www.sony.co.uk/futurescapes - The Guardian

Page created by Morris Hayes


    FutureScapes is an exciting collaboration project
    which aims to explore the potential of technology
    and entertainment to create a better, more enjoyable
    world in 2025.
    It!s not about predicting the future so much as
    imagining the possibilities.
    futures ahead of us. But one thing is clear: the world of
    2025 will be very different from the one we live in today.

    By starting with life in 2025, rather     FutureScapes is designed to be as                                                       Developing the FutureScapes scenarios
    than today, FutureScapes aims to          open and collaborative as possible
                                                                                                                                      Each scenario has been created from a        was gathered through a 30-strong
    stimulate more creative thinking about    and is being convened by leading
                                                                                                                                      range of expert inputs. Our starting point   interview programme, supplementary
    how technology might help us live         '0'-/&,/(&4&-)%,.,;3$.+-%.$


    Scenario planning is a way of discussing complex future issues in a clear and                                           !"#$%&#'()*+%
    structured way, to identify and prioritise risks and opportunities. Scenarios are
    just tools to help people think about different possibilities in the future. We will use                                The following pages outline the four
    these scenarios to challenge people to come up with creative responses to the                                           FutureScapes scenarios:
    main question of this project – how can technology enable sustainable lifestyles in                                     1. Hyper Innovation                      6
    2025? The scenarios are not an outcome in themselves, but a means to answer                                             2. Shared Ownership                     12
    this question imaginatively.
                                                                                                                            3. Centralised Survival                 18
                                                                                                                            >?%@$.'3#$&-)%A#*#+,#*%                 24

                                  So there are a couple of important           Questions to ask yourself when
                                  things to consider when reading              reading them:
                                  the scenarios:
                                                                               a. Is it possible to get here in 14 years?
                                  1. They are just useful stories. They        What signals do you see in the world
                                  are not predictions and there is no such     today that point to this scenario?
                                  thing as a “right” scenario. The future
                                                                               b. Can you imagine yourself in this
                                  may contain elements from all of them
                                                                               world? What would you be doing?
                                  or none of them (pretty unlikely). The
                                  important thing is to stretch thinking and   c. What is the role of technology and
                                  challenge assumptions.                       what are the major needs it meets in
                                                                               each scenario?
                                  2. The scenarios should be plausible,
                                  consistent and interesting stories about
                                  the future. They have to be quite short
                                  to be useful and therefore cannot be
                                  hugely detailed. The important thing is
                                  to get the detail right where needed.

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                                                    Power cuts are a lot less frequent now       One day, Rajesh hopes to see for             Technology needs in 2025

                                                    they"ve installed the local smart grid.      himself whether the Austrian Alps are
                                                                                                                                              To meet a step change in how we monitor
                                                    We"ve got the latest storage gadgets         as spectacular in reality as they are in
                                                                                                                                              and use energy, technology products
                                                    37".5&"53%5D$38&".''+"!74"37".5&"E!.+"8'"    ClimbWorld, one of his favourite VR
                                                                                                                                              should deliver "cradle to cradle! –
                                                    there"s usually enough battery power         sites. In the meantime, he!s happy to
                                                    to keep most of our equipment running        save up for a high-speed rail trip to           K04-&20,6-&.,/4&'1%/,*%=#$'/-&4&-)%

                                                    when we do have outages."                    Himalayan hill stations.                        when new

     Bangalore has certainly changed                As a salesman for Healthyme, a               Rajesh is comfortable with NB!s service-        Adaptability and reusability in use to
                                                                                                                                                                                          Technology solutions in 2025
     since Rajesh!s father moved there as           personalised health system provider          based economy. Rather than buying or            extend a product!s lifespan
                                                    supplying bespoke medical advice to          renting his own car, he!ll pick one up                                                      K/&,'-$#/1%/66#3-/,6#%.2%
     a data analyst at the end of the 20th                                                                                                       Optimised power usage for a mass
                                                    people all over the world, Rajesh does       from the local peer car pool.                                                               !3.)*-#*;("*!'$#/(!-;(B$"#3!'("*!'$#/
     century. Last month, there was a big                                                                                                        of handheld devices delivering 24/7
                                                    most of his work from home as an                                                                                                         allowing widespread adoption of online
     celebration when the population topped                                                      F!G*+18(&"%'."7'"9$',#&1"23.5".5!.+"        connection
                                                    avatar. Occasionally, though, he!ll go                                                                                                   personae for work and socialising.
     -"#%IJ%1&44&.,%1/$F7%.2+6&/44)%\0/4&2)&,3$.-!#"$&!#3.6"23##"                                                                                                                                             Intellectual property

     lifestyle choice.                              take us on mini-vacations that I"d never
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         User-friendly infrastructures for





                                                  C!B$;8 !It"s the latest thing in energy-                                                   Technology needs in 2025
                                                  imaging technology. It lets you see
                                                                                                                                             Overarching requirements from
                                                  energy consumption in real time. It"s on
                                                                                                                                             technology are that it should
                                                  &7&$%6"*$&43.8"('$"-837%"3.+"&89&*3!##6"                                                      Reinforce human interaction and

     David (27) lives in a 2-bedroom urban        25&7"/"%'".'"9#!*&8"23.5"$'9&6"CKB"           J3)!8 !We hired state of the art                community spirit, by connecting people         Technology solutions in 2025
     maisonette with his partner Juma. The        4!.!"(&&48:"G"#'."'(".5&"E!.8"37".5&"         projectors to boost the home system.
                                                                                                                                             !"""Reassure people that their actions are           >K#"*)*(*-*"./(*:%&$*-&/ banishing



     ($/6/0$N:AD7$TN?:WD                                                                                                                     !D;B8>N>CI

     50 year-old Ulrike lives in a four-                                                                                                     Technology needs in 2025
     bedroom house with her son Stefan
                                                                                                                                             Overarching requirements from
     (17), her father Niklas (78) and her
                                                                                                                                             technology are that it should
     grandmother Lena (99).
                                                                                                                                                Help people live healthy lives
     She remembers only too well the               O'"$I*8 !I can"t imagine life without the                                                                                                Technology solutions in 2025
     economic instability of the 2010s. Now        C374'2+".'",&"5'7&8."?"3.";&&98"1&"                                                          Help people stay connected to friends
                                                                                                                                                                                               The &',3; reduces dependence on
     she strongly believes that mutual support     connected and lets me make sense of                                                          and family
                                                                                                                                                                                               unattainable hardware upgrades
     is a pre-requisite for social cohesion.       my hectic life!"
                                                                                                                                                Facilitate active, involved and useful
                                                                                                                                             !"""                                              and allows the use of simple,

           Y>:8$=BD$VU=U?D%;NN?8                                                 (P>U=$%>8I
           Now that you!ve read the scenarios,       Forum for the Future and Sony would       Sony is a leading global innovator of      partnerships with NGOs such as WWF,         today and in 2025. We have a strong
           we!d really like to hear your response.   like to thank everyone who has been       audio, video, communications and           UNICEF and Save the Children ensure         track record in open innovation for
                                                     involved in the FutureScapes project so   information technology products for both   we play our part as a responsible           sustainability with our Forest Guard and
           How did they make you feel about the
                                                     far. And we!re only at the beginning of   the consumer and professional markets.     global company. Our “Road to Zero”          Open Planet Ideas initiatives.
           critical challenges ahead? Do you have
                                                     our exploration. We look forward to the   Offering a complete end-to-end HD          global environmental plan sets out
           your own examples of weak signals that                                                                                                                                     Sony!s role in FutureScapes is to use
                                                     next stage when we!ll work openly to      value chain and with its electronics,      a long-term goal of achieving a zero
           trail the scenarios today? Which areas                                                                                                                                     our brand!s reach and our expertise in
                                                     crowd source ideas for new technology     music, pictures, game and online           environmental footprint (through curbing
           of potential future technology did you                                                                                                                                     technology, imagination and innovation
                                                     areas that might help people enjoy        businesses, Sony is one of the world!s     climate change, resource conservation,

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