Hardee County Chamber of Commerce - www.hardeecc.com

Page created by Robin Fernandez
Hardee County Chamber of Commerce - www.hardeecc.com
Hardee County
         Chamber of Commerce

                             & Business Directory
               Community Guide

www.hardeecc.com                         2020
Hardee County Chamber of Commerce - www.hardeecc.com
Traditional Services
                                                                      Basic Cremation               Taking Care of Family
                                                             International & Domestic Services                 We’re proud to be the
                                                                       Grief Support                          premiere funeral home
                                                                    Custom Merchandise                    since the humble beginnings of
                                                             Quality Service at Reasonable Price               Coker Funeral Home.

With every
we get better at protecting
our environment.                                                         (863) 773-6400                               (863) 494-4101
                                                                        205 N. 9th Avenue                       50 N. Hillsborough Avenue
Reclamation ecologists like Ashlee work to return                       Wauchula, FL 33983                          Arcadia, FL 34266
mined lands to productive use as wildlife habitats,
                                                                                             Se Habla Espańol
public parks and more—so future generations can
enjoy these lands for years to come.                  Family Owned & Operated       www.PongerKaysGrady.com                     American Pride
Hardee County Chamber of Commerce - www.hardeecc.com
Welcome                                                   Welcome!              It is my privilege to serve
                                                          as President of the Hardee County Chamber
                                                          of Commerce. The entire board and staff are
                                                          committed to working alongside all of our
                                                          Chamber members to enhance our community.
                                                          We hope you find this community guide a trusted
                                                         resource for local information. The beauty and
                                                        heritage that is Hardee County is showcased within.

                                                       The Chamber is often the first point of contact for
                                                     newcomers to our area. For that reason, we strive
                                                  to stay up to date with the community to make certain
                                               that we can share with residents, visitors and newcomers
                                         alike what our community has to offer. Whether you are coming
                                        to visit or to live, we encourage you to patronize our Chamber
                                        members when you do business in Hardee.

                                        Here at the Chamber, we focus on facilitating community
                                        partnerships, promoting professional development and providing
                                        exposure for our members. To that end, we’re taking steps every
                                        day to make that happen through our outreach activities, special
                                        events, leadership program and networking opportunities. With
                                        the support of our member businesses, we are able to continue
                                        this important work of strengthening our business community.

                                        To all our current members, please know that the Chamber is here
                                        to serve you and your business. We are eager to help your business
                                        succeed by ensuring your member benefits are being maximized.
                                        Your membership is valued and important. To those that are not
                                        currently involved or a member of the Chamber, consider stopping
                                        by our offices to learn how we can work together.

                                        On behalf of the Hardee County Chamber of Commerce and its
                                        Board of Directors, I would like to thank our member businesses
                                        for their support and offer a welcome to all to our community.
                                        Hardee County offers a lifestyle unparalleled by any other area,
                                        check us out and see for yourself that we’re one of a kind!

                                        Olivia Minshew
                                        Hardee County Chamber of Commerce

4 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                           Community & Business Directory 2020 |         5
Hardee County Chamber of Commerce - www.hardeecc.com
                                                                                                                ABOUT THE CHAMBER
                                                                                                                9   Chamber History
                                                                                                                    Chamber Staff
                                                                                                                    Board of Directors
                                                                                                                                                            Hardee County Chamber of Commerce
                                                                                                                                                          Community Guide & Business Directory 2020
We Write All Lines Of Personal, Commercial, and Specialize In Group Heath Insurance                            14   Chamber Mission
                                                                                                               16   Member Benefits

                                                                                                                 HARDEE LIFESTYLE
                                                                                                               22   Hardee County History
      OF THE PRACTICAL LIFE                                                                                    24   Hardee County Leaders
                                                                                                               25   City of Wauchula Leaders
                                                                                                               26   Economic Development
                                                                                                               28   Healthcare
                                                                                                               34   Education

                                                                                                                PARKS & RECREATION
                                                                                                               38   Peace River
                                                       We specialize in                                        38   Canoe Outpost
                                                                                                               39   Hardee Lakes Park
                                                  Home, Auto, Commercial,                                      40   Pioneer Park
                                              Life and Health Insurance Policies                               42   Paynes Creek State Park
                                                                                                               44   Solomon’s Castle
                                          At Albritton Insurance Services, everything we do is geared
                                          toward serving our clients and providing the finest insurance
                                          value available anywhere. To accomplish this, we combine                         46
                                          our more than 70 years of experience as an independent                    DOWNTOWN
                                          agency with the latest state-of-the-art technology and the
                                          most knowledgeable people in the industry.
                                                                                                               47 Main Street Wauchula
                                          Your “hometown” agency can serve you from coverage                   48 Shop Small Saturday
                                          to claim by helping you meet the personal and individual
                                          insurance needs of your lifestyle. Our independent agency
                                          offers access to knowledgeable and experienced staff who                         50
                                                                                                               _____________________                      55
                                          will assist you in finding the right coverage and top rated
                                                                                                                 FESTIVALS & EVENTS
                                                                                                               _____________________              AREA RESOURCES
                                          insurer for your needs. The result is maximum value for your
                                          insurance dollars. While our products are always evolving,           50   Peace River Pro Rodeo      55   Transportation
                                          the top tier level of service, that has existed since our founding   51   Pioneer Park Days          56   Faith Based Groups
                                          in 2005, remains constant and reflects the conservative              51   Heartland Events           58   Member Directory
            863-773-4101                  character of our company. We are an independently owned,             52   Hardee County Fair         65   Index of Advertisers
   204 N 6th Ave Wauchula, FL 33873       old-line agency that is fiercely loyal to our clients.

 6 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce
                                  www.AlbrittonIns.com                                                                                                                                          C7
Hardee County Chamber of Commerce - www.hardeecc.com
    Growers                                                                                                                                                                       Chamber                                             History
                         SUPPLY                                                                    Community Guide & Business Directory
              863-773-5888                                                                                                      2020
                                                                                                                       135 E Main Street
                                              Bulk & Bug Feed                                                          Wauchula, FL 33873
                                                  Molasses                                                              (863) 773-6967
  Pellet Grills | Fryers | Grills                                                                         The Hardee County Chamber of Commerce
                                                                                                            Community & Business Directory 2020
                                                                                                                    has been published by
                                                                                                            Heartland Publications & Marketing, Inc.

               Greg Gordon                       Hours:                                                                CEO | Publisher
                                          Monday - Friday 7-5:30
               863-781-1486                  Saturday 7-12                                                           Cindy Sebring Adams
       541 S. 6th Avenue | Wauchula                                                                                     Editorial Director
                                                                                                                          Jessica Pleger
                                                                                                                     Creative Art Director
                                                                                                                       Bridgette Waldau
                                                                                                                      Cover Photographer                                                                                           Born in the mid-1800s from the forts erected against
                                                                                                                         Traci Newlin                                                                                              the Indian attacks, the central Florida soil that comprises
                                                                                                                           Photographer                                                                                            Hardee County today is some of the richest in the world.
                                                                                                                             Bill Wight                                                                                            We are one of the country’s top prime agricultural
       With over 35 years of experience, Jim See Realty, Inc.                                                                                                                                                                      centers – our abundant produce and prize-winning
             can handle all of your real estate needs                                                           Contributing Photographers                                                                                         livestock bring top dollar, our sweet Valencia oranges
           in a professional and confidential manner.                                                                Michael Gillispie                                                                                             in constant demand. It’s a legacy of success that’s made
  Whether you are looking to buy or sell agricultural, residential or commercial property,                            Daniel Moore                                                                                                 Hardee County one of a kind.
  we are equipped to meet your needs. Our Realtors® are continuously expanding their
   real estate knowledge. We have the experience and outreach to find what you are                                             Writer
                 looking for or market your property to qualified buyers.                                                   Jessica Pleger                                                                                      “Quality of life” takes on new meaning in a setting where
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                children can walk to neighborhood schools, housing is
                                                                                                                                                                                affordable and appealing, businesses enjoy minimal overhead and optimal labor force and the pace stays
                                                                                                                                                                                somewhere between smooth and steady.

                                                                                                                                                                                Life in Hardee County means land, lots of it – some 500,000 acres. It means clean air, clean water, safe
                                                                                                                                                                                streets, friendly neighbors, affordable living and “hometown” fun. It’s this one-of-a-kind life that unites the
                                                                                                                       412 Rest Haven Road                                      over 28,000 residents of Hardee County in our effort to at once enhance and ensure all this heartland
                                                                                                                      Zolfo Springs, FL 33890
                                                    James V. See, Jr. is a state-certified
                                                                                                                          863-781-0344                                          haven has to offer. The Hardee County Chamber of Commerce wants our future to be as prosperous
                                                   general appraiser and is licensed to
                                                 appraise all types of real estate in Florida                                                                                   as our past.
                                                                                                Hardee County Chamber of Commerce Community & Business Directory
                                                                                                2020 is published by Heartland Publications & Marketing, Inc. ©C opy-
     (863) 773-0060                              206 N 6th Ave                                  righted 2020, all rights reser ved. Reproduction of contents in print or        To that end, we’re taking steps every day to assure planned and positive growth. We believe Hardee
         FAX 863-773-0411                      Wauchula, Florida                                electronic transmission in whole or in part in any language or format must be
                                                                                                by expressed written permission of the publisher.                               County offers a lifestyle unparalleled by any other area. But don’t take our word for it: Come see for
        License No. RZ0000755                 www.jimseerealty.com                              © 2020 Heartland Publications & Marketing, Inc.                                 yourself that we’re one of a kind!

8 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                                                                                                                 Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |           9
Hardee County Chamber of Commerce - www.hardeecc.com
Message                          from the Executive Director

  Welcome to Hardee County, Florida where you will experience
  one of the true hidden treasures of Old Florida. It is a pleasure
  to offer you a glimpse of our quaint community. This Business &
  Community Go-To-Guide is a great resource for residents, visitors,
  preferred member businesses and the general public. We urge
  you to reference it on a regular basis when shopping for products
  and services within our community.

  “Wauchula” is the county seat of Hardee and means “the call of
  the sandhill crane” which you will find on several business logos
  within our community, including the Hardee Chamber. New to town?
  Stop by and visit us for some great local recommendations. We are
  located in the gorgeous Historic Wauchula Train Depot. Whether you
  are here for a day or a week, our shops and restaurants will provide some
  of the best hospitality that Central Florida has to offer.

  Hardee County still has a lot of Southern charm and a laid back lifestyle. While our unique rural community is a far
  cry from the glamour & bustle of Tampa, Orlando, Sarasota or Fort Myers, you can get to all those tourist destinations
  within short 1.5 hour drive.

  The Hardee County Chamber of Commerce is the areas oldest and most respected business organization. We
  have many active board members & committees diligently working to create synergy between our local businesses,
  government, and residents so that Hardee County continues to develop into the BEST small town in Florida.

  Together, we are exponentially better.

  Jessica Turner
  Executive Director
  Hardee County Chamber of Commerce
                                                                                                                                     2019 Hardee County Chamber of
                                                                                                                                     Commerce Board of Directors

                                                                                                                                     Seated (L-R):

                                   STAFF                                                                                             Jessica Turner and Olivia Minshew

                                                                                                                                     Middle Row:
                                                                                                                                     Maria Pearson, Lacey Webb, Debbie
                                                                                                                                     Hilliard, Sheila Hernandez, and Patty

                                   Heather Salas                                      135 E Main Street                              Back Row:
                                                                                      Wauchula, FL 33873                             Heather Nedley, Steven Southwell,
                                   HCCC Administrative                                                                               Roy Petteway, Chris Miller and
                                   Assistant                                            (863) 773-6967                               Allyson Christ.

10 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                                     Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |       11
Hardee County Chamber of Commerce - www.hardeecc.com
2020                                                                                                                             DIRECTORS
                                              EXECUTIVE BOARD                                            Andy Bonjokian
                                                                                                      Hardee County Disposal
                                                                                                                                               Sheila Hernandez
                                                                                                                                           Central Florida Health Care
                                                                                                                                                                                       Debbie Hilliard
                                                                                                                                                                                      Wauchula State Bank

       is the art of
       giving people
       a platform for
       spreading ideas
       that work.”
       		 – Seth Godin                               Olivia Minshew             Heather Nedley
                                                     City of Wauchula               Mosaic                 Chris Miller                           Roy Petteway                         Christina Presley
                                                                                                          Rocklyn Resorts                Petteway Growers Citrus Nursery             AdventHealth Wauchula
                                                       President               Vice President
The Hardee County Chamber of Commerce
Board Members are taking steps every day
to assure planned and positive growth. They
believe Hardee County offers a lifestyle
unparalleled by any other area. The Hardee
County Chamber of Commerce wants
our future to be as prosperous as our past.
Volunteering time and serving on the Board
of Directors is a rewarding experience and
an opportunity for professional growth and
community involvement.                                                                                      Steven Southwell                     Patty Valerio                             Lacey Webb
                                                       Allyson Christ           Maria Pearson     J. Steven Southwell, Attorney at Law      MIDFLORIDA Credit Union              Albritton Insurance Services, Inc.
                                              Ponger-Kays-Grady Funeral Home   Drug Free Hardee
                                                       Secretary                 Treasurer              Not Pictured: Sandra Griffin - Suncoast Credit Union | Teresa Crawford - South Florida State College
12 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                                               Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |      13
Hardee County Chamber of Commerce - www.hardeecc.com
Member Benefits                                                                                                             Why JOIN the Chamber?
                            Chamber Mission Statement
                       The Mission of the Hardee County Chamber of Commerce is to enhance and develop
                       stronger bonding among businesses, the government, educational services and the community,                                VISIBILITY                    NETWORK
                       through positive programs and events that fosters business growth and lifetime residency.                             Increase your visibility with
                                                                                                                                               a listing on the Chamber        It’s NOT just who you
                                                                                                                                             website and eNews. STAND           know, it’s who others
                                                                                                                                                                                know! Networking is
         Hardee County Chamber of Commerce would like to invite you to partner with us. We are the go-to                                      OUT as an active member
                                                                                                                                                   of your community.                 Powerful!
         resource for entrepreneurs, business owners and commerce. Our commitment to accountability and value
         ensures that you receive the highest return on your membership investment. We are here to meet your
         needs, answer your questions, and connect you to the information you need when you need it so that you
         can focus on running your business. We maintain open channels of communication through the web, emails,
         social media and face-to-face interaction. With a wide array of membership levels to meet your needs, we               GROWTH                                                      The Chamber recommends
         offer programs and services that help drive your business success.                                                      Quality training and
                                                                                                                                                                                             its MEMBERS FIRST and
                                                                                                                              educational opportunities .
                                                                                                                                                                                               provides information
         Membership in YOUR Chamber is a key component of any business plan, and is your connection to people,               ECONOMIC GROWTH in
                                                                                                                                                                                              to thousands of people
         programs, information and resources. Becoming a member of the Chamber puts you in great company with                bringing business to the area
                                                                                                                                                                                                    every year.
                                                                                                                                     by promoting
         business leaders, entrepreneurs and businesses, large and small. The Chamber is the business community
                                                                                                                                   tourism & events.
         working together doing what no one single business or individual can do alone.

         Businesses become members because they take great pride in their community. If you live, work, or do
         business in Hardee County, then the economic viability and the livability of this community must be of                                       VOICE                  CREDIBILITY
         concern to you. If the community is growing and prosperous, then business will prosper.                                                                              Your reputation matters!
                                                                                                                                                We ADVOCATE on your
                                                                                                                                                                               Chamber Membership
                                                                                                                                                behalf! Gain a say in what
                                                                                                                                                                                 is RESPECTED by
                                                                                                                                                  happens through our
         FREE RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONIES                                                                                                                                         the Hardee County
                                                                 FREE MEMBER MAILING LIST                                                           advocacy efforts.
         The Chamber will conduct a ribbon cutting ceremony      Chamber Members can request a mailing list of
         to celebrate your business! We celebrate new            Chamber members to spread the word about their
         members, grand openings, milestones, renovations,       business.
         and new locations.We bring the BIG scissors, ribbon,
         and our Chamber Ambassadors. To further market          FREE POSTING OF MEMBER NEWS & EVENTS
         your business, the Chamber will post photo highlights   Chamber members receive valuable exposure by
         and a brief summary on the website. Register online     posting their events and company news on the
         to hold an onsite Ribbon Cutting during normal
         business hours.
                                                                 Chamber website. This also creates a link in our
                                                                 regular online newsletter.                                              Let us help your Business!
         FREE ENEWS SUBSCRIPTION                                 ADVOCACY
         Receive news about Chamber events, new members,         The Chamber’s governmental affairs committee and                                                             Contact us today!
         special member pricing, and more right from your        coalitions act as business advocates for our members,                                                         (863) 773-6967
         inbox! You can subscribe an unlimited number of         bringing the voice of local business to elected officials
         staff from your company to our eNews distribution.      in the halls of government.
                                                                                                                                                                              135 E Main Street
         The Hardee County Chamber takes pride in helping businesses of all sizes grow and succeed. With members                                                             Wauchula, FL 33873
         from small to big retail, we have something for everyone.

14 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                                                             Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |   15
Hardee County Chamber of Commerce - www.hardeecc.com
Chamber Benefits                                                                                           2020
                                                                                                          Hardee County
                                                                                                           Chamber of
                  Ambassadors of the Chamber                                                               Commerce
                                         What is an Ambassador?
                                         Ambassadors represent Hardee County and are goodwill             Ambassadors                          Katrina Blandin               Martha Felix                  Debbie Hilliard
                                         representatives for the Hardee County Chamber of                                              South Florida State College         City of Wauchula              Wauchula State Bank
                                         Commerce. Ambassadors are usually the most outgoing,
                                         pro-active employees in their company.They project a positive
                                         image for the company they represent as well as the Chamber.
                                         Ambassadors perform a wide variety of duties in the Chamber,                                                                                                      NOT PICTURED
                                         but their main function is to help promote the Chamber,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Tommy Griffin
                                         welcome new members to the Chamber and make Chamber                                                                                                              State Rep District 56
                                         events successful and enjoyable for all.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Alex Lopez
                                         Why become an Ambassador?                                                                                                                                       MidFlorida Credit Union
                                         Being a Chamber Ambassador puts you and your business
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Tammy Krause
                                         in the spotlight! That gives your company free publicity as a                                                                                                    Wauchula State Bank
                                         supporter of new businesses coming to the region.
                                                                                                               Geneva Roman                    Lidenia Servin              Stephanie Tyler
                                         Ribbon cuttings and other Chamber events also provide a            Suncoast Credit Union         Hardee Help Center         Albritton Insurance Services Inc.
                                         great opportunity to have a few minutes of fun and network
                                         with other movers and shakers in the community. Remember,
                                         Chamber Ambassadors are often the first community
                                         representative a new business owner meets, so it’s the perfect
                                         opportunity to make new business connections.

                                         Chamber Ambassadors are asked to promote the Chamber
                                         in the community. To promote the Chamber, duties include
                                         the following:
                                         — Attend Ribbon Cuttings
                                         — Attend Monthly Ambassador Meetings
                                         — Visit Business Sites
                                         — Volunteer with special events

                                         Chamber Ambassadors are asked to make a one-year
                                         commitment to the program. During the year they are asked
                                         to attend the following:
                                         — New Member Reception
                                         — Ribbon Cuttings/Groundbreaking
                                         — Chamber Events

                                                                                                          Ambassadors attend ribbon cuttings

16 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                                                  Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |          17
Hardee County Chamber of Commerce - www.hardeecc.com
Leadership Hardee
 Originated in 2008, the Leadership Hardee program has seen
 more than 100 individuals who are active in the community
 graduate from the program.This specialized training opportunity
 is designed to integrate current and future leaders with all
 aspects of Hardee County. Members are selected by identifying
 those individuals who are active in the community and are
 most apt to use their leadership knowledge and skills for the
 long-term benefit of this community. Once selected, members
 are guided through nine classes that are spanned over a year
 to focus on different industries that are prevalent in Hardee

 The program’s purpose is:                                         Lunch & Learn
 —To identify community leaders of diverse backgrounds             The fourth Thursday of each Month, Chamber
 —To develop their potential and desire to accept                  members and guests gather for a Member
  civic responsibilities and leadership roles                      Luncheon at the Wauchula Train Depot. Each
 —To expose community leaders to the problems and                  luncheon is sponsored by a Chamber member who
  opportunities that face Hardee County                            showcases their business. This event is included
 —To build a realistic understanding of leadership in              with a Chamber Membership, but RSVP is required
  today’s complex society                                          as seating is limited. Sponsorship opportunities fill
 —To open a dialogue among emerging and current                    quickly for this great networking opportunity so
  community leaders                                                contact the Chamber for availability and luncheon
 —To acquaint leaders with the processes, programs,                registration.
  opportunities and challenges for individual
  involvement in Hardee County                                     For more rental information visit:
   If you are interested in applying for the next Leadership
   Hardee class, an application can be found on our website

18 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                Community & Business Directory 2020 |          19
Chamber of Commerce Gala
                                                                         The Gala is the Hardee County event of the year! This
                                                                         annual event recognizes outstanding leaders, businesses and
                                                                         volunteers who contribute their time and resources to make
                                                                         the community a great place to visit and reside. Awards are
                                                                         presented in the categories of:

                                                                         Business of the Year: A member with substantiated history
                                                                         as a reputable business who is an advocate and leader within
                                                                         the business community. They demonstrate creativity and
                                                                         imagination in the sales, service, marketing or other area
                                                                         within the business, and whose leadership takes pride in
                                                                         leaving a legacy.
                                                                                                                                                                          BUSINESS OF THE YEAR AWARD
                                                                         Volunteer of the Year: A person who exemplifies the highest
                                                                         integrity, demonstrates uncompromising moral fortitude,
                                                                                                                                                                          AdventHealth Wauchula
                                                                                                                                                                          This award is given to a member of HCCC with a substantiated
                                                                         who is committed to the good of the community and has
                                                                                                                                                                          history. A reputable business who is an advocate and leader
                                                                         contributed generously by serving Hardee County in various
                                                                                                                                                                          within the business community, who demonstrates creativity
                                                                                                                                                                          and imagination in the sales, service, marketing or other area
                                                                         Rising Star: An emerging leader whose achievements reflect
                                                                                                                                                                          within the business, and whose leadership takes pride in
                                                                         exceptional growth in their profession, increased levels of
                                                                                                                                                                          leaving a legacy. (2019 Business of the Year Award AdventHealth
                                                                         leadership/responsibility and high potential for future impact.
                                                                                                                                                                          Wauchula, Sponsored by Mosaic)
                                                                         Businesses and individuals are nominated by members and
                                                                         peers through the Chamber website. The annual awards
                                                                         celebration is an elegant affair which offers various sponsorship
                                                                         opportunities to support the community as well as gain
                                                                         exposure for your business and network will fellow business
                                                                         leaders and professionals.                                          RISING STAR AWARD
                                                                                                                                             Jamie Davis-Samuels
                                                                                                                                             This is awarded to an emerging leader whose achievements reflect exceptional growth in
                                                                                                                                             their profession, increased levels of leadership/responsibility and high potential for future
                                                                                                                                             impact. (2019 Rising Star Award Jamie Davis-Samuels, Sponsored by Wauchula State Bank)

                                                                                                                                             VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR AWARD
                                                                                                                                             Teresa McKenzie Crawford
                                                                                                                                             The criteria for this award is a person who exemplifies the highest integrity, demonstrates
                                                                                                                                             uncompromising moral fortitude, who is committed to the good of the community
                                                                                                                                             and has contributed generously by serving Hardee County in various capacities. (2019
                                                                                                                                             Mildred E. & Doyle Carlton, Jr. Volunteer of the Year Award, Teresa Crawford, Sponsored by
   Visit the website for the upcoming year’s theme, location and registration information.                                                   Carlton, Durando, & Smith Families)

20 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                                                             Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |          21
Hardee History                          Originated in 1921 and named after Cary A. Hardee,
                                         Governor of Florida, Hardee County is rich in history
                                         and culture dating back to the 1800s. With Wauchula
                                         being the municipal city, the County also includes Zolfo
                                         Springs and Bowling Green.

                                         In between Bowling Green and Zolfo is the county seat
                                         of Wauchula, derived from a Miccosoukee Indian word           Bank of Wauchula                               J.C. McEwen,1908 (Bank of Wauchula)
                                         meaning “call of the Sandhill crane”. The Sandhill crane
                                         is featured in Main Street’s Heritage Park where you are
                                         surrounded by local shops, restaurants and businesses.
                                         Local vendors and patrons fill the streets during festivals
                                         and parades to celebrate school events and holidays.

                                         A few miles north of Wauchula is Bowling Green, a small
                                         city but one with great heritage. Payne’s Creek Historic
                                         State Park just a few miles east of town the area near the
                                         park was the site of Fort Chokonikla,, which was built in
                                         1849 as the first outpost in a chain of forts to ensure the
                                         area’s original citizens, the Seminoles, were kept at bay.
                                                                                                       Wauchula Train Station                         Beeson’s Drug Store
                                                                                                                                Just South of Wauchula on Highway 17 sits Zolfo Springs. It is best known
                                                                                                                                for Pioneer Parks which embodies everything you need to take a trip to ‘Old
                                                                                                                                Florida’ and encounter a first-hand experience with nature. Whether you
                                                                                                                                want to take a trip down the Peace River, visit the Wildlife Refuge or take a
                                                                                                                                tour of the Cracker Trail Museum, this beautiful Park will provide a unique
                                                                                                                                adventure for all ages.

                                                                                                                                Hardee County has been known for its vast agriculture industry with majority
                                                                                                                                of its acreage being used for citrus, dairy farming, cattle ranching, and vegetable
                                                                                                                                farming. In recent years the economy has seen much diversification with
                                                                                                                                phosphate mining acquiring substantial acres in the community.This rural hidden
                                                                                                                                gem is a great place to live fulltime, as well as part-time for winter guests and
                                                                                                                                visit for some time in the time to relax and enjoy the amazing natural habitats
                                                                                                                                and history Hardee County has to offer.

                                                                                                                                Zolfo Springs School, 1925
22 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                                       Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |              23
Hardee County                                                                                                           City of Wauchula
          County Commissioners
                                                                               Hardee County Board of
                                                                                County Commissioners
                                                                              412 W Orange St, Room 103
                                                                                 Wauchula, FL 33873
                                                                                   863- 773-9430
                      Colon Lambert
                         District I
                                                   Noey Flores
                                                    District II                                                                                 City Commissioners

                                                                                                          City Administration Building
                                                                                                          126 South Seventh Avenue
                                                                                                             Wauchula, FL 33873

      Rick Knight                Russell Melendy              Mike Thompson       Lawrence W. McNaul            863-773-3535                                                     Neda Cobb
                                                                                                                                               Richard Keith Nadaskay, Jr.
       District III                District IV                   District V         County Manager
                                                                                                                                                        Mayor                   Mayor Pro-Tem
                                                                                                                                                       District 3                 District 1

                                                                                                          Terry Atchley              Russell Graylin Smith        Kenneth Lambert            Gary Smith
                                                                                                          City Manager                    District 2                 District 4               District 5

24 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                                        Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |   25
Economic Development
                                                                                                                                         ABOUT HARDEE COUNTY, FLORIDA                                                                 In 2017, Hardee County, FL had a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      population of 27.3k people with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      a median age of 34.9 and median
                                                                     Main Street Wauchula was                                                                                                                                         household income of $39,063.
                                                                     designated by the State of
 The Economic Development Council (EDC) is the lead                  Florida in 1995. Over the                                             Population                    Median Age                      Number of Employees
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Between 2016 and 2017 the population
 agency for economic development in Hardee County. The               past 14 years the organization                                          27,326                        34.9                                9,857
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of Hardee County, FL grew from 27,302
 EDC is charged with marketing the county and being the              has seen many changes in the                                       0.087% Growth                                                      3.97% Growth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      to 27,326, a 0.0879% increase and its
 initial contact for interested businesses.                          downtown. From the creation                                                                                                                                      median household income grew from
                                                                     of Main Street Heritage Park                                      Median Household Income Median Property Value                                                  $36,222 to $39,063, a 7.84% increase.
 The EDC works to diversify the economy by creating quality          to the beautiful streetscape completed in 2008, the downtown              $39,063               $81,200
 careers in the hopes of improving the quality of life for Hardee    has once again become a center of activity enjoyed by the              7.84% Growth          3.05% Growth                                                        The median proper ty value in
 County residents. The EDC is committed to improving the             local community, businesses and visitors.Through events and                                                                                                      Hardee County, Fl is $81,000, and the
 economic well-being of the County through growth and                projects, we are honoring our rich history.We #lovewauchula                                                                                                      homeownership rate is 65.5%.
 expansion of local businesses and the attraction of new             by supporting our local businesses. Main Street Wauchula
 businesses to Hardee County.The objective of this planned           has been an integral part of the positive transformation of
 economic diversification is the creation of high-wage, high-skill   Downtown Wauchula.
 jobs that will retain and expand existing, high-value businesses.

 The Hardee County Economic Development Council strives
                                                                     Hardee County
 to provide the highest level of assistance and service to
                                                                     Chamber of Commerce
 businesses in order to encourage economic investment and
                                                                     Life in Hardee County
 prosperity in Hardee County.
                                                                     means wide-open economic
                                                                     opportunities, communities
 The EDC can assist businesses:
                                                                     eager to suppor t new
                                                                     industr y and growth, a
 — Start up a company in Hardee County
                                                                     ready labor force, an appealing tax climate, and a thriving
 — Relocate to or establish a presence in Hardee County
                                                                     urge to maintain our history of success. The Mission of the
 — Expand already existing operations in Hardee County
                                                                     Hardee County Chamber of Commerce is to enhance and
 — Provide consultation on state, regional and local incentives.
                                                                     develop stronger bonding among businesses, the government,
                                                                     educational services and the community, through positive                                       62
 Industrial Development Authority                                    programs and events that fosters business growth and lifetime                                                                                        64

 The Industrial Development Authority (IDA) is currently made        residency. The Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                         64A   650 636

 up of 5 persons currently and managed by the Economic               wants our future to be as prosperous as our past. To that
 Development Council (EDC) staff. The IDA has multiple               end, we’re taking steps every day to assure planned and
 revenue streams including the Mosaic Agreement and income           positive growth.We believe Hardee County offers a lifestyle
 from Commerce Park transactions, which allows the board             unparalleled by any other area. But don’t take our word for                       64                64
 to fund projects that foster economic development.                  it: Come see for yourself that we’re one of a kind!                                                                17S


                                                  Wauchula Community Redevelopment Agency. The Community Redevelopment
                                                  Agency (CRA) est. in 1997, is in a continuous process of redeveloping Wauchula
                                                  so that businesses and residential areas thrive.

                                                  The CRA gives grants to residents and businesses in the CRA District in an
                                                  effort to improve the area in ways that contribute to the physical, economic,
                                                  social and aesthetic well-being of the City of Wauchula.                           Information taken from Data USA. You can find more about the demographics of Hardee County at https://datausa.io/profile/geo/hardee-county-fl/

26 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                                                                                                   Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |                  27
Healthcare Services

                                         AdventHealth, formerly Florida Hospital, has been caring       certified Patient Care Navigator, the Bone, Joint & Spine
                                         for our Heartland neighbors since 1948 with a mission          Center offering a variety of minimally invasive procedures
                                         to “Extend the Healing Ministry of Christ.” AdventHealth       with board-certified surgeons, wound care with hyperbaric
                                         Heartland Region is a not-for-profit, faith-based 222-bed      services, robotic surgical services, sleep center and a wide
                                         health care system composed of three hospitals in Sebring,     array of diagnostic imaging including PET CT, MRI and
                                         Lake Placid and Wauchula, with a staff of more than 1,800      digital mammograms from an ACR-accredited “Center of
                                         employees and 225 board-certified physicians caring for the    Excellence.” Already the county’s busiest ER, the expanded
                                         Highlands and Hardee County communities. AdventHealth          Emergency Care Center offers 26 private rooms.
                                         Heartland Region is a member of AdventHealth West
                                         Florida Region, a network of 28 hospitals throughout           AdventHealth Lake Placid on US Highway 27 was built in
                                         Florida.                                                       1981 and features 50 private rooms. It contains emergency
                                                                                                        care, surgical services, wellness center and diagnostic
                                         Built in 1998, AdventHealth Sebring offers 147 private         imaging, all with electronic medical record capabilities. Both
                                         rooms nestled on 86 acres inside the Sun ’n Lake               the Lake Placid and Sebring hospitals were awarded an
                                         Community. Included on this campus is the county’s only        “A” in patient safety from the Leapfrog Group.
                                         certified Heart & Vascular Center, outfitted with three
                                         cath labs. The Sebring hospital also offers an all-suite       Filling a void in Hardee County when the county’s only
                                         Blessed Beginnings Birthing Center, accredited Breast Care     hospital closed in 1992, AdventHealth Wauchula is a 25-
                                         Center staffed with on-site board-certified radiologists and   bed critical access hospital offering excellent inpatient and
                                                                                                        outpatient care. The state-of-the-art hospital opened on its
                                                                                                        new location in December 2017 and has been designated
                                                                                                        a “Top Rural Hospital” by the Leapfrog Group’s Hospital
                                                                                                        Safety Score. It offers a transitional care unit with full array
                                                                                                        of therapies which serves as a vital link in the chain of
                                                                                                        patient care, providing a bridge between the high-level
                                                                                                        supervision of an acute care nursing unit and the less
                                                                                                        intensive care of home health care. AdventHealth Wauchula
                                                                                                        also offers the county’s only digital mammography inside
                                                                                                        its diagnostic imaging center.

                                                                                                        All hospitals are centered on the highest level of quality
                                                                                                        care and laser-focused on patient safety featuring electronic
                                                                                                        medical records for better clinical communication, Positive
                                                                                                        Patient Identification to eliminate medication errors and
                                                                                                        are Joint Commission certified.

28 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                       Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |              29
                                         Wellness Center

                                         At AdventHealth Wellness Center Wauchula you will be
                                         surrounded by fitness and lifestyle experts that have all
                                         the tools you need to complete a comprehensive exercise
                                         program.With your unique fitness goals in mind, our personal
                                         trainers will help you tailor your workouts for maximum
                                         results, helping you work smarter, not harder. By your side for
                                         every rep, pump or jog until you’re ready to continue on your
                                         own, we’ll make sure you understand your exercise plan and
                                         know how to work towards your goals safely and effectively.
                                         All new members receive a comprehensive fitness analysis as
                                         well as unlimited access to state-of-the-art facility including
                                         Wi-Fi, free-weights, locker room with showers and cardio/
                                         strength equipment. We also offer cooking demonstrations
                                                                                                                  feel motivated
                                         classes and health educational preventative health classes.

                                         Whether you’re starting an exercise routine for the first time
                                         or are a fitness buff, we’ve got you covered with a wide range
                                         of group fitness classes for every level. Our dedicated fitness
                                         and lifestyle experts will surround you with all the support
                                         you need to achieve your unique vision of health and wellness.
                                         Contact one of our Membership Services team members at
                                         863-773-6445 to help you find the best membership option
                                         for you or to schedule a complimentary tour.

                                                                                                           We’re More Than a Gym
                                                                                                           Because You’re More Than Just a Body
                                                                                                           Our goal is to inspire and empower our community to achieve
                                                                                                           whole-person health - body, mind and spirit.

                                                                                                               610 W. Orange St., Wauchula
30 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                                Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |   31
Hardee County
      offers additional medical services and
                                                                                         feel the freedom of whole-person care

      heath care facilities that are located
      throughout the county.

                                               Medical Centers
                                               Rehab Consultants
                                               Assisted Living Facilities
                                               Nursing Homes
                                               Home Care Health Care
                                               Fitness Centers
                                               Eye Care
                                               Dental Care

                                                                                         It’s time to feel your best. Physically. Mentally. Spiritually. To be centered.
                                                                                         And supported. To feel the power of an award-winning health care network
                                                                                         coming together to help you take control of your health. It’s time to feel whole .TM


                                                  For a list of specialists, visit the
                                               membership directory to find the doctor
                                                 or service that meets your needs.
32 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                     Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |   33

                                         South Florida State College is an open-access, higher education
                                         institution dedicated to providing a learning-centered environment
                                         through quality programs, training, and services. With the main campus
                                         located in Avon Park, SFSC also has campuses in DeSoto and Hardee
                                         Counties. The Hardee Campus provides a general and specialized
                                         classes supporting a variety of degree fields.

34 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                          Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |       35
HARDEE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD                   The following is a listings of
            1009 N. 6th Avenue - Wauchula, FL        public and private
                                                 educational institutions
                     (863) 773-9058                 in Hardee County:
                                                   Bowling Green Elementary
   Our Vision:                                     4530 South Church Avenue
   Empower and inspire all students               Bowling Green, Florida 33834
   for success.
                                                   Hardee Senior High School           The City of Wauchula, located in Hardee County                    Medicare Questions?
                                                       830 Altman Road
   Our Mission:
   To provide all students a high-
   quality education in a nurturing
                                                    Wauchula, Florida 33873
                                                        (863) 773-3181
                                                                                            Welcomes You!                                                    Call SHINE
   and creative environment to                                                    126 South 7th Avenue • Wauchula, FL 33873 • (863) 773-3131               1-800-963-5337
   develop responsible citizens.
                                                      Hardee Junior High                      www.cityofwauchula.com                                     Free, Unbiased, Confidential
                                                    2405 US Hwy 17 North
                                                    Wauchula, Florida 33873
                                                       (863) 773-3174

                                                       Hilltop Elementary
                                                   2395 US Highway 17 North
                                                    Wauchula, Florida 33873

                                                     Wauchula Elementary
                                                    400 South Florida Avenue                                                                          www.SeniorConnectionCenter.org
                                                    Wauchula, Florida 33873

                                                  North Wauchula Elementary
                                                  1120 North Florida Avenue
                                                   Wauchula, Florida 33873

                                                    Zolfo Springs Elementary
                                                    3215 Schoolhouse Road
                                                   Zolfo Springs, Florida 33890

36 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                  Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |     37
Parks And Recreation                                                                              Hardee Lakes Park
                                                                                                   Hardee Lakes Park is approximately 1260 acres of
                                                                                                  formerly mined and reclaimed land that has been donated
                                                                                                  to the county by Mosaic. The park has campgrounds,
                                                                                                  horse trails, hiking trails, handicap-accessible hiking trails,
                                                                                                  bike trails, picnic areas, a picnic pavilion, and a playground.
                                                                                                  There is also a boardwalk that winds around the lakes
                                                                                                  and through the woods, with an observation tower
Peace River                                                                                       where people can watch wildlife.
The Peace River runs through
Hardee County and provides
                                                                                                  Hardee Lakes Park contains 4 lakes in total;:
for all sorts of activities for the
                                                                                                  Gator Lake, Lake Firefly, Deer Lake and Lake Hardee.
nature enthusiast. It is a popular
destination for those looking
for fossils, primitive camping,
and traveling via canoe, kayak
or boat. Digging through the
river gravel you can find shark
and megalodon teeth, bones
and other fossils. With all the
adventure opportunities along its
shores, access is easy for visitors.

                                       Canoe Outpost Located on the beautiful Peace
                                       River, Canoe Outpost offers a unique experience for
                                       adventurers as you are taken back to the days of the
                                       Spanish explorers, Indians and first settlers where
                                       true Florida still exists. Offered experiences include
                                       canoeing, kayaking, camping, fossil hunting, fishing and
                                       hiking. For the novice or experienced paddler, there
                                       is something for all and kids are encouraged as 12
                                       and under paddle for free. Wilderness half-day, full-
                                       day, and overnight camping trips from two to eight
                                       days. With the main location in Arcadia, a secondary
                                       location is Gardner. Visit www.peacerivertrips.com
                                       for more information.

 38                                                                                                                                                                 Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |   39
Wauchula Abstract is a
                                                                                                                provider of real estate services.

Pioneer Park
Pioneer Park sits on 115 acres in Zolfo Springs encompassing the
Peace River and offers something for everyone. Campers have
the option to pitch their tents or park their RVs and wake up to                                                              863-773-9054
beautiful views of river and wildlife. Pioneer Park is also home to
a wildlife refuge where visitors can walk along the boardwalk and           Residential and Commercial Title Insurance | Escrow and Settlement Services
get a glimpse of native wild animals in a natural habitat. An old pool    Title Searches | Abstracts | Solutions to Facilitate Successful Real Estate Solutions
house once served as the hub of activity at the park, offering up           We offer personal service with a company which has been in existence for
snacks and drinks for those who spent their weekends swimming              over 125 years and an owner with over 40 years experience in business and
or just hanging out at the pool. It was forced to close in the 1970s                 the title industry in any type of real estate transaction.
because of large cracks in the concrete and now serves as a venue        Wauchula Abstract focuses on integrity through conservative management.                                                               Your Perfect Property
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    is Waiting
for birthdays and other events. The Cracker Trail Museum and                                Marcus A. Conerly, MBA
                                                                                      Wauchula Abstract & Title Co., Inc.                                                 Ashbrook Realty is an independently owned real estate company
Pioneer Village offers a unique view of history including a 1914                 123 South 9th Avenue | Wauchula, Florida 33873                                                serving buyers and sellers in the central Florida area.
wood burning Baldwin Locomotive Engine #3.                                                                                                                                  Our agents have over 40 year’s combined experience helping
                                                                                                                                                                             people from all walks of life realize their dream of home
                                                                                                                                                                                 ownership and acquiring real estate investments.
                                                                                                                                                                             212 West Main Street
                                                                                                                                                                             Wauchula, FL 33873
                                                                                                                                                                           Sandy Larrison, Broker/Owner

                                                                                       www.WauchulaAbstract.com                                                             www.ashbrookrealty.com

                                                                          For all your steel building needs!
                                                                               Steel Building Manufacturing, Erecting & Contractor                                                               863-735-1900
                                                                                          Residential Garages & Shops • Commerical Stores & Shopping Centers • Agricultural Barns
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                                                                            Industrial Warehouses • Installation of Metal Building Insulation • Repairs & Modifications For Existing Metal Buildings

                                                                             www.intercostalsteelbuilders.com                                                     1137 Steve Roberts Special - Zolfo Springs, FL
40 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                                                      Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |                   41
Paynes Creek Historic State Park

                                         In Bowling Green is Payne’s Creek
                                         Historic State Park. The park offers
                                         trails for hiking, biking, primitive camping,
                                         canoeing and kayaking, fishing, and an
                                         amazing exhibit presenting the history
                                         of this beautiful river.The visitor center
                                         displays are available to all to educate                                                                          Looking for a Unique Getaway?
                                         its viewers on how Floridian pioneers
                                         and the Seminole tribe lived during                                                                                  Visit the home, galleries
                                                                                                                                                                  and workshop of
                                         the early to mid-1800’s. The park is                                                                                internationally-renowned
                                         open 365 days a year from 8:00 a.m.                                                                                  artist Howard Solomon!
                                         until sunset and offers a wide array of                                                                                 Decorated with over
                                         amenities for visitors including a canoe                                                                              100 interpretive stained
                                                                                                                                                           glass windows & hundreds of his
                                         launch, picnic pavilion and a playground.                                                                           famous signature sculptings,
                                                                                                                                                           Solomon's Castle, nature trails &
                                                                                                                                                           restaurant are day-long delight!
                                                                                                                                                           4533 Solomon Road | Ona, FL
                                                                                         Dustin Allen, Park Manager of Paynes Creek Historic State Park

42 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                                        Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |   43
Wauchula Train Depot
                                                                      Renovated in 2013, the Wauchula Train Depot
                                                                      features an art gallery, gift shop and visitor’s
                                                                      information. It is also home of the Hardee
                                                                      County Chamber of Commerce and Peace
                                                                      River Explorations. Located at 135 E Main St
                                                                      in downtown Wauchula, the 1920s-built brick
                                                                      building features a gallery of the art and wares
                                                                      of local artists and craftspeople. The gift shop
                                                                      also features local products like raw honey, hot
                                                                      sauce, handmade soaps and literature by local
                                                                      authors. An area within the Depot is dedicated
                                                                      to the history of Hardee County and the State
                                                                      of Florida.

                                                                      In addition, the Wauchula Train Depot is available for to rent for your next event whether it be a wedding, meeting or family
                                                                      gathering. The old train station still has the charm of the original floors, exposed brick walls and rafters, wooden freight
                                                                      doors and large windows. A variety of accessories are provided in your rental so contact the Hardee Chamber for more
                                                                      information and to secure your date. For more rental information visit: www.hardeecc.com/wauchula-train-depot
     Solomon’s Castle
     Tucked away in the woods of Ona is one man’s dream
     turned reality. Solomon’s Castle is the home, gallery and
     workshop of internationally renowned artist Howard Solomon.
     Solomon built this masterpiece which showcases more than
     80 interpretive stained-glass windows and countless metal
     sculptures. After taking a tour of this unique castle along
     the oak lined Horse Creek, enjoy a homemade meal at the
     Boat in the Moat Restaurant. Solomon built this one-of-a-
     kind restaurant and the adjoining Lighthouse to be able to
     provide a meal for the visitors to the Castle. Groups, parties
     and holiday gathering reservations are accepted.

     They are open October 2 through August 1;Tuesday through
     Sunday, 10:00 - 4:00. Visit www.solomonscastle.com for more

44                                                                                                                                          Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |        45
Downtown Wauchula

46                  Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |   47
Main Street Wauchula                  organization has been promoting our community
                              for almost 25 years. With a mission to promote economic development while nurturing
                              historic preservation, they have been an instrumental part in the revitalization of Downtown.                            Shop Small Saturday
                              Completed in 2008, Main Street Heritage Park and the beautiful streetscape is the hub of                                 Small Business Saturday is the Saturday after
                              activity for the local community, businesses and visitors. Local shops and restaurants adorn                             Thanksgiving and a day dedicated to supporting
                              the streets where patrons visit and stop in for a seat on the bench for a rest or photo                                  small businesses and communities across the
                              opportunity.                                                                                                             country. Shop Small support your neighbors,
                                                                                                                                                       your friends and your local economy by
                               To celebrate the community and honor the history of the town, a variety of events are                                   shopping small with all of your favorite
held throughout the year. A few annual events that take place during the year are the Historic Ghost Tour, Fall Festival,                              downtown businesses. They offer sales and
Wildcat Tailgate Party, Shop Small Saturday, Brunch in the Park, and Hometown Christmas. Other more frequent events                                    promotions throughout the day to get a jump
are Hometown Happy Hour, Movies in the Park, Open Mic Night, and Fun Fridays. Open Mic Night is held every third                                       start on Christmas presents and enjoy our
Monday of the month and you can hang out, listen to music, sing, or play an instrument! There are also seasonal events                                 charming Main Street!
such as Fitness in the Park so check their social media pages for current events and happening in Downtown Wauchula!

                                                               Brunch in the Park

                                                                                                                              Wildcat Tailgate Party

  Movie Series                                                Hometown Happy Hour

  Hometown Christmas                                                        Open Mic Night

48 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                                 Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |      49
Festivals & Events                                                                                                                          Pioneer Park Days
                                                                                                                                             Florida’s premier outdoor festival, Pioneer Park Days,
                                                                                                                                             will celebrate its 52nd year in 2020. Pioneer Park Days
                                                                                                                                             is one of the largest, and the oldest antique tractor,
                                                                                                                                             engines, and farm equipment shows in the southeast.

               Peace River Pro Rodeo Classic                                                                                                 Some of the highlights include over 200 exhibits of
                                                                                                                                             tractors, hit and miss engines and farm equipment.You
               The Annual Peace River Pro Rodeo Classic comes to Wauchula in                                                                 will also experience historical demonstrations, daily
               January. Eight events are included in the two-day rodeo held at the                                                           tractor parades, arts and crafts and so much more!
               Hardee County Cattleman’s Arena: bull riding, bareback bronc riding,
               saddle bronc riding, women’s professional barrel racing, tie down roping,                                                     Located at Pioneer Park in Zolfo Springs, Pioneer
               steer wrestling, team roping and WPRA Junior Barrel Racing. The                                                               Park Days is an event that teaches the young how
               rodeo is sanctioned by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association                                                             their great grandparents lived and many times brings
               (PRCA) and the Women’s Professional Rodeo Association (WPRA).                                                                 a flicker of remembrance to the old pioneers who
                                                                                                                                             made Hardee County great.

                                                                                           Heartland Events
                                                                                           Heartland Events is a family-friendly event
                                                                                           venue and farm located in Bowling Green.
                                                                                           They specialize in weddings, field trips,
                                                                                           corporate outings, and holiday gatherings as
                                                                                           well as their annual Fall and Winter festivals.
                                                                                           In addition to special events, they offer
                                                                                           attractions for all ages including a jumbo
                                                                                           jumper, playground, a blast zone, hayride, cow
                                                                                           train, haunted house, pumpkins, live nativity,
                                                                                           Christmas trees and more! Check out the
                                                                                           website www.heartlandeventsflorida.com
                                                                                           for their hours and upcoming events.

50 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                          Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |            51
Hardee County Fair

         The Hardee County Fair is celebrating the 76th annual Fair in 2020. Each year they strive to provide
         good old-fashioned fun with some unique experiences. If you’ve never been to the Hardee County Fair,               WE HELP YOU RECRUIT, HIRE AND TRAIN                                                         Learn More About Our Business Services:
         you’ve been missing out! The Fair, first and foremost, is all about the kids. We offer a range of livestock        THE BEST EMPLOYEES                                                                          careersourceheartland.com
         exhibitions, pageants, arts & crafts competitions and a Citrus program. A large thrilling midway is provided
         by Arnold Amusements, along with all the Fair food you can handle. If fair food isn’t your thing, Fair staple,
         Cowbelle’s Kitchen is located in the Exhibit Hall serving all of your favorites like burgers, fries and hotdogs,
         plus they feature homemade desserts.
                                                                                                                                                                                Put Us to Work for Your Business
                                                                                                                                                                                Optimize your recruiting efforts and let us help
                                                                                                                                                                                you find talented candidates for your business!
                                                                                                                                                                                          n   Post Job Openings
                                                                                                                                                                                          n   On-Line Recruitment
                                                                                                                                                                                          n   Applicant Screening
                                                                                                                                                                                          n   Referral of Qualified Candidates
                                                                                                                                                                                          n   Hiring Events
                                                                                                                                                                                          n   Facilities for Recruiting/Interviewing
                                                                                                                                                                                          n   Funding For Employee Training

                                                                                                                                                                                We Have Solutions That Work For You

                                                                                                                                                                                          324 6th Ave N
                                                                                                                            Hardee Location                                             Wauchula, FL 33873

                                                                                                                            We are an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available
                                                                                                                            upon request to individuals with disabilities. All voice telephone numbers may be reached
                                                                                                                            by persons using TTY/TDD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at "711".

52 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce
Transportation Wauchula Municipal Airport
                                                            Wauchula Municipal Airport is owned by the City of Wauchula.
                                                            Since its opening in September of 1983, the Wauchula Municipal
                                                            Airport has had an important role in the Central Florida region’s
                                                            aviation system by providing flight training, aircraft repair, aircraft
                                                            storage and fueling. In addition to recreational aircraft operators,
                                                            the airport serves many local businesses, including spray operators
                                                            for the local agricultural industry.

                                                                            1202 Maurice Sonny Clavel Road
                                                                                 Wauchula, FL 33873

                                                                         Where Florida’s
                                                                         Skyways Meet

54 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                 Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |             55
Faith Based Groups                                                                                                   More than banking.
                                                                                                                                      It’s belonging.
 Bowling Green                            Wauchula
                                                                                                                                      MIDFLORIDA is your community credit union.
                                                                                           New Mt Zion AME Church
                                                                                           1615 M L K Avenue – 863-767-0023
 Apostolic Lighthouse Church              1st Missionary Baptist
 08 Orange Street – 863-375-3100          1347 M L K Avenue – 863-773-6556                 Northside Baptist Church
                                                                                           912 N. 8th Avenue – 863-773-6947
 Caring People Ministries                 Alpha & Omega Ministries                                                                    With branches throughout Central Florida, we offer all the
 5207 Mason Dixon Drive – 863-375-3377    113 N 7th Avenue – 863-773-5717                  Oak Grove Baptist
                                                                                           4350 W. Main Street – 863-773-0321         products and services to rival any bank.
 Chester Grove Baptist                    Apostolic Assembly
 519 Grape Street – 863-375-3353          640 Apostolic Road                               Peace Valley Lutheran
                                                                                           1643 Stenstrom Road – 863-773-2858         n   Free Checking*                                              n    7-7 Drive-Thru
 Christian Bible Fellowship               Charlie Creek Baptist
 3950 Aurora Avenue – 863-375-2864        6885 St Rd 64 E – 863-773-3447                   River of Life Church                       n   Low loan rates                                              n    Saturday hours
                                                                                           131 S 8th Avenue                           n   Great service                                               n    Convenient Help Desk hours
 First Baptist                            Church of Christ
 4531 US Hwy 17 – 863-375-2253            240 Will Duke Road – 863-773-2249                Riverview Heights Baptist                  n   Full-service mortgage department                            n    Commercial accounts and lending
                                                                                           1321 E Main Street – 863-773-3344
 First Church of God                      Church of Christ
 121 West Broward Street – 863-375-2231   201 S Fl Avenue – 863-773-9678                   Southside Baptist
                                                                                           505 S. 10th Avenue – 863-773-4368
 First United Methodist                   Church of Jesus/Latter Day
 4910 Church Avenue – 863-375-2340        630 Hanchey Road – 863-773-3532                  Spirit Wind Tabernacle
                                                                                           1652 Old Bradenton Road – 863-773-2946
                                                                                                                                                                                                  (866) 913-3733
 Ft. Green Baptist Church                 Dios es Amor
 2875 Ft Green Road – 863-375-9013        813 S 8th Avenue – 863-773-4576                  St. Ann’s Episcopal
                                                                                           204 Nth 9th Avenue – 863-773-6418
 Immanuel Baptist Church                  Faith Presbyterian                                                                          Wauchula 1490 US Highway 17 N.
 210 Broward Street – 863-375-4228        114 N 7th Avenue – 863-773-2105                  St. Michael’s Catholic
                                                                                           408 Heard Bridge Road – 863-773-4089
 Macedonia Primitive Baptist              Faith Temple Church of God
 607 Palmetto Street – 863-375-3226       701 N. 7th Avenue – 863-773-3800                 The Gospel Tabernacle
                                                                                           701 Pennsylvania Avenue – 863-773-3753
 Faith Assembly                           First Baptist
 4937 US Hwy. 17 – 863-375-4206           1570 W. Main Street – 863-773-4182               Wauchula Worship Center
                                                                                           720 W Main Street – 863-773-2929
 Mt. Pisgah Baptist                       First Missionary Baptist
 6210 Mt Pisgah Road – 863-375-4409       1347 Martin Luther King Jr Ave. – 863-773-6556

 Real Life Church                         First Christian Church                           Zolfo Springs
 3365 US Hwy. 17 – 863-375-4032           1121 Louisiana Street – 863-773-9243             Cowboy Up Ministries
                                          First United Methodist                           5969 Steve Roberts Special – 863-781-228
 Duette                                   207 N 7th Avenue – 863-773-4267                  Crewsville Baptist Church
                                          Florida First Assembly of God                    8251 Crewsville Road – 863-735-0871
 Dry Prairie Baptist Church
 40849 St Rd 62 – 941-776-1143            1397 S. Florida Avenue – 863-773-9386            First United Methodist
                                          Jehovah’s Witnesses/ English                     3402 Suwannee Street – 863-735-1544
 Ona                                      115 Altman Road – 863-767-1131                   New Vision Worship Center
                                          Lake Dale Baptist                                2915 Schoolhouse Road – 863-735-8585
 Limestone Baptist
 4868 Keystone Avenue – 863-494-4553      3102 Heard Bridge Road – 863-773-6622            Zolfo Springs Baptist
                                          Maranatha Baptist Church                         320 4th St E – 863-735-1200
 Ona Baptist Church
 100 Bear Lane – 863-735-1080             2465 Oxendine Road – 863-735-2524

 New Zion Baptist                         New Hope Baptist
                                          1999 St Rd 64 E – 863-773-2101                                                              Insured by
 202 Sidney Roberts Road – 863-735-0123                                                                                                                                     NMLS #417627
                                                                                                                                      NCUA.                                 Rev. 1/2020

                                                                                                                                      Eligibility requirements apply. Minimum $50 to open Free Checking.
                                                                                                                                      Ask an employee about fees and terms.

56 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                                                                                              Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |   57
Hardee County Chamber of Commerce
                                                                                                                                                                                               Member Directory
___________________________           Benny Albritton Grove Service, Inc.   Nickerson Cattle Company, LLC      AQUATIC PLANT                     AUTO  DEALERSHIPS             BEAUTY   SALONS                          Hardee County Chamber              CONSTRUCTION &
                                                                                                                                                 ___________________________   ___________________________              of Commerce
                                      PO Box 1784                           9060 Ten Mile Grade                MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                               ___________________________                                                                                                                 ENGINEERING
Wauchula Abstract & Title Co., Inc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ___________________________
                                      Wauchula, FL 33873                    Zolfo Springs, FL 33890                                              Alan Jay Automotive           IMAGEN Hair Studio		135 E Main Street
123 South 9th Avenue                                                                                           Applied Aquatic Management,                                                                              Wauchula, FL 33873                 Allstar Residential Maintenance
                                      (863) 773-6280                        (863) 446-2735                                                       Network                       215 E Orange Street
Wauchula, FL 33873                                                                                             Inc.                              1405 US Highway 17 South                                               (863) 773-6967                     and Remodeling LLC
                                      www.albrittoncompanies.com                                                                                                               Wauchula, FL 33873
(863) 773-9054                                                                                                 4305 Bomber Road                  Wauchula, FL 33873                                                     www.hardeecc.com                   105 West Summit Street
                                                                            Peace River Center                                                                                 (863) 781-3296
                                                                                                               Bartow, FL 33830                  (863) 773-4744                                                                                            Wauchula, FL 33873
ACCOUNTING                            C&B Cattle		                          P.O. Box 1559
___________________________                                                                                    (863) 533-8882                    www.alanjay.com               BETTER   BUSINESS BUREAU
                                                                                                                                                                               ___________________________              CHILD  CARE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (863) 448-4458
                                      220 South 6th Avenue                  Bartow, FL 33831                   www.appliedaquaticmgmt.com                                                                                                                  CCC Group, Inc.
Carlson Accounting                    Wauchula, FL 33873                    (863) 519-0575                                                                                     Better Business Bureau Serving
                                                                                                                                                 AUTO  SERVICES                                                         First Baptist Children’s Academy   5000 Old Hwy 37 South
3531 US Hwy 27 South                                                                                                                             ___________________________   West Florida
                                      (863) 773-4132		                      www.peacerivercenter.org		 ASSISTED LIVING |                                                                                                1570 West Main Street              Mulberry, FL 33860
Sebring, FL 33870                                                                                              NURSING   HOME                                                  2655 McCormick Drive
                                                                                                               ___________________________       Kemen’s Auto Parts		                                                   Wauchula, FL 33873                 (863) 533-1494
(863) 382-4141                                                                                                                                                                 Clearwater, FL 33759
                                      Chapman Fruit Company                 Petteway Grove Service, Inc.                                         306 North 6th Avenue                                                   (863) 773-9185
www.carlsonaccounting.com                                                                                      F.I.N.R.                                                        (800) 525-1447                                                              www.cccgroupinc.com
                                      P.O. Box 366                          2150 Ramon Petteway Road                                             Wauchula, FL 33873                                                     www.facebook.com/
                                                                                                               P.O. Box 1348                                                   www.bbb.org
                                      Wauchula, FL 33873                    Zolfo Springs, FL 33890                                              (863) 773-3218                                                         firstbaptistchildrensacademy       Cobb Site Development
Hackney, Ames and Company,                                                                                     Wauchula, FL 33873
                                      (863) 773-3161                        (863) 781-0099                                                                                     CARPET CLEANING                                                             401 South 6th Avenue
PA, CPA’s                                                                                                      (863) 767-4486
                                                                            www.citrusandcattle.com                                              Superior O.K. Tire Company    SERVICES                                 CHURCHES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ___________________________        Wauchula, FL 33873
234 S 6th Ave Suite 102                                                                                        www.finr.net                                                    ___________________________
                                      Conley Grove Service                                                                                       P.O. Box 1179                                                                                             (863) 781-4594
Wauchula, FL 33873                                                                                                                                                             Servpro of Bartow/Lakeland               Bayside Community Church
                                      2755 East Main Street                 Phoschem Supply Company            Hardee Manor Health Care          Wauchula, FL 33873
(863) 773-6499                                                                                                                                                                 Highlands                                116 W. Main Street                 Custom Drilling Services, Inc.
                                      Wauchula, FL 33873                    PO Box 255                         Center                            (863) 773-3261
www.hahcpa.com                                                                                                                                                                 P.O. Box 208                             Wauchula, FL 33873                 100 Kid Ellis Road
                                      (863) 773-6619                        Mulberry, FL 33860                 401 Orange Place
                                                                                                                                                 BANKS                         Highlands City, FL 33846                 (941) 755-8600x801		               Mulberry, FL 33860
                                      www.conleygrove.com                   (863) 781-3671                     Wauchula, FL 33873                ___________________________
Jo Ann Wilson EA LLC		                                                                                                                                                         (863) 510-5962                           www.baysidecommunity.org           (863) 425-9600
617 E Bay Street                                                                                               (863) 773-3231
                                                                                                                                                 First National Bank of        www.servprobartowlakelandhighlands.com                                      www.customdrilling.net
                                      David and Jane Durando		              Zolfo Springs Grove, LLC           www.hardeemanorhealthcare.com     Wauchula                                                               Faith Temple Ministries
Wauchula, FL 33873
                                      216 South 6th Avenue                  PO Box 2960                                                          406 North 6th Avenue                                                   Church of God                      Doug Knight Contracting
(863) 781-3941                                                                                                 ATTORNEY & LEGAL                                                CELLULAR TELEPHONE
                                      Wauchula, FL 33873                    Pinellas Park, FL 33780                                              Wauchula, FL 33873            COMPANIES                                701 N 7th Avenue                   Services, Inc.
www.accountingwilson.com                                                                                       SERVICES                                                        ___________________________
                                      (863) 773-9222		                      (727) 575-7944                     ___________________________       (863) 773-4136                                                         Wauchula, FL 33873                 4102 Nursery Road
                                                                                                               Steven Southwell, PA              www.fnbwauchula.com           Cricket Wireless                         (863) 773-3800                     Zolfo Springs, FL 33890
Rhonda K. Cole, CPA                                                         AIR CONDITIONING
                                      Debbie and Doyle Carlton III                                             502 West Main Street                                            P.O. Box 520400                          www.faithfilledchurch.com          (863) 448-2924
2860 George Anderson Road                                                   HEATING   & ELECTRIC
                                      P.O. Box 144                          ___________________________
                                                                                                               Wauchula, FL 33873                MIDFLORIDA Federal Credit     Longwood, FL 32752                                                          https://dkcsinc.us
Wauchula, FL 33873                                                                                                                               Union                                                                  First Christian Church of
                                      Wauchula, FL 33873                    Gator Heating and Air              (863) 773-4449		                                                (407) 335-4508
(954) 445-4348		                                                                                                                                 1490 US Highway 17 North                                               Wauchula
                                      (863) 773-3109		                      2370 Hwy 17 North                                                                                  www.cricketwireless.com                                                     HalfAcre Construction Company
rkccpa@aol.com                                                                                                                                   Wauchula, FL 33873                                                     1121 Louisiana Street
                                                                            Wauchula, FL 33873                 ATTRACTIONS
                                                                                                               ___________________________                                                                                                                 7015 Professional Pkwy East
                                                                                                                                                 (863) 773-0808                Verizon Russell Cellular                 Wauchula, FL 33873
                                      Donald E. Smith		                     (863) 832-3399                                                                                                                                                                 Sarasota, FL 34240
Robin C. Weeks, CPA PA                                                                                         Canoe Outpost-Peace River, Inc.   www.midflorida.com            101 W Main Street                        (863) 773-9243
                                      594 Dansby Road                       www.gatorheatingandair.comm                                                                                                                                                    (941) 907-9099
118 Carlton Street                                                                                             2816 NW County Road 661                                                                                  www.onefamilyonefocus.com
                                      Wauchula, FL 33873                    		                                                                                                 Wauchula, FL 33873                                                          www.halfacreconstruction.com
Wauchula, FL 33873                                                                                             Arcadia, FL 34266                 Suncoast Credit Union
                                      (863) 773-0809		                      John Palmer Electric, Inc.                                                                         (863) 445-1420
(863) 773-4556                                                              5 South Prospect Avenue            (800) 268-0083                    1451 US Highway 17 North                                               Florida’s First Assembly of God    Hardee Homes Specialized
                                                                            Avon Park, FL 33825                www.canoeutpost.com/peace         Wauchula, FL 33873                                                     PO Box 1658                        Services, Inc.
AGRICULTURE                           Dr. Barbara Carlton
___________________________                                                 (863) 452-2848                                                       (800) 999-5887                CHAMBER   OF COMMERCE                    Wauchula, FL 33873                 408 S. 6th Avenue
                                      P.O. Box 1088                                                                                                                            ___________________________
A+ Environmental Restoration, LLC.                                          www.johnpalmerelectric.com         Heartland Events, LLC             www.suncoastcreditunion.com                                            (863) 773-9386                     Wauchula, FL 33873
                                      Wauchula, FL 33873		                                                                                                                     Chamber Nation Support
4346 SW Hull Ave                                                                                               PO Box 62                                                                                                www.flfirstag.org                  (863) 773-6162
Arcadia, FL 34269                     Krause Grove Service, Inc.
                                                                            ___________________________        Bowling Green, FL 33834           Wauchula State Bank           231 W. Main Street
                                                                                                               (863) 375-4450		                                                                                         CONCRETE
(863) 494-7585                        2807 Ralph Johns Road                                                                                      106 East Main Street          Quincy, CA 95971                                                            Intercoastal Steel Builders, Inc.
                                                                            Chatham Pointe Senior Apartments
www.aplusenvironmentalrestoration.com Wauchula, FL 33873                                                                                         Wauchula, FL 33873            (855) 233-6362                           Jahna Concrete, Inc.               1137 Steve Roberts Special
                                                                            338 Stenstrom Road                 Visit Hardee
                                      (863) 735-1286                                                                                             (863) 773-4151                www.ChamberPAL.com                       104 South Railroad Avenue          Zolfo Springs 33890
                                                                            Wauchula, FL 33873                 135 E Main Street
Ben Hill Griffin, Inc.		              www.krauseusa.com                                                                                          www.wauchulastatebank.com                                              Avon Park, FL 33825                (863) 735-1900
                                                                            (863) 773-3031                     Wauchula, FL 33873
P.O. Box 127                                                                www.chathampointeseniorapts.com                                                                                                             (863) 453-4353
Frostproof, FL 33843                                                                                           (863) 767-9999                                                                                           www.jahnaconcrete.com
(863) 635-2251                                                                                                 www.peaceriverexplorations.com                                                                                                              Construction & Engineering Cont. Page 60

58 | Hardee County Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                                                                                                          Community Guide & Business Directory 2020 |                  59
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