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                                                                                                             death of
                                                                                                           much loved
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                                                                                                             - page 6

 California’s British Accent ™ - Since 1984                        Saturday, June 20, 2020 • Number 1840                                          Always Free

BRITAIN rushed out of coronavirus lockdown on
Monday – and treated itself to £1billion of retail therapy.
  With staggered openings      bringing down the tax on      was still around one third
making for 14 hours            most goods and services       less than on the same day
of spending, families          to 15 per cent, or lower,     last year. Shops and stores
splashed out at a rate equal   to mitigate the effects of    had patiently waited
to £71million an hour,         the greatest economic         three months to welcome
said      industrysources.     emergency since the 1930s     customers back and some
High street shops finally      depression.                   lured punters back with
reopened their doors after                                   massive price cuts, with
12 tough weeks.                ‘consumer demand’             John Lewis tempting
  And millions of shoppers      The action, which would      customers with 70 per
flocked to towns and cities    be welcomed by millions       cent reductions. Nike’s
and did what the nation        of hardpressed families,      flagship store in London
does best – queuing.           follows news the economy      was forced to open early
  Some even camped             shrank by 20 per cent in      as vast numbers besieged
overnight to be the first      April alone, wiping off       Oxford       Circus.    But
inside before releasing        two decades of growth.        nowhere was the thirst            TOO SOON? the scene outside a Primark in Manchester this
three months of pent up         Helen Dickinson, of the      for retail therapy more            week and (below), shoppers throng London’s Oxford Street
frustration                    British Retail Consortium,    evident than at fashion
with a huge spending           said: “The Government         house Primark whose 153
frenzy.                        needs to stand ready          outlets threw open their
  Monday’s retail boost        to support consumer           doors amid great demand.
comes as Chancellor Rishi      demand over the coming        In Birmingham, London,
Sunak mulls a temporary        months. “                     Doncaster, Liverpool and
VAT cut to help consumer        A VAT reduction is a tried   Brighton shoppers started
confidence in response to      and tested method to help     queueing from 3am.
the Covid-19 pandemic.         cut prices and increase         The opening of non-
  If he does intervene it      the spending power of         essential retail comes after
would mark the same            consumers – benefiting        the impact of coronavirus
tactic taken by former         the wider economy and         on the high street was laid
chancellor          Alastair   millions of jobs around the   bare in figures showing
Darling during the 2008        country.”                     the economy shrank by
financial    crisis.    The     Footfall across high         more than 20 per cent in
standard rate increased        streets, shopping centres     April. Over the 12-weeks
from 17.5 per cent to 20       and retail parks increased    of     lockdown      Britain
per cent in January 2011.      by 42 per cent compared       has taken a £20.4billion
But some experts think         to last week, analysis by     economic hit.
Mr Sunak could sanction a      Springboard showed. But         The Organisation for
more radical approach by       across all destinations it     cont. on page 2, col. 4
        News from Britain 2-4 • Brits in LA 6 • Meet a Member 7 • Local News 7 • Stargazing 8 • Puzzles 8 • Sport 12
Page 2                                                                                                                                                                 The british Weekly, Sat. June 20, 2020

 News From Britain

 ‘His life was under threat’ –
  hero saves rival protester
    n BLM protester hailed a hero in London
A BLACK Lives Matter                   you don’t think about                  Far-Right           thugs
protester has been hailed              that at the time – you just            reportedly     ambushed
a hero after saving the                do what you’ve got to                  demonstrators who had
life of a suspected rival              do. The guy was already                attended a peaceful BLM
as bloodshed returned                  on the floor. It was pretty            protest.
to the streets.                        hectic. It was almost like               The rally saw more
   Dramatic        images              a stampede...                          than 2,000 protesters
showed              Patrick                 “All the guys were                gather to call for an end
Hutchinson         hauling             surrounding me and                     to racism. A 400-strong
the bloodied stranger                  protecting me and the                  rival group surrounded a
over his shoulder and                  guy on my shoulder. I                  war memorial half a mile
carrying him to safety                 could actually feel strikes            away to “protect it”.
near London’s Waterloo                 and hits as I was carrying
Station.                               him.”                                  ‘disgusting image’
   Patrick, an athletics                  Patrick also said he                   And in London a
coach     and     personal             thought about the three                man was photographed
trainer, said: “I just                 US police officers who                 apparently       urinating
thought, ‘If he stays here             stood by while their                   next to the memorial
he’s not going to make it.’            white colleague Derek                  dedicated to PC Keith
    “I scooped him up,                 Chauvin was kneeling on                Palmer.
put him on my shoulders                the neck of George Floyd.                 Andrew Banks, 28, of
and started marching                      The             African-            Stansted, was arrested
towards the police.”                   American’s death in                    on Sunday and later
                                       Minneapolis        sparked             charged after presenting
‘scary moment’                         the protests being held                himself at a police station
  His         intervention             around the world.                      in Essex.
came during the second                    Patrick told Channel                   Other     monuments,
weekend of protests                    4 news: “I was thinking                including the one of
across the UK. In the                  if the police officers                 Sir Winston Churchill
capital    on     Saturday             that     were     standing             in Parliament Square,               “I just thought, ‘If he stays here he’s not going to make it.’ - Patrick Hutchinson
there were 113 arrests                 around had thought                     have been covered up
after football hooligans               about intervening and                  after    being     defaced          at the treatment of the       Tobias Ellwood, who            Commander Bas Javid
and far-Right extremists               stopping their colleague               or    threatened      with          tribute to PC Palmer, 48,     tried to save PC Palmer’s      said: “We are aware
mounted a counter-                     from doing what he was                 vandalism.      It     later        who was fatally stabbed       life, said the photo of        of a disgusting image
protest to a Black Lives               doing, George Floyd                    emerged        that        a        while confronting Khalid      the lout urinating was         circulating      on  social
Matter demo.                           would be alive today                   Desecration     of      War         Masood, the murderer of       “abhorrent” and called         media.
  Patrick,     a     father            still.”                                Memorials Bill, that                five people in Westminster    for his identity to be made       “I feel for PC Palmer’s
and grandfather from                      He added later: “It’s               would      see     vandals          in March 2017.                public.                        family,      friends   and
Wandsworth,          south             not black versus white,                jailed for up to 10                    Conservative       MP         Metropolitan       Police   colleagues.”
London, said: “I know                  it is everyone versus the              years, will be presented
nothing about the man                  racists.”                              to the Commons by
I saved. I think he was                   Patrick spoke out                   Conservative MPs on
partially conscious. It                as a new riot flared                   June 23.
was a scary moment but                 in Leeds city centre.                     It  follows     outrage

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 John Hiscock, Eileen Lee, , Rick Parcell, Anne Shaw,
 Nick Stark, Craig Bobby Young
 Showbusiness Editor: Sean Borg
 Advertising Manager: Mark Devlin
                                                                                                                  FOR SHAME: Andrew Banks turned himself in to police on Sunday evening
 Legal Notices and DBAs: Mirelle Woolf
 Distribution: Mirelle Woolf, Mercedes Grey
 Subscriptions: 6 months: $33, 1 year: $54 (1st class)                                                            Spending:                     crisis of any country in
                                                                                                                                                the developed world,
                                                                                                                                                                               that despite an initial
                                                                                                                                                                               bounce in spending in the
  The British Weekly is published every Saturday and is available at multiple locations in Southern California.                                 witnessing a slump in          weeks after restrictions
  Circulation: 25,000. The British Weekly has been adjudicated as a newspaper of general circulation in Court     cont. from page one           national income of 11.5 per    are lifted, discretionary
 Judgement No. SS008371. Copyright: no news stories, illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements can be
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   The British Weekly welcomes your letters and accepts unsolicited articles for publication. All submissions -
   including photographs - become property of the British Weekly and are subject to editing and/or deletion at    and Development said           Kyle Monk, of the British     remain subdued as the
                                               Editor’s discretion.                                               Britain would suffer the      Retail Consortium, said:       coronavirus    pandemic
                              California’s British Accent™ - Since 1984                                           worst damage from the         “The evidence suggests         wears on.”
The british Weekly, Sat. June 20, 2020                                                                                                                                         Page 3

                                                                                                                                                             News From Britain

  PM makes £120m U-turn
   over Rashford crusade
    n Footballers draws cheers as Boris is forced
       into climbdown over free school meals
BORIS                Johnson     Government had rejected        Summer Food Fund.
completed a U-turn this          the call, pointing to an          “This will provide food
week by promising                additional       £63million    vouchers covering the
£120million        to    feed    handed to                      six-week holiday period.
the poorest children             local authorities to benefit   This is a specific measure
over the summer –                families left desperate by     to reflect the unique
after a campaign led             the crisis. But the PM’s       circumstances of the
by footballer Marcus             official spokesman on          pandemic.”
Rashford.                        Wednesday announced               Rashford, 22, said: “Just
   The Prime Minister was        a new £15-per-week             look at what we can do
forced into the move amid        voucher plan for all 1.3       when we come together,
mounting pressure from           million pupils currently       this is England in 2020.
his own party following          eligible for the meals.           “There is still a long way
a letter from the England           Downing Street said the     to go but I am thankful to
and Manchester United            £120million scheme was         you all that we have given      Marcus Rashford: “I’m grateful the prime minister changed his decision.”
striker. Rashford, who           a “oneoff” recognition of      these families just one less
received free                    the struggles                  thing to worry about.           adding: “I thank him for     still be four million        Jeremy       Hunt      was
school        meals     when     families       faced     as       “This was never about        what he has done.” But       children     living     in   among those saying the
growing up,            called    lockdown sends the             politics, this was a cry out    Labour leader Sir Keir       poverty, a number that       position would have to
for the scheme to be             economy into a tailspin.       for help from vulnerable        Starmer said: “This is       could increase following     change. Education select
continued        over     the       A spokesman said:           parents all over the            another welcome U-turn       Covid-19. Tackling child     committee chair Robert
holidays to prevent more         “The Prime Minister            country and I simply            from Boris Johnson. Well     poverty does not end here    Halfon threatened to vote
than a million children          appreciates the problems       provided a platform for         done to Marcus Rashford      and should be the mission    against the Government.
in England from going            facing families across the     their voices.”                  and many others who          of every government.”        He called the footballer
hungry         during     the    UK during these difficult         The PM spoke to              spoke out about this            BBC host and former       “an inspiration”. The
pandemic.                        times. To reflect this, we     Rashford to “congratulate       issue.”                      England striker Gary         PM acted as he faced
   Initially,             the    will be providing a Covid      him” on his campaign,              Anne         Longfield,   Lineker said: “Great to      being left isolated with
                                                                                                Children’s Commissioner      see Manchester United’s      governments in Scotland
  Andrew: I regret Newsnight interview                                                          for England, said: “I        Number 10 changing           and Wales agreeing to
                                                                                                am very pleased that         policy at Number 10, an      extend their schemes.
 PRINCE Andrew has               is, of course, a source of     War.
                                                                                                ministers have now seen      extraordinary campaign       Work     and     Pensions
 admitted he regrets his         regret.”                         Before the interview
                                                                                                sense.                       and win for the brilliant    Secretary Therese Coffey
 Newsnight interview                During the interview,       with presenter Emily
                                                                                                   “Free school meals are    Marcus.”                     had     been     criticised
 about paedophile pal            Andrew        vehemently       Maitlis    was      aired,
                                                                                                the last line of defence        The        government     when she had dismissed
 Jeffrey Epstein.                denied      claims      by     Andrew reportedly told
                                                                                                against poverty and          climbdown        followed    Rashford’s claim that
   The        car      crash     Virginia Giuffre, 36, that     the Queen it was “a great
                                                                                                hunger for many families.    a growing Tory revolt        some struggling parents
 appearance        on    the     he was a participant           success”. But viewers
                                                                                                   “I would like to thank    urging the PM to think       had had their “water
 BBC last November               in the disgraced US            were incredulous and
                                                                                                Marcus but there will        again. Ex-health secretary   turned off”.
 was supposed to end             financier’s exploitation       sources say Andrew
 speculation over his ties       of her. Taken to London        “will never return to
 to the convicted child sex      by Epstein in 2001 when        royal duties”.
 offender. Instead it led to     she was 17, she claims           The Prince is now
 him stepping down from          she had sex with Andrew        locked in a stand-off
 public life.                    three times. On the night      with     US     detectives
   Sources       close    to     she alleges they slept         probing Epstein, who
 Andrew, 60, insist he           together in March of that      killed himself in a New
 believes the decision to        year the Duke said he          York prison in August
 speak out was correct –         recalled taking Princess       while awaiting trial for
 but he realises his failure     Beatrice for a pizza in        underage sex trafficking.
 to express sympathy for         Woking.                        Andrew says he has
 Epstein’s victims was a            He     also     refuted     offered to talk with
 mistake.           A      n     Giuffre’s     claim     he     investigators on three
 insider said: “I don’t          sweated profusely while        occasions.     Prosecutor
 think he regrets the            dancing at a nightclub,        Geoffrey Berman, who
 intention behind the            claiming that at the time      is heading the inquiry,
 interview… but the fact         he was unable to perspire      said in January the Duke
 he was unable to convey         due to a condition picked      had provided “zero co-
 sympathy for the victims        up while in the Falklands      operation”.
Page 4                                                                                                                                                The british Weekly, Sat. June 20, 2020

 Prince still                        Cecil Rhodes likely to be next to fall
has no sense                                 n Oxford’s Oriel University recommend removal of statue of controversial colonialist
  of smell
                                  THE heads of an Oxford         statue.
PRINCE Charles has                University college have          “They also expressed
revealed he has still not         bowed to public pressure       their wish to remove the
fully recovered his sense         and announced they will        statue of Cecil Rhodes
of taste and smell after          recommend the removal          and the King Edward
catching coronavirus.             of Cecil Rhodes’ statue.       Street Plaque.
  Charles, 71, and the               As part of the long-          “Both of these decisions
Duchess of Cornwall met           running            “Rhodes     were reached after a
frontline NHS staff and           Must Fall” campaign,           thoughtful period of
key workers this week             thousands       of     Black   debate and reflection and
as the Royal Family               Lives Matter protesters        with the full awareness of
returned        to     seeing     gathered in the city last      the impact these decisions
people in person. He and          week to demand the             are likely to have in Britain
Camilla, 72, chatted in           figure of the 19th century     and around the world.
the open air to nurses,           colonialist is taken down
cleaners,        consultants      from Oriel College.            ‘short-sighted’
and care workers from                They were angered             “The Commission will
several NHS trusts at             when Oriel described           deal with the issue of
Gloucestershire         Royal     the statue as “contes          the Rhodes legacy and
Hospital,         describing      ted heritage”.                 how to improve access
their efforts as “Britain at         But on Tuesday college      and attendance of BAME
its best”.                        chiefs reversed their          undergraduate, graduate
  The prince spoke to             decision to defend the         students and faculty,
healthcare           assistant    statue as well as a plaque     together with a review          HIT THE RHODES? The businessman is seen by some to represent colonialism and racism
Jeff Mills, 47, about             marking Rhodes’ former         of how the college’s 21st
contracting         Covid-19      home.      A      statement    century commitment to           greatest         possible     many      to      represent    Oxford      High    Street.
in March. Jeff said: “He          read: “The Governing           diversity can sit more          breadth and depth of          colonialism and racism.        Earlier in the week
did speak of his personal         Body has voted to launch       easily with its past.”          experience, opinion and       The 4ft statue of him          Universities      Minister
experience. “He spoke             an independent inquiry           It went on: “The              background.”                  stands above a doorway         Michelle Donelan called
about his loss of smell           into the key issues            commission is intending           Rhodes      was       a     on the front of the Rhodes     the campaign to remove
and taste and, sort of, still     surrounding the Rhodes         to draw upon the                businessman seen by           Building, which faces          it “short-sighted”.
felt he’s still got it now.”
  Camilla talked about             Your daughter is dead, German
the joy of seeing her
grandchildren             after   prosecutor tells Maddie’s parents
returning to Ray Mill,
her home in Lacock,               THE prosecutor in the             Gerry       and    Kate      the pain of the parents
Wiltshire, following three        Madeleine         McCann       McCann, both 52, are            and they want relief but
months in lockdown at             investigation has written      being kept updated as the       it is better for them that
Birkhall on the Balmoral          to her parents to confirm      probe into Brueckner, 43,       we have a successful
estate in Aberdeenshire.          his belief that she has        continues.                      conclusion to the case.
She said: “First time last        been murdered – but he            Mr Wolters explained:           “The British police have
weekend. Not hug them,            refuses to explain why he      “The parents have been          been informed Madeleine
but see them – a great            says that.                     told the German police          is dead but they don’t
treat.”                              Hans Christian Wolters      has evidence that she is        have all the evidence
  Asked          if        our    is leading the inquiry into    dead                            we have. “I don’t think
appreciation of the NHS           the involvement in the case    but we have not told them       the McCanns have been
has changed for good              of Christian Brueckner,        the details.                    informed of all the details
the duchess replied: “I           who is named as the                “I sympathise with the      but they know the results.
think it has, you can tell        main suspect in the girl’s     parents but if we reveal           “We have not yet
by all the people coming          disappearance in May           more details to them            interviewed the suspect
out every week to clap            2007. Mr Wolters, from his     it might jeopardise the         formally as we don’t
– they’ve done the most           office in the German city of   investigation.                  want him to be aware          “We assume Madeleine is dead. But we can’t say why.”
remarkable things.                Braunschweig, said there           “I know it would be         of the details of our
  “It’s a question of not         has been an exchange of        of relief to the parents        investigation. To reveal      information they have that     vanished from her family’s
panicking and getting on          information with Scotland      to know how she died            too many details too early    can support the reopening      holiday apartment in the
with it and I think they          Yard and Portugal – but he     but it would hamper             would hamper ongoing          of the file here. “I want to   Portuguese resort of Praia
are Britain at its best.”         admitted “not every detail     the investigation if we         investigations.”              find out if there are new      da Luz. Mr Wolters said his
  The      Gloucestershire        has been passed on”.           give away too much                 The            McCanns     leads for them to chase.       investigation is covering
Royal      is      effectively       He said: “We have re-       information.                    Portuguese           lawyer   “I want to know what is        the time Brueckner lived
Charles’ local hospital           established contact with           “This is a murder case,     Rogerio Alves is to meet      being done. What I hope        in Portugal from 1995
for his country home of           the McCann family in           not a missing person’s          with detectives on the        is that everybody helps        to 2007. He is currently
Highgrove, near Tetbury.          writing. We consider it        case. We’ve been quite          Algarve this week. But it     to find the truth instead      serving a jail sentence in
He will be there for the          is going to be very hard       clear throughout that we        now appears the German        of hiding information, or      Germany for drug-dealing
foreseeable future as the         for the family when we         are investigating a murder      authorities will not reveal   keeping information to         and was convicted last
Royal Family returns to           tell them we assume            and we have the evidence        anything further just yet.    themselves.”                   year of raping a 72-year-
normality with face-to-           Madeleine is dead. But we      for that.                          Mr Alves said: “I will        Madeleine, of Rothley,      old American woman in
face public engagements.          can’t say why.”                   “We can understand           try to find out what          Leics, was three when she      2005 in Praia da Luz.
The british Weekly, Sat. June 20, 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 5

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                                                                                                                  must be filed prior to that date. The             information in the statement is true and          2020085100. The following person(s) is/                  CASE NO. 20STPB03524
business is conducted by: an individual. The             fictitious business name or names listed herein
Registrant(s) commenced to transact business             on: n/a. Signed: Aimee Rosendahl, Secretary.             filing of this statement does not of itself       correct. This statement is filed with the         are doing business as: Aquila Insurance                  To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors,
under the fictitious business name or names              Registrant(s) declared that all information in the       authorize the use in this state of a fictitious   County Clerk of Los Angeles County                Services, 3320 W Verdugo Ave, Burbank                    contingent creditors, and persons
listed herein on: 02/2020. Signed: Simeon                statement is true and correct. This statement            business name in violation of the rights of       on: 05/19/2020. NOTICE - This fictitious          CA 91505. Bruce Howard Epstein, 3320                     who may otherwise be interested
Lastimosa Jr, owner. Registrant(s) declared              is filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles            another under federal, state or common            name statement expires five years from            W Verdugo Ave, Burbank CA 91505/                         in the WILL or estate, or both of
that all information in the statement is true and        County on: 05/15/2020. NOTICE - This fictitious          law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P              the date it was filed on, in the office of the    Peter Louis Epstein, 3320 W Verdugo                      THOMAS MATTHEW MORRISON,
correct. This statement is filed with the County         name statement expires five years from the date                                                                                                                                                                       JR..
                                                                                                                  Code.) Published: 05/30/2020, 06/06/20,           County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business           Ave, Burbank CA 91505. This business
Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 05/08/2020.              it was filed on, in the office of the County Clerk.                                                                                                                                                                   A PETITION FOR PROBATE has
NOTICE - This fictitious name statement                  A new Fictitious Business Name Statement                 06/13/20 and 06/20/20.                            Name Statement must be filed prior to             is conducted by: a general partnership.
                                                                                                                                                                    that date. The filing of this statement does      The Registrant(s) commenced to transact                  been filed by NERY PEREZ ROJAS
expires five years from the date it was filed on,        must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this
in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious      statement does not of itself authorize the use in        Fictitious Business Name Statement:               not of itself authorize the use in this state     business under the fictitious business                   in the Superior Court of California,
Business Name Statement must be filed prior to           this state of a fictitious business name in violation    2020083894. The following person(s)               of a fictitious business name in violation of     name or names listed herein on: n/a.                     County of LOS ANGELES.
that date. The filing of this statement does not of      of the rights of another under federal, state                                                                                                                                                                         THE PETITION FOR PROBATE
                                                                                                                  is/are doing business as: Ember 20,               the rights of another under federal, state        Signed: Bruce Howard Epstein, partner.
itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious   or common law (see Section 14411, et seq.,                                                                                                                                                                            requests that NERY PEREZ
                                                                                                                  1240 N Norman Pl, Los Angeles CA                  or common law (see Section 14411, et              Registrant(s) declared that all information
business name in violation of the rights of              B&P Code.) Published: 05/30/2020, 06/06/20,                                                                                                                                                                           ROJAS be appointed as personal
another under federal, state or common law (see          06/13/20 and 06/20/20.                                   90049. Thwaites Films, Inc., 1240 N               seq., B&P Code.) Published: 05/30/2020,           in the statement is true and correct. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               representative to administer the
Section 14411, et seq., B&P Code.) Published:                                                                     Norman Pl, Los Angeles CA 90049. This             06/06/20, 06/13/20 and 06/20/20.                  statement is filed with the County Clerk                 estate of the decedent.
05/30/2020, 06/06/20, 06/13/20 and 06/20/20.             Fictitious       Business      Name       Statement:     business is conducted by: an individual.                                                            of Los Angeles County on: 05/20/2020.                    THE PETITION requests authority
                                                         2020083400. The following person(s) is/                  The Registrant(s) commenced to                    Fictitious Business Name Statement:               NOTICE - This fictitious name statement                  to administer the estate under the
Fictitious      Business      Name          Statement:   are doing business as: City Kitty Poetry;                transact business under the fictitious            2020084214. The following person(s) is/           expires five years from the date it was
2020078957. The following person(s) is/are               citykittypoetry.com, 10216 Reseda Blvd,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Independent Administration           of
                                                                                                                  business name or names listed herein              are doing business as: Prius 911 Auto             filed on, in the office of the County Clerk. A           Estates Act with limited authority.
doing business as: Eazy Sure Plus, Premium               Northridge CA 91324. Scott Doctor, 10216
Quality Plus, 11715 Clark St., Arcadia CA 91006.         Reseda Blvd, Northridge CA 91324. This                   on: n/a. Signed: David Thwaites, owner.           Repair Inc., 7601 S Figueroa St, Los              new Fictitious Business Name Statement                   (This authority will allow the personal
Arion Product Solutions, 11715 Clark St., Arcadia        business is conducted by: an individual. The             Registrant(s) declared that all information       Angeles CA 90003. Prius 911 Auto Repair           must be filed prior to that date. The                    representative to take many actions
CA 91006. This business is conducted by: a               Registrant(s) commenced to transact business             in the statement is true and correct. This        Inc., 7601 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles             filing of this statement does not of itself              without obtaining court approval.
corporation. The Registrant(s) commenced to              under the fictitious business name or names              statement is filed with the County Clerk          CA 90003. This business is conducted              authorize the use in this state of a fictitious          Before taking certain very important
transact business under the fictitious business          listed herein on: 01/2020. Signed: Scott Doctor,         of Los Angeles County on: 05/18/2020.             by: a corporation. The Registrant(s)              business name in violation of the rights of              actions, however, the personal
name or names listed herein on: 04/2020.                 owner. Registrant(s) declared that all information
                                                                                                                  NOTICE - This fictitious name statement           commenced to transact business                    another under federal, state or common                   representative will be required to
Signed: John S. M. Chang, CEO. Registrant(s)             in the statement is true and correct. This
                                                                                                                  expires five years from the date it was           under the fictitious business name or             law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P                     give notice to interested persons
declared that all information in the statement           statement is filed with the County Clerk of Los
is true and correct. This statement is filed with        Angeles County on: 05/18/2020. NOTICE - This             filed on, in the office of the County Clerk. A    names listed herein on: n/a. Signed:              Code.) Published: 05/30/2020, 06/06/20,                  unless they have waived notice or
the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on:               fictitious name statement expires five years             new Fictitious Business Name Statement            Rudy Fernando Giron Galvez, CEO.                  06/13/20 and 06/20/20.                                   consented to the proposed action.)
05/11/2020. NOTICE - This fictitious name                from the date it was filed on, in the office of the      must be filed prior to that date. The             Registrant(s) declared that all information                                                                The independent administration
statement expires five years from the date it was        County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name             filing of this statement does not of itself       in the statement is true and correct. This        Fictitious Business Name Statement:                      authority will be granted unless an
filed on, in the office of the County Clerk. A new       Statement must be filed prior to that date. The
                                                                                                                  authorize the use in this state of a fictitious   statement is filed with the County Clerk          2020085240. The following person(s) is/                  interested person files an objection
Fictitious Business Name Statement must be               filing of this statement does not of itself authorize                                                                                                                                                                 to the petition and shows good
filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement   the use in this state of a fictitious business name      business name in violation of the rights of       of Los Angeles County on: 05/19/2020.             are doing business as: Knitted Kneil Fiber
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               cause why the court should not
does not of itself authorize the use in this state       in violation of the rights of another under federal,     another under federal, state or common            NOTICE - This fictitious name statement           Arts; Knitted Kneil, Knittedkneil ,3139
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               grant the authority.
of a fictitious business name in violation of the        state or common law (see Section 14411, et seq.,         law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P              expires five years from the date it was           Doolittle Avenue, Arcadia CA 91006.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               A HEARING on the petition will
rights of another under federal, state or common         B&P Code.) Published: 05/30/2020, 06/06/20,              Code.) Published: 05/30/2020, 06/06/20,           filed on, in the office of the County Clerk. A    Kneil Kameron Duterte Aparte, 3139                       be held in this court as follows:
law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P Code.)              06/13/20 and 06/20/20.                                   06/13/20 and 06/20/20.                            new Fictitious Business Name Statement            Doolittle Avenue, Arcadia CA 91006. This
Published: 05/30/2020, 06/06/20, 06/13/20 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  09/24/20 at 8:30AM in Dept. 67
                                                                                                                                                                    must be filed prior to that date. The             business is conducted by: an individual.                 located at 111 N. HILL ST., LOS
06/20/20.                                                Fictitious       Business      Name       Statement:
                                                         2020083540. The following person(s) is/are               Fictitious Business Name Statement:               filing of this statement does not of itself       The Registrant(s) commenced to transact                  ANGELES, CA 90012
Fictitious      Business      Name          Statement:   doing business as: Ketofed; Tok Your Business,           2020083946. The following person(s) is/           authorize the use in this state of a fictitious   business under the fictitious business                   IF YOU OBJECT to the granting
2020079583. The following person(s) is/are               18723 Via Princessa #1012, Santa Clarita CA              are doing business as: Spectacles Media,          business name in violation of the rights of       name or names listed herein on: n/a.                     of the petition, you should appear
doing business as: Dons Liquor, 411 W Pacific            91387. Tari Ventures LLC, 18723 Via Princessa            2501 Pico Blvd Apt 748, Santa Monica              another under federal, state or common            Signed: Kneil Kameron Duterte Aparte,                    at the hearing and state your
Coast Hwy, Wilmington CA 90744. Don’s Liquor             #1012, Santa Clarita CA 91387. This business             CA 90405. Nicole Marie Mandiola, 2501             law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P              owner. Registrant(s) declared that all                   objections or file written objections
Mart Inc., 411 W Pacific Coast Hwy, Wilmington           is conducted by: a limited liability company. The
                                                                                                                  Pico Blvd Apt 748, Santa Monica CA                Code.) Published: 05/30/2020, 06/06/20,           information in the statement is true and                 with the court before the hearing.
CA 90744. This business is conducted by: a               Registrant(s) commenced to transact business
corporation. The Registrant(s) commenced to              under the fictitious business name or names              90405. This business is conducted by: an          06/13/20 and 06/20/20.                            correct. This statement is filed with the                Your appearance may be in person
transact business under the fictitious business          listed herein on: 02/2020. Signed: Tanner                individual. The Registrant(s) commenced                                                             County Clerk of Los Angeles County                       or by your attorney.
name or names listed herein on: 04/2020.                 Richie, CEO. Registrant(s) declared that all             to transact business under the fictitious         Fictitious Business Name Statement:               on: 05/20/2020. NOTICE - This fictitious                 IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a
Signed: Amer Nakoud, President. Registrant(s)            information in the statement is true and correct.        business name or names listed herein on:          2020084222. The following person(s) is/           name statement expires five years from                   contingent creditor of the decedent,
declared that all information in the statement           This statement is filed with the County Clerk of         04/2020. Signed: Nicole Marie Mandiola,           are doing business as: FMC Industrial             the date it was filed on, in the office of the           you must file your claim with
is true and correct. This statement is filed with        Los Angeles County on: 05/18/2020. NOTICE -                                                                                                                                                                           the court and mail a copy to the
                                                                                                                  owner. Registrant(s) declared that all            Maintenance, 1228 W 1st Street,                   County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business
the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on:               This fictitious name statement expires five years                                                                                                                                                                     personal representative appointed
05/11/2020. NOTICE - This fictitious name                from the date it was filed on, in the office of the      information in the statement is true and          Pomona CA 91766. FMC Industrial                   Name Statement must be filed prior to
                                                                                                                  correct. This statement is filed with the         Maintenance, Inc., 1228 W 1st Street,             that date. The filing of this statement does             by the court within the later of
statement expires five years from the date it was        County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               either (1) four months from the
filed on, in the office of the County Clerk. A new       Statement must be filed prior to that date. The          County Clerk of Los Angeles County                Pomona CA 91766. This business                    not of itself authorize the use in this state
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               date of first issuance of letters to
Fictitious Business Name Statement must be               filing of this statement does not of itself authorize    on: 05/18/2020. NOTICE - This fictitious          is conducted by: a corporation. The               of a fictitious business name in violation of
filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement   the use in this state of a fictitious business name                                                                                                                                                                   a general personal representative,
                                                                                                                  name statement expires five years from            Registrant(s) commenced to transact               the rights of another under federal, state
does not of itself authorize the use in this state       in violation of the rights of another under federal,                                                                                                                                                                  as defined in section 58(b) of the
                                                                                                                  the date it was filed on, in the office of the    business under the fictitious business            or common law (see Section 14411, et                     California Probate Code, or (2) 60
of a fictitious business name in violation of the        state or common law (see Section 14411, et seq.,
rights of another under federal, state or common         B&P Code.) Published: 05/30/2020, 06/06/20,              County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business           name or names listed herein on: n/a.              seq., B&P Code.) Published: 05/30/2020,                  days from the date of mailing or
law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P Code.)              06/13/20 and 06/20/20.                                   Name Statement must be filed prior to             Signed: Francisco Reyes Torres, CEO.              06/06/20, 06/13/20 and 06/20/20.                         personal delivery to you of a notice
Published: 05/30/2020, 06/06/20, 06/13/20 and                                                                     that date. The filing of this statement does      Registrant(s) declared that all information                                                                under section 9052 of the California
06/20/20.                                                Fictitious Business Name Statement:                      not of itself authorize the use in this state     in the statement is true and correct. This        Fictitious      Business      Name          Statement:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2020086360. The following person(s) is/are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Probate Code.
                                                         2020083749. The following person(s) is/                  of a fictitious business name in violation of     statement is filed with the County Clerk                                                                   Other California statutes and legal
Statement of Abandonment of Use of Fictitious                                                                                                                                                                         doing business as: Ad Hoc Requests, 1707
                                                         are doing business as: BOSKOSTUDIO,                      the rights of another under federal, state        of Los Angeles County on: 05/19/2020.             Bridgeport Dr, Los Angeles CA 90065. 671                 authority may affect your rights as
Business Name: 2020082154. Current file:
2019307828. The following person has                     1299 Ocean Ave Suite 333, Santa                          or common law (see Section 14411, et              NOTICE - This fictitious name statement           Media LLC, 1707 Bridgeport Dr, Los Angeles CA            a creditor. You may want to consult
abandoned the use of the fictitious business             Monica CA 90401. Krista Montagna, 1299                   seq., B&P Code.) Published: 05/30/2020,           expires five years from the date it was           90065. This business is conducted by: a limited          with an attorney knowledgeable in
name: ABC Healthcare Inc., Inc., Pacifica                Ocean Ave Suite 333, Santa Monica CA                     06/06/20, 06/13/20 and 06/20/20.                  filed on, in the office of the County Clerk. A    liability company. The Registrant(s) commenced           California law.
Healthcare Inc., 8730 Santa Monica Blvd.                 90401. This business is conducted by: an                                                                   new Fictitious Business Name Statement            to transact business under the fictitious business       YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept
Ste E, West Hollywood CA 90069-4547. New                                                                                                                                                                              name or names listed herein on: n/a. Signed:             by the court. If you are a person
                                                         individual. The Registrant(s) commenced                  Fictitious Business Name Statement:               must be filed prior to that date. The
Horizon Health, LLC, 8730 Santa Monica Blvd.                                                                                                                                                                          Ian Beckman, Managing Member. Registrant(s)
                                                         to transact business under the fictitious                2020084203. The following person(s) is/           filing of this statement does not of itself                                                                interested in the estate, you may
Ste E, West Hollywood CA 90069. The fictitious                                                                                                                                                                        declared that all information in the statement
                                                         business name or names listed herein                     are doing business as: Tacos Meche,               authorize the use in this state of a fictitious   is true and correct. This statement is filed with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               file with the court a Request for
business name referred to above was filed on:
                                                         on: n/a. Signed: Krista Montagna, owner.                 14567 Telegraph Rd, La Mirada CA                  business name in violation of the rights of       the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on:               Special Notice (form DE-154) of the
11/25/2019, in the County of Los Angeles. This
business is conducted by: a corporation. Signed:         Registrant(s) declared that all information              90638. Tacos Meche Inc, 14567                     another under federal, state or common            05/21/2020. NOTICE - This fictitious name                filing of an inventory and appraisal
Rasim Dacic, Manager. Registrant(s) declared                                                                      Telegraph Rd, La Mirada CA 90638. This            law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P              statement expires five years from the date it was        of estate assets or of any petition
                                                         in the statement is true and correct. This
that all information in the statement is true and                                                                 business is conducted by: a corporation.          Code.) Published: 05/30/2020, 06/06/20,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      filed on, in the office of the County Clerk. A new       or account as provided in Probate
                                                         statement is filed with the County Clerk                                                                                                                     Fictitious Business Name Statement must be
correct. This statement is filed with the County                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Code section 1250. A Request for
                                                         of Los Angeles County on: 05/18/2020.                    The Registrant(s) commenced to transact           06/13/20 and 06/20/20.                            filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement
Clerk of Los Angeles County on: 05/14/2020.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Special Notice form is available
Published: 05/30/2020, 06/06/20, 06/13/20 and            NOTICE - This fictitious name statement                  business under the fictitious business                                                              does not of itself authorize the use in this state       from the court clerk.
06/20/20.                                                expires five years from the date it was                  name or names listed herein on: n/a.              Fictitious Business Name Statement:               of a fictitious business name in violation of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Attorney for Petitioner
                                                         filed on, in the office of the County Clerk. A           Signed: Merced Ramirez Sanchez, CEO.              2020084249. The following person(s)               rights of another under federal, state or common
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      law (see Section 14411, et seq., B&P Code.)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               RACHEL SCHERER JELLEN
Fictitious  Business     Name   Statement:               new Fictitious Business Name Statement                   Registrant(s) declared that all information       is/are doing business as: Day & Night                                                                      SBN 260538
2020082382. The following person(s) is/are                                                                                                                                                                            Published: 05/30/2020, 06/06/20, 06/13/20 and
                                                         must be filed prior to that date. The                    in the statement is true and correct. This        Publishing, 1257 North Grand Avenue,                                                                       SCHERER & BRADFORD
doing business as: Smart Home Services, 722                                                                                                                                                                           06/20/20.
                                                         filing of this statement does not of itself              statement is filed with the County Clerk          Walnut CA 91789/2100 West Lincoln
Page 6                                                                                                                                 The british Weekly, Sat. June 20, 2020

   Brits in LA
                                                       asked if he could see
                                                       properly in the dark
                                                       cabin. Jimmy said “Yes!
                                                       Stop worrying about
                                                       me...but I appreciate
                                                       you looking after me”,
                                                       and that was the last
                                                       time Ellie saw him alive.
                                                       He had a massive heart

                                                       attack and passed away
                                                       shortly afterwards. We
                                                       can take some comfort
                                                       in knowing that he

                                                       was having a great old
                                                       time, relaxing with his
                                                       wife and friends and
                                                       likely never knew what

                                                          Jimmy’s       untimely
                                                       death left lots of broken
                                                       hearts, but none more
As most of you probably
know, our community
lost a giant character
this week, with the
sudden death of Jimmy
Carr,        everybody’s
favorite Geordie.
  Funny,     kind     and
generous, Jimmy was
a friend to everyone he                                                            FAMILY MAN: Jimmy with Ellie and son Dean
met, and never happier
than leaving us all
                                                                                   her husband’s gifts           fun and laughter. They       not be possible, but there
slapping our thighs with
                                                                                   of love, strength and         are a credit to Jimmy and    will be a get-together in
laughter at his jokes and
                                                                                   laughter, and his three       Ellie.                       the future to celebrate
crazy antics. The tales
                                                                                   handsome sons: James,            The Carrs have been at    the colorful life of a local
about him are legendary
                                                                                   who will return to his        the centre of the Westside   British legend. In the
and will be told for
                                                                                   Venice home this week         Community for years          meantime, a Go Fund
years to come, all over
                                                                                   from Australia, after         and have always been         Me page has been set
the world, and he will
                                                                                   welcoming his second          solid in their friendship    up so that all his friends,
enjoy looking down
                                                                                   baby to the world; Sean,      and support of all           far and wide, can show
at us telling his life in
                                                                                   who was Jimmy’s side-         who knew them. Now,          their love and respect for
                                                                                   kick and always loved         without their husband        Jimmy and his family.
  Jimmy went sailing to
                                                                                   to be by his dad, on the      and father, they need that   Go to gofundme.com
Catalina at the weekend
                                                                                   beach or camping, or just     same community to rally      and put Jimmy Carr
of June 13-14th with his
                                                                                   hanging out together,         round and help them          Santa Monica in the
wife Ellie, and Jayne
                                                                                   and Dean, who has been        through this tragedy.        search box.
and Rob, on Rob’s yacht
                                                                                   a rock for Ellie and shares   Because of the present         RIP Jimmy, you will be
Seahorse, having a well-
                            NEVER A DULL MOMENT: Jimmy with his trademark smile    his dad’s cheeky sense of     situation, a benefit will    sorely missed.
deserved break from
his usual hard work         dawn, and went up          hurt than Ellie, the
week. True to form, he
got up at the crack of
                            on deck, pausing only
                            to answer Ellie, who
                                                       love of his life for 36
                                                       years,   who     shares
                                                                                           2009 Mini Cooper S Turbo For Sale

   Now featuring delicious, traditional handmade pies and
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The british Weekly, Sat. June 20, 2020                                                                                               Page 7

                                                                                                                             Brits in LA

   Not ready to hit the gym                                                                        Latest
 yet? How to stay fit at home                                                                       trivia
I don’t know about                                                                                champion
you but although I’m
completely ready to break                                                                         crowned!
the lockdown – while
wearing a mask, of course                                                                        Week 13 of the Brits in
– I’m nowhere near ready                                                                         LA Virtual Pub Quiz
to go back to a gym full                                                                         proved a lucky one for
of sweating, energetically                                                                       Julian McGreevy on
respiring strangers.                                                                             Tuesday.
   I     read      somwhere                                                                        Julian finally won the
this week that Arnold                                                                            popular trivia contest
Schwarzenegger popped                                                                            on Zoom after a string
his head into his beloved                                                                        of near misses in the
Gold’s Gym in Venice                                                                             past.
and saw hardly anybody                                                                           Julian won a $40 gift
wearing masks – and                                                                              certificate for The Cat
promptly turned round to                                                                         and Fiddle and will be
head home.                                                                                       back online to defend
   So what can you do                                                                            his title next time.
                                  Bodyweight squats are a great way to work your core
to keep fit and avoid the                                                                          Join        quizmaster
‘quarantine 15’ while still                                                                      Sandro            Monetti
                                    You can follow this basic    while travelling abroad.
socially distancing? Here                                                                        (pictured) and your
                                 workout routine every           Implement a healthy
are a few ideas:                                                                                 fellow Brits in LA
                                 other day or once a week if     eating plan that consists
   Shake things up by                                                                            for      more      banter
                                 you prefer and it will help     of a balanced diet that is
trying a few different                                                                           and brainteasers on
                                 you to stay fit, motivated      consistent,       sustainable
activities     to     remind                                                                     Tuesday June 23.
                                 and prepared.                   and something that you
yourself why being alive is                                                                        To play the quiz,
                                    When      you       begin    can comfortably commit
truly amazing! We only get                                                                       log into Zoom on ID
                                 strength training, you          to. Following this healthy
one chance to live this life                                                                     number 960-556-148 at
                                 choose to build muscles         eating plan daily will
and one body to do it in, so                                                                     7.45 that night and let
                                 and strengthen joints as        prevent yourself from
take care of yourself while                                                                      the fun begin.
                                 well as tendons, making         going overboard on food
having some fun.                 them stronger each time.        that is considered bad for
   Basic workouts that you       This basic workout is           you.
can do anywhere:                 quick and is designed to           Types of food to include
   For a start, riding a bike,   effectively target every        in your diet are, mostly
taking a hike and going for      muscle group in your            vegetables, protein (this
walking tours around the         body, perfect for if you only   source can be from animals
city are all great options       have thirty minutes or so       or legumes, nuts and seeds),
to begin the journey to          on your hands.                  and fruits. It is imperative
building a healthy body.            All you need is enough       that you include a form of
These activities are all         space on the floor to do        good quality protein and
forms of exercise that don’t     some squats and pushups         at least one vegetable in
even feel like exercise          and something to hang on        every meal. In addition, try
because you are exploring        to do some pull-ups. Get        to minimise the amount
and having fun while             creative and use whatever       of carbohydrates that you
doing them.                      is around you, a great place    consume on a regular basis.
   Another option is a basic     to workout is a park with a     This type of diet is known
workout that you can             playground.                     as the Paleo diet and the
do from anywhere even                                            aim is to eat food that is as
if you find yourself in a        Healthy diet                    close to nature as possible.
parking lot or waiting for       Whether you travelling or          Keep things simple.
a bus or just hanging at         staying home, it’s REALLY       No need to worry about
home. This basic strength        important that you are          counting      calories     or
training workout is really       mindful of what you eat, as     weighing food. All you
helpful, especially if you       what you eat matters and        need to do is be deliberate
are having to constantly         accounts for up to eighty to    in your decision making
travel between different         ninety percent of how your      with each meal. Foods to
countries with not much          body will eventually look       stay clear from include,
time on your hands:              and feel. The fact is that      sodas, sweets, chips, cake,
                                 you can’t out-run or out-       etc. Basically, all forms of
 	3 sets of bodyweight           train a bad diet, so choose     processed foods sometimes
squats                           to make this a priority in      referred to as “junk food”.
  3 sets of 10 pushups           order to achieve optimal           Remember to follow
  3 sets of 10 lunges            results.                        the above suggestions to
  3 sets of 10 sit-ups              Following a healthy diet     stay fit and healthy and as
  3 sets of 10 backpack or       will also help you to avoid     always, stay safe!
suitcase lifts                   depression and overeating       - Darien Sylvestri
Page 8                                                                                                                              The british Weekly, Sat. June 20, 2020

 Stargazing with Annie Shaw
ARIES: No one has been more stir crazy than you. You might be even tempted to step out of line in an abrupt departure from the recent past. Just be sure you do
not regret it!
TAURUS: This is a time for you to sort out the mind space you are currently living in. Get it straightened out and you may even resolve some unfinished business.
GEMINI: You will likely be looking around you at stuff you could have done or started in recent weeks. Now you are ready to do it your boss Mercury is starting
his backward journey so it’s time to relax. Happy Birthday!
CANCER: You water signs are feeling this time frame more deeply than most others. Your recent visitor Mercury is going backwards so whatever plans you have,
hold off and be prepared to wait a little longer.
LEO: Don’t forget to breathe and relax! It’s the best way to get through these next few days. An eclipse is holding you up in watery Cancer. You are a leader so get
your thoughts aligned and be ready to act next week.
VIRGO: Worry is no stranger in your life. It’s actually a normal way for you. Time will be on hold now your boss Mercury is heading backwards, whether you stress
or not. Relax…it’s not forever.
LIBRA: Your boss Venus is going into watery Cancer and Mercury is also visiting there. You have likely found some new responsibilty and you will soon be keeping
busy enough to stop you thinking too far ahead.
SCORPIO: Your health is important now that Mars your boss has moved into that area. Just make sure you take care of any issues in a timely fashion. You will soon
be busy having fun.
SAGITTARIUS: There are some folks who do not have any idea why you are upbeat and in good spirits. This is your nature, be ready to just feel good no matter
what but remember that trying to push an outcome forward is not a good idea. As the Buddhists say: enjoy the process but let go of the outcome.
CAPRICORN: Life will soon be much easier for you now that Jupiter is in your area of finances. Whatever the situation is make time to relax and be ready for a
short trip. Family should not always come first.
AQUARIUS: While the current times are uncertain knowing you can help other people can really help in your own life areas. You could also benefit by working on
healthy habits for yourself.
PISCES: While your mysterious boss Neptune is living with you it is likely you will have some interesting dreams. As one of the most intuitive signs a lot of these
dreams are prophetic, so keep notes.

    The British Weekly Crossword by Myles Mellor. #445                                The British Weekly Sudoku by Myles Mellor #445
The british Weekly, Sat. June 20, 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Brits in LA

1901 AVE OF THE STARS                     PANDO MICHAEL GEROV                       Dept. M                                   Judge of the Superior Court                    06/20/20 and 06/27/20.                         or common law (see Section 14411, et
SUITE 1100                                CASE NO. 20STPB04087                                                                20SMCP00164                                                                                   seq., B&P Code.) Published: 06/06/20,
LOS ANGELES CA 90067                      To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors,   It appearing that the following           Published    06/06/20,   06/13/20,             Fictitious Business Name Statement:            06/13/20, 06/20/20 and 06/27/20.
6/6, 6/13, 6/20/20                        contingent creditors, and persons         person whose name is to be                06/20/20 and 06/27/20.                         2020080856. The following person(s) is/
                                                                                                                                                                             are doing business as: ADL Financial,          Fictitious Business Name Statement:
CNS-3368983#                              who may otherwise be interested           changed is over 18 years of age:
                                                                                                                                                                             2222 Foothill Blvd Suite #E236, La             2020085756. The following person(s) is/
                                          in the WILL or estate, or both of         Adam Ali Abdel-Maksoud. And a             Fictitious Business Name Statement:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            are doing business as: 20/Twenty; 20/
                                                                                                                              2020078957. The following person(s) is/        Canada CA 91011. ADL Financial Group,
                                          PANDO MICHAEL GEROV.                      petition for change of names having                                                      Inc., 2222 Foothill Blvd Suite #E236,          Twenty Group, 20/Twenty Group Real
NOTICE OF PETITION TO                     A PETITION FOR PROBATE has                been duly filed with the clerk of this
                                                                                                                              are doing business as: Eazy Sure Plus;
                                                                                                                                                                             La Canada CA 91011. This business              Estate, 20/Twenty Group Remodel,
ADMINISTER ESTATE OF:                     been filed by SUPAP SOLEY in the                                                    Premium Quality Plus, 11715 Clark St.,
                                                                                    Court, and it appearing from said                                                        is conducted by: a corporation. The            20/Twenty Real Estate, 20/Twenty
BERTHA DE LA CERDA                                                                                                            Arcadia CA 91006/PO Box 1406, Duarte
                                          Superior Court of California, County      petition that said petitioner(s) desire                                                  Registrant(s) commenced to transact            Remodel, 20/Twenty Santa Barbara, 20/
                                                                                                                              CA 91009. Arion Product Solutions,
CASE NO. 20STPB04151                      of LOS ANGELES.                                                                                                                    business under the fictitious business         Twenty Santa Barbara Real Estate, 9454
                                                                                    to have their name changed from           11715 Clark St., Arcadia CA 91006. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Wilshire Blvd #100, Beverly Hills CA
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors,   THE PETITION FOR PROBATE                                                                                                           name or names listed herein on:
contingent creditors, and persons                                                   Adam Ali Abdel-Maksoud to Adam            business is conducted by: a corporation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            90212; 801 Chapala St, Santa Barbara
                                          requests that SUPAP SOLEY                                                           The Registrant(s) commenced to                 04/2020. Signed: Adelina Ambarchyan,
who may otherwise be interested                                                     Ali Maksoud.                                                                             CEO. Registrant(s) declared that all           CA 93101. Bowen Lee, 801 Chapala St,
                                          be      appointed       as     personal                                             transact business under the fictitious
in the WILL or estate, or both of                                                                                                                                            information in the statement is true and       Santa Barbara CA 93101. This business
                                          representative to administer the                                                    business name or names listed herein
                                                                                    IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that all                                                            correct. This statement is filed with the      is conducted by: an individual. The
BERTHA DE LA CERDA.                       estate of the decedent.                                                             on: 04/2020. Signed: John S.M. Chang,
                                                                                    persons interested in the above                                                          County Clerk of Los Angeles County             Registrant(s) commenced to transact
A PETITION FOR PROBATE has                THE PETITION requests the                                                           CEO. Registrant(s) declared that all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            business under the fictitious business
                                                                                    entitled matter of change of names        information in the statement is true and       on: 05/13/2020. NOTICE - This fictitious
been filed by ANDRES RENE                 decedent’s WILL and codicils, if                                                                                                                                                  name or names listed herein on: n/a.
                                                                                    appear before the above entitled          correct. This statement is filed with the      name statement expires five years from
DE LA CERDA in the Superior               any, be admitted to probate. The                                                                                                   the date it was filed on, in the office        Signed: Bowen Lee, owner. Registrant(s)
Court of California, County of LOS        WILL and any codicils are available       court to show cause why the petition      County Clerk of Los Angeles County
                                                                                                                                                                             of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious          declared that all information in the
ANGELES.                                                                            for change of name(s) should not be       on: 05/11/2020. NOTICE - This fictitious
                                          for examination in the file kept by                                                                                                Business Name Statement must be                statement is true and correct. This
                                                                                                                              name statement expires five years from
THE PETITION FOR PROBATE                  the court.                                granted.                                  the date it was filed on, in the office        filed prior to that date. The filing of this   statement is filed with the County Clerk
requests that ANDRES RENE                 THE PETITION requests authority           Any person objecting to the name                                                         statement does not of itself authorize the     of Los Angeles County on: 05/20/2020.
                                                                                                                              of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
DE LA CERDA be appointed                  to administer the estate under the        changes described must file a                                                            use in this state of a fictitious business     NOTICE - This fictitious name statement
                                                                                                                              Business Name Statement must be
as personal representative to                                                                                                                                                name in violation of the rights of another     expires five years from the date it was
                                          Independent Administration           of   written petition that includes the        filed prior to that date. The filing of this
administer the estate of the                                                                                                                                                 under federal, state or common law (see        filed on, in the office of the County
                                          Estates Act with limited authority.       reasons for the objection at least        statement does not of itself authorize the
                                                                                                                                                                             Section 14411, et seq., B&P Code.)             Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name
decedent.                                 (This authority will allow the personal   two court days before the matter          use in this state of a fictitious business
                                                                                                                                                                             Published: 06/06/20, 06/13/20, 06/20/20        Statement must be filed prior to that
THE PETITION requests the                 representative to take many actions       is scheduled to be heard and must         name in violation of the rights of another
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            date. The filing of this statement does not
                                                                                                                              under federal, state or common law (see        and 06/27/20.
decedent’s WILL and codicils, if          without obtaining court approval.         appear at the hearing to show                                                                                                           of itself authorize the use in this state of
any, be admitted to probate. The          Before taking certain very important                                                Section 14411, et seq., B&P Code.)
                                                                                    cause why the petition should not                                                        Fictitious Business Name Statement:            a fictitious business name in violation of
WILL and any codicils are available                                                                                           Published: 06/06/20, 06/13/20, 06/20/20
                                          actions, however, the personal            be granted. If no written objection is                                                   2020081174. The following person(s)            the rights of another under federal, state
                                                                                                                              and 06/27/20.
for examination in the file kept by       representative will be required to                                                                                                 is/are doing business as: Courtdrive,          or common law (see Section 14411, et
                                                                                    timely filed, the court may grant the
the court.                                give notice to interested persons                                                                                                  3900 W. Alameda Ave Suite 1200,                seq., B&P Code.) Published: 06/06/20,
THE PETITION requests authority                                                     petition without a hearing.               Fictitious     Business       Name                                                            06/13/20, 06/20/20 and 06/27/20.
                                          unless they have waived notice or                                                                                                  Burbank CA 91505/PO Box 571311,
to administer the estate under the        consented to the proposed action.)
                                                                                    IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a
                                                                                                                              Statement: 2020080269. The                     Tarzana CA 91357. Inforuptcy, LLC,
Independent Administration           of                                                                                                                                      3900 W. Alameda Ave Suite 1200,                Fictitious Business Name Statement:
                                          The independent administration                                                      following person(s) is/are doing
Estates Act . (This authority will        authority will be granted unless an       copy of this order be published in                                                       Burbank CA 91505. This business is             2020087811. The following person(s)
allow the personal representative         interested person files an objection      the British Weekly, a newspaper of        business as: A Muse Defined,                   conducted by: a limited liability company.     is/are doing business as: Rafaela
                                                                                    general circulation for the County        10507 National Blvd. Apt. 3,                   The Registrant(s) commenced to                 Shoshana, 2860 Via de la Guerra, Palos
to take many actions without              to the petition and shows good                                                                                                                                                    Verdes Estat, CA 90274. Norel Ebriani,
                                                                                                                                                                             transact business under the fictitious
obtaining court approval. Before          cause why the court should not            of Los Angeles, for four successive       Los Angeles CA 90034. Brittney                 business name or names listed herein           2860 Via de la Guerra, Palos Verdes
taking certain very important             grant the authority.                      weeks prior to the date set for           Brooks, 10507 National Blvdd.                                                                 Estates, CA 90274. This business
                                                                                                                                                                             on: 04/2015. Signed: Vahak Papasian,
actions, however, the personal            A HEARING on the petition will            hearing of said petition.                 Apt. 3, Los Angeles CA 90034.                  Member. Registrant(s) declared that all        is conducted by: an individual. The
representative will be required to        be held in this court as follows:                                                                                                  information in the statement is true and       Registrant(s) commenced to transact
give notice to interested persons         10/15/20 at 8:30AM in Dept. 5             Dated: May 28, 2020.
                                                                                                                              This business is conducted by:                                                                business under the fictitious business
                                                                                                                                                                             correct. This statement is filed with the
unless they have waived notice or         located at 111 N. HILL ST., LOS           Ramona G See                              an individual. The Registrant(s)               County Clerk of Los Angeles County             name or names listed herein on:
consented to the proposed action.)        ANGELES, CA 90012                         Judge of the Superior Court               commenced           to     transact            on: 05/13/2020. NOTICE - This fictitious       05/2020. Signed: Norel Ebriani, owner.
                                                                                                                                                                             name statement expires five years from         Registrant(s) declared that all information
The independent administration            IF YOU OBJECT to the granting             20TRCP00096                               business under the fictitious                                                                 in the statement is true and correct. This
authority will be granted unless an       of the petition, you should appear                                                                                                 the date it was filed on, in the office
                                                                                                                              business name or names                         of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious          statement is filed with the County Clerk
interested person files an objection      at the hearing and state your             Published    06/06/20,      06/13/20,
to the petition and shows good            objections or file written objections
                                                                                                                              listed herein on: 01/2020.                     Business Name Statement must be                of Los Angeles County on: 05/22/2020.
                                                                                    06/20/20 and 06/27/20.                    Signed:       Brittney      Brooks,            filed prior to that date. The filing of this   NOTICE - This fictitious name statement
cause why the court should not            with the court before the hearing.                                                                                                 statement does not of itself authorize the     expires five years from the date it was
grant the authority.                      Your appearance may be in person          Order to Show Cause for Change
                                                                                                                              owner. Registrant(s) declared                  use in this state of a fictitious business     filed on, in the office of the County
A HEARING on the petition will            or by your attorney.                      of Name
                                                                                                                              that all information in the                    name in violation of the rights of another     Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name
be held in this court as follows:         IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a                                                          statement is true and correct.                 under federal, state or common law (see        Statement must be filed prior to that
10/20/20 at 8:30AM in Dept. 79                                                      Superior Court of California                                                                                                            date. The filing of this statement does not
                                          contingent creditor of the decedent,                                                                                               Section 14411, et seq., B&P Code.)
located at 111 N. HILL ST., LOS           you must file your claim with
                                                                                    County of Los Angeles                     This statement is filed with the               Published: 06/06/20, 06/13/20, 06/20/20        of itself authorize the use in this state of
ANGELES, CA 90012                         the court and mail a copy to the          1725 Main Street                          County Clerk of Los Angeles                    and 06/27/20.                                  a fictitious business name in violation of
IF YOU OBJECT to the granting             personal representative appointed         Santa Monica CA 90401                     County        on:      05/12/2020.                                                            the rights of another under federal, state
                                                                                                                                                                             Fictitious Business Name Statement:            or common law (see Section 14411, et
of the petition, you should appear        by the court within the later of                                                    NOTICE - This fictitious name                  2020084708. The following person(s)            seq., B&P Code.) Published: 06/06/20,
at the hearing and state your             either (1) four months from the           In the Matter of the Petition of
                                                                                    Michael Alan Cassini, an adult over
                                                                                                                              statement expires five years                   is/are doing business as: Away With            06/13/20, 06/20/20 and 06/27/20.
objections or file written objections     date of first issuance of letters to
with the court before the hearing.        a general personal representative,        the age of 18 years.                      from the date it was filed on, in              Chaos, 4712 Admiralty Way Suite 253,
                                                                                                                                                                             Marina del Rey CA 90292. Away With             Fictitious Business Name Statement:
Your appearance may be in person          as defined in section 58(b) of the                                                  the office of the County Clerk. A                                                             2020088144. The following person(s) is/
                                                                                                                                                                             Chaos Inc., 4712 Admiralty Way Suite
or by your attorney.                      California Probate Code, or (2) 60        Date: 07/28/20. Time: 8:30am, in          new Fictitious Business Name                   253, Marina del Rey CA 90292. This             are doing business as: Watt You Say; JSL
IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a                days from the date of mailing or          Dept. K                                   Statement must be filed prior                  business is conducted by: a corporation.       Consulting, 11105 Rose Avenue #205,
contingent creditor of the decedent,      personal delivery to you of a notice                                                                                               The Registrant(s) commenced to                 Los Angeles CA 90034. Sara Lipetz
                                                                                                                              to that date. The filing of this                                                              Interiors LLC, 11105 Rose Avenue #205,
you must file your claim with             under section 9052 of the California      It appearing that the following person                                                   transact business under the fictitious
the court and mail a copy to the          Probate Code.
                                                                                                                              statement does not of itself                   business name or names listed herein           Los Angeles CA 90034. This business
                                                                                    whose name is to be changed is
personal representative appointed         Other California statutes and legal       over 18 years of age: Michael Alan
                                                                                                                              authorize the use in this state                on: 09/2002. Signed: Michelle Vieira,          is conducted by: a limited liability
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            company. The Registrant(s) commenced
by the court within the later of          authority may affect your rights as       Cassini. And a petition for change        of a fictitious business name in               President. Registrant(s) declared that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            to transact business under the fictitious
                                                                                                                                                                             all information in the statement is true
either (1) four months from the           a creditor. You may want to consult       of names having been duly filed           violation of the rights of another             and correct. This statement is filed with      business name or names listed herein
date of first issuance of letters to      with an attorney knowledgeable in         with the clerk of this Court, and it      under federal, state or common                                                                on: n/a. Signed: Justin Samuel Lipetz,
                                                                                                                                                                             the County Clerk of Los Angeles County
a general personal representative,        California law.                                                                                                                                                                   Member. Registrant(s) declared that all
as defined in section 58(b) of the        YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept
                                                                                    appearing from said petition that         law (see Section 14411, et                     on: 05/19/2020. NOTICE - This fictitious
                                                                                                                                                                             name statement expires five years from         information in the statement is true and
                                                                                    said petitioner(s) desire to have their   seq., B&P Code.) Published:
California Probate Code, or (2) 60        by the court. If you are a person                                                                                                  the date it was filed on, in the office        correct. This statement is filed with the
                                                                                    name changed from Michael Alan            06/06/20, 06/13/20, 06/20/20                                                                  County Clerk of Los Angeles County
days from the date of mailing or          interested in the estate, you may                                                                                                  of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
                                                                                    Cassini to Michael Alan Cohen.                                                                                                          on: 05/26/2020. NOTICE - This fictitious
personal delivery to you of a notice      file with the court a Request for                                                   and 06/27/20.                                  Business Name Statement must be
under section 9052 of the California      Special Notice (form DE-154) of the                                                                                                filed prior to that date. The filing of this   name statement expires five years from
Probate Code.                             filing of an inventory and appraisal      IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that all                                                            statement does not of itself authorize the     the date it was filed on, in the office
Other California statutes and legal       of estate assets or of any petition       persons interested in the above           Statement of Abandonment                       use in this state of a fictitious business     of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
authority may affect your rights as       or account as provided in Probate         entitled matter of change of names        of Use of Fictitious Business                  name in violation of the rights of another     Business Name Statement must be
                                                                                                                                                                             under federal, state or common law (see        filed prior to that date. The filing of this
a creditor. You may want to consult       Code section 1250. A Request for          appear before the above entitled          Name: 2020080783. Current                                                                     statement does not of itself authorize the
                                                                                    court to show cause why the petition                                                     Section 14411, et seq., B&P Code.)
with an attorney knowledgeable in         Special Notice form is available                                                    file: 2019064069. The following                Published: 06/06/20, 06/13/20, 06/20/20        use in this state of a fictitious business
California law.                           from the court clerk.                     for change of name(s) should not be       person has abandoned the                       and 06/27/20.                                  name in violation of the rights of another
YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept             Attorney for Petitioner                   granted.                                                                                                                                under federal, state or common law (see
by the court. If you are a person         LYNARD C. HINOJOSA - SBN                  Any person objecting to the name
                                                                                                                              use of the fictitious business                                                                Section 14411, et seq., B&P Code.)
                                                                                                                                                                             Fictitious Business Name Statement:
interested in the estate, you may         041397; BRENDA DEPEW - SBN                changes described must file a             name: Autorickshaw Pictures,                   2020085187. The following person(s) is/        Published: 06/06/20, 06/13/20, 06/20/20
file with the court a Request for         259510, HINOJOSA & FORER LLP              written petition that includes the        445 W Lexington Dr #6,                         are doing business as: Team Financial          and 06/27/20.
Special Notice (form DE-154) of the       2215 COLBY AVE                            reasons for the objection at least        Glendale CA 91203. Scott                       Fitness, 21800 Oxnard St Suite 800,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Fictitious Business Name Statement:
filing of an inventory and appraisal      LOS ANGELES CA 90064-1504                                                                                                          Woodland Hills CA 91367. Michael
                                                                                    two court days before the matter          Andrew Sheppard, 445 W                         Preston, 4843, Brewster Drive, Tarzana         2020088146. The following person(s)
of estate assets or of any petition       6/6, 6/13, 6/20/20                        is scheduled to be heard and must
or account as provided in Probate         CNS-3369740#
                                                                                                                              Lexington Dr #6, Glendale CA                   CA 91356. This business is conducted           is/are doing business as: Jake Arnold
                                                                                    appear at the hearing to show             91203. The fictitious business                 by: an individual. The Registrant(s)           Interiors, 7494 Santa Monica Boulevard
Code section 1250. A Request for                                                    cause why the petition should not                                                                                                       #301, West Hollywood CA 90046.
                                                                                                                                                                             commenced to transact business under
Special Notice form is available
                                                                                    be granted. If no written objection is
                                                                                                                              name referred to above was                     the fictitious business name or names          JA Arnold LLC, 7494 Santa Monica
from the court clerk.
                                                                                    timely filed, the court may grant the     filed on: 03/12/2019, in the                   listed herein on: n/a. Signed: Michael         Boulevard #301, West Hollywood CA
Attorney for Petitioner                   Order to Show Cause for Change            petition without a hearing.               County of Los Angeles. This                    Preston,       President.      Registrant(s)   90046. This business is conducted
JEFFREY L. CONDON - SBN                   of Name                                                                                                                            declared that all information in the           by: a limited liability company. The
132774, CONDON & CONDON,                                                                                                      business is conducted by: a                    statement is true and correct. This            Registrant(s) commenced to transact
                                          Superior Court of California
APC                                       County of Los Angeles
                                                                                    IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a              corporation. Signed: Scott                     statement is filed with the County Clerk       business under the fictitious business
3435 OCEAN PARK BLVD., STE                                                          copy of this order be published in        Andrew Sheppard, President.                    of Los Angeles County on: 05/20/2020.          name or names listed herein on:
                                          825 Maple Ave                             the British Weekly, a newspaper of                                                                                                      02/2020. Signed: Jake Arnold, Manager.
108                                                                                                                           Registrant(s) declared that all                NOTICE - This fictitious name statement
                                          Torrance CA 90503                         general circulation for the County                                                       expires five years from the date it was        Registrant(s) declared that all information
SANTA MONICA CA 90405                                                                                                         information in the statement
                                                                                    of Los Angeles, for four successive                                                      filed on, in the office of the County          in the statement is true and correct. This
6/6, 6/13, 6/20/20
                                          In the Matter of the Petition of Adam     weeks prior to the date set for           is true and correct. This                      Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name          statement is filed with the County Clerk
CNS-3369720#                                                                                                                                                                                                                of Los Angeles County on: 05/26/2020.
                                          Ali Abdel-Maksoud, an adult over          hearing of said petition.                 statement is filed with the                    Statement must be filed prior to that
                                          the age of 18 years.                                                                                                               date. The filing of this statement does not    NOTICE - This fictitious name statement
                                                                                                                              County Clerk of Los Angeles                    of itself authorize the use in this state of   expires five years from the date it was
NOTICE OF PETITION TO                                                               Dated: May 28, 2020.                      County      on:     05/13/2020.                a fictitious business name in violation of     filed on, in the office of the County
ADMINISTER ESTATE OF:                     Date: 07/17/20. Time: 8:30am, in          Hon. Lawrence Cho                                                                                                                       Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name
                                                                                                                              Published: 06/06/20, 06/13/20,                 the rights of another under federal, state
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