FOCUS Local Stories Recipes Puzzles - and lots more! - Abergavenny Focus

Page created by Ron Graham
FOCUS Local Stories Recipes Puzzles - and lots more! - Abergavenny Focus
JUNE 2021 ISSUE 85

         S OU T H PO WY S
                                      Local Stories
                                         and lots more!

Art at CRiC Pg.10
Pembrokeshire View by Alison Edgson
FOCUS Local Stories Recipes Puzzles - and lots more! - Abergavenny Focus
FOCUS Local Stories Recipes Puzzles - and lots more! - Abergavenny Focus
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FOCUS Local Stories Recipes Puzzles - and lots more! - Abergavenny Focus
THE                     SO U TH PO WYS                                                                                                                          Dear Readers,

                                                                                                                                                                       here’s no beating about the bush: life is busy. I’ve
                                                                                                                                                                       noticed that since lockdown restrictions have eased,
Publisher: Focus Magazines Ltd                                                                                                                                         life has suddenly gone up a gear. The roads are busy, so
Tel: 01873 856614                                                                                                                                                are the shops and restaurants. It’s a wonderful thing to see -
Contact                                                                                                                                                          goodness knows our local businesses need it - but it can feel
Hannah & Pete Hill:                                                                                                                                              overwhelming. After such a lengthy period of time when so                                                                                                                                             much has been paused and we’ve all been forced to adopt a
Cover Art: Alison Edgson
                                                                                                                                                                 new, often slower paced way of life, the change can feel like a lot
  Age Cymru Powys                                                                                                                                                to cope with.
  Rae Arundel                                                                                                                                                    So, what makes your life easier? For me, sharing the burden of
  Gwen Axford                                                                                                                                                    my responsibilities as a mum, a business owner and a behaviour
  Emma Bevan
                                                                                                                                                                 consultant helps me a lot. I’d recently had a lot of questions about
  Julie Cashell
  Dr Giles P Croft                                                                                                                                               a knotty problem that I had encountered, and the more I thought
  Mark Kerr                                                                                                                                                      about it, the more knotty it seemed to become. The solution was
  Jonathan Powell                                                                                                                                                to enlist some help from one of our advertisers to give me some
  Suzette Pratton                                                                                                                                                expert advice within a field that I had little knowledge about. She
  Barry Sandilands                                                                                                                                               was able to ask me he right questions and provide lots of options.
  Dave Thomas
                                                                                                                                                                 As a result she made my life feel a lot easier as I no longer needed
  John Turnock
                                                                                                                                                                 to work myself into a froth over it.
Whilst every care is taken with materials
submitted to Focus Magazines, the                                                                                                                                We’ve put together this month’s magazine with the intention
publisher cannot accept responsibility                                                                                                                           of helping to make your life easier in some big or small way. Of
for loss or damage to such materials.                                                                                                                            course, all of our advertisers offer services that can do that for you,
Opinions expressed in articles are strictly                                                                                                                      including financial advice, cleaning services, estate agency, home
those of the author. This publication is                                                                                                                         repairs or personal therapy to name just a few. We guarantee that
copyrighted and may not be reproduced                                                                                                                            something you find within the pages of this month’s magazine will
in any form without written permission
                                                                                                                                                                 help make your life easier. Go on, take a look and enjoy the read!
from the publisher. Prices and details are
subject to change and conditions and
the publisher can take no responsibility
for ommissions or errors. The inclusion
of an advertiser in this magazine is not                                                                                                                                                                    
necessarily a recommendation                                                                                                                                                                                            Tel: 01873 856614
© Focus Magazines Ltd 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                A D V E RT I S E W I T H U S !
                                                                                                                                                                      JUNE 2021 ISSUE 85

                                                                                                                               SOUTH POWYS
                                                                                    JUNE 2021 ISSUE 168

                  ABERGAVEN NY

   FOCUS FOCUS                                                                                                                                                                             Our Magazines are A5 sized, full colour
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                                                                                Life                                                                        Local Stories
                                                                                                                                                                 Recipes                   free. We offer cost effective advertising
                                                                             Easier!                                                                             Puzzles
                                                                       AF Thomas Electricals
                                                                      Special Feature, Page 30
                                                                                                                                                               and lots more!              rates which start at just £25 per month.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Your advert will appear in full colour,
                                                                                                                      Art at CRiC Pg.10
                                                                                                                                                                                           we provide a free, professional design
                                           HOMES FROM PARRYS

           21 Nevill Street, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire NP7 5AA
    01873 736515 | |                                            Pembrokeshire View by Alison Edgson

                                                                                                                    6,000 copies
Focus banner - June 2 2021.indd 1                                                               26/05/2021 11:26

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homes and businesses                                                                                                door to door covering
                                                                                                                                                                                           of 3 issues or more. Call Hannah or Pete
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                                                                                                                    the LD3 and NP8                                                        today on 01873 856614 or email
Llanfoist, Gilwern and
Govilon, with additional
local pick-up points

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FOCUS Local Stories Recipes Puzzles - and lots more! - Abergavenny Focus
Editorial & Contents                         4

Weather: June’s Outlook                      17

Next Month’s Focus                           30

Puzzles!                                     31

Siop Llangorse Shop                          7

Llangattock Community Woodlands              8

Volunteers’ Week at CRiC                     10

The Bleddfa Centre                           13

Team Lled Y Cymru                            15

Age Cymru - Volunteers needed!               18

Crickhowell & District U3A                   18

Brecon U3A                                   19

Duck Race 2021                               22

Wellbeing: Experiencing the Easy Life        23

Recipe: Eight Ways with Tomato Sauce 26
Book-ish - What to read this month           29

Hollybush Hypnotherapy                       21

FOCUS Local Stories Recipes Puzzles - and lots more! - Abergavenny Focus
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FOCUS Local Stories Recipes Puzzles - and lots more! - Abergavenny Focus

       Siop Llangors Shop
      iop Llangors Shop Management
      Committee are delighted to announce
      that their project has received a grant of
£99,200 from the National Lottery Community
Fund. This grant, which goes right to the heart
of the community by making a volunteer-run
local shop a reality, will enable the people who
live around Llangors Lake to enjoy easy access
to a convenience store and small café from
If you would like to contribute to the success of Siop
Llangors, you can do so by buying £10 shares in the                         An artist’s impression of the completed shop
venture. Share ownership will entitle you to have a
say in the running of the shop. They will be ready for
issue from mid-June.
For more details and to register your interest,
contact: Rose Snowden: or 01874 658473
                                                Mark Kerr                                Siop Llangorse Shop

                                                            Two years work is about to come to fruition this summer in a com
                                                            shop in Llangors. The project has not been helped by the Covid e
                                                            but the way is now clear to opening in July. We will be stocking a
                                                            of popular food and household items, with a strong emphasis on
                                                            sustainability, community involvement and social cohesion in this
                                                            but thinly populated area.
         1 BBLL I
               IN N
                  D D
                    S                                       The shop premises will shortly be erected on the old playground r
                                                            the Youth and Community Centre in Llangors. This is the ideal spo
                                                            the centre of the village with plenty of parking space and close to
                                                            village amenities, including the school. There will be a manager su
                                                            lots of volunteers from the community to run both the shop and th
                                                            associated café, which we hope will provide a popular place for lo

                                                            Village shops run by volunteers like this one are ßourishing all ove
                                               THE VALLEY’S
                                               THE VALLEYS     LEADING
                                                     United Kingdom. TypicallyBLIND
                                                                LEADING        BLIND  SPECIALISTS
                                                                               they employ about 40 volunteers - we w
                                                  more than this - and the proÞt they make goes to supporting the w
                                                  community in which they ALL     AREAS
                                                                                  ALL AREAS
                                                                            Þnd themselves. COVERED
                                                                                            They are hugely popula
                                                  customers   because through
                                                                                 system of community shares these
          Quality Vertical Rollers & Venetians made to
                                                  belong to the whole
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          FREE no obligation quote
                                                            Siop Llangors Shop will be in the best traditions of these local con
          at competitive prices
                                                            stores, run by and for the residents. There is a huge fund of goodw
                                                            this venture and we hope you will come and sample our wares, th
          1st Class after sales service
                                                            back again and again. If you like the idea of having a stake in our
                                                                                             FOR O ING
                                                            the adjacent advert which describes the Þrst steps in becoming o

                                                                                             25 YE VER
      Directors & Representatives: Ronald Reed / Geraint Davies
            FREEPHONE 0800 197 7545
FOCUS Local Stories Recipes Puzzles - and lots more! - Abergavenny Focus
If You Go Down to the
        Woods Today...

    You’re sure of a big surprise!
                                                      Since 2008 we have had a close relationship with
No teddy bear’s picnic - just a Llangattock Green Valleys with whom we share an
handful of enthusiasts enjoying process felled timber into woodfuel and charcoal
                                aim to promote sustainable energy. In particular, we

   a craft & workday in the
                                which we sell to local residents.

beautiful canalside woodlands Split and dried logs for wood fuel

                                                      Our new partnership with the Woodland Trust in

                                                      2021 has allowed the removal of diseased ash trees
      langattock Community Woodlands is a group
                                                      from Coed Cefn (Bluebell Wood) in Crickhowell for
      of enthusiastic volunteers with a shared
                                                      firewood use in return for a working plan to provide
      interest in trees and timber products. It is
                                                      volunteer help to litter-pick and clear the pathways
a registered charity that aims to promote for the
                                                      and car park areas .
benefit of the public, the conservation, protection
and improvement of small woodlands in the South
East corner of the Brecon Beacons National Park.        Tree planting and Bee Keeping
                                                      Wherever appropriate we plant new trees on the
In the last few years we have adopted licences to     edge of woodlands where these form natural
manage several small woodlands on behalf of their     boundary hedges and with careful management
owners in the Llangattock and Crickhowell area.
8                     TO ADVERTISE CALL 01873 856614 OR EMAIL HELLO@THEFOCUS.WALES
FOCUS Local Stories Recipes Puzzles - and lots more! - Abergavenny Focus

will add to the diversity of the        Guided by the Brecon Beacon           strong emphasis on health and
woodlands .                             National Parks Non-Native Invasive    safety and members are fully
                                        Species team we are clearing          insured. Much of our work is done
We also have three colonies
                                        Cherry laurel, rhododendron           with hand tools, although we do
of native honey bees that are
                                        and Himalayan balsam that have        have qualified chainsaw users for
pollinating plants within a mile
                                        spread aggressively in parts of       felling and removing branches
                                        the woodlands and river paths ,       prior to processing.
                                        crowding out native plants and
                                                                              There’s lots of other work to be
                                        reducing wildlife habitat. We work
                                                                              done each week. Your DIY skills
                                        to eradicate the invaders, and then
                                                                              might help us to get hedgehog
                                        replant cleared areas with native
                                                                              huts, bird boxes and bat boxes
                                                                              built to sell

                                        Becoming a volunteer                  LCW Trustees are justly proud of
A bee house has been constructed                                              the commitment and enthusiasm
that allows wheelchair and                                                    of all our volunteers. We meet
child access to a viewing gallery                                             regularly every Tuesday and you
where colony inspections can be                                               can find information on where and
observed from behind a mesh                                                   when we meet on our website
screen.                                                              If you
                                                                              are interested in environmental
       Environment/                                                           management, green wood crafts
        biodiversity                                                          or bee keeping then please do get
                                                                              in touch. Email barry.sandilands@
Active management means                                              for a membership
working in harmony with                                                       form or text / call 07800 745587
woodlands, restoring their
natural structure and creating          Anyone can become a volunteer.
                                        We provide volunteers with safety
                                                                                  Will we see you
the ideal conditions for a mix of
plant, animal, bird and insect life.    equipment and training. We place          next Tuesday ?
                                   VISIT THE FOCUS ONLINE AT WWW.THEFOCUS.WALES
FOCUS Local Stories Recipes Puzzles - and lots more! - Abergavenny Focus
Volunteers’ Week at CRiC

                                                                         Pembrokeshire View by Alison Edgson

        olunteers’ Week takes     As a local charity CRiC is           by dedicated volunteers in the
        place between 1-7         celebrating the difference           day to day staffing of the Centre
        June every year and       volunteers make to CRiC and the      and during events such as the
is a time to recognise and        community and thanking them          Crickhowell Walking Festival
thank volunteers. During an       for all their time and dedication    and Crickhowell Open Studios
exceptionally difficult year,     during this year’s Volunteers’       weekend. Welcoming hospitality
people from all walks of life     Week. Not only does the CRiC         in the coffee bar, knowledgeable
locally and around the UK have    Board of Trustees support the        advice on exploring, shopping,
taken the time to volunteer and   company in a voluntary capacity      eating and drinking or an
have made a huge difference to    - the CRiC staff team is supported   introduction to some of the
people and the community.
region’s artists upstairs in the
oriel CRiC gallery – are just
some of the contributions
made by volunteers and greatly
appreciated by visitors to the
While there will unfortunately
not be an Open Studios Weekend
this year, the oriel CRiC gallery
has continued its exhibition
program by adding exceptional
new paintings by amongst
others, Nick Pritchard and the
2019 Crickhowell Open Art
winner Alison Edgson.
With a range of volunteering
opportunities on offer in the
Centre, anyone who would like
to try volunteering for the first
time is encouraged to contact
Nikki Welton-Wall (nikki@ It is a
great of way of supporting the
local community, businesses,
tourism and artists in a positive
way in a friendly and safe
                                            CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Painting by David Roy Kerton, bronze resin wren by tracy
environment.                               Newman against a backdrop of a triptych by Jemima Jameson, Summer Fields and Rain
                         Suzette Pratten
                                                                        approaching over the Black mountains by Nick Pritchard

                                  VISIT THE FOCUS ONLINE AT WWW.THEFOCUS.WALES
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 local business                                                    O’Loughlin Wealth
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                                                                Melinda O’Loughlin Dip PFS, Cert CII (MP)
 For friendly service & fast delivery call                        Glanusk Estate, Crickhowell. Powys. NP8 1LP
 Ken or Catherine Barwise                                          Phone: 01873 810631 Fax: 01873 810631
 01873 811113                                                                Email:
                                                                Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep
 email:                                     up repayments on your mortgage

12                           TO ADVERTISE CALL 01873 856614 OR EMAIL HELLO@THEFOCUS.WALES
The Bleddfa Centre
                                                                                      their lockdown exhibition on
                                                                                      display in the Barn.
                                                                                      You can also keep up to date
                                                                                      with monthly exhibitions and
                                                                                      events, via the website: www.
                                                                             or by signing
                                                                                      up to the newsletter.
                                                                                      We would like to invite as many
                                                                                      supporters as possible to join
                                                                                      our Friends Of Bleddfa scheme
                                                                                      – everyone who subscribes will
                                                                                      receive a welcome gift, and other
                                                                                      exciting benefits – please do
                                                                                      email us to find out more. Any
                                                                                      help is vital this year, as we find
                                                                                      our feet following the effects of
                                                                                      the pandemic.
                                                                                      As a charitable Trust, we also rely
                                                                                      on donations of all sizes, which
                                                                                      are always gratefully received
                                                                                      – or you can offer a donation
                                                                                      of time, and volunteer with us
                                                                                      – details can be sent to you by
                                                                                      The current exhibition, running
                                                                                      throughout June, and which
                Francesca Kay who will be chatting with Leigh Hendra as part of our   you can visit in person or view
                                             Conversations With series on June 17th   online via our website, is that of

                                                                                      The Picture Makers “Y Llunwyr”
       he Bleddfa Centre (near         including our famous Welsh                     (Moving towards a New Normal).
       Knighton) is the perfect        Rarebit!
       destination for a day                                                          We are currently seeking
                                       Our forthcoming events are as                  someone who wishes to run our
trip; we have exhibitions each
                                       follows:                                       part-time café 4 days a week, as
month in Oriel Bleddfa, and
often in Hall Barn too, as well        * Conversations With series                    their own business (the previous
as a well-stocked Craft shop           continues on Thursday June                     café folk have moved away), with
with beautiful gifts and cards         17th at 6pm, with Francesca Kay                a rent-free period to begin, and
from local makers, and our cosy        chatting to our conversations                  no initial outlay. The café is an
tearoom, Caffi Celf, where you         guru, Leigh Hendra of The Hours                integral part of the Arts Centre,
can choose to sit indoors, or in       Bookshop in Brecon (you can                    so we are hoping someone who
the gorgeous garden.                   book your place by emailing us),               may have an established food
                                       about Words and Weeds.                         business may like to help, or
We are delighted that we have                                                         this could be a new venture for
now been able to reopen, with          * May 27th- - June 13th, Sorrel                someone.
our usual opening hours –              Matai will be exhibiting her work
Thursdays – Sundays, 11am until        following her degree course at                 We look forward to welcoming
we close the doors at 4pm.             HCA                                            you!
                                                                                      With all our best wishes,
On Thursdays you can enjoy             * June 19th & 20th will see The                The Bleddfa Team
scrumptious teas and cakes,            Big Skill running free crafting                The Bleddfa Centre - ‘For the
and Fridays through to Sundays         workshops in the orchard, and                  creative spirit’
we also serve light lunches,
                                VISIT THE FOCUS ONLINE AT WWW.THEFOCUS.WALES

           HORSE SHOW
               IS PLANNED TO GO AHEAD ON
          SATURDAY 24TH JULY 2021 (NEW DATE)
         Take me
          to the
                             Lunch Time Display
                             by Black Mountains

                      Fun Dog Show!

     Adult - £6, Senior - £3, Child - £3. – Children under 12s. - Free

      Email: or


       Team Lled Y Cymru
                                                                               Local ladies Ange and Bec have
                                                                               also challenged themselves
                                                                               to “Hike a marathon in the
                                                                               mountains”. Ange is an
                                                                               Occupational Therapist, working
                                                                               with the NHS. Through personal
                                                                               experience and her work, she has
                                                                               a deep understanding of how
                                                                               cancer impacts families and the
                                                                               lives of others. Bec is a retired
                                                                               primary school teacher who left
                                                                               the profession when it began to

                                                                               impact on her daily mental and
       rickhowell youngsters Scott     inspirational and revealing.            physical health. Children’s health
       Foulkes and Cassie Evans        Remarkably, by pursuing her             and wellbeing is a priority to them
       are currently receiving         barefoot exploration, tangled           both and they aim to complete
treatment for cancer and have          and torn emotions were slowly           the marathon miles challenge to
received excellent support from        recycled into self-assurance and        raise funds for these vital children’s
charity Latch. Cassie is also          acceptance as she realised her goal     charities. It will be a slow steady
receiving treatment at the Noah’s      and potential.                          slog, but they share a mutual Welsh
Ark Hospital. Local business                                                   trait of grit and determination.
                                       Julie has always had huge
women Julie Cashell and Zoe
                                       admiration for Lynne and when           The team is truly humbled and
Vicary wanted to show support by
                                       she was the Care Home Manager           overwhelmed by the support
raising funds for these charities.
                                       at Oaklands was privileged to           shown so far, as are both Scott’s
Zoe and Julie came up with their       manage the care of Lynne’s mum.         and Cassie’s families. Everyone
plan at New Year on Zoom over a        Both women hold a special place in      extends their heartfelt thanks
few beers. They decided to enlist      Julie’s heart.                          to those who have already
the support of local celebrity                                                 donated. Thanks also goes to
                                       Taking inspiration from Lynne’s         local businesses The Bear, GT
gardener Lynne Albutt and
                                       journey, on 26th June Julie,            Jones Contracting and R Jenkins
decided that Julie would retrace
                                       together with Andrew, will start        and Sons for their very generous
Lynne’s epic 50 mile run across
                                       the 53 mile journey from Anchor,        sponsorship.
Wales with Andrew supporting on
                                       on the English border and run the
the bike.
                                       width of Wales towards the seaside      To donate, visit:
Lynne originally completed this        town of Borth, where Lynne and
over two days in 2014, running         special friends, members and            fundraiser-display/showROFundrai
it barefoot, and subsequently          supporters of the newly formed          serPage?userUrl=LledYCymru&isTea
entered the Guinness Book Of           Crickhowell Running Club will           m=true#
Records. Shortly after, Lynne          join to run the last miles, finishing
published her book, Barefoot and       together on the sandy beach.
                                       For her part, Zoe has coordinated
Her book not only chronicles           a wonderful group of volunteers
her training diary, including the      from the local area who have given
highs and lows of preparing for        their time and wool to knitting and
the epic 52 mile run across a          crocheting team mascots ‘Dewi the
country without shoes, but also        Dragon’ and ‘Myfanwy the Sheep’.
the unconventional and often           The proceeds from the sale of these
chaotic challenges of her personal     will go into the fund and can be
life. Lynne’s honesty is refreshing,   bought from Zoe’s shop website:

                                 VISIT THE FOCUS ONLINE AT WWW.THEFOCUS.WALES
Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Specialist
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       Home . . . . . . . 01873 811034          CRICKHOWELL
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       Email . . . . . . . . NP8 1BZ
                                                                          Brecon, Powys LD3 7YZ

                                                                              Tel: 01874 676268
                 Give your home a fresh Look,                                Fax: 01874 676442
           Touch, See, Smell and Feel the difference.

 local business                                                    O’Loughlin Wealth
 great aftercare                                                      Management
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                                                                Melinda O’Loughlin Dip PFS, Cert CII (MP)
 For friendly service & fast delivery call                        Glanusk Estate, Crickhowell. Powys. NP8 1LP
 Ken or Catherine Barwise                                          Phone: 01873 810631 Fax: 01873 810631
 01873 811113                                                                Email:
                                                                Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep
 email:                                     up repayments on your mortgage

16                           TO ADVERTISE CALL 01873 856614 OR EMAIL HELLO@THEFOCUS.WALES
June’s Outlook                                                   Forecast from Jonathan Powell

 A  fter an at times indifferent May, June
    promises some dry, warm, possibly
very warm weather, along with cloudless
blue skies and gentle southerly winds. The
month may well start off on a changeable
note, but as we ease into summer, there is
the prospect that as June develops, high
pressure or a sequence of highs may anchor
down long enough to provide us with some
lengthy spells of pleasant weather. Whilst
the risk of thunderstorms may become
apparent and in due course probably bring
any fine run to a climatic end, June could
offer conditions not unlike the periods of
settled weather experienced during summer
2020. For balance, we are unlikely to have
the weather all our own way during June
with lower temperatures and rain at times,
but nevertheless, the month is expected to
be drier than average, with temperatures
above the average.

Powys COVID-19
                                                     Outdoor Volunteers
                                                     URGENTLY Needed!

                                                            o you enjoy the outdoors? Could you support
                                                            a local older person who’s been self-isolating
                                                            to get back outside?
                                                     Only 30mins to 1 hour – once a week, or month – is
                                                     Many older people are just in need of a friend to help
                                                     reconnect and go outside again after being alone in
                                                     lockdown for so long.Support to get outside may seem
                                                     like a small thing, but it can make a big difference to
                                                     older people’s lives.
                                                     Spending a little time being active with someone who
                                                     could do with some company is so rewarding and will
                                                     make both you, and the older person you help, very

        Celebrating Learning, Laughing and
        Living - Crickhowell & District U3A
                                                                         are taking the opportunity of the
                                                                         organisation’s first U3A day to
                                                                         shout about what it offers.
                                                                         Founded in 1982, U3A is a
                                                                         UK-wide collection of locally-
                                                                         run groups that provide a wide
                                                                         range of opportunities to come
                                                                         together to learn for fun. People
                                                                         enjoy exploring new ideas, skills
                                                                         and activities together. There are
                                                                         1,039 U3As with over 430,000
                                                                         members. Over 360 people living
                                                                         in Crickhowell and its environs

                                                                         enjoy fellowship and learning
            he easing of            Usually meeting face to face to      with membership open to
            pandemic restrictions   expand interests and socialise,      everyone who’s no longer in full-
            is being celebrated     members have been keeping in         time work and costing just £15
     by Crickhowell & District      touch by learning to meet on         per year
     U3A – part of the national     Zoom, chat on Facebook and link
     organisation with the motto    via WhatsApp. But with the end       The Crickhowell & District branch
     ‘learn, laugh and live’.       of the virus roadmap in sight they   has thrived during lockdown with

18                    TO ADVERTISE CALL 01873 856614 OR EMAIL HELLO@THEFOCUS.WALES

                                                             Brecon U3A -
Opportunities across Powys include:
•    Walking buddies

                                                              1984 to COVID 19
•    Having a chat outdoors
•    Dog walking
•    Light gardening

•    Sharing skills in the open air together
                                                               n 1984 Brecon u3a’s Jean Hosie had what
Last year even before COVID-19 over 100,000 people             would subsequently prove to be a momentous
across Wales told us they were lonely, many only               meeting with Dr Rosemary Maling, Consultant
spoke to 1 or 2 people a week and used their TV as           Child Psychiatrist. Jean recalls the meeting . . .
their main source for company. This has always been
a concern to us as no-one should feel lonely.                . . . “She came into my office looking for help to set
                                                             up a new organisation for retired people, having
But we know that with COVID-19 and the fact that             just attended a meeting at Cambridge University
many have been shielding, older people are even              where the three co-founders of u3a, Michael Young,
more lonely and isolated than ever before.                   Peter Laslett and Eric Midwinter had launched their
Now Spring has sprung we have a waiting list of older        brainchild. Rosemary was shortly facing retirement
people across Powys who just need a little support to        and alarmed at the prospect of losing her academic
get back outdoors after such a long winter lockdown          abilities, and realised that a local group of this sort
– please contact us urgently!                                would be the answer - not only for her but probably
                                                             other like-minded people living in the area…”.
Age Cymru Powys
Call: 01686 623707                                           Jean concludes her recollections: “…Rosemary
Email:                              Maling brought U3A to Wales. Besides the group
Website:                           in Brecon, at the same time she was negotiating to
                                                             set up Abergavenny U3A: these were the first in the
                                                             Principality, both registered with the Third Age Trust
monthly speaker meetings delivered via Zoom                  in the summer of 1984”.
and attended on average by over 70 people.                   Hugh Thomas, a former chairman, added: “Initially
Special Interest Groups have met virtually where             Brecon U3A met every week in the Diocesan Centre
possible and are looking forward to being able to            located in Brecon’s Cathedral Close and in normal
meet in person now restrictions are being lifted.            times has continued the regular weekly general
Walking groups are already on the move and the               meetings in the Studio of Theatr Brycheiniog, over
Gardening group will this month be making their              three academic terms, as designed by the founder
first garden visit for over a year. The Writing group        members, featuring a talk or lecture following a
                                                             half hour chat over coffee. Until Covid struck the
plans to meet outside at the end of May toasting
                                                             average attendance was over 100.
the new-found freedom with the theme “Time
Gentlemen Please”.                                           “Once the Committee had got over the initial Covid
                                                             shock, planning began for regular meetings via
The committee is now planning to reopen                      Zoom in the traditional format – without coffee!
speaker meetings in the Clarence Hall with a                 Thanks to the technical wizardry of the Chair, Mike
small pilot hybrid meeting in July and the aim               Ingram, successful talks were held for the autumn
to re-open completely in August subject to any               and spring terms; PowerPoint presenta-tions work
restrictions then current.                                   well. Regular weekly attendance is now over 50
                                                             and the summer programme has recently been
Keep your ears and eyes open for what exciting               announced”.
plans your local U3A is offering now that we can
look forward to the new normal.                              When Theatr Brycheiniog eventually reopens
                                                             (probably with some restrictions on numbers), we                                 will look forward to the next u3a challenge, that of
                                               Gwen Axford   organising a halfway step towards normality!
                                                                             Contributors: Jean Hosie and Hugh Thomas of Brecon u3a
                                                                                                              Edited by John Turnock

                                VISIT THE FOCUS ONLINE AT WWW.THEFOCUS.WALES
Hollybush                                             DOMESTIC APPLIANCE
                                                                          REPAIRS & SALES
                    Hypnotherapy                                          Quality repairs to all brands of:
                                                                        •ELECTRIC COOKERS & HOBS
                                                                        •WASHING MACHINES
                                                                       • TUMBLE DRYERS
                                                                      FREEZERS•VACUUM CLEANERS

                                                    Tel: 07572 289243
     • Stress
                       • IBS
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                                                    BE SEEN
     • Depression      • Weight
     • Sleep             Management

     5a Lion Street, Abergavenny. NP7 5PH                       ADVERTISE FROM ONLY £21
                                                        reach up to 13500 homes & businesses
                                                            from Abergavenny to Brecon
                                                      Call Hannah or pete 01873 856614

                                                            YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT OUTDOOR STORE

 Big Reductions on apparel

                                                                  Tel: 01873 810020
                                               1 High Street, Crickhowell, POWYS NP8 1BW

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20                  TO ADVERTISE CALL 01873 856614 OR EMAIL HELLO@THEFOCUS.WALES
Hollybush Hypnotherapy
       his June marks the 10
       year Anniversary of Rae’s
       Hypnotherapy business.
Having first established her
practice in 2011, then named
Harbourside Hypnotherapy,
Rae moved to Wales in 2017
and rebranded with the name
Hollybush Hypnotherapy, after
the village she lives in.
Rae says, “Demand for services
has grown enormously as people
begin to understand that, far from
being the kind of experience once
shown on stage, this treatment is
                                                                                Rae Arundel Hypnotherapist in Abergavenny
scientifically proven to get results.”
With a background in Health &            She says: “People come to see me        There is growing evidence to
                                         for all sorts of reasons, but the       demonstrate how hypnotherapy
Social Care, Rae emphasises her
                                         underlying cause of the problem         is helping with many medical
role as being one of Therapeutic
                                         is usually anxiety of some kind.        conditions, such as Irritable Bowel
Intervention. Over a number                                                      Syndrome (IBS), Asthma, Chronic
of weeks, clients experience             Stress, Anxiety and Depression can
                                                                                 Pain and recovery from surgery.
profound changes, as described in        manifest in a number of different
                                                                                 Rae has seen many times over, the
the many testimonials which you          ways, emotionally, psychologically
                                                                                 amazing results that hypnotherapy
can read on her website; www.            and physically. I’ve seen many          brings, enabling her clients to live             times how problems just seem to         full and happy lives again.
She is based in a private room           disappear for my clients once we
                                         relieve the underlying stress.”         To book your Initial Consultation
within a friendly salon in the heart
                                                                                 call Rae on 07584035873 or visit
of Abergavenny, where you can be         An Initial Consultation is the          www.hollybush-hypnotherapy.
assured of a warm welcome.                                              for details.
                                         perfect opportunity for clients to
Rae worked for many years as a           explain what they need help with
nurse in mental health settings,         and Rae takes the time to listen,
before qualifying as a professional      understand and then plan the best
social worker, where she worked          course of treatment together with
with Children and Families in a          the client, explaining how the brain
range of settings over a number          works and why hypnotherapy is
of years. She has treated both           so effective, dispelling any myths
children and adults, with her            along the way and reassuring any
youngest client aged six and the         worries they may have.
oldest, aged 92!

                                  VISIT THE FOCUS ONLINE AT WWW.THEFOCUS.WALES
Crickhowell Rotary Club
     Duck Race 2021
       he Rotary Club of Crickhowell are to
       share the proceeds of their August 28th
       2021 Duck Race with five local good
causes on a 50:50 basis. In 2020 Covid eroded
everyone’s fund-raising capacity, but needs
within the local community are greater than
ever. The impact and coincidence with terrible
flooding events has underlined the need to find
something to lift the mood of the community
at large.
The club has joined forces with five local good
causes who will have the opportunity to promote
their part in this campaign, but retain 50% of
the donations made in their name. This will add
a level of energy and dynamism to the speed of
financial recovery for all concerned than would
otherwise be the case.
The club has enlisted the help of two special
Ducks ‘Malvin the Mallard and Tilly the Teal’
They will be responsible for putting a big dose
of fun back into the community in 2021. They
are scheduled to pop up everywhere and will
be found in businesses, voluntary organisations
and schools throughout the area. Malvin and           said, “the scheme will enable our club to restore
Tilly, club members and representatives of the        its own charitable fund for the more immediate
five good causes will encourage everyone over         benefit of other organisations and individual
the age of 16 to donate £5 to enter their duck in     needs within our community”.
the August 28th race. The club hopes if people        Traditionally the ‘Duck Race’ takes place every
have a fun duck story to tell, they will follow the   summer on the River Usk in Crickhowell. Last
CrickhowellDuckRace on Facebook, Instagram            year the club could not run it and this year,
and Tik Tok.and share their story and news of the     government regulations could still constrain it.
Duck Race.                                            Therefore the club will run either a physical race
The club is very grateful to a wide range of local    or an electronic lottery draw on the 28th August.
businesses and organisations who have agreed to
                                                                                                Dave Thomas
support the promotion of the 2021 Duck Race.
Commenting, Crickhowell President, Frank
Williams said “the strategy is designed to help
those organisations we have traditionally
supported with the urgency required, whilst at
the same time giving them an opportunity to
be a motivator of their own gain” Continuing he

22                     TO ADVERTISE CALL 01873 856614 OR EMAIL HELLO@THEFOCUS.WALES

the Easy Life

    “Life is not an emergency.”
~ Richard Carlson

      his month we’re looking             large you have no control over           You know very well that you’re
      at ways to make life easier,        what shows up. Circumstances are         at your best when calm and
      which, unless I’m mistaken,         variable, and wildly unpredictable.      clear-headed, whereas your worst
must imply that life is somewhat          (If in doubt, see: 2020.)                tendencies stem from anxious,
hard to start with?                       Your experience of The Thing, on         insecure thinking. So next time life
What if it isn’t? What would the          the other hand, is governed by           seems hard, see it as an invitation
advice look like if our starting          principles as reliable as gravity. You   to gently rouse yourself and
point was that of a small child,          can only ever experience The Thing,      enquire, “What am I believing in
embracing each moment that                now. And everything you know of          this moment, that is causing me to
came along without judgement;             it, in each of those now-moments,        feel this way?”
wide-eyed, open-hearted,                  is felt indirectly, via the power of     Whatever you come up with, it’s
constantly bowled over by the             perception.                              not true, so put it to one side and
miracle of life?                          Whether you like it or whether           yield to what life presents you with,
“But Giles,” I hear you say, “small       you don’t comes after the fact – a       right now. Your best work awaits
children don’t have any of my             function of the rules or beliefs you     you there.
responsibilities. Their lives are easy!   hold to be true; the lens through
I need to work and earn money.            which you view the world.
                                                                                                               Dr Giles P Croft
And while we’re at it, relationships      Some of these we have collectively                       
are difficult, and people get sick        agreed make sense—it’s why we                                   Healing • Coaching •
and die and there’s injustice in          have laws—but the vast majority                                            Speaking
the world. Also, my childhood             are metaphorical sticks of our
was terrible! To suggest that any         own creation, with which we
of these are easy is to insult my         beat ourselves, daily: I’ll be happy
intelligence.”                            when… Everything will be ok if…          Would you like to experience an easier
                                          Success equals…                          life? Well then, the “Fresh Perspective
There is an exercise I do when I’m
working with clients, or running          In reality—in the effortless flow        on Wellbeing” online course is just for
courses for groups. I write “The          of life itself—such rules do not         you. What’s more, these life-changing
Thing” at the top of a flip chart, and    exist, and it is this fact that the      short video lessons are completely FREE.
then beneath a horizontal line that       small child joyfully intuits, while us   Get them now, at:
                                          grown ups stumble around, asleep         perspective/
separates the two, I write, “Your
                                          to our conditioning, innocently
experience of The Thing.”                                                          If you would like help with your own
                                          buying in to the illusion that we are
All of the responsibilities your inner    somehow victims of circumstance,         “The Thing” then book yourself in for a
critic just furnished you with, sit       when the truth is that all problems      complimentary appointment and we’ll
firmly in “The Thing” box. By and         are created by the mind.                 take it from there:
                                   VISIT THE FOCUS ONLINE AT WWW.THEFOCUS.WALES
Eight Ways with
      Tomato Sauce
                                                                       1 large Spanish onion or
                                                                       2 small brown onions

  We’ve designed a recipe this month that will form the                2 cloves garlic
  basis of no fewer than 8 different dishes. All from one              2 tins chopped tomatoes
 simple recipe! That’s certain to make life easier for you.            in their juice
                                                                       1 teaspoon dried
  This recipe makes enough to serve 6 as a pasta sauce, 1              oregano
 large lasagne, serves 4 as a soup, will make upward of 6
                                                                       1 tablespoon good
 pizzas and serves 6 as for chilli con carne or vegetarian             quality balsamic vinegar
 chilli. Whatever you might have left over, simply freeze!
                                                                       1 teaspoon sugar or
                           Easy.                                       sweetener
                                                                       Salt and Pepper to taste
                                                                       1 ½ tbsp olive oil

                                                       Gender neutral, fun,
                                                   organic clothing celebrating
                                                   outdoor adventures and the
                                                       magic of childhood.


   Finely chop the onion and
   cook in a heavy based
   saucepan on a low heat until
   translucent. Don’t hurry this
   step – you want your onions
   soft, but not browned.
   Add 2 crushed cloves of
   garlic and the two tins of
   chopped tomatoes with
   their juice.
   Turning up the heat to
   medium, add the oregano,
   balsamic vinegar and sugar
   and seasoning. Cook for ten
   to fifteen minutes, reducing
   the heat if it bubbles too
   much. You want bubbles
   that ‘blip’ on the surface of
   the sauce.
   Check for seasoning and
   you’re done!

                                        tomato sauce, as well as sliced       beef stock cube, a tablespoon
As a pasta sauce…
                                        mushrooms. Bring to the boil          of cocoa powder and half a
Simply stir this sauce through          and simmer until the vegetables       teaspoon of chilli powder. Bring
cooked pasta. It will serve six very    are cooked through. Adjust the        to the boil, add in a chopped up
generously. Top with lots of grated     thickness of the soup using water.    green pepper and a tin of kidney
parmesan, torn basil leaves and a                                             beans, and simmer for 15-20 mins,
drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.      For perfect pizzas                    topping up with water if it begins
If you prefer to make spaghetti         Simply use this pasta sauce on        to look dry.
Bolognese, then brown minced            prepared pizza bases. Finish with
beef first, add the sauce and a         toppings of your choice, torn basil   For Veggie Chilli sin Carne
beef stock cube, and leave to           leaves and some good quality          Follow the recipe above using
simmer until the meat is cooked         olive oil.                            soya protein mince, and
through.                                                                      replace the beef stock cube
                                        For a crowd-pleasing lasagne          with a vegetable stock cube.
To combine it with meatballs,
brown the meatballs in a large          Use this as a perfect sauce to        Alternatively finely chop 2 large
frying pan first, cover with the        sandwich between lasagne sheets.      carrots, 2 large sticks of celery and
pasta sauce and simmer until the        Layer up with homemade or             sautee in a pan for ten minutes
meatballs are cooked through.           shop-bought bechemal sauce and        on a low heat. Add a can of mixed
                                        minced beef, and whack it in the      beans as well as the tomato sauce,
As the base for tomato soup             oven. Delicious.                      one tablespoon of cocoa powder,
Finely chop 2 large carrots                                                   a vegetable stock cube and half
                                        For Chilli con Carne                  a teaspoon of chilli powder. As
and 2 large sticks of celery and
sweat in some oil until they are        Brown minced beef in a deep           above bring up to the boil, adding
soft (at least ten minutes). Add        frying pan, add the tomato            a chopped green pepper and
200ml vegetable stock and the           sauce, together with a crumbled       simmering for 15 minutes.

                                   VISIT THE FOCUS ONLINE AT WWW.THEFOCUS.WALES


     High quality

      Family run

CALDICOT                            CARDIFF                           CAERPHILLY
Unit 21, Beacon Business Park,      Unit 4, Regents Trade Park,       Unit 3A & 3B, Swanbridge Court,
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TEL: 01291 431 192                  TEL: 02920 464 234                TEL: 02920 885 293

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28                   TO ADVERTISE CALL 01873 856614 OR EMAIL HELLO@THEFOCUS.WALES

 What’s new                            NON-FICTION

                                                                              Their ten year-old daughter –
                                                                              nicknamed the Angel of Death

 to read this                          Daniel Kahneman
                                                                              – spent eight years in a children’s
                                                                              secure unit and is living quietly

                                                                              under an assumed name with a
                                                          Imagine that        family of her own.

                                                          two doctors in
                                                                             Now, on the anniversary of the
       here are so many new titles                        the same city
                                                                             trial, a documentary team has
       that have recently arrived                         give  different
                                                                             tracked down her older sister,
       on our shelves, that we                            diagnoses
                                                                             compelling her to break two
thought we’d share some with                              to identical
                                                                             decades of silence…
you. All are available to buy in the                      patients – or
shop or online via the website                            that  two  judges  HISTORICAL FICTION                                        in the same
                                                          court give         The Royal Secret
FICTION                              different sentences to people who Andrew Taylor
                                     have committed matching crimes. £14.99
Malibu Rising                        Now imagine that the same doctor
Taylor Jenkins Reid                                                                                Two young girls
                                     and the same judge make different                             plot a murder
£14.99                               decisions depending on whether                                by witchcraft.
                                     it is morning or afternoon, or                                Soon afterwards
                                     Monday rather than Wednesday, or                              a government
                                     they haven’t yet had lunch. These                             clerk dies
                                     are examples of noise: variability                            painfully in
                                     in judgements that should be                                  mysterious
                                     identical. Noise explains how and       circumstances. His colleague
                                     why humans are so susceptible to James Marwood is asked to
                                     noise and bias in decision-making. investigate – but the task brings
                                     We all make bad judgements more unexpected dangers.
                                     than we think.
                             THE LATEST        EVENTSWith a FROM
                                                             few simpleBOOK-ISH
                                                                             Meanwhile, architect Cat
                                     remedies, this groundbreaking           Hakesby is working for a

   Book-ish has
Four famous siblings throw an
epic party to celebrate the end of
                                     book explores what we can do to
                                     make better ones. *Also stocking
                                                                             merchant who lives on Slaughter

                                                                             Street, where
                                                                                               the air
                                                                                      and a captive
                                                                                                        smells of

   gone online!
the summer. But over the course
of twenty-four hours, their lives
will change forever. By midnight

                                     When I Was Ten
                                                            Vouchers, games,
                                                                             lion prowls the stables. Then a
                                                                             prestigious jigsaws*
                                                                                            new commission
                                                                             arrives. Cat must design a Poultry
the party will be completely         Fiona Cummins          We really appreciate
                                                                             House for the woman   your  that the
  Choose from over 5000 titles
out of control. By morning, the      £14.99                 support          King loves most in all the world.
                                                                          during        this     tough      time
Riva mansion will have gone up
      in our online shop
in flames. But before that first
                                                      Twenty-one years Unbeknownst to all, at the heart
                                                            and very much    of this look      forward
                                                                                      lies a royal  secret so to
                                                      ago, Dr Richard
spark in the early hours before                             opening
                                                               and his our      doorsthat    again
                                                                                                it couldsoon!
dawn, the alcohol will flow, the
music will play, and the loves and
                                                      Carter                 explosive
                                                      wife Pamela were rip apart England but change the
                                                                                                          not only

                                                              in what Safe,
                                                                       has Stay
                                                                             entire faceHome,
                                                                                           of Europe…
secrets  that shaped by    Click & Collect or become the most 18 High Street, Crickhowell, Powys.
                      this family’s
generations will all come rising to
the We
                                                            Read Books!
          can post anywhere in the UK infamous double NP8 1BD
                                                      murder of the          01873 811256
                                                      modern age.  
    18 High Street, Crickhowell, Powys. NP8 1BD Tel: 01873 811256
                                 VISIT THE FOCUS ONLINE AT WWW.THEFOCUS.WALES
Next Month’s FOCUS…
      ingers crossed for a sunny
      summer this year, but
      whatever the weather, we’ll
all make the most of it. With the
majority of us staying in the
UK for the summer season, we        COPY DEADLINE DATE 23RD JUNE
explore the events we can go to
and how to make the most of a       To make an advert booking or to enquire about editorial
summer at home.                     submissions, please contact
                                    or call 01873 856 614

               Graphic Design                              Websites
                   Posters                                Ecommerce
               Leaflets & Flyers                         Digital Media
                  Brochures                         Graphics for Social Media

                        TEL: 01873 856614

30                    TO ADVERTISE CALL 01873 856614 OR EMAIL HELLO@THEFOCUS.WALES
Spot the Difference

ACROSS                DOWN
                                                        Quick Crossword
1 Type of pudding (7) 1 Sticky liquid (5)                1       2       3        4         5    6      7

5 TrimmedAcross
          (5)             2 Accompanies (7)
8 Large pebbles
             1 (5)
                Type of3pudding
                        Assorted (13)
                                  (7)                    8                        9

9 Brutal (7)            4 Split
                5 Trimmed  (5) (6)
10 At right angles (13)   5 Book of facts (13)           10
                8 Large pebbles (5)
11 Without effort (6)     6 Snarl (5)
                9 Brutal (7)
12 Grieves for (6)         7 Removes weapons (7)         11                            12        13

15 A protest 10
             (13) At right 11
                           angles   (13)
                              Goes on forever (7)                                 14

             11 Without
18 Financial system (7)  effort
                        13 Fence(6)
                                 (7)                     15      16                                     17

19 Beverage12
           (5) Grieves14for
                            (6)    (6)
20 Stairs (5) 15 A protest
                        16 (13)
                           Large deer (5)                18                                 19

21 Hauled (7)           17 Nude (5)
               18 Financial system (7)
                                                         20                       21
               19 Beverage (5)
               20 Stairs (5)                                     Solutions on our website:
                                                   3 Assorted
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