Guidelines for funding 2018-19 - Training (Qld)

Guidelines for funding 2018-19 - Training (Qld)
Guidelines for funding 2018-19
Guidelines for funding 2018-19 - Training (Qld)
Introduction                                                   First Start
The highly successful Skilling Queenslanders for Work          First Start is one of seven programs that make up the
initiative represents a total funding commitment of $420       Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative. The program
million over six years since its reintroduction in 2015-16     aims to provide young people and disadvantaged job
up until 2020-21, to support up to 54,000 Queenslanders        seekers with opportunities to gain a nationally
into work.                                                     recognised qualification and 12 months paid
Skilling Queenslanders for Work represents a                   employment by undertaking a subsidised traineeship
commitment to increasing workforce, participation,             with a local council or a community-based organisation
driving job growth and strengthening the performance           (CBO).
of the Queensland economy by improving work                    Funding under First Start is specifically targeted at new
opportunities for disadvantaged Queenslanders.                 employees and will provide eligible organisations with a
The initiative comprises the following suite of programs:      significant subsidy to boost their traineeship
                                                               commencements above their normal workforce levels.
   Community Work Skills
                                                               Specifically, First Start will:
   Work Skills Traineeships
   Get Set for Work                                              provide immediate job opportunities
   Ready for Work                                                encourage people to enter into skills-based training
                                                                  keep Queenslanders earning and learning
 Youth Skills
                                                                  guarantee a pool of skilled workers is available as the
 First Start
                                                                   economy grows.
 Work Start incentives.
                                                               In 2018-19, $6.0 million will be available for local
Overview and objectives                                        councils across Queensland to create 400 new
Skilling Queenslanders for Work plays a critical role in       traineeships.
increasing workforce participation and the overall             A further $2.9 million will be available for CBOs to create
performance of the Queensland economy by improving             up to 145 new traineeships.
work opportunities for disadvantaged Queenslanders.
                                                               First Start is administered by the Department of
Skilled workers support industry to increase productivity,     Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT).
drive innovation and improve workplace performance.
                                                               Where will the program be
Skilling Queenslanders for Work represents the
Queensland Government’s commitment to support                  delivered?
strategies that encourage equitable participation by a         First Start will be available throughout Queensland,
broad range of groups that generally face barriers or          however, priority will be given to areas of high youth
challenges to their participation in skills development        unemployment.
and the labour market.
                                                               Who can apply for funding?
In 2018-19, disadvantaged Queenslanders will benefit
from training initiatives that are more targeted, helping to   Organisations eligible for First Start funding include:
ensure workers gain the skills they need to find new jobs.      Local councils, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait
The Queensland Government is working to identify                 Islander councils, and statutory authorities
current and future sustainable employment and skills            Incorporated not-for-profit CBOs.
needs, aligned to economic and social development and          Eligible organisations must be community-based and
creating relevant training opportunities to meet those         must not operate in a commercially competitive
needs.                                                         environment.
Training that improves an individual’s skill level,            Organisations must be registered for GST and also able
employment prospects and social inclusion is a priority        to demonstrate a commitment to access and equity
for the Queensland Government.                                 principles, as well as an ability to provide appropriate
                                                               support services.

First Start Guidelines for funding 2018-19                                                                                 2
Guidelines for funding 2018-19 - Training (Qld)
What level of funding is available?                         Organisations are encouraged to consider individuals for
                                                            traineeships who have participated in a Skilling
Funding available under the First Start Program is
                                                            Queenslanders for Work community program as they will
dependent on the organisation type, as follows:
                                                            have transferable vocational and employability skills,
               Organisation Type                 Funding    work experience and self-confidence.

    Local councils/statutory authorities         $15,000    What assistance can be funded?
    Not-for-profit CBOs                          $20,000    First Start will provide 12 months paid employment and the
                                                            opportunity to gain a nationally recognised qualification via
The funding available under First Start is for a maximum
                                                            a traineeship. The trainee must enter into a training
12 month term.
                                                            contract for a qualification that is funded by DESBT.
First Start provides a subsidy per trainee for 12 months
                                                            Upon completion, the trainees will have learnt new and
of employment. While the funding level remains capped
                                                            transferable skills and gained experience and confidence
at the above levels for a maximum 12 months of
                                                            by working in a real job.
employment, DESBT will allow organisations the
discretion to elect to employ a trainee in a traineeship    What are the work conditions?
that is longer than 12 months duration or even an           Organisations offering traineeships are the employer.
apprentice in an apprenticeship.                            Traineeships combine paid work with structured
                                                            training. Trainees complete a nationally recognised
What about other government
                                                            qualification while learning valuable skills at work and
funding?                                                    under the guidance of a training organisation.
Organisations are eligible to apply for other incentives    Wages and conditions for trainees in Queensland vary
offered by the Queensland and Australian Governments.       however, as a minimum they must be paid a training
However, you cannot receive funding under First Start,      wage as outlined in the award or agreement for their
Work Start incentives or the Back to Work program for       occupation or industry and the National Employment
the same person.                                            Standards.
                                                            For more information on wages and entitlements, contact the
Who will the funds support?                                 Fair Work Ombudsman on 13 13 94.
First Start primarily targets young Queensland school
leavers and disadvantaged job seekers considered at risk    What training is involved?
of enduring prolonged periods of unemployment.              As well as being employed, trainees are training in
To be eligible, disadvantaged Queenslanders must also be:   vocational areas and upon successful completion will
                                                            receive a qualification.
 aged 15 years or older and no longer at school
 able to meet citizen, residency and visa requirements     A registered training organisation (RTO) is a training
  to undertake a traineeship.                               provider registered to deliver vocational education and
                                                            training and assessment services. A supervising
Identified disadvantaged groups                             registered training organisation (SRTO) is an RTO who
Disadvantaged groups to be targeted include:                accepts the role to deliver specified services in regards
     young people (aged 15–24 years)                       to an apprenticeship or traineeship and to monitor
     long-term unemployed job seekers                      delivery of training and assessment services required
     Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people          under a training plan. The SRTO must be approved as a
     mature-age job seekers (45 years or older)            pre-qualified supplier (PQS) by DESBT under the User
     migrants and refugees from culturally and             Choice program.
      linguistically diverse backgrounds                    The local council or CBO and their First Start trainee will
     people with disability                                select their SRTO, as part of the signing and registration
     displaced workers                                     of the training contract. The SRTO will work with the
     women re-entering the workforce                       local council or CBO and the trainee to develop a
     veterans and ex-service personnel.
First Start Guidelines for funding 2018-19                                                                                3
training plan, deliver training, assess the achievement of       the completion of the traineeship to retain employment
skills, and issue the qualification stated in the training       or obtain further employment. The level of support will
plan upon completion.                                            vary for each individual trainee and may include:
                                                                  assistance with resume and job application writing
As RTOs offer different ways of training, local councils
                                                                   interview techniques
and CBOs and their First Start trainees should ‘shop
                                                                  allowing time for job search activities.
around’ for the appropriate SRTO that best suits their
needs.                                                           It is expected that all organisations funded under First
                                                                 Start will provide post-participation support to trainees
Funding applies to Certificate levels I, II, III and IV of the
                                                                 employed under the program.
Australian Qualifications Framework and should be
subsidised qualifications available under the User               What outcomes are expected?
Choice program. There is a preference to provide
                                                                 Funded organisations will be required to identify what
generic training opportunities, leading to ongoing
                                                                 employment, further education and/or training targets
employment. To clarify eligibility for User Choice and
                                                                 will be achieved throughout First Start.
the level of funding available and other financial
incentives, contact your DESBT regional office and local         First Start has standard key performance indicators (KPIs)
Australian Apprenticeship Support Network provider.              that organisations are expected to meet or exceed:
Are there any special
requirements?                                                     Completion rate – 65 per cent of trainees
                                                                   successfully gain the required outcome of a
First Start trainees must be additional to the existing            qualification or statement of attainment
workforce. The priority is for new employees, however,
                                                                  Employment outcome – 70 per cent of trainees
an existing worker identified as being able to benefit             successfully gain ongoing employment.
from the traineeship opportunity can be employed in
the traineeship. It is expected that the existing worker’s       What is the application process?
position would be backfilled.
                                                                 Local councils
First Start trainees should be employed on a full-time
                                                                 The Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ)
basis, however a more flexible work pattern may be
                                                                 is the peak body for local government in Queensland.
available to people whose personal circumstances
                                                                 Funding under First Start is via a bidding process
impact on their employment arrangements. Approval
                                                                 conducted by LGAQ. Local councils submit an annual bid
for part-time work arrangements must be sought from
                                                                 for traineeship positions. This process involves councils
DESBT prior to any amendments to the training
                                                                 requesting the number of traineeship positions required
                                                                 for the following financial year.
Funding will only be provided once for each individual           These bids are assessed by DESBT, based on government
undertaking a First Start traineeship and is not available       priorities and past performance including:
for existing trainees.
                                                                  ability of the council to employ, train and supervise
Local councils are able to sub-contract group training             trainees
organisations for the employment of their First Start             ability of the council to fulfil their allocations
trainees and act as host employers.                               commitment to securing ongoing employment
CBOs are not able to enter into sub-contract                       and/or training/further education opportunities
arrangements for the employment of their First Start              meeting all contractual and reporting obligations of
trainees. Applications proposing host employer models              the funding agreement
will not be supported by DESBT.                                   commitment to the provision of post participation
Post-participation support                                       DESBT will allocate traineeship positions on a financial
Post-participation support refers to assistance or support       year basis and notify local councils of their successful bids.
that the trainee may require either nearing or following

First Start Guidelines for funding 2018-19                                                                                  4
Community-based organisations                              Second payments for CBOs will generally occur after
CBOs submit a completed First Start Application Form       the trainee has been employed for six months full-time
to DESBT for assessment. CBOs will be evaluated on a       or 12 months part-time; however these may be paid
number of criteria including:                              earlier at the discretion of DESBT.
 experience in managing government funding to             Monthly reports are required throughout the life of the
  deliver training, skills development or other services   Services Agreement.
  in a community setting to disadvantaged target           All Services Agreement funding must be fully acquitted
  groups.                                                  by the funded organisation after completion and any
 ability to employ, train and supervise trainees          unexpended or surplus funds returned to DESBT for any
 the organisation’s ability to either retain the          trainees who terminate their employment prior to
  individual on completion of the traineeship, or          completion of the training contract and 12 months of
  provide assistance into further employment               employment.
 the suitability of the proposed work location
 preference for funding will be given to organisations    Appeals process
  that have an expertise in working with and training      Organisations may request a review of a decision made
  disadvantaged job seekers                                by DESBT in relation to the provision of funding under
 where the organisation has received funding from         First Start. The appeals process has been established to
  DESBT previously, past performance will also be          help identify any problems in the application process,
  taken into account.                                      ensuring these processes continue to improve, and to
The allocation processes may be varied or discontinued     assist with future applications.
by DESBT as required.                                      Appeals must be lodged in writing to:

What are the funding conditions?                           Appeals Officer
                                                           Training and Skills
Successful organisations must enter into a formal
                                                           Department of Employment, Small
Services Agreement with DESBT, which will include
                                                           Business and Training
standard key performance indicators.
                                                           PO Box 15483
Organisations are also required to have appropriate        CITY EAST QLD 4002
insurance prior to the commencement of the trainee and
                                                           Organisations will be notified in writing of the outcome
during their period of employment, including:
                                                           of the appeal within 21 business days from receipt of
 public liability insurance in the amount of $10
                                                           the appeal.
    million in respect of each claim
 workers’ compensation insurance in accordance            More information
    with the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation
    Act 2003.                                              For more information about First Start contact DESBT on
                                                           1300 369 935 or LGAQ on 1300 542 700 or visit the
Organisations are required to supply certification from    DESBT website at
the insurers confirming coverage.
                                                           Visit to find your
A first payment will be paid once the Services
                                                           local Apprenticeship Network provider or call the
Agreement has been executed. Trainees must have
                                                           referral line on 13 38 73.
commenced by 30 June 2019. Funding under First Start
                                                                                 Deputy Director-General
will be provided on the basis that the training contract   Policy owner:
                                                                                 Training and Skills
for each trainee under the program is successfully
registered with DESBT.                                     Approval date:        1 May 2018
Second payments for local councils (if required) will be
                                                           Effective date:       1 July 2018
made following a reconciliation process to confirm all
trainee commencements, completions, and                    Related documents:    1.    User Choice 2017-20 Policy
cancellations and periods of employment for previous
contracts.                                                 Version control:      6.0

First Start Guidelines for funding 2018-19                                                                            5
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