Chloe Star is Born Three Stories, Our Little Miracle

Page created by Loretta Edwards
Chloe Star is Born Three Stories, Our Little Miracle
Fall 2011

Chloe Star
 is Born
  Three Stories,
One Happy Ending

  Our Little
   A Wonderful
   Story on Fate
   and Bonding

    Mark Your
   Holiday Parties p.2
  Kid’s Art Contest p.2
  Support Groups p.16
Chloe Star is Born Three Stories, Our Little Miracle
From the Editor
The articles in this issue of Open Adoption are warm and inspiring, helping us welcome
another holiday season. We celebrate IAC’s newest families on page one and announce
holiday party dates and new staff on page two. The holiday season at IAC also includes our
annual holiday break and Adoption Awareness Month and that is detailed on page two and
16 respectively.

On page three an adoptive mother writes a letter to her son, Jared, recounting the events
that formed their family. On page four, we introduce Gia, and the series of events that
brought her adoptive mothers and her birthmother together. Both stories reveal tiny details
that lead to miraculous outcomes, and how fate plays a role in open adoption.

Our feature article is a birth story told from three perspectives. It’s not often that all sides
of a story are told, but on page seven, the birth of Chloe Star is recounted by her adoptive
mother, her birthmother, and her birthfather. Respect, admiration, and friendship are
common themes in all three stories, proving the strength of their open relationship and the
immense amount of love that brought Chloe into the world.

In our Staff Profile, you will meet Lauren Favorite, our Adoptive Parent Intake Coordinator
in Atlanta, Georgia. Aside from welcoming perspective adoptive parents to the IAC, she has
quite a few interesting hobbies. Learn about these hobbies and more on page 13.

On page 14, hear from resident expert Kathleen Silber as she addresses a unique situation
your child may encounter in school. As always, the final pages contain up-to-date birthparent
statistics and upcoming support group dates. Happy Holidays!

				                                           Ann Wrixon
				                                           Executive Director
Chloe Star is Born Three Stories, Our Little Miracle

                                       Fall 2011

       Ann Wrixon, MSW, MBA
                       Executive Director
Kathleen Silber, MSW, ACSW
           Associate Executive Director

                 Ann Wrixon EDITOR
                       EDITORIAL STAFF
                                                   IAC NEWS & EVENTS
                       Kathleen Silber             The IAC’s Newest Families p.1
                          Erin Grimm
                                                   Holiday Card Design Contest p.2
         OPEN ADOPTION NEWS Fall 2011
       {Vol.28, No.4 } 800-877-OPEN (6736)         IAC Holiday Party Dates p.2                                                      seven
OPEN ADOPTION NEWS is a publication of
       the Independent Adoption Center, a          New Staff Introductions p.2
   professional, licensed, nonprofit agency.
    Founded in 1982, the IAC is the largest        Social Media Spotlight: Guest Blogging p.2
  and one of the oldest fully open adoption
             agencies in the United States.

                   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.            OUR STORY
              Any use of materials, including
     reproduction, modification, distribution      To Jared, Love, Your Forever Family p.3
       or republication, without prior written     Johanna Connell
consent of the Independent Adoption Center,
                is prohibited. Copyright 2011.     Our Little Miracle p.4
           San Francisco, CA Office                Maura Montellano
                 391 Taylor Blvd., Suite 100
                   Pleasant HIll ,CA 94523
                            T 925.827.2229         FEATURE {Page 7}
              Los Angeles, CA Office
         5777 W. Century Blvd., Suite 1450         Chloe Star is Born
                  Los Angeles, CA 90045            Dahlia Bagnis, Brittney Warner, & Joel Smith
                          T 310.215.3180

               Indianapolis, IN Office
               5162 E Stop 11 Road, Suite 1        STAFF PROFILE
                     Indianapolis, IN 46237
                            T 317.887.2015         Our Very Own Food Loving Photographer p.13
                                                   Interview with Lauren Favorite, Adoptive Parent Intake Coordinator
                     Atlanta, GA Office
     2060 East Exchange Place, Suite 308
                      Tucker, GA 30084
                        T 404.321.6900             ADVICE
                    Raleigh, NC Office             Ask Kathleen, the IAC’s Resident Expert p.14
          184 Raven Ridge Road, Suite 109
                                                   Kathleen Silber, MSW, ACSW
                       Raleigh, NC 27614
                          T 919.676.6288
                  Pearland, TX Office              ANNOUNCEMENTS
 11601 Shadow Creek Pkwy, Suite 111-221
                    Pearland, TX 77584             Birthparent Statistics & Adoption Keepsakes p.15
                       T 855.205.9827
                                                   Adoptive Parent Support Groups p.16

                                                   Front Cover: Maura Montellano & Katherine Wetherbee with their daughter Gia
                                                   Back Cover: George & Larissa Pantelidis with their son Gavin
       Learn more about IAC at
Chloe Star is Born Three Stories, Our Little Miracle

                                                                                                                  Aerin Moore & Alexis Lavine,
                                                                                                                  daughter Kaia
                                                                                                                  Anne O’Driscoll,
                                                                                                                  son Alexander
                                                                                                                  Trent & Jackie Pierce,
Anita Akins & Rebecca Woodruff,                            Antje Eichinger,
                                                                                                                  son Joseph
son Jackson                                                son Joshua
                                                                                                                  Scott & Jan Riggan,
Steve & Jennifer Allision,                                 Jeff Goodwin & Russell Knight,
                                                                                                                  daughter Katherine
daughter Avalyn                                            sons Aaron & Jordan
                                                                                                                  Lorenzo Scott & Patrick Wright,
Maureen Beasley & Patricia Dunne,                          Shea Harper & Debra Kremins-Harper,
                                                                                                                  son Braxton
daughter Ailish                                            son Gavin
                                                                                                                  Clayton & Nichelle Stevens,
John Barbee & Chris deWolff,                               Robin & Tim Harris,
                                                                                                                  daughter Zoey
daughter Sophia                                            son Jeffery
                                                                                                                  Rachel Strohman & Jill Barr,
Edward & Laura DeLaCruz,                                   Martin Herbst & Andjana Pachkova,
                                                                                                                  son Jacob Strohman
daughter Shayne                                            sons Michael & Alexander
                                                                                                                  Pamela & Monique Villano,
                                                           Tom Lawrence & Janet Partridge,
                                                                                                                  daughter Bella
                                                           daughter Emily
                                                                                                                  Eric & Michelle Wasgatt,
                                                           Clayton Lord & Seth Miller,
                                                                                                                  daughter Serenity
                                                           daughter Cora
                                                           Timothy & Angela Lorenzen,
                                                           daughter Zaria
                                                           Scott & Melissa McGinness,
                                                           son Ian
                                  Mark & Jenna
                                  Hales, son Kai

                                                                                                 Nick Helfrich & Katherine Batts,
                                                                                                 daughter Odessa

                                                                                                                                    Ben & Stephanie Hobbs,
                                                                                                                                    daughter Annabelle

Dale White &
Manuel Mendiola,                                   Curtis & Karen Hamilton,
son Kyan                                           daughter Amelia

                                                                                                 David & Jessica Wu,                Tony & Emily Frazier,
                                                                     Kevin & Heather             daughter Ava                       daughter Penelope
Maura Montellano &                                                   Ward, son William
Katherine Wetherbee,                                                                             Jonathan DeLima & Jimmy             Dana & Howard
daughter Gia                                                                                     Nguyen, daughter Jayden             Ginsburg,
                                                                                                                                     son Aiden

                 Erik Eeda-Toro
                 & Glen Smith,
                  son Brendan

                                                                                 Thom Finn &
                                                                               Beth Manning,
                                                                               daughter Ellery

Maria Grossenbacher &                               Jessica & Brad Hanson,                                         Bridget & Eric    Brian & Gabrielle Story,
Liz Stilwell, daughter Madelyn                      daughter Kennedy                                          Hansard, son Miles     daughter Amelia

Chloe Star is Born Three Stories, Our Little Miracle

 Holiday                              Open to                    MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR THIS YEAR’S

   Card                           children of                            IAC HOLIDAY PARTY
                                  all of ages.             This is an annual event that allows IAC families to spend time

                                                                                                                                    ti m e
                                                            together and share the bond of open adoption. The parties
 Contest              Each contestant may submit            are kid friendly with toys, activities and goodies. As always,
                     up to three pieces of artwork.        birthparents are invited to attend. Invitations will be sent via
       The theme of the artwork should be winter,
                                                          email and regular mail. Details on these events will be posted on
holidays, love and/or family. The winning artwork
                                                                our Facebook page and the adoptive parent forums.
    will be featured on the front of the IAC’s 2011
        Holiday Card. The winner also will receive:
                        A framed certificate •             Pleasant Hill                 los angeles                 san diego                   georgia
 Recognition in Open Adoption, Winter 2012 •
                         A check for $50.00 •                @ the office                 @ the office           @ private home                @ the office
  SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 14, 2011                    12/04 /11                    12/10/11                   12/13/11                  12/06/11
   SEND BY MAIL TO: PLEASANT HILL OFFICE                         1-3PM                       10-2PM                    6:30PM                    7-8:30PM

   IAC News flash
    Online web conference                                                                                      Birthparent outreach
    support groups                                                  IAC HOLIDAY BREAK                          IAC’s Marketing Department is phasing in part-
    (See page 16 for dates and times.)                              ANNOUNCEMENT                               time birthparent outreach associates to increase
                                                           The IAC offices will be closed from Thursday,       awareness on open adoption in the community.
        These groups are intended for clients who
                                                           December 22 @ 2pm through Monday,                   In coming months our outreach associates
    live more than one hour from an in-person
                                                           January 2. We will re-open at 9am on                will carry out in-person visits to health centers,
    group. However, please RSVP and let Lane know
                                                           January 3. During this time period, staff will      hospitals, planned parenthoods, shelters, etc,
    if you have logistical problems and can only
                                                           be available if you receive a birthparent           in order to develop relationships with staff
    attend an online group in any month or if you’d
                                                           contact, your birthparent goes into labor,          members and provide brochures and information
    like to attend a group in a different time zone.
                                                           or is having emotional difficulties.                on IAC. We expect birthparent intakes to
       Webcam required.                                                                                        increase in the coming year as we continue to
        Each group limited to 10 families. Contact                                                             strengthen these efforts. Stay tuned on our if you plan to attend      Jade Hesson, Administrative Assistant                  blog as we introduce our outreach associates
    so that you can receive proper instructions.        Jade is the newest addition to our Raleigh             Social Media Spotlight:
    New iac staff member                                office. She is responsible for all administrative
    introductions                                       tasks and making sure all prospective clients          Be a Guest Blogger
                                                        are given the necessary information and                Blogging is a fun, interactive way to talk about
    Amalia Gratteri, Marketing Associate
                                                        paperwork. We are lucky to have her.                   your adoption. We are looking for both current
    Since starting in August, Amalia has already
                                                                                                               clients and alumni to write for our adoption blog.
    made significant contributions to IAC’s             Tina West, MSW, Open Adoption Counselor
                                                                                                               As a current client, blogging can help you process
    marketing efforts. She developed an engaging        Tina originally worked for IAC as an intern
                                                                                                               and share your emotions with a supportive
    social media campaign for both adoptive parents     while completing her MSW, and is now a
                                                                                                               audience who can relate to you. As an alumni,
    and birthparents that the IAC implemented           member of our counseling staff in Pleasant
                                                                                                               you can write about the joys and challenges of
    across Facebook, Twitter and our blogs. She         Hill. She is also helping with Birthparent
                                                                                                               parenting, share your insight on openness, and
    has also helped kickstart birthparent outreach      Outreach. Tina is a wonderful addition to our
                                                                                                               reflect back on the adoption process. If you
    efforts that will carry into the new year.          counseling staff and we are thrilled that she
                                                                                                               are interested in writing, or think you might be
                                                        has chosen to work for the IAC full-time.
    Crystal Houchens, MSW,                                                                                     interested but don’t know where to start, contact
    Open Adoption Counselor                             Tomasa Dueñas, Open Adoption Counselor                 our Creative Director of Marketing at egrimm@
    Crystal works with both adoptive parents            Tomasa has joined the IAC in Pleasant Hill    She will help you get started —
    and birthparents as Indiana’s Open Adoption         as an Open Adoption Counselor. Aside from              she’ll even help you think of ideas to write about!
    Counselor. She received her MSW from Indiana        her counseling skills, we also admire the
                                                                                                                  We are also looking for guest bloggers
    University and believes adoptions are beautiful.    fact that she is bilingual. As a result, she will
                                                                                                               to feature on the I Heart Adoption blog as
    Crystal is doing well in her new role and we        handle all intakes and cases in Pleasant Hill
                                                                                                               well, so if you know a birthmother who
    are proud to have her on our counseling staff.      involving Spanish speaking birthmothers.
                                                                                                               might be interested in writing, please have
                                                                                                               her contact

                                              How do you involve the      What childhood experiences        What is most vital to keeping      EVERY THURSDAY:
 Check out Facebook for                       birthmom even when          and/or traditions do you          a close relationship with your        101 Ways to
   answers to these Q’s                       she can’t be around?        pass on to your child?            extended family?                     Keep In Touch

Chloe Star is Born Three Stories, Our Little Miracle
our story

    Jared and big sister                        harder to explain to an excited little girl,      and that she practiced by reading to her dolls
         Jacquline                              that it just didn’t work out.                     and rocking them to sleep. She knew that
                                                                                                  Jacquline would be wonderful to you, just like
                                                After a year waiting for you, I eagerly
                                                                                                  her brother was wonderful to her. The fact
                                                signed up for the IAC’s Last Minute
                                                                                                  that I was a single mom didn’t worry her.
                                                Hospital List. Shortly after, on May 7th,
                                                2010, our world changed. The day started          When I arrived at the hospital to meet A*, I
                                                out like a typical Friday, with lots of errands   was really nervous. I didn’t know what to
                                                to run, playtime at the park with Jacquline,      expect since I didn’t have opportunity to
                                                followed by a late lunch. Then, on the way        meet your sister’s birthmother in person.
                                                home from lunch, I received a call from           I was also nervous hoping you were the
                                                my Open Adoption Counselor, Sarah,                baby destined to be my son.
                                                regarding a last minute placement she
                                                                                                  A* and I spent the weekend getting to
                                                was handling. After getting the details
                                                                                                  know each other and taking care of you,
                                                and agreeing to pursue the situation, I
                                                                                                  whom she originally named Michael. She
                                                immediately started making phone calls
                                                                                                  told me I could change your name, but
                                                and arrangements. I was shaking while
                                                                                                  asked me to consider Michael as a middle
                                                                                                  name. Since both your sister and I have
                                                                                                  names starting with “J,” I wanted to

       To Jared, Love,
                                                                                                  continue the tradition by naming you Jared.
                                                                                                  By the end of the naming game, together
                                                                                                  A* and I had blessed you with 3 strong

    Your Forever Family                                                                           names: Jared Matthew Michael.

                                                                                                  Though I feared A* might change her
                                                                                                  mind, she always appeared at peace with
By Johanna Connell                                                                                her decision. We agreed to meet several
                                                I drove home to pick up a few items and           times a year, and for me to send pictures
After adopting your sister Jacquline
                                                drop Jacquline off at Grandma’s house.            monthly. When A* was discharged from
through the IAC in 2006, I decided that we
                                                                                                  the hospital, I drove her home before
needed another family member to make            Meanwhile, your incredible birthmother, A*,
                                                                                                  heading to Grandma’s house to introduce
our family complete. As the pesky younger       had arrived at the hospital in the middle
                                                                                                  you to your family. Big sister Jacquline was
sister in my family, I wanted you and your      of the night, in labor, and already firm in
                                                                                                  grinning from ear to ear and couldn’t wait
sister to experience the sibling relationship   her decision. While she was pregnant, she
                                                                                                  to hold you!
that I shared with your uncle. Just before      decided she wanted more for you than she
Jacquline was three years old, I started        was able to provide.                              In the months following your birth, A* and
the paperwork to adopt again. It took                                                             I talked on the phone nearly once a month.
longer than expected, but I was finally “in     She didn’t call the IAC right                     Contact has dropped off a bit recently,
the books” in December 2009. This time          away, but had met another                         due to changes in her life, but I still send
I was more relaxed during the wait and          birthmother who had placed                        her pictures of you so that she knows you
much more active in networking. I had the       through the IAC, and learned                      are happy and healthy. Because of our
support of family and friends, but I was also                                                     relationship early on, I can confidently tell
                                                that she could make decisions
cautioned that the wait could be longer                                                           you, Jared, that your birthmother loves you,
                                                regarding your future.                            and that she made a selfless decision to
because I was a single parent that already
had a child. As it turned out, I had several    She wanted to pick the right family for you       bring you into our lives.
contacts with potential birthmothers early      and to be able to have contact with you
                                                                                                   In May 2011, just after your first birthday
on, all of whom mentioned that a sibling        to see how wonderfully you grew up. She
                                                                                                   we went to court to finalize your adoption.
relationship was important to them.             also wanted a Christian family so you would
                                                                                                   During the proceedings the Judge asked
                                                know God. A* kept the IAC business card in
The biggest challenge for me was                                                                   Jacquline if it would be okay for you to be
                                                her wallet for months, and when she got to
controlling my excitements and                                                                     her brother forever. Normally shy, Jacquline
                                                the hospital, she informed the staff to call
disappointments in front of your sister. She                                                       surprised everyone by eagerly answering,
                                                the IAC. After the IAC received the call, our
frequently asked when her “BrotherSister”                                                         “Yes!” Before you came along, she wanted a
                                                counselor, Sarah took a package of letters
— her description for you before you were                                                          sister, but now admits that you are a lot of
                                                to the hospital for A* to look at. This is how
born — would arrive, but I had no answer.                                                          fun. Our “Forever” Family is complete!
                                                she found your sister and I.
Each time a potential match fell through,                                                         *The name of the birthmother has been shortened
it was hard not to be excited, and even         In my letter to her, I wrote about Jacquline,      to her first initial for confidentiality.
                                                and how excited she was to have a sibling,

Chloe Star is Born Three Stories, Our Little Miracle
our story

                                                                  The Journey Begins
                                                                  Although Katherine and I had tried to
                                                                  have a baby, the emphasis for us was
                                                                  never that we had to have a biological
                                                                  child. We wanted to be parents and made
                                                                  the decision to adopt as naturally as we
                                                                  had in making the decision to have a
                                                                  baby. We knew little about open adoption,
                                                                  but we both held typical preconceived
                                                                  ideas about the process, including the
                                                                  fear of many adoptive parents that the
                                                                  birthmother could show up at our front
                                                                  door one day demanding to see her child
                                                                  or worse, wanting her baby back. After
                                                                  researching agencies online, we attended
                                                                  the two-day intensive workshop at IAC
                                                                  in May 2008. The amount of information
                                                                  was overwhelming and the process
                                                                  daunting, but two days later our minds
                                                                  and hearts were made up! The idea of
                                                                  open adoption, the honesty and sharing
                                                                  and what it meant to all involved was a
                                                                  powerful testimony.
                                                                  We immediately tackled the birthmother
                                                                  letter, at times chafing at the constant
                                                                  editing requests. It’s surprising how
                                                                  difficult it is to summarize your life into
                                                                  sound bites, or how challenging it is to
                                                                  write about yourself. On our website, we
                                                                  did our best to highlight all the things we
                                                                  felt a birthmother would be looking for,
                                                                  and hoped that our passion and all the
                                                                  love we had to give this baby would come
                                                                  through in our photos and our words. We
                                                                  dreaded the home study but ended up
                                                                  enjoying the process and were approved
                                                                  soon after. After a voluntary hold for a few
                                                                  months, we were in the books in March
                                                                  2009, proud of ourselves and predicting
                                                                  that in short order we’d be picked. We
                                                                  smile now at our confidence then.
                                                                  Our first contact came in late August, and

           Our Little Miracle                                     was followed by at least a dozen more
                                                                  contacts over the next seven months.
                                                                  Some conversations ended with one
                                                                  call, others ended after many weeks of
                                                                  emails. Our hopes were always high and

“My water broke!” We had been waiting six months to               our excitement palpable. Disappointment
                                                                  was inevitably part of the process, and we
hear this from our birthmother, Ashleigh. It was just after 3pm   grieved and comforted one another after
on Dec. 16, 2010, three days before her due date. “Oh my God,     two heartbreaking matches that didn’t
                                                                  work out.
we’re on our way,” I said in the calmest voice I could muster,
                                                                  By March 2010, Katherine and I had an
feeling myself choke up. Moments earlier, she had made the        honest discussion about how long we
same call to my partner, Katherine, who had blurted out an        could continue this journey. Emotionally
expletive and added, “Here we go!”                                weary, our confidence dimmed and
                                                                  thinking that perhaps it was not in
                                                                  the cards for us, we made the painful

                    By Maura Montellano
Chloe Star is Born Three Stories, Our Little Miracle
our story

decision to set a deadline. The date we       read this email and I hope both of you     and the experiences she gone through.
set was July 24, my birthday. I’m not sure    have a great rest of the week. – Ash :)    Katherine and I looked at one another
why but it seemed as good a date as any.                                                 in astonishment, amazed that she
As the weeks passed without a single                                                     could retell her story without a hint of
                                              I read Ashleigh’s email at a red light
contact, neither of us spoke of the looming                                              shame or fear of judgment. We liked her
                                              and screamed like a mad woman. I
date, but we both prayed. On June 20, out                                                immediately!
                                              pulled over, my hands already shaking,
of the blue, Katherine said, “Someone’s
                                              and forwarded the email to Katherine,      She said she had a young son, four and
going to contact us soon. I feel it.” On
                                              followed by numerous exclamation           half years old, who was her life and bliss.
Tuesday, June 22, someone did:
                                              points. I quickly responded to Ashleigh    We learned that she was a recovering
                                              and so began our amazing journey with      addict, nearly three years sober by
                                              this incredible young woman.               then. She was proud of herself and her
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2010 12:18:21
                                                                                         ability to straighten out her life in spite
Subject: Hello Katherine & Maura              We talked on the phone later that
                                                                                         of incredible odds. However, she was
To:                           night and found Ashleigh to be
                                                                                         realistic about the commitment required
From:                        refreshingly honest and surprisingly
                                                                                         to parent and she knew she could not
Hi, My name is Ashleigh. I am about to        uninhibited in telling us about her life
                                                                                         care for another child at this stage in her
be 20 years old and I live in Los Angeles.
                                                                                         life. The birthfather was no longer in the
I am about 3 1\2 months pregnant and          Here she comes!                            picture, but they both knew they were
due december 19th. Im looking for
                                                                                         not prepared to be parents.
a great couple to parent the baby im
carring. 2 things id like to know before                                                 We met just five days later, hoping the
we exchange basic info is if your ok with                                                ease of our phone conversations would
matching up with a BM early in her                                                       translate in face-to-face conversation.
pregnancy and if your talking to other                                                   We smile as we recall our fears: Would
BMs. Thank you for taking the time to                                                    she like us? Would she think we were
                                                                                         too old? Were we dressed right? The
                                                                                         moment she came into the restaurant
    With Ashleigh at our baby shower
                                                                                         and we hugged for the first time, we
                                                                                         knew she was the one. Hours later, as
                                                                                         we said goodbye, she said, “I’ll call IAC
                                                                                         on Monday and let them know I want to
                                                                                         match.” Katherine and I hugged her long
                                                                                         and tight.
                                                                                         On my birthday, at what would be one
                                                                                         of many doctor’s appointments with
                                                                                         Ashleigh, Katherine and I sat transfixed
                                                                                         by 3D images on large screens before us.

                         Happy as can be,                                                Ashleigh lay quietly in the
                          moments after                                                  dimly lit room as the technician
                            Gia’s birth                                                  navigated the transducer
                                                                                         across her growing belly and
                                                                                         confirmed she was having a girl.
                                                                                         We grabbed one another’s hands
                                                                                         and openly cried as we tried to
                                                                                         make out our daughter’s body,
                                                                                         her face, her hands.
                                                                                         Ashleigh later told us that she was
                                                                                         touched by our display of emotion. She
                                                                                         knew then that she had picked the right
                                                                                         couple because, “you don’t even know
                                                                                         her and I can see how much you love
                                                                                         her already.” She added that though she
                                                                                         loved this baby, she wanted to feel that joy
                                                                                         surge through her the next time she was
                                                                                         carrying a child because she would know
                                                                                         it was the right time for her to parent.

Chloe Star is Born Three Stories, Our Little Miracle
our story

In November, Ashleigh attended               We stared in amazement as Gia                  On July 8, 2011, 3 years, a month and 2
                                                                                            weeks after beginning our journey, we
our baby shower hosted by our                Belén Montellano Wetherbee
                                                                                            stood before a judge who declared Gia
many friends. She marveled                   entered the world at 1:36 p.m.                 our daughter forever. The excitement
at the multitude of family                   on Dec. 17, 2010. Katherine                    shared by our family and friends on Gia’s
                                                                                            Forever Day party the next day doubled
and friends and the love and                 tearfully cut the umbilical cord
                                                                                            our joy. As we have since Gia’s birth, we
excitement they expressed for us.            as I snapped photos through                    shared our news with Ashleigh, who
She cried as we shared a brief story         puddled eyes.                                  immediately commented on Facebook,
about her, how we came to cross paths                                                      “It seems like it was just yesterday I had
                                             In the six months we’d spent with
and our deep appreciation of her. She                                                       emailed you guys... I couldn’t imagine
                                             Ashleigh, she had cried once. Now, as
shared that she was happy to know her                                                       Gia with anyone else... I’m so damn lucky
                                             she saw Katherine and I holding our
baby would be surrounded by people                                                          God was on my side and put you both in
                                             daughter, crying out that she was perfect,
who loved her.                                                                              my path. I don’t think I’d feel so complete
                                             she wept again. Our hearts sank and
                                                                                            if it wasn’t for both of you! Thank you
Birth day                                    our thoughts turned to her. As long
                                                                                            guys!! And I’ll love you forever for this!”
The drive to the hospital in December        as we had known her, Ashleigh never
was one of excited anticipation, holding     wavered in her choice to place, so we can     Although she has made the choice to not
hands and lots of “oh my gosh, it’s really   honestly say we knew it wasn’t her having     meet Gia until she asks to meet her, we
happening!” For months we’d talked           a change of heart. Later, we visited her      have shared, on a weekly basis, updates
about this day when we would be parents      room and she told us, “They were tears of     and photos. She cherishes the photos and
and now that it was here, we were two        happiness at seeing the picture I had in      proudly shows them off, boasting of our
giddy girls, nervous and anxious. We         my mind all this time come to life before     happiness, Gia’s beauty and above all, her
arrived at the hospital, thankful that       my eyes.” We were profoundly moved by         own peace with her decision to place.
pre-holiday traffic was light. Ashleigh      her sentiment and courage.
                                                                                           She looks forward to meeting Gia one day
appeared a bit fatigued, but otherwise       finally home                                  and introducing her to her half-brother.
was not exhibiting any pain. We were         We brought Gia home on Christmas Eve,         Until then, we will share with our daughter
grateful her mother was there with her.      after a week-long hospital stay, thrilled     the story of her courageous birthmother,
We settled in, not realizing then the long   that we’d be waking up on Christmas Day       her loving choice, and the incredible story
wait ahead.                                  with our little miracle. The change to our    of our journey to be her parents.
At four the next morning, after spending     household was immediate as we began to
an uncomfortable night sharing a tiny        alter our routine and adjust to Gia’s. We
cot, and with Ashleigh still nowhere near    didn’t know this kind of sleep deprivation
delivering, Katherine and I got a room       existed! Slowly, though, we settled into
at a hotel across the street to get some     a routine and actually started sleeping
rest, shower and return fresh-faced. At      again. With the exception of a nasty                   CREATE A
                                             bout of colic that inspired a car ride for
about 10:30 a.m. Ashleigh texted us that
she was 8 cm dilated! We rushed to her       relief (it didn’t work!), Gia surprised not            KEEPSAKE by
side, held her hands and tried to comfort    only us, but our friends, when she began
                                             sleeping through the night at five weeks.
                                                                                                    sharing your
her, giving her a heads up when the next
contraction was coming, according to
                                             Nine months have passed and Gia
                                                                                                    adoption story.
the monitor. Though the pain must have
been intense, she was not screaming or       changes with each day, it seems.                       We are always
                                                                                                    accepting stories
writhing in agony as we had witnessed        We feel privileged to witness this
on shows like 16 & Pregnant and Birth                                                               to publish in Open
Day. We all chuckle at that memory today.
                                             little girl’s growth, from tiny                        Adoption Magazine,
                                             bundle who made us nervous to                          on our website, or on
As we put on the hospital suits and hair
caps, we joked and laughed at how silly      bathe her, to a boisterous crawler                     our blog. If you are
we looked in our Haz-Mat suits. Our          now pulling herself up to stand                        interested in any of
friend Rita was there recording those        and preparing to walk.                                 these opportunities,
moments as we prepared to follow                                                                    please contact
Ashleigh into the delivery room. Now it      She is an energetic, curious little girl
                                             with a stunning smile now showcasing
                                                                                                    Erin – egrimm@
seemed to be happening so fast. Nervous
                                             four teeth and a squeal that erupts when     
energy filled the room as nurses prepped
Ashleigh and the doctor was summoned.        she sees her mothers. She is everything
While I held Ashleigh’s head and             we wished for and more. As a budding
shoulders and Katherine held one leg, we     photographer, she has become my newest,
kept count with the doctor and nurses as     most inspiring muse, and I never tire of
we all urged her to push.                    capturing her delightful moods.

Chloe Star is Born Three Stories, Our Little Miracle

                                                                       seemed daunting. The more and more I read, the
                                                                       more I felt certain that open adoption was the right
                                                                       fit for our family. We wanted our child to have as
                                                                       much information as possible about his or her birth
                                                                       family and, if possible, the opportunity to maintain
                                                                       a relationship with them. As much as we wanted
                                                                       our child to have this gift, we were also ambivalent
                                                                       to welcome strangers into our lives this way. Who
                                                                       would our child’s birthparents be and would they
                                                                       be a good fit for our family?
                                                                       We signed with the IAC in March 2010 and
                                                                       feverishly worked to complete our homestudy
                                                                       and “Dear Birthmother” letter. It was an arduous
                                                                       task, but quite fun at times, and we finally felt the
                                                                       control that infertility had taken from us come
                                                                       back into our lives. We were so positive about our
                                                                       decision to adopt and believed so firmly that we
                                                                       were meant to be parents that we expected to get
                                                                       the call as soon as our letter went “live.” By the
                                                                       end of May 2010, our homestudy and letter were
                                                                       approved and we at last joined the ranks of about
                                                                       200 other waiting IAC families! And then… crickets.
                                                                       Days, weeks, and months went by without so much

Chloe Star
                                                                       as a scam. I tested our email account and 800
                                                                       number frequently just to make sure they were
                                                                       actually working and tracked the number of hits to
                                                                       our iheart page. How could it be that not a single
                                                                       birthmother had contacted us? We had tried to

   is born
                                                                       represent ourselves in the most honest way possible
                                                                       through our Dear Birthmother letter and I began to
                                                                       feel rejected, like we just weren’t good enough.
                                                                       Our wait to be contacted by a birthmother brought
                                                                       every negative thought and painful emotion
                                                                       bubbling over. I looked on as friend after friend
                                                                       got pregnant, some with their second children, and
        It’s not often you hear both sides of a story.                 felt that familiar loss of control creep back in. If
                                                                       someone had told me I would be bringing home
    And oftentimes, when telling the story of the birth                my baby girl just a couple weeks shy of the year
       of a child, there is only one story to be told. But             mark after we went “live,” my year would have been
    in open adoption, the birth of a child brings many                 much different. I would have enjoyed a few good
                                                                       vacations, smiled and laughed with my friends, and
    stories. In this feature article, the story of Chloe is
                                                                       decorated a nursery. Instead, I often felt hopeless
    told first by her adoptive mother, Dahlia, and then                and, at times, doubted our decision to adopt. That’s
       her birthmother, Brittney, and birthfather, Joel.               the uncertainty of open adoption and I’d venture to
                                                                       say that I am not alone in my experience.
                                                                       During a particularly bad week in February 2011,
                               Da h l i a’ s S to r y                  we got a call from the IAC informing us that a
                                                                       birthmother was interested in speaking with us.
                 What brought you to adoption
                                                                       Her name was Brittney, she was 18, and parenting
                 and the IAC?                                          a 16-month-old son with her boyfriend, Joel. Joel
                 The first time Ken and I visited the IAC we weren’t   was 20. She was six months pregnant and they
                 quite ready to take the step toward adoption. After   didn’t feel capable of parenting a second child. She
                 almost exactly two years of infertility struggles,    lived in a little town outside of Las Vegas called
                 Ken and I walked into the IAC and “joined,”           Pahrump, that we had never heard of. We were told
                 hopeful to finally build our family. Adoption had     she was nervous to call, but would be contacting
                 always been something I had considered, but with      us within the week. Hope!!! Finally! We researched
                 so many options available, making a decision          Pahrump, which we learned was just a 4 ½ hour


                            drive from where we live in California, and waited       and the relationship grew, Brittney’s intake worker
                            for the call.                                            suggested a face-to-face visit. Brittney agreed,
                                                                                     and we made plans to visit Pahrump for a couple
                            What was the first conversation you
                                                                                     of days. I asked her for suggestions of places we
                            had with Brittney like?                                  should go, and she told me there was a bowling
                            Brittney called me the following week while I was        alley in Pahrump and that was about it. Sure
                            in a meeting at work, so I missed her call. She left     enough, a little research revealed that there wasn’t
                            a sweet message sharing that she was nervous to          too much to do out there so we planned to meet in
                            talk to us and providing a way to contact her. It        the bowling alley on a Saturday in March. Brittney
                            took me about an hour to work up the courage, and        sent me pictures of her, Joel, and their son, Tyson,
                            my boss ordering me into my office to return the         so I would recognize them.
                            call, before I actually did. In hindsight, it’s almost   Driving to Pahrump felt completely surreal. We
                            comical that I was scared to call. I’m a licensed        were on our way to meet the potential birthparents
                            clinical social worker, and at the time, made a          of our daughter! Was this really happening? As
                            living talking to people! I think I was worried that     reality sunk in, I started to worry again about
                            I would say the wrong thing, that I would feel that      rejection. Would Brittney and Joel change their
                            sense of rejection yet again. My first conversation      minds and stand us up? Would they like us in
                            with Brittney was amazing! I liked her immediately       person? All of these questions rolled around in my
                            and we spent quite a bit of time giggling about how      head. My husband, the eternal optimist, assured
                            nervous we both were. I wanted to get to know            me that if we could be ourselves, they would like us.
                            Brittney and for her to get to know me. I shared
                            with her how Ken and I met through the LA music          What was it like to meet Brittney, Joel
Bowling together            scene and gave her a window into our lives. She          and Tyson for the first time?
on our first visit          shared with me her dreams of finishing high school,
                                                                                     We arrived at the bowling alley early as usual and
to Pahrump                  attending college, and moving out of Pahrump.
                                                                                     sat down to wait. My heart raced as I watched a
                                                                                     young, pregnant woman and her boyfriend walk
                                                                                     into the bowling alley. It was them! They didn’t
                                                                                     stand us up! We greeted each other with hugs and
                                                                                     again laughed about how nervous we all were. To
                                                                                     break the ice, Ken and I had brought along some
                                                                                     gifts. Brittney was running low on maternity
                                                                                     clothes so I had picked out a few pieces for her,
                                                                                     along with a small star necklace to symbolize
                                                                                     following her dreams. For Joel, a USC hat, my alma
                                                                                     mater, and his favorite football team, I learned. We
                                                                                     picked out a drum for Tyson to represent of our love
                                                                                     of music.

L: Spending time together
before Chloe’s birth
R: Brittney with her
son, Tyson

                            Days passed before I heard from Brittney again,
                                                                                     The four of us spent that afternoon together,
                            but I felt certain that we had made connection.
                                                                                     bowling, eating lunch, and talking. It all felt
                            She called again a week later and I had a chance
                                                                                     surprisingly easy and we seemed to hit it off.
                            to talk to Joel. I liked him right away too. He was
                                                                                     Brittney and Joel shared their reasons for choosing
                            genuine in sharing his fears and had a love of fast
                                                                                     adoption and I was blown away by their maturity
                            cars. Ken was able to speak with both Brittney
                                                                                     and love for their baby. They wanted her to
                            and Joel, and it quickly became apparent that we
                                                                                     have opportunities that they just weren’t able to
                            were building a relationship. As the weeks passed
                                                                                     provide. It was clear that their decision had been


painstaking to make and they were willing to              I laugh when I say “two short months” because that
sacrifice so much to give their baby the life they        time really felt like an eternity. As ecstatic as I was, I
dreamed of for her. Before returning to Los Angeles       couldn’t help but feel terrified at the same time. This
the following morning, we met for breakfast, where        baby that I could already picture bringing home
we got to know their son, Tyson. He was a bright          belonged to Brittney and Joel and they were making
little boy just learning to walk and so interested        the hardest decision I could imagine. Who could
in his surroundings. Brittney and Joel were loving        fault them if they changed their minds? Brittney
and attentive with him and it was obvious that they       and I texted daily and we visited Pahrump every
were exceptional parents.                                 couple weeks before Chloe’s birth. Our relationship
                                                          continued to grow and I felt more and more attached
In the week that followed our visit, Brittney and
                                                          to Brittney. I never doubted her intentions, but some
Joel requested to officially “match” with us and we
                                                          part of me still felt scared, so I waited until April to
gratefully accepted. They were wonderful people
                                                          start to decorate Chloe’s nursery.
that we felt honored to welcome into our lives.
We brought Brittney, Joel, and Tyson out to Los
Angeles for a long weekend for our match meeting
and a little sightseeing. It was of course the rainiest
weekend that I had ever seen in Los Angeles, but we
still managed to have fun, visiting a local children’s
museum and the beach, sharing meals, and just
hanging out. We all felt like we knew each other
pretty well by our match meeting and the process
of firming up our adoption plans no longer seemed
daunting. I felt confident that we were all on the
same page.
Openness is something that Ken and I were
completely in favor of, but it was really important
to us to honor what Brittney and Joel wanted. If
they couldn’t handle regular contact, we would
have respected that. Brittney and Joel had both
                                                          How did you prepare for the birth?                           L: Dahlia &
voiced fear over how their daughter would respond                                                                      Brittney at the
to her adoption, and to them. We assured them             There was so much to be done to prepare for                  hospital
that their baby girl would grow up knowing that           Chloe’s birth. Emotionally, we were both more than
her birthparents are amazing people and that              ready to be parents. What we weren’t prepared for            R: Newborn
their decision was made completely out of love. We        were the logistics. Brittney and Joel didn’t have            Chloe resting
ultimately agreed on regular telephone contact,           a car, there is no public transportation system in           on Dad
sharing of pictures, and one to two visits each year,     Pahrump, and they lived 1 ½ hours away from the
which we could build upon over time if it felt right.     Las Vegas hospital where Brittney would deliver.
                                                          How were we going to get to Pahrump in time to
What was it like to match and what                        get Brittney to the hospital when she went into
did you do during “the wait”?                             labor? Both Brittney and I were worried about it.
 There were some very difficult questions to answer       We ultimately decided to travel to Las Vegas before
 during the match meeting. Who would name the             Brittney’s due date and crossed our fingers that she
 baby? Who would be present for the birth? Who            wouldn’t go into labor early.
 would be the first to hold the baby? Brittney again      About two weeks before Brittney’s May 15th due date,
 amazed me with her maturity and selflessness.            her doctor scheduled her to be induced. We would
 She invited both Ken and I to be present for the         be able to travel to Las Vegas before May 6th when
 birth and asked that I be the first to hold the baby     Brittney was to be admitted to the hospital and all
 in the delivery room. She told me I was the baby’s       would be well. With just a couple of days to plan, we
“mom” and I should have those experiences. I was          booked a vacation condo just off the Las Vegas Strip
 overwhelmed. Me, a mom!!! They were eager to             for ourselves, and one for Brittney and Joel. We
 know which names we had chosen. I’d had my               thought it would be nice for Brittney to recover in
 heart set on the name “Chloe” for years and Kenny        comfort for a few days and looked forward to being
 and I had chosen the middle name, “Star.” They           able to spend more time together after the birth. My
 were the only ones to knew this secret middle name       parents also arranged to be there.
 until after Chloe was born. Brittney and Joel loved
 the name and began using it when talking about           We picked Brittney, Joel, and Tyson up in Pahrump
 the baby. We were matched! Ken and I were going          the morning of Friday, May 6th and dropped Tyson
 to be parents in just two short months!                  off at his grandmother’s house. The four of us then


                   traveled to Vegas where we had a big lunch where         side throughout labor and delivery. We have a
                   my parents were able to meet Brittney and Joel for       beautiful photo of them holding hands just minutes
                   the first time. Later that day Brittney was admitted     before Chloe was born.
                   to the hospital.
                                                                            Chloe was born on Birthmother’s Day, the Saturday
                   Describe the hospital experience.                        before Mother’s Day, and she and Brittney were
                                                                            released from the hospital the next afternoon.
                   The induction process was started that evening and
                                                                            We all traveled back to the hotel together where
L: Chloe being     the four of us hung out in the delivery room until we
                                                                            Brittney got some much needed rest, and Kenny
admired by her     could barely keep our eyes open. Since the nurses
                                                                            and I began to build a routine with our daughter.
parents            hadn’t started the Pitocin yet and the hospital wasn’t
                                                                            Chloe ate and slept while Kenny and I just stared at
                   being very accommodating to our group, Ken and I
R: Cozy Chloe                                                               her. She was so beautiful and we were in complete
                   decided to stay the night at our hotel. Joel promised
gives the camera                                                            awe that she was ours.
                   to call us if anything changed and I slept (kind of)
a good stare
                   with my cell phone next to the bed.                      I guess there is something to be said for having
                                                                            a baby at a young age, because Brittney was up
                                                                            and ready to start the day on Monday morning.
                                                                            Our plan was for Brittney and Joel to spend four
                                                                            nights in the hotel with us and we would all travel
                                                                            to Pahrump to pick up Tyson on Tuesday and
                                                                            introduce Chloe to Joel’s parents and brother. The
                                                                            four days we spent together turned into a family
                                                                            vacation of sorts. We had meals together, spent as
                                                                            much time together as a newborn will allow for,
                                                                            and Brittney, Joel, and Tyson even got to do a little
                                                                            sightseeing. We all bonded more during these days,
                                                                            and talked more about the adoption than we ever
                                                                            had. Brittney and Joel shared that they had initially
                                                                            feared a fully open adoption and had considered
                                                                            the possibility of choosing a family that lived as far
                                                                            away from them as possible. Thankfully, something
                   Ken and I were back to the hospital as soon as we
                                                                            about our letter had stood out to them and I think
                   got the word that Brittney was awake and ready
                                                                            the relationship we were able to build helped to
                   for us to return. The nurses started Pitocin that
                                                                            calm some of their fears.
                   morning and Brittney, Joel, Ken, and I took bets
                   on when Chloe would be born. I guessed 4:00pm,           Brittney and Joel thanked us for making the
                   Brittney guessed 4:30pm, Joel took 5:00pm, and           experience of placing their baby as easy as possible
                   Ken settled on 6:00pm. Brittney won the bet as           for them. Just 48 hours after giving birth, Brittney
                   Chloe Star entered the world at 4:27pm on May            and Joel hopped onto a bus to Target to buy us gifts.
                   7, 2011. She was absolutely perfect in every way;        They chose a “Mom” necklace for me, a “#1 Dad”
                   a healthy 6lbs 11oz and 19 ½ inches long, with a         hat and t-shirt for Kenny, and a picture frame for
                   full head of strawberry blond hair. The nurses           Chloe. I was floored. They had already given us the
                   who helped deliver Chloe were amazing. One               most amazing gift we could imagine and were now
                   had adopted a baby several years ago and was             thanking us. I can’t say enough about how amazing
                   completely supportive of our hospital plan. She          these two are. We had gifts for them as well; a
                   ushered Ken and I to the warming table and               bracelet with a “C” inside of a star for Brittney, and
                   instructed us to bring our camera. Ken was asked         dog tags for Joel with the same symbol and the date
                   if he wanted to cut the umbilical cord. His hands        of Chloe’s birth.
                   shaking, he bowed out and I quickly stepped up. I
                                                                            How did you say goodbye to Brittney,
                   wasn’t going to miss a thing!
                                                                            Joel and Tyson?
                   What was it like to hold your                            Driving Brittney, Joel, and Tyson back to Pahrump
                   daughter for the first time?                             a couple days later was painful. I was sad to
                   The nurse placed Chloe into my arms for the first        say “goodbye,” but also felt the pain they must be
                   time, and as I gazed at her, I was struck by how         experiencing in saying “goodbye” to Chloe. Like
                   much I loved her already. She was just incredible,       any of our goodbyes though, it was really a “see
                   and so were her birthparents. Brittney asked to see      you later.” We’d already made plans for a picnic in
                   Chloe and commented on how beautiful she was.            the park a few days later since we weren’t cleared
                   She then wished me a happy Mother’s Day. I will          to leave Nevada quite yet and subsequently made
                   never forget that moment. Joel stayed by Brittney’s      plans to celebrate Brittney’s birthday in September


together. We finally received ICPC clearance a
little over a week later, and were excited to bring
Chloe home. We had, after all, been raising our
new baby in a Las Vegas hotel, which wasn’t exactly
conducive to a newborn. Sadly, we weren’t able to
say that last “see you later” to Brittney and Joel in
person because Brittney had come down with a
fever. We continued to text message regularly and I
kept her posted on our drive home.

What is it like to be first-time parents?
As I write this, it has been four months since our
daughter was born and I can easily say this has
been the best four months of my life. Chloe is a
bright and happy baby and I love nothing more
than watching her develop new skills and cuddling
with her when she isn’t on the go. Maybe it’s the
painful experience of infertility, but even on it’s
hardest days, parenting is nothing but a joy for me.                                                                Brittney &
                                                         Joel: I was only 18 years old when Tyson was born
I go to bed feeling fulfilled and wake up excited to
                                                                                                                  Joel holding
                                                         and not even a month later I was laid off and my            newborn
see the smiles and squeals the day will bring. I can’t   mom kicked us out. Thankfully I had a friend that               Chloe
fully put into words how grateful I am to Chloe’s        was there for me and my family. We would have
birthparents for trusting us to be her parents. I am     been on the street if he and his mother hadn’t taken
finally a mom to the most lovable little girl in the     us in. We were still struggling and 8 months later
world!                                                   Britt was pregnant again. We thought about it for
What are your thoughts on open                           a month and decided neither of us were ready to
                                                         raise another baby. Most importantly we were
adoption now you’ve experienced the
                                                         financially unable to raise another child. We could
entire process?                                          barely take good care of Tyson and we didn’t want
We’ve just finished up our first visit with Brittney,    him to suffer by bringing another baby into our
Joel, and Tyson since we left Nevada after Chloe’s       struggle. Growing up, I lived on the streets and in
birth and I continue to be amazed by the open            shelters, and I blamed my parents because I didn’t
adoption experience. When we started this process,       ask to be a part of their struggle. I wasn’t going to
we expected to become parents, but didn’t realize        do that to Chloe. I wanted her to experience life and
how our family would grow. Brittney, Joel, and           enjoy it without having the stress I did as a kid.
Tyson are now part of our family. They will be able
                                                         Britt was the one that contacted the IAC. The first
to watch Chloe grow up and will be able to tell
                                                         time I talked with the agency I was nervous, but
her themselves just how much they love her. Their
                                                         they quickly made me feel comfortable. They were
picture sits in her bedroom in the frame Brittney
                                                         so sincere and understanding and they let us go at
and Joel gave her and I talk to her about them often.
                                                         our own pace. If we needed to talk, they we there,
Chloe will get to grow up knowing her birthparents
                                                         and they always let us know how strong we were
and her brother. There will be no secrets or
                                                         for making this hard but absolute, unselfish, and
unanswered questions. What an amazing gift to be
                                                         loving decision.
able to give to my little star!
                                                         Explain your process for choosing
       B RITT N E Y & J O EL’ S STORY                    a family? What stood out about
                                                         Ken & Dahlia?
Describe what brought you to
                                                         Brittney: Well the agency had sent a box full of
adoption and the IAC.                                    family’s letters. We searched and searched, and
Brittney: What brought me to adoption was that I         then came across Ken and Dahlia. I just knew they
knew I was too young to have another baby. I had         were the ones. What stood out to me was how much
not finished school and with the position I was          they wanted to have a baby and how loving and
in I knew I could find Chloe an amazing family,          caring they were. I also liked that they were close to
people who could give her a life I could never give      their families and they would spend holidays with
her. What brought me to the IAC was I wanted to          family. When I was a kid I never had my family
choose the best agency, and when I saw the agency        around and I want Chloe to be able to spend time
online I loved it. I knew it was the best place to go.   with her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins


                    and be able to treasure moments like that.               Dahlia. I was in a rough situation and didn’t have a
                                                                             phone so they bought us one. I was able to keep in
                    Joel: The process was long at first. We had a big box
                                                                             touch with doctors, family, and of course them so I
                    of letters to go over and it took about 5 days to get
                                                                             could let them know how my appointments went.
                    through them all. I don’t know what it was about
                    Ken and Dahlia, but when I picked up their folder I      Joel: We didn’t have our own phone so Ken and
                    had a strong feeling they were the ones. I wasn’t even   Dahlia got us one to make sure we could stay in
                    done going through the rest, but I read their folder     contact with each other.
                    and set it aside and after going through all of them,
                                                                             How did you prepare for the birth?
                    no one else made me feel that way. At first we didn’t
                    want anyone close to us, but Britt and I both agreed     Brittney: When I prepared for the birth I wanted
                    on them. I think it was just meant to be.                both of them and Dahlia’s parents to be there. Ken
                                                                             and Dahlia rented rooms for us to stay in after
                    How did the first conversation with                      Chloe was born so we didn’t have to part early; and
                    Ken & Dahlia go?                                         to spend more time with Chloe because we didn’t
                                    Brittney: It was so indescribable;       know when we could see each other again.
                                    it was amazing. I was so nervous I
                                                                             Describe the hospital experience.
                                    had butterflies in my stomach. But
                                    after we talked for a while I felt so    Brittney: The hospital experience was great. It
                                    comfortable and they seemed so           was amazing to have them see Chloe born and
                                    fun, and sounded like such great         to witness how amazing she was. It was just so
                                    people. In my heart I knew they          incredible.
                                    were going to become wonderful           What was it like to hold Chloe for
                                    parents and they were the right
                                                                             the first time?
                                                                             Brittney: It was hard to hold Chloe for the first
                                    Joel: At first we were all a little
                                                                             time because I just wanted to hold her forever. But
                                    nervous but shortly after sitting
                                                                             I knew that she had wonderful parents and I loved
                                    down we really clicked like we had
                                                                             her and I was doing the right thing.
                                    known each other for a while. They
                                    were both really amazing and it          Joel: It was hard to hold her knowing she was
                                    couldn’t have gone any better. I felt    mine but that I had to let her go. She was an angel,
                                    really comfortable with them.            absolutely amazing.
A walk in the       Did you ever have any doubts or fears                    How did you say goodbye to Chloe,
park with Chloe’s                                                            Ken & Dahlia?
birth family
                    during the match? What were they?
                    Brittney: Honestly I had no doubts. Ken and Dahlia       Brittney: The goodbye was hard because I loved
                    were perfect. I knew they would make incredible          them all so much. I just couldn’t wait to see them
                    parents.                                                 again because they were all so great to be around.

                    Joel: Not really, I was just nervous and anxious         How has your life changed after
                    because I didn’t know what to expect.                    bringing Chloe into the world?
                    What was it like to meet Ken & Dahlia                    Brittney: My life changed incredibly. I just feel
                    for the first time?                                      great to know that Chloe is with safe, loving, great
                                                                             people and I love to share that with friends and
                    Brittney: It was so incredible; my heart was
                    pumping. I was just so excited to meet the parents
                    of Chloe. It was just so wonderful I can’t even put it   What are your thoughts on open
                    in words.                                                adoption now you’ve experienced the
                    Joel: It was nerve racking and exciting because          entire process?
                    we just knew them by their pictures and they had         Brittney: Open adoption was a great experience
                    never seen us before. But after meeting them it was      because I gave a family something that is so
                    a relief. I don’t think we could’ve picked two better    important to their lives. I cherish being able to
                    people to raise our baby.                                provide Ken & Dahlia with a daughter, while still
                    Explain what kind of contact you                         being able to have a relationship with her.

                    had with Ken & Dahlia during your
                    Brittney: We had a lot of contact with Ken and

Staff profile

                                               it a priority to shout it from the hilltops!    so I taught myself to cook and bake. I
                                               I love that we are so inclusive of all          love finding new recipes to try out on my
                                               families. It is very personal to me that        coworkers! I’ve been trying to get better
                                               people know that love makes a family,           at vegan recipes as one of the gals here
                                               and Ann has made me feel that IAC truly         in the GA office is vegan and I want to
                                               stands behind this value.                       include her. I recently tried my hand
                                                                                               at vegan brownies, which turned out
                                                     Who is your favorite
                                                                                               pretty well! My favorite thing to cook is
                                                     person and why?                           Thanksgiving dinner. My family is up in

                                                              Our Very Own, Multi-talented
                                                 Food Loving Photographer
                                                         Interview with   lauren favorite      Adoptive Parent Intake Coordinator

      What brought you                         My favorite person to spend time with is
      to the IAC?                              my fiancé, Joshua. We’ve been together
I had been working in the customer             over nine years, and he is my absolute
service field for many years. In my spare      favorite person and my best friend. He
time I volunteered as a tutor and mentor       is thoughtful and kind, and he always
for children at the elementary and middle      knows how to make me laugh. We’re in
school levels, mainly in special needs         the process of planning our wedding
classrooms. I had been looking to take         next summer, so that has been keeping
my volunteer work and find a way to do         us busy lately, but it’s a fun project! We’re
it professionally, when the opportunity        both foodies, so we love trying out all
with IAC came up in July of 2009. I            the fabulous restaurants here in Atlanta
immediately fell in love with the agency       when we get the chance. We also love
and everything they represent. I continue      traveling or just hanging out at home
to feel fortunate to work with such            with our three cats.
fabulous people dedicated to adoption!               Tell us about your interest
      What are the rewards of                        in photography.
      your position?                           I’ve always had an interest in
My role as Adoptive Parent Intake              photography, and a few years ago I
Coordinator gives me the opportunity           purchased my first 35mm SLR camera.
to be a resource on adoption. I help           I started taking black and white film           New Hampshire, so it’s hard to go home for
prospective adoptive parents throughout        photography classes last fall and I’ve          the holiday, so I do a big dinner here for my
the Southeast navigate the ins and outs        been hooked ever since! It’s so neat to         friends instead. It takes weeks of planning
of adoption. I am also a contract home         have total control over the process, so you     and days of prep to pull it off, but I just
study worker and a notary. Because of          can determine the quality of the print          love bringing good food to the table and
my diverse roles, not only am I there at       you create at the very end. I have been         enjoying the day with loved ones.
                                               practicing my portraiture photography
the beginning of the adoption journey, I                                                             what is your favorite
also get to be there in the middle and end     lately, so Joshua ends up being my guinea
                                               pig quite often!
                                                                                                     cooking show?
as well. It’s so incredible to watch hopeful
parents become families.                                                                       I’m pretty happy with anything on Food
                                                     you also like to bake.                    Network, but since I’m a self-proclaimed
      Who At iac has been an                         What delicious meals do                   nerd, I love all things Alton Brown. He
      inspiration to you?                            you most like to cook?                    brings scientific reasoning behind why
Without a doubt, Ann Wrixon. In an             Believe it or not, before I moved out of        things come together in the kitchen, which
age where businesses are still resistant       my parents’ house, I could barely boil          helps me figure out what I need to do!
to being up-front and open about being         water. But I decided I didn’t want to
supportive of gay rights, Ann has made         exist solely on pasta or grilled cheese,


Q. “Our  eight-year-old daughter was assigned the family tree
    at school. How do we handle this?”

Teachers rarely recognize the dilemma            A public discussion
this age-old assignment poses for most           However she chooses to fill out her tree,
adoptive families. Your first impulse is to      chances are, your daughter will have to
defend your child, but you can turn it into a    share it with the class once it is due. This
positive experience for her, and your family.    may lead to an adoption discussion
                                                 or questions from your child’s peers,
By age eight, kids understand that they          especially if your daughter includes both
really have two family trees, whether            families in her tree.
their adoption is open or closed. In
open adoptions, a child has options. I           A 10-year-old I knew, Anna, wanted to
recommend talking with your daughter             include her birth family in her tree, but she
about various approaches, all of which can       had very little information. After struggling
lead to an exploration of her history and of     for days, and having several discussions
the impact of genetics (where she got her        with her family, she decided to create a
blue eyes, for instance) versus environment      tree of her adoptive family because she
(where she got her interest in music). Be        didn’t want to share her adoption story
sure to leave the final decision to her.         with her classmates.

Your child’s options                             Ask your daughter how she would feel
Some children decide to make a tree that         about a class discussion. She may decide
shows only their birth family. Even if this      that she’s OK with it. If so, ask whether
makes you uncomfortable, you should              she would like you to come to school with
support her decision.                            her that day. Kids can better understand          Kathleen Silber, MSW,
                                                                                                   ACSW, is the IAC’s Associate
                                                 concrete details, rather than abstractions,
Lauren, a nine-year-old Latina I worked                                                            Executive Director and Clinical
                                                 so she may want to bring in photos or a           Director. She is a nationally
with, told her parents, “It would be             keepsake her birthparents gave her for            regarded expert, has written
dishonest to say I’m Irish and Polish, like      show-and-tell. You might also want to talk        numerous groundbreaking books
you!” As she worked on the assignment,           with the teacher in advance.                      including “Dear Birthmother”
she needed more information, so she and                                                            and “Children of Open Adoption”
her mom called her birthmother. It became        One question classmates may ask when              and has advocated extensively
                                                                                                   for open adoption. Ms. Silber
a true family project, as it is in biological    they see a combined family tree is, “Who          provides the IAC with clinical
families when children ask extended family       is your real mother?” It’s important to           oversight and the IAC’s staff with
members for help in completing their tree.       answer that both sets of parents are real,        clinical supervision.
                                                 and that they play different roles in her life.   This article was originally
Some kids choose to make two trees               For example, you and your spouse are the          published in Adoptive Families
that include both families. This is a good      “real” parents who are raising her. When           Magazine. Adoptive Families can
solution because both families are real                                                            also be found online:
                                                 open adoption is explained in this natural
to your child, and both contribute to her        way, classmates often think it’s “cool” to
identity. Kids can create several branches— have “extra” parents who call or visit and
one for each parent—or place their               who send gifts on holidays and birthdays.
adoptive family in the branches and their        Again, the choice is your daughter’s. She
birth family in the roots.                       may—or may not—be ready to go public                 CHECK
                                                 with her adoption story.
Often children choose a tree that shows only                                                          OUT OUR
their adoptive family. After all, your daughter
became part of your family’s life when you                                                            BLOG!
adopted her. This is a good opportunity                                                               The best place to
to talk again about her adoption and the                                                              find advice, support,
permanence of your family.
                                                                                                      breaking news and
                                                                                                      media coverage on

     AdoptionHelp.Org/Blog or IHeartAdoption.Org/Blog
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