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                                                                   International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 2021;34(1):1 – 14

Medical University of Białystok, Białystok, Poland
  Department of Psychiatry
  Students’ Scientific Section at the Department of Medical Simulations
  Department of Medical Simulations

Healthcare professionals are exposed not only to the ubiquitous stress, but also to the culture of perfectionism. Therefore, they need tools to achieve
a balance between work and rest in order to effectively help their patients. The study objective is a review of the literature on the implementation
of mindfulness in healthcare professionals and medical students. The authors searched the literature in PubMed and Google Scholar databases
for publications about “mindfulness” in “healthcare professionals” and “medical students.” The search included manuscripts published to July 31,
2019. Mindfulness is a process of intentional paying attention to experiencing the present moment with curiosity, openness and acceptance of each
experience without judgment. Mindfulness training leads to a better mood perception, lower stress perception, and responding to stimuli more ef-
fectively. All these features can have a potentially positive effect on healthcare service. The paper describes methods of intervention as well as their
effects, which may be useful both in maintaining the well-being of healthcare professionals and in patient care. Mindfulness meditation has a ben-
eficial effect on stress, depression, burnout, well-being and empathy among doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers. However, the method has
a number of limitations, including a small number of participants, a high dropout rate in the intervention group and, above all, ceasing to practice
mindfulness in the longer term after the course termination. Mindfulness can be widely implemented by healthcare professionals, thus improving
their well-being and the quality of care they provide. Further standard scientific research is needed to confirm this impact. Int J Occup Med Environ
Health. 2021;34(1):1 – 14

Key words:
mindfulness, medical education, healthcare, medical students, nurses, doctors

INTRODUCTION                                                                       certainly many reasons standing behind: some are due to
Healthcare professionals, on the one hand, face a number                           the lack of a proper work structure and education, others
of stressors in the medical environment, including those                           involve the shortage of human resources and materials,
always existing in medicine (long work hours, night shifts,                        as well as insufficient remuneration; high patient demand
pain and suffering of patients, caring for patients with life-                     also exerts an impact. Constant stress experienced by
threatening diseases, etc.) and the ones that have emerged                         healthcare professionals can lead to burnout syndrome,
recently (staffing shortages, increased numbers of complex                         attrition, depression and aggressive behaviors [1,2]. They
patients, diverse forms of healthcare financing, dynamic                           show a very high level of emotional exhaustion and deper-
changes in technology and regulations, etc.). There are                            sonalization [3]. Burnout syndrome and reduced quality of

Funding: this study was supported by the Medical University of Bialystok, Poland (grant No. N/ST/ZB/18/001/1206 entitled “Mindfulness and executive functions
in medical students during high-fidelity simulations,” chief investigator: Włodzimierz Łuczyński).
Received: September 14, 2019. Accepted: July 27, 2020.
Corresponding author: Włodzimierz Łuczyński, Medical University of Białystok, Department of Medical Simulations, Szpitalna 30, 15-029 Białystok, Poland (e-mail:

                                                                                                                    Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź, Poland   1

    life among doctors and nurses undoubtedly have a nega-          cupational burnout, and eventually provide better health-
    tive impact on well-being, performance and patient care.        care service to the society.
    The mechanisms of the above correlations have not been          Thus, healthcare workers are not only exposed to the per-
    fully elucidated yet.                                           vasive stress associated with the amount of work, study
    On the other hand, the modern work environment of               and activity, but also to the culture of perfectionism that
    physicians rewards efficiency, speed and productivity           surrounds them all. They need tools to take a step back,
    both among general practitioners (GPs) and specialists.         see their actions from perspective, achieve a balance
    These requirements force, in part, overlearned and au-          between work, study and rest, and set priorities to both
    tomatic actions in response to frequently recurring cases,      maintain mental health and well-being, and deliver effec-
    symptoms and medical conditions. However, these au-             tive healthcare.
    tomatisms can be dangerously mindless, leading to ste-
    reotypies, monotony, inefficiency and a reduced quality of      METHODS
    the medical services provided. Similar mechanisms may           The study objective is a narrative review of the literature
    also apply to patients. In medical culture, too little atten-   with support commentary on the implementation of mind-
    tion has been paid to the well-being of medical students        fulness in healthcare professionals and medical students.
    and healthcare workers. Despite the growing awareness           The authors aimed to include doctors, nurses and medi-
    that self-care and self-awareness are key competences of        cal students in a concise review, and add some personal
    healthcare professionals, these issues seem to be largely       experience in the field of medical education and mindful-
    neglected in the process of medical education. Self-accep-      ness meditation. They searched the literature in PubMed
    tance is the foundation of any kind of care for another         and Google Scholar databases for publications about
    human being [4]. Since the features of mindfulness and          “mindfulness” in “healthcare professionals” and “medi-
    self-compassion should be considered to be at least par-        cal students.” The search included manuscripts published
    tially modifiable, more attention is required to shape          to July 31, 2019. They described intervention methods and
    them both in students and young as well as experienced          their effects, which may be useful in maintaining the well-
    doctors.                                                        being of healthcare professionals and in patient care. Lim-
    For some time now, attempts have been made to prevent           itations and difficulties in implementing mindfulness in
    burnout syndrome through individual and systemic ap-            healthcare service were also provided. Further directions
    proaches. Both the limitation and organization of work, as      for the development of research in this field of knowledge
    well as mind/body training can bring benefits in this field.    were proposed. They also added some personal experi-
    General recommendations for doctors, nurses and stu-            ence comments in the field.
    dents on this issue have to be outlined [5]. The outcomes
    of various types of interventions in this area are frequently   RESULTS
    inconsistent, and no research has been done on the impact       Mindfulness as a stress reducing tool
    of burnout in premedical students, or on suicide preven-        Mindfulness is a process of intentionally paying attention
    tion among doctors or nurses [6]. Further long-term, pro-       to each moment with curiosity, openness and acceptance
    spective and randomized studies are necessary. Perhaps          of each experience without judgment [7]. This is achieved
    interventions at a relatively low cost, both time-efficient     through an attitude of acceptance, clarity, a lack of valu-
    and collegial, will improve the quality of life, reduce oc-     ation, patience, sincerity, unexpectedness, loving kind-

2   IJOMEH 2021;34(1)

ness, care and compassion for the current situation. This      that does not always produce a desired effect should be
experience allows switching from the normal mode of an         enriched with the awareness of the inhibitors and facili-
automatic reaction to a more careful response that may         tators of rationality in decision making. Learning critical
lead to a better understanding of oneself and the sur-         thinking, developing cognitive and affective biases, and
rounding world. The mindfulness technique helps avoid          using such processes as reflection and mindfulness can
the “autopilot” effect that may eventually cause unwanted      lead to greater creativity, lateral thinking, and innovation
rumination, i.e., repeated negative looping thoughts about     in the diagnosis and treatment of patients [12]. Scientific
oneself in the past and future. Mindfulness features cor-      research in this field focuses both on the relationship of
relates with lower levels of stress, depression and anxiety,   mindfulness traits with the quality of life of physicians and
while mindfulness training leads to a better mood percep-      their approach to patients, as well as on possible changes
tion, the implementation of coping strategies for stress,      in this area. Research accomplished as an intervention can
the ability to perceive a given situation more clearly, and    be of quantitative or qualitative nature, and is carried out
responding to stimuli more effectively [8]. All these fea-     as short- or long-term observations. Their results are gen-
tures can have a potentially positive effect on workplace      erally consistent, but often differ in details. There are very
functioning in healthcare and medical education.               few randomized and long-term studies in this field.
Implementing mindfulness in medicine and psychotherapy         In the observation of 12 young doctors (average age:
has accelerated considerably in recent years. In the USA,      27.6 years), the features of mindfulness and self-compas-
mindfulness training is used in >250 medical centers.          sion correlated positively with providing calm, compas-
The classic Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)          sionate care, resilience and clinician’s mental health [13].
program in adults who struggle with stress and its health      In contrast, chronic stress showed a strong inverse corre-
consequences yields some improvement in well-being, as         lation with these characteristics. This proves that mind-
well as reduces stress and its symptoms [9]. The loving        fulness and self-compassion deeply affect the traits that
kindness meditation, which involves developing uncondi-        medical educators seek in their students and future doc-
tional kindness to everyone, is a major mindfulness com-       tors: clinician’s well-being and confidence in providing
ponent [10]. This skill can be extremely useful in work with   calm, compassionate care. According to the authors of
patients and in medical team work.                             that report, it remains to determine which type of training
All the features of stress management described above can      most effectively improves mindfulness and self-compas-
be implemented in medical and nursing practice. It can be      sion among physicians. The limitation of this observation
assumed that support based on cognitive, behavioral and        was not only a small number of participants, but also vol-
mindfulness approaches will help reduce stress of doctors,     untary self-enrollment in the elective meditation-focused
nurses and medical students, ease anxiety and the feeling      seminar.
of burnout, and improve patient care [11].                     In turn, mind-body medicine (MBM) facilitators from
                                                               the Georgetown University School of Medicine were char-
Medical staff                                                  acterized by lower levels of stress (assessed according to
Doctors                                                        the Perceived Stress Scale) and a higher level of mindfulness
Mindfulness can become the missing link between evi-           (according to the Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory) in com-
dence-based medicine and relationship-centered care.           parison with normative controls [14]. These effects were
Perhaps the routine diagnostic and therapeutic process         also shown on the hormonal level including salivary cortisol,

                                                                                                                       IJOMEH 2021;34(1)   3

    dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, testosterone and secretory     This approach has its strengths and weaknesses. The major
    immunoglobulin A [15]. With the above in mind, the Men-        problems of this type of research is unwillingness to par-
    toring and Professionalism in Training Program for pathol-     ticipate in such programs, self-selection, motivation, etc.
    ogy residents, in addition to other themes, takes mindful-     Additionally, exam sessions or their completion during
    ness into account as an important issue in the promotion       or after the course may be a disruptive factor (stress and
    of humanism in healthcare professionals in the health          mood improvement or worsening regardless of the course
    system [16].                                                   being held). The lack of course continuation as part of
    Conducting a full 8-week MBSR course for doctors               the proposed post-course maintenance sessions is a major
    working in a hospital or university seems to be a time-        concern. Only 2 residents in the first 2 sessions took part in
    consuming and expensive task. Therefore, simpler and           the maintenance session in that study. Unfortunately, this
    equally effective solutions are searched for. An interesting   can be observed in all mindfulness-based courses. Very
    experiment was carried out at the University of Wiscon-        few people decide to enroll in the post-course sessions or
    sin, in which leaders were prepared and trained to pro-        come to the subsequent group meetings (the authors’ own
    mote the mindfulness concept among healthcare provid-          experience based on work with MBSR groups). The con-
    ers [17]. The effects exceeded the initiators’ expectations    tinuation of the mindfulness practice is one of the major
    and the investment that had been made. Five leaders from       issues and challenges in this field, especially in extremely
    primary care departments not only appreciated the value        busy healthcare professionals.
    of mindfulness but, above all, fostered mindfulness ac-        Another idea to achieve an effect using smaller resources
    tivities among their colleagues, students and patients in      is to shorten the full MBSR course. In an uncontrolled
    the state of Wisconsin and beyond. Indeed, it appears to       pilot study, GPs were subjected to the abbreviated version
    be an excellent idea to spread the concept of mindfulness      of MBSR [3] and, as a result, the features of burnout, de-
    in the medical world at little expense. Obviously, this type   pression, anxiety and stress were found to be reduced both
    of a project has its limitations, including the sample size,   immediately after the intervention and 9 months later. In-
    the lack of statistical analysis, the lack of measurements     terestingly, also in this case, no changes were observed in
    before and after the intervention, and no randomization.       resilience and compassion. Satisfactory attempts were also
    In a similar program conducted by a colleague experi­          made to reduce the costs of the MBSR program by replac-
    enced in mindfulness training, pediatric residents ex­pe­      ing 6 out of 8 traditional personal meetings by telephone
    rienced improvements in their positive attitude, perceived     group sessions (tMBSR) [19]. The impact of the course
    stress and resilience after mind-body skills training even     was greater in people who continued their mindfulness
    though they completed, on average, 4.3 out of 8 online         practice after completing the course as compared to those
    modules, and 2.8 of 4 personal sessions [18]. The long-        who did not. This indicates that the program can be im-
    term effects (after 6 months) in that study included a re-     plemented in groups of healthcare professionals who are
    duction in the symptoms of burnout and an increase in          not available in a traditional, personal way (on-site pro-
    mindfulness. The course participants indicated that the fa-    grams).
    cilitator helped them introduce new skills to the residents’   In one of the first randomized trials, MBSR was used
    lives. However, no changes were noted in the field of self-    among 148 residents of medicine, surgery and primary
    compassion. Perhaps this was due to the lack of formal,        care [20]. In the whole group, 3 months after the baseline
    standardized education of the course leader.                   assessment, no significant differences were noted between

4   IJOMEH 2021;34(1)

the group subjected to mindfulness and the wait-list control    ceptance at work, and – importantly for their profession-
group in terms of emotional exhaustion. However, greater        alism and patient care – acceptance for their own limita-
improvements were observed after MBSR with regard to            tions [26]. Moreover, they mentioned being more resil-
personal accomplishment, worry, mindfulness skills, self-       ient, and better at setting priorities and limits. In addition,
compassion and perspective-taking. In the further analysis      the residents asked for help more often and seemed to be
of this material, it was pointed out that persons with great-   more open towards feedback. Importantly, they indicated
er baseline emotional exhaustion did seem to benefit from       an enhanced sense of compassion for others. Physicians
the MBSR course. In another report, it was stated that          who completed a 52-hour program focusing on mindful
stress reduction after MBSR in healthcare professionals         communication experienced its 3 aspects:
depended on the reduction in rumination and negative            – sharing experiences from medical practice reduced
affect [21]. This effect was maintained throughout the ob-          the sense of isolation;
servation period 3 months after the course. A study con-        – mindfulness skills improved the ability to focus atten-
ducted in the Galveston University medical staff revealed           tion and boosted attentive listening with adequate re-
that the effect of MBSR in terms of perceived stress and            sponse;
well-being persisted and was stable over the year of a fol-     – development of self-awareness was a positive experi-
low-up after the intervention [22]. In another observa-             ence, although the participants did not always give
tion, primary care physicians participating in a full MBSR          themselves permission to attend to their own develop-
course reported a significant decrease in depersonaliza-            ment [27].
tion, and an increase in dedication and mindfulness skills.     A very interesting observation was made when searching
Changes in empathy were not observed [23].                      for the relationship between mindfulness, the quality of
Few data are available on the impact of mindfulness on          life and the quality of patient care (from the doctor’s per-
the representatives of particular medical specialties.          spective) among American oncologists [28]. In this group
In a very small group of psychiatry residents (11 people),      of doctors, mindfulness influenced life satisfaction and
empathy increased, and perceived stress decreased, after        a less suboptimal patient care. Mindfulness moderated
a mindfulness course, although this last change was not         the relationship between the oncologists’ sleep problems
statistically significant [24].                                 and suboptimal patient care. It is likely that the skills ac-
It is extremely difficult to check whether mindfulness af-      quired during mindfulness courses will be passed on to
fects the quality of patient care, as it requires random-       patients, especially those with chronic, psychosomatic or
ized, long-term clinical trials. The mindfulness course         life-threatening diseases. Undoubtedly, the above data
specially designed for healthcare professionals resulted in     show a positive effect of mindfulness on the mental health
stress, anxiety and burnout reduction [25]. As a qualita-       of doctors.
tive effect, a positive impact was reported on the quality
of patient care and on planning to use this technique both      Nurses
in personal development and in work with patients. Both         Mindfulness meditation has a beneficial effect on stress,
teaching and assessing the professionalism of young doc-        anxiety, depression, burnout, well-being and empathy
tors and residents appear a great challenge. The MBSR           among nurses. However, most reports refer to a small
courses may be helpful – after completing them, residents       number of respondents and a short observation time, thus
admitted increased awareness, self-reflection and self-ac-      limiting the generalization of results. In 13 Brazilian hos-

                                                                                                                         IJOMEH 2021;34(1)   5

    pital nurses, a 6-week Stress Reduction Program (based            plan to use this technique for themselves and in work with
    on MBSR by Kabat-Zinn), with elements of mindfulness              the patient. Summing up, mindfulness meditation eases
    and loving kindness meditation, reduced the symptoms              work-related stress among nurses.
    of stress, burnout, depression and anxiety (as a trait),
    with the effects sustained throughout a long-term follow-         Medical students
    up [29]. The course participants admitted experiencing            Medical universities are constantly raising the level of ed-
    such feelings as: a more attentive perception of internal         ucation and requirements for both prospective undergrad-
    and external experience, a greater attention and aware-           uate students and graduates. Standardized examinations
    ness of actions and attitudes at every moment, and finally        and new subjects are introduced, and the number of learn-
    a positive influence on nursing activities. The limitations of    ing hours increases. It may thus seem that the level of pro-
    the study included a small number of subjects, no control         fessionalism among young doctors is also higher. Para-
    group and no randomization. The strength of the study             doxically, however, students report being overloaded with
    was certainly a positive effect persisting after the end of       activities, and burdened with constant stress and a sense
    the course.                                                       of competition. According to some research, medical
    The latest study, being one of the first fully randomized,        students also show low emotional and cognitive empathy
    standardized studies in this field, investigated the impact       scores, and an avoidant attachment style [35]. This may
    of an 8-week classic MBSR course on 110 nurses work-              increase burnout and decrease the ability to connect with
    ing in general hospitals [30]. After the intervention, stress     patients [36].
    and negative affect decreased, whereas positive affect            Despite the awareness that medical studies are very stress-
    and resilience increased. As for job satisfaction, the posi-      ful, and that stress has an impact on mental and physi-
    tive trend did not reach statistical significance. Among          cal health, no effective methods have been established
    the challenges of the MBSR programs for nurses, restless-         to combine intensive learning, interest in research, and
    ness, physical pain and dealing with difficult emotions are       the ability to take self-care and improve mentally. Older
    mentioned [31]. Some positive effects of the mindfulness          physicians begin to be interested in building relationships
    course, such as an increase in individual and workplace           with patients, which they enjoy. However, this type of an
    resilience, were also observed among midwives [32].               attitude could be adopted by students during their medi-
    In a study covering a broad spectrum of healthcare pro-           cal education, yet it requires a change in thinking and in
    viders, including nurses, doctors, psychologists and social       the approach to studying medicine, along with a conscious
    workers, a positive impact on emotional exhaustion, de-           willingness to build a relationship with the patient and to
    personalization and personal accomplishment was dem-              learn how to do it. This path may lead to the concept of
    onstrated [33]. Various groups of healthcare professionals        relationship-centered care, self-awareness and mindful-
    are interested in mindfulness courses: nurses, physicians,        ness as the basis of medical education.
    social workers, dietitians, psychologists and others [34].        Medical universities, apart from accreditation organiza-
    The most popular topics that healthcare workers would             tions, should develop programs to support mental health
    like to explore are “Introduction to stress, resilience and re-   and well-being of their graduates. Healthcare profession-
    laxation response” and “Autogenic training.” Half of those        als are co-responsible for the health and well-being of
    willing to participate usually complete at least 1 module,        those they serve. Therefore, strategies are needed to help
    but only 9% take part in all 12 modules. Nearly all (90%)         both students and workers to maintain resilience and well-

6   IJOMEH 2021;34(1)

being in their professional and personal lives so that they      conducted at Boston University, the Embodied Health
could provide service to the best of their knowledge and         Elective was carried out combining yoga, mindfulness
skills for as long as possible. Such strategies are already      techniques and educational elements oriented towards
being introduced, mostly in a pilot or facultative form, but     scientific research into mind-body practices, in a group
not only. Examples include programs implemented in U.S.          of 27 first- and second-year medical students [42]. As a re­
universities, such as Resilience and Well-being for Health       sult, a significant increase was observed in self-regulation
Professionals, Mind-Body Medicine Skills, and Mindful            and self-compassion. In addition, there was an improve-
Resilience [37]. Their long-term follow-up outcome will          ment tendency in terms of empathy and perceived stress,
be crucial.                                                      but these effects did not reach statistical significance.
Self-awareness and reflection have long been promoted            According to the participating students, these changes
through mind-body skills among medical students [38].            were caused by:
However, the study results are still insufficient, do not        – reconnection between the body and mind,
refer to larger sample groups, do not assess long-term ef-       – community in a competitive environment,
fects, and do not investigate the relationship with learn-       – increased mindfulness,
ing and further work as a doctor. Perhaps mindfulness will       – confidence in the use of mind-body skills with patients,
extend the teacher-student relationship for the benefit of       – stress management.
both, and emphasize the healer’s role in medicine [39].          The limitations of the study were: no control group, self-
Undoubtedly, being a good clinical teacher and being             enrollment in the study, a small number of students,
a mindful teacher share many characteristics.                    a short observation time, and a fairly high empathy score
Such mindfulness effects as enhanced empathy, reduced            at baseline, suggesting a ceiling effect for this measure.
anxiety and stress, and increased self-regulation (the abil-     Similarly, MBSR reduced tension, anxiety and total mood
ity to effectively manage one’s thoughts and actions to          disturbance in second-year medical students as compared
complete a task) can be particularly useful for medical stu-     to those who participated in seminars on complementary
dents who struggle with heavy workload, have to memo-            medicine [43]. A similar course based on meditation re-
rize a lot of information in a short time, and are constantly    duced stress and increased empathy in premedical and
subjected to tests. Mindfulness courses can lead to a great-     medical students [44]. Students of medicine and psychol-
er sense and resilience among medical students, an ability       ogy experienced a change towards reduced reactivity,
to manage their workflow better, and more acceptance of          increased curiosity, affect tolerance, patience and self-
their limitations as learners [40]. A meta-analysis of 19 stu-   acceptance, and improved relational qualities [45]. Cer-
dies concerning the use of mindfulness among medical             tainly, mindfulness meditation reduces the level of cortisol
students has shown that mindfulness-based interventions          in the serum of medical students [46].
decrease stress, anxiety and depression, as well as im-          Stress and depression have a negative impact on empathy.
prove mindfulness, mood, self-empathy and empathy [41].          Thus, mindfulness seems to be a good instrument to im-
As revealed by the authors of that analysis, mindfulness         prove empathy and the quality of patient care. However,
training can be relatively easily adapted to and integrated      not all studies seem to confirm the impact of mindful-
with the modern teaching of medicine.                            ness on reducing stress and improving empathy. For ex-
The vast majority of mindfulness classes are based on vol-       ample, in a study conducted among first-year students of
untary student participation. In a very interesting study        medicine, an increase in stress and a decrease in empathy

                                                                                                                         IJOMEH 2021;34(1)   7

    were observed regardless of the MBM training. However,          subjective well-being [53]. Thus, female students seem to
    the completion of this course protected them from an            be an important target group of mindfulness intervention.
    increase in depression, which was observed in the group         In another study, it was also shown that the medical stu-
    without therapy [47]. Perhaps the observed stress was           dents interested in mindfulness courses are characterized
    caused by heavy workload and credits. In another study,         by higher psychological distress, neuroticism, worrying,
    nursing students after MBSR intervention showed an in-          problem avoidance and lower mindfulness skills compared
    crease in mindfulness, but no effect on stress or the quality   to those unwilling to do the course [49].
    of life was noted [48].                                         Interestingly, after graduating, the choice of residency in
    The timing of such interventions seems to be crucial.           the field of primary care practice among 208 osteopath-
    An MBSR course carried out during the first year of med­        ic medical students was not related to mindfulness as-
    ical studies showed a small-to-moderate influence on            sessed using the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire [54].
    men­tal health and no impact on the students’ empathy in        On the other hand, the students who chose emergency
    a 20-month observation period [49]. In the authors’ sub-        medicine as their future specialization and participated
    jective opinion, the decisive factor may be experiencing        in a mindfulness course during summer holiday clerkships
    lower stress during clerkships as compared to full-time         noted some changes in self-reported behaviors and atti-
    studying with credits, tests and exams, as is the case among    tudes that lasted for ≤6 months after intervention [55].
    residents. In another study, it was clearly shown in a small    Despite the small size of the group sample (20 students),
    group of graduate healthcare students that statistically sig-   this may indicate that burnout syndrome can be prevented
    nificant effects of MBSR concerning burnout and empa-           in future emergency medicine physicians.
    thy can be brief if not sustained by regular practice [50].     In all the studies described above, students enrolled
    Some studies have attempted to qualitatively describe           themselves voluntarily in mindfulness programs during
    the changes obtained through mindfulness intervention.          their university education. In the only known study that
    The students of medicine and nursing who underwent              assessed the obligatory course of stress management and
    the mind-body skills course identified 3 main topics of their   resilience, introduced in the first year of medicine, no
    interest in this aspect: “ability to be more present,” “in-     positive intervention effect was observed as compared to
    creased perception and awareness of oneself” and “con-          the control cohort [56]. The mental quality of life, hap-
    nection on a deeper level with others” [51]. All these fea-     piness decline and stress scores were all statistically sig-
    tures can be very useful in their future work with patients.    nificantly increased in both cohorts during the observation
    Gender differences may exist in the mindfulness recep-          year. No differences were noted in burnout or resilience.
    tion. In a study conducted after an MBSR course, an             Perhaps people who voluntarily participate in mindfulness
    improvement was noted only in female medical students           courses are the ones who benefit the most from them.
    in terms of mental distress, study stress, subjective well-     Another limitation of this type of research may be the com-
    being and mindfulness [52]. It might be due to the high         parison of mindfulness interventions with the wait-list
    attendance and performance of all recommended tasks by          control group not receiving any support during the obser-
    female students. Further research conducted in this group       vation period. The German MediMind study compared
    demonstrated that higher neuroticism and conscientious-         the effect of mindfulness therapy with standard treatment
    ness, more frequently found in female students, predis-         (autogenic training) and a control group without inter-
    pose them to better effects in terms of mental distress and     vention [57]. No statistically significant positive effect of

8   IJOMEH 2021;34(1)

mindfulness therapy on stress management among medi-            participants was small and the course was completed by
cal students was observed due to, among other things, high      almost everyone; however, in the subsequent 1–2 years,
dropout rates for the students who suffered from psycho-        not more than several percent of those interested contin-
logical symptoms. However, the authors of that report           ued their weekly practice (personal data, unpublished).
pointed out that the number of people willing to partici-       In the authors’ opinion, maintaining the achieved attitude
pate was high (183 people), which indicates the need for        in further personal and professional life will be critical.
further development of activities in this direction.            Therefore, all the barriers that limit regular practice and
In the only known long-term follow-up (6 years) involv-         meditation after mindfulness training have to be identi-
ing 288 Norwegian students of medicine and psychol-             fied, and specific tools have to be used to remind the par-
ogy, positive effects were demonstrated in terms of well-       ticipants of mindfulness practice. One can only assume
being, problem-focused coping and avoidance-focused             that those who, thanks to mindfulness, can cope with
coping [58]. These effects were noted despite the relatively    stress effectively will continue the practice. It should also
low levels of adherence to formal mindfulness practice,         be taken into account that some students or healthcare
which suggests that mindfulness acts not as a state, but as     workers are already at the adequate level of mindfulness.
a trait, and it indicates the importance of informal practic-   As shown by the above research survey, a mindfulness
es in shaping mindfulness attitudes on a daily basis. Medi-     course is easier to conduct among students than among
cal school students in Malaysia assessed that the mindful-      doctors or nurses, as the former are more available than
ness-based stress management program (MBSM/Mindful-             professionally active employees. However, the outcome of
Gym) could be useful in helping patients [59]. Mindfulness      the research conducted on students cannot fully translate
not only reduces stress in medical students, but also helps     into the real work of physicians, since the final effect in-
them look forward more confidently and hopefully to be-         volves a great deal of additional factors, as well as profes-
coming physicians [60].                                         sional environment or family, etc., which determine the at-
                                                                tainment of mindfulness objectives in everyday work with
Mindfulness-related problems                                    patients in hospital or outpatient settings. In addition, no
and development perspectives                                    one will appreciate the impact of mindfulness on well-be-
The analysis of the current study stimulates a number of        ing, communication with patients and effective work/rest
questions and raises doubts as to the application of mind-      like the highly experienced healthcare workers. A higher
fulness in healthcare workers. Numerous authors have            level of stress in medical students or doctors as compared
concluded that conducting an MBSR course is feasible            to general population can be another factor influencing
among healthcare professionals and students. The criti-         the effectiveness of mindfulness.
cal analysis of a great deal of studies seems to indicate       Long-term, randomized studies assessing the impact of
that many circumstances interfere with the task. A small        mindfulness on burnout and the quality of patient care
number of course participants, a high course withdrawal         are constantly lacking. The lack of a control group is one
rate and, first of all, course discontinuation or neglecting    of the major problems. Voluntary enrollment in the inter-
mindfulness practice in the longer term after the course        vention hinders the outcome translation into the whole
termination, prove that, as stated by Kabat-Zinn [7], being     healthcare population. Likewise, it is not known how
mindful in everyday life is simple but not easy. The au-        the people who continue mindfulness practice differ from
thors of this article share this experience – the number of     those who do not. Undoubtedly, such factors as the type

                                                                                                                        IJOMEH 2021;34(1)   9

     of mindfulness practice, its organization mode, imple-         doctor’s performance at work? Does anyone being more
     mentation in everyday activities, duration, and optional or    mindful respond better to stressful situations in medicine?
     obligatory participation in the course will exert an impact    Is anyone who escapes rumination and observes his/her
     on the outcome. Being aware of the realities of work in        own feelings more effective in emergency medicine ac-
     medicine, the authors realize that it is almost impossible     tions? Does mindfulness help in managing human teams
     to conduct a randomized study with a long-term follow-up       in life-threatening events? Do the features of mindfulness
     in a large group.                                              help make quick and proper diagnostic and therapeutic
     There is a growing interest in the issue of the impact of      decisions? Is mindfulness associated with technical or soft
     mindfulness on teaching effects and effective learning,        skills of students and doctors? Does being more mindful
     which refers both to students and young as well as experi-     result in more attentive listening to patients and the ac-
     enced doctors. However, no research data are available.        companying persons or members of the medical team?
     The question arises whether the student’s condition before     The authors tried to answer some of these questions by
     university education has an effect on the development of       conducting research assessing the relationship of the fea-
     stress and its complications. Can doctors be taught to cope    tures of mindfulness with technical and soft skills of medi-
     not only with their own stress but also with their patients’   cal students during high-fidelity medical simulations [61].
     stress? Mindfulness interventions aim to create a possi-       Their unpublished preliminary experiments and analyses
     bility for being more aware of one’s own experience, and       seem to indicate that the mindfulness of a student who
     for a better recognition of stressors, and regulations of      is in charge of a medical team in life-threatening events
     thoughts and feelings, in order to block harmful effects.      (medical simulation) is associated with soft skills and
     The objective of mindfulness is to allow healthcare work-      stress perception by the simulation participant, but it does
     ers to keep a distance from a mentally and emotionally         not affect technical skills. These findings require further
     stressful environment. The structure of medical universi-      research and have to be confirmed in larger groups in stan-
     ties should incorporate instruments and programs to ac-        dardized conditions.
     complish these objectives. The questions that still remain     Thus, the ideal assessment of mindfulness in healthcare
     open are as follows: when should mindfulness be taught         professionals should:
     on the path of a medical career? Which format is the best      – be a randomized study,
     and who should it address? How can long-term effects of        – eliminate the impact of voluntary enrollment in the in-
     mindfulness be maintained? Should mindfulness be in-               tervention (if it is at all possible),
     cluded in the university curriculum for medical students?      – be based on a standardized course of mindfulness
     Should mindfulness be taught as an elective or obligatory          (e.g., an 8-week MBSR course),
     subject? It would be interesting to check when the inter-      – be a long-term assessment,
     ventions are optimal – at the beginning or end of the study,   – evaluate the effects for the student/doctor/nurse’s well-
     at the start or finish of the residency period?                    being,
     Research into whether mindfulness traits influence diag-       – evaluate the effects in theoretical and practical exams
     nostic and therapeutic decisions in life-threatening condi-        (if the impact on learning/training is examined),
     tions can be extremely interesting. There are more ques-       – assess the impact of mindfulness on team work,
     tions than answers in this field, and no studies are avail-    – assess the effects at work with patients (if possible),
     able. Does being here and now result in a better or worse      – evaluate both quantitative and qualitative effects.

10   IJOMEH 2021;34(1)

CONCLUSIONS                                                            5. Ripp JA, Privitera MR, West CP, Leiter R, Logio L, Sha-
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hancing techniques in healthcare professionals and medi-                 A Call for Action. Acad Med. 2017;92(7):914–7, https://doi.
cal education should be recommended for the benefit of                   org/10.1097/ACM.0000000000001735.
both patients and medical service providers. The mindful               6. Williams D, Tricomi G, Gupta J, Janise A. Efficacy of burnout
perspective may have an impact on therapeutic decisions                  interventions in the medical education pipeline. Acad Psychiatry.
and cooperation with patients, leading to better health                  2015;39(1):47–54, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40596-014-0197-5.
effects. The analysis of the above data seems to suggest               7. Kabat-Zinn J. Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Con-
that enhanced self-awareness in healthcare professionals                 text: Past, Present, and Future. Clin Psychol: Sci Pract.
and medical students will allow them to more frequently                  2003;10(2):144–56, https://doi.org/10.1093/clipsy.bpg016.
engage in self-care activities and to manage stress more               8. Shapiro SL, Carlson LE, Astin JA, Freedman B. Mechanisms
effectively. They can be also better equipped with instru-               of mindfulness. Clin Psychol. 2006;62(3):373–86, https://doi.
ments improving wellness in their patients. Mindfulness                  org/10.1002/jclp.20237.
can be widely applied in healthcare professionals, boost-              9. Carmody J, Baer RA. Relationships between mindfulness
ing their well-being and improving the quality of care pro-              practice and levels of mindfulness, medical and psychologi-
vided. However, further research conducted according to                  cal symptoms and well-being in a mindfulness-based stress
scientific standards is needed to confirm this correlation.              reduction program. J Behav Med. 2008;31(1):23–33, https://
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