s Global Gaming Awards Asia. Other
                                         Companies and individuals are always          event sponsors include Digitain, SA
                 The amount of AC      shortlisted for the Global Gaming Awards        Gaming and SimplePlay.
                 Milan fans in Asia    based on merit, and winners are chosen
                     – as estimated
                 by AC Milan after
                  it announced its
                 partnership with
                      M88 Mansion
                                       by C-level industry executives. This year’s
                                       Judging Panel features over 20 senior
                                       executives from the Asia-Pacific region,
                                       such as Ken Jolly, SVP and Managing
                                                                                            CLICK        HERE
                                                                                            FOR THE FULL SHORTLIST
                                       Director, Asia at Light & Wonder, Vicky               GLOBAL GAMING AWARDS ASIA 2022
                                       Chan, Assistant General Manager at Asia
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THE WEEK IN QUOTES                                    HIPPODROME LEGEND JAMES THOMAS
    “Our anticipated opening dates have slipped       DIES AGED 88
      a few weeks, reflecting supply issues and       Gaming industry icon James ‘Jimmy’          investment, continues to live on as an
          normal construction challenges.”            Thomas passed away this week, aged 88.      iconic part of West London.
                                                         The President and Co-Founder of             For his work, Thomas was honoured
                                                      London’s Hippodrome Casino died in          by the Casino Association with a Lifetime
 Lewis Fanger, Full House Resorts’ Chief              his sleep on Saturday morning following     Achievement Award in 2013 and became
Financial Officer, after Full House posted            a short illness.                            the first living person to be honoured on
          a 6% fall in revenue                           Born in Loughborough in 1934,            the BACTA Wall of Fame.
                                                      Thomas came from a family lineage              He’s survived by his sons, Simon and
                                                      ingrained in Britain’s leisure and          Jordan, daughters Lisa and Carla, as well
                                                      gaming sectors.                             as seven grandchildren.
                                                         The industry pioneer opened his             Thomas’ eldest son, Simon, Executive
“It’s a notable return to favour for gambling after   first casino at the Hurst Hotel in Quorn    Chairman of the Hippodrome, said:
its share of sponsorships nearly halved from 2019     in 1956, and less than a decade later,      “My father achieved enough for several
  to 2021. However, this year, deals in rugby and     Thomas launched the La Ronde Casino &       lifetimes and was respected the world
  cricket have resulted in a mini comeback which      Cabaret Club in his hometown – a venue      over for his business leadership and
    will surprise many as publicity on gambling       that played host to some of the most        pioneering vision.
     sponsorship centres on football. So, the big     famous entertainers of the 1960s and 70s.      “I had the privilege of his advice and
 questions are: will the Premier League voluntary        But the entrepreneur’s most well         guidance not only as a business partner
    ban happen and, if so, will other divisions or
                                                      – known venture wouldn’t come until         but as a son. He was one of a kind, and
   sports such as rugby and cricket follow suit?”
                                                      almost half a century later – as, in        will be greatly missed by his family, many
                                                      2012, alongside his son Simon, Thomas       friends and staff members.”
                                                      opened the Hippodrome Casino in                Jimmy Thomas will also be sorely
    Alex Burmaster, Head of Research                  London’s Leicester Square.                  missed by all of us at Gambling Insider
    and Analysis at Caytoo, on a rise in
                                                         The landmark building has stood          and we send our condolences to
  front-of-shirt gambling sponsorships
                                                      for 122 years, and through Thomas’          everyone at the Hippodrome.
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   “His electric performances will pair perfectly with    FOOTBALL CAME HOME, BRINGING WOMEN’S
                                                          FOOTBALL BETTING WITH IT
  our immersive atmosphere, bringing our guests an
unmatched show unlike anything else they can find in
 Las Vegas. We can’t wait to kick off his residency and   After Chloe Kelly’s extra time winner,     support for the Lionesses, reporting
         continue to amplify our talent line-up”          England ended 56 years of footballing      76% of wagers made backed them to
                                                          pain by claiming victory over Germany in   triumph.
                                                          the Euro 2022 final last Sunday, it was       GI Verdict: The 87,000 people in
                                                          more than the players and fans who         attendance at Wembley told the story
       Zouk Group CEO Andrew Li on                        were celebrating (although the England     before any stats needed to paint a
       Travis Scott’s Zouk Nightclub                      win cost operators a fair bit!).           deeper picture: this match mattered.
           Las Vegas residency
                                                             According to Flutter Entertainment,     This whole tournament mattered.
                                                          the final saw a betting rise that made     There were no empty seats at the home
                                                          it the biggest female sporting event       of football, the England fans were
                                                          in history, in gambling terms.             ready to see 56 years of hurt come to a
                                                             Paddy Power noted a 26% increase        satisfying end, against the old enemy,
                                                          in volume when compared to the 2019        Germany, no less.
                                                          FIFA Women’s World Cup Final, while           As soon as the betting statistics
“Problem gambling can affect any individual from any      Sky Betting and Gaming saw a 17%           were announced by gambling
walk of life, but several academic studies have reached   rise – with over 900,000 wagers placed     companies, it only served to underline
  the same finding that athletes are up to four times     before kick-off.                           what we already knew. Women’s
         more likely to suffer its consequences”             Of course, England were the heavy       football has reached a new plane
                                                          favourites going into the event, with      – and for bookmakers, this is a breath
                                                          Paddy Power revealing over 74% of the      of fresh air.
                                                          bets placed were backing the home             Going forward, the interest in
    John Millington, Senior Director at                   side at Wembley. Betfair followed          women’s football will see a focus
   Epic Risk Management, on Epic Risk                     suit, reporting 67% were in favour of      on the sport not seen before – which
   Management and GIS’ partnership to                     England to win.                            translates to more wagers on matches
        study gambling addiction
                                                             While Sky Betting saw the biggest       for betting companies.
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                                    HOLDINGS’ BOTTOM LINE
         (09:30AM GMT)              SJM Holdings has reported heavy          in the tender for new Macau gaming
                                    losses in its H1 results, which it       concessions later this year and to
                                    attributes to the lockdowns and          our continued presence in Macau
SJM Holdings                        Covid-related struggles Macau has        for many years to come.”
2.76 HKD                   18%
                                    suffered in the past year.                 GI Verdict: The lockdowns imposed
                                       The first 6 months of 2022 proved     upon Macau have devastated the
                                    brutal for the Hong Kong-based           Chinese gambling hub and show why
                                    casino giant, as it reported a 21%       SJM has made such significant losses
Wynn Macau                     6%
5.03 HKD                            drop in revenue, totalling HK$4.13bn     during the first 6 months of 2022.
                                    ($525.9m). While net gaming income       Of course, SJM will be hoping those
                                    also took a hit, falling 25% annually.   losses are not compounded by further
                                       However, it’s the adjusted EBITDA     financial pain when it announces its
                                    which best underlines the losses         H2 results at the end of the year – at
MGM China
                               7%   accrued over the course of H1, as        which point more serious decisions
4.10 HKD
                                    it made HK$1.17bn ($149m), a sum         about the state of Macau’s gambling
                                    representing a 133% drop on 2021.        industry will be asked, should gains
                                       After reporting the losses, SJM       not be made.
                                    Vice Chairman and CEO Dr Ambrose           The truth of the matter remains
Galaxy Entertainment           1%
46.95 HKD
                                    So stated: “Working hand in hand         that China needs to adopt a different
                                    with the community, we are doing         approach to Covid, as the gambling
                                    our utmost to support the Macau          industry will continue to suffer the
                                    Government’s efforts to fight Covid-19   wrath of lockdowns should it continue
                                    while at the same time remaining         as it has into the near future. A policy
Sands China
18.24 HKD
                               3%   loyal to our dedicated staff. We look    which could leave Macau falling
                                    forward to successful participation      behind other casino markets for now.
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This week, Relax Gaming and bet365
reached a deal that will see Relax supply
its gaming content to bet365 and its
customer base.
   The move is expected to see Relax
Gaming – which has such titles as Snake
Arena and Monkey Train 2 – have a larger
impact in key jurisdictions, as the sheer
size of bet365’s global reach will give
Relax more of a market footprint.
   Nadiya Attard, Relax Gaming’s chief
commercial officer, made note of the
significance of the deal for the iGaming
supplier, saying: “Naturally, bet365 needs     Attard was keen to emphasise, while           differentiate itself.”
no introduction. As the biggest operator       outlining bet365’s strengths: “The               GI Verdict: Relax Gaming will be
in our sector, taking our products live with   operator has a famously in-depth              very happy with this agreement, as
them is a hugely important moment for          understanding of its player-base and          bet365 will almost certainly see it enjoy
us as we continue to expand at pace.”          consistently has an impact on the             widespread exposure.
   However, this recent deal isn’t the first   market through innovation and a                  And, what’s more impressive is that
Relax has made with a major operator,          high-quality offering.”                       it appears to have done so soon after
as it signed an agreement with Entain            She continued: “As a result, we’re          appointing Simon Hammon as its new
last June, which will allow access to the      delighted the brand has chosen Relax          CEO, which became official in July of this
Spanish market.                                to enrichen its offering even further.        year. So, even with such change being
   That said, Relax’s deal with bet365         I’m sure the addition of our premium          undertaken on the inside, Relax is
is much larger in scope, and will cover        portfolio will only benefit that reputation   taking strides to ensure the growth of
multiple international markets. A fact         further as bet365 continues to grow and       its brand in multiple markets.
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After years of attempts, promises                                                        betting industry to MA.”
and outright frustration, the state of                                                      GI Verdict: The opening up of
Massachusetts – at the last minute                                                       Massachusetts to gambling will see
– agreed a new bill which will open up                                                   it join the 30+ other states, as well
the state’s gambling laws and allow the                                                  as Washington DC, in creating a new
public to place bets on sporting events                                                  revenue market for those who wish
for the first time.                                                                      to bet on sporting events.
   The new legislation, which will be                                                       Typically a democratic stronghold,
signed into state law shortly by Governor                                                the debate over whether or not
Charlie Baker, who has backed the                                                        Massachusetts should legalise gambling
legalisation of gambling within the                                                      has raged since the Supreme Court
state, stipulates that gambling will                                                     struck down the Professional and
be legal on all professional sport.                                                      Amateur Sport Protection Act in 2018
   While an agreement on collegiate                                                      – but has found strong public backing
sport was also reached – despite vast                                                    from Massachusettsans.
differences on both sides – meaning                                                         With the famed adoration for
gambling on college events in                 After the agreement was reached in         various sporting outfits in Massachusetts
Massachusetts will be illegal, unless       Massachusetts, Speaker Ron Mariano           – including The Red Sox, The New
the college team is competing in a          tweeted: “I am proud to announce             England Patriots, The Boston Bruins
national tournament.                        that the Sports Betting Conference           and The Boston Celtics – the legalisation
   Furthermore, the bill introduces a       Committee has reached an agreement           of sports wagering appears to be a
20% tax rate for online sports gambling     on legislation that will legalise wagering   lucrative move by the state House
and a 15% rate on all retail market         on professional and collegiate sports in     and Senate in the long run. But it
wagers, while not allowing any betting      Massachusetts, bringing the immense          has opted to carefully manage the
transactions to be made by credit card.     economic benefits of a legal sports          industry with strict regulations.
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REVENUE REPORTS: NH, RI                           NEW HAMPSHIRE: JUNE
Fantini Research partners with Gambling Insider   NEW HAMPSHIRE: JUNE
                                                  SPORTS BETTING REVENUE
                                                  NEW HAMPSHIRE:  JUNE                   JUNE                 CHANGE (%)
to provide weekly gaming industry data. This                                       REVENUE (M)              YEAR-ON-YEAR
                                                  SPORTS BETTING REVENUE                 JUNE                 CHANGE (%)
week, we look at sports betting revenue from                                       REVENUE (M)              YEAR-ON-YEAR
                                                  SPORTS BETTING REVENUE               $3.911
                                                                                         JUNE                    +53.18
                                                                                                              CHANGE  (%)
New Hampshire and revenue from all sources                                         REVENUE (M)              YEAR-ON-YEAR
                                                  Retail                                 $3.911
                                                                                         $0.908                  +53.18
for Rhode Island.                                 Mobile                                 $3.911                  +53.18
                                                  Total Revenue                          $0.908
                                                                                         $4.819                  +31.03
                                                  Retail                                 $0.908                  +31.03
                                                  Total Handle
                                                         Revenue                         $4.819
                                                                                        $53.568                  +24.53
                                                  Total Revenue                          $4.819                  +24.53
                                                  Total Handle                          $53.568                  +36.42
                                                  RHODE  Handle
                                                          ISLAND: JUNE REVENUE          $53.568                  +36.42
                                                  RHODE ISLAND: JUNE REVENUE
                                                  RHODE ISLAND:REVENUE
                                                                 JUNE REVENUE            JUNE                 CHANGE (%)
                                                                                   REVENUE (M)              YEAR-ON-YEAR
                                                  ALL-SOURCES REVENUE                    JUNE                 CHANGE (%)
                                                  Twin River (BALY)
                                                  ALL-SOURCES  REVENUE             REVENUE (M)
                                                                                         JUNE               YEAR-ON-YEAR
                                                                                                              CHANGE  (%)
                                                                                   REVENUE (M)              YEAR-ON-YEAR
                                                  Twin River
                                                  Tiverton   (BALY)
                                                           (BALY)                       $39.400
                                                                                        $10.878                  +15.19
                                                  Twin River (BALY)                     $39.400                  +15.19
                                                  Total    (BALY)                       $10.878
                                                                                        $50.278                   +4.91
                                                  Tiverton (BALY)                       $10.878                   +4.91
                                                  Total                                 $50.278                  +12.80
                                                  Total                                 $50.278                  +12.80
                                                  SLOTS                                  JUNE                 CHANGE (%)
                                                                                   REVENUE (M)              YEAR-ON-YEAR
                                                  SLOTS                                  JUNE                 CHANGE (%)
                                                  Twin River
                                                  SLOTS                            REVENUE (M)
                                                                                         JUNE               YEAR-ON-YEAR
                                                                                                              CHANGE  (%)
                                                                                   REVENUE (M)              YEAR-ON-YEAR
                                                  Twin River
                                                  Tiverton                              $32.709
                                                                                         $9.525                  +16.92
                                                  Twin River                            $32.709                  +16.92
                                                  Total Slots                            $9.525
                                                                                        $42.235                   +9.11
                                                  Tiverton                               $9.525                   +9.11
                                                  Total Slots                           $42.235                  +15.06
                                                  Total Slots                           $42.235                  +15.06
                                                  TABLE GAMES                            JUNE                 CHANGE (%)
                                                                                   REVENUE (M)              YEAR-ON-YEAR
                                                  TABLE GAMES                            JUNE                 CHANGE (%)
                                                  Twin River
                                                  TABLE GAMES                      REVENUE (M)
                                                                                         JUNE               YEAR-ON-YEAR
                                                                                                              CHANGE  (%)
                                                                                   REVENUE (M)              YEAR-ON-YEAR
                                                  Twin River
                                                  Tiverton                               $6.690
                                                                                         $1.353                    +7.42
                                                  Twin River                             $6.690                    +7.42
                                                  Total Table Games                      $1.353
                                                                                         $8.044                   -17.43
                                                  Tiverton                               $1.353                   -17.43
                                                  Total Table Games                      $8.044                    +2.24
                                                  Total Table Games                      $8.044                    +2.24
                                                  SPORTS BETTING                JUNE         CHANGE (%)       OPERATORS
                                                                          REVENUE (M)      YEAR-ON-YEAR
                                                  SPORTS BETTING                JUNE         CHANGE (%)       OPERATORS
                                                  SPORTS BETTING          REVENUE (M)
                                                                                JUNE       YEAR-ON-YEAR
                                                                                             CHANGE  (%)      OPERATORS
                                                                                                                IGT / CZR
                                                                          REVENUE (M)      YEAR-ON-YEAR
                                                  Tiverton                    $1.734
                                                                              $0.279               +1.26
                                                                                                  -38.07         IGT / CZR
                                                  Online                      $1.734               +1.26         IGT / CZR
                                                  Twin  River                 $0.279
                                                                              $0.340              -38.07
                                                                                                  -77.37               CZR
                                                  Tiverton                    $0.279              -38.07               CZR
                                                  Total River
                                                        Revenue               $0.340
                                                                              $2.353              -77.37
                                                                                                   -35.82              CZR
                                                  Twin River                  $0.340              -77.37               CZR
                                                  Total Handle
                                                  Total Revenue               $2.353
                                                                             $34.230               -35.82
                                                  Total Revenue               $2.353               -35.82
                                                  Total Handle               $34.230              +16.16
                                                  Total Handle               $34.230              +16.16
SLOTS                              JUNE                 CHANGE (%)
                             REVENUE (M)              YEAR-ON-YEAR
SLOTS                              JUNE                 CHANGE (%)
Twin River                   REVENUE (M)
                                $32.709               YEAR-ON-YEAR
                                  Provided by
Twin River
Tiverton                          $32.709
                                   $9.525                  +16.92
Total Slots                        $9.525
                                  $42.235                   +9.11
Total Slots                       $42.235                  +15.06
TABLE GAMES                        JUNE                 CHANGE (%)
                             REVENUE (M)              YEAR-ON-YEAR
TABLE GAMES                        JUNE                 CHANGE (%)
Twin River                   REVENUE (M)
                                 $6.690               YEAR-ON-YEAR
Twin River
Tiverton                           $6.690
                                   $1.353                   +7.42
Total Table Games                  $1.353
                                   $8.044                  -17.43
Total Table Games                  $8.044                   +2.24
SPORTS BETTING            JUNE         CHANGE (%)       OPERATORS
                    REVENUE (M)      YEAR-ON-YEAR
SPORTS BETTING            JUNE         CHANGE (%)       OPERATORS
Online              REVENUE (M)
                        $1.734       YEAR-ON-YEAR
                                           +1.26          IGT / CZR
Tiverton                $1.734
                        $0.279               +1.26
                                            -38.07        IGT / CZR

Twin  River             $0.279
                        $0.340              -38.07
                                            -77.37             CZR
Total River
      Revenue           $0.340
                        $2.353              -77.37
                                             -35.82            CZR

Total Handle
Total Revenue           $2.353
                       $34.230              -35.82
Total Handle           $34.230              +16.16
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                                                                  How significant is the added revenue for the customer?
                                             GUEST                It’s huge; there are several different practical applications
                                                                  for our platforms and one of them is footfall. The practical
                                                                  application of that is to be able to tell the slot manager
                                    INTERVIEW                     which areas are performing better than others. It’s
                                                                  constantly measuring 24/7, so they may have staff members
                                                                  that are looking at slot flow and point flow at certain days
                                                                  or certain times that staff is available – but this is a real
                                                                  snapshot 24/7 that can tell where busy spots are or where
                                 TODD MYERS,                      not busy spots are. From a revenue perspective that makes
                               FOUNDER & CEO, GOZONE WIFI         a huge difference because they can place the proper games
                                                                  in certain areas.

                    Myers speaks with Gambling Insider about      How does your platform drive player loyalty?
data marketing, trying to improve casino flow, affordability      One of the platforms collects data, and the data that it
and data privacy...                                               collects is personally identifiable information – obviously
                                                                  we have the tools to comply with GDPR and all the privacy
                                                                  laws – and most people don’t have an issue with entering
How many casinos has your system been implemented                 information. So, with the data released to us, our platform
in currently?                                                     can input data automatically on that person, such as
Right now, we’ve got about seven casinos that are using           birthday, gender, etc.
our platform. But the beautiful thing about our system is           From what we’ve seen, 40% of the people that are in a
we’re not actually hardware based; we don’t have a physical       casino are carded, 60% are not, so the marketing dollar is
component, our software integrates with most enterprise           primarily going to carded members and loyalty customers
-grade Wi-Fi that already exists. That’s why these casinos love   – and that’s where the existing data is.
our product, because they can just add us in to existing            Our idea is to ask how do you get the other 60%, how
infrastructure and they don’t need to buy anything new.           do you convert them to become carded? Well, when you
Immediately they have access to a plethora of data                walk into a casino generally your cell phone dies, it gets
they never had access to before.                                  poor signal – especially here in the US, where we have a
                                                                  lot of Indian Reservations that have the casinos on them,
How long does the software take to install?                       and a lack of towers is a big issue.
Everything can be done remotely. We’ve got set-up guys,             What we found is people generally access Wi-Fi when
so we work with the casino’s IT team to integrate the right       they arrive if they want to stay connected. To gain access,
platform and, in general, product set up usually takes less       they enter a lot of information – at which point, we can
than a day. We integrate natively and partner with most of the    customise some campaigns that go to them by email or
large hardware companies.                                         text message, promoting things within the property as well
  This isn’t new software by any means, it’s just software        as the loyalty carded programme.
that’s been used in different verticals. Now, we’re really          From that, we’ve seen a huge uptick of non-carded players
shifting our message into the gaming space because there’s a      converting into loyal players because the campaigns we’ve
lot of opportunity for gaming to take the data and utilise        created are being driven through our system. They’re real-time,
player returns.                                                   they’re relevant, they’re in the property – it’s not like

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sometimes you type in your email address and six weeks                  to get an understanding of everybody that comes into the
later you get an email from the property. This is an email              property, whether they’re loyalty players or not – this way
talking to you right now, perhaps giving you a coupon, casino           they have a new way to talk to those players.
dollars – that’s the difference with our platform, it’s current, it’s
personalised – but, at the same time, it complies with all the          Are you ahead of your competitors in the field?
privacy settings.                                                       We don’t see many competitors in this space specifically
                                                                        related to Wi-Fi. There are all kinds of channels to collect
On that point, what do you do with the data, because                    information on players; we are just another one more
in this post-Snowden world people really care about                     of those channels that’s a part of the marketing pie. But
where it’s going?                                                       we have immediate relevance to the players, we can
We don’t even share it internally with ourselves, it’s only             immediately communicate with the people; however,
accessible by the facility – and with that said, it will                we don’t see a lot of competition in this space.
generally integrate with an existing loyalty system or
an existing CRM.                                                        How long have you been going now; when did this concept
                                                                        become real?
                                                                        We’re an eight-year-old company and this data has been
                                                                        readily available for verticals in different industries, all we’re
“Generally, IT departments are                                          doing is adapting it to the gaming industry. Primarily, it’s
                                                                        been used for years to capture information in restaurants,
 always shrinking, due to costs,                                        hotels, airports, places like that. So it’s adapting existing

so this gives that IT department                                        technology into a different vertical and focusing on that,
                                                                        that’s really what we’re trying to accomplish here.

    the opportunity to either                                              We’re doing well because of the relevant data and marketing
                                                                        as a huge budget line item for these gaming and casino
  expand or refresh equipment                                           properties. One of the big things our platform has done
                                                                        is that marketing departments see so much value in the
 because it’s always changing”                                          data we’re able to provide that they’re willing to open up
                                                                        their budgets and drive an IT infrastructure.
                                                                           Generally, IT departments are always shrinking, due to
                                                                        costs, so this gives that IT department the opportunity to
So, you as GoZone don’t touch the data?                                 either expand or refresh equipment because it’s always
Well, we store it, but we don’t touch it, there’s no humans             changing. A lot of IT departments want to switch to the
that see it.                                                            new technology, but they don’t have the budget – if we
                                                                        can give a reason for the marketing department to open up
Are there any plans to expand to further casinos?                       their budget and help drive the IT refresh, then really what
There are, we’re working with several different properties              we’re seeing is our platform acting as a bridge to those
in the US – and also now, because we’re getting some                    budgets: IT vs Marketing.
visibility in the US, we’re hearing from other countries that are
interested in sharing their data. That’s the beauty of the              If more and more people adopt your system, will it become
system, it can be used globally – not just North America                more affordable?
– it’s cloud-based and can be implemented anywhere.                     That’s right and it makes it much easier for the user, while
                                                                        adding a layer of security for that user as well. Some of the
Where would you like to make sure you have a presence?                  things we do generally promote device isolations, ensuring
Well, we want to maintain a presence in Nevada; we already              your handset or telephone can’t be seen by any other
have a presence there and a couple of casinos are using our             devices on that network.
system, as well as California. So, primarily North America,
but now we’re hearing more internationally. We just started             With security being so essential, has that been a problem
talking to a casino in Macau. As they come out of the                   for you or has it worked well from day one?
Covid lockdowns, it’s an opportune time to activate this                It’s worked pretty well from day one. We’ve actually had to
because it’s very quick and easy to activate the service.               work with the hardware companies to have them perfect
I think that’s where the facilities, pre-pandemic, only knew            some things on their side, because it’s more to do with the
how to communicate with carded players.                                 physical hardware functionality and how devices talk to
   But what about the non-carded players, are you open or               the different access points. But we have helped facilitate
not open? This is an opportunity for those casino facilities            that to be able to adopt more secure standards.
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                                                                                                               and pandemic-enforced restrictions.
                                THE                                                                               We all know this will change: just like with Las Vegas, once
                                                                                                               Macau’s casinos fully open for business again, revenue figures
                                                                                                               will absolutely fly. As we have also detailed, though, right now
                                DEBRIEF                                                                        it is very much a question of when.
                                                                                                                  Naturally, however, these are land-based problems. And
                                                                                                               the most noticeable trend of growth over the past four years
                                                                                                               has been that of the online gaming industry. Sports betting
GROWING CHANGE, CHANGING GROWTH                                                                                has become more and more digitalised but this has been
Over the last few years, scarcely have there been many GI                                                      even further expedited when it comes to casino and online
Fridays that have not covered some type of industry shift,                                                     slots. Here, we’ve seen the amalgamation of operators and
be it regulatory or M&A. In that time, we have inevitably                                                      suppliers, the rise of aggregators and the proliferation of
seen change – an inordinate amount during Covid-19                                                             game design studios.
lockdown months – but even more inevitably, growth.                                                               A lot has happened, a lot has changed – despite
  Since the overturning of PASPA in May 2018, we have brought                                                  gambling’s core offering ultimately remaining very similar.
you news of multiple states legalising sports betting on what                                                  One thing that has definitively changed is the skyline of the
seems like a weekly basis. In the coming years, we will no doubt                                               industry, with Evolution and Aristocrat being two big movers
bring you more of the same, as regulated sports wagering slowly                                                during this golden age of global gaming.
becomes part of the daily fabric of US sport.                                                                     On the operator side, meanwhile, Flutter Entertainment and
  Due primarily to the effects of Covid-19, we have also seen                                                  Entain form huge chunks of the industry today. Perhaps the
Las Vegas’ return to its throne as the globe’s premier gaming                                                  biggest measure of change over this time? Following major
hub. Macau, as this issue of GI Friday has the unfortunate                                                     rebrands and serial M&A, neither of those names even existed
pleasure of detailing, is seriously struggling due to closures                                                 four years ago.

Produced and published by Players Publishing Ltd. Curated by Tim Poole ( with contributions from the Gambling Insider team. All material is strictly copyrighted and all rights
reserved. Reproduction without permission is forbidden. Every care is taken to compile GI Friday but we assume no responsibility for the effects arising therefrom. The views expressed are not necessarily those of
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