HE FLAME July 2021 - First United Methodist Church

Page created by Kimberly West
HE FLAME July 2021 - First United Methodist Church
First        United

                                                                    HE FLAME
                                                       Methodist Church of McMinnville       July 2021

             elcome to McMinnville! On behalf of our the entire Heatherly family, I want to extend our
             sincere appreciation receiving us with such kindness and hospitality. We graciously and
             humbly receive your prayers, meals, snacks, fruit baskets, gift cards, playdates with
             Hudson, and your friendship.
        Undoubtedly, this is a time of transition for us all, but I do want to express my wholehearted
commitment to my family, our congregation, and our new community (in that order). Many of you
have asked if you could help in various ways, and we are grateful. By a wide margin, my best answer
is this: allow us a chance to get to know you and/or your family. Recall one of the vows we commit to
as United Methodists is to support the church with your presence. I invite us to be present with each
other beyond Sunday morning. Accordingly, the number one gift you can offer our family is simply
your time – time to get to know one another.
       I am sensitive to the feelings that come with a transition such as this. Some of you will be more
ready to cultivate new relationships with me or our family than others, and that’s perfectly fine. Do
what feels natural and comfortable. Above all, let us bear with one another, and clothe ourselves with
love (Col. 3:13-14), We’ve got you and you’ve got us. We’re “Who We Got!”
In Christ,
Ryan Heatherly

 Pastor Ryan and the children during
 the 8:00am service.
HE FLAME July 2021 - First United Methodist Church
Proceeds will go to our

       2 PANCAKES
 DRINK (Coffee, Milk, or OJ)

                                                     Adults: $6.00
                                               Children unde
                                                             r 10: $4.00
                             o 11:0   0am
                     00a m t                    Coffee, Juice,
             o m   7:                                          or Milk
       g f r
                        y, J u ly3                  Bottled Water
        Saturd rt Square in                 without break
                                                          fast: $1.00 ea
        n  t h e  Cou           in nville
      o               nM   cM                    Extra side of b
             n  t o w                                            acon
      D ow                                        (2 slices) $3.0
      Proceeds will go to our MISSIONS programs.
HE FLAME July 2021 - First United Methodist Church
Rev. James Johnson                        Rev. Tommy Vann   Rev. Ryan Heatherly

Sunday, June 27, 2021 was a memorable day for
the congregants of McMinnville First United
Methodist Church. The columbarium was
dedicated and consecrated to be a living sign of our
mortality and our sure and certain hope of
resurrection through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Former pastors, Reverend James Johnson of
Gallatin First United Methodist and Reverend
Tommy Vann of Fayetteville First United Methodist
joined Reverend Ryan Heatherly, the new pastor of
McMinnville First United Methodist in performing
the dedication ceremony for the columbarium and
the committal service for Harry Camp on his first
Sunday with the congregation.

Harry Camp was the first member to be inurned in
the columbarium. Harry passed away on January
27, 2015 after being a member and serving his
church for almost 54 years. He and his wife Jane
joined the church on August 13, 1961, and Jane has
continued to be active in ministry.

The ceremony brought many friends and family out
for the occasion in celebration and witness of their
love for Harry & Jane and their church.

The gathering felt like a reunion, after friends being
too long separated. The beautiful presence of
Christ could be felt among us, as hugs, smiles, and
laughter were freely given. What a blessing to come
full circle and be joined together again with those
who formerly shepherded the congregation. It is a
truly beautiful thing to be a part of the family of God.
HE FLAME July 2021 - First United Methodist Church
Our columbarium is on the lawn beside the Historic Sanctuary. The columbarium is a
structure with 144 niches for cremated remains to be stored.

The Columbarium purchase price is currently $500.00 per Niche for the first 50 Niches,
$750.00 for the next 50 Niches, and $1,000.00 each for the final 44 Niches. Prices are
subject to increase at the discretion of the Board of Trustees. A total of 21 niches have
been sold.

At the present time, a niche can only be purchased by a member of the church, or a
member of the immediate family of a member, which is defined as a spouse, natural or
adopted children, and parents.
HE FLAME July 2021 - First United Methodist Church
Many Thanks,
Rebeca and I were overwhelmed by the many cards and gifts given
to us at our farewell reception. The gifts are very much appreciated,
and the cards were incredibly sweet. A few made Rebecca cry, and
a few made me tear up a little too. A small sampling:
                                                                        July 2   Garden Club meeting
  •    “Thank you for all you have done and given us…. May the                   10:00am
       Lord continue to watch over and bless you.”
  •    “Thank you for your leadership and encouragement. You
       have affirmed me in so many ways and my family has grown           July 3   Pancake breakfast on
       in faith. We really appreciate the historical and scientific              the Court Square from
       knowledge you have shared that helped our understanding.                  7:00am-11:00am
       … God bless.”
  •    “… God go with you, brother. As it is written, ‘How beautiful
       are the feet of those who preach the Good News.’ Romans          July 4   Independence Day
  •    “I am going to miss y’all very much, especially Rebecca’s        July 8   Shepherding Team
       welcoming smile…”
  •    “Your presence has been a wonderful gift to me. You made                  Meeting at 10:30am
       God’s love real despite the COVID19 restrictions….”
  •    “We treasure the time God placed you in our lives. Thank you     July 11 Worship Meeting
       for sharing your talents and love with us. ‘May the grace of             4:00pm - Fellowship
       the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of
       the Holy Spirit be with you.’ 2 Corinthians 13:14                                 Hall

And let me add that we will continue to be in prayer for the many of    July 12 Prayer Shawl Meeting
you who are already on our prayer list, for Ryan, Beth, and Hudson,             10:00am
and for the church as a whole.

Grace and Peace,                                                        July 13 Staff Meeting 10:00am.
                                                                                Staff will be unavailable
John and Rebecca Purdue                                                         during the duration of
                                                                                the meeting.

                                                                        July 20 Circle of Faith (4)

                                                                        July 27 Staff Meeting 10:00am.
                                                                                Staff will be unavailable
                                                                                during the duration of
                                                                                the meeting.
HE FLAME July 2021 - First United Methodist Church
To the Church Family:
 The 1st Annual Men's Retreat will be offered at                      We would like to thank the congregation
 Beersheba Springs Assembly this August! Join us for          for the donations made on Native American
 a weekend away from the stresses of life as we               Ministries Sunday, April 18, 2021. We have been
 explore the theme Re:Focus together. Rev. Tommy              privileged to meet some of the seminary
 Vann pastor at Fayetteville FUMC and Rev. Rick               scholarship recipients that the Native American
 Vance, Director of the Center for Men's Ministries will      Ministries Sunday has supported.
 be our leaders for this year! We hope that you will                  If you missed the opportunity to contribute
 join us on the mountain for this event!                      and would still like to do so, you can make a
                                                              check out to First UMC and on the memo line
 To register use the following link:                          write Native American Sunday.
 https://forms.gle/EYnRD79ubChgPfE88                                  Again, thank you for your generous and
                                                              loving support of the Native American Ministries
 You can also visit the website to register @                 Program in the United Methodist Church.
 beershebaassembly.org                                        Pat and Wes Bryan

                        Thank you for giving gifts                             Thank you for volunteering at
TO:                                                                           the Habitat for Humanity Build.
Building Fund, Pastor’s Disc., Good Neighbors, Prayer Shawl, General             (For Sarah Ford & Lyric)
Wink Tramel, Harry Camp, Barbara & Chris Shelton, Jan Ehleben, Richard       Annie Moffitt and Board of Directors
Copeland, Gretchen Angus
Col. Trey Kirby, Bill & Neva Boyd
BY:                                                                         Good Neighbors
Thetis Keel, Jim & Lorie Pierce, Jimmy Haley, Charlotte & Joe Hamby,
                                                                            Cooks & Driver Schedule
Larry Shelton, Wes & Pat Bryan, Ronnie & Debbie Dunham, Jack & Mary
                                                                            Route 1: Rebel Hill
Anne Noblin, Woody & Becky Woodiel, Dr. Mike & Gayle Roberts, Rick &
                                                                            Route 2: East End Dr.
Cecilia Murphy, Paula Porter, John Bouldin, Gene, Virginia, Donna Money,
                                                                            Route 3: Westwood
John Jr. & Linda Cantrell, Billy & Dianne Hall, Skip Zwemer, Mark &
                                                                            Route 4: Beta St.
Jenann Lay, Dr. Wallace & Pat Bigbee, Larry & Janice Wilkinson, Vivian
                                                                            Route 5: Beersheba Tower
Dodson, Kitty & Michael Young & Barbara Gillespie, Charlie & Donna
                                                                            Route 7: HOME
Campbell, Michael & Susan Burrows, Brittany Wilson, William & Ann Deal,
Dr. Glenn & Lynn Davis
                                                                            July 15 Week 3 Cook: Kronlage

7/1    Cindy Chandler                                                       Route 1: Sandlin
7/1    Vivian Layman                                                        Route 2: Kronlage
7/1    Rachel Waters                                                        Route 3: Hall
7/2    Dick Scott-Welch                                                     Route 4: Hall

7/3    Ann Dinwiddie                                                        Route 5: Spanjer
7/4    Julie Holt                                                           Route 6: Bro. Dick
7/5    Mary Anne Noblin
7/5    Douglas Haynes                                                       July 29 Week 5 Cook: Roberts
7/8    Carolyn Mogey                 7/2    Les & Sue Sullivan
7/8    Paula Stotts                  7/2    Tom & Dianna Thaxton            Route 1: Sandlin
7/10   Ellen Ware                    7/3    Charlie & Diane Grove           Route 2: Hinds
7/14   Brenda Robinson               7/8    Monte & Dana Mullican           Route 3: Pierce
7/15   Macy Dodson                   7/12   Gene & Lequita Maxell           Route 4: Roberts
7/15   Elliot Harvey                 7/13   Scott & Cole Dunham             Route 5: Young
7/16   Bobby Love                    7/13   Jake & Kaitlin Shreckhise       Route 6: Bro. Dick
7/20   Sharon Baugh                  7/16   Adam & Karen Rush
7/21   Robin Phillips                7/20   Mark & Sherry Salaman
7/23   John Purdue                   7/23   Thomas & Peggy Bratcher
7/25   Peggy Jones                                                          Need volunteers to help serve
                                     7/25   Ray & Betty Troop
7/27   Martha Smartt                 7/27   Ken & Tricia Murray             for Good Neighbors. Contact
7/27   Wesley Bryan                  7/29   Corky & Thetis Keel             Kate Alsbrook to volunteer.
7/28   John Phillips
HE FLAME July 2021 - First United Methodist Church HE FLAME July 2021 - First United Methodist Church HE FLAME July 2021 - First United Methodist Church HE FLAME July 2021 - First United Methodist Church
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