Hearing Loop Installed in Sanctuary. Switch Hearing Aid to Telecoil - 1306 Michigan Street Oshkosh, WI 54902 emmanueloshkosh.org

Page created by Johnnie Vasquez
Hearing Loop Installed in Sanctuary. Switch Hearing Aid to Telecoil - 1306 Michigan Street Oshkosh, WI 54902 emmanueloshkosh.org
1306 Michigan Street
                    Oshkosh, WI 54902

Hearing Loop Installed in Sanctuary.
     Switch Hearing Aid to Telecoil.
Hearing Loop Installed in Sanctuary. Switch Hearing Aid to Telecoil - 1306 Michigan Street Oshkosh, WI 54902 emmanueloshkosh.org
We ask that if you are feeling sick or experiencing
       any of the Covid-19 symptoms, or if you are at
    higher risk, feel uncomfortable coming to worship or
       unable to wear a mask for the worship hour to
     please continue to worship at home. Our services
    can be found on our Facebook page and our website.

       For those of you who aren't comfortable coming to
       worship in person, we continue to have our weekly
                   Worship Services available
                         on our website
           emmanueloshkosh.org and Facebook page
The Lamplighter | August 2019
Hearing Loop Installed in Sanctuary. Switch Hearing Aid to Telecoil - 1306 Michigan Street Oshkosh, WI 54902 emmanueloshkosh.org
                                SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2021 ● 10:05AM
                                          1. Recognition ofChurch Council
                                        2. Approval of Non Financial Reports
                                        3. Approval of Financial Reports 2020
                                                  4. Old Business
                                           5. Approval of Budget for 2021
                                                6. Good &Welfare

The Lamplighter | August 2019
Hearing Loop Installed in Sanctuary. Switch Hearing Aid to Telecoil - 1306 Michigan Street Oshkosh, WI 54902 emmanueloshkosh.org
                                SCHEDULE IN MARCH
                                MARCH 3, 10, 17, 24
                                 MARCH 4, 11, 18, 25
The Lamplighter | August 2019
Hearing Loop Installed in Sanctuary. Switch Hearing Aid to Telecoil - 1306 Michigan Street Oshkosh, WI 54902 emmanueloshkosh.org
From the Desk of Pastor Andi
                                    February 2021
A Note From Pastor
                                    What a challenging year 2020 was (thank-you for that observation, Captain Obvious!). So far, I am reserving judgment on 2021.
Ushers, Greeters, Acolytes          I recently read a meme that stated, “Does anyone else find it troubling that the name of this year is 2020 won?”.

Treasurer’s Nook                    As you all probably know by now, I am a perspective person. I believe that much of our attitude centers around the perspective
                                    we choose to have. With all the information that is available to us in this day and age, we can still choose to insulate ourselves
Scrip Orders                        and continually hear only like-minded opinions. We live as a people not seeking what is right, but looking for people that will tell
                                    us our opinion are right. Because our goal is not to be challenged, but to bask in those beautiful words, ‘You are right’, truth is
Food Pantry                         elusive and we stray further and further from this common ground that provides unity in the midst of differing world views.

Thank you!                          I’m gonna just let y’all continue to battle it out—screaming and fighting and carrying on like toddlers not getting their way. (Yeah,
                                    you’ve probably picked up on the whole ‘I am over it all’ attitude). This is, after all, America, and you are free to do whatever fits
Coming up…                          within our governing laws. But I will challenge you to explain how those behaviors fit into the gospel.

Sunday School                       I recently came across this quote from Carey Nieuwhof, from a huge church in Canada; ‘Jesus said our faith would not be
                                    characterized by how deeply we love our friends. It would be characterized by how deeply we love our enemies. If your version
                                    of the Gospel does not include loving your enemies, it’s not the Gospel.’
Memorials & Honorarium
                                    This hit me in a big way, for two different reasons. First, we are at a time when we identify our enemy along political lines. The
Church Council                      pandemic and present political landscape has only fueled that ‘us versus them’ mentality. I am afraid we might be seeing just the
                                    beginnings of that destructive mentality. Secondly, I talk often about being the church. We are called to be Jesus’s hands and
Miscellaneous                       feet and heart in this present day and age. Now more than ever we need to do just that. Jesus spent his time seeking out those
                                    the world had thrown away, especially those the religious authorities labeled, ‘not worth our time, energy or resources’. He had a
Calendar                            simple message—you are worth it. And he gave his life to prove it. Now we are called to continue that ministry.
Back to Top                         Christ’s gospel is not always convenient for me, but it is always right. My wants and needs aren’t always right, but they are
                                    always convenient for me. Jesus was clear this journey would be a challenge when he told us to deny ourselves, pick up our
                                    cross and follow. It’s time, church. Drop the stone, pick up the cross, and follow.
                                    Blessings, Pastor Andi
  The Lamplighter | February 2021
                                    Cell Phone: 920-216-3622
                                    Email: pastor.andi@emmanueloshkosh.org
Hearing Loop Installed in Sanctuary. Switch Hearing Aid to Telecoil - 1306 Michigan Street Oshkosh, WI 54902 emmanueloshkosh.org
Treasurer’s Nook
                                    As we closed out 2020, we ended the year with a positive cashflow. Thank you to everyone that gave of their time, talents and
A Note From Pastor                  treasurers to help us accomplish this. 2020 was certainly different and required us to question our expenses to keep them at a
                                    minimum in order to offset the reduction in our income. As we move forward through 2021, we will need to continue to closely
Ushers, Greeters, Acolytes          monitor these numbers.

Treasurer’s Nook                    December Results

Scrip Orders                                                                            THE NUMBERS
Food Pantry                                                        Monthly Budget          Monthly Actual            YTD Budget               YTD Actual

Thank you!                                  Direct Giving              16,861                   19,576                 205,650                 199,154

Coming up…                                  Other Income                2,188                   (617)                   28,550                  25,171

Sunday School                               Total Income               19,049                   18,960                 234,200                 224,325

Memorials & Honorarium                     Total Expenses              19,758                   22,639                 244,570                 223,848

Church Council                            Cashflow(Deficit)             (709)                  (3,679)                 (10,370)                  478

Miscellaneous                       Kim Winter
                                    2020 GIVING STATEMENTS
Back to Top                         ARE AVAILABLE IN THE UPPER NARTHEX
                                    If you would like to have your statement emailed or mailed to you, please contact the church office at 235-8340 or via
                                    email at office@emmanueloshkosh.org. Thank you!
  The Lamplighter | February 2021
Hearing Loop Installed in Sanctuary. Switch Hearing Aid to Telecoil - 1306 Michigan Street Oshkosh, WI 54902 emmanueloshkosh.org
Scrip Order are Due
                                    SCRIP ORDERS ARE DUE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2021
A Note From Pastor
Ushers, Greeters, Acolytes          We will call when your SCRIP cards are in and make arrangements for pick up. Please
                                    remember we also have certain SCRIP cards available on Sunday mornings, and weekday
Treasurer’s Nook                    mornings in the church office. Pick up a SCRIP card for that Valentine in your life!
Scrip Orders
                                    Thank you to Lisa Smith for everything you do to make this program possible!
Food Pantry
Thank you!
Coming up…
Sunday School
Memorials & Honorarium
Church Council
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  The Lamplighter | February 2021
Hearing Loop Installed in Sanctuary. Switch Hearing Aid to Telecoil - 1306 Michigan Street Oshkosh, WI 54902 emmanueloshkosh.org
Food Pantry
                                   Our food pantry is continuing to provide curbside pick up for those in need. During the month of December we
A Note From Pastor                 helped 61 families. 105 adults and 79 children were served. 4 new families came to our pantry.
                                   Approximately 6100 pounds of food was distributed.
Ushers, Greeters, Acolytes
Treasurer’s Nook                   Thank you to Mark & Susie’s Piggly Wiggly, Jay Koepke and Festival Foods for their continued support.
                                   We would also like to thank Red’s Piggly Wiggly in Omro for allowing us to store our access frozen food in
Scrip Orders                       their freezer. Thank you also to the Jeff Steinert Family for donating food in his memory.

Food Pantry                        Thank you so much to our faithful volunteers for your continued work in the pantry each week. Thank you to
Coming up…                         PEPPLER.

Sunday School                      To Our Emmanuel Members:

Memorials & Honorarium             We still have an over abundance of frozen meat available in the food pantry. If you and your family could use
                                   some meat, please let us know. The meat we have available is: Whole Chickens, Chicken Thigh Quarters,
Church Council                     Boneless Chicken Breasts, Pork Patties, Ham, and we also have cheese available.
                                   Please call Lori in the church office 235-8340 any weekday morning and she will make arrangements for you
Calendar                           to receive what you need.

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  The Lamplighter | January 2021
Hearing Loop Installed in Sanctuary. Switch Hearing Aid to Telecoil - 1306 Michigan Street Oshkosh, WI 54902 emmanueloshkosh.org
Thank you!
                                    •Thank you to CORY SCHULTZ for videotaping and posting our worship
A Note From Pastor                  services online. You can view our services at emmanueloshkosh.org and on
Ushers, Greeters, Acolytes          our Facebook page. Log onto Facebook.com/emmanueloshkosh, click on
                                    videos on the left hand side of the page, and choose the service you would
Treasurer’s Nook                    like to watch.
Scrip Orders
                                    •Thank you to CORY SCHULTZ & LISA SMITH for keeping our website up to date.
Food Pantry
Thank you!                          •Thank you to KIM WINTER, LISA SMITH & ZACH WOLF for your help running the projection
Coming up…
Sunday School                       •Thank you Ray! 

Memorials & Honorarium              •Thank you to JIM HARMON for taking the shredding to the farm for clean bedding for the
Church Council                      animals.

Miscellaneous                       •Thank you to JIM HARMON & RAY HITZ for taking down the outdoor Christmas decorations
                                    and for removing the Nativity scene in the upper narthex.
Back to Top                         •Thank you to EVERYONE who helped with the removal of the Christmas decorations.

  The Lamplighter | February 2021
Coming up…
                                    • Wednesday, February 3, 2021 – 6:00p
A Note From Pastor                       • Chime Choir Rehearsal Resumes
Ushers, Greeters, Acolytes
                                    • Tuesday, February 9, 2021 – 6:30p
Treasurer’s Nook                          • Church Council
Scrip Orders                        • Wednesday, February 17, 2021 – 9:00a & 7:00p
Food Pantry                              • Lent Begins with Ash Wednesday, Worship with Communion
                                             ALL OTHER LENTEN WORSHIP SERVICES WILL BE HELD
Thank you!                                   WEDNESDAY MORNINGS AT 9:00AM & THURSDAY EVENINGS AT 6:30PM
                                             EVENING SERVICE
Sunday School
Memorials & Honorarium
Church Council
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  The Lamplighter | February 2021
Sunday School Update
                                    Sunday School Mission Project…
A Note From Pastor
                                    We are continuing to collect monetary donations as well as personal hygiene items for Operation Not Alone. It
Ushers, Greeters, Acolytes          costs $150-$200 to send a care package to the military. Currently Operation Not Alone has more product
Treasurer’s Nook                    inventory than money to send the items. Any donations given to the Sunday school mission project will go to
                                    support Operation Not Alone. Thank you!
Scrip Orders
                                    A gift was given in memory of WILL & MARILYN SCHAICK to Operation Not Alone from Sandy
Food Pantry                         Villalobos.
Thank you!
Coming up…
Sunday School
Memorials & Honorarium
Church Council
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  The Lamplighter | February 2021
Memorial & Honorarium Report
                                    January Memorial & Honorarium Report
A Note From Pastor
Ushers, Greeters, Acolytes          In loving memory of BEVERLY BETHKE
                                               A gift to the Memorial Fund by
Treasurer’s Nook                                           Peter & Lisa Smith
Scrip Orders                        In loving memory of LARRY BASLER
                                               A gift to the Memorial Fund by
Food Pantry                                                Sandy Villalobos
Thank you!                          In loving memory of GARY FREIBERG
                                               A gift to the Memorial Fund by
Coming up…                                                 Sandy Villalobos
Sunday School                       In loving memory of ROBERT STAUFFER JR
                                               A gift to the Memorial Fund by
Memorials & Honorarium                                     Sandy Villalobos
Church Council
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  The Lamplighter | February 2021
Church Council
                                    Church Council Meeting Highlights – December 8, 2020
A Note From Pastor                  Jeff called the meeting to order and Pastor offered prayer.

Ushers, Greeters, Acolytes          Secretary’s Report: Minutes from November meeting reviewed and approved.

Treasurer’s Nook                    Treasurer’s Report: Reviewed November financial reports including check register, balance sheet, Treasurer Report of income
                                    and expense. We had a positive cash flow for the month of $8,697.01. YTD is $4,156.92 Alliant Energy Fair Market value $52.59
Scrip Orders                        per share for a total of $105,180.00 this is down $2.71 /4.90% for the month and YTD is -$2.15/ 3.93%. Church insurance with
                                    Guide One was renewed but we need to seek bids for fall 2021 again, Large increase projected. Sunday school mission project
Food Pantry                         money earned check to be sent ASAP to Operation Not Alone.

Thank you!                          Pastor’s Report: Covid-19 update: Things do not look good. Winnebago County saw 27 deaths in October, 38 in November,
                                    and 19 as of this morning for December. These numbers are provided by the Winnebago County Health Department. December
Coming up…                          5—non-member funeral, December 15—Communities of Practice group (professional development group). Thursday services
                                    have continued and will continue until Lent. Pastor would like input about having Lenten services on Thursdays instead of
Sunday School                       Wednesdays. Christmas Eve Services: As of today, over 50 people have called in to register for the 3:30 service. There are
                                    around 20 for the 5:00 and 3 for 7:00. We will have to discuss how we will serve communion. December 27 Plan to have a
                                    service online only. Cory, Mary, and Pastor will be getting together to make plans to record that service, as well as a few others.
Memorials & Honorarium              December 28 the office will be open on a limited basis. December 29 – Jan 1 the church will be closed. This will all be done to
                                    limit contact immediately following the Christmas holiday. We very respectfully ask folks who might have engaged in risky
Church Council                      behavior to limit their contact with us. Remember—there is a huge difference between risky behavior and reckless behavior.
                                    Pastor will be on vacation Jan 7-13 and will miss the January council meeting.
                                                                                                                                            Continued on next page…
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  The Lamplighter | February 2021
Church Council
                                    …continued from previous page.
A Note From Pastor
                                    President’s Report: Jeff reported on executive council action taken regarding change in custodial employee. Motion and
Ushers, Greeters, Acolytes          approved to approve the council action.

Treasurer’s Nook                    Trustee’s Report: Discussion on the siding that was replaced.

Scrip Orders                        Old Business: 2021 Budget approved to send to congregation at the Annual Meeting. Jeff checked that everyone received a
                                    copy of the revised constitution. It will be presented at the 2021 Annual meeting. No Pizza sale this year because of COVID-19
Food Pantry                         and no other event to take its place is in place currently. Reminder of Annual meeting date of 2/7/21.

Thank you!                          New Business: Discussion on cost of church envelopes and possible ways to cut those costs to be evaluated.

Coming up…                          Meeting adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.

Sunday School
Memorials & Honorarium
Church Council
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  The Lamplighter | February 2021
                                                   Annual Pizza Sale Update…
A Note From Pastor                                 We are currently organizing a pizza fundraiser, however, all of the details are not yet available.
                                                   Please watch for updates in future bulletins and on our website. Thank you!
Ushers, Greeters, Acolytes
Treasurer’s Nook
Scrip Orders                                       LENTEN SELF DENIAL FOLDERS
                                                   Lenten Self Denial folders are available in the upper narthex. You are welcome to put a
Food Pantry                                        quarter in each slot, or enclose a check for $20.00 , which is the amount once the folder is full.
                                                   Please don’t forget to put your name or envelope number on the folder to receive proper credit
Thank you!                                                Thank you!
Coming up…
                                    You can call the church office and we will make arrangements for a no contact or curbside
Memorials & Honorarium              pick up if you prefer. Thank you!
Church Council
Miscellaneous                       We have a new custodian!!
                                    My name is Meg Hable and I am very happy to be the new custodian for our church. I have been a member of
Calendar                            Emmanuel for 11 years along with my Husband, Gail. We have two daughters, three grandchildren, and three
                                    grand dogs. I retired 2 years ago from our church food pantry and decided to venture out of the house to use
Back to Top                         my cleaning experience elsewhere. It is good to be back!

  The Lamplighter | February 2021
A Note From Pastor                                  The Daughters of Sarah are still collecting metal tabs from beverage cans for the Ronald
                                                    McDonald Houses in Wisconsin to offset costs for families who need to stay in Milwaukee
Ushers, Greeters, Acolytes                          and Madison while their children are receiving hospital care. You can drop your metal tabs in
                                                    the church office or in the mail slot to the left of the entryway doors on Michigan Street.
Treasurer’s Nook
Scrip Orders
Food Pantry
Thank you!
Coming up…
Sunday School                       Please remember, if you have a prayer request you can enter it on our website at www.emmanueloshkosh.org.
                                    You can also call the church office at 920-235-8340 any weekday morning.
Memorials & Honorarium
                                    Please remember to let us know if you are having surgery or any procedures done so that Pastor Andi
Church Council                      can come and visit. Call 235-8340 or email at office@emmanueloshkosh.org. Thank you!
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  The Lamplighter | February 2021
                                     Labyrinth Brick Order Form
A Note From Pastor
                                     The bricks that are available are in the 4x8 size
Ushers, Greeters, Acolytes           Three lines, 11 characters per line including spaces
                                     The cost per brick is $60.00 (this includes engraving and return postage)
Treasurer’s Nook
                                     If you would like to purchase a brick in honor or memory of a loved one, please fill out the order blank below.
Scrip Orders                         If you have any questions, please contact the church office at 235-8340 or by email at
Food Pantry
                                     Please include your name:__________________________________
Thank you!
                                     Number of bricks you would like to purchase_____
Coming up…
                                     Amount Due_________
Sunday School
Memorials & Honorarium                     # of Bricks      Honor, Memory             First                 Last
Church Council                                                 of or…                Name(s)               Name

Back to Top

                                    We will be placing our order soon so we can have the bricks here by spring and installed
  The Lamplighter | February 2021   once the snow clears. If you would like a brick, please get your order in soon! Thanks!!
                                    If you have any questions or concerns for the Church Council, Memorial and Endowment Committee and Pastoral
A Note From Pastor                  Relations Committee, please find their names below. You can call the church office for their telephone numbers:
Ushers, Greeters, Acolytes
                                    Church Council:
Treasurer’s Nook                    Jeff Stark                           Zach Wolf
                                    Kim Winter                           Peter Smith
Scrip Orders                        Leanne Monroe                        Dan Rogers
                                    Karen Chapin                         Stuart Klauer
Food Pantry                         Craig Geiger                         Rene Rogers
Thank you!                          Lee Yoder                            Robin Wilson

Coming up…                          Memorial/Endowment Committee:                 Pastoral Relations Committee:
                                    Mike Winter                                   Sandra Golliher
Sunday School                       Gerry Keuler                                  Kay Lund
                                    Peter Smith                                   Julie Barthels
Memorials & Honorarium              Jeff Pommerening                              Lori Potratz
Church Council                      Kathleen Hable                                Faith Lueck
                                    Henry Caron                                   Jeff Pommerening
                                     Would you like to share your time and talents with Emmanuel? Please consider volunteering for
Back to Top                          any of these committees, please contact the church office 235-8340 if you are interested.

  The Lamplighter | February 2021
Additional Resources
A Note From Pastor
                                       We’d love to hear from you!
Ushers, Greeters, Acolytes             Click here to give us your feedback.
Treasurer’s Nook
Scrip Orders
                                       Visit us on social media.
Food Pantry
Thank you!
Coming up…
Sunday School
Memorials & Honorarium
Church Council
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  The Lamplighter | February 2021
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