Page created by Kathleen Reese
                                   What's New?
                          It's For The Child's 40th Anniversary!
                                     Holiday Wrap Up
                                     The Magic Show
                           Our Next CART class is starting soon
                        Two Simple Ways to Support FTC for "Free"

Happy 40th Anniversary to Us!

For 40 years For The Child volunteers, donors, and staff have worked to protect children,
provide abuse and neglected children the tools of hope and healing, and strengthen the
families that care for them. Our 40 year journey began when Cedar House opened in 1974.
Two social workers, Bobbi Kendig and Clara Lowry, saw a critical need for support services
for abused children and their families. Cedar House was opened to intervene in the cycle of
violence by abusive parents, neglect created by families impacted by drug and alcohol
abuse, and the domestic violence and abandonment that frequently came from homes with
poverty and deprivation.

In 1979, Cedar House's child abuse prevention program was chosen to be the model for
Los Angeles County's network of Neighborhood Family Centers. Bobbi & Clara were
pioneers in community collaboration and started a long history of For The Child working with
other agencies to address the needs of the community.

Just down the street in 1984, Bobbie and Clara opened Sarah Center to address the
growing problem of sexual abuse of the youngest and most vulnerable members of our
community. Sarah Center’s goal was to provide expert treatment services with a special
focus on young children.

In 1996 the Executive Director of Sarah Center, Beverly Fancher, joined with the two Board
of Directors to merge Cedar House and Sarah Center to create For The Child. For The
Child was launched to bring the resources of both agencies together to create a larger effort
on behalf of children. The strength of the combined agencies allowed expansion of
programs which serve children and their families well and motivated FTC to search for new
and innovative ways to address both existing and emerging problems for children and
families. The focus of the work is always on young children, on victims of physical and/or
sexual abuse, on children who cannot function in school or the community because of a
need for mental health services, and on parents who want to be the best parents they
possibly can be.

In 2005, Dr. Michele Winterstein became the Executive Director. Under her guidance, For
The Child has doubled the funding needed to meet this agency’s goals of preventing abuse,
helping children heal, strengthening families, innovation and community involvement.

Whether the agency was called Cedar House, Sarah Center, or For The Child...There has
been one mission for 40 years with many team members - Thank you!

For The Child is looking forward to many more years of service in the community!

Holiday Wrap Up
With help from our supporters, 342 children received brand new toys and stocking stuffers
for the holidays. For two days on December 14 & 15, staff and volunteers helped parents
through our conference room, which had transformed into a toy store, in order to select the
perfect gifts for their children.

We had over 60 individuals and groups donate brand new toys and electronics. Thank you!
                                      Al Weingartner
                                     Barbara DeBeck
                                      Barbara Hanna
                                         Bob Martin
                                      Bobbi Horowitz
                                      Braden Phillips
                                      Bryan Littlefield
                                      Carol Bellmaine
                                  Center for Spiritual Living
                                       Christine Alisa
                                     Claudia Kennedy
                                    Dave Pistol & SAFE
Delta Kappa Gamma
                                Dennis & Michele Dahlhausen
                                           Dottie Saks
                                         Ellen Halloran
                                    End Abuse Long Beach
                                      Gael & Edie Halgran
                                      Holy Trinity School
                                            Ilsa Witte
                                         Jason Yamada
                                        Jessica Rowland
                                          Joyce Singer
                                         Justin Komine
                                          Kate Hyland
                                       Katherine Liberty
                                   Kathy & Dennis Andrews
                                         Kim Armstrong
                                     Kinecta Federal Union
                                         Lauren Maltby
                               Leslie Wiberg & Willett Financial
                                  Lightning Velo Bicycle Club
                                         Linda Kimberly
                                         Lori Kewalram
                                         Maribel Chavez
                                          Mary Cuseo
                                         NACA Logistics
                                          Nancy Lewis
                                     Nika Carter & Family
                             Oriana Shea & Keller Williams Realty
                                Our Saviours Lutheran Church
                                        Oxy Long Beach
                                       P.E.O Chapter 1B
                                    Pamela Fields & Family
                                   Pinky Gagnon & Friends
                                          Randy Miller
                                     Real Mex Restaurants
                                         Robyn Hetland
                                         Sandy Komine
                                      Seal Beach MOMS
                                            Taco Bell
                                   Teresa & Sam Stamoulis
                                       Theresa Phinney
                                   The Chamberlain Family
                                          Trina Jenkins
                                            Val Berry
                                      Vanguard Logistics

The Magic Show with Garry & Mihaela Carson
On November 10, For The Child hosted a magic show at The Grand Event Center starring Garry &
Mihaela Carson. 375 tickets were purchased by our Supporters to give our families a day of fun and
laughter together. The money we raised will go towards our child abuse programs. A special THANK
YOU to Linda Kimberly & Kent Huber for going on a cruise and introducing FTC to the Garry &
Mihaela. Thank you to Linda for making this event happen! You put a lot of smiles on children's

CART Training Beginning Soon
Please help us recruit daytime volunteers by sharing this information with your network. CART is a
very rewarding volunteer experience.
Child Abuse Response Team Advocates have to complete 40 hours of training and
practicum before they can respond to a child in crisis. For The Child will conduct their first
training of 2014 in February. Interviews are still being scheduled. If you know someone who
is interested in joining the team, have them contact Shannon at sreyes@forthechild.org or

Potential CART Advocates must pass a background check including fingerprinting, DMV
record check, and Tuberculosis screening.

            Two Simple Ways to Support For The Child while you Shop
Amazon Smile
Amazon is one of the largest Internet retailers with an annual budget of $61 billion dollars
and a warehouse the size of 700 Madison Square Gardens. Amazon created Smile, a
simple way for shoppers to support their favorite charity when they shop and purchase
products through their website or mobile app.

To support For The Child, simply log-in to your Amazon account and follow this link (it's
easier than searching for us in their database, you will get over 1,000 search results).
http://smile.amazon.com/ch/95-3601230. For more information, visit their FAQ page
here: http://smile.amazon.com/about

Ralph's Community Giving Program
Our quarterly contribution is down to only 4 households. Help us get to 25! Ralph's Community
Giving Program allows shoppers to donate a small portion of their shopping bill (not an additional
charge) to a charity of their choice. It's an easy and simple way to help our cause.

If you are already a Ralph's Rewards Member:

   •   Go online to www.Ralphs.com and register as a user
   •   Have your Rewards card in hand: you will need the card number on the back. If you
       don't have a card, simply ask for one the next time you are checking out.
   •   Click on "Edit Community Contribution"
   •   Input the 5 digit Nonprofit Organization number: 82182 or search "For The Child."
   •   Click "Save Changes."
   •   Go shop!

If you are new to the store and/or program, you simply need to sign up for a new card at the
   cash register upon checkout and enter the nonprofit organization number 82182 on the
                                      registration form.
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