Higgs differential cross-sections and CP Higgs couplings results with the ATLAS experiment

Page created by Grace Gonzales
Higgs differential cross-sections and CP Higgs couplings results with the ATLAS experiment
Higgs differential cross-sections and CP Higgs
      couplings results with the ATLAS experiment

DIS 2022: XXIX International Workshop on Deep-Ineslastic Scattering and Related Subjects
Santiago de Compostela, Spain - 2-6 May, 2022
Sagar Vidya Addepalli (Brandeis University),
on behalf of the ATLAS Experiment
Higgs differential cross-sections and CP Higgs couplings results with the ATLAS experiment
INTRODUCTION                                                                         2

    The Higgs Boson!
    ▸ Characterised in multiple decay channels by the ATLAS and the CMS experiments.

    ▸ A major goal of Run 2 is to measure its properties and provide constraints on
      Beyond Standard Model effects to which Higgs boson’s production and decays are


    gluon gluon fusion (ggF)       Vector boson fusion (VBF)   VH   ttH

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                                     DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
Higgs differential cross-sections and CP Higgs couplings results with the ATLAS experiment
INTRODUCTION                                                                                                       3

    ▸   Differential Cross Section Measurements -

        ▸   Measured in the “ ducial” region: Limited phase space de ned by the detector
            acceptance. Minimal physics assumption needed for extrapolation.

        ▸   Minimal model dependence.

        ▸   Shapes of different observable sensitive to different BSM phenomena which
            might not be apparent in the inclusive yield.

    ▸   CP (Charge Parity) Measurements -

        ▸   SM Predicts a CP-even Higgs boson —> CP-odd contribution out of purely BSM

        ▸   New source of CP violation could partly explain matter-antimatter asymmetry in
            the universe.
                                                                                             Image Source: Sandbox Studio

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                                                                 DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
Higgs differential cross-sections and CP Higgs couplings results with the ATLAS experiment
INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                            4

    Differential XS Measurements
   [1.] De ne measurement phase space and “ t”       [2.] Remove detector effects: Unfolding [3.] XS Measurement
     observable. Extract signal yield in each bin.

                                                                                                                              Nobs − Nbkg
                                                                                                                     σfid =

     Resonant Signal

                                                            “Migration Matrix” accounts for
                                                             detector effects. In-likelihood
                                                             unfolding done for all diff XS
                                                               results shown in this talk.

                                                     μsi = Σj d. bins ℒ ⋅ Ai,j ⋅ Ci,j ⋅ σ   d,j
                                                                                                  + fi ⋅ ℒ ⋅ σ   d
   Multivariate Approach
Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                                                                                    DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
Higgs differential cross-sections and CP Higgs couplings results with the ATLAS experiment
VH(bb̄) FIDUCIAL XS MEASUREMENT                                                                                            5

       Analysis Strategy
       ▸   Additional result based on resolved VH(bb̄) [Eur. Phys.
           J. C 81 (2021) 178]
       ▸   H → bb̄ most probable decay (60%) for Higgs boson,
           ▸     Dif cult to isolate: very large multi-jet background,
           ▸     Suppressed using the associated V boson decay to
                 leptons for triggering (ETmiss in this case).

       ▸   Targets the 0-lepton channel in VH production

       ▸   Uses the other channels to constrain background -
           ▸     2 lepton channel to constrain Z + jets,
           ▸     1 lepton channel to constrain W + jets and t t̄ .       Fig: Post t mbb in the 2 jets category
           CRs based on ΔR b/w b-jets to constrain t t̄ and V+jets.             with ETmiss ≥ 250 GeV

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                                                                              DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
Higgs differential cross-sections and CP Higgs couplings results with the ATLAS experiment
VH(bb̄) FIDUCIAL XS MEASUREMENT                                       6

    ▸ Cross section measurements agree with the   POWHEG MiNLO
      standard model prediction.

    ▸ Hadronic jet measurement dominant
      experimental uncertainty in both bins,
      followed by avour tagging.

    ▸ tt̄ modelling dominates the background
      modelling uncertainty in the rst bin, and
      Z+jets in the second.

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                      DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
Higgs differential cross-sections and CP Higgs couplings results with the ATLAS experiment
H → γγ                                                                             7

    Analysis Strategy                                              Massive and
                                                                  separated jets
    ▸   H → γγ decay has a very small BR (~0.002),
                                                                  BSM Sensitive
        ▸   High photon reconstruction ef ciency in ATLAS,
        ▸   Sharp resonant peak above the background.
                                                                   High jet multiplicity +
    ▸   Distinct signal signature allows a very inclusive phase
        space (mostly ggF) sub-divided into more regions.

    ▸   Main bkg - (non resonant γ and mis-ID jets) estimated
        from mγγ sidebands.

    ▸   Background modelled analytically with functional
        parameters estimated from the t. Choice between
        functions based on bias tests and goodness of ts.

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                               DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
Higgs differential cross-sections and CP Higgs couplings results with the ATLAS experiment
H → γγ                                                             8

      Results                                           POWHEG Box v2

      ▸ 5 ducial, 20 differential, and 4 double
        differential cross sections were measured,
        including di-photon and di-jet masses,
        momenta, angular separations, etc.

      ▸ Statistical uncertainty dominates followed by
        background modelling and photon

      ▸ Results consistent with SM prediction.

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                     DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
Higgs differential cross-sections and CP Higgs couplings results with the ATLAS experiment
H → γγ AND H → ZZ* → 4ℓ COMBINATION                                                               9

       Strategy and Results
       ▸   The measurement can be improved by combining multiple
       ▸   The combination uses similar ducial phase space
           de nitions as in individual measurements.
       ▸   Extrapolation from ducial phase space to full phase space
           done using MC (inclusive acceptance factor ~50% for both
       ▸   Higgs boson kinematic variables computed from the
           simulated Higgs boson instead of decay products in the
           total phase space.

                                                                        p(NNLOPS)=78%         p(NNLOPS)=92%
       ▸   Measurements dominated by statistical uncertainties.                               p(Sherpa)=2.1%
       ▸   Good agreement with SM.

       ▸   H → ZZ* → 4ℓ differential XS [arXiv:2004.03969]
       ▸   Yukawa couplings interpretation in Philipp Windischhofer’s
           talk [link].

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                                                    DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
Higgs differential cross-sections and CP Higgs couplings results with the ATLAS experiment
INTERPRETATION                                                 10

    Interpretation - Yukawa Couplings
    ▸ ggF production dominated by t-quark has
      negative but small interference from the b-
      and c-quark loops.

    ▸   pT spectrum is sensitive to Yukawa
        couplings of the Higgs boson to the b- and
        Bishara et al [PRL 118, 121801]


Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
H → γγ AND H → ZZ* → 4ℓ                                   11

    Interpretation - Yukawa Couplings
  ▸ Two ts with increasing model dependency -
    ▸ only shape of the spectrum considered,
    ▸ Shape+norm along with the partial decay
      width considered.

  ▸ Direct search status -
    ▸ κb - 20% uncertainty at 68% CL,
          ▸ | κc | < 8.5 at 95% CL.

  ▸ See Philipp’s talk for more details.


Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)           DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
HIGGS CP MEASUREMENT                                                                                                 12

    CP Measurements                                                                      ci (6)
                                                                                       ∑ Λ2 i
                                                                          ℒEFT = ℒSM +     O
    ▸ SM predicts a scalar Higgs boson, but the
      presence of a pseudoscalar admixture has not yet
      been excluded!                                                              Suppressed higher order terms

    ▸ Two main ways CP violation in the Higgs boson
      sector manifests -
        ▸ CP-odd V to H BSM couplings: naturally
                                                               top Yukawa coupling parameter    CP mixing angle (SM : α = 0∘)
          suppressed by BSM scale,
        ▸ CP-odd fermion to H BSM Yukawa couplings:
          possibly signi cant at tree level (in this talk!).
                                                                             v {                                   }
                                                                         ℒ=−     ψ̄ t κt [ cos(α) + i sin(α)γ5 ] ψt  H
                                                                                               2        2
                                                                                         σ ∼ CPeven + CPodd

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                                                                   DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
top Yukawa coupling parameter             CP mixing angle
    tH & tt̄H (H → bb̄)                                                                                                               13

    CP Measurement                                     ℒ=−
                                                           v  { ψ̄tκt [cos(α) + i sin(α)γ5] ψt} H

    ▸    Analysis targets tH and t t̄H production modes.

                                                                                        ∘ +55∘
    ▸    Tree level production: Less susceptible to assumptions        ‣ Best t α =   11 −77∘    and κt = 0.83+0.30
         embedded in loop-induced t-H coupling.                        ‣ α = 90∘ excluded at 1.2σ.
                                                                       ‣ Systematic uncertainties dominate.
    ▸    Attempts to reconstruct t and H, used to build CP
         sensitive observables.

    ▸    Bkg dominated by t t̄ + bb̄. Shape from MC, norm from

    ▸    tt̄ + ≥ 1b modelling uncertainty dominates with sub-
         leading experimental uncertainties.

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                                                                                   DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
top Yukawa coupling parameter           CP mixing angle
    tH & tt̄H (H → γγ)                                                                                                               14

    CP Measurement                                         ℒ=−
                                                               v  { ψ̄tκt [cos(α) + i sin(α)γ5] ψt} H

    ▸   Analysis targets tH and t t̄H production modes.
                                                                            ‣ Without prior constraints on κt,
    ▸   The CP-odd contribution introduces a second coupling                  | α | > 43∘(63∘expected) is excluded at 95% CL.
        to the top quark, which modi es the H → γγ decay rate.              ‣ α = 90∘ excluded at 3.9σ.
                                                                            ‣ Systematic uncertainties negligle.

                                  “Lep” region
           ‣                 Targets leptonic nal state
           ‣                    >= 1 isolated lepton

                                  “Had” region
           ‣     Targets hadronic nal state
           ‣ >= 2 additional jets and no leptons

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                                                                                  DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
Effective Higgs gluon coupling parameter
    WW*( → eνμν)jj                                                       CP mixing angle                                  15

    Analysis Strategy                        ℒ=−            ( κgg cos(α)G a a,μν
                                                                         μν G    + κgg sin(α)G a a,μv
                                                                                              μν G̃   ) H
    ▸ H → WW* has a high BR (0.2) but dif cult to               dσ     2        2
                                                                   ∼ CPeven + CPodd + CPevenCPodd
      isolate signal. Measurement sensitive to V-H
       interaction and EWSB structure.

    ▸ Analysis targets ggF production mode.

    ▸ The CP-odd contribution to the top coupling
      also affects the ggH effective coupling.

    ▸ Interference between CP-even and CP-odd
      contributions affect the shape of the ΔΦjj

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                                                                       DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
WW*( → eνμν)jj                                                                   16

    ▸   Three different ts are performed -
        ▸   1. Only tan(α) is scanned -
            ▸        1A. Only shape effects are considered,
            ▸        1B. Shape+normalization effects are considered,
                     tan(α) = 0.0 ± 0.4(stat.) ± 0.3(sys.)
        ▸   2. Simultaneous t of κgg cos(α) and κgg sin(α) using
            both shape and normalisation effects.

    ▸   Measurement of tan(α) is dominated by statistical
        uncertainty in the SR followed by b-tagging and signal

    ▸   Results consistent with SM prediction.

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                                  DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022

    Conclusion and Outlook
    ▸ Presented 6 exciting measurements done with the ATLAS Experiment using
      Run 2 LHC data.

    ▸ Most results limited by statistical uncertainty, so Run 3 presents a promising
      opportunity to improve on current limits!

    ▸ All results currently compatible with the standard model but scope for
      improving the precision.

    ▸ 10 years after the Higgs boson discovery, we have made signi cant progress in
      understanding its characteristics, and there’s more to come!

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                                       DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022


Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)   DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                  19

    Results shown in this talk
    ▸ Measurement   of the  ducial and differential cross-section of WH/ZH production for the b -jets + ET     nal state in pp
      collisions at s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. [ATLAS-CONF-2022-015]

    ▸ Measurements of the Higgs boson inclusive and differential ducial cross-sections in the diphoton decay channel with pp
      collisions at s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. [arXiv:2202.00487 — submitted to JHEP]

    ▸ CP Properties of Higgs Boson Interactions with Top Quarks in the tt̄H and tH Processes using H → γγ with the ATLAS
      detector. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 061802 (2020)]

    ▸ Combined measurement of the total and differential cross sections in the H → γγ and the H → ZZ* → 4ℓ decay channels at
       s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. [ATLAS-CONF-2022-002]
    ▸ Constraints on Higgs boson properties using WW*(  →  eνμν)jj production in 36.1 fb   of     s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the
      ATLAS detector. [arXiv:2109.13808 — submitted to Eur. Phys. J. C]

    ▸ Probing the CP nature of the top-Higgs Yukawa coupling in ttH and tH events with H -> bb using the ATLAS detector at the
      LHC [ATLAS-CONF-2022-016]

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                                                                             DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
VH(bb̄) FIDUCIAL XS MEASUREMENT                                        20

    Analysis Strategy

    ▸ Particle level categories -
      ▸ Ti - Pass particle selection in bin i of
        ET ,
       ▸        Oi   - Off ducial but in bin i of   ET ,

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                        DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
H → γγ                                                                             21

    Signal and Background Modelling

   ▸ Signal Modelling - Double sided Crystal Ball function. Gaussian
     peak with exponential tails due to photon to electron
     conversions with electrons losing energy from Bremsstrahlung.

   ▸ Background Modelling - Main bkg are γγ, γj, and jj with jets mis-
     ID as leptons. Templates estimated from CRs by inverting
     isolation requirements on jets. Several functions considered -
     polynomials, power law, Bernstein polynomials.

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                                    DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
H → γγ                                                22

    Interpretation - SMEFT
    ▸ ΔΦjj observable is sensitive to CP-
      odd coef cients when only
      interference terms are considered.

                     Affect ggF

                 Affect VBF+VH

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)       DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
H → ZZ* → 4ℓ                                                    23

         ▸ ZZ* decay has a very small BR (~0.03), yet 4ℓ
            nal state very clean due to high S/B.

         ▸ Non resonant ZZ* constitutes the major bkg.

         ▸ Bkg normalisation estimated from m4l
           sidebands for the rst time.

     Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                 DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
H → ZZ* → 4ℓ                                                                                 24

    ▸ 5 inclusive, 20 differential, and 8 double
      differential cross sections measured, including
      di-lepton and di-jet masses, momenta,
      angular separations, etc.

    ▸ Statistical uncertainty dominates followed by
      background modelling and lepton

    ▸ Results consistent with SM prediction.

                                                        Different Z decay
                                                                          Combined measurement

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                                             DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
top Yukawa coupling parameter                         CP mixing angle
    tH & tt̄H (H → bb̄)                                                                                                                 25

    CP Measurement                                ℒ=−
                                                      v  { ψ̄tκt [cos(α) + i sin(α)γ5] ψt} H

                                                                ( p 1⃗ × n)̂ ⋅ ( p 2⃗ × n)̂                     b4 =
                                                                                                                           p1z p2z
                                                         b2 =
                                                                        p 1⃗    p 2⃗                                    p 1⃗     p 2⃗

                  “Lep” region
   ‣        Targets leptonic nal state
   ‣           >= 1 isolated lepton

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                                                                                  DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
top Yukawa coupling parameter          CP mixing angle
    tH & tt̄H (H → γγ)                                                                                         26

    CP Measurement                                ℒ=−
                                                      v  { ψ̄tκt [cos(α) + i sin(α)γ5] ψt} H

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                                                            DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
Effective Higgs gluon coupling parameter
    WW*( → eνμν)jj                                                       CP mixing angle                                  27

    Analysis Strategy                       ℒ=−             ( κgg cos(α)G a a,μν
                                                                         μν G    + κgg sin(α)G a a,μv
                                                                                              μν G̃   ) H

Sagar Addepalli (Brandeis University)                                                                       DIS 2022 | 3 May 2022
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