Helping your business to connect with the world - Locate in Kent

Page created by Alexander Clarke
Helping your business to connect with the world - Locate in Kent
Helping your
business to
connect with
the world.
Helping your business to connect with the world - Locate in Kent

                                                            In a world that is constantly
                                                            changing, we are here to support
                                                            organisations to reach their potential
                                                            and drive innovation across a wide
A bit about us.                                             range of disciplines and sectors.
Since 1962, Canterbury Christ Church University has
been a major contributor to regional and national
                                                            Whether you are looking to commission research or consultancy to drive your
                                                            business goals, or to find out more about hosting an event with us, or simply to
                                                            grow your network, Christ Church has the resources and expertise to support you
public services, providing a strong foundation for          with a range of business solutions – we can even help you to unlock funding for
diversification and growth into medicine, engineering,      that project you have been thinking about!
creative and digital to address regional skills shortages   Connect with Canterbury Christ Church University for Talent, Insight,
while narrowing gender and social participation gaps.       Spaces and Collaborate with us today.

Helping your business to connect with the world - Locate in Kent
Why work with us
                                                         T he University is leading the way on                                                             The University is active in the
                                                          regenerating the local economy and                                                                local community and the arts,
                                                          addressing regional skills shortages as part                                                      culture and sports scene, and
                                                          of multi-million-pound capital investment                                                         regularly hosts a range of
                                                          programme - including the recently opened                                                         events, public lectures and
                                                          Kent and Medway Medical School and the                                                            exhibitions throughout the
                                                          Engineering, Design, Growth and Enterprise                                                        year. This includes sponsorship
                   The University has been responsible    (EDGE) Hub.                                                                                       of Anifest (the South East’s
                   for educating 23,500 graduates         e actively work with thousands of
                                                         W                                                                                                  largest animation festival)
                                                         organisations, networks and associations                                                           and a strong, collaborative
                   in the past five years, with many     making it easier for us to assist local                                                            relationship with Turner
                   choosing to stay in Kent and

Educating the
                                                         businesses to find the right support and make                                                      Contemporary in Margate
                                                                                                             e are enactors for change – we lobby the
                                                         the right connections.                                                                             (pictured left).
                   Medway to launch their career                                                            government and sit on the boards of major
                                                          University has multiple venues and specialist
                                                         The                                                employers such as the NHS and key economic
                   – providing the local business                                                           development agencies locally, nationally

next generation.
                                                         facilities across the South East, one of which
                   community with a sustainable          (Augustine House) has won several architectural    and abroad.
                                                         awards for its contemporary design and              are a trusted UK partner – for six decades
                   talent pool and a new generation      commitment to sustainability – a major feature     we have been a major contributor to the
                   of employees.                         of the building. With locations in Canterbury,     regional and national economy. In 2018/19,
                                                         Medway and Tunbridge Wells we are uniquely         Christ Church helped the regional economy
                                                         positioned between London and Europe to            generate £535 million impact on the South
                                                         provide your organisation with a variety of        East economy, and helped create 5,757
                                                         spaces to meet individual business needs.          additional jobs (Viewforth Consulting, 2020).
Helping your business to connect with the world - Locate in Kent
“Well done GradForce for putting in all this effort to help your graduates.
                                                  We learn so much during our education but very little about the real world,
                                                  getting a job and making good life decisions.”
“Unitemps listened very carefully to the job      Steve Howard CEO of FINALLY Agency
 requirements and the need for a cultural
 fit. They carefully and personally vetted all
 candidates before sending them through.
 I have had the pleasure of now hiring three
 candidates from the Unitemps network to join
 our growing business. I highly recommend
                                                 Recruit our students and graduates and bring           
                                                                                                        Work  with GradForce – a project funded by
 Unitemps and look forward to working with       new skills, fresh ideas and talented employees         the Office for Students that aims to improve
 them in the future.”                            into your business.                                    graduate outcomes and promote diversity
 Lisa Goode Chief of Staff                                                                  in the workforce. Their unique recruitment
                                                   Engage  with a variety of flexible routes to
                                                                                                        service includes a range of training initiatives
                                                   suit your business needs from work
                                                                                                        and post-recruitment support targeted at
                                                   shadowing; project-specific employment,
                                                                                                        SME businesses.
                                                   micro-placements, internships and year-in-
                                                   industry opportunities – there are plenty           Develop and grow your existing workforce
                                                   of ways to benefit from the skills of our           through a wide range of courses designed to be
                                                   enterprising students and graduates.                flexible and suit individual business needs.
                                                   Minimise    the administrative burden of              understand that keeping your knowledge
                                                   recruitment with our cost effective,                 up to date isn’t just important to you – it’s
                                                   all-inclusive recruitment service – Unitemps. The    also important to the success of your business.
                                                   team can support your business with recruiting       From masterclasses and bespoke training

                                                   talent into both temporary and permanent             courses to apprenticeships and degree
                                                   positions and reduce the time-consuming              programmes, there are a range of professional
                                                   process of selection and recruitment through         development courses and activities to
                                                   their talent-spotting and headhunting service.       maximise your staff potential, keep up to date
                                                                                                        on sector-specific knowledge and share best
                                                                                                        practice across your organisation.
Helping your business to connect with the world - Locate in Kent

                                                                                           Discover  more ways to grow your business
                                                                                           through our wide-ranging consultancy
                                                                                           services: from solving complex business
                                                                                           problems, through to formulating policies,
                                                                                           and providing access to skills, expertise and
                                                                                           equipment that may not be available within
                                                                                           your organisation.
                                                                                          Tap into funding opportunities to support
                                                                                          innovation and commercialise ideas.              Developed in partnership
                                                                                           Part-funded   by a grant, Knowledge Transfer    with industry, the EDGE
                                                                                           Partnerships (KTPs) are a three-way partner-    (Engineering, Design, Growth
                                                                                           ship that links your business with an expert    and Enterprise) Hub is a new
                                                                                           academic team and a suitably qualified          facility dedicated to STEAM
                                                                                           graduate in order to deliver a project that     disciplines (Science, Technology,
                                           Access our experts to discover new and          brings about change, embeds knowledge and       Engineering, Arts, Mathematics)
                                           innovative ways of working.                     delivers long-term growth.                      providing a strong catalyst
           Work in partnership with         
                                            Our experts work across a range of industry    
                                                                                           Working   with an academic partner,
                                                                                                                                           for change, together with the
                                                                                                                                           stimulation of new skills and
           subject experts, benefiting      sectors and disciplines including science,     organisations can unlock funding to support
                                                                                                                                           innovation for Industry 4.0 and

                                            technology, engineering, healthcare,           the development of new services, boost
           from the latest research, new    creative, digital, business, education         efficiency or identify new innovative ways of
                                                                                                                                           5.0 in the South East.
           thinking and current trends.     and medicine.                                  working in your sector.
Helping your business to connect with the world - Locate in Kent
Access specialist facilities, equipment
                                                                                                                      and spaces where businesses, emerging
                                                                                                                      entrepreneurs and innovators can design,
Verena Holmes building: our new state-of-the-art STEAM facility                                                       experiment and take ideas from concept to
                                                                                                                      market, supported by our highly skilled staff.
                                                                                                                       the Daphne Oram Building, a vibrant digital
                                                                                                                         learning environment with public spaces for
                                                                                                                         exhibitions and intimate gigs
                                                                                                                       the Verena Holmes Building, offering
                                                                                                                          highly interactive facilities including large-
                                                                                                                          scale laboratories, together with a process
                                                                  Host your conference, event, workshop, team             control, simulation suites and instrumentation
                                                                  building away day or celebration events in one of       workshop – and a 600sqm engineering
                                                                  our amazing venues across Kent and Medway               makerspace.
                                                                    can provide convenient city centre
                                                                                                                       Businesses can access a range of facilities
                                                                   meeting places, exclusive hire of historic          and specialist spaces including photography
                                                                   venues set in stunning gardens, or impressive

                                                                                                                       studios, professional music recording facilities,
                                                                   contemporary spaces. Whether it be a small          SportsLab and health simulation suites
                                                                   afternoon workshop, a 1:1 meeting, an               supported by experienced event organisers
                                                                   intimate corporate dinner, or a multi-day           and specialist technicians.
                                                                   conference with full hospitality and overnight
                                                                   accommodation, there are options to suit
                                                                   events of all sizes and structures.
Helping your business to connect with the world - Locate in Kent
Become a strategic partner in our skills                
                                                                       Support  students and graduates in developing
               agenda and help structure and co-design                 employability skills, from conducting mock
               course development, shaping the future talent           interviews to becoming a mentor to one of
               pipeline of the local and regional economy.             our students or recent graduates as part of
                                                                       our mentoring scheme.
                Enhance  our curriculum and become part of
                our degree course development and delivery            Connect with a wider audience through
                through talks or guest lectures, or by sitting on     regional and national networks to raise the
                one of our influential industry advisory boards       profile of your organisation
                Contribute  to the development of new                  
                                                                       From  networking with your peers, joining
                apprenticeships for your sector. We are currently      other businesses in regional initiatives or
                working with local and regional employers              partnerships, through to showcasing your
                including the NHS, local government, and               organisation at careers fairs - there are a wide   Our Industry Liaison Lab is
                private sector to deliver recognised qualifications    range of opportunities to collaborate with us      based at Discovery Park,
                to help apprentices succeed and enhance their          
                                                                       This includes promoting your brand to              Sandwich
                career within their chosen sector                      thousands of students and many other
                 a student a challenge or ask them to
                Set                                                    stakeholders through a variety of sponsorship

                investigate a new business approach for                packages and initiatives
                your organisation, with a range of project
                brief options including the internationally
                recognised CDIO (Conceive, Design,
                Implement, Operate) programme
Helping your business to connect with the world - Locate in Kent
Please visit:
              or contact the Enterprise and Engagement team directly

Contact us.
              Connect with us on

Helping your business to connect with the world - Locate in Kent
Grow with us.
             We would love to connect with
            you and your business to discuss
               how we can support you and
            your team to develop and grow.
Helping your business to connect with the world - Locate in Kent
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