HEIDELBERG GOLF CLUB Welcome to - Official Corporate Brochure 2020 | 2021 - Indooroopilly Golf Club

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HEIDELBERG GOLF CLUB Welcome to - Official Corporate Brochure 2020 | 2021 - Indooroopilly Golf Club
Welcome to
  Official Corporate Brochure 2020 | 2021
HEIDELBERG GOLF CLUB Welcome to - Official Corporate Brochure 2020 | 2021 - Indooroopilly Golf Club
Welcome .................................................          5
A Brief History ...........................................        7
The Course ...............................................         10
Tour the Course........................................            12
Professional Team and Golf Shop .........                          21
Coaching ................................................          23
Practice Facilities ....................................           25
Becoming a Member .............................                    27
Benefits of Membership ..........................                  33
Members’ Golf ........................................             34
Women’s Golf ..........................................            36
Reciprocal Golf .......................................            37
Heidelberg Pro-Am .................................                39
Juniors .......................................................    40
Visitors .......................................................   41
Clubhouse and Catering .......................                     42
Functions at HGC ....................................              43
Corporate Golf Days ..............................                 46
Conferences and Team Building ..........                           49
Lawn Bowls ..............................................          51
Contact Us ...............................................         53

Heidelberg Golf Club and Premier wish to thank the advertisers who
appear in this publication for their support and wish them every business
success. The contents of this brochure are believed to be correct at the
time of printing, nevertheless, we cannot endorse and readers should
not rely solely upon the accuracy of any statements or claims contained
herein without prior consultation with the service provider.

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                                    T 03 9028 5704
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HEIDELBERG GOLF CLUB Welcome to - Official Corporate Brochure 2020 | 2021 - Indooroopilly Golf Club
Welcome to
                                                               Heidelberg Golf Club
                                                Heidelberg Golf Club is home to a well-established 18-hole golf course
                                                        at Lower Plenty, just 30 minutes from Melbourne CBD.

                                            The course is one of the area’s most picturesque       Off the course, Heidelberg has built a reputation
                                            lay-outs and has undergone a major transformation      for outstanding hospitality and a dedicated
                                            in recent years.                                       commitment to quality, style and service.
                                            Now offering perfectly-groomed playing surfaces        The clubhouse is a Heritage-listed building, more
                                            equal to anything in the region, it is enjoyed by      than 130 years old and, after a series of renovations,
                                            members and visitors as well as professionals who      maintains its homestead elegance whilst providing
                                            play here annually each March in the prestigious       stunning panoramic views of the course.
                                            Get Wines Direct Heidelberg Pro-Am.
                                                                                                   It offers the perfect venue for weddings, parties,
                                            New members of all ages and abilities are              conferences and other special occasions.
                                            welcomed. The Club has a commitment to growing         With a superb catering team and attentive and
                                            the game, with frequent beginner clinics, a friendly   caring staff on hand, a memorable experience
                                            teaching team, superb practice facilities and a        is guaranteed.
                                            wide range of very flexible membership options.
                                                                                                   Heidelberg has so much to recommend it, we look
                                            The Club is also home to a thriving lawns bowls        forward to showing you everything the Club has
                                            section, whose modern all-weather bowls green is       to offer.
                                            prominently situated in front of the clubhouse.

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HEIDELBERG GOLF CLUB Welcome to - Official Corporate Brochure 2020 | 2021 - Indooroopilly Golf Club
                                BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS
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                                                                                                                                                           A Brief History
                                                         our expert legal advice.

                                                                                                                                         In the early 1880s a few enthusiasts started playing golf on the hills at
                                                                                                                                        Eaglemont, Heidelberg. Nine holes were laid out on the land owned by
                                                                                                                                         Mr. Davies and others and the Eaglemont Golf Club came into being.

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                     Contact us to get our                                    (03) 9439 1233 | lja@lorrainejones.com.au
                   experience to work for you                                             lorrainejones.com.au                                                                                             heidelberggc.com.au
HEIDELBERG GOLF CLUB Welcome to - Official Corporate Brochure 2020 | 2021 - Indooroopilly Golf Club
Membership increased rapidly. As the years passed,      local citizens were passionately against the idea, and   By the following June, 12 holes were ready for play.      Landa, on November 8th, 1958. The purpose of the
     some of the land played over changed hands, and         considerable feeling with some bitterness was the        Opening day was deferred until June 23rd, 1928,           green was to retain membership of the older brigade
     houses began to appear on various parts of the          consequence.                                             so that the Prime Minister of Australia, The Right        who found the hills on the course difficult, especially
     course, necessitating changes to the layout.                                                                     Honourable Stanley Melbourne Bruce, was able              during the warmer months. It proved an immediate
                                                             There was a desire for a course in the northern
                                                                                                                      to attend.                                                success both socially and financially.
     In May 1911 a site was purchased at Rosanna. The        suburbs and when the late Mrs Thomas’s “Bryn Teg”
     Contract of Sale was signed for 101 acres including     property of 177 acres came on the market it was          The opening of the Heidelberg Links was seen as           In 1992 (circa) a decision was made to replace the
     ten acres with a cottage erected on it. The total       purchased by the Heidelberg Club House Co. Ltd.          a great boost for the northern suburbs. It featured       old grass green with an artificial turf surface, which
     price was £4,213. The name of the Club was              for £13,000.                                             in all the papers and was on the front page of the        was itself replaced in 2006/07. Both bowls and golf
     changed to Yarra Yarra Golf Club, and the opening                                                                Sun. Memberships were readily taken up and the            sections of the Club continue to thrive.
                                                             This sum purchased not only the land, but the Plenty
     of the Links took place on the 25th November 1911.                                                               Heidelberg Golf Club was a great success.
                                                             Bridge Hotel and a fine brick homestead, “Bryn Teg”,
     A General Meeting of the Club was held on February      which it was felt would make a delightful clubhouse.     Work soon began on the remaining six holes and
     7th, 1927, and it was resolved that the Club transfer                                                            Mr and Mrs Bruce (who had by this time been made
                                                             Harry Alexander, the talented greenkeeper of the
     to the sand belt at Oakleigh. A number of prominent                                                              Honorary Life Members of the Club) returned on April
                                                             Yarra Yarra Golf Club, was recruited on June 27th,
                                                                                                                      18th, 1931, to officially open the full 18-hole course.
                                                             1927, and work commenced immediately setting out
                                                             the new Links. This is how Heidelberg Golf Club came     The Bowling Green was officially opened by the
                                                             into being.                                              State Minister for Housing, the Honourable Abram
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HEIDELBERG GOLF CLUB Welcome to - Official Corporate Brochure 2020 | 2021 - Indooroopilly Golf Club
The Course
                The course is bounded on the west by the Plenty River which   From the higher parts of the course where several        contains enough tests to keep the interest of even
                                                                              beautiful holes have been cut through the natural        the most proficient of players.
               meanders through the 2nd and 3rd holes adding to its beauty.   flora and fauna, fine panoramic views can be
                                                                                                                                       Several dog-legs, for instance, give the opportunity
                                                                              enjoyed of the surrounding countryside. On clear
                                                                                                                                       for the good golfer to work the ball both ways to put
                                                                              days views of the City skyline may be enjoyed when
                                                                                                                                       themselves in optimum position to hit the green.
                                                                              playing from the 11th hole through to the 14th hole.
                                                                                                                                       After several years of severe drought in the late 1990s
                                                                              In 1968 a major alteration to the layout of the course
                                                                                                                                       and early 2000s, increasing pressure on the Club’s
                                                                              was completed. The objective was to reduce
                                                                                                                                       water supply drawn from the nearby Yarra River
                                                                              the number of uphill holes, thus necessitating the
                                                                                                                                       required a change in strategy to “drought proof”
                                                                              construction of several new holes, new greens and
                                                                                                                                       the course in future years.
                                                                              new tees. This project proved successful with the
                                                                              layout as it stands today offering members and           During the height of summer the lack of available
                                                                              visitors a challenging layout, but importantly, each     public water caused the course to dry out and
                                                                              hole offering a different and unique challenge           large cracks appeared on many fairways. A major
                                                                              because of the changes in slope and terrain.             undertaking began in 2005/06 when the Club
                                                                                                                                       resolved to plant Santa Ana couch on their fairways.
                                                                              The course stretches to 6,157 metres off the back
                                                                              tees, playing to a par of 72, with two par-5s and two    Due to these fairway works condition of the course
                                                                              par-3s on both the outward and inward nines. There       improved markedly to the point members were being
                                                                              is not an abundance of bunkers, but those traps to       rewarded for their loyalty and now enjoyed playing
                                                                              be found are strategically placed and do plenty of       on a golf course comparable to the very best courses
                                                                              business. It is the greens that draw most of the many    in the northern suburbs of Melbourne.
                                                                              favourable comments from first-time visitors. They are
                                                                              invariably true running and a delight to putt on.
                                                                              While not being so tough that it prevents the
                                                                              occasional golfer from enjoying a round, the course

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HEIDELBERG GOLF CLUB Welcome to - Official Corporate Brochure 2020 | 2021 - Indooroopilly Golf Club
Tour the Course
               We hope you enjoy your time with us at Heidelberg Golf Club.
               Here are a few useful tips and course notes which should help
               you make the most of your round if you have never visited us
                     before. Distances shown are from the men’s tees.

     Hole 1, 383 metres, par 4                               Hole 2, 165 metres, par 3
     The opening hole is a downhill par four leading away    This short hole is characterised by a wide green which
     from the clubhouse. The ideal tee shot should be kept   is shallow in depth. Club selection is vitally important
     to the left of centre to avoid the right-hand fairway   here as there are bunkers both in front and behind
     bunker. There is a water hazard to the left of the      the green.
     green which slopes from back to front and is flanked
     by bunkers both left and right.

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HEIDELBERG GOLF CLUB Welcome to - Official Corporate Brochure 2020 | 2021 - Indooroopilly Golf Club
                                                                                 PLAY MORE OFTEN
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                                                                                 WON’T LET YOU?
                                                                                 Our tailored PHYSIOTHERAPY ASSESSMENT
                                                                                 will allow us to identify your ability to physically
                                                                                 perform the ideal swing and walk along the
                                                                                 course more comfortably.
                                                                                 Marty and David who are our highly trained
                                                                                 senior Physiotherapist’s can assess your
                                                                                 mechanics that affect your golf swing and treat
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                                                                                 Come and visit us at Back In Motion to learn
                                                                                 how we can get you hitting the ball stronger,
                                                                                 straighter and with less pain!
                                                                                                                                                       Hole 3, 384 metres, par 4                                 Hole 6, 110 metres, par 3

                                                                                                                                                       Relatively flat and straight, however tee shots must      The shortest par 3 on the course and although not
                                                                                                                                                       take care to avoid a large over-hanging gum tree on       long is by no means easy. With a triple tiered green
                                                                                                                                                       the right. There is a dip in front of green and bunkers   and bunkers front left and to the back the correct
                                                                                 Free initial assessment + 10% off                                     both left and right.                                      choice of club is extremely important.
PHYSIOTHERAPY                                                                    all services upon presentation of your
                                                                                                                                                       Hole 4, 466 metres, par 5                                 Hole 7, 383 metres, par 4
                                                                                 Heidelberg Golf Club membership card
                                                                                                                                                       Straight uphill towards the clubhouse with out of         The seventh is characterised by a narrow left-to-right
                                                                                                                                                       bounds to the left and a big gum on the left-hand         downward sloping fairway with a dog-leg to the left
                                                                                                                                                       edge of the fairway which must be negotiated for          and a slight incline up to the green. Bunkers surround
                                                                                                                                                       most second shots. The green is characterised by two      this angled green which can make the approach
                                                                                                                                                       tiers and is difficult to read.                           shot challenging.

                                                                                                                                                       Hole 5, 271 metres, par 4                                 Hole 8, 368 metres, par 4

                                                                                                                                                       Longer hitters are sometimes able to reach this           Dog-leg right uphill with bunkers in play to catch out
                                                                                                                                                       elevated green off the tee however it is well-            the unwary and a fairway that slopes from right to
                                                                                                                                                       bunkered in front and to the right.                       left. The green is one of the smallest on the course
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and calls for pinpoint accuracy with the approach.
  EXERCISE &                                           BIM Eltham                                                   backinmotion.com.au
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                                                       Connect sites: Viewbank to 390 Lower Plenty Rd, Viewbank
                                                       St Helena Mediplex, 212 Aqueduct Rd, St Helena
 © February 2016 BIM Management Services Pty Ltd as trustee for The BIM Investment Trust, used under licence by Back In Motion Physiotherapy Pty Ltd
HEIDELBERG GOLF CLUB Welcome to - Official Corporate Brochure 2020 | 2021 - Indooroopilly Golf Club
Hole 13, 175 metres, par 3
                                                                                                                    The first of the par 3s on the back
                                                                                                                    nine. Depending on the wind it can
                                                                                                                    play shorter than its yardage, but
                                                                                                                    with a long carry and false apron
                                                                                                                    is deceiving. Bunkered both left
                                                                                                                    and right with a slight tier through
                                                                                                                    the middle and one of the biggest
                                                                                                                    greens on the course.

                                                                                                                    Hole 14, 565 metres, par 5
                                                                                                                    The longest hole on the course,
                                                                                                                    though it plays downhill. The shot
     Hole 9, 505 metres, par 5                             Hole 11, 472 metres, par 5
                                                                                                                    into the green needs to be precise
     Long, flowing par 5 with an initial dog-leg from      Long par 5 with a dog-leg right. Position off the tee    and you don’t want to miss it long.
     left to right and a blind tee shot to contend with.   is crucial, miss it either side and you are staring at
     From there, it is downhill to a green that slopes     bogey. The elevated green is bunkered left and           Hole 15, 377 metres, par 4
     front to back.                                        slopes back to front.                                    Downhill dog-leg left. Heidelberg’s
                                                                                                                    little gem promises a tricky
     Hole 10, 323 metres, par 4                            Hole 12, 359 metres, par 4
                                                                                                                    approach shot into a downhill green
     An uphill dog-leg right. Miss the fairway bunker      A straight par 4 with an uphill second shot into         that slopes from left to right and
     on the corner, leaving a tricky uphill shot to a      the green can either be a long iron or mid iron          which is guarded by one bunker left
     large green. The green has a small tier running       depending on the drive. The green is well bunkered       and a back bunker that acts like a
     through the middle and a bunker right.                and slopes back to front, but offers some great views.   ball magnet.

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HEIDELBERG GOLF CLUB Welcome to - Official Corporate Brochure 2020 | 2021 - Indooroopilly Golf Club
Better golf
                                   - on prescription
                                                                                       We spend up
                                                                                   to 40 minutes for the
                                                                                   most comprehensive
                                                                                        eye check
                           Prescription sunglasses
                                                                Reduces glare,
                           purpose-built for golf
                                                              enhances colour
                                                              contrast and depth
                                                                                                               Hole 16, 321 metres, par 4                         Hole 18, 372 metres, par 4
                                                                                                               Short par 4 dog-legs left to an uphill green.      A great finishing hole, this long par 4 requires a drive
                                                                                                               Depending on the tee you may find yourself         up the middle to give the best angle into the green.
                                                                                                               hitting over water to a narrow landing zone.       The second shot is uphill into a small green that is
                                                                                                               There are bunkers both left and right and it is    well bunkered on both sides.
                                                                                                               better to be long that short.
                                                                                                 Maui Jim
                                                                                                               Hole 17, 158 metres, par 3
                                                                                                 Rayban        The final short hole demands a well-struck iron,
                                                                                                               with water on the right and a large bunker
                                                                                                               running parallel with the green. Biggest green
Don’t let your swing be affected by the quality of your vision.                                  Face a Face   on the course sloping from back to front.
Let us help you to find the right fit for your needs.                                            and more..

                                                                      SHOP 307, LEVEL 3
                                                                      GREENSBOROUGH PLAZA VIC 3088
                                                                      PH: 9435 4866
                                                                      www.leverettandkindler.com.au                                                                                                                          19
Professional Team
                                                   & Golf Shop

                        The Golf Shop at Heidelberg is a full-service golf shop open seven days a
                        week. It provides members and guests with unparalleled service, a wide
                          range of golf equipment and apparel as well as lessons, club repairs,
                                         custom fitting and professional advice.

                      Our golf staff can organise a custom fitting session     Heidelberg members playing in competitions earn
                      for you, whether you need a slight adjustment or         loyalty points to use on golf equipment, accessories
                      a total equipment overhaul. We offer competitive         and apparel which provides even more incentive to
                      prices, hold regular fitting days with the full range    shop at the Club.
                      of equipment from our in-store brands and pride
                                                                               We offer an extensive range of hire equipment for
                      ourselves on a comprehensive after-sales service.
                                                                               the convenience of members and visitors. Our hire
                      An extensive range of demonstration equipment,           services include a fleet of electric motorised ride-on
                      including a custom club fit service, is available from   carts, electric walk-behind buggies, pull buggies, full
                      the Golf Shop for use on the main range, chipping        sets of clubs including men’s and women’s in both
                      area or putting green.                                   left and right-handed options and even a full size
                                                                               range of Footjoy soft spike golf shoes for hire.
                      The golf shop also offers a full range of fast and
                      efficient club repair services including re-gripping,    For more information, please call (03) 9433 5308.
                      refinishing, and re-shafting.

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                                                                                                                           Heidelberg Golf Club offers a comprehensive coaching
                                                                                                                              service for golfers of all levels, from junior to elite.

TLC Pools has deliberately set out to be a boutique pool construction company to ensure
our clients receive a personalised service. Our knowledge, expertise and experience in the                    The Club’s Teaching Professional has extensive         The Club is committed to growing the game of golf
industry guarantees quality workmanship across any size project.                                              experience providing professional golf tuition         and frequent clinics are held for ladies, juniors and
                                                                                                              in a club environment. Lessons are available to        beginners, offering the chance to learn the basics in
We specialise in creating beautiful, bespoke, residential pools and outdoor spaces that
                                                                                                              improve every area of a golfer’s game, from            a fun and welcoming environment. Details of latest
reflects our client’s individuality. Whether that’s a spectacular pool or a tranquil retreat,                 driving with power and accuracy to pitching,           courses can be found on the Club’s website, www.
we have the skills and construction knowledge to make it a reality.                                           chipping and putting.                                  heidelberggc.com.au
For more than twenty five years we’ve been bringing the imaginations of melbourne’s most                      On-course lessons are also available, which not        To enquire about an individual lesson or a “game
discerning homeowners and landscape designers to life. With exceptional craftsmanship                         only allow the everyday player to pick up some         improvement” package of lessons, please contact
and attention to detail, we create pools that are contemporary, elegant and uniquely yours.                   pointers on technique but also gain invaluable         a member of the friendly golf services team on
                                                                                                              insight into how to think like a professional and      (03) 9433 5308.
                                                                                                              hopefully score like one too!
                                                                                                              The coaching facilities at Heidelberg include all-
                                                                                                              weather covered teaching bays to ensure lesson
                                                                                                              services are available regardless of the conditions.

                                                               Please contact Scott Wynd
                                                               on 0418 331 415 to book a FREE consultation.
                                                               www.tlcpools.com.au                                                                                                                                            23
Practice Facilities
 A championship golf course needs championship-calibre practice facilities
   to set it apart and attract players eager to become better golfers and
                   Heidelberg Golf Club does not disappoint.

The Club has an extensive choice of areas for             • Putting Green - close to the clubhouse, it is a good
practice, allowing players to loosen up prior to teeing     size and kept in the same exceptional condition as
off, or to work on all areas of their game.                 those to be found on the course.
Here is what is available:
                                                          • Chipping Green - ideal for perfecting those up-
• Driving Range - a 250-metre facility, adjacent            and- downs that can save any round and which
  to the Golf Shop, which is open from early in             are a key component for players looking to lower
  the morning.                                              their handicap quickly.
• 150-metre irons-only range - for practising distance    • Practice Nets - there are three nets next to the car
  control with the shorter clubs in the bag. Buckets        park, ideal for those short of time and looking for a
  of yellow range balls are available to hire from          quick hit before taking to the course.
  the Pro Shop.

Becoming a Member
                                       There is no better way to enjoy the benefits of one of
                                      Victoria’s finest championship layouts and most historic
                                               courses than by becoming a member.

                      There are a number of membership categories from         (excluding Wednesday). This membership category is
                      which to choose. By far the most popular is the          ideal for less frequent golfers who still appreciate the
                      traditional 7-day golf membership giving unlimited       benefits of being associated with a club.
                      access to the magnificent 18-hole course and a host
                                                                               Our Summer Passport membership category offers
                      of competitive playing opportunities.
                                                                               playing rights after 3pm (Sunday to Friday) for 6
                      6-day (Sunday to Friday) and 5-day (Monday to            months from 1 October to 31 March. This category
                      Friday) memberships are also available and for those     is perfect for beginners or serious golfers who want
                      with less time to play the Club has a nine-hole option   to enjoy the benefit of playing on a quality course
                      available to both men and women. This is a great         during the best golfing months of the year.
                      way to get a start in the game and is ideal for casual
                                                                               The club also offers Corporate Membership. This type
                      summer golf in the evenings.
                                                                               of membership is great for businesses to reward staff
                      The Club caters for male and female golfers aged         or entertain clients. The membership comes with a
                      Under 40 years who require a degree of flexibility,      lot of flexibility to allow you to bring different guests
                      offering members under the age of 40 a reduced           throughout the year.
                      annual subscription rate.
                                                                               New members are made to feel particularly
                      The Club offers a “Pay to Play” category of              welcome and should find no shortage of playing
                      membership called ‘Golfers Passport’ with a              partners with an extensive calendar of golf events
                      significantly reduced annual fee and a nominal           offered throughout the year. Members find they play
                      green fee payable on each round played. Playing          more, and with tuition available from the Club’s
                      rights include access to the course Sunday to Friday     golf professional allied to some excellent practice

26                                                                                                                                         27
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      Home Health -Sales & Hire           SMS Script Reminder Service
      Medicine Organisers                 Return of Unwanted Medicines              Open
      Blood Pressure Check                Medicine Home Delivery                   7 Days
      Medicine Review                     Prescriptions on File

                                                                                                            facilities are inspired to lower their handicaps and   Fees are payable in full on joining or via arrangement
                                                                                                            become the best player they possibly can.              by monthly direct debit (additional administration
             T: 03 9434 4333 | F: 03 9435 1414 | E: greensborough@tomlane.com.au                            All members can chart their continual improvement
                                                                                                                                                                   fees apply).

              Tom Lane Pharmacy 9-13 FLINTOFF STREET, GREENSBOROUGH VIC 3088                                by gaining a Golf Australia handicap, recognised at    If you would like more information about one of
                                                                                                            golf clubs worldwide and make their bookings either    our categories of membership, or you would like an
                                                                                                            in person in the Golf Shop, by phone, or online.       application form, please contact us on (03) 9433
                                                                                                                                                                   5300. An introductory round can also be arranged
                                                                                                            The latest membership categories and fees can be
                                                                                                                                                                   on application between Sunday to Friday.
                                                                                                            viewed on the Club website – www.heidelberggc.
                                                                                                            com.au – on which can also be found an application
                                                                                                            form to download.

St Helena Pharmacy                      Tom Lane Pharmacy The Pines   70 Central Park Avenue,
St Helena Marketplace                   Shop 66 Stockland The Pines   Craigieburn VIC 3064 (Opening Soon,
214 Aqueduct Road, St Helena VIC 3088   Doncaster East VIC 3109       within Craigieburn Medical Centre)                                                                                                                    29
T 03 9438 4333                          T 03 9842 7788                                                                                                                                                      heidelberggc.com.au
Benefits of Membership
              The ultimate way to enjoy the game of golf is to become
                         a member of Heidelberg Golf Club.

Here are just a selection of the most compelling        • Modern and comfortable clubhouse facilities.
reasons for choosing to join Melbourne’s
                                                        • Excellent practice facilities for short and long
friendliest club:
                                                          game practice.
• A friendly and welcoming environment for new
                                                        • Professional and friendly staff to ensure every visit
  and existing members.
                                                          to the Club is an enjoyable one.
• Unlimited access to our well-groomed 18-hole
                                                        • Comprehensive social calendar to involve
  layout featuring a variety of challenging holes.
                                                          partners, family and friends.
• A variety of golf competitions available midweek
                                                        • Experienced PGA professionals offering adult
  and weekends during the year.
                                                          and junior coaching and development programs
• Obtain an official handicap recognised                  for golfers from beginner to elite levels for men
  throughout Australia and worldwide.                     and women.
• The chance to experience the thrill of representing   • Convenient location – close to the inner northern
  the Club in team pennant play.                          suburbs and the CBD.
• Reciprocal access to six other private and semi-      • Receive a log-in and password to the Members
  private Clubs in metropolitan Melbourne.                News section of the Club website.
• Reciprocal access to numerous Clubs both
  Interstate and Overseas.

Clubs in Melbourne love their team golf and Golf
               Members’ Golf                                      Victoria runs popular competitions that date back
                                                                  more than 100 years. Pennant teams of seven players
                                                                  a side represent each participating club in head-
                                                                  to-head matches across an eight-week season
  Those who like competitive golf should look no further than     beginning in March.
Heidelberg Golf Club. The Club can offer inter-club matches for
                                                                  Matches follow a round-robin format, with one club
men, women and juniors, together with a host of honour board      each week playing host to all the clubs competing in
    competitions and more relaxed social golfing events.          its division. This gives the opportunity not only to show
                                                                  off our own Club at its best to visitors, but also gives
                                                                  our members the chance to enjoy some of the other
                                                                  outstanding courses in the area.
                                                                  Golfers aged 55 and over get their pennant fix too,
                                                                  with the Yarra Courses Senior Pennant featuring
                                                                  weekly matches against seven other local clubs.
                                                                  Matches consist of eight singles and two foursomes,
                                                                  with the top clubs progressing to the end-of-season
                                                                                                                              There are more light-hearted events, too, such as a
                                                                                                                              Father and Son trophy and separate events such as
                                                                  As well as the regular weekly competitions at the           Grandfathers’ and Grandmothers’ trophies, which
                                                                  Club there are a host of honour board competitions          highlight the family feel to the Club.
                                                                  and trophies to be claimed, none more prestigious
                                                                                                                              Both Men’s and Women’s sections enjoy their own
                                                                  than the Men’s and Ladies’ Club Championships.
                                                                                                                              End of Year Presentation Dinners in December where
                                                                  For the elite grade players, these are decided over
                                                                                                                              members gather to pay tribute to the season’s
                                                                  four or three rounds of golf respectively in February
                                                                                                                              outstanding performers.
                                                                  or March.
                                                                                                                              Social functions are an important part of life at the
                                                                  With medal and matchplay events, one-day
                                                                                                                              Club and are held regularly throughout the year.
                                                                  competitions and knockouts running throughout
                                                                                                                              They provide an excellent opportunity to meet other
                                                                  the season, and events for single players and pairs
                                                                                                                              members and introduce wives, husbands or friends
                                                                  (fourballs and foursomes) the program is varied and
                                                                                                                              to the Club scene. Details of social functions are
                                                                  means there should be something to appeal to
                                                                                                                              displayed on Club noticeboards and communicated
                                                                                                                              to members via email and the Club website.
                                                                  Monthly medals are held on the first Saturday of the
                                                                  month for men and the first Sunday of the month
                                                                  for Ladies.

Women’s Golf                                                                                                   Reciprocal Golf
          Visitors and new female members are always made to feel welcome                                                         Heidelberg has reciprocal relationships with a number of other
           at the Heidelberg Golf Club. We have a long and proud history of                                                      golf clubs in Australia and overseas. These provide added value
         women’s golf with representation in the Melbourne Division 1 Women’s                                                    to memberships and allow members to enjoy golf on other fine
                          Pennant competition for many years.                                                                         courses while away from home for business or pleasure.

     Additionally, our Ladies also enter the Women’s          The Ladies at Heidelberg have great enthusiasm
                                                                                                                        VICTORIA                                   QUEENSLAND
     Metropolitan Match Play, which is another interclub      for golf and throughout the golfing year support
     team competition which began in 2009 with the            both community and women’s charities via our              Eastern Golf Club, Doncaster               Ipswich Golf Club, Leichhardt
     move of Women’s Metropolitan Pennant to a                special open golf days with places in the field           Green Acres Golf Club, Kew East            Redcliffe Golf Club, Clontarf
     Sunday competition. Played on Fridays, this event        highly sought after.                                      Kew Golf Club, Kew East                    Redland Bay Golf Club
     follows the same format as the pennants.
                                                              The main competition days for Women are Tuesday           Latrobe Golf Club, Alphington
     The Club has regularly produced a number of              and Sunday with an additional ball competition on         Rosanna Golf Club, Lower Plenty            WESTERN AUSTRALIA
     talented female junior golfers who have achieved         Thursday morning.
                                                                                                                                                                   Melville Glades Golf Club, Leeming
     state level representation in addition to contributing                                                             NEW SOUTH WALES
                                                              The Club encourages golfers of all abilities. For those                                              Bunbury Golf Club
     to the Club’s Pennant achievements.
                                                              inexperienced players, the Teaching Professional          Coast Golf & Recreation Club, Little Bay
     The Club is proud to be a regular supporter of           holds frequent clinics enabling them to grasp the                                                    SOUTH AUSTRALIA
                                                                                                                        Gosford Golf Club, Gosford
     Women’s golf in Victoria having hosted a number          basics of the game. There are also Ladies-only clinics.
     of major golf events including the Victorian                                                                       Howlong Country Golf Club, Howlong         The Vines of Reynella Golf Club, Happy Valley
                                                              If you have any questions regarding membership,
     Women’s Strokeplay Championships – a 72-hole                                                                       Ryde Parramatta Golf Club, West Ryde
                                                              the process of becoming a member or to obtain
     event – in 2011.                                                                                                   Rich River Golf Club Resort, Moama
                                                              an application form, please contact the office on
                                                              (03) 9433 5300 or email info@heidelberggc.com.au          Wollongong Golf Club

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                      Manor Park Golf Club, Wellington
                      Maungakiekie Golf Club, Auckland
                      Omanu Golf Club, Tauranga

                      Tasik Puteri Golf & Country Club, Selangor
                                                                                            Heidelberg Pro-Am
                      (Kuala Lumpur)
                                                                              The getwinesdirect Heidelberg Pro-Am, played in February, is
                      UNITED KINGDOM
                                                                             one of the highlights of the Club’s golfing calendar. In 2012 and
                      Gog Magog Golf Club, Cambridge
                                                                                2014 the event was voted Victorian Pro-Am of the Year.
                      Additionally, Heidelberg Golf Club
                      members may play at six Melbourne
                                                                   An historic event, it was first contested in 1949 and      It was the determination of Collingwood legend and
                      metropolitan clubs in accordance with
                                                                   was originally played in memory of Don Walker. Don         Heidelberg’s long-time Ambassador of Golf Tony
                      the Yarra Courses Golf Access reciprocal
                                                                   was the Club’s professional in the late 1930s and he       Shaw that saw the tournament resurrected in 2010
                      arrangement. Members wishing to avail
                                                                   paid the ultimate sacrifice in World War II.               after a gap of nine years. Tony secured some great
                      themselves of this arrangement must
                                                                                                                              corporate support which enabled a substantial prize
                      first obtain a Yarra Courses Golf Access     The event was always magnificently supported and
                                                                                                                              purse to be offered to the competing professionals.
                      Card from the office. Cards are issued to    has had some notable past winners including Ian
                      members on renewal of subscriptions each     Stanley, Brett Officer and Stewart Ginn. Winners had       The pros play a strokeplay event alongside an
                      year, or to new members joining the Club.    their names recorded on a board in the clubhouse           amateur team event and as well as offering a hugely
                                                                   and were presented with a perpetual cup donated            enjoyable day out for competitors and spectators
                      The other courses participating in this
                                                                   by Norman Von Nida.                                        there is some very good golf on show.
                      scheme are: Croydon at Yering Meadows,
                      Eastern Golf Club, Green Acres Golf Club,    The Pro-Am was conducted annually until 2001, at           Typical of the members’ enthusiasm for the event, an
                      Kew Golf Club, Latrobe Golf Club and         which point sadly it dropped off the Club’s calendar       army of volunteers turn up on the day to help with all
                      Rosanna Golf Club.                           as it became increasingly difficult to attract sponsors.   manner of tasks to ensure its continued success.

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Juniors                                                                                                         Visitors
                      Junior membership at Heidelberg Golf Club offers boys                                                  Visitors can look forward to a warm welcome at Heidelberg Golf
                      and girls of all levels the chance to learn and play golf                                               Club. Throw out those misconceptions about golf clubs being
                             at a highly regarded members’ golf club.                                                         stuffy places, here at Victoria’s friendly Club green-fee paying
                                                                                                                                        visitors are treated like members for the day.
     Heidelberg Golf Club has a proud tradition of            Club in the annual Colts Pennant competition run
     nurturing and successfully developing junior golfers     by Golf Victoria.
                                                                                                                    Tee-times are available outside Club competition      In general, visitors are welcome to play the course
     from an early age into promising teenage and adult
                                                              The Club hosts the Annual Junior Open Amateur         times and other pre-arranged events such as           on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday afternoons, Thursdays
     golfers in their own right.
                                                              tournament in December each year attracting top       corporate golf days. It is always advisable to        and Fridays. An open competition is also available to
     The Junior Golf Program provides a pathway for           junior golfers from all over the State and offering   phone ahead to book a tee-time or to check with       members of other golf clubs on Fridays all day until
     young golfers from Beginner through to Junior Cadet      Heidelberg Juniors an opportunity to shine at their   the Club our competition schedule for the day to      1pm on payment of the applicable green fee.
     and finally to Junior Membership at Heidelberg.          home Club.                                            avoid disappointment.
                                                                                                                                                                          Motorised carts and buggies are available to hire
     The Teaching Professional and his team are hugely        Annual subscription fees are significantly reduced    Alternatively, special rates are available to those   for those wishing to save their energy for their golf.
     supportive of the Club’s junior players and hold         for Junior Members in comparison to adult fees.       visitors able to book their round online. Further     There is also a good selection of sets of clubs
     regular clinics to help them learn the basics of the                                                           information is available by clicking on the Online    available for hire, and golf shoes, too.
     game as well as offering equally important instruction   To enquire about Junior Membership and Junior         Bookings section of the Club’s website, www.
                                                              Golf programmes available at Heidelberg, please                                                             To enquire about tee-time availability,
     on etiquette and the rules of golf.                                                                            heidelberggc.com.au. Simply register to take
                                                              contact the office on (03) 9433 5304.                                                                       please call the Golf Shop on (03) 9433 5308.
     As the Juniors develop and become better players,                                                              advantage of this quick and easy way to confirm
     there is the opportunity to go on and represent the                                                            a tee-time.

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Clubhouse and Catering                                                                                                  Functions at HGC
                       Visitors to Heidelberg Golf Club are always assured                                                       Heidelberg’s beautiful clubhouse is not only suited to the
                          of a warm and friendly welcome in the Club’s                                                         needs of the region’s many keen golfers, it is also the perfect
                                magnificent and historic clubhouse.                                                                     venue to celebrate that special occasion.

     The Heritage-listed building was originally built in   Sitting outside with refreshing drink in hand on a      We cater for all types of occasions such as birthdays,   Our professional staff will assist in planning for
     1880 as an impressive brick homestead for the          lovely sunny summer’s day on the balcony – with an      engagements, weddings, presentation nights and           every detail, from the first phone call to the
     Thomas family. The building underwent a major          umbrella offering shade from the midday sun – is the    high tea with a large number of options available.       departure of your last guest, and this meticulous,
     restoration project completed in 1997, whereby the     perfect way to while away an hour or two.               Or simply come to us with your dream package and         personalised service will ensure your decision to
     architects tastefully combined many of the Heritage                                                            we will help turn it into a reality.                     choose our beautiful venue will leave you with an
                                                            Alternatively, watch the big-screen television in the
     features of the original homestead with modern                                                                                                                          unforgettable experience.
                                                            bar or grab a tasty bite to eat, with a bistro-style    The entire events team at Heidelberg Golf Club pride
     practicality to deliver a stunning venue surrounded
                                                            menu available five days a week                         themselves on their passion for our beautiful venue,
     by panoramic views of the beautiful golf course.
                                                            (Tuesday to Saturday).                                  and their ability to deliver a memorable occasion for
     The Club is a fully licensed venue and offers a full                                                           all involved. Our chefs understand the importance
                                                            The menu features fresh ingredients sourced locally
     bar and beverage service with a wide range of tap                                                              of food and will create a culinary experience to
                                                            and changes regularly. Those who enjoy the setting,
     and bottled beers, wines, spirits and non-alcoholic                                                            remember for everyone.
                                                            cuisine and ambience of their clubhouse experience
     drinks available.
                                                            should remember the facilities are available to hire
                                                            for functions and special occasions.

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Heidelberg Golf Club presents a wonderful location
                      for any number of other events including:
                      • Birthday parties
                      • Engagement parties
                      • Anniversary celebrations
                      • Christenings
                      • Club dinners/Presentations
                      • Wakes/Celebration of Life
                      • High Tea
                      • Weddings
                      • Expos
                      • Trade Days

                      With a reputation for fine dining and a commitment
                      to quality, style and service, Heidelberg may stand
                      for excellence, but it stands for value too. A special
                      occasion can leave a lasting and very favourable
                      impression with function hosts, family, friends and
                      guests without having to cost the earth.
                      Heidelberg prides itself on the positive feedback
                      it receives from its function guests and a large
                      number of testimonials from satisfied customers
                      can be viewed on the Club’s website, www.
                      heidelberggc. com.au
                      To arrange a viewing of the spectacular venue,
                      for more information, to enquire about available
                      dates or to make a booking, please contact our
                      Function & Events Coordinator on (03) 9433 5303
                      or email us at info@heidelberggc.com.au

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The Golf Shop is fully stocked with the latest and       • A range of services can be provided from our
                                                                                                                     best in golf accessories and apparel, as well as hire      professional golf staff including ‘Beat the Pro’
                                                                                                                     equipment and can arrange a great selection of             competitions and clinics.
                                                                                                                     goods for prizes and trophies.
                                                                                                                                                                              • Running of your competition for the day, from the
                                                                                                                     The friendly professional team can provide nearest         preparation of scorecards, player registration,
                                                                                                                     the pin and longest drive markers for popular and          player briefing, provision of nearest to the pin and
                                                                                                                     fun competitions should they be required and there         longest drive markers, scorecard collection
                                                                                                                     is even the option for a group golf clinic before play     and results.
                                                                                                                     to put everyone in the right mood and particularly
                                                                                                                                                                              • Opportunities for event sponsors to be recognised
                                                                                                                     helpful for those who have not played in a while.
                                                                                                                                                                                through on-course signage as well as an

                           Corporate Golf Days                                                                       Sunday mornings or afternoons (single-tee start
                                                                                                                     only) are available for small to medium-sized social
                                                                                                                                                                                electronic presentation of sponsors’ products or
                                                                                                                                                                                services in the clubhouse.
                                                                                                                     groups, while Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays are
                                                                                                                                                                              • Catering for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as
                                                                                                                     available for group bookings in either a two-tee start
                                                                                                                                                                                providing on-course refreshments with our purpose-
          Heidelberg Golf Club is the ideal location for all corporate golf, social                                  or shotgun format.
                                                                                                                                                                                built drinks cart.
          groups and charity golf days. Conveniently located close to the city,                                      The catering at the Club is second to none, and
                                                                                                                                                                              • Full bar service and a selection of fine wines.
                                                                                                                     numerous options are available from a pre-golf
                  we cater for all group sizes from four to 120 players.
                                                                                                                     breakfast to a post-round sit-down dinner or more        • Arrangement of on-course activities to entertain
                                                                                                                     casual buffet. Anything can be discussed and most          your guests.
                                                                                                                     options accommodated, giving great flexibility to
     Our team will assist you with every aspect of your       Escape the office and enjoy some rewarding and                                                                  • Provision of prizes and trophies including
                                                                                                                     golf day organisers.
     corporate golf day, from pre-event planning to           quality time with colleagues and clients on the 18-                                                               gift vouchers.
                                                                                                                     Features of playing golf at Heidelberg include:
     ensuring that everything runs smoothly on the day,       hole championship course, or use the opportunity                                                                • Organisation of professional photography services.
     from start to finish.                                    to reward hard-working staff. The course is            • A beautifully conditioned and challenging golf
                                                              renowned for its playability, being able to test the     course, winding through native bushland                For more information on corporate, social and charity
     Our experience, high standards of excellence and
                                                              best of players while still being able to be enjoyed     and wildlife.                                          golf days at Heidelberg Golf Club please contact our
     attention to detail will ensure that you achieve your
                                                              by golfers of all levels.                                                                                       Events Coordinator on (03) 9433 5300,
     objectives for running a golf day, whether they are                                                             • Electric golf carts, sets of golf clubs, shoes and
                                                                                                                                                                              or email events@heidelberggc.com.au
     to entertain clients, build business networks or raise                                                            pull buggies for hire.
     money for your chosen charity.

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“Everything we
     do is done with our
      clients in mind”
                                                                                                                 Conferences and Team Building
                                                                                             Winning                     Whether it be a seminar, team building retreat, exhibition or car
                                                                                             Finance Brokers
                                                                                                                          launch, our unique conference venue and range of services
                                                                                                                             encompass all the ingredients for a memorable event.

  Taxation | Superannuation | Business Strategy
  Business Start-Ups, Structuring & Dissolutions                                                               Our three superbly equipped corporate function               This range of team building activities is ideal for
      Asset Protection | Risk Diversification                                                                  and meeting rooms, some with spectacular views               a wind-down after your meeting in one of our
                                                                                                               over the golf course, are flexible enough to cater           dedicated meeting spaces, or as a “team getaway”
Encompass Accountants is a boutique accounting                                                                 for groups of up to 250 guests in cocktail format. We        for your staff or a group of friends.
                                                                                                               have the people and resources to take care of every
  firm helping small businesses, entrepreneurs                                                                                                                              If you would like to enquire about the availability
                                                                                                               detail of your event, plus a wide range of facilities to
    and retirees to achieve their financial goals.                                                                                                                          of the venue for your meeting or special event, or
                                                                                                               ensure the success of any occasion.
                                                                                                                                                                            would like to arrange an inspection, please contact
  We have a people-first philosophy and take                  Residential | Vehicle                            Heidelberg Golf Club is the ideal venue to plan              our Function & Events Coordinator on (03) 9433 5303,
   the time to sit down with our clients and
                                                        Plant & Equipment | Commercial                         your next team building event with a great range             or complete the Enquiry Form on our website,
             listen to their needs.
                                                                                                               of activity options available on-site from barefoot          www.heidelberggc.com.au
                                                                                                               bowls, “learn to play” golf clinics, a fun four-hole short
                                                                                                               course ideal for beginner golfers, and a 9 or 18-hole
   Phone: 03 9424 5901                                Nixon Finance strive to be the preferred financial       option for the more experienced players.
 Email: admin@encompassaccountants.com.au                services consultant with a service philosophy,        Drinks are also available at reasonable prices
4/87 Main Road, PO Box 103, Lower Plenty 3093         differentiated from the competition by experience,
                                                                                                               and there is a great covered seating area with a
                                                     quality, efficiency and price. We are solely committed
     www.encompassaccountants.com.au                                                                           barbecue available for hire.
                                                                 to exceeding your expectations.

                                                     (03) 9435 2600 | info@nixonfinance.com.au
An annual skin
cancer check could
Save Your Life                                                                                   Lawn Bowls
                                                                Bowls membership at the Heidelberg Golf Club provides opportunities
                                                                   to join a pennant team or just play for fun. The Club offers lawn
                        At Manningham                           bowlers of all levels the opportunity to join a great Club, with excellent
                         Skin Cancer Clinic,                      facilities and a friendly atmosphere. There are no strangers at our
                          we offer comprehensive                              Bowling Club, just friends you haven’t met yet!
                          skin cancer checks and
                                                            Bowls is a mentally stimulating activity that offers      women the opportunity to compete in a fun and
                          minor surgical procedures         great friendships and the opportunity to enjoy the        relaxed environment, and there is no better place
                         by our highly trained doctors.     outdoors, participating in a sport that does not          to be on a gorgeous spring or summer day or a cool
                                                            require outstanding strength or physical attributes       summer evening.
                                                            unless you are playing at a very advanced level.
                                                                                                                      For those who love the excitement of competing,
                    Conveniently located within             For those so inclined, bowls can also provide a           there are excellent competitive lawn bowls structures
                    Manningham Medical Centre               competitive outlet, to be enjoyed for most of one’s
                                                                                                                      including club, regional and national events. The
                                                                                                                      Club enters three teams in the Saturday Pennant and
                                                                                                                      two teams in the Tuesday Open Pennant.
                                                            Lawn bowls is not an expensive sport. Practice is free
                                                            and organised Social bowls and Pennant costs only a       Regular news updates and results are posted on the
                                                            few dollars per game. We will even lend you a set of      members-only section of the Club website during the
                                                            bowls to get you started. Casual clothes are fine and     Pennant season.
                                                            you can even play in bare feet until you have a pair
                                                                                                                      For more information about trying bowls or joining the
                                                            of flat-soled shoes. When you want a Club uniform,
                                              No Referral                                                             Club, or if you have an enquiry please contact the
                                                            you will find all bowls clothing items are inexpensive.
                                               Needed!                                                                Club Office on (03) 9433 5304.
Book your consultation online at                            There are all kinds of club and local tournaments for
manninghamskincancer.com.au                                 people of all skill levels. Mixed events offer men and
or call 8840 1410
Level 4 200 High St, Lower Templestowe 3107                                                                                                                                    51
Contact Us
                                                                                                                     We look forward to welcoming you
                                                                                                                     to Heidelberg Golf Club. If you have
                                                                                                                     any questions or would like further
                                                                                                                     information then please do not
                                                                                                                     hesitate to contact us.

                                                                                                                     Phone: (03) 9433 5300
                                                                                                                     Fax: (03) 9433 5353
                                                                                                                     Email: info@heidelberggc.com.au
                                                                                                                     Website: www.heidelberggc.com.au
                                                                                                                     Social Media: to keep up to date with all the latest
                                                                                                                     news, visit the Club’s Facebook page:

The destination for all your motoring needs.
                                                                                                                     Heidelberg Golf Club 8 Main Road,
                                                                                                                     Lower Plenty, VIC 3093, AUSTRALIA
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