Herald fGrace - Grace Lutheran Church

Page created by Grace Soto
Herald fGrace - Grace Lutheran Church
Volume 29, Issue 8

                                         Herald   f Grace
      August 2021
A Publication of Grace Lutheran Church
        3000 W. Golf Course Rd.
         Midland, Texas 79701

 Each Step We Take in Faith is towards the cross.
       See page 4 For the Newest Milestone
 The Family Life Ministry Team Wants to Celebrate.
            We Need YOUR Assistance.

Herald fGrace - Grace Lutheran Church
A Note from Pastor Pase
Dear Family of Grace,

I am writing this the day after I publicly announced my returning the Call issued to me by Trinity Lutheran,
Riesel, Texas. Please join me in praying for these brothers and sisters in Christ as they continue to search for
the pastor the Lord has already selected for them.

I thank you for your prayers, your words, your cards during my time of deliberation. While deciding where to
work is a difficult decision, the Call is on a higher plane for we are talking about the eternal welfare of souls. I
truly wish I could be in two places at the same time, but that is not possible. So, I remain here at Grace for as
long as the Lord wants me to be.

Earlier in this day that I am writing this, I sent several emails that began with “now that I am staying ….”

Now that I am staying …. I expect to see you in the Lord’s house on a regular, consistent basis. And
remember our Sunday morning begins with Sunday School! It ends after the divine service.

Now that I am staying …. I expect you to be engaged with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in the study of
His Word. Again, on Sunday morning and in a Connection Group.

Now that I am staying …. Parents I expect you to have your kids in Bibleville or the Youth Room every Sunday
morning. I expect you to have them involved in our Midweek Ministry on Wednesday evenings. I expect you
to have daily devotion time as a family unit. Yes, I expect you not to let distractions of any kind supersede
time with the Lord.

Now that I am staying …. I expect you to be involved in a meaningful role or task at Grace (our Purpose
Statement). Let’s have a conversation about where your gifts and talents fit best within our Ministry Board and
Team structure.

Now that I am staying …. I expect you to continue to support your congregation with your first fruits of time,
talents, temple and treasures. The Lord wants to do great things through us at Grace and He needs all of us
working together as His body in this place.

Now that I am staying …. you can expect from me 100% percent effort to pray for you daily, to serve you, to be
there for you and with you; to bring you God’s amazing gifts through my teaching and preaching and the
administration of the Sacraments.

July 23rd marks the beginning of my thirty-third year in the Ministry and September will mark the beginning of
my twenty-second year serving at Grace.

Now that we are staying …. Let’s be about Sharing God’s Grace, Living His Word and Making Disciples!

See you in Church!

Pastor Pase
Romans 1:16

Herald fGrace - Grace Lutheran Church
Our Baptismal Journey
When it comes to stewardship, a favorite Bible verse is the account of the widow’s mite (Luke 21:1–4). It’s a
moving account. Our Lord praises the seemingly small gift of two copper coins given by a poor widow above
the abundance of gifts given by the rich, saying, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of
them” (Luke 21:3). And that is usually where we stop. But the text goes on. “For they all contributed out of
their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on” (Luke 21:4).

“She … put in all she had to live on.” She gave everything. She held nothing back. She trusted that the Lord
who made her and all creatures; who gave her everything she had; who redeemed her from her own sin, from
death, and the power of the devil; who called her by the gospel and enlightened her with His gifts of Word and
Sacrament; would continue to do this. He would provide her with all that she needed for this body and life
because that is the character of the God she had.

But this is not why we give small gifts. Her gift, though it appeared small, was actually large. When we are
tempted to give small gifts, it is precisely because we want them to be small! We don’t trust the Lord to provide
for us. We give small gifts because we lack faith in the One who created us, redeemed us, sanctifies and keeps
us in the one true faith. We give small gifts because we doubt that God will really give us what we need and
desire. We give small gifts because we are not content with what God has already given.

We are not slaves, children of the slave woman, under the Old Covenant (Galatians 4). We are adopted sons of
the free woman. And since we are sons, we are also heirs. And heirs receive the inheritance. For everything is
already ours in Christ. And thus, moved by the willing spirit of adoption, we do the will of God in financial
matters far beyond all that done by those under the Old Covenant who were forced by legal demands.

So, what have you decided to give? How do I decide what to give? Let the Scriptures be your guide.

We are to give proportionally to what we have received from God’s giving to us (Luke 12:48; 1 Corinthians
16:1–2, 2 Corinthians 8:12). But you have not been set free to give nothing. See that you excel in the grace of
giving (2 Corinthians 8:7)!

We are not free to live selfishly outside the Gospel, without regard for God who gives us all good gifts, without
generosity for our neighbor who needs us and our gifts, without supporting the community of faith in which we
live, without care for our spiritual fathers and those who teach and help raise our children in the faith, and
without resources for the poor and needy.

In short, we are not free to live unto ourselves, hoarding what God has given us only for us. For love is the
fulfillment of the law (Romans 13:10). And the sum of the law is this: Love God and love your neighbor
(Matthew 22:34–40). We love because He first loved us. We give because He has given to us.

Luther once said, “Possessions belong in your hands, not in your heart” (LW 14:240). There is a reason your 10
fingers spread apart. With your hands you catch God’s gifts for what you need and let the rest fall through your
fingers to your neighbors – your family, your friends, your community, your church.

Herald fGrace - Grace Lutheran Church
The Family Life Ministry Team with our Milestone Ministry, recognizes and celebrates
Milestones in our faith walk, our vocation as Christian.

One Milestone we have yet to recognize and celebrate is that of RETIREMENT. We are going
to recognize and celebrate this and this is where we need your assistance. We are going back
eighteen months to start.

If you retired from fulltime employment within the past eighteen months, let us know in the
church office. We want the month and year of your retirement. This will be on the PINK
SHEET starting in August. It doesn’t matter how the retirement came about. It is something we
want to recognize and celebrate!

Sometime in the fall, during a divine service, we will recognize and celebrate all retirements.

Herald fGrace - Grace Lutheran Church
The Best Family Tradition is Jesus!
  Rally Day, celebrating the best family tradition,
               is on Sunday, August 22nd.
  We begin at 8:00 am with a fabulous breakfast
           complete with Starbucks coffee!
    There’s a place for everyone after breakfast
 in one of the studies of God’s Word in Bibleville,
            the Youth Room, and couple of
              opportunities for adults too.
  During the divine service we will celebrate two
 Milestones with Bible Arrival where children are
             presented their first Bible and
      Faith Formation where those beginning
              pre-Confirmation are given
               Luther’s Small Catechism.
      Information will also be given about our
  GRACE Connections and our Midweek Ministry.
The best family tradition is the being in the Word of
        Jesus together as the family of Grace.
Herald fGrace - Grace Lutheran Church
Bible Arrival & Faith Formation

                 Embrace your calling and embrace the challenge to endure the
                 faith through the Word at home and at church. Rally around the
                 Word of God.

                  For many years now there has been an unfortunate transition from
                  being taught the Christian faith at home and with it being
                  supplemented at church to this being flipped with the church being
                  the main source of faith formation rather than at home. On top of
                  many reasons this is why we will be having Bible arrival on
Sunday, August 22nd during the Divine Service to encourage being in the Word not
just at church, but at home by themselves or with their family. All children who are
members of Grace entering Kindergarten will receive a Bible.

On top of Bible arrival, we have another important milestone to
implement Scripture and faith life in the home on Sunday,
August 22nd. We have heard of many kids saying their parents
do not have a catechism or they do not know where theirs is or
even I don’t have one. To fix this issue, to solve a greater
problem and to transition back to a fruitful faith life at home we
are reintroducing giving catechisms to all youth entering third
grade and afterwards to all parents who wish to receive one.

Herald fGrace - Grace Lutheran Church
The new Grace website is still being fine-tuned. We didn’t make our
        original target launch date. The designers are having a few issues.
        Watch for the official announcement in GIA soon. There will be a
        new look and some new information for everyone’s interests. Once
        it launches, if there are any questions on navigating the new site,
        Victoria will be able to help you.

Summer may have flown by, but the ECP is raring to go!
            School starts August 2nd!
          Open House is Thursday, July 29th
          1:00pm – 5 Day and TTH families
              3:00pm – MWF Families
     Do you love working with young children?
     Interested in making a little extra money?
     The ECP is looking for substitute teachers!
   The ECP is looking for a teacher for 3-year-olds!
           Come join our fantastic team!
     MWF or TTH or do Both! 8:30am – 2:00pm
          Salary based on $12.00 per hour.
 Contact Amy or Micah in the ECP office at 694-3063.
 Our 2021 – 2022 theme based on “Living His Word”
  from our mission statement is “Grow in Grace.”

Herald fGrace - Grace Lutheran Church
Midweek Ministry Is Back! Wednesday, August 25th.
There’s a place for YOU at Grace!
6:15-7:15 pm: Bible Bunch, K-2nd (Jane Pase)
             Pre-Confirmation, 3rd-4th (Jennifer Powell)
             Pre-Confirmation, 5th-6th (Michelle Wolfmueller)
             High School (Ryan Hamilton)
             Adult Study, (Fern DeLaGarza)
             6:00 – 6:50pm – 1st Year Confirmation
             6:55 – 7:50pm – 2nd Year Confirmation

                        Wednesday Meals are BACK!!!
                         Join us for the Wednesday Meals. There’s always great food and
                         fellowship. Meals start at 5:00pm and end at 6:00pm. Show your
                         appreciation with a free-will offering to help cover the expenses. For
                         sanitation purposes, your meal will be served by a member of our
                         Fellowship Team. Thank you for your understanding.

                              August 25th          Pizza & Salad

                   Family Resource Center
      Take a look at our newest resources which encourage growth within yourself, how to be a
      witness, and a great reminder of what it means to be a part of a family—not any family
      but of one body, one family in Christ. Let’s continue to seek to grow in Christ in faith as
      there is always an opportunity to do so. Please utilize these great resources available to
      you in our Family Resource Center.

Herald fGrace - Grace Lutheran Church
G.R.A.C.E. Connections are the congregation in mission. They are groups of
4 to 12 people who come together and are intentionally led in the mission statement of our
† Sharing God’s Grace
  † Living His Word
       † Making Disciples
The Core Values of G.R.A.C.E. Connections are:
   ▪    Growing…by reaching out, witnessing, and forming new groups
   ▪    Relating…and connecting with each other as the body of Christ
   ▪    Acting…in Christian service and mission
   ▪    Caring...and praying for each other and the world
   ▪    Enriching…personal growth and spiritual transformation through Bible study
CROSS (Linking together generations through Christ) Leaders Stephen & Michelle Boyles.
The plan is to start back up in September. Stay tuned for dates and times.
Graceful Seniors Leader Pastor Pase, will start back up August 10th. They meet the 2nd & 4th
Tuesday at 10:00am in the Parlor. This is a mixed group study of books of the Bible. Though
called “Seniors,” all ages are welcome.
Growing in Grace Leader is Fern DeLaGarza., Her plan is to restart during midweek ministry
hour at 6:15pm. All adults interested in learning more about the Lord are encouraged to contact
Fern and join this group.
Men's Breakfast Club, Leader Ryan Hamilton, is taking a break until September. Dates and
times coming soon.
SOS, (Surviving on Scripture) Leader Cindy Hilton. They will meet weekly on Thursday at
6:00pm at the home of Mary Morgan. This is a women’s group, ages 40 and up.

                                    Come and See!
         ** Contact the Church Office for more information - 432-697-3221

Herald fGrace - Grace Lutheran Church
Monday Evening Divine Service
Our divine service will return Monday, August 2nd, at 7:00pm. If you are
unable to be in the Lord’s house on Sundays, remember you may contact
the church office to request CD and DVD copies of each divine service.
Also, the audio service is available on our website by Monday afternoons.

The Columbarium is fully-functional and there are a
number of niches available. Engravings are also
available. Engravings have been done on the niches
occupied. If you would like to purchase a niche in
the Columbarium, please see Victoria in the Church
office for the forms.

                             The prayer focus for August is:
                                      Chair: Mac Hall
                   Todd Byars, Jerry Gilmore, Mark Pelletier, & Gary Pipes

Preteens! Summer may be over, but the fun
continues! Please join us for a swim party at the
Vieselmeyers’ house on August 29th from 4-6pm.
RSVP via Groupme or text Dana at 661.246.9342.
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Attention all seniors and current
                             college students. Please don’t forget
                             to apply for the Baumann scholarship.
                             Please stop by the Church Office and
                             pick up your application.

Grace Quilters
                 The Quilters will be taking their summer break,
                 returning to their Labor of Love on Thursday,
                 September 9th at 9:30am in the Community
                 Room. If you need more information in the
                 meantime, please contact Neta Gohr at
                 432-528-3252 or Margaret Cloyd at

                      2021 Flower Chart
                 There are still a few open dates on the 2021 Flower
                 Chart located on the Grace bulletin board in the south
                 hallway. – the flowers are still $40/vase. Please fill
                 out an envelope, place payment inside and turn it in
                 either in the offering plate or on Victoria’s desk no
                 later than Monday preceding your flower date to get
                 the dedication in the Worship Folder on the day your
                 flowers are on the altar.

Graceful Seniors
We will meet in August on the 10th & 24th at 10:00 am. We are studying the book of
Acts. And you are invited to join us! We are back meeting in the Parlor.

                 Meets Tuesday, August 19th at 5:00pm in the Altar Guild Room.
                 All members of Grace are invited.

                     Teller$ Have Returned
       Thank you, Jerry Damm for serving for September 2021!

         Praise the Lord, we have servants through the end of 2021.
              It’s not too early to think about serving in 2022.
       A teller assists Jim Raven, (Grace’s Financial Secretary), in
       counting the tithes collected after Sunday service. It normally takes
       about one hour. No prior training is needed. Jim will show you on
       the spot how to help, and your presence serves as an important
       “control” in ensuring more than one person is present while tithes
       are counted.

Birthdays & Anniversaries
Brenden Pelletier    08/01         Birthdays
Denise Schumacher    08/04
Sam Witt             08/04
Jonathan McCann
Kevin Gohr
                             Brandon Pokky
                             Michelle Wolfmueller
                             Charlotte Wolfmueller   08/10   Bradley & Cheryl Baker   08/04
Yvonne Cadra         08/06                                                37 yrs.
Sharon Burks         08/08   Tyler Hall              08/10
Matt Walsh           08/11   Michael Perry Sr.       08/15   Gary & Sandra Parsley    08/06
                             Mia Shultz              08/17                38 yrs.
Kyndall Jones        08/13
Doris Turner         08/13   Jon Baumann             08/18   Clinton & Stacy Baker    08/08
Barbara Elliott      08/15   Cutter Lange            08/20                 12 yrs.
Marilyn Richmond     08/15   Kiernan Baker           08/21
                                                             Fred & Claudia Chaney    08/15
Bruce Johnson        08/15   Allison Jones           08/25                 51 yrs.
Camille Hobratschk   08/19   Saul Deras              08/30
Patrick Bynum        08/20   Karsen Mitchell         08/31   Mark & Gina Zimmerman    08/15
                                                                         40 yrs.
Ann Poteet           08/21
Scott Gengler        08/24
Roger Barnes         08/26
Saul Deras           08/26
Mark Zimmerman       08/26
Jennifer Powell      08/28
Mina Fitting         08/29
Thomas Wolfmueller   08/31
Miriam Hartman       08/31

Thanks to all the fathers at Grace who reflect our Heavenly Father!

The Grace Preteen Ministry would like to thank the Hamilton Family for hosting the final school year activity
at their beautiful home! It was a great afternoon of swimming, food and devotion time with Pastor Pase. The
preteens moving up to junior high youth are Patch Bynum, Sawyer Dalager, Jonathon Schumacher, Garin
Vieselmeyer, Bryson Powell and Jordyn Hamilton. We are excited for these wonderful children to continue to
grow in Christ! Beginning in August, Dana Vieselmeyer will be leading the Preteen Ministry and we are very
grateful for her leadership. More information will be coming, but save August 29th as the date to begin the fun
filled activities for the preteens for the new school year.

2021 Camp Lone Star – I Am Chosen…
CH - To me this means that God chose me because he loves me even when I sin.
EL – To me this means I am chosen to help others and the world, to live through God's word.
AFG - To me this means… I am loved and wanted by God. He has a plan and intends to use it for
what I do in my life! He loves me as well as other people. I am chosen to spread God’s word and
be kind to others. I am chosen by God! That means so much to me that God, our Creator wanted
and CHOSE me to spread His word around the world to others.
CW: To me this means that I have been chosen, not for me to choose Him, but for Him to choose
me, and means I am wanted by God.
WW: To me this means God chose me for a reason. I might know it, I might not, but God planned it and will be with me the rest of
my life.
                                     KM: To me this means that even if I feel out of place or I'm in the wrong place, I was chosen to
                                     be there for a reason even if the reason is just to meet someone because you don't know the
                                     impact you have on people until they tell you what you did for them.
                                     To be chosen by God means to me that wherever you are you are chosen to spread the word and
                                     gospel of Jesus Christ. Spreading God’s word can be hard because you can have friends that
                                     don’t believe the same things you do, so it makes it harder to talk about it. But you have to
                                     remember that you were chosen by God to spread His word to help other people.
                                     JH: To me this means that no matter what I do or how bad of a person I am God still loves me
                                     and I am chosen to be loved by Him no matter what.

EG: To me this means that God loves us, even though we disrespect Him by sinning. He chose
us and loves us individually.”
HW: To me this means that I am chosen by God and that He sent His Son to die on the cross for
me and the world.
MH: To me this means God chose us, but we did not choose Him and He loves us.
                                 GV: To me this means God has chosen you to proclaim His
                                 wonderful works.
                                 AH: To me this means that God loves me. He showed that by dying on the cross.
                                 MS: To me this means that God has chosen us for a reason, using our talents to spread His word.
                                 JK: To me this means that God loves me and wants me.
                                 GK: To me this means that God loves every single one of us.
JJ: To me this means I am chosen by God to spread His Word about the good news of Christ.
KJ: To me this means I am His child and because of this I will share His love with others.
JS: To me this means that He sent His only Son to die on the cross for us for the sins we have done,
and He didn’t have to do any of this for us. If He didn’t care about us, He would have never sent
His Son down here on earth to die for us. He did it because He loves each of us. He loves and
cares for every one of us, including me and you.
AS: To me this means I feel so special that I am loved so much and that some day we will all be
together in heaven.
PB: To me this means I am to spread the Word of God through acts of kindness and truthfulness.
AB: To me this means I am to spread the Gospel and not committing sin.
KB: To me this means I am chosen so I can spread His Word.
CB: To me this means I am chosen because God loves me.
HD: To me this means I am chosen because God chose me. He gave up His only Son for me. I am chosen because God created me
and the promise of my eternal home.

2021 VBS
What a MARVELOUS time we had at God’s Wonder Lab! We learned how Jesus does
marvelous, impossible things. The kids enjoyed experiments each day that pointed to our
Bible stories. Osmosis the Owl, also known as Ozzy visited us every day. He shared silly
science jokes as well as daily Bible verses. The kids experienced the Games Lab where they
actively learned the daily Bible verses. The Craft Lab had them creating reminders of God’s wonders. The
Snack Lab was filled with edible things to remind us of the connection of science and Jesus’ love. And our
Music Lab had us moving and grooving to praise the wonders of our great and awesome, marvelous God!
Thank you to all who prayed for our VBS to go smoothly. Thank you also to those who donated items to help
supply our Lab’s needs. And because we are a VBS with a purpose, the kids & staff generously supported our
mission of St. Jude’s Research Hospital. Our goal was to raise $500. We surpassed this amount and collected
$1,070! Praise the Lord! Thanks again to all!

2021 VBS

2021 Bonton Farms
                               Grace’s JH and HS Youth enjoyed a wonderful trip to serve at Bonton Farms in
                               south Dallas on July 15-17th! We mastered an escape room, played 9-square
                               and did a service project with youth from Zion Dallas (our host church for the
                               weekend), and played at TopGolf in Fort Worth… but the best part of the trip
                               was our time serving at Bonton Farms! We harvested vegetables, pulled weeds,
                               gathered eggs, and petted goats. We heard stories of God’s restoration to so
                               many who suffered from poverty and addiction, and saw the hope and joy of
                               lives and legacies forever changed by this wonderful program! Please check out
bontonfarms.org to learn more about this wonderful program, and to support them financially and with your

2021 Bonton Farms

The Field’s Edge
                                      Sunday School Offering
                                           January – December 2021

Progress Update: Water line is in. About to pour the foundation for the main building that will
be the office as well as a community building. Will begin building tiny homes at end of July.

The Field's Edge is a 501c3 Non-Profit organization in Midland, Texas focused on cultivating a
permanent supportive tiny house community for the chronically homeless and disabled.

It began when a young couple was invited to Church Under the Bridge, a local street church in
Midland, Texas. John-Mark Echols and his then girlfriend Briana had absolutely no understanding
of homelessness and were very nervous about what they might encounter. They had no idea that
God would radically alter the course of their lives starting from the moment they stepped onto the
basketball court where the church was held.

In May of 2016, after several years of serving the homeless on a volunteer basis, getting married,
building a house, and having a child, John-Mark attended a three-day symposium at Community
First! Village in Austin, Texas. It was at the symposium that his eyes were opened to a new and
radical approach to homelessness—lifting the chronically homeless off the streets, into a
permanent, supportive tiny house community.

Upon returning home, John-Mark’s wheels began to turn, and he was enamored with the idea of a
similar tiny house community for the homeless in Midland. He participated in a twenty -four-hour
poverty simulation, and subsequently a deep conviction grew to pursue the calling of lifting their
homeless friends off the streets. After months of prayer and undeniable confirmation from God,
they put their house on the market and were accepted into the Community Corps, a four-month
missional internship at Community First! Village.

They sold their house, left their careers, and moved into an RV with their 20-month-old daughter
to immerse themselves in a community of formerly homeless men and women. It was during this
time that they were equipped with a great deal of wisdom to replicate the Community First! model
in Midland.

The name of the organization is derived from Leviticus 23:22, “When you reap the harvest of your
land, moreover, you shall not reap to the very corners of your field nor gather the gleaning of your
harvest; you are to leave them for the needy and the alien. I am the Lord your God.” This verse is
a charge to love and serve homeless neighbors selflessly.

Grace Prays~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2021
We continue to pray for the following:
• Protection for our armed forces and strength for their families and Lt. Aaron Bell
  and his family.
• Wisdom for our nation’s leaders.
• Continued guidance and blessing for Pastor Pase
  and his family.                                          For updates to Grace Prays,
                                                                please email Victoria
• Strength and commitment in tending our baptismal                         at
  journey.                                                  office@gracelutheranmidlandtx.org
• Our Stephen Ministers                                      or call the Church Office,
• Our ECP

❖ Eleanor Dillenburger
❖ Ione Graue
❖ Marga Pipes
❖ Richard Popp, Manor Park Mabee Center #206
❖ Doris Turner, Manor Park, Younger Center #E8

❖ Charles Colgan, BJ Haley, Jim Hill, Mary Ann Johnston, Royce Parsley, Jane Pase,
  Allie Rambur, Melinda Richmond, Eleen Schulze, David Stock, and
  Dell Wehmeyer.
❖ Andrew Sanchez (friend of Thomas & Michelle Wolfmueller) is in MMH with
  COVID & double lobe pneumonia. He is on the vent and still critical. They are
  trying to keep his blood pressure and heart rate down.
❖ Stephen Wood (Emma Ruth Stock’s nephew) was released from MMH and is
  recovering from home after being admitted with pneumonia.
❖ Shirley Reaves (Mary Morgan’s sister) is in the hospital with COVID. She is off
  the lung bypass machine and has some slight improvement. The rest of her family
  continues to be quarantined at home.
❖ Greg Gruben (family friend of Chan & Shana Price) was diagnosed with colon
  cancer and met with doctors on 7/21 to receive details about his diagnosis.
❖ Jayden (Gary Parsley’s 20 yr. old nephew) was in a car accident in Sweetwater.
  He’s in ICU in Lubbock where he had surgery to remove his spleen.
❖ Holly Walker was admitted to Lubbock Neuro ICU on 7/15. Her neck was broken
  in 3 places. Her surgery went well but has a lot of swelling and she’s off the vent.
  Physical therapy started to see if she can regain the use of her right arm.
❖ Royce (friend of Brooke Logan) has rheumatoid arthritis and other health issues.
  He has been in and out of the hospital for the past few weeks.
❖ Pastor Erik Stadler of Redeemer Odessa & Holy Cross of Midland had surgery for
  prostate cancer on 7/26 in San Antonio.
❖ Allie Rambur had her 9-month scans on 7/7. All scans came back clear!
❖ Ben Stauffer (Pastor Pase’s nephew) had cornea transplant surgery on 7/12. He
  can see at 20/150 on the eye chart.
❖ Lois Prothe (Richelle Gengler’s cousin) died on 7/10.
❖ Wendell New (Emma Ruth Stock’s daughter-in-law’s stepfather) died on 7/13.
❖ Pat Keller died on 7/14 in Colorado.
❖ Kathy Stokes (former member of Redeemer of Odessa) died 7/19.

                             Midland, Texas 79701-2998
                             3000 W. Golf Course Rd.
                             GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH
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