HealthPlus HP, LLC Individual 2023 Public Comments

Page created by Bryan Arnold
HealthPlus HP, LLC
2023 Public Comments

 My insurance company is requesting a 5.8% rate hike. This request is not merited. As compared to my previous
 employer sponsored coverage (which cost $700/month less, even without employer subsidies), this insurance is
 accepted by fewer doctors (My family had to switch all of our providers) and they pay those providers nothing. I have
 yet to have a bill in which the insurance company has paid anything. It seems like I pay the monthly fees, the doctors
 submit the forms, and the insurance company says that instead of $2,000 billed, the doctor can take the copay, thank
 you very much. So currently, I'm paying $2,511.53 a month. I think, considering what we get, that the actual rates
 should come down. In any case, please do not allow this company to take more of my money than they already are

 As a homeowner and individual health insurance purchaser in                    I am writing to oppose 2023 rate increases
 by Empire BCBS on the NYS Marketplace. I received a letter notifying me of this rate change from Empire BCBS citing
 rising costs. This reasoning is absurd in the face of record profits reaped by Empire over the past two years. The
 citizens of NYS are depending on this agency as a line of defense against this life threatening extortion driven by
 corporate greed. Basic coverage with RX is currently $881.24. The 5.8% increase noted in the letter brings this very
 basic coverage to $932.35 for an individual. DFS must defend our citizenry from this obscenity. The marketplace has
 failed to provide affordable health coverage for our state. We can not continue to sanction outrageous costs for basic
 healthcare. Please reject multi billion dollar profit making by these corporations at the expense of the physical and
 financial health of the people of New York State. (NOTE: notification letter was given for marketplace health plan:
                                       . This is not listed in DFS comments drop down selection box. Please update plan
 selections to avoid confusion for commenters)

 My family's health plan - for 4 people - is $2,800 A MONTH!!! We are self employed. It is not even a PPO plan. This is a
 ridiculous amount for anyone to pay and this is not even the top tier plan that is offered.                     and
 needs regular attention and medication and so do I. No increase should be permitted and if anything the rates should
 go down. THe corporate profits are HIGH enough.

 If this Plan was subsidized I could not complain but for the absurd amount of money it costs for a couple let alone a
 Family an increase is purely unneeded. Will there be additional benefits at this cost or lower deductibles? I can answer
 that myself which is no better service no more coverage, just no added value for $25,000 a year plus $8000 deductible
 on top. Someone needs to rein this train wreck of a industry in before it collapses on itself. Inflation, Covid, Labor
 shortage and so on lets be honest the medical industry was heavily subsidized by tax payers during covid to begin with,
 helping further push consolidation in the industry creating higher premiums and medical costs. Poor Policy needs to be
 held accountable especially in this sector. Someone needs to be brave enough to tackle this in politics.
HealthPlus HP, LLC
2023 Public Comments

 I vigorously oppose the rate increase. Despite the affordable care act, my insurance goes up over a hundred dollars
 every year and the amount of coverage declines every year. I'm                                   and have to pay almost a
 thousand dollars a month for crappy health care that is a fraction of what I used to get for $400/month. That's
 equivalent to half my mortgage and is becoming unaffordable.

 To whom this concerns, I know Empire is trying to raise my premium 6.2% in this coming year and I'm writing to contest
 this request. Instead of raising our premiums, they should turn some of their profits from the past few years into better
 services, reduced rates, and improving the health care system. It's unacceptable to me that my monthly premium, for
 decent health care, to be half of my rent. Thank you,
HealthPlus HP, LLC
2023 Public Comments

 Please see for Health Care For
 All New York's full comments on the individual market rate requests. HealthPlus, formerly Empire, is a for-profit health
 insurer that offers individual HMO plans in the Albany, Long Island, Mid-Hudson, New York City, and Upstate regions. In
 2022 these plans cover 11,254 people, down from 14,719 in 2021. This continues a precipitous decline in membership
 that started in 2017, when it covered 54,058 members. Membership declines were driven by two factors: (1) a major
 reduction of network size; and (2) consumer confusion caused by multiple years of substituting new products and
 networks, causing major disruptions in the enrollment experience. HealthPlus receives large payments from the federal
 risk adjustment program because its members utilize more health care services than those in other plans. This year the
 risk adjustment payment allowed HealthPlus to adjust its proposed rates downwards by 16%. However, it is still the
 third most expensive plan in the state. HealthPlus is asking for a 6.9% increase, which would mean a weighted average
 premium of $905 per-member per-month in 2023. This is lower than the average request. However, there are many
 reasons that the Department should consider rejecting its request for higher rates. Most importantly, it has not met the
 state’s MLR requirements for several years. Other factors that should be closely scrutinized are its overly inflated trend
 and profit projections. 1. HealthPlus has a history of low medical loss ratios that suggest it does not need a rate
 increase for 2023. In 2020, Healthplus had a medical loss ratio (MLR) of just 68.3%, far below any of the other carriers
 (the next lowest was 77.2%) and the legally required 82%. In 2021, the last year in which actual MLRs are available, it
 was only 83.1%. In fact, HealthPlus will likely pay rebates to customers in 2022 because its three-year average MLR was
 only 79.9%. This year, HealthPlus seeks to keep 11.8% of its premium payments for an MLR of 88.2%. Given its failures
 over the past few years to meet the legally required minimum MLR, it should be expected to strive for a higher MLR
 before receiving another rate increase. 2. HealthPlus may be over adjusting for the loss of the American Rescue Plan
 Act’s enhanced premium subsidies. None of the carriers should be granted increases for a federal policy change that
 may or may not happen. If these increases are allowed, the Department should closely look at HealthPlus’ adjustment.
 HealthPlus is suggesting premiums will increase by 1% due to the loss of the subsidies. However, HealthPlus is receiving
 one of the largest risk adjustment payments (resulting in a downward adjustment of 16%) and is one of the most
 expensive plans in the state. Both of these factors indicate that its plans are unlikely to attract consumers who are on
 the fence about purchasing health insurance. The Department should consider whether it is logical for HealthPlus to be
 so affected by the premium subsidies, especially considering that six other plans are estimating no effect. 3. HealthPlus
 says that medical inflation will be 7.2%, but this should be reduced to 5.9%. The Department should cap medical trend
 at 5.9% for all carriers, the average medical trend approved for the 2022 rates. 4. HealthPlus should not be granted a
 2% profit for 2023. HealthPlus is asking to keep 2% of its premium revenue as profit. Only two other plans matched or
 exceeded this request. The Department should limit HealthPlus’s profits to 0.5% as has done in the past for all carriers.
 It should also consider whether HealthPlus should be allowed to build any profit into its 2023 rates given its excessively
 high premiums and MLR failures over the past few years. 5. HealthPlus quality and appeal data The Department should
 refer to its Consumer Guide in determining whether HealthPlus, a subsidiary of Empire, warrants a substantial rate
 increase. According to the 2021 Consumer Guide, Empire’s enrollees filed the largest number of external review
 requests (443 out of 1,253). Its reversal rate was above the state’s average of 38 percent, indicating that its enrollees
 may be experiencing unnecessary claim denials for the large premiums that they pay. Likewise, Empire ranks dead last in
 prompt payment complaints. In addition, Empire’s overall complaint ranking of 50 (out of 58) is amongst the lowest in
 the state. Empire’s quality of care rankings in several measures, including breast cancer screening, rank below the
 state average. These indicators should be considered as the Department conducts its review of Empire’s rate increase
HealthPlus HP, LLC
2023 Public Comments

 I have Empire BCBS by Anthem. Couldn’t find in DropDown. I received a notice of BCBS submitting a request to you for
 my premium increase going up to nearly $900. It has already increased 47% in the last decade. This is unacceptable in
 this climate, with a looming recession having                      yet getting paid less than any other generation before
 me. I desperately want you to deny the increase. I need to be able to receive                            without
 suffering. This topic has even taken up space in                    . We cannot live in a world where healthcare is a
 business of greed and not a human right. BCBS also recently had to pay a billion dollar settlement and we wonder why
 they want more money. I hope the people reviewing this complaint can take it in with empathy, compassion and
 action. BCBS even tried to deny me of                   . I had to argue on the phone with an innocent representative.
 We deserve healthcare at a reasonable cost and not even now is it reasonable. But I need a plan that still takes my
 doctors and this was the only choice. You have the power. Please do something

 Premiums are already extremely high to cover the multitude are people who are under-insured in NYC. A 5.8% rate
 increase would be usurious and punitive.
Please Do Not allow these overly High rate hikes, we the people are just getting back to work and are
needing help to recover financially!
July 6, 2022

Josh Riley
Candidate for Congress
New York’s 19th District
P.O. Box 6806
213 Tioga Street
Ithaca, NY 14851

Hon. Adrienne A. Harris
New York State Department of Financial Services
1 State Street
New York, NY 10004-1511

Superintendent Harris,

I urge you to reject the proposed rate increases that recently were submitted to
your Department by various health insurance companies. Having met with so
many folks across New York’s new 19th Congressional District, one thing is
very clear: Upstate New Yorkers cannot afford to pay higher costs for health
insurance right now.

In their recent filing with your Department, health insurance companies in the
individual market proposed an average rate increase of 18.7%, and health
insurance companies in the small group market proposed an average rate
increase of 16.5%. Some insurance companies have even proposed increases of
30% or more, a staggering amount for which there is no discernible
justification. If approved, these increases could raise Upstate New Yorkers’
monthly costs by $100 per month or more.

With rising costs for everything from groceries to gas, folks in New York’s new
19th Congressional District are already making difficult decisions to balance
their family budgets. I’ve spoken with folks who have had to cancel summer
vacations because prices are too high, and I’ve spoken with seniors who have
had to make impossible choices between their medications or groceries. A
substantial increase in health insurance premiums right now would be too
much for many families to bear.

I encourage you to reject, or at least substantially reduce, the rate proposals
that have been submitted to your Department. Working families across
Upstate New York need relief from rising costs, not more of them.


                                 Josh Riley
                           Candidate for Congress
                           New York’s 19th District
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