HAP RAPP MEMORIAL TRACK MEET - Saturday, May 21, 2022 Camarillo Rotary - NET

Page created by Daryl Turner
HAP RAPP MEMORIAL TRACK MEET - Saturday, May 21, 2022 Camarillo Rotary - NET
Camarillo Rotary
  Saturday, May 21, 2022
HAP RAPP MEMORIAL TRACK MEET - Saturday, May 21, 2022 Camarillo Rotary - NET
 Mon.–Fri., 7:30 AM–6:30 PM • Starts June 20
Program details online at www.bgccam.org

1500 Temple Avenue, Camarillo • 805-482-8113 • www.bgccam.org
HAP RAPP MEMORIAL TRACK MEET - Saturday, May 21, 2022 Camarillo Rotary - NET
May 21, 2022 • Adolfo Camarillo High School
Welcome to our Track Meet, the oldest community                                          in 1988, in honor of late fellow Rotarian and friend Hap
service project of the Camarillo Rotary Club. The Meet                                   Rapp, who devoted so much of his time and talents to
began in 1960, when local Rotarians created a first-ever                                 the event over many years.
organized track and field competition for local boys and                                 Today, ribbons will be awarded for first- through fifth-
girls at the elementary and middle school levels. There                                  place in each event, and high point winners in each
were only a few schools then, but the Meet has grown                                     class will receive a trophy. Another award, the Guy Craig
with the community, and today, hundreds of young                                         Memorial, named after the Charter President of the
people representing more than a dozen local schools                                      Camarillo Rotary Club, will be presented to the school
will compete.                                                                            which demonstrates the best preparedness, sportsman-
The Meet was named the Hap Rapp Memorial Track Meet                                      ship, conduct at the meet and cooperation in all events.

                                                             SCHEDULE OF EVENTS
             (Note: all times are approximate—events may start earlier or later than the times listed.)
             8:00 AM....................................................................................................................... Opening ceremonies
             8:15 AM...............................................................1600 Meter Run (Girls AA, BB, DD and Boys A, B, D)
             8:15 AM.............................................................. Girls High Jump (EE, FF) and Boys Long Jump (E, F)
                 (Classes DD, BB, AA and D, B, A will be called after 1600 Meter races are concluded)
             9:15 AM.............................................................. Girls Long Jump (EE, FF) and Boys High Jump (E, F)
                 (Classes DD, BB, AA and D, B, A will be called after 1600 Meter races are concluded)
             10:15 AM..........................................................Dashes (50 and 100 Meters; preliminary qualifying)
             Noon...................................................................................................Dashes (50 and 100 Meters; finals)
             Noon.................................................................................................................Shot put (A, AA, B, BB only)
             1:30 PM..........................................................................................400 and 800 Meter Runs (all classes)
             3:00 PM........................................................................................................ 400 Meter Relays (all classes)
             4:30 PM.......................................................................................................................Trophy presentations

                                                  The first Camarillo Rotary Track Meet, 1960.
HAP RAPP MEMORIAL TRACK MEET - Saturday, May 21, 2022 Camarillo Rotary - NET
EVENT                               RECORD                     NAME                                      SCHOOL                                          YEAR
100 meters                          12.74   Angela Mejia                                                 Las Colinas                                     1997
400 meters                          1:04.88 Devyn Weisenberger                                           Cape Charter                                    2013
800 meters                          2:33.73 Sasha Souder                                                 Monte Vista                                     2002
1600 meters                         6:01.73 Jessica Fogeltanz                                            Las Colinas                                     2003
High jump                           5’1”    Lauren Reid                                                  Monte Vista                                     2002
Long jump                           16’2”   Lauren Reid                                                  Monte Vista                                     2002
Shot put                            34’3”   Cassandra O’Reilly                                           Mesa
400‑meter relay                     56.28		                                                              Los Altos                                       1992
100 meters      12.86   Erin Braunschweiger                                                              Monte Vista                                     1997
		                      Rachelle Avery                                                                   Los Altos                                       1998
400 meters      1:07.29 Erin Braunschweiger                                                              Monte Vista                                     1997
800 meters      2:35.11 Audrey Cunningham                                                                Mesa Union                                      2019
1600 meters     6:15:22 Sara Beckton                                                                     Monte Vista                                     2000
High jump       4’11”   Tricia Tackett                                                                   Los Altos                                       1983
		                      Jill Mahoney                                                                     Los Altos                                       1986
Long jump       14’5”   Valerie Elliott                                                                  Monte Vista                                     1995
		                      Charity Williams                                                                 Los Altos                                       1997
Shot put        27’3”   Tatiana Castro                                                                   Mesa Union                                      2014
400‑meter relay 56.52		                                                                                  Los Altos                                       1998
50 meters                           7.13     Nickie Wilson                                               El Rancho                                       2000
100 meters                          14.47    Makenna Phelan                                              CAPE                                            2017
400 meters                          1:11.18  Elise Mills                                                 St. Mary Magdalen                               2013
800 meters                          2:37.47  Audrey Cunningham                                           Mesa Union                                      2018
High jump                           4’8”     Shannon Wiebelhaus                                          Camarillo Heights                               1983
Long jump                           13’7”    Angela Mejia                                                Camarillo Heights                               1995
400‑meter relay                     1:02.94		                                                            CAPE                                            2017
50 meters                           7.04     Cambria Miranda                                             Los Nogales                                     1997
100 meters                          15.68    Melia Naigan                                                Las Posas                                       2019
400 meters                          1:10.00  Isabella Rodriguez                                          St. Mary Magdalen                               2014
800 meters                          2:43.78  Kacie Rae Tackett                                           Monte Vista                                     2014
High jump                           4’8‑3/4” Jill Mahoney                                                Los Nogales                                     1985
Long jump                           14’0”    Bella Pantoja                                               Las Colinas                                     2012
400‑meter relay                     1:04.08		                                                            Las Posas                                       2017
50 meters                           7.23     Michelle Braunschweiger                                     Camarillo Heights                               1995
100 meters                          16.04    Riley Kavanagh                                              Los Primeros                                    2018
400 meters                          1:13.75  Nicole Addington                                            Camarillo Heights                               1989
800 meters                          2:45.75  Kacie Rae Tackett                                           Camarillo Heights                               2013
High jump                           4’3”     Jill Mahoney                                                Los Nogales                                     1984
Long jump                           14’1”    Mary Bittner                                                Camarillo Heights                               1981
400‑meter relay                     1:08.60		                                                            Las Posas                                       2019

                                                         The Object of Rotary
     The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:
                                        FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
           SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the
                                    dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
                        THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life;
             FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and
                                              professional persons united in the ideal of service.
HAP RAPP MEMORIAL TRACK MEET - Saturday, May 21, 2022 Camarillo Rotary - NET
EVENT              RECORD          NAME                      SCHOOL                    YEAR
100 meters         11.81   Michael Phillips                  Monte Vista               1997
400 meters         57.94   Chris Johnson                     Monte Vista               1990
800 meters         2:13.62 Mark Berry                        Las Colinas               2006
1600 meters        5:03.36 Mark Pizza                        Los Primeros Structured   2014
High jump          6’3”    Jeremy Fischer                    Los Altos                 1990
Long jump          19’6”   N. Van Somerer                    Mesa                      1964
Shot put (8 lb.)   51’2”   Luca Baretto                      St. Mary Magdalen         2014
400‑meter relay    48.84		                                   Monte Vista               2002
100 meters         12.61    Mike Alexander                   Monte Vista               1995
400 meters         1:01.00  Christian Chiong                 Los Altos                 2002
800 meters         2:22.40  Mason Brown                      Monte Vista               2014
1600 meters        5:17.74  Jaime Gonzalez                   Somis                     2016
High jump          5’5-1/4” David Leong                      Monte Vista               1998
Long jump          18’10”   David Dodson                     Los Altos                 1966
Shot put           36’7”    Todd Pinto                       Monte Vista               1973
400‑Meter relay    54.63		                                   Monte Vista               1992
50 meters          6.57     Marc Kawamoto                    Los Primeros Structured   1997
100 meters         14.72    Carter Weisenberger              CAPE                      2017
400 meters         1:04.64  Christian Chiong                 El Rancho Structured      1994
800 meters         2:37.98  Scott Byrd                       Dos Caminos               1987
High jump          5’1”     Ryan Miyamoto                    Camarillo Heights         1994
Long jump          16’8”    Joe Valdez                       Somis                     1960
400‑meter relay    1:02.88		                                 CAPE                      2018
50 meters       6.70     Jon Simental                        El Descanso               1990
100 meters      15.05    Noah Stump                          Las Colinas               2017
400 meters      1:06.70  Mike Alexander                      El Descanso               1994
800 meters      2:32.33  Fletcher Gravel                     Mesa Union                2014
High jump       5’0”     Matt Ross                           Los Nogales               1975
		                       Christian Anderson                  Monte Vista               2008
Long jump       16’7”    Reed Henkelman                      Somis                     1967
400‑Meter relay 1:02.37		                                    Las Posas                 2019
50 meters       7.00     Steve Trickle                       Los Nogales               1986
		                       Darren Lefever                      Las Colinas               2000
100 meters      15.47    David Caldino                       Dos Caminos               2017
400 meters      1:08.24  Mike Alexander                      El Descanso               1993
800 meters      2:35.19  Todd Malesich                       Camarillo Heights         1986
High jump       4’10”    David Leong                         El Descanso               1995
Long jump       15’4”    Brian Denardo                       Las Posas                 1968
400‑meter relay 1:04.47		                                    La Mariposa               2018

                             The Rotary 4-Way Test
                               Of the things we think, say or do:
                                         1. Is it the TRUTH?
                                  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
                   3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
                          4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
HAP RAPP MEMORIAL TRACK MEET - Saturday, May 21, 2022 Camarillo Rotary - NET
Don’t miss our 30th Annual
       Monday, September 19, 2022
        Spanish Hills Country Club
Hosted by the Rotary Clubs of Camarillo to benefit
Casa Pacifica and the Camarillo Rotary Foundations
HAP RAPP MEMORIAL TRACK MEET - Saturday, May 21, 2022 Camarillo Rotary - NET
                                   MAKING A DIFFERENCE
Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who come together to make
positive, lasting change in communities at home and abroad. Solving real problems takes real commitment and vision.
For more than 110 years, Rotary members have used their passion, energy, and intelligence to take action on sustain-
able projects. From literacy and peace to water and health, we are always working to better our world, and we stay
committed to the end.

Our guiding principles have been the foundation of our values: service, fellowship, diversity, integrity, and leader-
ship. Rotary members believe that we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world’s most persistent issues.
Our 35,000+ clubs work together to: promote peace, fight disease, provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene, save
mothers and children, support education, and grow local economies.
We work differently. We see differently: Our multidisciplinary perspective helps us see challenges in unique ways. We
think differently: We apply leadership and expertise to social issues — and find unique solutions. We act responsibly:
Our passion and perseverance create lasting change. We make a difference at home and around the world.

Our club is committed to making a difference in our community and in our world. Our annual projects include our
“Viva La Comida” Mexican Dinner, the Hap Rapp Memorial Track Meet, and the Care for Kids Golf Classic. Funds
raised from these events (more than $1 million over the past decade) are returned to local and international
charitable causes through our Camarillo Rotary Foundation. The Foundation also awards thousands of dollars each
year in scholarships to deserving local students.

          P.O. Box 171, Camarillo, CA 93011 • www.camarillorotary.org • Facebook: Rotary Club of Camarillo
                 We meet at noon on Wednesdays at 4001 Mission Oaks Blvd., Camarillo, CA 93012
HAP RAPP MEMORIAL TRACK MEET - Saturday, May 21, 2022 Camarillo Rotary - NET
PVSD is proud to support the
  Hap Rapp Memorial Track Meet!

PleasantValleySD.org    600 Temple Ave.
    805-389-2100       Camarillo, CA 93010
HAP RAPP MEMORIAL TRACK MEET - Saturday, May 21, 2022 Camarillo Rotary - NET HAP RAPP MEMORIAL TRACK MEET - Saturday, May 21, 2022 Camarillo Rotary - NET
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