Highland Ave. Orland Park, IL 60462 - 708-349-0903 www.saintmike.com - St. Michael Parish

Page created by Theodore Barber
Highland Ave. Orland Park, IL 60462 - 708-349-0903 www.saintmike.com - St. Michael Parish
St . Michael Parish
14327 Highland Ave. Orland Park, IL 60462 — 708-349-0903
Highland Ave. Orland Park, IL 60462 - 708-349-0903 www.saintmike.com - St. Michael Parish
Voice of Saint Michael                                                         September 19, 2021

This week’s readings are truly timeless. I think they speak to people of all ages. Every age
seems to have its own set of challenges and difficulties. Sometimes there is the challenge of
war, violence or poverty. Our times are challenged with these and a more inclusive word --

Bullying is not just something that happens to children and teenagers. It happens to young
adults, adults and senior citizens. It has reached epidemic proportions. Social Media has
not helped. Many people feel the freedom to write about anyone at any time without
realizing the damage that is done to someone’s feelings or reputation.

When we bully, we first judge others and then decide they are inferior to us. Then we put
them down to build ourselves up. Sometimes we try to get others involved so that we do not
have to do it alone. However, is this the way that decent people should act? Is this the way
Christians are supposed to behave?

St. James tells us no. St. James tells us what is at the bottom of judging. St. James says,
“Where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every foul practice.”
When we judge others and find them lacking often times the problem is ours. We are often
jealous and self-ambitious. We covet but do not possess; we envy but we cannot obtain; we
fight and wage war using everything at our disposal – insults, half-truths, slander, and
gossip. True wisdom comes from above. How will we recognize it? It is pure, peaceful,
gentle, works together with others, and is full of mercy and good fruits. Let us follow the
Wisdom of God, and not the foolish wisdom of our world.

Catechetical Sunday
This weekend we celebrate Catechetical Sunday. The theme for this year is “Say the Word
and My Soul Shall be Healed”. We should recognize these words as they are similar to
those we pray before receiving Communion, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under
my roof; only say the word and my soul shall be healed”. Catechetical Sunday is a
wonderful opportunity to reflect upon the role that each person plays by virtue of Baptism,
in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. This is done in our daily life, our
families, our work, and our church involvement. This is an opportunity for all of us to
rededicate ourselves to the mission of Jesus as a community of faith. We are all called to be
catechists. Not everyone is called to be in a classroom setting, however, all are called to be
catechists. A catechist is, first, a person of faith, a disciple of Christ and then a witness to
others. We are called to be witnesses to Christ’s love, mercy and compassion. Can you
imagine what our world would look like if we all accepted our call to be catechists to each

Seminary Appeal
This weekend is the Annual Seminary Appeal. I ask you to be generous in support of the
Annual Seminary Appeal and to continue to pray for vocations to the priesthood and
religious life.
In Christ’s love, Fr. Frank
Highland Ave. Orland Park, IL 60462 - 708-349-0903 www.saintmike.com - St. Michael Parish
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                             September 19, 2021

 Taking Home the Sunday Scriptures                                                      Have you ever had a conversa on
  Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                  with someone about who the best
                     September 19, 2021                                                 basketball player is? If you are
                                                                                        from Chicago, you might say
         St. James message of peace is as true now as                                   Michael Jordan. Then, you would
it was two thousand years ago. Where else do wars                                       hear other people’s opinions:
and terrorism come from, than people holding on to              LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Larry Bird….the list goes on
wealth, power, or hatred? But the message James                 and on! It is an honest conversa on to have with friends
shares, and that of Jesus in the gospel, is a simple call
                                                                – who is the best at baseball, football, cheerleading or
to be different. Neither of them condemns anyone.
They call us to look at what we really want and what            dance? It can be a fun conversa on and bring up a lot of
truly brings happiness.                                         good memories of games played in the past.
         Jesus’ disciples argued about who was                  This conversa on is similar to what Jesus overheard on
greatest. Instead of slapping them down for their               his way through Galilee. He overheard his disciples
selfish pride, he looks at what they could be and calls         talking about who they thought was the greatest. Jesus
them to a different attitude. To be truly happy, they           used a child to let them know that God loves all of us
must let go of pride and arrogance; they must learn             equally – there is no greatest according to God, we are
that serving others is the only way to experience love          all the same in His eyes. The importance of using a child
and joy.                                                        to help the disciples to understand this is simple. You
         We are no different today. We have to learn
that having the latest gadget, the most expensive cell-         see, in those days, children were to be seen and not
phone, or the latest-model car are at best temporary            heard. People in those days did not think children were
delights. And that being admired by acquaintances is            as smart as we know them to be today! They took them
never as lasting as loving someone for themselves.              for granted and some mes ignored their ideas or the
Jesus offers even more: the joy of being loved by               way they viewed life. However, Jesus wanted us to know
God and helping others to know Him. Think about                 that all people, no ma er the age or gi s that they were
Jesus’ words to the disciples: He is the Son of God,            given, were loved equally by God.
yet he wants to lead us not just to himself, but to the         This is important to think about. O en, we may view
Father.                                                         people in power to be amazing and perfect. However,
         Can we learn to be more excited about what
                                                                they are just like you and me. God loves them just as
God has done for us than what we did to improve our
home? Can we share our faith in God’s mercy instead             much as He loves you and me! You may know kids in
of bragging about our golf or bowling scores? Are we            school that are good at math, sports, science, reading
more interested in impressing members of the                    and that is all great and amazing – but all of that is not
opposite sex, or treating all people with respect?              the MOST important to God. God gave us these gi s and
         St. James ends our second reading with a               it is important to use them but understand that what IS
challenging statement: He says we ask but don’t                 important to God is that you love Him – just like He loves
receive because we ask wrongly. How often do we                 you! He wants you to build a rela onship with Him.
desire things that won’t really make us happy? Do we            One of the things that I remember about Kobe Bryant,
pray for things we don’t really need? Would we ask              when he passed away, was the fact that he went to
God to punish those who hurt us, or to help us
                                                                church right before his tragic death. Kobe Bryant was
forgive them? Let us ask God to show us his love and
to help those around us to experience it too.                   arguably one of the best basketball players of our me.
Tom Schmidt, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.                       However, he understood that he had a gi given to him
                                                                by God. He went to church to praise God and to give
                                                                thanks. Many of his fans had peace in their heart
                                                                knowing that Kobe went to church prior to his death.
Sunday:         Wis 2:12, 17-20; Jas 3:16-4:3; Mk 9:30-37       Kobe may not have been a perfect human being. He may
Monday:         Ezr 1:1-6; Lk 8:16-18                           not have been a perfect husband, father or friend but
Tuesday:        Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Mt 9:9-13                     God loved him – just like he loves you and me. Isn’t it
Wednesday:      Ezr 9:5-9; Lk 9:1-6                             wonderful to know that God loves us this way? It gives
Thursday:       Hg 1:1-8; Lk 9:7-9
Friday:         Hg 2:1-9; Lk 9:18-22                            me a lot of peace knowing that God loves us – even
Saturday:       Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a; Lk 9:43b-45                  though we aren’t perfect. Let us pray: Father, thank you
Sunday:         Nm 11:25-29; Jas 5:1-6; Mk 9:38-43, 45,         for loving me so much! Help to remember this all the
                47-48                                           days of my life.
Highland Ave. Orland Park, IL 60462 - 708-349-0903 www.saintmike.com - St. Michael Parish
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                     September 19, 2021
           MASS INTENTIONS FOR                                               RCIA: The Rite of Christian
            SEPTEMBER 20—26                                                  Initiation of Adults is the process
All Mass Intentions are posted on the parish web site                        through which people learn about
and are read at Masses.                                                      the Catholic faith and join our
Monday, September 20, 2021                                                   community of believers. The
6:30 am     Irene Radecky                                                    sessions include presentations on
                                                            scripture, sacraments, prayer, seasons of the
8:00 am        Kathleen Varnagis                            liturgical year, church history and other topics.
               Cheryl Pilarczyk                             Former RCIA Participants have said:
                                                              * RCIA is such a special experience each week,
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
6:30 am      Virginia Bialek                                I feel so welcomed, and received with warmth and
8:00 am        People of St. Michael                          * I looked forward to RCIA every Sunday. It
                                                            was a very rewarding and enriching experience.
Wednesday, September 22, 2021                                 * I joined RCIA in order to have a better
6:30 am     Joy Witt                                        understanding of my husband’s faith. Through the
            Darlene Pryszcz                                 course of the year, I found that every week I was
8:00 am        Daniel Kardas                                attending less for someone else and more for me.
               David Perez                                  The knowledge and support I gained was
                                                            exceptional and the Easter Vigil was the
Thursday, September 23, 2021                                culmination of a fabulous year of growth for me.
6:30 am      People of St. Michael                            * I wish I had done this years ago. Who might
8:00 am        Fred Becker                                  be interested?
                                                              * A spouse who would like to understand why
Friday, September 24, 2021                                  Mass is important
6:30 am      People of St. Michael                            * A friend or neighbor who asks questions about
                                                            why Catholics do the things they do
8:00 am        People of St. Michael
                                                              * Someone who never had any religious
Saturday, September 25, 2021 MORNING                        education
8:30 am      People of St. Michael                            * Someone who has been away from the Church
                                                            for a while and would like to take another look
Saturday, September 25 EVENING and                          If you know someone who may have similar
Sunday, September 26, 2021                                  feelings, please invite that person to consider
4:30 pm        Kathleen Varnagis
                                                            RCIA. In order to know more about the process,
               Bernard Tess                                 please call the parish office at 349-0903.
               Rita Thompson                                   Attention: St Vincent de Paul
               Helen Ercoli
               Chuck Kalousek                                        Bundle Weekend
7:30 am        Anthony Armijo
               Gina Bendivenga
9:30 am        Camille Brewster
               Steve and Marilyn Viz
               Bridie Murray                                        When: Saturday & Sunday
               Joe Schwartz                                               October 2nd & 3rd
               Richard Geimer
11:30 am       Emma Becker                                  What: Clothing, household items,
               Giuseppe La Spina                                  toys, craft supplies,
               Sofia Jura                                         sports equipment
1:30 pm        People of St. Michael
                                                                Thank you! The SVdP Team
Highland Ave. Orland Park, IL 60462 - 708-349-0903 www.saintmike.com - St. Michael Parish
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                        September 19, 2021

              Eucharistic Holy Hour,                                   WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT

              Rosary and Benediction                            Megan Lisek & Edward Ryan

              Tuesday, September 21                                        September 25, 2021

                3:30 PM in Chapel
               NOTE LOCATION!
Fr. Geofrey will offer Holy Hour twice a
month. One of the Holy Hours will be at                      Please Pray For The Sick
3:30 pm in the Chapel and the other at                        We continue to remember the sick, the infirm,
7:00 pm in the Church. Please check the                       and all those recommended to our prayers; and
bulletin for dates, times, and locations for                  especially, the following, that they may
Holy Hour.                                                    experience the healing and power of Christ:
                                                             Tom Berta, Sharon Burbridge, Pat Chuchla,
                                                             Ronnie Dryier, Tom Hudon,
 July Monthly Contributions Correction                       Maureen Jandacek, Lisa Johnston,
              $ 105, 160                                     Catherine Lenart, Helen McGeehan,
                                                             John Micun, Donna Micun, Jason Nonaka,
       August Monthly Contributions                          William Nowicki, Tim O ‘Shea,
               $ 121, 866                                    Donald Patterson, Lorraine Peppmuller,
                                                             Julie Stratton Radilla, Marie Seaman,
Support St. Michael Parish                                   Lois Skowronski, James Winskas, Bob Yatka,
by shopping at AmazonSmile.                                  Audrey Zarembski, Mark Zuro
                                                             and all ill from coronavirus and those injured in
SHOP with Amazon Smile and                                   service to their country.
the school/church will receive .5% of
qualifying purchases made. When you shop with
Amazon sign in to SMILE.AMAZON.COM and select                Please Pray For . . .
St. Michael as your charity.                                 Those who have died and their families

                  eGiving with Faith Direct                  Barbara Hankins, wife of Melvin
                  Please join in enrolling by visiting
                  www.faithdirect.net to enroll              Sharon LaMantia, wife of Joe, mother of Jeanine
                  securely online.                              and Joseph
                  Our parish code is IL851.

Highland Ave. Orland Park, IL 60462 - 708-349-0903 www.saintmike.com - St. Michael Parish
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                    September 19, 2021
                 To inspire you to make a joyful noise (sing at mass) once more,
                   I’ve put together a list of seven great reasons to do so:
Reason #7: Singing makes us happier.
Singing makes us happier. Did you know that singing releases dopamine? When people
undergo a CT scan while singing, numerous areas of the brain light up. Motor, auditory,
planning, organization, memory, language (if words were involved), and emotional centers
of the brain all become active when you sing. Not only that, but the emotional network also
augments the social bonding and empathy pathways as well. Basically, singing music together helps us to feel
more connected to each other and releases the “happy hormone” dopamine, something we very much need
after a year of isolation. For more, see Choir Singing Improves Health, Happiness….

                                     You are invited to join
                              St Michael Children’s Choir

Fall Masses:
      Sunday             September 19       11:30 a.m.
      Sunday             October 17         11:30 a.m.
      Saturday           October 23         4:30 p.m.
      Saturday           November 6         4:30 p.m.
      Saturday           November 20        4:30 p.m.

Rehearsals are Thursdays at 4:30-5:30 p.m. in the Ministry Room

All Elementary through Junior High students are invited!

To sign up, please return this form to the parish office or email to Gina Torbett,
Children’s Choir Director gtorbett@saintmike.com
                           Children’s Choir Sign-Up Fall 2021

Child’s Name: ________________________________________

Child’s Grade: ________________________________________

Parent’s Name: _______________________________________

Parent’s Email: _______________________________________
Highland Ave. Orland Park, IL 60462 - 708-349-0903 www.saintmike.com - St. Michael Parish
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                      September 19, 2021

                                                               Ministers of Care Training
                                           “I will not forget you.
                                               See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands.” Isaiah 49:16
                                             Ministers of Care visit the faithful in hospitals, nursing homes,
                                            assisted living facilities and in private homes to provide a listening
                                            presence, prayer and the Eucharist. Participants in the required
Ministry of Care training and formation sessions are certified through the Archdiocese of Chicago Office for
Divine Worship. Sessions are offered in two languages, English and Spanish. Qualities of a Minster of Care
include an ability to listen, to maintain confidentiality, prayerfulness, compassion and a gentle and dependable
manner. Before registering for Ministry of Care Training and Formation, potential participants must contact
his or her parish
                                             Ministers of Care Training
                            • Date: Wednesdays: September 22 & 29, October 9, 2021
                                            • Time: 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
                                        • Presenter: Sr. Gael Gensler OSF
                           • Loca on: St. Francis of Assisi Parish at 151st St & Wolf Rd.
REGISTER AT https://ministrycommissionv5.com/event-registration or call the parish office at 708-349-0903

                                             Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Training

                                Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion is the formal title of laypeople
                                who distribute the Eucharist during Mass. This training provides all those
                                wishing to serve in this ministry sufficient spiritual, theological and practical
                                preparation to fulfill their role with knowledge and reverence. All ministers
                                of Holy Communion should show the greatest reverence for the Most Holy
                                Eucharist by their demeanor, their attire, and the manner in which they
handle the consecrated bread or wine. This training is open to adults and teens who have received their
Liturgical Minister Training for Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

• Date: Tuesday, September 21, 2021, & Wednesday, September 22, 2021
• Time: 7:00 pm-9:00 pm
• Presenter: Kathy McNicholas
• Loca on: Incarna on Church on 127th St between Central and Ridgeland Ave.
REGISTER AT https://ministrycommissionv5.com/event-registration or call the parish office at 708-349-0903
                          Day of Reflec on for Ministers of Care

It is essen al for a Minister of Care to be able to share their love of Jesus with those
that they are ministering to. An opportunity for recharging, strengthening, growing
and nourishing your faith is being offered.
• Date: Saturday, October 2, 2021
• Time: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
• Presenter: Fr. Michael Foley
• Loca on: St. Gerald Church in Oak Lawn
REGISTER AT https://ministrycommissionv5.com/event-registration or call the parish office at 708-349-0903

Highland Ave. Orland Park, IL 60462 - 708-349-0903 www.saintmike.com - St. Michael Parish
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                   September 19, 2021

Aguirre, David
Alejos, Mrs. Marlene M.
                                                           5     TH

Baumgarten, Mr. and Mrs. Gary R.
Bingen, Mrs. Elizabeth E.
Bock, Mr. and Mrs. Emil J.                                     Dave Pytynia
Borowski, Mr. and Mrs. John T.
Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Brian                                             $500.00
Cafferty, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R.   Ermel, Mrs. Nancy C.                   Jankiewicz, Mrs. Geraldine
Cannatello, Mr. & Mrs. Frank W.    Farrell                                Jarosz, Mrs. Mary M.
Canterbury, Lynn                   Farrell, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory K.       Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E.
Chenore                            Filetti, Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.       Karsky Family
Cismoski, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew     Floro, Dr. Lourdes D.                  Katalinic, Mr. and Mrs. Marc F.
Colby, Mrs. Marilyn                Fojas, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd              Keefe, Mr. and Mrs. Brian J.
Cunnea, Mr. and Mrs. John C.       Frangella, Gina                        Kelly, Miss Rosemary
Cybor, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.      Fuhrman, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J.        Kowalski, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey
Dahm, Ms. Janet M.                 Furlong, Debra                         Kwak, Miss Joyce and Mr. Bill
Daliege, Mr. and Mrs. Donald A.    Garcia, Ms. Angelica                    Landers, Mr. and Mrs. John P.
Davidson, George                   Gausselin, Ms. Jeanine E.               Laurinaitis, Mrs. Judith
Davila, Alma                       Gerretse, Mrs. Judith                   Lebert, Mr. and Mrs. Mark R.
Davis, Edward                      Gieselmann, Mr. and Mrs. Ray L.         Levato, Mrs. Margaret A.
DeCesare, Mr. and Mrs. Frank       Gorham, Mr. and Mrs. John               Lombardo, Mrs. Mary Anne
Demma, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M.       Grigas, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A.         Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
DeNardo, John                      Hacek, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F.           Maandig, Drs. Emma and Edgar
Devens, Robert                     Harms, Brian                            Madsen, Mr. and Mrs. George M.
Domico, Mr. and Mrs. Paul          Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J.          Magee, Dr. and Mrs. James J.
Donovitch, Mr. & Mrs. William J.   Hilker, Nick                            Manyak, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M.
Doody, Mrs. Mary                   Huie, Sarah                             Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Terrence L.
Duffy, Mr. and Mrs. Michael P.     Hurley, Donna                           Martiradonna, Mr & Mrs Francesco
Dunne, Mr. and Mrs. James E.       Jager, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. James D.
                                                                              MORE NAMES NEXT WEEK!
Duszynski, Mr. & Mrs. William J.   Jandacek, Gregg
Highland Ave. Orland Park, IL 60462 - 708-349-0903 www.saintmike.com - St. Michael Parish
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                                    September 19, 2021

                                                               Catholic Charities
                                                      DAYBREAK CENTER/SHEPHERD’S TABLE
                                                On the first Saturday of every month a group of 8th graders & High
                                                School students prepare and serve lunch at the Shepherd’s Table -
Christ of the Breadlines by Fritz Eichenberg
                                                Soup Kitchen in Joliet. We will be going on
                                          Saturday, October 2nd at 8:00am until 1:00pm.
           If you are a teen and would like to lend a hand, please email Therese Hansen at
             hansentherese12@gmail.com To register.

              You need to email your name and phone number; Therese will contact you.
            At this time only 4 teens will be allowed at the Soup Kitchen, masks will be worn.
                                We leave from St. Michael’s parking lot at 8:00am.
                                      Deadline for sign up is September 29th
                                             Transportation will be provided.
                                   SHEPHERD’S TABLE NEEDS YOUR HELP!!

CAN YOU HELP? Our teens will be serving spaghetti and meatballs for lunch at the Soup Kitchen
this coming Saturday. Please donate breadcrumbs, grated parmesan cheese, onions, eggs, spaghetti
noodles, French bread, cans of green beans, butter, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, ranch dressing,
olive oil, fresh fruit, liters of pop, and homemade desserts.
                             Place your donations in the Narthex kitchen on
                               Thursday & Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm.
                                THANKING YOU IN ADVANCE for your generosity!
                                          St. Michael Youth Ministry

                                                                    Youth Ministry would like to thank
                                                                    everyone who supported the Mum Sale.
                                                                    It was very successful!

                                                                    Thank you to all the volunteers who
                                                                    unloaded the truck, sorted the mums,
                                                                    put the orders together, and carried the
                                                                    mums to cars.

Highland Ave. Orland Park, IL 60462 - 708-349-0903 www.saintmike.com - St. Michael Parish
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                     September 19, 2021

                                                           Here’s how to take part in 40 Days for Life in
                                                           our community:
                                                           Vigil location: Flossmoor Planned Parenthood.
                                                           Public right-of-way on street side of driveway light
                                                           poles. 19831 Governors Highway Flossmoor, IL
                                                           Parking: Please par k on the south side of 198th
                                                           St. All parking lots in the immediate area are
                                                           private property.
                                                           Vigil hours: 7am to 7pm daily
                                                           Local contact: Richar d 40dsfl@gmail.com
You can protect mothers and children by                    Learn more … get involved … and sign up for
joining this worldwide mobilization to pray and            prayer times by visiting our campaign at the web
fast for an end to abortion!                               address shown below!
Through prayer and fasting, peaceful vigils, and
community outreach, 40 Days for Life has inspired          40daysforlife.com/ lossmoor
1,000,000+ volunteers!
With God’s help, her e ar e the pr oven r esults in
550 cities:
    19,198 babies saved fr om abor tion
    221 abortion wor ker s conver ted
    112 abortion center s closed

        Hooks and Needles, St. Michael Prayer Shawl Ministry, began in 2005. For 16 years we
have knit and crocheted hats, scarves, shawls, and baby blankets,. These items have been given to
parishioners, neighbors, friends, the Christ neo-natal unit, Loyola Cancer unit, Hines Hospital, the armed
forces, South Suburban Hospital cancer unit, Palos Hospice, the American Red Cross, the Soup Kitchen and
                               more. Each item is made to enfold someone in pain or distress with love and
                               with prayer.
                               Each item is unique – made with love, in prayer, by a talented man (yes!) or
                               woman who has offered to share a special talent. It is estimated that we have
                               made and donated approximately 8,000 items in the last 16 years.
                               Everyone is invited to join our group. If you knit or
                               crochet, but are unable to attend you can always drop off
                               your shawl at the parish office. There is no fee required
                               for a prayer shawl for a loved one! Cash donations
are always appreciated to purchase yarn and other materials.

       Our 2021 schedule is:
       9:00a.m. until 10:30 a.m. :
              September 21          October 12          October 26
              November 9            November 23*        December 7
                     The location for November 23 may be off campus

       7:00 p.m. until 8:15 p.m.
              October 21             November 18

          For more information, or to request a prayer shawl please call: Donna 708-403-2122
Voice of Saint Michael                                                        September 19, 2021

                                     St. Michael Pack 381
                        Thank you for helping our pack fuel our scouting
                            adventures by participating in our annual
                         fundraiser. We appreciate the help and we are
                                   excited TO DO OUR BEST.
 Cub Scouts of our parish will be selling popcorn items (Carmel corn, microwave butter
 and kettle, & popping corn) as the pack’s only fundraiser. Please support the pack by
 purchasing popcorn after all masses on September 25th and September 26th.
 The pack will also welcome orders placed online for a larger variety of choices.
    1. Please visit their popcorn store at http://www.prpopcornstore.com/
    Please find your favorite and place it into your cart.
    Don’t forget to enter the pack’s scouting ID at checkout
              Name: Saint Michael
              Scout ID: 0T9VO8
 Wait for your popcorn to arrive at your door with free shipping!
                        Don’t wait to place your order!
                The last day of our fundraiser is 10/22/2021.
      Thank you and Take Care! The Cub Scouts of St. Michael Parish

                         Knights of Columbus Bishop Sheen Council # 10858

                  Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities
  On Saturday September 18th and Sunday September 19th, the Knights of Columbus
       will be taking donations after all Masses for people with Intellectual disabilities.
                   For all donations, the Knights will give out Tootsie Rolls.
The Knights will be stationed outside the Church asking for these donations as you leave Mass.
  Your donations go directly to support the Park Lawn and St. Coletta’s facilities that provide
 support and training for people with intellectual disabilities. Your support and donations go a
                                long way helping those in need.

Voice of Saint Michael                                                           September 19, 2021

                           FUN FOOD FASHION FRIENDSHIP
                   Join St. Michael Women’s Club at our Fundraiser for Charity

                              BUT FASHIONS FOR THE FALL

                          LUNCHEON FASHION SHOW AND RAFFLE

                              Thursday, September 23, 2021
                           NOON to 3:00 P.M. at the Orland Chateau

                          Fashions from Soft Surroundings modeled
                             by some of our talented members.

                    Tickets available for $45.00 from the parish office
                                 through September 16th.

Voice of Saint Michael        September 19, 2021

Voice of Saint Michael                                                                    September 19, 2021

                                               Care For Our Common Home
                                        join SouthWest InterFaith Team volunteers
                                            at the Cook County Forest Preserves
                          spend a morning with people of other faiths to restore and preserve habitats by
                        removing invasive species such as honeysuckle and buckthorn.
                           Gloves, tools, training, and light refreshments provided.
 Details: Location: McClaughrey Spring Woods,
                    W. 119th St. and S. Kean Rd., Palos Hills, IL
         Day & Time: Saturday, Sept. 25, 9:00am – 12:00pm
 Contact: Bryan Burke, bryanburke93@gmail.com to sign up!
 Kids under 8 years old MUST be accompanied by an adult.
 Do you need service hours for school? Sign up!
 SWIFT is a Non-Profit Organization made up of synagogues, churches,
 & mosques located in the South & South-West suburbs of Chicago. www.swiftinterfaith.com

Voice of Saint Michael                                                        September 19, 2021

Las lecturas de esta semana son de verdad eternas. Creo que se dirigen a personas de toda
edad. Cada edad parece tener sus propios retos y dificultades. Algunas veces existe el reto de
la guerra, la violencia o la pobreza. En nuestro tiempo existen estos retos e inclusive una
palabra más – bullying.
El Bullying no es algo que sólo les pasa a los niños o a los adolescentes. Esto les pasa a los
jóvenes, adultos y a personas mayores. Ha llegado a proporciones epidémicas. Los medios
sociales no ayudan. Mucha gente se siente con la libertad de escribir sobre quien sea, a
cualquier hora, sin darse cuenta del daño que se hace a los sentimientos o a la reputación de
Cuando hacemos bully, primero juzgamos a los demás y luego decidimos que son inferiores a
nosotros. Luego los degradamos para nosotros enaltecernos. Algunas veces tratamos de
involucrar a otros para no hacerlo solos. Sin embargo, ¿es esta la manera en que la gente
decente actúa? ¿Es este el supuesto comportamiento de los Cristianos?
San Santiago nos dice que no. San Santiago nos dice lo que existe en el fondo del juzgar,
“Donde existen envidias y espíritu de contienda, allí hay desconcierto y toda clase de
maldad”. Cuando juzgamos a los otros y los vemos deficientes, por lo regular nosotros
somos el problema. Estamos regularmente celosos y auto-ambiciosos. Codiciamos pero no
poseemos; envidiamos pero no podemos obtener; peleamos y participamos en la guerra,
utilizando todo a nuestro alcance – insultos, medias-verdades, calumnia y el chisme. La
verdadera sabiduría viene de arriba. ¿Cómo reconocerla? Esta es pura, pacifica, gentil, trabaja
en unión con los demás, y de gran misericordia y buenos frutos. Sigamos la Sabiduría de
Dios, y no la sabiduría tonta del mundo.
Domingo Catequético
Este fin de semana celebramos el Domingo Catequético. El tema de este año es, “Di una
Palabra y mi Alma Sanará”. Debemos reconocer estas palabras pues son similares a las que
decimos antes de recibir la Comunión, “Señor, yo no soy digno de que entres a mi casa; di
una sola palabra y mi alma quedará sana”. El Domingo Catequético es una maravillosa
oportunidad para reflexionar sobre el papel de cada persona por medio de la virtud del
Bautismo, en pasar la fe y ser un testimonio del Evangelio. Esto se hace en nuestra vida
diaria, en nuestras familias, nuestro trabajo y nuestra involucración en la iglesia. Esta es una
oportunidad para todos nosotros para re-dedicarnos a la misión de Jesús como una comunidad
de fe. Todos somos llamados a ser catequistas. No todos son llamados a un salón de clase; sin
embargo, todos somos llamados a ser catequistas. Un catequista es, primero, una persona de
fe, un discípulo de Cristo y luego un testimonio para los demás. Somos llamados a ser un
testimonio del amor, la misericordia y la compasión de Cristo. ¿Pueden imaginarse lo que
este mundo sería si todos aceptáramos nuestro llamado a ser catequistas unos a otros?
Petición para El Seminario
Este fin de semana es la Petición Anual para el Seminario. Les pido su apoyo y generosidad y
que continúen rezando por vocaciones al sacerdocio y la vida religiosa.

En el amor de Cristo, Padre Frank
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                       September 19, 2021
                   NEED HELP?                                            ¿NECESITA AYUDA?
 Anyone experiencing a mental health crisis can call        Guidance in satisfying excessive and/or past
                                                            due utility bills and emergency food assistance
        National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
                                                            St. Vincent DePaul Society..708-349-0903 ext 669
                  at 1-800-273-8255.                        San Vicente DePaul en Español…..708-349-0903
For help with problems arising from alcohol                        Angeles Samano o Maria Cuellar ext. 506

Local AA Meetings                                           Dealing with Domestic Violence (physical,
Go to www.chicagoaa.org for meeting locations               emotional, verbal abuse)
                                                            The Crisis Center……………………708-429-7233
St. Michael……………………...….Thursday 6 pm                       for group support and/or free one-on-one counseling
St. Julie………Saturday 7:30 pm & Monday 8 pm                  Se habla español

Alcoholics Anonymous………….708-389-1380
Alcohólicos Anónimos…………..773-847-4843                      Marital Difficulties
                                                            Retrouvaille ………………………….800-470-2230
                                                            Catholic based support for couples in marital
For help with problems arising from drug abuse              difficulties www.HelpOurMarriage.com
Narcotics Anonymous…………...708-848-4884

Gambling Problems Gamblers Anonymous                        Holbrook Counseling Center of Catholic
                                                            Charities (Our Lady of the Woods & St. Stephen)
1-888-GA-HELPS      www.gamblersanonymous.org               Michele Nowak….…708-586-1365..…312-655-7725
                                                                   Specialty family and grief counseling
Struggling with mental health issues
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)                  Dr. Eileen Fera……………………....630-541-7342
                                                                    Catholic psychologist, Downers Grove
Information Helpline……………1-800-950-6264                             efera0307@gmail.com
Emotions Anonymous …………... 708-383-0200
                                                            Jerry T. Souta……………...708-681-2325 ext 5333
Orland Park Substance Abuse Forum                                   licensed behavioral clinician
www.opcares.net & 708-403-6399
                                                            Fr. Bob Rohrich……………………..630-257-9235
HOPE Employment Ministry                                           MA clinical counseling, Lemont
Arnie Skibinski…………..askibinski@steseton.com
                                                            Dr. Jeff Dire………………..……….630-674-4295
                                                                    Psychologist, Downers Grove
A Communion Visitor to the homebound/ill
Parish Office…..…………………….708-349-0903                       Sr. Jude More,LCSW, DCSW, R.N.708-974-3336 x 333

Annulment Information                                       Dr. Barbara Jarvis-Pauls………...…...630-740-3074
                                                                   Family & Women’s issues, Downers Grove
Donna McDonough………………….708-349-0903                                Mayslake Ministries………….630-852-9000

                                                            Fr. Kurt Boras……………………….630-257-4640
Clerical Abuse Healing: Reconciliation                             Clinical Counseling, Lemont
                                                            Dr. Greg Rodriquez...………708-845-5500 ext 149
                                                                   Chicagoland Christian Counseling

                    If you have difficulty contacting any of these places, please call a member of
                   St. Michael Pastoral Staff who would be happy to talk with you confidentially.
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000147 St Michael Church (A)                                                                                 www.jspaluch.com                                                         For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
Sunday Masses:                       PARISH OFFICE
                                                                      14327 Highland Avenue 708-349-0903
           Saturday Evening: 4:30 p.m.                                Orland Park, IL 60462
 Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m.                   www.saintmike.com
                                           (Spanish)         Facebook: St.Michael Parish-Orland Park
                                                        Rev. Frank A. Kurucz, Pastor                    873-4611
                  Weekday Masses:
                                                        Rev. Geofrey Andama, Associate Pastor           873-4612
         Monday - Friday 6:30 and 8:00 am
         Saturdays       8:30 am                        Rev. Daniel Villalobos, Associate Pastor        873-4613
         Lunes           7:00 pm (Spanish)
                                                        Pat Chuchla, Pastoral Associate                 873-4652
Recorded Masses for Sundays can be viewed at                   Worship Ministries
www.saintmike.com                                              pchuchla@saintmike.com

A daily prayer service can be viewed at                 Diana Vitela, Business Manager                  873-4617
www.saintmike.com                                              dvitela@saintmike.com
                                                        Kelly Martinez, Religious Ed. Coordinator       349-0903
Adoration Chapel is open                                       kmartinez@saintmike.com                  ext. 633
Monday-Saturday 7 a.m.—5 p.m.
Sunday 7 am—2:30 pm                                     Paul Smith, Principal                           349-0068
                                                               psmith@saintmike.org                     ext. 639
Confessions: Every Saturday from 3:00 – 4:00 pm         Maureen Morrissey, Asst. Principal              349-0068
Confesiones en Español : cada lunes 6:00-7:00 pm              mmorrissey@saintmike.org                  ext. 696
Holy Hour, with Rosary and Benediction are being
celebrated twice a month. See bulletin or website for   Gary Patin, Director of Music Ministry          349-0903
dates. 3:30—5:30 pm in Church                                 gpatin@saintmike.com                      ext. 627
                                                        Rose Koch, Youth Minister                       349-0903
To schedule Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, or                  rkoch@saintmike.com                       ext. 650
Memorial Masses, call the parish office.
                                                        Hispanic Ministry prenteria@saintmike.com 349-0903
Religious Education Kelly Martinez                                                                ext. 619
September 13 through April 12th . . .
Mondays - 1:00-8:00pm                                   DEACONS        Tom Bartholomew (retired)
Tuesdays - 1:00-8:00pm                                                 Tony and Eileen Cocco
                                                                       Colin and Sarah Huie
Thursdays - 1:00-5:00pm                                                Jim and Sharon Janicek
Fridays - 9:00am - 2:00pm                                              Michael and Donna McDonough
Emails to kmartinez@saintmike.com are checked                          Abel and Yolanda Trujillo
daily and responded to within 24 hours.

Parish Office Hours:
Monday through Thursday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.
You may also leave a voicemail at any time.708-349-
0903, or email contact@saintmike.com with
questions or to request information.
                                                                        Can’t Hear in Church?
                                                        Our built in hearing loop works with most
                                                        hearing aids. We also have receivers and
                                                        headphones that work with our built-in
Bulletin deadline: Fr iday at 9 a.m. a week befor e     hearing loop that can be used by parishioners
the bulletin date. Please e-mail articles, in Word or   during Mass. Questions? Contact the
Publisher for mat, to                                   Worship Office at 708-873-4652.
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