Page created by Greg Peterson
Notices and General Information




American Bureau of Shipping
Incorporated by Act of Legislature of
the State of New York 1862

 2021 American Bureau of Shipping. All rights reserved.
1701 City Plaza Drive
Spring, TX 77389 USA
T   a b   l   e   o f   C   o   n t   e   n   t s

Notices and General Information

                                                    Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1
                                                                    TABLE 1               Applicable Editions of Booklets Comprising 2021 High-Speed
                                                                                          Craft Rules ................................................................................2
                                                                    TABLE 2               Division and Numbering of Rules and Guides ..........................2
                                                    Rule Change Notice (2021) ............................................................................................. 3
                                                                 TABLE 3       Summary of Changes from the 2020 Rules ..............................3

ii                                                                                                   ABS RULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING HIGH-SPEED CRAFT . 2021
Notices and General Information

        1.      The year 2021 edition of the Rules for Building and Classing High-Speed Craft consists of the seven
                (7) booklets as shown in Table 1. With regard to three booklets, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 7:
                a)       The purpose of the generic title ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification – High-Speed
                         Craft (Part 1) is to reflect the expanded contents of PART 1, as a result of including
                         consolidated requirements for “Classification” applicable to all types of and sizes of high-
                         speed craft as specified in the Foreword to Part 1. Additional specific requirements are
                         contained in Chapters 2 and 3 of Part 1.
                b)       The purpose of the generic title ABS Rules for Materials and Welding of PART 2 is to
                         emphasize the common applicability of the requirements to ABS-classed vessels, other
                         marine structures and their associated machinery, and thereby make PART 2 more readily
                         a common “PART” of various ABS Rules and Guides, as appropriate.
                c)       The purpose of the generic title ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7) is to
                         reflect the expanded contents of PART 7, as a result of including consolidated requirements
                         for “Surveys After Construction” applicable to all types and sizes of vessels, barges and
                         specific shipboard arrangements/systems, etc., as specified in Part 7, Chapter 1, Section 1.
        2.      The numbering system applied in the Rules is shown in Table 2.
        3.      The primary changes from the 2020 Rules are identified and listed in Table 3. The effective date
                of the indicated Rule Changes is 1 January 2021, unless specifically indicated otherwise.
        4.      The effective date of each technical change since 1993 is shown in parenthesis at the end of the
                subsection/paragraph titles within the text of each Part. Unless a particular date and month are
                shown, the years in parentheses refer to the following effective dates:

                 (2000) and after   1 January 2000 (and subsequent years)       (1996)        9 May 1996
                 (1999)             12 May 1999                                 (1995)        15 May 1995
                 (1998)             13 May 1998                                 (1994)        9 May 1994
                 (1997)             19 May 1997                                 (1993)        11 May 1993

                For certain changes that have a major impact on shipyards, designers and vendors, ABS has
                instituted a two-year Rule cycle to give the industry more time to prepare for these changes. The
                text of these changes will appear in a box along with the effective date just under the existing Rule

        5.      The listing of CLASSIFICATION SYMBOLS AND NOTATIONS is available from the ABS
                website www.eagle.org for download.

ABS RULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING HIGH-SPEED CRAFT . 2021                                                        1
Notices and General Information

                                          TABLE 1
          Applicable Editions of Booklets Comprising 2021 High-Speed Craft Rules
     Notices and General Information                                                                        2021
     Part 1:                Rules for Conditions of Classification – High-Speed Craft                       2021*
     Part 2:                Rules for Materials and Welding                                                 2021*
                               Rules for Testing and Certification of Materials
                               Rules for Welding and Fabrication
     Part 3:                Hull Construction and Equipment                                                 2021
     Part 4:                Craft Systems and Machinery                                                     2021
     Part 5:                Specialized Craft and Services                                                  2021
     Part 7:                Rules for Survey After Construction                                             2021*
    * Note:    The latest edition of these Rules is to be referred to. These Rules may be downloaded from the ABS website at
               www.eagle.org, Rules and Guides, Downloads or may be ordered separately from the ABS Publications online catalog
               at www.eagle.org, Rules and Guides, Catalog.

                                                 TABLE 2
                                 Division and Numbering of Rules and Guides
                         Division                          Number
                         Part                              Part 1
                         Chapter                           Part 1, Chapter 1
                         Section                           Section 1-1-1
                         Subsection (see Note 1)           1-1-1/1
                         Paragraph (see Note 1)            1-1-1/1.1
                         Subparagraph                      1-1-1/1.1.1
                         Item                              1-1-1/1.1.1(a)
                         Subitem                           1-1-1/1.1.1(a)i)
                         Appendix                          Appendix 1-1-A1 or Appendix 1-A1-1
          1          An odd number (1, 3, 5, etc.) numbering system is used for the Rules. The purpose is to permit future insertions of
                     even-numbered paragraphs (2, 4, 6, etc.) of text and to avoid the necessity of having to renumber the existing text and
                     associated cross-references, as applicable, within the Rules and associated process instructions, check sheets, etc.

2                                                                ABS RULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING HIGH-SPEED CRAFT . 2021
Notices and General Information

Rule Change Notice (2020)
                                                 TABLE 3
                                   Summary of Changes from the 2020 Rules

                                 EFFECTIVE DATE 1 January 2021 – shown as (2021)

 Part/Para. No.               Title/Subject                                Status/Remarks
 PART 1              Rules for Conditions of Classification – High-Speed Craft
 1-1-2/1.3, 7        Suspension and Cancellation of        To clarify the circumstances that may result in suspension of class.

                           EFFECTIVE DATE 1 July 2020 – shown as (1 July 2020)
                  (based on the contract date for new construction between builder and Owner)
 Part/Para. No.              Title/Subject                                            Status/Remarks
 PART 3              Hull Construction and Equipment
 3-1-1/3.1           Definitions                           To revise the definition of the Rule length in line with IACS UR S2,
 3-3-1/3.1           HSC Small Craft Stability             To incorporate specific guidance for stability of vessels of less than 24
                                                           m and add the alternative standard of ISO 12217-1.
 3-5-1/16            Anchoring and Mooring Equipment       To introduce the same text as IACS Recommendation 10.
 PART 4              Craft Systems and Machinery
 4-3-4/1             Waterjets                             To align with IACS UI SC242 Rev2 (Jan 2020) and IMO
                                                           MSC.1/Circ.1416/Rev1 by referring to the new section 4-3-4/1.10 in
                                                           the Marine Vessel Rules.
 4-4-3/5.13          Bilge and Ballast Systems and Tanks   To provide a practical contingency for situations where the ballast
                                                           water treatment system may be out of service.
 4-5-1/7             All Craft                             To align with SOLAS II-2/18 (Helicopter Facilities) amended by IMO
                                                           Resolution MSC.404(96) requiring foam firefighting appliances for
                                                           helicopter landing areas on ships constructed on or after 1 January
                                                           2020 to comply with the relevant provisions of new Chapter 17 of the
                                                           FSS Code.

                             EFFECTIVE DATE 1 January 2021 – shown as (2021)
                  (based on the contract date for new construction between builder and Owner)
 Part/Para. No.              Title/Subject                                            Status/Remarks
 PART 3              Hull Construction and Equipment
 3-2-8/Table 1B      Rudders and Steering Equipment        To delete the text “to be specially considered; if not known:” and only
                                                           keep K2 = 1.3 in Table 1, since the astern speed is generally half of
                                                           the maximum service speed, and thus the calculated rudder force in
                                                           S10.2.1.1 is governed by the ahead condition comparing with astern
                                                           condition for the high lift rudder.
 3-2-13/1.11.4       Welding, Forming and Weld Design      To incorporate current ABS practice for overlaps of pipe penetration
                                                           collars into the Rules.
 PART 4              Craft Systems and Machinery
 4-1-1/3.9           Classification of Machinery           To clarify the stamping requirements for equipment.
 4-3-1/13.1.2,       Propulsion Shafting                   To align with IACS UR M52 Rev.2 (Nov 2019), regarding the length
 13.3.2                                                    of grease lubricated bearings and synthetic materials for application as
                                                           oil lubricated stern tube bearings.

ABS RULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING HIGH-SPEED CRAFT . 2021                                                                       3
Notices and General Information

    Part/Para. No.                  Title/Subject                                        Status/Remarks
 4-3-2/1.3.5, 1.5.5,   Propellers                             To add requirements for retrofitting existing vessels with propeller
 3.1, 5.15, 7.3                                               boss cap fins and repaired propellers and reference to 7-A-10 for
                                                              additional requirements for certification of a propeller.
 4-3-2/5.7             Propellers                             To align with 4-3-5/5.3.3 of Marine Vessel Rules, regarding blades of
                                                              unusual design for thrusters.
 4-3-3/11.3.5          Steering Gear                          To align with IACS UR E25 Rev.1 (Dec.2019) in order to clarify the
                                                              intention and the requirements of this paragraph.
 4-3-5/7.1 and 7.3     Propulsion Redundancy                  To specify that a little longer restoration time than 2 minutes may be
                                                              acceptable if it is within the design specification. Retractable thruster
                                                              requirements incorporated.
 4-4-4/1.1.1(b)        Fuel Oil and Lubricating Oil Systems   To provide the minimum requirements for the construction of free
                       and Tanks                              standing tanks (pressurized as well as un-pressurized) that are
                                                              proposed to be incorporated under 4-4-4/1.1.1(b) of the HSC Rules
                                                              and to reference HSC 4-4-4/1.1.1(b) for the applicable requirements
                                                              for helicopter fuel tanks.
 4-4-7/3.3.2           Other Piping Systems and Tanks         To reference HSC 4-4-4/1.1.1(b) for the applicable construction
                                                              requirements for helicopter fuel tanks.
 4-5-2/11.1.1          Requirements for Craft 500 Gross       To align with 46 CFR 95.15-20 (c).
                       Tons and Over
 4-6-2/19.1            Shipboard Systems                      To provide specific requirements to the arrangement of emergency
                                                              shutdown systems.
 4-6-3/1.5             Shipboard Installation                 To provide clarity to the information that is to be included within the
                                                              Hazardous Area Plan and the separate Hazardous Area Equipment
 4-6-3/3.11.4          Shipboard Installation                 To update the rule requirements for the lighting distribution boards for
                                                              the emergency lighting in engine room escape routes.
 4-7-2/13.5iii)        Remote Propulsion Control              To include the requirement for auxiliary and propulsion diesel engines
                                                              without override function.

4                                                             ABS RULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING HIGH-SPEED CRAFT . 2021
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