Happy Valentines Day! - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center ...

Happy Valentines Day! - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center ...
Windsor Senior Center | 599 Matianuck Avenue | Windsor, CT 06095 | (860) 285-1992 | townofwindsorct.com

Happy Valentines Day! - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center
Special Events                                Please be sure to register in advance for all activities. Thank you.

Name our Newsletter                     Valentine’s Breakfast            October Kitchen Luncheon
We need a fresh, new name to            Thursday, February 11, 2021 from Grab N’ Go!
go along with our improved              9:30-10:30am. Come spend time             Thursday, March 4, 2021 at
newsletter format. Will your            with friends at the Senior Center         11:30am. Chef Paul from
idea be the one we use? Please          in celebration of Valentine’s             October Kitchen will prepare a
take part in our “Name our              Day this year and enjoy a hot             lovely boxed lunch for those who
Newsletter” contest! Please             breakfast including eggs, bacon,          register for this fabulous drive
send in your suggestions to             homefries, coffee and juice.              through event! Choose either
our email at seniorservices@            COST: $5.00. Sign-ups begin on            a tasty chicken salad sandwich
townofwindsorct.com or mail             Tuesday, January 26th. Please             (which we hear is so good ~
us your entry to Windsor                be sure to sign up by Tuesday,            made with dill and grapes), or a
Senior Center, 599 Matianuck            February 2nd. Maximum of 20               yummy tuna salad sandwich ~
Avenue, Windsor, CT 06095. The          people. Catered by Dom’s Broad            all served on fresh baked rolls
winner will get the prestige of         Street Eatery.                            with a bagged treat, a fruit, and
having their suggestion listed                                                    a dessert. Thank you to October
monthly as our newsletter’s title!                                                Kitchen for sponsoring this event.
Good Luck! The deadline for                                                       FREE! Maximum of 40 people.
submissions is February 26th at                                                   Please register and indicate your
5:00 PM.                                                                          choice of sandwich by Tuesday,
                                                                                  February 23rd.

   For more information or to register for any of the activities you see in our newsletter, call us at
           (860) 285-1992 or visit our website at townofwindsorct.com/senior-services
Happy Valentines Day! - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center ...
Windsor Seniors’ Newsletter

Hybrid and Virtual Activities
Please do not arrive early to activities held at the Senior Center

Scribe Writing Workshop                                              Virtual Tour of Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Every first and third Monday
from 10:00 AM-11:00 AM.
This class is instructed by
local poet, Elizabeth Thomas.
Classes will be held under
the hybrid model, in person,
as well as via Zoom. No                                              Thursday, February 25 at 10:30 AM. It’s the middle
experience necessary.                                                of winter and I’m sure many of you are ready for
                                                                     a little getaway! Grab your favorite morning treat,
Tuesday Trivia via Zoom                                              coffee, or tea, and join the Windsor Senior Center
                               Tuesday, February                     for a virtual day trip to Lancaster, PA – presented
                               9th from 1:00 PM-                     via Zoom by our friends at Tours of Distinction!
                               1:45 PM. Hop                          This popular spot is known for its rolling hills,
                               onto Zoom for                         beautiful farmland, and relaxing way of life. For
                               a fun afternoon                       more information, contact the Senior Center or
                               of trivia and                         register now.
                               socialization. Trivia
is not only great for mental health but can also                     Book Buddies via Zoom!
help with memory, as well. Playing trivia can be
                                                                     Windsor Youth Services Bureau and the Senior
a competitive and enjoyable way to exercise the
                                                                     Center are hosting an Intergenerational Storytime
brain.                                                               on Tuesday, February 16, 2020 from 11:00 AM-
                                                                     11:30 AM via Zoom. All seniors and children in
Monthly Bingo via Zoom
                                                                     grades 3-5 are encouraged to join in on this fun
February 23rd from 1:00 PM-1:45 PM. Join us for                      event! Seniors will provide a brief show & tell with
a game of Bingo from the comfort of your home.                       their buddy to break the ice, then students will
Prizes will be awarded at the end of each round.                     read a story of their choice, and to wrap up the call,
Four rounds will be played. Give us a call for more                  participants will share their favorite joke or saying.
information and to pick up your Bingo cards from                     Register by calling the Windsor Senior Center at
the Senior Center. Free. No money exchanged.                         860-285-1992. All who sign up will receive a $10
                                                                     gift certificate to Dunkin Donuts so don’t miss out!

                                  Staying on Your Feet on the Ice & Snow
                                  Wednesday, February 3rd, 10:30-11:30am. Join this interactive educational
                                  session right from the comfort of your phone, computer or tablet. Keep yourself
                                  safe this winter – learn a few basic things we can do to prevent falls and injuries
                                  in the ice and snow. Presented by Evan Gross, exercise physiologist, GoodLife
                                  Fitness. Sponsored by Hartford HealthCare GoodLife Fitness.
                                  Registration is required: (1.855.442.4373) or go to HartfordHealthCare. org/
                                  VirtualClasses. After you register, you’ll receive an email with easy instructions
                                  on joining the virtual class.

       *Zoom info can be found on our website at townofwindsorct.com/senior-services

Page 2                                                                                                      (860) 285-1992
Happy Valentines Day! - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center ...
February 2021

Hybrid and Virtual Activities cont.
Navigating the ‘What Ifs’ In Your Golden             Safe and Effective Movement Therapy/
Years                                                Chair Pilates
Tuesday, February 16th from 11:00 AM-noon. Join      Thursday, February 18 from 2:00 PM-3:00
Michelle Lavoie, Resource Coordinator, Hartford      PM. Presented by Jennifer McManus, RN BSN,
HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging as we discuss    Community Nurse Educator, Atrinity Home Health,
frequently asked questions related to approaching    LLC. Our bodies were made to move frequently
our Golden Years: What are the varying levels of     to keep our muscles balanced and strong. Learn
care available; what types of housing, funding       what daily exercises are key ingredients to good
sources and resources are at my disposal in the      health. Ten minutes a day of movement therapy/
community? We will also discuss the differences      pilates can add to your overall physical and mental
between being proactive vs. reactive. Sponsored by   wellbeing. Learn the basics and how to incorporate
Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging.        these into your day. Presented via Zoom.
Registration is required: Call 1-855-442-4373 or
go to HartfordHealthCare.org/VirtualClasses.

Ongoing Indoor Activities
Coffee Connection Social Hour                        Drop In Craft Hour and the NEW “Get
Held Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:30 AM-10:30 AM      Carded” Senior Center Card Making Group
in the Senior Center cafe. Coffee will be served     Wednesdays from 1:00 PM-2:00 PM. Bring your
to you. No self-serve at this time. Join us for      own supplies for the craft of your choice such as
socialization and a hot cup of joe!                  knitting and crocheting, or use supplies we have
                                                     available for making your own greeting cards. You
                                                     take what you make. No shared equipment at this

                                                     Fridays at 1:00 PM-2:00 PM. Socially distanced
                                                     bingo using disposable bingo cards. No money
                                                     exchanged at this time. Prizes awarded to the
                                                     winner(s) of each round.

Movie of the Month
3rd Tuesday of the Month - Tuesday, February 16th
at 1:00 PM. In celebration of Black History Month,
join us to watch the unforgettable movie “Hidden
Figures” (rated PG, duration 127 minutes), which
is the story of a team of female African-American
mathematicians who served a vital role in NASA
during the early years of the U.S. space program.

   Facebook.com/WindsorSeniorCenter                                                               Page 3
Happy Valentines Day! - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center ...
Windsor Seniors’ Newsletter

                 MONDAY                               TUESDAY                               WEDNESDAY

     8:30…..Tai Chi via Zoom       1       8:30….Shape Up & Work Out            2   10:00….Yoga
     1:00….Conference Call Bingo           9:30….Coffee Connection                  9:30…...Morning Meditation
                                           10:00…Sit, Stretch & Groove              10:30…Staying on Your Feet Pr
                                                                                    1:00….Drop In Craft Hour & Card

     8:30…..Tai Chi via Zoom           8   8:30….Shape Up & Work Out            9   10:00…Yoga
     10:00….SCRIBE Writing Workshop        9:30….Coffee Connection                  9:30….Morning Meditation
                                           10:00…Sit, Stretch & Groove              1:00….Drop In Craft Hour & Card
                                           1:00…..Tuesday Trivia via Zoom   8

                                   15                                        16
     8:30…..Tai Chi via Zoom               8:30….Shape Up & Work Out                10:00….Yoga
     1:00….Conference Call Bingo           9:30….Coffee Connection                  9:30….Morning Meditation
                                           10:00…Sit, Stretch & Groove              1:00….Drop In Craft Hour & Card
                                           11:00…Intergenerational Storytime
                                           “Book Buddies”
                                           1:00…..Movie “Hidden Figures” - PG
                                           Celebrating Black History Month

                                   22      8:30….Shape Up & Work Out         23     10:00….Yoga
     :30…..Tai Chi via Zoom
                                           9:30….Coffee Connection                  9:30….Morning Meditation
     10:00...SCRIBE Writing Workshop
                                           10:00…Sit, Stretch & Groove              1:00….Drop In Craft Hour & Card
                                           1:00…..Monthly Bingo via Zoom
                                           ** Please sign up for Luncheon Grab n’
                                           Go Drive Thru by the end of the day **

              February 2021

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Happy Valentines Day! - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center ...
THURSDAY                                 FRIDAY                                       SAT/SUN

    3    8:30….Shape Up & Work Out           4    8:30….Tai Chi via Zoom         5                                                                                                     6
         10:00…Sit, Stretch & Groove              9:30….Coffee Connection
rogram                                            11:00….Yoga
Group                                             1:00 ..... BINGO                                                                                                                     7
                                                  1:30…..Line Dancing

    10   8:30….Shape Up & Work Out           11   8:30….Tai Chi via Zoom     12                                                                                                  13
         9:30….Valentine’s Breakfast !!           9:30….Coffee Connection
Group    10:00…Sit, Stretch & Groove              11:00….Yoga
9                                       10        1:00 ..... BINGO          11                                                                                                     14
                                                  1:30…..Line Dancing

    17                                       18   8:30….Tai Chi via Zoom     19                                                                                                  20
         8:30….Shape Up & Work Out
                                             04   9:30….Coffee Connection
         10:00….Sit, Stretch & Groove
                                                  11:00….Yoga                        _

Group    2:00..Movement Therapy/Chair
         Pilates                                  1:00 ..... BINGO                                                                                                               21
                                                  1:30…..Line Dancing

    24   8:30….Shape Up & Work Out           25   8:30….Tai Chi via Zoom     26                                                                                                  27
         10:00….Sit, Stretch & Groove             9:30….Coffee Connection
Group    10:30….Virtual Tour of Lancaster, PA 11:00….Yoga                            ________________
                                                  1:00 ..... BINGO                                                                                                               28
                                                  1:30…..Line Dancing
Happy Valentines Day! - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center ...
Windsor Seniors’ Newsletter

Health and Wellness
Foot Clinic                                              Morning Meditation
Foot Care Service by Pedi-Care Services, LLC                                        Wednesday mornings in
continues to temporarily be on hold. Please stay                                    the Senior Center café
tuned for more information, such as dates and                                       from 9:30 AM-10:30AM.
times, as to when this service will resume.                                         Meditation offers so many
                                                                                    health benefits, mentally
Hearing Clinic                                                                      and physically. It improves
Beginning in April - Free hearing clinic, conducted                                 memory and helps
by Dr. Christine DiRienzo, certified audiologist from                               to prevent dementia,
Advanced Hearing Healthcare of Windsor, will be          relieves stress, lowers blood pressure, enhances the
held at the Senior Center on the last Tuesday of         immune system, produces a relaxed and peaceful
every month from 1:30 PM-3:30 PM. The Hearing            mind, increase blood flow, alertness and much
Clinic will include the following services: Hearing      more! Please sign up in the office or call 860-285-
test, hearing aids cleanings, and otoscopic              1992 to register for these ongoing classes. Free!
inspection of the ear. Please check the upcoming
April newsletter for more information.                   Windsor Senior Fitness Center
                                                         The Windsor Senior Fitness Center is open currently
Indoor or Virtual Exercise Classes                                                 by appointment only,
Take charge of your health and take a fitness class                                Monday through Friday,
through the Senior Center with our experienced                                     between the hours of 9:00
instructors - Yoga with Marina, Tai Chi with Ginger,                               AM - 4:00 PM. Specific
Shape Up & Work Out with Dee and Sit, Stretch                                      guidelines are in place in
with Yoga Poses with Dee. See class information,                                   order to attend the Fitness
including session dates and costs, below.                                          Center. For complete
Currently, we are registering participants for the                                 information, please check
entire month as “drop-ins” are not accepted. We          our website or call the Senior Center.
apologize for any inconvenience.
                                                         CRT Elderly Nutrition Program
Exercise Class Schedule                                  (860) 285-1843 – meal reservation line. Deliveries
Exercise Classes                  Session Dates   Cost   are made right to your home on Wednesdays
                                                         starting at 11:00 AM. The suggested donation is
Yoga with Marina                  February 3-26   $40    $3.00 per meal or $15.00 for all 5 meals. Payment
Wed 10:00AM-11:00AM
                                                         can be mailed to Community Renewal Team, ATTN:
Fri 11:00AM-12:00PM (in-person)
                                                         Nutrition Dept., 555 Windsor St., Hartford CT 06120
Tai Chi with Ginger (virtual)
                                                         and put “frozen meals” on the memo line. These
                                  February 1-26   $35
Mon & Fri                                                donations go directly to CRT.
                                                         CALL the Friendship Line
Shape Up & Work Out with Dee      February 2-25   $32    1-800-971-0016, 24 hours a day. You can call daily
(virtual) Tue & Thurs                                    to chat about what’s on your mind and also for
                                                         emotional support! Institute on Aging’s 24-hour
                                                         toll-free Friendship Line is the only accredited crisis
Sit, Stretch, & Yoga with Dee     February 2-25   $32
(virtual) Tues & Thurs
                                                         line in the country for people aged 60 and older,
10:00AM-11:00AM                                          and adults living with disabilities.

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Happy Valentines Day! - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center ...
Happy Valentines Day! - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center ...
Windsor Seniors’ Newsletter

Dial-A-Ride Information
CDC social distancing rules will continue with no more than 4 individuals on the bus at one time. Please
wash and sanitize hands prior to entering the bus, maintain 6 foot distance, and BE SURE to wear your
mask/face covering.
Remember: Dial-a-Ride Transportation is on a first come, first served basis especially during this time of
limited seating and priority will be given to basic needs trips (i.e.: grocery, medical appointments, etc).

In Town Transportation
(for the Food Bank, Pharmacies, Hairdresser/Barber Appointments, to the Library, etc.)
During this time, we cannot accept reservations for trips before 9:00 AM and all passengers must be
picked up by 3:45 PM. We will do our best to drop off and pick up as close to your appointment/return
time as possible.

Grocery Shopping
(Pick-ups will begin at 8:00 AM to allow for 1 hour of shopping)
Geissler’s and Price Chopper - Tuesday & Wednesday 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM
Stop & Shop on Thursday from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM Price Rite on Friday from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM
Mall Shopping
(Pick-ups will begin at 10:00AM to allow for 2 hours of shopping)
1st Tuesday of the Month – Enfield Mall and nearby stores from 11:00 AM-1:00 PM
2nd Tuesday of the Month – Buckland Mall and nearby stores from 11:00 AM-1:00 PM
3rd Tuesday of the Month – Westfarms Mall from 11:00 AM-1:00 PM

Medical Transportation
(Please follow reservation guidelines in your DAR Booklet or on our website, www.townofwindsorct.com/
Out-of-town medical rides will be provided five days a week, Monday through Friday. Appointments will
not be scheduled before 9:00 AM. Out-of-town medical appointments will be at least 1 hour in duration
as Dial-A-Ride drivers are unable to wait for passengers at doctor’s offices.
Transportation will be provided on the mini buses only and not in the town cars ~ Please follow the out-
of-town scheduling procedures listed in your Windsor Senior Transportation booklet. In-town medical
rides will be provided Monday through Friday.
For your safety, for an IN TOWN ride, call: 860-285-1846 and OUT OF TOWN ride, call: 860-285-1992.
This transportation schedule and information is subject to change based on CDC COVID-19 Guidelines.

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Happy Valentines Day! - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center ... Happy Valentines Day! - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center - from the staff of the Windsor Senior Center ...
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