FIRST GRAPHENE Graphene pioneer primed on global growth

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FIRST GRAPHENE Graphene pioneer primed on global growth
       Graphene pioneer primed on global growth

                                         Michael Bell
                           Mark Lacy | Founder & CEO

60 | AUGUST 2021
FIRST GRAPHENE Graphene pioneer primed on global growth
                                                                                                           TO WATCH IN 2021

                     For decades, the        supercapacitors, precision electronics,     which capitalize on the protective barrier

                     potential for           batteries, and to strengthen components     properties offered by graphene.
                     carbon-based            used in the aerospace industry.
                     wonder material                                                     Year of transformation
                     graphene has been       First Graphene quickly realized there
                     understood in           were significant opportunities in much       While the COVID-19 pandemic certainly
                     theory.                 larger, more mainstream industrial          led to some temporary delays on a
                                             applications across sectors such as         number of projects, it was short-lived.
The realization of that theory took a big    mining, construction, marine, and high-     The past 12 months have been a
step forward in 2004 when two Russian        volume plastics and composites              transformative period as the business
scientists managed to isolate graphene for   manufacturing.                              evolved from its development phase to a
the first time at the University of                                                       more concerted commercial growth focus
Manchester in the UK. The pair               Everyday applications                       and expanded global reach.
subsequently won a Nobel Prize for their
work.                                        Through its research division, based at     That coincided with the retirement of the
                                             Manchester University's Graphene            founding CEO, who was instrumental in
But the lingering problem has been           Engineering & Innovation Centre (GEIC)      developing the production process, and
scaling up production from the laboratory    and its work with customers around the      the appointment of Singapore-based
bench to commercial quantities and           world, First Graphene has identified and     Michael Bell as the company's new
consistent quality. The complexity is that   implemented graphene-enhanced options       CEO.
graphene consists of single layers of pure   across a broad range of common
carbon atoms, so isolating it can be a       industrial applications including           Commercial growth is an area that Mr.
challenge.                                   composite materials, elastomers, and        Bell is well versed in. He has previously
                                             polymers, concrete and cement, and          worked in a range of high-growth
That all changed two years ago when          coatings.                                   industries, from privately owned
Australian-listed First Graphene Limited                                                 businesses to multi-national corporations
(ASX: FGR) pioneered a process to            Work is also underway in the higher-tech    across a broad range of sectors including
convert graphite into high-purity            areas, including advanced work on the       consumer and commercial electronics,
graphene at volume and launched its          supercapacitor front and with hydrogen      software, marine, and offshore
PureGRAPH® range of graphene                 fuel cells.                                 engineering, and defence. Earlier in his
additives to the market.                                                                 career, the New Zealand native was part
                                             But in recent months, work with             of the team responsible for the expansion
As an additive, graphene offers               foundation customers on more everyday       and significant global growth of
significant improvements in terms of          products has started to come to fruition,   telematics provider Navman Wireless,
strength, electrical and thermal             with commercial launches of graphene-       which was subsequently acquired by the
conductivity, flexibility, and                enhanced swimming pools, safety             Danaher Corporation.
impermeability. The initial focus of         footwear, and wear liners used in the
researchers was for graphene to be used      mining industry. The company has also       At present, the company has the
in high-tech applications such as            developed a range of fire-retardant paints   capability to produce around 100 tonnes

                “First Graphene's unique ability to manufacture
               pristine graphene, cost-effectively and in volume, is
              making the graphene revolution a commercial reality.”

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FIRST GRAPHENE Graphene pioneer primed on global growth
FIRST-MOVER                                   (110 tons) of the product in powdered and aqueous paste formats.
                                              A pelletized masterbatch range was also recently released,
                                              providing an easy integration option for manufacturers of plastic,

ADVANTAGE                                     rubber, and elastomer-based components. The pellets contain pre-
                                              dispersed graphene in particular quantities, allowing
                                              manufacturers to incorporate its use into existing production
Mr. Bell has no misconceptions about the
tasks ahead but says First Graphene has a     Given graphene is an extremely lightweight material and most
                                              applications only require very small additions of graphene to
prime first-mover advantage.
                                              realize significant improvements, the company is keeping up with
                                              global demand.
“The company is the world's only
                                              But Mr. Bell expects that demand to increase exponentially and
manufacturer of commercial quantities of
                                              says the technology is highly scalable.
consistent grade graphene and we have an
enormous opportunity to capitalize on that    “We've announced a range of agreements with some major
                                              manufacturers and service providers that in turn have the
position,” he said.                           potential to expand First Graphene's reach into new verticals and
                                              new geographies,” Mr. Bell said.
“In addition, we have the best research and
                                              “First Graphene customers have recently launched swimming
development people globally and access to     pools, safety footwear, and wear liners for the mining industry
the world's best facilities at the GEIC,      among other products, and our focus is on further expansion in
                                              those sectors as well as building our capacity in areas such as
which means we can carry out advanced
                                              specialized coatings. As an example, the company recently signed
R&D and work with customers through the       a Memorandum of Understanding with Advanced Material
entire development lifecycle, from devising   Development to collaborate in the area of conductive inks.”

the most appropriate graphene                 Team building
formulations for the application, to
advanced testing.”                            One of Mr. Bell's first moves on commencing with First
                                              Graphene early this year was to appoint commercial managers to
                                              focus on key verticals.
                                              The first appointment was to promote existing staff member Neil
                                              Armstrong to the role of Commercial Manager Composites and
                                              Plastics. Like his namesake who was the first person to step on

62 | AUGUST 2021
FIRST GRAPHENE Graphene pioneer primed on global growth
the moon, this Neil Armstrong was one of
the pioneers in developing commercial
opportunities for graphene.
Unlike the astronaut, Mr. Armstrong is
far more comfortable on the ground, or in
the water.

As such, he was instrumental in helping
swimming pool manufacturer Aquatic
Leisure Technologies to develop its range
of Graphene Nano-Tech pools.

Similar technology and techniques have
been used to make the first graphene-
enhanced boat, which is currently
undergoing sea trials, and a “ding-
resistant” surfboard.

Mr. Bell's second appointment was              Mr. Bell says First Graphene is in the       fuels such as diesel and gasoline declines
concrete and cement industry expert Todd       process of recruiting commercial             and the electric vehicle market continues
McGurgan, who is well known in the             specialists to focus on coatings,            to grow.
Asia Pacific area, having worked with           elastomers, and rubber applications, with
some of the region's largest cement and        a range of active and potential              Among other uses, high purity graphite is
concrete providers.                            commercial opportunities in train in those   in demand for use in the batteries that
                                               areas.                                       power EVs, while hydrogen can be used
As one of the most commonly used                                                            as a clean source of energy.
materials in the world, concrete presents      “To date, we've worked predominantly
a range of challenges in terms of              with end-users such as pool, safety wear,    First Graphene is focused on improving
sustainability and disposal.                   and mining product manufacturers,” Mr.       sustainable outcomes across multiple
                                               Bell said.                                   industries. Mr. Bell says the company
First Graphene's research has found that                                                    utilizes the highest-grade graphite
very small additions of graphene—less          “But with some of the recent agreements      available which involves minimal
than 1 percent—result in up to 30 percent      and MoU's we've put in place, we expect      purification and produces almost no
increased strength and a significant            to move the focus upstream to material       waste in the process of conversion to
reduction in water usage. Ultimately, that     suppliers, which will significantly           graphene.
provides an opportunity to achieve             increase the size of the markets we're
required structural integrity with thinner     addressing. That's why we need dedicated     “Our focus is on minimizing waste at
concrete slabs and panels.                     subject matter experts to target specific     every step in the value stream, from
                                               verticals.”                                  responsible mining and mineral
Graphene also enhances thermal                                                              processing operations right through to
conductivity in concrete. That is              Global Innovation and Sustainable            extending the functional life of products
important as it results in more even           Focus                                        that incorporate our PureGRAPH®
drying of concrete structures, in turn                                                      additives,” he said.
inhibiting cracking and fractures that can     At the same time, First Graphene remains
result from uneven heat distribution.          at the forefront of research and             “We are also actively pursuing
                                               innovation. The company has recently         opportunities in the renewable energy
In addition, initial research has found that   developed and patented a novel process       sector, not just in terms of energy storage
adding graphene to recycled concrete can       to convert certain petroleum feedstocks      applications for the electric vehicle
return it to near-new mechanical               into high purity graphene, graphite, and     market, but also in developing graphene-
properties.                                    clean hydrogen without any carbon            enhanced turbine blades for wind farms.
                                               dioxide or other pollutant emissions.
A third commercial specialist, Matt                                                         “Disposal of old blades poses a landfill
Curthoys, has been appointed to focus          The process, which uses cavitation           problem but by increasing the life of each
specifically on marine composites and           chemistry, has the potential to provide      blade, we can reduce that issue.”
renewable energy applications.                 petroleum companies with alternative
                                               pathways as the reliance on combustible

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