Minnesota Department of Health - Home Care and Assisted Living Teleconference May 20, 2021
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Minnesota Department of Health Home Care and Assisted Living Teleconference │ May 20, 2021 PROTECTI NG , M AINTAINING AND IM PROVING THE HEALTH OF ALL M IN N ESOT AN S
Agenda Relocation/Termination Notice - Lindsey Krueger (MDH) Provider Enrollment - Chao Lee (DHS) Top 10 FAQs - Lindsey Krueger (MDH) Reminders & Updates - Lindsey Krueger (MDH) 3
Housekeeping ▪ Presenters are unmuted – please announce yourself and your role prior to speaking ▪ Public attendees are muted – please submit any comments or questions in the chat feature (bottom right) 4
Notice of and Planning for Discharge/Closures Current comprehensive home care or HWS providers with NO intent to convert (to ALL) or continue to provide homecare services under chapter 144A: Must notify clients at least 60 days before expiration of their license, or by May 31, 2021, whichever is earliest 5
60 Day Notice Requirements 144G.191 Subd.3. (c) (1-5) and Subd. 4 (b) (1-5) 60 Day notice requirements: (1) state that the provider will no longer be providing home care services under chapter 144A or that the housing with services establishment does not intend to convert to an assisted living facility (whichever is applicable to your setting); (2) include the date when the provider/HWS establishment will no longer be providing these services; (3) include the name, e-mail address, and phone number of the individual associated with the comprehensive home care/HWS provider that the recipient of home care services may contact to discuss the notice; (4) include the contact information consisting of the phone number, e-mail address, mailing address, and website for the Office of Ombudsman for Long-Term Care and the Office of Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities; and (5) for recipients of home care services who receive home and community-based waiver services under section 256B.49 and chapter 256S, also be provided to the resident's case manager at the same time that it is provided to the resident. This notice MUST be provided to the residents at least 60 days before the expiration of the license/registration, or no later than May 31, 2021. 6
Home Care Bill of Rights 144A.44 - HOME CARE BILL OF RIGHTS A client has the right to a coordinated transfer when there will be a change in the provider of services. 9
Coordinated Transfer of Care 144A.442 - SERVICE TERMINATION A written notice of termination must include a statement that the provider will participate in a coordinated transfer of the care of the client to another provider or caregiver, as required by section 144A.44, subdivision 1, clause (18). 10
Termination of Service Plan 144A.4791 - HOME CARE PROVIDER RESPONSIBILITIES WITH RESPECT TO CLIENTS When the home care provider voluntarily discontinues services to all clients, the home care provider must notify the commissioner, lead agencies, and ombudsman for long-term care about its clients and comply with the requirements in this subdivision. 11
MDH Media Release MDH will be issuing a Media Release regarding Assisted Living Licensure in the upcoming days Can be used with provider termination notice to inform residents of licensure changes Will be posted to ALL webpage 12
Assisted Living Licensure and Customized Living Providers Department of Human Services (DHS) I Provider Eligibility and Compliance 13
Effective August 1, 2021 ▪ Minn. Stat. Chapter 144G will change the license requirement for Customized Living Service providers effective Aug. 1, 2021 ▪ Housing with Services registration no longer valid to provide customized living services ▪ Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver service for customized living providers need to do the following to continue to delivering customized living services on and after August 1, 2021: • Obtain an assisted living facility license • Delivering services in an exempt setting ▪ This requirement applies to these waiver programs: Elderly Waiver (EW), Brain Injury (BI), Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI) 14
Action You Need To Take To Continue Providing These Services – Step 1 You must apply for an assisted living facility license no later than June 1, 2021, if you: Are registered as a housing with services establishment under chapter 144D; and Are providing home care services or have contracted with a comprehensive home care provider providing services to at least one resident; and Intend to provide customized living services on or after August 1, 2021 15
Action You Need to Take To Continue Providing These Services – Step 2 You must update your Provider Enrollment Record with Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP) Provider Eligibility and Compliance (PEC) Providers Requiring an Assisted Living Facility License - Upload a copy of the Assisted Living Facility License for each setting providing customized living services at Minnesota Provider Screening and Enrollment (MPSE) Portal (https://mn.gov/dhs/partners-and-providers/policies- procedures/minnesota-health-care-programs/provider/mpse/) as soon as you receive you license Providers delivering services in an Exempt Setting - A Provider Assurance Statement will need to be completed and submitted with a Comprehensive Home Care License to PEC ▪ Exempt Setting pending approval from Minnesota Legislature ▪ See License requirement changes for customized living services providers (https://mn.gov/dhs/partners-and-providers/policies-procedures/minnesota-health-care- programs/provider/types/hcbs/customized-living.jsp) for more information 16
Action You Need to Take If You Will Not provide Customized Living Services after 8/1/2021 ▪ Notify current residents no later than May 31, 2021 ▪ Work with residents and their case managers or care coordinators to transition them to an eligible provider ▪ Notify Provider Eligibility and Compliance to end service or terminate your enrollment record ▪ Upload proper form to MPSE Portal (https://mn.gov/dhs/partners-and-providers/policies- procedures/minnesota-health-care-programs/provider/mpse/) or fax to 651-431-7493 • To stop providing customized living services: HCBS Programs Service Request Form DHS-6638 (PDF) (https://edocs.dhs.state.mn.us/lfserver/Public/DHS-6638-ENG) • To terminate provider enrollment for all services: Organization MHCP Provider Profile Change Form DHS 3535A (PDF) (https://edocs.dhs.state.mn.us/lfserver/Public/DHS-3535A-ENG) 17
Payment for Services August 1, 2021 - Provider Eligibility and Compliance will suspend reimbursement for Customized Living Services until providers have submitted proof of: ▪ Assisted Living Licensure (under 144G) OR ▪ Comprehensive Home Care License and the Assurance Statement form verifying Exempt Setting (144G.08 Subd. 7 (11-13) (www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/144G.08)) If there is a lapse in a provider's license (with an effective date after August 1, 2021), DHS will NOT pay for services during the lapse. Services delivered after August 1, 2021 will ONLY be covered with proof of license with an effective date of August 1, 2021. If proof of license is provided after August 1, 2021, services will be covered retroactively to August 1, 2021, if proof of license has an effective date of August 1, 2021 18
Minnesota Provider Screening and Enrollment (MPSE) Portal Training Webinars are available on the following dates from 9 a.m. to noon. You can register for a training session by clicking the date of the training you would like to attend: ▪ Tuesday, May 25, 2021 ▪ Wednesday, May 26, 2021 ▪ Thursday, May 27, 2021 See License requirement changes for customized living services providers (https://mn.gov/dhs/partners-and-providers/policies-procedures/minnesota- health-care-programs/provider/types/hcbs/customized-living.jsp) for more information. 19
Questions? Questions about new provider standards for customized living providers? Contact DHS Aging and Adult Services Division at dhs.aasd.hcbs@state.mn.us Questions about enrollment for customized living service providers? Contact the MHCP Provider Call Center at 651-431-2700 or 800-366-5411 20
10…9…8…7…6… 5…4…3…2…1!!! The Top 10!
10: Changes of Ownership (CHOWs) ▪ Transfer to a Different or New Corporation ▪ Termination of the Partnership ▪ Relinquishment of Control ▪ Transfer by a Sole Proprietor 144A.472 Subd. 5 ▪ Transfer of 50 Percent or More 144G.19 22
9: Innovation Variance/Waiver Must be a Licensed Assisted Living Facility Offer Innovative Services No Impairment of Services No Adverse Impact Likely Improve Services 144G.33 23
8: Capacity Total Licensed Resident Capacity = what is or could be the number of residents you will be or plan to be serving in the license period without going over. AKA = Census 24
7: Licensed Assisted Living Director (LALD) Must apply for licensure by July 1, 2021, for legacy pathway Apply Online – then submit supporting materials to BELTSS.HLB@state.mn.us License Portal - Tasks marked Open (bubble with comments) or Completed Criminal Background Check = 1st Priority (ETA 30-40 days) You can be hired and become an Assisted Living Director in Residence (ALDIR) 144G.10 Subd. 1a 25
6: Uniform Disclosure (UDALSA) This is where the (prospective) resident signs the form acknowledging that a provider gave it to them, prior to signing a contract for services. ▪ 144G.40 Subd. 2 26
5: Campus Language How many applications do I need for a campus? 144G.08 Subd. 4a 27
4: Rules Chapter 4659 When will the RULES be finalized? ▪ Draft rules are approved by OAH, with minimal revisions ▪ Proposed Order (www.health.state.mn.us/facilities/regulation/assistedliving/docs/hearing /requestforapproval.pdf) ▪ OAH has closed file ▪ Revisor’s Office currently drafting 28
3: HWS Does the HWS registration need to be current? 29
2: Background Studies ▪ Completed application to MDH - info passed to DHS ▪ DHS emails Authorized Agent with info on next steps ▪ Need to identify Sensitive Information Person (SIP) ▪ Set-up occurs in NetStudy 2.0 for ALL license 30
1: SS-4 Alternatives All documentation must be issued by the IRS and include information sufficient to confirm the identity of the business and corresponding FEIN. Confidential information should be redacted prior to submission. ▪ Computer generated notice issued by the IRS when the applicant first applied for the FEIN. This notice is issued as a confirmation of the application for, and receipt of a FEIN. ▪ If the applicant used the FEIN to open a bank account or apply for any type of state or local license, they may contact the bank or agency to secure the FEIN and send confirmation to MDH. ▪ Appropriately redacted first page of an as-filed tax return (1120, 990, 1065, 941, 1099-NEC, w-4, 5500) 31
1: SS-4 Alternatives (continued) ▪ IRS determination letter for tax-exempt organizations ▪ Printout or screenshot of search results from Search for Tax Exempt Organizations (www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/search-for-tax-exempt-organizations) showing the organization listed in IRS Pub. 78 for tax exempt organizations ▪ Listing in an as-filed 990 group return ▪ S-Corp election confirmation ▪ Any other correspondence from the IRS that includes the organization name and EIN (i.e., audit notice letter, request for documents, notice of late filing of a tax return) 32
Reminders and Updates
Outdoor Space Considerations when applying for an assisted living with dementia care license: ▪ Current Statutory Language 144G.84 (g); legislative update ▪ No need to delay – submit your application now! ! ! ! ! ! ! 34
Customized Living Services and Assisted Living Licensure Hot off the HCBS Provider Relations Press… License Requirement Changes for Customized Living Services Providers (https://mn.gov/dhs/partners-and-providers/policies-procedures/minnesota- health-care-programs/provider/types/hcbs/customized-living.jsp) MPSE portal training for existing customized living service providers May 25, 26 and 27 (9 a.m. to noon) Additional sessions will be added for June and July 35
DHS Portal 36
Updates from BELTSS They are around May 9th for processing applications Please avoid calling - “clogs” up the system Make sure your college transcripts go directly to BELTSS – DO NOT OPEN! Please label uploaded documents appropriately Plan to open ALD and ALDIR applications mid-June 37
Document Uploading Tips SAVE your application, LOG OUT & RESTART your computer Docs are in correct FORMAT (pdf, doc, docx, txt) DOC NAME (80-character max, no special characters, no dashes) ONE document at a time May take 10 MINUTES Do not NAVIGATE AWAY from the page CHROME 38
Application - Technical Difficulties Email health.assistedliving@state.mn.us Include your application number – ALF##### Be SPECIFIC and DETAILED about your issue Include SCREEN SHOTS that describe or explain your issue/error 39
Payment Notification Email From: donotreply@state.mn.us Date: May 15, 2021, at 8:26:07 AM CDT To: ABCDEFG@gmail.com Subject: Proceed to Payment for submitted Assisted Living License application - HFID: 99999, ABCDEF RESIDENTIAL CARE Hello, The Minnesota Department of Health has received all the documents needed to begin the verification process for your assisted living facility license application. A license fee of $2225.00 is now due. The license fee is based on the type of Assisted Living License and the building capacity information provided in the application. License Type: Assisted Living Facility Total Licensed Resident Capacity: 3 Please use this link to login and to complete the payment process. https://icsd.web.health.state.mn.us/security/login.do Once your application is complete, including receipt of the license fee payment and notice that required background studies are passed, the Minnesota Department of Health has 60 days to fully verify the application. You will receive an email notification of the outcome of this process. Please use the contact information given below for questions you may have about this application. Home Care and Assisted Living Program Minnesota Department of Health Office: 651-201-4200 health.assistedliving@state.mn.us 40
Complete the Payment Process ▪ Payment Process is completed within your application ▪ Once payment is enabled a new box will appear 41
Payment Confirmation & Next Steps Once payment is received: application goes to final review background checks are verified LALD is verified 42
Application Stats 1007 conversion applications have not been opened yet 730 are in progress by providers 628 have been submitted to MDH 107 are ready for provider payment 130 MDH has confirmed payment 43
Upcoming Presentations Thursday, June 3, 2021 Thursday, June 10, 2021 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. CLIA Waiver Review Person-Centered Care Preparing for Rules Nursing Assessments Required Policies TBD 44
Questions? 45
Thank you. Lindsey Krueger - health.assistedliving@state.mn.us WWW.H EA L TH. M N. GO V
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