SAINT JULIE BILLIART CATHOLIC CHURCH - 7399 West 159th Street, Tinley Park, Illinois 60477

Page created by Gloria Cohen
SAINT JULIE BILLIART CATHOLIC CHURCH - 7399 West 159th Street, Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
7399 West 159th Street, Tinley Park, Illinois 60477   708.429.6767
SAINT JULIE BILLIART CATHOLIC CHURCH - 7399 West 159th Street, Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
                    FROM OUR PASTOR                      Again, the Simbang Gabi novena has always been
                                                         meant to prepare the heart and soul for the birth of
                    I share this weekend that also
                                                         the Savior by honoring the woman who was his
                    honors the Virgin Mary. It is the
                                                         Mother. The Masses of the novena had a more joyful
                    custom of Simbang Gabi coming
                                                         atmosphere to them. The intention of each Mass also
                    from my own Filipino culture.
                                                         had to be for the propagation and spread of the
                     The Catholic faith was brought to   Catholic faith which was a condition of the indult
                     the Philippines 500 years ago.      granted by Rome.
Fr. Tirso Villaverde The first missionaries were
        Pastor                                           About thirty years ago, the custom of the Simbang
                     always looking for ways through
                                                         Gabi novena was introduced to the Archdiocese of
which they could catechize and evangelize the ancient
                                                         Chicago. From then, it has grown in popularity not
Filipino people. One of the ideas they employed was
                                                         only among the Filipino Catholic community but also
a pre-Christmas novena. From that the Simbang Gabi
                                                         non-Filipinos who have embraced the custom. Of
novena found its origins.
                                                         course, in this part of the world, the custom was
From the very beginning, the Simbang Gabi novena         adapted with Masses taking place in the evenings to
has always been a series of Masses to honor the          accommodate the faithful here in the Archdiocese.
Virgin Mary. However, the nine days prior to
                                                         Last year, the Archdiocese did not have an official
Christmas were still within the season of Advent
                                                         Simbang Gabi celebration. We are glad that we can
which ought to take precedence over celebrations
                                                         resume the custom this year. Of course, parishes will
honoring any of the saints. For this reason, the early
                                                         still have to follow the COVID protocols. But, at least,
missionaries in the Philippines petitioned Rome to
                                                         we can have the custom once again.
give special permission for the novena.
                                                         Also this year, the Simbang Gabi novena will mark a
The special permission was needed because, as a
                                                         way to give thanks for 500 years of Catholicism in the
novena to honor the Virgin Mary, it would have
                                                         Philippines. The 500th Anniversary was actually in
required the use of white vestments and the singing
                                                         2020 but the pandemic prevented an Archdiocesan
of the Gloria. Both of those are not elements that are
                                                         wide celebration. The Simbang Gabi novena this year
customary in the Advent liturgies most especially in
                                                         will be a way to mark this momentous occasion.
the nine days prior to Christmas. Still, permission
was granted and the first missionaries began to use     In our local area, nine parishes came together in a
the novena as a way to spread the Catholic faith        joint effort to mark this year’s novena. Apart from the
among the early Filipinos.                              final day, there will be no formal reception after any
                                                        of the Masses and attendees are asked to observe all
To accommodate as many people as possible, the first
                                                        current COVID guidelines especially the use of
missionaries held the novena Masses at a pre-dawn
hour usually at around 4am. This allowed the
farmers to attend the Masses before they went off to    I am extremely grateful to all the Filipino leaders who
their fields. It also allowed for the fishermen to join came from the nine neighboring parishes who came
as they returned from their night of fishing. So, for   together in a spirit of collaboration. On our parish
nine days, town churches would ring their bells at      level, I am grateful for our Filipino community who
4am announcing the novena Mass each day.                will be helping us to host the final day. In a special
                                                        way, I thank Tess Melgar and family, Fely Camacho,
Throughout the centuries, the Simbang Gabi novena
                                                        and the Cuarteros, Enoya, Mungcal, Cruz, Ardiente,
is a custom that is still near and dear to the heart of
                                                        and Libunao families. This is just to name a few.
every Filipino Catholic. Apart from the pandemic
period, every year churches would be packed beyond
seating capacity on each of the days of the novena.
That is just how beloved this custom is to the Filipino

SAINT JULIE BILLIART CATHOLIC CHURCH - 7399 West 159th Street, Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
Each day of the novena this year has been dedicated
to various ministries involved with the teaching and                                          Letters from
propagation of the Catholic faith. Listed below is the
                                                                                            St. Julie Billiart
novena schedule in the southwest region of the
Archdiocese. All those involved in any of the                                              “Let us pray to the
ministries indicated on each day are given a special                                         Blessed Virgin,
invitation to attend.                                                                         our good and
                                                                                             loving Mother.
      Wednesday December 15—7pm Mass                                                            She will be
  Sacred Heart - 8245 W. 111th Street, Palos Hills                                              our star to
          Catechists are invited to join.                                                    guide us to the
                                                                                              true haven of
       Thursday December 16—7pm Mass                                                            salvation.”
    St. Damian - 5300 155th Street, Oak Forest
 Those involved in Adult Faith Formation invited.
          Friday December 17—7pm Mass                                                                 Letter 427
St. Michael - 14327 Highland Avenue, Orland Park
    Those involved in Evangelization are invited.
        Saturday December 18—7pm Mass
    St. Francis - 15050 Wolf Road, Orland Park
                                                          ALL LITURGICAL MINISTERS
    Priests and deacons as preachers are invited.
                                                             Greeters - Lectors - Eucharistic Ministers
         Sunday December 19—7pm Mass                            Ushers - Altar Servers - Sacristans
     St. George - 6707 175th Street Tinley Park
                                                          There are sign-up sheets in the Minister’s Sacristy
  Parents as first teachers of the faith are invited.
                                                          for holiday Masses:
        Monday December 20—7pm Mass                               Christmas Eve - Friday, December 24
   St. Stephen - 17500 84th Avenue, Tinley Park                   Christmas Day - Saturday, December 25
       Religious sisters/brothers are invited.                    New Year’s Day - Saturday, January 1
         Tuesday December 21—7pm Mass                     Thank you in advance for your assistance and for
    St. Fabian - 7450 W. 83rd Street, Bridgeview          your dedication to your ministry at St. Julie. If you
        Catholic school teachers are invited.             have any questions, contact

     Wednesday December 22—6:30pm Mass
Our Lady of the Woods - 10731 W. 131st St., Orland Pk              ADVENT OPPORTUNITIES
            Youth and teens are invited.                  Advent Reconciliation Service - Mon, Dec. 13- 7pm Church
                                                          FF Advent Outreach Projects —Due by Sat, Dec. 18 (pg. 6)
         Thursday December 23—7pm Mass                    Daybreak Shelter Breakfast—seeking volunteers (pg. 8)
 St. Julie Billiart - 7399 W. 159th Street, Tinley Park   Public Action to Deliver Shelter—seeking volunteers (pg. 8)
 Those involved in any other ministries are invited.
                                                          Christmas Nativity Play—Thu, Dec. 23 6:00pm (pg. 11)
                                                          Simbang Gabi—Thu, Dec. 23—7:00pm

                                                                           All Souls’ Photos
                                                                        Please pick up the photo
                                                                           of your loved one
                                                                       from the basket on a table
                                                                             in the Narthex.

                                                               DECEMBER 12, 2021 – THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT 3
SAINT JULIE BILLIART CATHOLIC CHURCH - 7399 West 159th Street, Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
                  SHOUT FOR JOY!                               He has come to the help of His servant Israel
                                                               For He has remembered His promise of mercy,
                     Why do we have to shout? Well, we
                     are half way through Advent. Joy,         The promise He made to our fathers,
                     which according to Paul is one of the     To Abraham and his children for ever.”
                     fruits of the Spirit, is the deep inner   I would love to unpack this beautiful canticle but I
                     experience of satisfaction and            have run out of space in this article. Let it be your
   Fr. Ton Nguyen    exhilaration. Human hearts shout          homework to reflect on this prayer! Our Blessed
    Associate Pastor
                     for joy because we have been              Mother is truly the amazing example!
touched by God’s love. Last week on December 8,
our Blessed Mother Mary, we are reminded of a                  WHAT SHOULD WE DO?
perfect example who responded to God’s grace in her            “Whoever has two cloaks should share with the
life. I would like to reflect two moments that Mary            person who has none,” Jesus said in reply. We are
has shouted for joy. First, with all humility, when            invited to follow Mary example to serve the Lord
Angel Gabriel annunciated the birth of the Messiah,            and those who live among us.
Mary shouted for joy, “Behold, I am the handmaid               I LOVE BEING A PRIEST
of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your            I want to shout for joy that our teens and friends are
word.” Mary puts her trust in the Lord and that                doing the Nativity Play this year on December 23 at
enables her to have a deep inner experience of                 6pm. It will be an amazing play that helps us
satisfaction and exhilaration even though she was              connect to the event when the Lord became flesh and
externally unable to comprehend the mystery. Mary              dwelt among us. In the past six months, I have been
might have had plans for her life but now she had to           so proud of all of them. They have grown much and
change. This affirms to us that the Lord is in our             tried their best to live out their faith. Please come
midst whether things are going the way we would                and support them.
like or not; whether we are prosperous or needy;
whether we are vigorous or in ill health; whether we
are enjoying life or struggling with death. Second,            JMJ, Fr. Ton Nguyen
when Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth. How can it
be to have The Mother of God traveled in a long
distance? And she came not to be served but to serve!
At the encounter between Mary and Elizabeth, she
once again shouted for joy,
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
My Spirit rejoices in God my Saviour
For He has looked with favour on His lowly servant.
From this day all generations will call me blessed:
The Almighty has done great things for me,
And holy is His Name.
He has mercy on those who fear Him
In every generation.
He has shown the strength of His arm,
He has scattered the proud in their conceit.
He has cast down the mighty from their thrones,
And has lifted up the lowly.
                                                                   Pictured: Two of our teens ministering at Mass.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
And the rich He has sent away empty.

SAINT JULIE BILLIART CATHOLIC CHURCH - 7399 West 159th Street, Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
WE REMEMBER OUR BELOVED DEAD                                                     MASS INTENTIONS                    – Deceased    L - Living

Eternal rest grant unto them and let perpetual light shine upon them.            Saturday, Dec. 11 — 4:30pm
Thomas Hassel                    Margie Gallagher                                St. Julie Billiart parishioners
Isabella A. Cernick              Perpetua Tanco
                                                                                 Sunday, Dec. 12 - 7:30am
James Grisolano, father of Fr. Mike Grisolano                                    †Chester Faron, L Mary C. Kelly, †Francis O’Neill, 
                                                                                 †Margaret O’Neill, †Peggy O’Neill
                                                                                 Sunday, Dec. 12 - 9:30am (livestreamed)
Lori & Ray McCarthy                     Meg Keating                              †Florence Borowski, †Barbaryan Dudek, †Mildred Faron,
Joanne Tishka                           Dolores Mikicic                          †Virginia Gentile, †Chester S. Gniadek, †William Kennedy,
Lucy Krouse                             Nancy Moreno                             †Maryellen Knight, †Cassandra Marshall, †Cynthia G. Padilla,
William (Bill) Dado                                                              †Joseph & Mary Schulok, †Charles Sevey, †Valeria Sommerfield
                                                                                 Sunday, Dec. 12 - 11:30am
OUR NEWLY BAPTIZED                                                               † Members of the Galenziewski family, † Betty Kucharz,
                                                                                 † Jean & Hank Kulenski, † Dan Sniegowski, L Samia Zumout
You are sealed by the Holy Spirit in baptism & marked as Christ’s own forever.
November 20, 2021                                                                Sunday, Dec. 12 - 6:00pm
Maeve Patricia, daughter of Colleen and William Callaghan                        L Geraldine Tomaselli, L Dolores Mikicic
Evangeline Barbara, daughter of Jennifer and Ryan Spellman
                                                                                 Monday, Dec. 13— 8:00am
Mardie Jones Solis, daughter of Nicole and Justin Castaneda
                                                                                 L Phillip & Marina Musa, L Brayden Radavich,
Aubrey Marie, daughter of Elizabeth and Cody Case
                                                                                 †Lucia Tenuta, †Rolando Ybanez,
November 21, 2021
                                                                                 Living & deceased members of the Verzosa & Evangelista families
Logan Michael, son of Paige and Scott O’Connor Jr.
Natalie Rose, daughter of Jacquelyn and Nathan Roy                               Tuesday, Dec. 14 — 8:00am
Adam Michael, son of Samantha and Matthew Gacek                                  L Phillip & Marina Musa
Kyle Robert, son of Samantha and Matthew Gacek
Luca Rowan, son of Alexandra and Matthew Harris                                  Wednesday, Dec. 15 —8:00am
                                                                                 L Phillip & Marina Musa, †Tom Henaghan, †Robert Provancal,
                                                                                 †John Spreadbury
Michael & Kelli May (Bria, Beckett, & Brindi)                                    Thursday, Dec. 16 — 9:00am
Andrea Six                                                                       L Phillip & Marina Musa, †Fr. Pachalis Grigus, †John Grigus,
James & Barbara Fleming (Chris, Kelly & Sean)                                    †Domenico Lorenzini, †Gerald Mozdzierz, †Marie Osborne,
Sue Coffey                                                                       †Jane Sibick, Deceased members of the Joseph & Stella Szwed
Diane Stefinsky                                                                  family

                                                                                 Friday, Dec. 17— 8:00am
READINGS FOR THE WEEK                                                            St. Julie Billiart parishioners
Monday, December 13 (Memorial of Saint Lucy, Virgin & Martyr)
Numbers 24:2-7, 15-17a; Psalm 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc, 8-9;                             Saturday, Dec. 18 - 4:30pm
Matthew 21:23-27                                                                 L Phillip & Marina Musa, †Sister M. Consuela, †Gary Domke,
                                                                                 †John & Florence Domke, †Mildred & Chester Faron,
Tuesday, December 14 (Memorial of Saint John of the Cross, Priest and            †Jesse J. James, †John E. Kaucky, †George & Jean Lunt,
Doctor of the Church)
                                                                                 †Helen A. & Joseph P. Miller, †Ray & Alice Minerath,
Zephaniah 3:1-2, 9-13; Psalm 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-19 and 23;
                                                                                 †Mary Ann & Ronald Porcaro, †Reverend Leo Wincek
Matthew 21:28-32
Wednesday, December 15 (Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent)                   Sunday, Dec. 19 - 7:30am
Isaiah 45:6c-8, 18, 21c-25; Psalm 85:9ab and 10-14; Luke 7:18b-23                St. Julie Billiart parishioners
Thursday, December 16 (Thursday of the Third Week in Advent)                     Sunday, Dec. 19 - 9:30am (livestreamed)
Isaiah 54:1-10; Psalm 30:2 and 4-6, 111-12a and 13b; Luke 7:24-30                L Phillip & Marina Musa, †Annette Corrigan, †Barbaryan Dudek,
Friday, December 17 (Friday of the Third Week of Advent)                         †Nick Emmanuele, †Eleanor Laspesa, †Lawrence Lonero,
Genesis 49:2, 8-10; Psalm 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Matthew 1:1-17                      †Vincent Rybicki, Sr., †Maria Szczerba
Saturday, December 18 (Saturday of the Third Week of Advent)
                                                                                 Sunday, Dec. 19 - 11:30am
Jeremiah 23:5-8; Psalm 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19; Matthew 1:18-25
                                                                                 L Phillip & Marina Musa, †Jean Izzo, †Joseph Zagotta
Sunday, December 19 (Fourth Sunday of Advent)
Micah 5:1-4a; Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19; Hebrews 10:5-10;                       Sunday, Dec. 19 -6:00pm
Luke 1:39-45

                                                                                        DECEMBER 12, 2021 – THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT 5
SAINT JULIE BILLIART CATHOLIC CHURCH - 7399 West 159th Street, Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
                                                                                                        Faith Formation Office 708.429-6767
                                                                                                                x227 Pat or
                                                                                                                 x217 Peg or

              FAMILY FAITH SHARING                                    3RD GRADE MASS & PORT LUNCHES
                In today’s Gospel (Luke 3:10-18) Luke
                continues with the two important themes:                        Sunday, December 12—9:30am Mass
                The Christian faith is expressed in one’s             Today 3rd Grade students and their families are
                actions and the call to salvation is extended         invited to attend the 9:30am Mass.
                to everyone...Jew and Gentile. Repentance
                must be observed in one’s concrete actions:
                                                                      Immediately after Mass, they are also invited to help
   Pat Kmak                                                           prepare 300 lunches for The Port Ministries in the
 Coordinator of crowds should share their food and cloaks;
Faith Formation tax collectors should be just; soldiers should        Parish Hall (usually takes less than an hour). All are
    of Youth    act fairly. This concern for justice is the           asked to bring any of the following food items:
                hallmark of Luke’s Gospel! The third                  pre-packaged lunchmeat, fresh fruit, individual
Sunday of Advent is appropriately called Gaudete                      bags of chips, breakfast/granola bars.
(Rejoice) Sunday because we rejoice that our                          We look forward to
salvation is near in the birth of Jesus. Our Advent
                                                                      welcoming all our 3rd
challenge is not to make this season a frenzied time, but a
                                                                      Grade families on
time of happy anticipation and getting ready for the God
who comes to live among us and change our lives with                  December 12 for this Grade
the gift of salvation. As your family gathers, talk about             Level Mass and making
the preparations your family is making during this holy               lunches for “The Port”.
season. Reflect on these activities not only on what you
are doing but why you are choosing to do these
things. Read today’s Gospel and consider how Advent is               EMERGENCY CLOSING INFORMATION
a time for making ourselves ready to receive Jesus into our          Closing information for classes will be
lives. What changes can your family make so that you                 posted on our website -
will better live in the spirit of hopeful anticipation? Light
                                                                     and on Facebook.
the third candle on your Advent wreath.

Sunday, December 12                9:30am—3rd Grade Level Mass & 10:30am Assemble Port Lunches (Parish Hall)
Wednesday, December 15             7:00pm-8:30pm—Classes for Grade 8
Thursday, December 16              7:00pm-8:30pm—Classes for Grades 6 & 7 & Sacramental Program
Saturday, December 18              8:30am-10:00am—Session A Classes for Grades 1—5
                                   11:00am-12:30pm—Session B Classes for Grades 1—5
Christmas Break Begins — Classes Resume on Thursday, January 6

Our Faith Formation children are helped to understand that social justice is the basis of our mission as Church. We
encourage each grade level to be involved and help those in need. Listed below are specific items for each grade level.
If you would like to contribute, please bring your contributions to the Parish Office (Mon-Thu 8:30am-4:30pm) or to
Faith Formation classes by Saturday, December 18.
First, Second, & Third Grades New small Toys, Puzzles, Coloring books
Fourth Grade                  Hand-Made Christmas Cards for Hines VA Hospital patients
Fifth Grade                   Crayons, Games, Books, Non-violent and Educational Toys
Sixth Grade                   $3 gifts for local retirement home residents (large-print Word Search/Crossword books, socks,
                                    slippers, sugar-free hard candy, home-baked cookies, Christmas decorations, lotion, bath soap, shampoo)
Seventh Grade                        Gift cards for Together We Cope clients
Eighth Grade                         Buckets of Hope Program (5 gallon lidded bucket is furnished by “Hope’s on the Way”)
                                    Choose as many as you want of the 14 cleaning items that are put in each bucket:
One (50-62 oz.) bottle liquid laundry detergent; One (48 oz.) (mixed with water) liquid household cleaner; One (30 oz.) bottle of
dish soap; One aerosol can of air freshener; One plastic scrub brush; One package of 18 cleaning handy-wipes; One large auto-
style sponge; One pack of 3-5 scouring pads; One package of 36-50 clothes pins; One 100’ clothesline; Three pkgs. (18 ea.) of 30-
45 gallon heavy-duty trash bags; One pkg. dust masks; 2 pairs disposable waterproof gloves; One pair work gloves (leather palms)

SAINT JULIE BILLIART CATHOLIC CHURCH - 7399 West 159th Street, Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School
         CJB SCRIP SALE AT SJB - THIS WEEKEND (December 11/12)
The CJB SCRIP team is here at St. Julie Billiart at most of the Masses (not 6:00pm) this
weekend. Gift cards are a great way to continue to support food drives, other Christmas
Outreach programs or send to family members near and far. We are so excited to be able to
serve your gift card needs and we will follow all safety measures.
We have over 200 retailers on hand including Jewel, Target, Wal-Mart, Kohl’s, Discover and
Visa. Our Visa and Discover cards do NOT have any activation fees. We will also have
assorted stocking stuffer $5 & $10 cards. Please see the vendor list in the Narthex.
Save time, gas and stay safe this holiday season. Earn valuable rebates for your parish or yourself. Our gift cards are the very
same cards you would purchase at the store. Gift cards are safe and easy to use without the threat of identity theft.
Payments may be made by cash or check (payable to CJB) only. If you have any questions about the program, please
contact Corinna Pytel at 708.478.0710.

  Illinois Tax Credit Scholarships Information - Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Catholic School
Illinois’ tax credit scholarship program through the “Invest in Kids” Act provides strong incentives for
donors to support non-public school scholarships for low-income students in the state. Illinois students
may use these new scholarships to attend Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Catholic School. In 2021, more
than 2,000 students were awarded scholarships. Last year, 18 students applied to CJB but due to
insufficient funding, only one student was awarded this opportunity. Your tax-deductible donation
provides the gift of Catholic education.
To help donations have even more impact, several donors have agreed to pool their resources and offer a 2-for-1
matching gift program to schools in the Archdiocese of Chicago. This means for every dollar designated to a qualifying
school through the Empower Illinois scholarship granting organization beginning Dec. 1, 2021, the school will receive
two dollars in matching funds. The program will end when all matching funds have been depleted. New donors who
would like to receive the tax credit for their 2021 taxes should begin the process prior to Dec. 15, 2021 to ensure that they
have enough time to make their gift by Dec. 31, 2021. Consider applying for your tax credit today. To review the
process, visit

             For information on how you can benefit from Tax Credit Scholarship opportunities
      for Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Catholic School (CJB) for the 2022/23 school year, please attend an
    informational meeting at CJB on Tuesday, December 14. Call 708.403.6525 for meeting time and room
       location. CJB is located at 9520 W. 167th Street, Orland Hills (next to St. Elizabeth Seton Church).

                                   CARDINAL BERNARDIN SCHOOL – JOB POSTINGS
              We have has employment opportunities available! We welcome you to consider joining our community where Catholic
                          values and academic excellence blend to create a supportive, nurturing, and safe environment.
We are interested in supplementing our Substitute Teacher Roster with qualified personnel. If you are interested in sharing your appreciation of
education and supervising students when the regular classroom teacher is unavailable, please consider applying. Requirements include a bachelor’s
degree and Archdiocese of Chicago VIRTUS compliance requirements ( Contact Mrs. Jeanne Pagliaro at
We are looking to hire part-time help for our Extended Day Program. Extended Day workers assist the director in creating a Christ-centered, safe
environment for students by supervising and engaging them in appropriate activities. Hours are between 1:45pm and 6pm. Candidates would start
immediately after passing a background check and Archdiocese of Chicago “Virtus” compliance requirements ( Pay scale
from $13-$14/hour based on previous experience. Part-time; not benefits eligible. If interested, please email the Director of Extended Day, Mrs.
Donna Vimarco at
Food Services Professionals is a foodservice management company looking for an energetic, dependable person who would like to work part-time (3
hours per weekday) locally (at your parish school – Cardinal Joseph Bernardin). On-the-job training includes helping to place orders and serving
lunch. Basic computer skills are a plus to assist in the completion of minimal paperwork. A great opportunity for moms and dads…aunts and
uncles…grandmas and grandpas. For more information, please contact Stephanie Smith 773.447.0914.

                                                                                 DECEMBER 12, 2021 – THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT 7
SAINT JULIE BILLIART CATHOLIC CHURCH - 7399 West 159th Street, Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
HUMAN CONCERNS                                                                            Human Concerns / Sheila Pluchar
                                                                                          708.429.6767 x232 or

                                                                GIVING TREE GIFTS
                                                                Giving Tree items are due back this weekend!
                                                                No worries though if
         Upcoming PORT LUNCH DATES                              you forgot to bring
     December 12 after the 9:30 Mass (10:15am)                  them in. Just drop
Please join us in the Parish Hall!                              them in one of the
All are welcome! Bring a                                        carts and we will
friend, neighbor or your                                        make sure it gets to
grandparents!                                                   where it should go!
                                                                Thank you!

                                                                ST JULIE COAT DRIVE
  “If you can’t feed one-hundred people, then just feed one.”
                                           -Mother Teresa       Time to clean out those closets! We are collecting
                                                                gently used coats, hats, gloves, fleece and sweatshirts
DAYBREAK SHELTER BREAKFAST                                      for those in need. If you have some of these items
                                                                that you no longer need, we will get them to
Daybreak Shelter is located in Joliet and run by                someone who can use them! There are two bins just
Catholic Charities.                                             outside our library. Thank you for sharing! Please
For over 20 years, St. Julie parishioners have                  turn them in by Jan. 9.
provided a hot, delicious breakfast on the first
Sunday of the month as well as Christmas morning.

A typical schedule:

5:00am           Arrive and prepare breakfast
6:00am           Serve to very grateful and beautiful
                                                                PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter)
                                                                We are looking for volunteers who would like to give
7:00am           Clean up and head home!
                                                                of their time and talents! There are no meetings.
                                                                You decide what you are able to give/do and how
Most teams are home no later than 8:00am. Teams                 often.
(made up of 5-10 people) decide the menu. The
                                                                As a result of the pandemic, our PADS guests are
warmer months there might be 35 guests and in the
                                                                staying at a hotel in Calumet Park. They have been
winter we may serve 80+ because of the weather.
                                                                able to secure a driver to pick-up the meals, which
                                                                helps us tremendously...what a blessing!
   This is truly a great ministry for busy people!
     Everyone has three hours per year to give.                 On the 2nd Friday of the month, volunteers drop off
                                                                the item they signed up to donate. Sometimes they
                                                                drop it off a few days ahead of time. A small group of
Talk to your friends, family and co-workers! Think              volunteers assemble the meals from 4—5pm.
about it and if you feel this might be a good fit for
                                                                We currently serve 40 guests...breakfast, dinner and
you or you just have some questions, please give us
                                                                lunch. If this is something you would
a call or email.
                                                                like to be part of or find out more
           Service hours can also be earned.
                                                                information, let us know!
We thank you and the people of the shelter thank
you for your help and your prayers.

SAINT JULIE BILLIART CATHOLIC CHURCH - 7399 West 159th Street, Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
HUMAN CONCERNS                                                                       Human Concerns / Sheila Pluchar
                                                                                     708.429.6767 x232 or

HOME BUILD 2022                                          ST. VINCENT dePAUL
         Coming to St. Julie!                            Do you know someone who is in
We are so excited to announce that                       need of some assistance?
St. Julie will be the host site of the                   The St. Julie SVdP Chapter is a
next multi-parish Home Build!                            dedicated group who seek to help
         SAVE THE DATES!! JUNE 3-4-5                     those in need. If you or someone
                                                         you know is in need of temporary assistance, we
                                                         may be able to help. Our group is trained to assess
                                                         all situations in order to best serve the community.
                                                         When you call, please don’t hang up. You will be
                                                         guided through the phone system. Please leave
                                                         your name and a number where you can be reached
                                                         and a team member will respond within 24 hours.
                                                         Our phone number will appear as “blocked”. Please
                                                         assist us by answering the call so we can begin the
                                                         process of sharing information with you.
                                                         708.429.6767 x244.

            Encourage Elected Officials to                            Watch for our meetings to
                Take Action on Climate                                 resume early in 2022!
     Legislators need to hear from their constituents:
 Contact your US Representative and Senators by
phone, letter, email, fax, or social media.

 Be brief, concise, specific. Let them know you are a
constituent whose concerned about the issue. Tell
your legislator why you are concerned and what the
positive impact will be for you or others by taking
action on a particular issue or bill.
                                                         PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY
 Cover only one issue per call or letter. It’s extra
effective when you suggest a course of action.           Our Ministers have been busy throughout the pandemic!
                                                         They have generously donated almost 50 of their beautiful
                                                         creations to those going through cancer treatments. And
Remember it’s important to be polite. If legislators     still, preemie hats are being donated to a local hospital to
don’t hear from you on an issue, they assume it’s not    help keep the littlest ones warm. With all that, they have
important to you.                                        kept on hand, many gorgeous shawls that have been
                                                         created with love and prayers.
The site below offers to send pre-written letters to     If you know of someone who could use some comfort, for
Congress you can personalize.                            any reason, please stop by the office and choose one to
For current Church-supported actions                     your liking. If you’d like, leave the name of the person
                see:                                     receiving the shawl and the group could pray for them.                        We have also placed prayers squares in the Mary Chapel.
                                                         They are smaller and can be hand held or placed on a
                                                         special prayer table.
                                                         For more information, please email

                                                               DECEMBER 12, 2021 – THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT 9
SAINT JULIE BILLIART CATHOLIC CHURCH - 7399 West 159th Street, Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
ST. PEREGRINE NOVENA                                 Oplatki (Christmas Wafer)
The novena is held weekly, usually on                The breaking of the Christmas wafer is a custom that
Mondays, in our Sacred Heart Chapel. It              began in Poland in the 10th century and is practiced by
may be necessary at times to move the                people of Polish ancestry. It is considered the most
novena to a Tuesday evening.                         ancient and beloved of Polish traditions. The Christmas
Check the parish calendar                            wafer symbolizes the unity of the family and also
( for up-to-date                     symbolizes forgiveness and reconciliation.
                                                     The unleavened wafers are baked from wheat flour and
          St. Peregrine Novena # 2                   water, are usually rectangular in shape
  Week #6 - Tuesday, December 14 - 7pm               and very thin. They are identical in
     (due to Mon, Dec. 13-Reconciliation Service)    composition to the altar bread that
  Week #7 - Monday, December 20 - 7pm                becomes the Eucharist at the consecration
  Week #8 - Monday, December 27 - 7pm                at Mass in the Roman Catholic Church.
  Week #9 - Monday, January 3 - 7pm                  The Oplatki wafers are usually embossed with
                                                     Christmas-related religious images...the nativity scene,
                                                     the Virgin Mary with baby Jesus or the Star of
                                                     Before partaking of the Christmas Eve meal, the family
Fr. Joe Mulcrone will be celebrating Mass, with an
                                                     gathers around the table. The eldest holds a wafer and
interpreter, at these upcoming dates:
                                                     breaks off a piece to begin the ritual. The remaining
  Sunday, December 12 (6:00pm)
  Friday, December 24 (8:00pm) Christmas Eve
                                                     wafer is passed on to another while a prayer for loved
                                                     ones is said. This continues until everyone at the table
                                                     has a piece of the wafer. Finally, each family member
                                                     gives wishes to every other family member.
                                                     The Oplatki wafers (one “white” wafer per envelope
                                                     for $1) are available in the Parish Office during office
                                                     hours Mon-Thu (8:30am-12noon and 1:00pm-4:30pm).
                                                     There are limited quantities.

                                                     ST. JULIE BOOK CLUB
                                                           First Wednesday every month
                                                              1pm in the Great Room
                                                     Gather with fellow book lovers to share thoughts,
                                                     ideas, and opinions about the monthly selection.
                                                     Any questions or need more information, contact Bev
                                                     Jan 5 Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future
                                                             by Pope Francis
                                                     Feb 2 The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan
                                                     Mar 2 The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd
                                                     Apr 6 The Charm Bracelet by Viola Shipman
                                                     May 4 Finding Nouf by Zoe Ferraris
                                                     Jun 1 The Lilac Girls by Martha Hill Kelly
                                                     Jul 6 The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse
                                                             by Charlie Mackesy
                                                     Aug 3 The Four Winds by Kristin Hanna

Our Business Manager retired on December 2, so        CHRISTMAS TRIP
the search is underway for a new business
manager. Anyone interested in applying for the        Friday, Dec. 17 - White Fence Farm
position is asked to send a letter stating their              Hurry…Just 6 tickets left!
intent to apply, along with a copy of their
                                                      White Fence Farm presents “Sweet Reminders,” as
resume, to Fr. Tirso Villaverde
                                                      they offer special holiday classic songs that are near
Deadline for submission will be Wed, Dec. 15.         and dear to our hearts. There will be some song facts
                                                      and humor to engage the audience as well.
                                                      To top it off, we will enjoy a famous meal of White
YOUNG AT HEART                                        Fence Farm Chicken (four pieces) with all the fixin’s:
         Happy Advent!
                                                         Homemade Corn Fritters - Baked Potato - Cole Slaw
Our January Luncheon will be                             Cottage Cheese - Kidney Bean Salad - Pickled Beets
held on January 11 in the Devine Center. Tickets                  Coffee, Tea or Soft Drink - Dessert
go on sale in the Narthex on January 1 /2 and 8/9.
                                                      Depart: 10am (meet outside of the Devine Center)
Thank you to all for making this a
                                                      Return: 4pm (approximately)
wonderful year. We are grateful for
                                                      Ticket Cost: $55.00 (bus, show, meal, tax and gratuity)
ALL of you!
                                                      Tickets are on sale in the parish office until gone.
God bless you!                                        For more info contact Joanne Tuzik or Deacon Ed.

                                                          DECEMBER 12, 2021 – THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT 11
DID YOU KNOW?                                          ST. DAMIAN CANCER SUPPORT GROUP
•   LUNCH HOUR PHONE CALLS                             We’ve made a change to our meeting schedule.
    Please know that you calls are important to us.                     Cancer Support Group
    Monday through Thursday we take a lunch                      1st Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm
    break between 12noon and 1pm, so if you call at                   St. Damian Pastoral Center
     that time you may leave a message at the                       5250 155th Street, Oak Forest IL
     Intended party’s extension (conveniently listed   Whether you are currently in treatment for cancer, or if
     on the back of the bulletin).                     you are supporting a loved one or friend who has cancer
•   WEEKEND PHONES                                     or is in remission - we hope you will join us.
    We are not in the office Friday-Saturday-Sunday    Call Joy at 708-687-4762 and please leave a message.
    Messages may be left on an intended party’s
    extension, but if you leave a message without
    dialing an extension, it will not be retrieved
                                                       COVID-19 VACCINATIONS & BOOSTERS
    until Monday morning.                              Mobile Care Chicago is providing COVID-19
                                                       vaccinations including boosters to homebound
•   MASS INTENTION BOOK in the Mary Chapel.
    You may write your own personal intentions.        residents (12 or over) in Cook County- Oak Forest,
    These intentions are not said aloud at Mass, but   Tinley Park, Crestwood, Palos Hills, Palos Park,
    instead are a way for you to express what’s on     Orland Hills, Orland Park and Midlothian.
    your heart. Feel free to stop by the Mary Chapel   Homebound is any adult person who may be
    and write down your intentions.                    bedridden, wheelchair dependent, elderly, disabled
•   MARY CHAPEL (next to the parish office) is         or handicapped and oftentimes has a caregiver.
    typically open: Mon-Fri (8:30a-4:30p)              Go to the following link to sign up to be vaccinated
         Sat (3:30p-5:30p) Sunday (7:30a-12:30p)       in your home.
•   DROPBOX - We have a Dropbox just outside  
    the parish office entrance for after hours.        For information on Mobile Care Chicago:
    Simply lift the lid and drop in your donation     
    envelopes, Scrip envelopes or any other
                                                       Call 708.284.6511 for more information about this
    correspondence. Please do not leave any
                                                       FREE program
    envelopes at the Front Desk window pass-
    through or “shove” them under the glass. By        OR
    sheer chance we have recently found envelopes      Call the COVID Vaccine Program Coordinator,
    on the floor below, the recycle paper bin and      Mobile Care Chicago at 847.951.1141.
    even between the desk and wall.
•   HELPFUL TIP - Take the back page of the SJB        JOB FAIR
    Bulletin and put in on your refrigerator or              Wednesday, December 15 - 3:30pm-6:30pm
    bulletin board. You’ll have all our phone                         Tinley Park Park District
    number and extensions, email addresses and a       Bettenhausen Recreation Center – 8125 W 171st St.
    plethora of parish information!
                                                       We will be hiring for our summer, part-time positions
•   ST. VINCENT dePAUL - There are two SVdP            at the White Water Canyon Water Park, the Tinley
    donation slots in the Narthex, on both the         Junction Mini Golf and Batting Cages, the Parks
    North and South walls. Monetary donations          Department, and our Summer Day Camp.
    may be put in there or in our DropBox, but
                                                       We are looking for lifeguards, front gate and deck
    please make sure you print SVDP on the
                                                       attendants, concession team members, day camp
    envelope! Any checks should be made out to St.
    Vincent dePaul Society.                            counselors, attendants for mini-golf and batting cages,
                                                       and park maintenance laborers.
                                                       The first 50 applicants at the job
We hope this information helps! Please let us know
                                                       fair will get to pick out a
if you have other questions.
                                                       mystery gift card.

Due to IRS Regulations, all contributions received through December 31 will be recorded as a 2021 contribution. Contributions made on
January 1, 2022 or after are required by law to be recorded as a 2022 contribution regardless of the type of envelope used or the date written
on the check.
If a contribution dated in December was mailed to the Parish office and postmarked on or before December 31 it will be recorded as a 2021
contribution. However, all contributions delivered to the Parish Office in person or postmarked on or after January 1 must be recorded as a
2022 contribution. Therefore, even if a check was dated in December 2021, but mailed or delivered to the Parish office in January, that
contribution must be recorded as a 2022 contribution.
We thank you for your generosity and are truly grateful for all you do for St. Julie Billiart. The 2021 Contribution tax statements will be
emailed to parishioners for whom we have email addresses. Please check your spam folder! If we do not have your email address, they will
be sent through the United States Postal Service. Tax statements are only issued to those who have contributed in excess of $250.

End-of-Year Gifts
As we head into the Christmas season, we want to make sure you know all the different ways parishioners may make end-of-year
gifts. There are so many easy ways to donate.
• Link to your Faith Direct giving page through your parish website.
• Text-to-Give / Enroll
• Call our Customer Service Team at 866-507-8757 between 8:30am-5:30pm EST (Spanish speaker available!)
We prayerfully request that you consider signing up for eGiving from your computer, smartphone, or tablet. You can set up a
recurring donation or make a one-time gift. Sign up today by visiting or text ‘Enroll’ to (708.286.5777). Thank you
for your continued support of our parish.

Fr. Tirso Villaverde

              Please Prayerfully Consider Remembering St. Julie Billiart in Your Will
Jesus told us, “Whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me.” So every day, we have the opportunity to see the face of
Jesus in others and be the face of Jesus to others. When considering which charities to include in your will or trust, we hope you will
remember our parish. A bequest may be made to the parish using the following language:
     “I give [insert specific dollar amount, or percentage of net or residuary] to The Catholic Bishop of Chicago, Tax ID #36-2170826,
       a corporation sole located in Chicago, Illinois, to be used for the benefit of St. Julie Billiart located in Tinley Park, Illinois.
       However, if St. Julie Billiart ceases to exist in its current form, then to the new parish or parishes erected in its stead.”
Please consult an attorney and financial advisor when drafting your will or trust. Please contact St. Julie parish 708.429.6767 or
contact Krystina M. Campbell, Planned Giving Officer, Archdiocese of Chicago at 312.534.5404 or

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  St. Julie Billiart Sacrificial Giving Sunday Offerings: Fiscal Year July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022

                  December 4/5                                                       YEAR-TO-DATE 2021-2022
          BUDGETED          $ 18,750.00                                        BUDGETED              $ 431,250.00
          COLLECTED            18,800.00                                       COLLECTED               413.927.95
                            $      50.00                                       SHORTFALL             $ 17,322.05

                                                                                DECEMBER 12, 2021 – THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT 13
Say Good-bye to Clogged Gutters!

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                            Year Sale!                                              estimate & free gutter inspection!
                                                                              Consumer Disclosure/Award Rules: All participants who attend an estimated 60-90 minute in-home product
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                       75% OFF                                                Holdings, Inc. Limit one gift card per household. LeafGuard procures, sells, and installs seamless gutter protection.
                                                                              This offer is valid for homeowners over 18 years of age. If married or have a life partner, both cohabitating persons
                                                                              must attend and complete presentation together. Participants must have a valid photo ID, understand English, and
                                                                              be legally able to enter into a contract. The following persons are not eligible for this offer: employees of LeafGuard
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                                                                              extended, transferred, or substituted except that LeafGuard may substitute a gift card of equal or greater value if it
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                                                                                                                                                                                                          clogged gutters
                  Offer does not include cost of material. Discount applied
                       by representative at time of contract execution.
                                   Offer ends 12/31/2021.
                                                                              deems it necessary. Gift card and terms and conditions (
                                                                              of such gift card will be mailed to the participant via first class US Mail within 21 days of receipt of promotion form
                                                                              provided at consultation. Not valid in conjunction with any other promotion or discount of any kind. Offer not
                                                                              sponsored or promoted by Darden Restaurants and is subject to change without notice prior to reservation. Offer
                                                                              ends 12/31/2021. **FOR BALT/DC GIFT CARD AMOUNT IS $25**
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                                        Get this weekly bulletin delivered by email - for FREE!                                                                                                                                                                                                              PLUMBING
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                IN YOUR LOCAL
 GREAT COVERAGE - 97% of all households attending church take at least one
 church bulletin home every Sunday.
 GREAT VALUE - 70% of all households are aware of and look at the advertising in
 the church bulletin and 68% of households surveyed when making a choice between
 businesses are inclined to choose the one who advertised in the church bulletin.                                                                                                                                                                                                   JOHN’S PAINTING & REMODELING
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                       Email:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Free Estimates          John Lonosky            708-268-5666


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            please call the Parish Office.

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                                                                         Compassion IS OUR passion
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001651 St Julie Billiart Church (A)                                                                                                                       For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
                                   7399 W. 159th Street, Tinley Park, IL 60477
                 Phone: 708.429.6767        Website:           Fax: 708.429.6788
                              Facebook                                                        YouTube
                              St Julie Billiart Parish                                        St Julie Billiart Tinley Park IL

 Daily Mass:   Monday-Friday 8:00am
 Weekend Mass: Saturday: 4:30pm Sunday: 7:30am - 9:30am - 11:30am - 6:00pm
               (9:30am Mass is livestreamed via Facebook then available at
                                                                                PARISH STAFF & CONTACT INFORMATION
Thursdays after 8:00am Mass until 11:00am (Sacred Heart Chapel).                    Office Hours: Monday-Thursday
Also, First Friday Adoration (8:30am-8:30pm)                                    8:30a-12noon (Closed for Lunch) 1:00pm-4:30pm
BULLETIN                                                                              Closed Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Bulletins are posted on our website. You may elect to receive an       - In-person business will be conducted at the front desk window.
electronic copy directly from J.S. Paluch, by signing up online at     - After hours, please use the Drop Box outside the Office entrance
                                                                       for matters not requiring interaction (i.e. contribution envelopes, Please consider patronizing
                                                                       registration forms, Mass intentions requests, etc.).
our advertisers. Thank You!
CONTACT INFORMATION UPDATES                                                             Parish Office: 708.429.6767
If you’re moving, changed your address, landline, cell number          CLERGY
or email address, please contact the Parish Office so we may           Rev. Tirso S. Villaverde, Jr., Pastor     x219
update our database records.                                           Rev. Ton Nguyen, Associate Pastor         x216
                                                                       Deacon Edward (& Sheila) Pluchar          x246
DEVOTIONAL PRAYER (Rosary/Divine Mercy Chaplet)
                                                                       Deacon John (& Kathy) Benz                x212
Monday-Friday - After the 8:00am Mass (Sacred Heart Chapel)
                                                                       Deacon Rich (& Irene) Miska               x212
Due to HIPAA privacy regulations, only the patient or                  SPIRITUAL LIFE
designated family member may notify the parish of a                    Marianne Mueller                          x213
hospitalization, if you request a priest visit, communion or to be       Coordinator of Parish Prayer Life
placed on the sick list in the bulletin for three weeks.               Sue Clemons                               x229
                                                                         Coordinator of Music Ministry
All are invited to participate in the life and mission of the SJB      PARISH LIFE
faith family. Come in to the office or begin the process online at     Patricia Kmak                             x227                                 Coordinator of Faith Formation of Youth
                                                                       (TBD) Coordinator of Parish Life/Evangelization
For an emergency anointing, please call the Parish Office              HUMAN CONCERNS
708.429.6767 and select Option 1 to request this sacrament.            Sheila Pluchar                            x232
                                                                         Coordinator of Human Concerns
Parents preparing for the birth of a child should email                STEWARDSHIP to inquire about preparations.                    (TBD) Business Manager
SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE                                                  Karen Calcagno, Bookkeeper                x223
Please contact at least six months in
advance for a wedding date and to begin marriage preparations.         Neno Babic, Facilities Engineer           x228

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION                                            VITAL SUPPORT STAFF
Saturdays 3:00pm-4:00pm in the Sacred Heart Chapel (South              Cathryn Seitz, Bulletin Editor            x210
side of Church) If you would like a different time for a private         and Receptionist
appointment with a priest, please call the office.                     Peg Siebenaler, Office Aide               x217
                                                                             (Faith Formation of Youth)
If you, or someone you know, needs assistance or if you’d like         Barb Theis, Coordinator of Media/IT       x231
                                                                         and Office Aide (Music Ministry)
information, please reach out to us at 708.429.6767 x244 or email .

                   Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Catholic School (Parish Regional School)
                        9250 W. 167th Street, Orland Hills, IL 60477                        Kelly Bourrell, Principal
                       Ph: 708.403.6525                  Fax: 708.403.8621        
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