Tractor Times The - Southland Farm Machinery
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MARCH 2021 The Tractor Times A VERY VARIABLE SEASON – AUTUMN 2021 What a variable weather season we have had across our Southern logistics and transport challenges will still exist for some time, and Region. Another challenge to follow a very challenging 2020. we can lessen the risk of delays if we have orders confirmed early. As always I am impressed by the resilience and optimism of our It was fantastic to be able to host the local Chamber of Commerce Primary Sector customers, who in spite of the headwinds just get Business members after 5 function in December and host everyone on with things and continue to grow for the good of us all. In case in our now newish magnificent headquarters at 93 North Road you haven’t heard it recently – Thank You to you all for what you Invercargill. I enjoyed seeing all our business associate community do 24 x 7 x 365 across our region. and hope they enjoyed the evening also. I recently attended a Southland Chamber of Commerce event in And finally we have recently had some staffing changes in our Invercargill and heard from Infometrics Economist Brad Olsen, his Key Roles across the business, and we sadly are saying farewell to take on the 2021 and beyond economic outlook. Christine Sawler our Administration Manager. Christine and her family are relocating to Blenheim and we wish them all the very My take on his presentation - there is cautious optimism for most best for the future. Our loss of Christine is also our gain of Raewyn sectors of our economy following Covid 19’s massive changes, but Pedler who takes up the reigns from Christine, and we are grateful there are still some headwinds and challenges especially in our for her in depth administration knowledge and experience from Southern Tourism sector. another great Southland company. Welcome Raewyn. All businesses face increased issues in their respective markets but We are also delighted for Carrie Reynolds and Nicole Fowler (both I am grateful to many who have got out and shown their support in our Invercargill branch) who leave us for maternity leave, and are for our neighbours, fellow businesses and friends by buying and excited for their first steps into motherhood. We wish them, their shopping local, and taking in the wonderful experiences available partners and families all the best with their pending/new arrivals. to us in this very special part of the world. Nicole’s role is being supported by Jan Jones for 12 months while One of our greatest challenges (like for many businesses) has Nicole adjusts to her new at home role! been supply chain issues, and we have been working very closely As we head into the Autumn harvest season across our regions I with our suppliers to work though and communicate supply chain wish everyone the very best in whatever crops remain and a healthy delays. We appreciate our customers loyalty and patience on and safe lead into Winter. something greatly outside of our control. We do suggest if you are thinking of a Tractor or major purchase for next season, you do confirm the order as soon as possible. While we might be able to improve production capacity, the Tim Brown Group Manager NO CHEQUE PAYMENTS PLEASE As of 31 March 2021, we will no longer be able to accept payment by cheque, as the banks are no longer going to honour this method of payment. We hope that we have given enough notice to those that still prefer payment by cheque to arrange an alternative - if we can help at all, don’t hesistate to contact the admin team on 03 215 9132 or INVERCARGILL GORE MOSGIEL CROMWELL 93 North Road 12 Charlton Lane 13 McGlashan Street 12 Elspeth Street P 03 215 9132 P 03 208 8203 P 03 489 0472 P 03 445 1046
EX DEMO MODELS AVAILABLE NOW! JOHN DEERE JOHN DEERE JOHN DEERE 8R 310 7R 250 5125R + 543R Mechanical Self Levelling Loader W L W L NEODE NEODE M M 250 250 310 310 ♦ e23 40k Transmission ♦ IVT 50k transmission ♦ 32F / 16R Command 8 ♦ ILS Front Suspension ♦ Front Hitch Front PTO Transmission ♦ 480/80R50 Rear Duals ♦ Triple Link Suspension ♦ Cab suspension ♦ Ultimate Comfort and ♦ 710/70R42 Rear singles ♦ Command Arm Convenience package ♦ Ultimate Comfort and ♦ Electronic loader joystick ♦ Autotrac Enabled Convenience package ♦ 3 Electric SCV’s ♦ StarFire™ 6000 Integrated ♦ Autotrac Enabled ♦ Front Axle Suspension Receiver - SF1 ♦ StarFire™ 6000 Integrated ♦ Front Hitch ♦ JDLink™ Connect Receiver - SF1 ♦ Front PTO ready ♦ 3 year / 3000 hour warranty ♦ JDLink™ Connect ♦ Autotrac Ready ♦ Approx. 150 hours ♦ 5 year / 4000 hour warranty ♦ Approx. 50 hours ♦ Approx. 150 hours FINANCE IS AVAILABLE ON ALL MODELS - CALL US TO DISCUSS OPTIONS! *Conditions apply. Finance available through John Deere Financial Limited to approved commercial applicants only. Images shown are for illustration purposes only.
AGTECH AGTECH IS IS NOT NOT NEW, NEW, IT’S IT’S BEEN BEEN AROUND AROUND FOR FOR HUNDREDS HUNDREDS OF OF YEARS YEARS By ByBen BenKelly Kelly Production ProductionSystem SystemManager Manager——Production Production&&Precision PrecisionAg, Ag,John JohnDeere DeereAustralia Australiaand andNew NewZealand Zealand equipment equipmentwillwillgenerate generate‘Big ‘BigData Datasets setsthat that will willfeed feedmachine machinelearning learningand andartificial artificial intelligence intelligence(AI) (AI)systems, systems,to toenable enablemachines machines to tomake makeindependent independentdecisions decisionsand andthen then carry carrythem themout outwith withadvanced advancedrobotic robotic systems. systems. The Thekey keytechnology technologyadvancements advancementswe weare are seeing seeingtoday todayininsensors, sensors,data dataanalytics, analytics,AIAI and androbotics roboticswill willbecome becomethe thefoundational foundational technology technologyfor forthe theautonomous autonomousagriculture agriculture of oftomorrow tomorrow––but butthis thiswill willbe beaatransition transition over overaanumber numberof ofyears, years,rather ratherthan thananan instant instantboom. boom. The Theworkforce workforceneeds needsofofthe theagricultural agricultural The Theinterest interestsurrounding surroundingagricultural agriculturaltechnology technologyhas hasexploded explodedinin supply supplychain chainwill willcontinue continueto toevolve, evolve,and andatat recent recentyears, years,with withananinundation inundationof ofmedia mediacoverage, coverage,conferences, conferences, aarapid rapidpace pace in inresponse response to togains gains in intechnology technology and and the theshifting shifting think thinktanks tanksand andonline onlineblogs blogsearmarking earmarking‘AgTech’ ‘AgTech’as asthe thedawn dawnof ofaa demands demandsof ofconsumers. consumers.Farmers Farmerswill willrequire requireenhanced enhancedskills skillsacross across new newera erathatthatwill willrevolutionise revolutionisehow howwe weproduce producefood foodand andfibre. fibre. management, management,strategy strategyand andcomputing computingand andless lessininhands-on hands-onlabour, labour, while whilepeople peoplewith withtransferable transferabletech techcapabilities capabilitieswill willneed needtotobebe And, And,ititisistrue, true,AgTech AgTechwill willindeed indeedchange changeboth boththe theway waywewefarm farmand and drawn drawntotolive liveand andwork workininrural ruraland andregional regionalareas. areas.Investment Investmentinin the theway waywe weconsume consumeby bytransforming transformingprimary primaryproducers’ producers’ability abilityto to education educationwill willalso alsoneed needtotoextend extendto toensuring ensuringpathways pathwaysthat thatyield yield harness harnessthe thepower powerof ofdata datainindecision-making decision-makingto toboost boostproduction production highly-trained highly-trainedagricultural agriculturalprofessionals professionalsand andbe becomplemented complementedby by and andprofitability, profitability,whilewhileunderwriting underwritingaamore moreefficient, efficient,transparent transparent the thepromotion promotionof ofthe thefarm farmsector sectorasasaacareer careeroption optionwith withrich richand and and andsustainable sustainableagricultural agriculturalsector. sector. diverse diverseopportunities. opportunities. But Butto totruly trulyunderstand understandthe thedeep-rooted deep-rootedchange changeAgTech AgTechwillwillbring, bring, ItItalso alsoalmost almostgoes goeswithout withoutsaying sayingthat thataaconsistent consistentstream streamofof itithelps helpstotoview viewititas aspart partofofaatimeline timelineof ofinnovations innovationsthatthathave have capital capitaland andinvestment investmentininAgTech AgTechwill willbe beneeded, needed,not notjust justto to played playedout outininfarming farmingfor forhundreds hundredsof ofyears years––it’s it’sjust justthe thepace paceof of fund fundnewnewinnovation innovationand andtotosupport supportincubators incubatorsand andaccelerator accelerator new newideas ideasand andassociated associatedproduction productiongains gainsthat thatisisnow nowincreasing. increasing. programs, programs,butbutto toensure ensurethe thevaluable valuableresearch researchand anddevelopment development InInmy mymind, mind,oneoneofofthe thebest bestexamples examplesof ofAgTech AgTechdisrupting disrupting that thatisisundertaken undertakenisiscommercialised commercialisedandandimplemented. implemented. agriculture agricultureininthe thepast pastcentury centurywas wasthetheintroduction introductionof ofthe theengine. engine. But, But,like likethe the40 40years yearsitittook tookfor fortractors tractorstotoreplace replacehorses, horses,all allof of The Thehorse-drawn horse-drawnplough, plough,aamainstay mainstayof ofagriculture agricultureininthe the1900s, 1900s, this thiswill willtake taketime. time.The Theeconomics economicswillwillneed needto tostack stackup, up,the thevalue value went wentononto tobe besuperseded supersededby bythe theefficiency efficiencyofofthe theengine engineand andthe the for forthe thefamer famermust mustbebeevident evidentand andthe theadoption adoptionof ofautomation automation transition transitionto tofarm farmmechanisation. mechanisation.ThisThiswas wasaafoundational foundationalstepstepinin will willundoubtedly undoubtedlylook lookdifferent differentacross acrossthethebroad broadspectrum spectrumof of farming’s farming’shistory, history,although althoughitittook took30 30to to4040years yearsfor fortractors tractorsto to agricultural agriculturalenterprises. enterprises. outnumber outnumberhorses horsesininagriculture. agriculture. AgTech’s AgTech’sevolution evolutionwill willalways alwaysbebeunderpinned underpinnedby bythe thedrive drivetoto From Fromthere, there,ititwas wasadvances advancesininengine enginepower powerandandefficiency efficiencywhich which provide providefarmers farmerswith withthe thetools toolsto tododomore morewith withless, less,and andthethe rendered renderedolder oldermodels modelsof oftractors tractorsout-of-date, out-of-date,before beforethe thenext nextstep- step- benefits benefitsof ofthis thisextend extendwell wellbeyond beyondthe theperformance performanceof ofthe thefarm. farm. change changewas wasdelivered deliveredthrough throughthetheintegration integrationofofelectronics electronicsand and There Thereisisno nodoubt doubtthetheadoption adoptionof ofAgTech AgTechalso alsobrings bringsmore moretime timefor for computers computersintointomachine machineoperating operatingsystems systemsininthe the1980s 1980sand and1990s. 1990s. family, family,while whilemore moreefficient efficientproduction productionalso alsodelivers deliverskey keyeconomic economic Not Nottoo toolong longafter, after,Global GlobalPositioning PositioningSystems Systems(GPS) (GPS)moved movedthis this and andenvironmental environmentaloutcomes outcomes— —forforthe thebenefit benefitof ofpeople peopleand andthe the further furtherforward forwardby byfacilitating facilitatingthe theautomation automationof ofmachine machineguidance guidance planet. planet.John JohnDeere Deereisiscommitted committedto toleading leadingthetheworld worldininfarming farming as aswe weheaded headedtowards towardsthe theyear year2000. 2000. automation automationand andfirmly firmlybelieves believesthat, that,like likethe thehorse, horse,the theengine, engine,GPS GPS The Therise riseof ofinternet internetconnectivity connectivityand andsensors sensorsthroughout throughoutthethe2010s, 2010s, and and internet internet connectivity connectivity before before it, it,modern modern AgTech AgTech will will ensure ensure aa and andthe theautomation automationof ofdata datacollection, collection,has hasmade madeAgTech AgTechone oneof the more ofthe moreprofitable, profitable,efficient efficientand andsustainable sustainablefarming farmingfuture. future.We’re We’re most mostimportant importantandandtalked talkedabout aboutprogressions progressionsininfood foodand andfibre fibre also alsoconfident confidentititisisthrough throughthese thesegains gainsandandshifts shiftsininoperations operationsthe the production productionininrecent recentmemory. memory. agriculture agriculture industry industry will willfoster fosteran an even even more more trusting, trusting, transparent transparent and andmeaningful meaningfulrelationship relationshipwith withthethepeople peoplewhowhoconsume consumewhat whatitit As Aswe weprogress progressfurther, further,connected connectedsensors sensorsembedded embeddedacross acrossfarm farm grows. grows.
IN STOCK & AVAILABLE NOW! 0 % JOHN DEERE 6M SERIES Beat the P.A. price rise and own yours today!FINANCE AVAILABLE * ON PRECISION AG TECHNOLOGY * Conditions apply. Finance available through John Deere Financial Limited to approved commercial applicants only. Promotion is based on 25% deposit and 36 month term. Fees and charges of $425 apply. if not amended or withdrawn earlier the promotion expires on 30/09/21 BUY LOCAL, STAY LOCAL, AND BE LOCAL - support your local John Deere Dealer
MEET MEET THE THE NEW NEW JOHN JOHN DEERE DEERE MD MD WANT WANT TO TO BE BE AA LAWN LAWN LEGEND? LEGEND? Top Toptips tipsfrom fromGolf GolfCourse CourseSuperintendent SuperintendentBrian BrianPalmer, Palmer, responsible responsiblefor forTara TaraIti ItiGolf GolfClub’s Club’stop-tier top-tiergrounds. grounds. For Forthe theperfectly perfectlycut cutlawn, lawn,less lessisismore. more.AAthird thirdless, less,to tobe beexact, exact,ifif you youwant wantto toachieve achieveoptimal optimalaesthetic aestheticandandplant-health plant-healthresults. results. With Withthe thearrival arrivalof ofthe thepeak peaklawn lawngrowing growingseason, season,residents residentsacross across the thecountry countrywill willbe bespending spendingmore moretime timebehind behindororon ontheir theirmowers mowers so soJohn JohnDeere Deerehashasturned turnedto toindustry industryleaders leadersto tofind findout outthe thesecret secret to toachieving achievingthe theperfect perfecthome hometurf. turf. Golf GolfCourse CourseSuperintendent SuperintendentBrian BrianPalmer Palmerhas hasyears yearsof ofexperience experience on ongreens greensaround aroundthe theworld worldand andisiscurrently currentlyresponsible responsiblefor forTara Tara New NewJohn JohnDeere DeereAustralia Australia//New NewZealand ZealandManaging ManagingDirector DirectorLuke LukeChandler Chandler Iti ItiGolf GolfClub’s Club’stop-tier top-tiergrounds, grounds,which whichsitsitoff offthe therugged ruggedTe TeArai Arai New NewJohn JohnDeere DeereAustralia Australia//New NewZealand ZealandManaging ManagingDirector DirectorLuke Luke coastline coastlineininNew NewZealand, Zealand,which whichisismaintained maintainedby byaafleet fleetof ofJohn John Chandler Chandlerwill willprioritise prioritiseleading leadingthe theway wayinintechnology technologyand andinvesting investing Deere Deereequipment. equipment. ininstrong strongrelationships relationshipsto tocontinue continuetotodeliver delivervalue valueto tothe theiconic iconic company's company'scustomers customersand anddealers. dealers. His Histeam’s team’sdedication dedicationto tothe the‘one ‘onethird thirdrule’ rule’isisvital vitalininbuilding buildingaa healthy, healthy,pristine pristinebase. base.The Therule ruledictates dictatesaaprocess processof ofonly onlycutting cutting Originally Originallyfrom fromInverell InverellininNSW, NSW,Mr MrChandler Chandlerhas hasaa25-year 25-year off offone onethird thirdof ofthe thegrass grassleaf leafto toensure ensurethe thelawn lawnstays staysininananoptimal optimal background backgroundininagriculture, agriculture,most mostrecently recentlyas asChief ChiefEconomist Economistfor for healthy healthycondition. condition.This Thissimple simplemethodology methodologycan canbebeapplied appliedto toany any John JohnDeere Deereat atits itsIllinois Illinoisheadquarters headquartersininthe theUnited UnitedStates. States. backyard. backyard. "My "Mywork worklooking lookingat atglobal globalagriculture agriculturetrends trendsfor formany manyyears years Brian Brianshares shareshis hisexpert expertadvice advicefor formaintaining maintainingaalegendary legendarylawn. lawn. has hasreinforced reinforcedhow howcompetitive competitiveour ourfarmers farmershave haveto tobe beininexport export markets marketswithout withoutthe thegovernment governmentsupport supportmany manyofofour ourcompetitors competitors What’s What’sthe thebest bestheight heightfor forlawn? lawn? receive," receive,"Mr MrChandler Chandlersaid. said. The Theperfect perfectheight heightcancanvary varybetween betweengrass grasstypes typesbutbutaiming aimingto to "That "Thatcompetitiveness competitivenesscomes comesfromfromAustralian Australianand andNew NewZealand Zealand maintain maintainaalength lengthofofbetween between50 50and and75 75mm, mm,should shouldsuit suitmost. most. farmers farmersbeing beingworld worldleaders leadersinininnovation innovationfor foras aslong longas asthey've they've While Whilesome somepeople peoplemight mightthink thinkgrass grassheight heightisisas assimple simpleas as been beenfarming." farming." preference, preference,there thereisisaacorrect correctlength lengthand andananoptimal optimalmowing mowingregime regime to tomake makesure sureyour yourlawn lawnstays staysnice niceand andhealthy. healthy. "John "JohnDeere Deerehas hasalso alsohad hadto tokeep keepchanging changingto tostay stayininbusiness businessfor for more morethan than180 180years, years,so sowe weshare sharetheir theirvalue valueon oninnovation innovationand andI'm I'm How Howdoes doesthe theone onethird thirdrule rulework? work? looking lookingforward forwardtotohelping helpingour ourfarmers farmersand anddistributors, distributors,wherever wherever The Theone onethird thirdrule rulemeans meansyou youare arenever nevercutting cuttingthe thegrass grassleaf leafby by they theyare, are,continue continueto tobenefit benefitfrom fromJohn JohnDeere Deeretechnology." technology." more morethan thanaathird thirdinineach eachcutting. cutting.Before Beforestarting startingyour yourmower, mower, "Technology "Technologyonly onlyworks workswell wellwhen whenit'sit'ssolving solvingreal realproblems, problems,andand assess assessthe theheight heightofofthe thelawn lawnand andadjust adjustyour yourmower mowerheight height John JohnDeere Deereworks worksincredibly incrediblyhard hardto tobe beaagenuine genuinepartner partnerofofchoice choice accordingly. accordingly. for forcustomers customersand anddealers dealersininall allthe theindustries industriesweweoperate operateininso sowe we What Whathappens happenswhen whenyou youcut cutthe thelawn lawntoo tooshort? short? can canunderstand understandtheir theirproblems problemsand andbuild buildsolutions solutionsfor forthem," them,"hehe said. said. Cutting Cuttingyour yourgrass grasstoo tooshort shortmeans meansyou youare arerunning runningthe therisk risk of ofscalping scalpingthe thelawn. lawn.This Thiscan canlead leadto tolawn lawndeath deathor orstunted stunted "I'm "I'mreally reallylooking lookingforward forwardto tomeeting meetingcustomers customersandanddealers dealers growth. growth.Too Tooshort shortofofaacut cutcan canalso alsocreate createaavoid voidwhere whereweeds weedsand and around aroundAustralia Australiaand andNew NewZealand Zealandto toget getaabetter betterunderstanding understandingof of undesirable undesirablegrasses grassescan cangerminate germinateandandtake takehold. hold. the theproblems problemswe weneed needtotosolve. solve.I'm I'malso alsovery verykeen keento topartner partnerwith with industry industrybodies bodiesand andpolicy policymakers makersas asagriculture agriculturelooks looksto tobe bemore more Are Arethere thereany anyother otherbenefits benefitsto toonly onlycutting cuttinggrass grassby byone onethird? third? collaborative collaborativeand andcooperative cooperativeininthe thefuture futureto todrive drivechange changethat's that's Cutting Cuttingyour yourgrass grassto tothe thecorrect correctheight heightalso alsomeans meansyour yourclippings clippings profitable, profitable,productive productiveand andsustainable." sustainable." are aremuch muchshorter shorterand andcan canbe beswiftly swiftlymulched mulchedback backinto intothe thelawn lawnifif Outgoing OutgoingManaging ManagingDirector DirectorPeter PeterWanckel Wanckelsaid saidMr MrChandler Chandler you youare areusing usingaamulcher. mulcher. brings bringsenormous enormousexpertise expertiseto tothe therole. role. What Whatcan canlawn lawnowners ownersdodoififtheir theirgrass grassisisgetting gettingout outof ofhand? hand? "Luke "Lukehas hasworked workedininagriculture agricultureall allover overthe theworld, world,and andhis hisbroad broad Say Saythey theyhave havebeen beenaway awayfor foraafew fewweeks weekson onholiday, holiday,or orthe the experience experienceininthe theindustry industryat atglobal globalleadership leadershiplevels levelswill willbring bring weather weatherhas haskept keptthem themoff offtheir theirmowers. mowers. benefits benefitsto toAustralian Australianand andNew NewZealand Zealandfarmers," farmers,"he hesaid. said. IfIfyou youhave havelet letyour yourlawn lawngrow growlong, long,don’t don’tjust justgo goininwith withguns guns With Withaalongstanding longstandingpassion passionfor forthe theagricultural agriculturalsector, sector,Peter Peterisis blazing blazingandandget getititback backto toyour youroptimal optimalheight. height.Have Havepatience patienceand and looking lookingforward forwardto tocontinuing continuinghis hisinvolvement involvementininthe theAg Agindustry industryinin trust trustininthe theone onethird thirdrule ruleand andmow mowevery everycouple coupleofofdays daysto toreach reach the thefuture. future. the theheight heightyou youwant wantto tomaintain. maintain.
IN STOCK & AVAILABLE NOW! Nothing beats GENUINE JOHN DEERE SETTING service from JOHN DEERE your GENUINE LOCAL DEALER. THE 6M STANDARD SERIES The genuine John Deere difference. IN SERVICE Whether it’s keeping everything running like new or a fix in the field for your John Deere tractor, you can be confident that our straight-talking Expert Techs are devoted to providing you with industry leading expertise, diagnostics and performance. We back our quality, that’s whyIndustry leading our tractor tools parts carry tomonth a 12 maximise your warranty † uptimelabour when installed including by us, so you can have peace of mind when you need it most. Talk toJohn With usDeere today aboutSupport™, Connected your parts distanceand service is no longer needs. a barrier to keep you up and running With a suite of industry leading tools exclusive to John Deere, we are there for you when you need us most. Beat the price rise and own yours Service ADVISOR™ Remote Expert Alerts Remote Display Access today! Your technician can remotely analyse your machine’s Diagnostic Trouble Codes in real time to isolate potential issues. We will send We can predict certain potential failures before they occur using advanced algorithms. This allows us to respond quicker to reduce Reduce the need for a callout. Your technician can connect virtually in cab to assist you with troubleshooting, the right technician with the right parts and downtime and maximise productivity. optimisation and setup. tools on board to get the job done in the shortest time possible. CONTACT US TODAY TO FIND OUT MORE. † 12 month warranty on new agricultural parts installed by an authorised John Deere dealer. See John Deere Repair Service Parts Warranty for details at BUY LOCAL, STAY LOCAL, AND BE LOCAL - support your local John Deere Dealer
CONGRATS CONGRATSSAM! SAM! WELCOME WELCOMEABOARD! ABOARD! We Weare arepleased pleasedto tohave haveaalong longhistory historyofoftaking takingon onapprentices apprentices and andworking workingwith withthem themtowards towardsachieving achievingtheir theirqualification. qualification.The The combination combinationofoftheory theoryand andpractical practicaltogether togetherwith withtips tipsand andtricks tricks from fromthe themore moreexperienced experiencedmembers membersof ofthe theservice serviceteam teamgives givesthese these guys guysaagreat greatstart startto totheir theircareer. career. Sam SamHenderson Hendersonisisour ournewest newestfully fullyqualified qualifiedmember memberof ofthe theservice service team. team.Sam Samhas hascompleted completedhishisapprenticeship apprenticeshipininthe the33years yearshe hehas has been beenworking workingininthe theInvercargill Invercargillbranch. branch. Our Ourapprentices apprenticesalso alsoget getthe thebenefit benefitof ofthe theJohn JohnDeere DeereUniversity University curriculum curriculumwhich whichmakes makesthem themvery verymuch muchspecialists specialistsininthe thesuite suiteof of Welcome WelcomeJan JanJones Jonesand andRaewyn RaewynPedler Pedlertotothe theadmin adminteam. team. John JohnDeere Deereproducts. products. Raewyn RaewynPedler Pedlerjoined joinedus usas asour ournew newAdministration AdministrationManager Managerfor forthe the “Having “Havingstarted startedmymycareer careeras asService ServiceManager Managerfor forSouthland Southland group groupduring duringFebruary, February,after afterChristine Christinedecided decidedto torelocate relocatewith withher her Farm FarmMachinery, Machinery,IIhave haveseen seenhow howimportant importantititisisfor forthese theseguys guys family familyto toBlenheim! Blenheim! to toget gethands handson onwith withthe themachinery machinerywhile whileworking workingtoward towardtheir their Christine Christinehas hasbeen beenan anintegral integralpart partofofthe thegroup groupadmin adminsupport supportteam team qualification. qualification.The Thedetails detailsand andtechnology technologyisisalways alwayschanging, changing,so sofor for for forover over66years, years,working workingher herway wayupuptotoAdministration AdministrationManager. Manager. these theseguys guystotohave havethe theback-up back-upfrom fromJohn JohnDeere Deereinintheir theirtraining, training,itit Her Herbroad broadknowledge knowledgeand andunderstanding understandingof ofall allthing’s thing’sadmin admin(and (and makes makesallallthe thedifference differenceforforus ustotoknow knowwe wehave havethethebest bestpeople peopleout out more morespecifically specificallyJohn JohnDeere) Deere)has hasleft leftbig bigshoes shoesto tofill, fill,but butwe weare are there theregetting gettingthethejob jobdone” done”says saysSouthland SouthlandOperations OperationsManager, Manager, excited excitedto tohave haveRaewyn’s Raewyn’senthusiasm enthusiasmandandadmin adminexperience experienceonon Stacey StaceyHitchens. Hitchens. board. board. “These “Theseguys guysare areoften oftenthe theface faceofofthe thecompany, company,so soit’s it’simportant important Another Anotherborn bornand andbred bredSouthlander, Southlander,Raewyn Raewyngrew grewupupononher her that thatwe wedodoour ourpart partto tomake makesure surethey theyare arewell wellskilled skilledand andtrained. trained. parents’ parents’farm farmat atRimu, Rimu,and andonly onlybecame becameaatownie townieafter aftermarrying marryingone one And Andhaving havingqualified qualifiedJohn JohnDeere Deeretechnicians techniciansfit fitgenuine genuineparts parts and andheading headingtotoInvercargill Invercargillto tolive, live,and andraise raisetheir their22children. children. extends extendstheir theirwarranty, warranty,so soit’s it’saawin winwin winfor foreveryone” everyone”he hesaid. said. Her Herpassion passionfor forthe therural ruralsector sectorhas hasstayed stayedwith withher herthroughout throughout IfIfyou youknow knowof ofanyone anyoneinterested interestedinindoing doingan anapprenticeship, apprenticeship,Stacey Stacey her heradmin admincareer, career,working workingfor forthe theRichardson Richardsongroup groupininaavariety varietyof of recommends recommendsthey theystart startby bydoing doingaapre-trade pre-tradecourse. course. administration administrationroles rolesinintrucking truckingand andagriculture. agriculture. “Seeing “Seeingthe thetractors tractorsall allaround aroundmememakes makesme mefeel feelkind kindof oflike likeI’m I’m home, home,I’ve I’vereally reallymissed missedthat” that”said saidRaewyn. Raewyn. “Even “Evenour ourproperty propertyinintown townhas hasaarural ruraloutlook outlookand andpaddocks!” paddocks!”she she said. said. She Shethrives thriveson onbeing beingbusy busyand andhelping helpingcustomers customersresolve resolveany anyissues issues they theymight mighthave, have,as aswell wellas asworking workingwith withaadiverse diverserange rangeof ofpeople, people, which whichisiswhat whatinterested interestedher herabout aboutworking workingfor forSouthland SouthlandFarm Farm Machinery. Machinery. And Andififone onepair pairof ofshoes shoesisn’t isn’tenough enoughto tofill, fill,our ourgroup groupAdministrator Administrator isisabout aboutto toembark embarkononMotherhood, Motherhood,and andJan JanJones Joneshas hasstepped steppedininto to fill fillthat thatrole roleuntil untilNicole’s Nicole’sreturn. return. Congratulations CongratulationsSam, Sam,another anotherapprentice apprenticenow nowqualified! qualified! Welcome Welcomeaboard aboardto toyou youboth! both! WWW.WHEELSATWANAKA.CO.NZ WWW.WHEELSATWANAKA.CO.NZ
FOR SALE Ask us about FINANCE, FREIGHT & WARRANTY options* DUNCAN AS19 AIR SEEDER JOHN DEERE 6930 PREMIUM JOHN DEERE 6145R LOW HOURS WAS $38,000 NOW $35,000 + GST $65,000 + GST $120,000 + GST 19 run, new disc openers, refurbished seeding units 155 HP, 7558 Hours, Trimar 5.0P SL Loader, duals, TLS 145 HP, 1520 Hours, Frontlinks & PTO, 40km GORE SU# 64044 INVERCARGILL SU#64066 INVERCARGILL THS78 JOHN DEERE 6910 JOHN DEERE 6150M JOHN DEERE 6125R $49,000 + GST $78,000 + GST $67,000 + GST 140 HP, 6705 Hours, Front Hitch, TLS, 50km 150 HP, 5357 Hours, JD H360 NSL Loader, 6 cyl, 4WD 125 HP, 5000 Hours, JD H340 NSL loader INVERCARGILL SU# 64067 INVERCARGILL SU#63699 INVERCARGILL SU# 63921 JOHN DEERE 6170R JOHN DEERE 6930 GILTRAP 6T 5001 SPREADER $69,000 + GST BEING PREPARED $62,000 + GST $28,000 + GST 170 HP, 8375 Hours, AutoQuad plus 20x20 Trans, 50Km 155 HP, 5790 Hours, JD H360 NSL loader, 2008 model 2011 model, Roll over cover INVERCARGILL SU# 64029 INVERCARGILL SU# 63807 GORE SU# 63760 NEW STOCK ARRIVING DAILY! Visit SFML.CO.NZ for all of our used tractors * Conditions apply. Approved commercial applicants only. ALL PRICES EXCLUDE GST INVERCARGILL GORE MOSGIEL CROMWELL 93 North Road 12 Charlton Lane 13 McGlashan Street 12 Elspeth Street INVERCARGILL P 03 215 9132 P GORE 03 208 8203 MOSGIEL P 03 489 0472 CROMWELL P 03 445 1046 93 North Road 12 Charlton Lane 13 McGlashan Street 12 Elspeth Street P 03 215 9132 P 03 208 8203 P 03 489 0472 P 03 445 1046
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