ALL ARE WELCOME! - January 2, 2022 - Parishes Online

ALL ARE WELCOME! - January 2, 2022 - Parishes Online
                           POMPTON LAKES, NJ 07442
                         P 973-835-0374 F 973-835-8173

                       PARISH OFFICE HOURS: M-F 9:00-4:00

January 2, 2022
ALL ARE WELCOME! - January 2, 2022 - Parishes Online
“The Lord bless you and keep you! May he let his face shine          The focus of the gospel reading is less on the shepherds and
upon you and be gracious to you! The Lord look upon you              more on Mary who listens to the message the angels gave the
kindly and give you peace...and I will bless them! (Numbers          shepherds about her son. Mary reflects on what she heard "in her
6:23-27) This blessing is taken from the Solemnity of Mary, the      heart" and her response, I think, suggests a new year's resolution
Mother of God which we celebrate on the first of January. It is a    for us today.
great blessing to begin this year.
                                                                     Many of us make resolutions about eating less, exercising more,
As this year ends many people are saying, "The year went by so       stopping smoking etc. All well and good. But today Mary gives
quickly! Where did the time go?" In some ways we are fortunate       us another resolution. We can use her as our model; she is one
to be able to say that because we all know people who are still      who pays attention to what she hears and reflects on things, life
feeling the effects of the pandemic as it continues to wreak         events in her heart. She demonstrates throughout the gospel an
havoc on our lives. The Omicron virus is racing through our          openness to God's Word. She is the model believer who hears
communities, effecting people’s lives, the economy and the           the Word of God and acts on it. In the light of the gospel, we
world. Many within our community have suffered the loss of a         could resolve that throughout this new year we will practice
loved one, or the loss of health and are anxious about the time      being better listeners. We will allow ourselves more time to
we are living in and little hope for the future. We have been        reflect and respond with deliberation to the events of our lives.
through waves of variants of the Coronavirus, and it keeps us        We might start with the scriptures themselves, determined to go
living with fear and in isolation. There are people who have         to them for spiritual nourishment from God and direction for our
experienced destruction in their lives, the loss of homes or jobs.   lives.
In the bigger picture there are refugees who have been displaced
by war and poverty and their lives have become catalysts for anti    Sometimes God speaks a word, and the message is delivered to
-immigration attacks from right wing governments throughout          us: through the response of an angry child; the encouragement of
the world. Compassion and mercy seem to be in limited supply.        a sympathetic friend; the consolation of one who sits with us in
                                                                     our grief; the vivid images on the evening news; or even a
There is so much division with the loudest voices preaching          photograph. A good new year's resolution: to try to be a better
disunity and mistrust of the other. Politics continues to cause a    listener, regardless of the person or the group who is speaking; to
rift in our nation and even within our families. The church is       give what we hear a serious "pondering" by not jumping too
faring no better with attacks on Pope Francis from those who         quickly to our usual conclusions. Then to pray for the wisdom to
feel they are “upholding” the true catholic church and causing an    know how to respond to what we hear. That's a bit lengthy, but
ideological shift that does not mirror the gospel message of         you get the idea.
compassion, mercy and peace; the church we all call One, Holy,
Catholic, and Apostolic. We are given messages from so many          If we were better listeners, we would experience that Jesus
so-called prophets; it has become impossible at times to discern     continues to be born in our midst. We would have the same
who we need to listen to as we live our lives of faith.              reaction as those who first heard the message from the
                                                                     shepherds: we too would be "amazed." Amazed to hear the good
Thank God we have the scriptures and the Gospel message of           news God still proclaims to us in the very midst of our busy
Jesus. As the Redemptorists challenged us during our mission,        lives, during this pandemic, in the midst of the many voices
“Can we open up our bibles as much as we open up our                 clamoring for our attention. Those who ponder and treasure the
cellphones?” As a community of faith, we need to discern             Word in their hearts will know where and when God is speaking,
through Scripture and our Sacred Tradition where we need to          even when the Word comes to us from the most unlikely
take our journey of faith to the next level. This coming year we     sources: like dirty and breathless shepherds straight from the
are to be involved in the Synod where we are called to be a          fields who can't wait to tell Mary and Joseph the good news they,
listening church. Many have embraced this and believe change         of all people, heard from the angel.
can happen. With the Church, the response is always slow.
Listening to the universal church and the promptings of the          So, reflecting on this year, we pray for people we know and who
Spirit take time and patience. We have not tapped into most of       are close to our hearts. We also pray for the anonymous ones
what Vatican 11 has given us. The Synod is our continued             whose names only God knows, remembers, and cherishes. We
response to this Council and its gift to our church.                 pray for our church, our family, our community and nation and
                                                                     our world. May God, "…bless you and keep you…be gracious to
At Christmas we celebrate the Word of God made flesh. On             you …look upon you kindly and give you peace." And more. We
January 1st we celebrate God blessing us through Mary, who           pray that we might be an instrument God uses to put flesh and
was how that Word took flesh among us. In the Gospel for the         blood on the blessing, so that others will experience God
day, we hear of the shepherds responding to the message they         blessing them because of our presence in their lives. May you be
heard from the angels. They went in haste to Bethlehem to, "see      loved beyond measure as we continue as a community of faith.
this event that has taken place which the Lord has made known        Thank you for blessing our lives and our church. “May the Lord
to us." Mary pondered this message she heard from the lowly          look kindly upon you and give you, His peace!”
shepherds. In those days shepherds were considered ritually
unclean and their testimony was suspect. But that did not stop       —Fr. Frank, OFM
Mary from paying attention to them and seriously reflecting on
their message. She was a listener to the voices of the lowly and
there she heard good news. We never know how God might
speak in our daily lives.

ALL ARE WELCOME! - January 2, 2022 - Parishes Online
Fr. Frank Critch, OFM, x708
Fr. John Aherne, OFM, x139
Fr. John Alderson, OFM  
Fr. John Coughlin, OFM, x169
Deacon Tom Kimak        

Anne Silversey, x108    

Toni Wong, x102 Grades 1 to 6
Patricia Newton, x160 Grades 7 & 8, Confirmation
Debbie Borroto, x130 Admin. Asst./ Local Youth Protection/
 Safe Environment Coordinator                                          Lectors find meaning in serving the Lord and
                                                                       parish by giving life to Scripture. The lectors
SPECIAL NEEDS MINISTRY                                               proclaim the Word of God at Sunday Masses, as
Marie Cioletti, x181    
Daryl Lynn Hahn, 181    
                                                                     well as at other liturgical celebrations throughout
                                                                                           the year.

Trevor George, x117              For more information, contact Jane McEwen at
Milagros Anto, x103     

Craig & Dorothy Limey, x158
Carrie Stewart, x192    

Food Pantry 973.831.4442  
Clare Russo, x113 Stephen Ministry,
Dr. Pamela Hall, 973-835-6337 Pathways Counseling Center

Keith Orotosky, x145    
Phillip Epstein, x140   

Jill Whitney, x122      
Mike Cunningham, x107
Kari Nixon, x120        

Lynda Rogalski          

                 Follow us on Social Media!

                                                                        Parish Office Holiday Hours:
                                                                        Monday 1/3         closed (daily Mass at 9am)
                    Tuesday 1/4        open 9:00am—4:00pm
             igshid=75tb9mkcychl                                        Wednesday 1/5 open 9:00am—4:00pm
                                                                        Thursday 1/6       open 9:00am—4:00pm
                                                                        Friday 1/7         open 9:00am—4:00pm           PAGE 3
ALL ARE WELCOME! - January 2, 2022 - Parishes Online
                                                           Is 60:1-6/Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13 [cf.11]/Eph 3:2-3a,
                                                                                 5-6/Mt 2:1-12

                                                             1 Jn 3:22—4:6/Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a/Mt 4:12-17, 23-25

                                                                  1 Jn 4:7-10/Ps 72:1-2, 3-4, 7-8/Mk 6:34-44

                                                                1 Jn 4:11-18/Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13/Mk 6:45-52
                    MASS SCHEDULE
                                                            1 Jn 4:19—5:4/Ps 72:1-2, 14 and 15bc, 17/Lk 4:14-22a
  9:00 AM—Liturgy of the Word with Communion                                        Friday
                                                                1 Jn 5:5-13/Ps 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20/Lk 5:12-16
  (Prayer Room)
  Vigil Masses:                                                                   Saturday
  5:00 PM—English                                          1 Jn 5:14-21/Ps 149:1-2, 3-4, 5 and 6a and 9b/Jn 3:22-30
  7:00 PM—English
                                                                    Confession and Adoration
  7:30 AM—English                                          CONFESSIONS: Thursdays 4:00pm to 5:00pm or call
                                                            for an appointment. No confessions on Saturdays.
  8:45 AM—Español (livestreamed)
  9:00 AM—English (Carnevale Center)                       ADORATION: The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for
  10:30 AM—English (livestreamed)                            Adoration on Thursdays from 4:00pm to 5:00pm.
  10:30 AM—Children’s Liturgy (Carnevale Center)
                                                                During adoration, please maintain a reverent
  12:00 PM—English                                                silence and appropriate social distance.

  8:00 AM—Monday to Friday in English (livestreamed)
  7:00 PM—Wednesday en Español (livestreamed)

  MASSES ONLINE AT:                                            Please call 973-835-0374 or send an email to                             if:                        • your address, email address or telephone
                                                               number has changed, and/or
                                                               • a parishioner has been married and/or
                                                               • a parishioner has moved.
                    Children’s Liturgy!
         Children's Liturgy takes place in the Carnevale       Parish records need to be current so please be
                 Center at 10:30 every Sunday                  sure to inform us of any changes as soon as
                                                               possible. Thank you!

                                                               Sr. Ellamae McDonald, MPF will be here with us
                                                               next week to speak to us about the Retirement
                                                                 Fund for Religious Special Collection. Thank
                                                                      you in advance for your generosity!
ALL ARE WELCOME! - January 2, 2022 - Parishes Online
MASS INTENTIONS                        † = Deceased, L= Living                              PLEASE PRAY FOR:
                                                                          ALL THOSE WHO ARE SICK:
                        January 3                                         Angelo, John, Ned Madsen, Ann Fagan, Bob, Eileen, Antionette,
                        Please note: daily Mass is at 9:00am              Keri, John, Kim, Anne Marie Michael, Lavina Bergen, Darrell
                                                                          Nolen, Danna LaRue, Travis LaRue, Kate McLaughlin, Bryan
9:00 a.m.               †Fatima Nascimento                                Klion, Sandy, Vic, Theresa Barnickel, Larry DiCoio, Brian,
                        L Fernando M. Rios                                Victoria, Gerard Conrad, Timmy Davidson, Peggy Mahar, Claire
Tuesday                 January 4                                         Hargreaves, Anthony (Tony) Yodice, Joseph Beneat, Michael
8:00 a.m.               †Antonio (Tony) Recto                             Beneat, Sheryl Urban, Tony Rodriguez, Tim Hourican,
                        †Richard Kellner                                  Providence Torres, Peter Ralph, Diane, Ed, Peter Testino, Mary
                        L Fernando M. Rios                                Ellen Stevens, Bonnie Pruszynski, Brian Horwath, Peter Yoscary,
Wednesday               January 5                                         Nancy Barcheski, The Lehr Family, Eileen Dunn, Riona,
                                                                          J. Scelsa, Mary Anne Post .
8:00 a.m.               †Genowefa Siwicka
                        L Fernando M. Rios                                 To add a loved one to the prayer list, please call the Parish Office
7:00 p.m. (Spanish)     People of the Parish
                                                                          at 973-835-0374. Names for healing will be listed for 30 days.
Thursday                January 6
8:00 a.m.               †Dolores & Mike Tsergni                           ALL THOSE WHO ARE SERVING IN HARM’S WAY:
                        †Kevin Manneback                                  Lt. Jessica T. Atterbury, PFC Nathan Hunt, CMCN Michael LeTennier,
                                                                          Joseph P. Roberts, MCS, PFC Sean Jennings, SPC Sean J. Carey, SGT
Friday                  January 7                                         Ryan Cronin, Chris Sabatini, US Navy SO, David Welsh, US Navy SO
8:00 a.m.               †Victor Scine (11th Ann)                          Justin Bensinger, US Navy SO, LTJG Brian Schoenig, LCpl Michael
                        †George & Catherine Conroy                        Formisano III, SSG Kevin Carey, SPC Brian R. Sudol, CSM Robert
                                                                          Hammerle, Sgt. Mark Ashley, SGT Ryan J. Heppel, SPC Dean V.
                        †Mary Barbato                                     Lucas, LCpl Michael Vignuli, Major Daniel J. Ciccarelli, HM Jaeson
Saturday                January 8                                         Henderson, Jake Shovlowsky, Cpl Justyn Shovlowsky, Captain Austin
                                                                          Canning, SSG Tiffany Thumann, 2nd LT Matthew R. Brice, TSSgt.
5:00 p.m.               †Joseph Watkins (2nd Ann)                         Scott Miller, Capt. Krystal Thumann, Cpl F. S. Raza, Sean Flanagan,
                        †Helen Healy                                      Capt. Matthew W. D’Amico, USMC Lt. 1st Thomas Seneski; Sgt. An-
7:00 p.m.               †Jim Siniscalchi                                  thony W. Gabriel; Brian Hansen, Sgt. Ashlee Quigle; Capt. Daniel M.
Sunday                  January 9                                         Kearney, USMC; 2nd LT Emily Simone and Navy Lt. Ryan Hackett
7:30 a.m.               †Louis Vozzo
8:45 a.m. (Spanish)     People of the Parish
9:00 a.m.               People of the Parish
10:30 a.m.              †Jimmy Neary
                        †John Gazdus (2nd Ann)
                        †Carol Aboyoun
                        †Barbara Giles
12:00 p.m.              †Joseph Carrigan
                        †Scott Richard Gabrish
                        †Bernice Kielce
                        †John Joseph Bernhard

 Please keep in your prayers those who have recently passed:
                                                                            As you know, Pope Francis recently invited the whole Church
   Scott Kearns, Anne Donohue, Stephen Gergely
                                                                            to participate in a two-year-long Synod Process.
                                                                            The objective of the Synod is to listen, as the entire People of
     Reflection for the Synod                                               God, to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church. We do so
                                                                            by listening together to the Word of God in Scripture and the
 The mystery of the incarnation
                                                                            living Tradition of the Church, and then by listening to one
 continues to unfold. While in the
                                                                            another, and especially to those at the margins, discerning
 readings for the Nativity Jesus was
 placed squarely in the history of Israel,
                                                                            the signs of the times.
 as son of David and Abraham, the field                                     The Paterson Diocese is in the middle of planning out a series
 of vision is now widened. Scandalous as                                    of these listening sessions and have asked each parish to
 it might be, the mystery of God’s love is made manifest for those
                                                                            appoint two delegates to take part in the process. We are so
 outside of the Chosen People as well. If that’s the case, then as part
                                                                            grateful that Monica Coyle and Norbert Langer accepted the
 of our synodal journey we need to seek out the “religious
 other” (“gentile”) to hear the wisdom they have to offer.
                                                                            invitation to represent St. Mary’s on the diocesan level. May
                                                                            God bless them, and us, as we embark on this exciting new
                                                                            chapter in our Church!
ALL ARE WELCOME! - January 2, 2022 - Parishes Online
FOOD PANTRY                                             HELP FOR THOSE IN KENTUCKY
Our shoppers, volunteers, friars and parish staff would like to
                                                                      St Mary’s Food Pantry joined with Gro Rite Greenhouse and
thank everyone who supported the St. Mary’s Food Pantry in
2021! Through your giving, the pantry successfully remained           Garden Center, many of its customers, neighbors, other local
open during the height of the pandemic, distributing food and gift    Churches and Businesses to gather 45 pallets of much needed
cards to our approximately 100 families. We know and appreciate       supplies. These items were rushed to those affected by the
your love and compassion through many thousands of pounds of
food, monetary donations and time you have provided in these          tornadoes in Kentucky. Thanks to the generosity of our
efforts this past year.                                               community and our amazing team at the pantry they were able
                                                                      to gather a good amount of food for the donation in quick
Most needed items!                                                    turnaround time. Thank you to all that have donated time,
Decaf coffee, mayonnaise, breadcrumbs, pudding cups, pancake
mix, full size cookies and crackers, shelf stable Whole milk, self    talent or treasure this year!
stable 2% milk, feminine products, tissues, toothpaste, dish deter-
gent, laundry detergent, cleaning supplies.

All donations are requested to be dropped off in the gray van in
the church parking lot. It is open 24/7. Please do not drop food
 off in the Parish Office or in the Church.
Distribution dates/times for January:

Saturday, January 15th          9:30am to 3:30pm (arrive by 3:00)
Wednesday, January 19th         4:00pm to 7:00pm (arrive by 6:30)
Saturday, January 22nd          9:30am to 3:30pm (arrive by 3:00)
Wednesday, January 26th         4:00pm to 7:00pm (arrive by 6:30)

The Food Pantry is located at 22R (Lower level, rear) Lakeside
Avenue, Pompton Lakes (accessible from the municipal parking
lot) and the phone number is 973-831-4442.

                  “Let Your Light Shine”
     If you have received a final request from Bishop Sweeney
 asking for your support of the 2021 Diocesan Ministries Appeal,
 please respond as your means permit. There is still time to do so
  since the 2021 Appeal funds are used to support ministries and
 programs through the end of the diocesan fiscal year on June 30,
      2022. Every gift is important so whatever you can do is a
    blessing. Please respond today. Gifts can be made by check,
         credit cards, through gifts of securities or on-line at

 In addition, 50% of all funds received over a parish’s goal are
   returned to the parish directly for their own pastoral needs.
Please know that Appeal funds are used for no other purpose and
     serve only those who live in Morris, Passaic and Sussex

            May God bless you for your generosity!                      This new year is filled with hope and promise—opportunities
                                                                       abound to grow our vital ministries, explore new ways to share
                                                                       the good news of Christ’s love, and reflect His care and mercy
                                                                      to those in need throughout the community. Begin the new year
                    COLLECTION UPDATE                                   with eGiving to help sustain and build ministries in 2022 that
                                                                                      reflect the promise of God’s love.
            The Sunday collection for the month of November
            was $94,757.12 The breakdown is as follows:               We prayerfully request that you consider signing up for eGiving
            Sunday Collection                   $ 50,931.25              from your computer, smartphone or tablet. You can set up a
            Faith Direct                        $43,825.87              recurring donation or make a one-time gift. Sign up today by
            Total                               $ 94,757.12           visiting or text ‘Enroll’ to 973-500-6123.
                                                                         Thank you for your continued support of our parish family.
              Thank you for your continued generosity!
ALL ARE WELCOME! - January 2, 2022 - Parishes Online
Winter Bible Study on Luke
                         St. Mary’s is pleased to                                             CALENDAR
                     announce a free six-week Bible                                            RAFFLE
                      Study on the Gospel According      Congratulations to our winners for the week ending 12/18:
to Luke starting on Tuesday, January 11th. There will
                                                         Sunday Dec 12 Al De Vincentis      Wayne             $100.00
 be both a morning and an evening section offered.       Monday Dec 13 Sean Timony          West Milford      $50.00
The morning section will meet on Tuesdays, 10:00 –       Tuesday Dec 14 Nancy Gould         Riverdale         $50.00
 11:30 AM. The evening section will meet Tuesdays,       Wed Dec 15      Schaefer Family    Ringwood          $50.00
  7:00 – 8:30 PM. Bible group meetings will extend       Thurs Dec 16 Margaret Smolen       Pompton Plains    $50.00
    from Jan. 11th to Feb. 22nd with a break (no         Friday Dec 17 Lisa Blackman        Pompton Plains    $50.00
                                                         Sat Dec 18 Bernadette Nolan        Pompton Plains    $75.00
                meeting) on Feb. 8th.

  Register on website for the class or call the parish
  office at 973-835-0374 x169, and leave your name
               and contact information.         Women of Prayer and Spirit is a group of women who meet
                                                          monthly to discuss one chapter of a book and to pray for the
                                                          intentions members bring to the group. We meet via zoom
      Women’s Cornerstone Retreat 2022                    on the first Tuesday of each month from 7:00-8:30.
                                                          On January 4, 2022, we will discuss the first chapter of a new
                                                          book entitled Return to the Root: Reflections on the Inner
                                                          Life, by Joyce Rupp. Members participate to the extent they
                                                          feel comfortable. Occasionally, life intervenes, and a member
                                                          cannot read the chapter; that should not deter anyone from
                                                          attending. Also, despite the hope that everyone can attend
                                                          every month, sometimes that is just not possible, which is
                                                          Women of Prayer and Spirit reflects the early church when
                                                          Christians met in small groups to pray, to inspire, and to be
                                                          inspired by other Christians. If you would like to join this
                                                          group, please email Jean Barkovitz at

                                                            Members of our parish community got to spend time with
                                                            and spread Christmas cheer to the residents of the Phoenix
                                                            Center for Rehabilitation and Pediatrics. Lots of Christmas
                                                                Carols were sung and a good time was had by all!

          See our current Cornerstone team below!

                                                                                                                    PAGE 7
ALL ARE WELCOME! - January 2, 2022 - Parishes Online
Religious Ed: Grades 1-5
The 1st, 2nd and 5th grade Religious education classes will begin the week
Monday, January 17, 2022. The 2nd grade will begin their preparation for
the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We would welcome anyone that would
be interested in volunteering as a teacher this session. All lesson plans ,          NEW VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITES AVAILABLE!
activities and supplies are provided. Please contact Toni Wong Director of
Religious Education at 973-835-7750, extension 102 if interested.             Phoenix Center Rehabilitation and Pediatrics, Haskell, NJ
                                                                              -Sunday, January 23, 2022 2-4PM
                         A New Year is God’s Gift                             -8 volunteers needed /3 adult chaperones
                  In the joyful moments – thank God.                          -All volunteers must be fully vaccinated and will be given a rapid covid
                    In the busy moments – bless God.                          test upon entering the facility
                   In the trying moments – trust God.                         -Visit with senior residents to engage in conversation and play games
                  In the quiet moments – praise God.
                                                                              Eva's Village, Paterson, NJ
 Religious Ed: Grades 6-8 / Confirmation Grades 9-10                          -Monday, February 21, 2022 10-2PM
                                                                              -10 volunteers requested, must be 15 years or older to attend.
GRADES 7 & Phase 1 Confirmation ONLY – Classes start the week of              -Adult volunteer needed.
January 9th.                                                                  -Volunteers will be packing to-go meals. You will be packing portions
                                                                              of protein, starch, and vegetables into containers, and may be wrapping
TEACHER/LEADER Notes                                                          and adding desserts or side dishes.
          Meetings for 7th Grade Teachers & Phase 1 Confirmation
Leaders will be held January 2nd OR 3rd. Lesson plans will be reviewed        Register at For the
and distributed at these meetings to be held in the Carnevale Center.         health and safety of residents and volunteers, all volunteers must show
                                                                              proof of vaccination upon registration. Please email vaccination card
          • 7th Grade Meetings start at 6PM                                   and any questions to or drop off vac-
          • Phase 1 Confirmation Meetings start at 7:30PM                     cination record at the Parish Office attention to Nicole George.

GRADES 6-10 Virtual Workshops for January Interfaith Celebrations

     La Epifanía
                                                                                            significa "manifestación".
                                                                              Es decir, Jesús se da a conocer.
                           La fecha tradicional de la Epifanía es el 6 de enero, pero en los Estados Unidos se
 celebra el domingo entre el 2 y el 8 de enero. Este año 2022, la Epifanía la estamos celebrando hoy 2 de
 -                      En la Epifanía, la Iglesia celebra la manifestación del Hijo de Dios como el Salvador y el
 Mesías. También llamado Día de los Reyes Magos, en la Epifanía recordamos la visita de los Reyes Magos al
 recién nacido Jesús: “Después de oír al rey, ellos partieron. La estrella que habían visto en Oriente los pre-
 decía, hasta que se detuvo en el lugar donde estaba el niño. Cuando vieron la estrella se llenaron de alegría, y
 al entrar en la casa, encontraron al niño con María, su madre, y, postrándose, le rindieron homenaje. Luego,
 abriendo sus cofres, le ofrecieron dones: oro, incienso y mirra” (Mateo 2: 9-11). ¡La epifanía, o manifestación,
 de Jesús nos enseña que la venida de Jesús al mundo fue importante para todo el mundo y que la Buena Nue-
 va de Jesucristo es para todos!
                       Hay muchas costumbres y formas de celebrar la Epifanía. Aquí en nuestra parroquia de
 Santa María empezamos la celebración en misa y después en comunidad compartimos la rosca de Reyes y
 tomamos champurradito. Todos seguimos la tradición mexicana que a quien le salga el “niñito” en la rosca,
 deberá traer a su Niño Jesús para su presentación en misa el 2 de febrero, el Día de la Candelaria; y traerá al-
 go de 10
        comer para compartir con todos en comunidad después de misa.
ALL ARE WELCOME! - January 2, 2022 - Parishes Online
                                                     Queremos agradecer a todos los que
                                              han hecho posible celebrar en comunidad y
                                              en familia nuestra POSADA COMUNITARIA
                                              y la EPIFANIA DEL SEŇOR (REYES
                         REZO COMUNI-
                                              MAGOS). Gracias infinitas por todas sus
                           TARIO DEL
                                              donaciones y su generosidad puesta en
                          SANTO RO-           acción tanto en nuestros convivios como en
                             SARIO            nuestras celebraciones litúrgicas.
                                                    Asimismo, queremos extender
                                              nuestra gratitud a la familia RODRGUEZ-
Todos los MIERCOLES a las 8:30pm vía
                                              BANDALA padrinos de nuestro Niño Jesús
                                              del 2020-2021; y acoger a nuestros
     CODIGO DE LA REUNION                     padrinos familia HERRERA-CARRERA de
         893 7978 3105                        este nuevo año 2021-2022. Que nuestro
  CODIGO DE SEGURIDAD 878314                  Dios de la vida los cuide y llene sus hogares
                                              de mucha salud, bienestar y felicidad.

                                                La Santa Misa
 Bautismos en español - Requisitos:              en español
 Certificado de Nacimiento del(a) niño(a),
 padrinos y asistir a una clase antes de la    Miércoles a las 7:00pm
 celebración del Sacramento (padres y          Domingos a las 8:45am
 padrinos). Información: Milagros Anto. Si
 desea bautizar su hijo(a) en inglés debe      En la iglesia Principal
 asistir a una clase y llamar a Lynda
 973.835.5841, ext 120.

 (FOOD PANTRY)- Nuestra despensa de
 alimentos de la iglesia de Santa María
 está abierta para atender a todos los que
 necesiten de comida en el siguiente ho-
 DO DE CADA MES. Para más informa-
 ción póngase en contacto con Milagros
 Anto, Angelina Nuci o Lourdes Huerta.

  Ministerio de Proclamadores de la
  Palabra. Por favor comunicarse con
  Lourdes Huerta (973.270.3453). Este
  Ministerio se reúne los segundos y
  cuartos lunes de 7:30pm a 9:30pm

                                                                                       PAGE 9
ALL ARE WELCOME! - January 2, 2022 - Parishes Online
The Peace Light Candle is always burning at The Church
of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Every year at Christmastime, a
child lights a candle from that flame and carries it out. That
flame is passed to another. It goes to Tel Aviv, to Vienna Austria,
and on to JFK Airport in NYC. The peace light is spreading
through the world at this very moment.
          During Advent, John Burden, the pastor of Pompton
Reform Church in Pompton Lakes, went with his family to the
Peace Light Ceremony and brought the Peace Light back to
Pompton Lakes. He graciously extended that light of peace to us
so we can have it burning brightly in our church for Epiphany
Sunday. May the light of Christ, which draws all people from
around the world bring us peace in our hearts, our homes and
our world.
                      Thank you pastor John!

                                                                                (Pastor John, in Yankee cap, with his family)

                                                     ADVENT MISSION

Dear Faith Family of St. Mary's,

Coming to your Community of St. Mary's was truly "walking in the Light of Christ!"
We three feel we were offered a special Christmas Gift being among you.

Happiness is . . . meeting the Friars John for the very first time.
Happiness is . . . reveling in the haute cuisine of Father Frank.
Happiness is . . . seeing the faith of each and every one of you, and
Happiness is . . . praying hand in hand!

We were honored to join you in celebrating the Word made Flesh and dwelling
among us! We are honored we celebrated the Christmas Mystery of the Christ-
Light scattering the darkness!

Fathers Phil, Francis and Jim

         If you would like to contact Fr. Philip Dabney, Fr. Francis Gargani, or Fr. James Wallace directly, you may do so at:
 PAGE 10                      Redemptorist Fathers, 3112 Seventh St. NE, Washington, DC 20017-1498
Homebound Connections Ministry                                    Lost Angels Ministry
If you or someone you know is homebound and would like            The loss of a loved one forever changes us. When
a visit to receive the Eucharist, please contact our Parish       experiencing the tragedy of a child's death from drugs and
Office at 973-835-0374 so we can set up a time. Fr. John          alcohol, parents and loved ones often find themselves iso-
Alderson will be there to brighten your day!                      lated and confused.
Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet                                   Lost Angels bereavement/support group offers support,
The Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed in the         compassion, understanding and hope to parents and loved
church at the end of daily Mass, Monday through Friday.           ones struggling to rebuild their lives after the death of a
                                                                  child or loved one as a result of substance abuse/addiction
Altar Flowers Offering Cards                                      and overdose.
Offering cards for altar flowers are available at the Parish
Office. These make wonderful remembrance gifts.                   For meeting dates and times, contact Donna Andelora at
Suggested donation is $50.                                        973-713-9962 or

Eucharist Bread & Wine Offering Cards                            Hearts & Hands Crocheting & Knitting Ministry
Offering cards for the Liturgy of the Eucharist are available    Volunteers of various ability (beginners to experienced)
at the Parish Office. These make wonderful                       gather once a month to “stitch with love” baby items such
remembrance gifts. Suggested donation is $35.                    as hats, blankets, and booties for babies in Baptismal
                                                                 Aftercare and Franciscan missions. Patterns, yarn, and
St. Mary’s Book Group                                            free lessons provided!
If you enjoy reading and would like to explore and
discuss current as well as classic works about faith,            All are welcome! We meet on the 3rd Thursday of each
religion, spirituality and human connectedness, please join      month in the Carnevale Center Assisi Room from
us. You can participate in our regular, monthly meetings         10-11:30am and the 3rd Tuesday of each month in the
or just join us occasionally if the book we’re discussing is     Carnevale Center Assisi Room from 6:30-8:00pm
of interest to you. Our next selection and meeting date is:
                                                                 Contact ministry leader Mary Lenoir at 973-725-3178.
        Richard Rohr’s Hope Against Darkness: The
        Transforming Vision of Saint Francis in an Age of        Cleaning Crew
        Anxiety – January 13, 2022                               We are looking for volunteers to join St. Mary’s Church’s
If you’d like to join us or have any questions, please contact   cleaning crew. Cleaning teams meet after the 8:00 a.m.
Monica Coyle at                             Mass on Tuesday mornings to vacuum, clean and tidy up
                                                                 our worship space. For more information, please contact
Prayer Shawl Ministry                                            Bernadette Nolan at
Prayer shawls are available and can be picked up at the
Parish Office. The shawls can be given to celebrate a
joyous occasion, to console those in need or to give hope
and comfort.

 St. Mary's was proud to host one of
 the Diocesan Simbang Gabi
 Masses. It was a joy to anticipate the
 coming of the Lord with Fr. Julian
 Jagudilla, OFM and our Filippino
 Maligayang Pasko!

                                                                                                                     PAGE 11
We wish to thank all who made donations toward the Altar Flowers and decorations this Christmas
         Season. Below is our list of donors as of December 12, 2021. (To be continued in the next bulletin.)

Abiera, Francisco                 Cioffi, Rick                        Eiserle, Stephen and Mary      Herrera, Juana
Abiera, Joseph                    Clark, Joseph                       Engel, Ade and Jinny           Hess, George and Theresa
Acker Family                      Clark, Joseph Jr.                   Engel, Margaret and John       Hicks, Andrew Jr.
Acorn, Liz                        Clark, Josephine                    Farina, Dominic                Hogan Family
Acuna, Maria Concepcion           Cocuzza, Auriela                    Farsetta, Ann                  Hroncich, Biagio T.
Adubato, Lou and Dolores          Cocuzza, Donald                     Ferreira, Alvaro               Huha, Charles and Mary
Alvarez, Mercedes                 Cologero, Lori Ann                  Figueroa, Armand               Imbomone, Mary and Vincent
Andelora, Joseph                  Compel Family                       Fisher, Tim                    Jahnke, Raymond and Evelyn
Anderson, George and Mary         Conti, Alfred and Pauline           Forrest, Martin                Jimenez, Francisco
Andrea, Eugene                    Corrado, James and Margaret         Forrest, Stephen               Kalegi, Irene and Walter
Andrea, Kathleen                  Cottingham, Patrick and Katherine   Freeman, Joan                  Kamer, Rosemarie
Anzalone Family                   Coursey, Virginia                   Fritz Family                   Karol, Jimmy
Apreyasz, Violet and John         Covimo, Jessica                     Fritz, Allan and Rosemary      Kayal, Michael
Augustine, Sharon                 Cropper, Jack                       Frumolt, Camille               Keane, Kenneth
Autieri, Susan                    Crosby, John, Mame and Dolly        Furler, Jane                   Kellner Family
Avedissian, Manny                 Daly, Jessie                        Fuschetti, Rose                Kerestzesy, Felix
Azucenas, Victoria                Daly, John Jr.                      Galayda, Ann and Ted           Kick, Florence and Albert
Baills Family                     Daly, John Sr.                      Gardner, Audrey                Kick, George
Ballard, Edward                   Daly, Patrick                       Gardner, Edward and Clare      Kiersten, Elizabeth Rainey
Barkovitz, Pearl and Walter       D'Ambrosio, Tony and Mae            Garofalo, Mario                Kirz, Gertrude and Victor
Barresi, Louis                    D'Angelo, Agnes                     Garofalo, May                  Krapf, Ferdinand and Margarethe
Barry Family                      D'Angelo, Francis                   Giacoio, Frank and Doria       Krapf, Josef
Bednar, Minnie and Mickey         D'Angelo, Michael                   Giardino, Mae                  Krapf, Otto
Bibbo, John                       Dawson, Frank M. Jr.                Giger, Bruce                   Krauss, Gert and Henry
Bird Family                       Dean, Mary                          Gletow, Edward                 Krauss, Henry C.
Boudjouk Family                   Dec, Henry                          Gletow, Josephine              Krisa, Paul Sr. and Doris
Bozza Family                      DeCaro, Louis                       Glynn, Leo                     Krutal Family
Bracken Family                    DeFrancesco, Michele                Graf, Edward and Dorothy       Kurylchek, Bea
Bracken Family                    DeLuca, Peter                       Gray, John                     Kuszony Family
Branco Family                     DeRosa, Carmine and Lee             Gray, Ronald                   Kutzelmann Family
Brandmayr Family                  DeRosa, Marisa Ann                  Gray, Ruth                     Kylamowski, Izabela Kazimierz
Brauer, Alfred and Eleanor        DeSatis, Joseph and Grace           Gurczynski, Ann                Labriola, Eileen
Buczek, Stan                      DeStefano, Sally                    Gurczynski, Walter and Marie   Labriola, Nicholas
Bulacan, Josefina and Ludovico    DeVito, Mr. and Mrs. Carmine        Haddad, Anna                   Lange, Joseph and Carol
Bustos, Luis                      DiGiacomo Family                    Haddad, Edward L.              Lango, William
Calabrese, John                   DiMartino Family                    Hallahan Family                Laurenzana, Primitiva
Caldarone, Ferdinando and Maria   Dolfi, Salvatore                    Hanley, Alice and Thomas       Lauro, Paul and Susan
Calia, Bob                        D'Onofrio, Ann and Fred             Haring, Annabelle and Frank    Lavelle, Mary and Jimmy
Campos, Noe                       Donohue, Barbara                    Harkin, Peter                  Lavina, Antonio
Cano, Numeriano                   Donohue, Denise                     Harkin, William and Rose       Lavina, Conchita
Carino, Guadalupe                 Donohue, Robert                     Harris Family                  Lavina, Eddy
Carlin, Margaret and John         Dudek, Dominique                    Hartigan, Tim and Brian        Lavina, Emilio
Carnevale, Michael                Dutcher, Margaret                   Haslett, Victor and Helen      Lavina, Flosy
Carson Family                     Duttenhoefer, Dorothy and Bill      Healy Family
Caruso, Thomas and Candida        Edwards Family                      Healy, Helen
Cascone, Joe and Frances          Egan, Edna and Gene                 Healy, Jim
Case Family                       Egan, Joseph                        Heckman, Catherine and Bob
Castro, Celia                     Egloff, Doris                       Held, Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Chorba, John                      Egloff, Steven                      Henry, Wilfred
Ciandella Family                  Eiserle, Robert                     Herkert, August and Frieda
Laxina, Ave                    Pelak Family                      Schade, Robert and Elaine         Wiecek Family
Laxina, Coraciolo              Penton, Mr. and Mrs. Luis         Schetlick, Lynn                   Wilderson, Ruth
Laxina, Heger                  Perez, Eulalia                    Schneller, Margaret               Wilson, Barbara
Laxina, Porferia               Perkowski Family                  Schumacher, Charles and Mildred   Wilson, Dan
Legdon, William                Perone, Yvonne                    Seeley, Fred Jr.                  Wilson, George and Patricia
Liston, Jack                   Phiel, Lina                       Seeley, Fred Sr. and Jean         Worfarth, Renee
Loney, Akeem                   Piccini, Giovanna                 Shippee Family                    Wyss, Joyce and Carl
Loustau, Sarah and Louis       Piccini, Stefano                  Short, Art                        Zangara, Joe and Ann
Lubben, Richard                Piccinich, Dominick               Sibley, Ro
Luciano, Cecil                 Piccinich, Dora                   Slater, William
Mancino, Mary Ann              Piccinich, Marino A.              Smith, Eleanor
Marosits, John and Jean        Piccirillo, Anthony A.            Smith, Roger
Marotta, Rich                  Piccirillo, Anthony R.            Sorace, Matt and Mary
Mastropole, Carl               Piccirillo, Joanne                Speck, William K.
Mastropole, Kate               Picinic, Franceska                Stampur, Henry Jr.
Mastropole, Sal                Polito, Frank                     Stampur, Henry Sr.
Mc Crum, Richard               Polito, Lena and Alfred           Stampur, Pauline
McCarthy Family                Pricken, John                     Staudinger, Bryan
McCullough, Debra              Primavera, Philomena and Edward   Struble, Al
McCullough, John R.            Pyryt, Andrew                     Struble, Alyssa
McCullough, Louise             Rainey, John                      Struble, Frieda
McGrath, Robert                Rainey, Thomas P.                 Struble, Glenn
McGuire, Sienie and Charles    Randazzo Family                   Sudol, Bill and Jean
McNamara, Cynthia              Rauschart, Mary and Fred          Szaro, Cas
Medici, Anthony                Reedy, Frank                      Szenzenstein, Kim
Meilla, Thomas                 Reedy, Jean                       Tarsitano, Cecelia
Moore, Bill                    Reformat, Michael                 Tarsitano, Ralph
Moore, Tom                     Reilly, Thomas and Anne           Terkanick, Valerie
Morris, Barbara                Reinhart, David                   Terkanick, William
Morris, Patricia               Reinhart, Margaret and Irwin      Toth, Frances
Mulligans Family               Repko, Sally                      Traynor, David and Lorraine
Musial, Frank and Laura        Reves, Anna                       Trocchio, Joseph and Benigna
Nardella, Andrew J. Sr.        Revis, John and Helen             Tuason, Rita Gardner
Nardella, Catherine A.         Ricci, Basil                      Turan, Doris
Neetzow, Helen and Bob         Riva, Paul and Marie              Usinowicz, Jo
Niemann, Howard and Margaret   Rocco, Thomas                     Usinowicz, Leslie and Joe
Nolan, Daniel                  Rosa Family                       Van Winkle, Marian and Bernard
Nolan, Helen                   Rosone, Angela and Charles        VanLenten, Jacob
Nolan, James                   Rottmund, Arthur                  VanLenten, Peter Sr.
Novack, Leonard                Rottmund, Hedwig                  VanLeten, Thelma
Nowosad, Mike and Ann          Rowe, Cong                        Vanore, Antonetta and Nicola
O'Connor, Jean                 Russ, Pagana                      Veloso, Damiana
O'Driscoll Family              Russo, Charles and Inez           VenLenten, Peter Jr.
O'Keefe, Michael               Russo, Kenneth                    Visto, Norberto A. Sr. and
O'Keefe, Pearl                 Ryan, Paul                        Dolores
Okolski Family                 Sailus, Rose and Joe              Visto, Norberto Jr.
Pacelli, Alfonso               Salleroli, Isabel                 Visto, Prudencio
Pacelli, Josephine             Salleroli, Patrick                Walters, Robert
Parash, Dr. Stanley            Salvatoriello, Patricia Rainey    Wasilewski Family
Parker, Joan                   Sarro Family                      Weir, John and Reba
Patuto Family                  Scanlon, Rose                     Wells Family
Payant, Dr. Edward             Scerbo, Rose and Louis            Wells, Roger

                                                                                                                         PAGE 13
Recent pictures of Youth Ministry Service Trips to
B.A.S.S Animal Rescue in Ringwood and DPD
Fitzpatrick House in Pompton Lakes.

Thank you to all who attended, for serving our
community so generously! Other opportunities to
volunteer can be found at

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