Town of Milford


  Effective July 1, 2021
     r M il fo rd Residents
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       Board Me
                  . Evans
       Kenneth C
                  . Izzo
       Leonard A            i
        Paul A. M
                       Please Read
Household Waste Not Accepted At The Transfer Recycle Station
Per notice from Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
(MassDEP), the Milford Transfer Recycle Station does not have a site
assignment to handle household waste. The facility was originally
approved to only accept “bulky wastes” which includes large items such
as, couches, furniture and other large items that cannot be collected as
part of the regular curbside solid waste pickup. Therefore the facility will
NO LONGER accept non-recyclable trash, such as typical household
garbage and rubbish, that originates from private homes or apartments.
Recyclable products such as plastic containers, newspaper,
cardboard, textiles, cans, other metal, grass, leaves and brush are
always accepted at this recycling facility.

      2021 / 2022 Trash & Recycling Holiday Schedule
The Milford Board of Health would like to remind Milford Residents that the
following holidays are the only holidays recognized for trash and recycling
collection delay. When a holiday falls on Monday thru Friday, trash and
recycling collection will be delayed by one day for all collections after the
holiday for that week.
Independence Day July 4, 2021      No Delay
Labor Day          Sept. 6, 2021   Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. & Fri. pick-ups 1-day delay
Thanksgiving       Nov. 25, 2021 Thurs. & Fri. pick-ups 1-day delay
Christmas          Dec. 25, 2021 No Delay
New Year’s         Jan. 1, 2022    No Delay
Memorial Day       May 30, 2022 Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. & Fri. pick-ups 1-day delay
i.e.: for a Monday holiday, if your scheduled trash/recycling pick-up day is
on Monday it will be picked up on Tuesday, Tuesday’s pick-up will be on
Wednesday, Wednesday’s pick-up will be on Thursday, Thursday’s pick-up
will be on Friday and Friday’s pick-up will be on Saturday.
If any holidays fall on a weekend they will NOT be delayed.

Please have your trash and recycling at the curb by 7:00 AM. The same
route for pick-up is not always taken.
Please do not place trash barrels and recycling bins in the road where they
can interfere with traffic and snow removal operations.
IMPORTANT! Please tune into WMRC - 1490 AM or 101.3 FM Radio
for updates/cancellations during inclement weather.
Follow us on Instagram @ Milford Board of Health
Follow us on Facebook @ Milford Board of Health to keep up to date with the
latest news, events and updates with curbside trash and recycling schedule.
t The town of Milford has contracted with E. L. Harvey for the pick-up and removal of
  solid waste in the town.
t Each dwelling including apartments of no more than five (5) dwelling units is
  entitled to this service.
t All garbage, rubbish and other waste material, including recyclable material,
  must be placed on outer edges of the sidewalk or edge of roadway, by 7:00 A.M.
  on pick-up day.
t Each dwelling unit shall place no more than four (4) barrels or plastic bags at curbside.
t All garbage, rubbish and other waste MUST be in plastic bags then placed in barrels
t Each bag or barrel shall not weigh more than 50 pounds and shall not exceed 35
  gallons in size.
t Each household will be allowed one (1) oversized non-metal/non restricted item per week.
  An example of an oversized item shall include a couch, chair, desk.
t Awkward items such as large pieces of rug must be cut into four (4) foot lengths
  or less prior to collection. Maximum of 2, four foot bundles. These items must be
  tied or bundled not to exceed 50 lbs.
t MATTRESSES will NO longer be picked up at curbside. These are only allowed at the
  Transfer Station with a few of $20.00 for each mattress or box spring. No Transfer
  Sticker is required.
t To comply with the State’s restrictions on disposal of items containing
  CRT’s (computer monitors and televisions), it is necessary to contact the Board of
  Health to obtain a sticker and an appointment for curbside collection of these items.
  Prices are as follows: Computer monitors: $15.00 each, Televisions with screens 35”
  or smaller: $15.00 each, televisions with screens over 35”: $20.00 each, over 42” to be
t No metal items will be picked up at curbside unless they display a sticker, which
  is available to residents for the Board of Health office. These items will include,
  but are not limited to: washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, water heaters,
  tanks, metal cabinets, lawn mowers, gas grills, metal lockers, refrigerators,
  freezers, air conditioners, etc.
t Large metal items and appliances, items containing CRT’s (computer monitors and
  televisions) can also be disposed of at the transfer facility located on Cedar Street.
  See transfer facility page for cost. Large auto parts such as, but not limited to, body
  metal, engine blocks, transmissions, rear-end components, and auto batteries will not
  be collected curbside.
t No earth, stones, tree trunks, brush, grass, leaves, Christmas trees, construction
  debris, oil tanks, and other non-household items will be collected.
t Whenever a scheduled collection day falls on a major holiday, that day’s collections
  and all remaining collections for the week will be delayed one day.
  The ONLY days that will be delayed on are: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day,
		       Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
		 If any of these holidays falls on a weekend they will NOT be delayed.
                   If there are any questions concerning this information,
               you may call E. L. Harvey at 1-800-321-3002 or 508-634-2315
Please be sure to properly prepare your materials
                    and only what we recycle.

t Please note all approved recycling items can now be combined in the
  same recycling container.
t Set your bin at the curb at least 4 feet from trash before 7:00 a.m.
t Recyclables will be collected every other week on your regular
  trash day.
t Place all other materials together in bin.
t If you need additional space, flatten or nest large plastic containers and
  metal cans.
t A clearly MARKED PAPER BAG may be used for additional
  recyclables. Separate bags are needed for each material.
t All yard waste must be disposed of at the Compost Facility.

Recyclables are collected every other week on your regular trash
collection day.
A-WEEKS are shown on the calendar in GREEN, B-WEEKS are shown
in BLUE.

Whenever a scheduled collection day falls on a major holiday, that day’s
collection will be delayed by one day, as will all remaining collections for
the week.

The ONLY days that we will be delayed on are:
  New Year’s, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,
  Thanksgiving and Christmas.
  If any of these holidays falls on a weekend they will NOT be

To report that recyclables or rubbish have not been picked up call
E. L. Harvey & Sons at 1-800-321-3002.
Before calling, please be sure that above recycling instructions were followed.
Single Stream Re
                            HELP US REDUCE WASTE IN OUR SIN
                         DO RECYCLE

phone books, mail, mixed papers, office paper,
envelopes, folders, newspaper & inserts,
magazines, catalogs, brochures, pamphlets

plastic bottles, plastic jugs, plastic tubs

boxboard, cereal boxes, food boxes,
flattened corrugated cardboard
2 feet x 2 feet maximum per piece

Metal food and beverage containers

glass bottles, glass jars

All items need to be clean and empty
                                  ANY recycling left on curbside in

E.L. Harvey & Sons, Inc.
cycling Guidelines
                             DO NOT RECYCLE

        t   Shredded Paper
        t   Wood material and products
        t   K-Cups
        t   Packaging (contaminated w/food or grease)
        t   Plastic Grocery Bags
        t   Plastic/Wire Hangers
        t   Plastic Wrappers (candy wrappers, chip bags)
        t   Plastic Film/Plastic Tarps
        t   Office Equipment
        t   Foam packaging and Styrofoam
        t Aerosol     cans
        t   Glass dishes/Pyrex/Ceramics
        t   Windows and light bulbs
        t   Mirrors
        t   Stringy Materials
        t   Garden Hoses/Ropes
        t   Metal Cables/Electrical Cords
        t   Hazardous Waste

             IN PLASTIC BAGS

plastic bags will NOT be collected

                         Learn more at
A WEEK                      Franklin St. - T        Oriole Dr. - F          Wilson St. - W           Fenway Dr. - F          Princeton Dr. - TH
Ackerly St. - W             Free St. - M            Otis St. - T            Winterberry Ln. - TH     Fordham Dr. - TH        Prospect Ct. - W
Adams Rd. - M               Front St. - T           Overlea Av. - W         Wood St. - T             Forest St. - T          Prospect Hgts - W
Adams St. - M               Fruit St. - T           Packard Rd. - W         Woodridge Rd. - TH       Fountain St. - M        Prospect St. - W
Agnes Rd. - TH              Fruit St. Ext. - T      Palomera - T            Wyeth Cr. - TH           Frank Dr. - T           Purchase St. - M
Alfred Rd. - F              Genoa Ave - M           Park Tr. - T            Zain Cr. - M             Freedom St. - W         (Dilla St. to Rte 16)
Altieri Ct - M              Gibbon Ave. - M         Parker Hill Ave. - W                             Garden Rd. - W          Purchase St. - F
Appleton St. - W            Gillon St. - M          Parkhurst St. - M       B WEEK                   Geneseo Cr. - F         (Dilla St. to Hopkinton
Ari’s Way - T               Godfrey Ln - W          Paula Rd. - TH          Acorn Cr. - T            Genest St. - W          Line)
Atttilio CR - T             Grace St. - W           Penny Ln. - F           Alden St. - T            Glennon Dr. - W         Purdue Dr. - TH
Baker Slip - T              Green St. - T           Pine Needle Dr. - M     Allen Rd. - TH           Glines Av. - M          Quinlan St. - W
Bandy Ln - W                Gritte Ln. - TH         Plain St. - M           Amherst Dr. - TH         Goodrich Ct - T         Quinshipaug Rd. - M
Barbara’s Way               Hale Ave. - W           Pleasant St. - W                                 Gordon Dr. - T          Radcliffe Dr. - TH
                                                                            Annie J Cr. - TH
Bay Rd. - T                 Hamel Cr. - TH          Popia Ct. - TH                                   Governors Way - F       Ragged Hill Rd. - F
                                                                            Archer St. - T
Berrini St. - M             Hamilton St. - M        Prairie St. - M                                  Granite St. - M         Reagan Rd. - W
                                                                            Ariel Cr. - M
Bethel Rd. - TH             Harris Ave. - F         Princess Pine Ln. - F                            Grant St. - M           Rich Rd. - T
                                                                            Asylum St. - TH
Blanchard Rd - W            Hayward St. - M         Quirk Cr. - TH                                   Grant St. Ex - M        River St. - T
                                                                            Bacon Slip - W
Bodio Cr. - T               Hemlock Dr. - F         Ramble Rd., - TH                                 Grove St. - T           Rogers St. - M
                                                                            Balian Way - W
Broad St. - T               High St. - W            Ravenna St. - M                                  Hancock St. - W         Roland Wy - T
                                                                            Bancroft Ave. - W
Brookfield Rd. - F          Highland St.            Reade St. - M                                    Harding St. - W         Rose Ln - TH
                                                                            Barbara’s Way - TH
Brookside Ln - W            (West Fountain to       Rebecca Way - TH                                 Harvard Dr. - TH        Rose Rd. - TH
                            Rt. 140) -W                                     Beach St. - T            Haven St. - F
Bruno Dr. - T                                       Redwood Dr. - TH                                                         Rosebud Ln - TH
                            Hollis Ct. - T                                  Beach St. Ex. - T        Hayward Field - T
Cabot Rd. - M                                       Regal Rd. - TH                                                           Rosenfeld Ave - M
                            Hollis St. - T                                  Bear Hill Rd. - T        Highland St.
Calvin Dr. - F                                      Reservoir St. - TH                                                       Rupert Rd. - F
                            Howard St. - T          Richard St. - W         Beaver St. - T           (West St. to Taft and
Cape Rd. - T                                                                                                                 Sabatinelli Rd. - M
                            Hunter Cr. - TH         Richmond Ave. - W       Beaver Pond Rd. - T      West Fountain to
Capitol Rd. - TH                                                                                                             San Clemente Cr. - T
                            Iadarola Av. - W        Ridge Rd. - TH          Berkley Rd. - F          N. Vine) - TH
Caroline Dr. - W                                                                                                             School St. - M
                            Isaiah Cr. - TH         Robert Rd. - M          Birch St. - T            Hillcrest Dr. - F
Carp Rd - T                                                                                                                  Selma Cr. - F
                            Ivy Ln. - F             Roberts Ct. - W         Bowdoin Dr. - TH         Hillside Ave. - T
Carven Rd. - T                                                                                                               Shadowbrook Ln - TH
                            Jackson St. - M         Robin Rd. - F           Bradford Rd. - F         Huckleberry Cr. - T
Cedar St. - M                                                                                                                Sheldons Alley - T
                            Jacob Ln. - M           Rockland St. - M        Bragg Slip - W           Huff Rd. - T
Cedar View Cir. - M                                                                                                          Sherwood Dr. - F
                            James St. - T           Rogers Ave. - W         Branch St. - F           Huntoon Slip - W        Silva St. - T
Central St. right side to
                            Janock Rd. - T          Ryan Rd. - TH           Briar Dr. - F            Jefferson St. - T       Simmons Dr. - TH
S. Bow St. - T
                            Jason Cr. - M           Salvia Rd. - TH         Brook Hollow Rd. - F     Jencks Rd. - T          Simon Dr. - F
Chapin St. - T
                            Jen Paul Way - M        Sample Rd. - TH         Camp St. - F             Joe’s Way - T           South Cedar St. - T
Cherry St. - W
Chestnut St. - T            Jennie D Ln., - TH      Senate Rd. - TH         Canali Dr. - M           John St. - W            South Central St. - T
Churchill St. - M           Jillson Cr. - TH        Short St., - M          Carroll St. - M          Julian LN - M           South High St. - W
Clarridge Cr. - F           Jionzo Rd. - TH         Sidney Rd. - F          Casey Dr. - T            Julie Cr. - F           South Lawrence St. - W
Claudette Dr. - F           Joan Cr. - TH           Silver Hill Rd. - F     Celestial Cr. - F        Kennedy Ln - TH         South Terrace - M
Clearview Dr. - F           Johnson Ct. - T         SkyView Ln. - M         Cemetery St. - T         Laurel St. - W          South Union St. - T
Colonial Rd. - TH           Joseph Rd. - TH         Sousa Cr. - T           Central St. (left side   Lawrence St. - W        Spring St. - T
Columbus Ave - M            Kalen Cr. - F           South Bow St. - T       to Beach St.) - T        Lee St. - W             Spruce St. - M
Como Ct. - M                Karen Ln. - TH          South Free St. - M      Charles River Rd. - T    Leland St. - F          Stall Brook Rd - T
Congress St.                Kate Lane - TH          South Main St. - T      Charles St. - T          Lincoln St. - M         Stanford Cr. - TH
(Fountain St. to            Kellett Dr. - W         South Richard St. - W   Chester Ln. - M          Lombardi Cr. - T        State St. - M
Intersection N. Vine St.    Kraft Rd. - T           St. John Ln. - T        Christina Rd. - T        Longview Dr. - F        Stub Toe Ln - F
to Whitewood) - TH          Lantern Ln. - F         Stallbrook Ln. - T      Church St. - W           Lydia Lane - M          Sumner St. - M
Congress St. (West St. to   Larson Rd. - F          Stoneybrook Ln. - F     Claflin St. - T          Madison St. - W         Sunwood Av. - F
Post Office St) - W         Lavoie Av. - W          Sulmone St. - M         Clark St. - M            Main St.(Water St. to   Suzette Rd. - T
Congress Tr., - W           Leah Ln. - TH           Sunnyside Ln. - F       Colby Dr. - TH           Rt. 140) - M            Taft St. - W
Cook St. - M                Legion St. - F          Sunset Dr. - F          Columbia Dr. - TH        Manella Ave. - M        Tanglewood Dr. - F
Coolidge Rd - F             Lena Ln. - M            Tallpine Rd. - TH       Congress St.             Mason Dr. - t           Tara Cr. - TH
Cormier Cr. - F             Leonard St. - T         Temple St. - F          (Fountain St. to Rte     Mayhew Slip - W         Taylor St. - W
Correia Cr. - W             Littlefield Rd. - TH    Teresa Dr. - W          16) - M                  McGill Ln - F           Thayer St. - W
Court Sq - M                Luby Ave. - W           Thomas St. - T          Cornell Dr. - TH         Mechanic St. - M        tina rd. - F
Courtland St. - T           Lucia Dr. - F           Till Rock Ln. - TH      Country Club Ln - TH     Metcalf Ave. - M        Tomaso Rd. - W
Covino Rd - F               Lyndon Rd. - TH         Treeland Dr. - F        Countryside Dr. - TH     Mike Cr. - T            Trinity Dr. - TH
Cypress Rd - TH             Lynn Ln. - F            Trettel Dr. - T         Court St. - T            Mohegan Cr. - M         Tyler St. - F
Daniels St - T              Madden Ave. - W         Tufts Dr. - TH          Cricket Ln. - F          Morey Wy - F            University Dr. - TH
Debbie Ln - TH              Main St. (90 Main St.   Turin St. - T           Cunniff Av. - W          Moschilli Cr. - T       Valley Dr. - F
Dell Ann Cr. - W            to East Main St. to     Union St. - W                                    Mount Pleasant St.- M   Vassar Dr. - TH
                                                                            Dana Cr. - F
Della St. - W               Holliston) - M          Venice St. - T                                   Myrtle St. - T          Vicki Ln. - M
                                                                            Daniel R Dr. - F
Dennis Rd - F               Manguso Ct. - M         Victor Dr. - T                                   Mystic Ln - W           Vicki St. - T
                                                                            Dartmouth Dr. - TH
Dewey Cr. - W               Manoogian Cr. - TH      Village Cr. - F                                  Nelson Hgts - W         Vincenczo Rd. - W
                                                                            DeLuca Ext. - W
Diana Cr. - T               Maple St. - T           Vine St. - T                                     Nicholas Rd. - W        Wales St. - F
                                                                            DeLuca Rd. - W
Diantonio Dr. - W           Maria Cr. - W           Violet Cr. - TH                                  North Bow St. - T       Walnut St. - M
                                                                            Depot St. - T
Divittorio Dr. - F          Mark Dr. - F            Virginia Dr. - T                                 North Pond Tr. - F      Water St. - W
                                                                            Dilla St. - M
Dogwood Ln - M              Mary Rd. - T            Walden Woods -M                                  North Tr. - M           Waterfall Ln - T
                                                                            Dino Way - T
Dominick St. - M            Meade St. - M           Walker Ave. - W                                  Northbrook Cr. - F      Westchester Dr. - F
                            Meadow View Ln.- T                              Draper Pk - W            Oak Tree Dr. - M
Eames St. - F                                       Walker Ave. Ex.- W      Dynasty Dr. - F                                  Western Av. - W
East Charles St. - M        Medway Rd. - T          Washington St. - W                               Oliver Ct. - W          Whitney St. - T
                            Meghan Ct. - TH                                 East St. - T             Oliver St. - W
East Main St. - M                                   Wayne Rd. - TH                                                           Williams St. - W
                            Memory Ln. - W                                  East St. Ex - T          Orrin Slip - W
Eastview Dr. - F                                    West Fountain St. - W                                                    Windsor Rd. - F
                            Messina St. - T                                 East Walnut St. - M      Overlook Cr. - F
Edgewood Rd. - F                                    West Maple St. - W                                                       Winter St. - M
                            Middleton St. - M                               East Wood St. - M        Park Ave. - W
Elm St. - T                                         West Pine St. - W                                                        Wood Hill Rd. - F
                            Mill Pond Cr. - TH                              Eben St. - F             Park Lane Ave. -M
Eugene Cr. - T                                      West Spruce St. - W                                                      Woodland Av. - M
                            Mitchell Rd. - W                                Edward St. - W           Park St. - W
Evans Rd. - T                                       West St. - W                                                             Y St. - W
                            Muriel Ln. - F                                  Elizabeth Rd. - TH       Patsy Lane
Fairbanks St. - F                                   West Walnut St. - W                                                      Yale Dr. - TH
                            Nancy Rd. - F                                   Emmons St. - M            Beaver Pond
Fairview Ave - T                                    Westbrook St. - W
                            Naples Ct. - T                                  Essex Av. - F            Pearl St. - M
Ferguson St. - T                                    Westley Ct. - W
                            Naples St. - M          Whip O Will Ln. - F     Esther Dr. - F           Pine Island Rd. - F
Fern St. - W
                            Nolan Ave. -T           Whispering Pine Dr.-M   Exchange St. - M         Pine St. - M
Field Pond Rd - TH                                                                                                           M    =   Monday
                            North St. - M           Whitewood Rd. - TH      Fairview Rd. - M         Pinewood Rd. - F
Finley - T                                                                                                                   T    =   Tuesday
                            North Vine St. - TH     Whittier Rd. - TH       Farese Rd. - W           Pond St. - T
Fiske Mill Rd. - TH                                                                                                          W    =   Wednesday
                            Oak Tr. - TH            Wildwood Dr. - M        Farmer Cr. - F           Poplar St. - T
Florence St. - M                                                                                                             TH   =   Thursday
                            Orange St. - T          Willow Rd. - F          Fayette St. - M          Pouliot St. - T
Florence St. Ex - M                                                                                                           F   =   Friday
                            Orchard St. - T                                 Fells Ave - M            Prentice Ave - M
Fox Ln - TH
         JULY 2021                       AUGUST 2021                  SEPTEMBER 2021

Su   Mo Tu We Th      Fr   Sa   Su   Mo Tu We Th       Fr   Sa   Su   Mo Tu We Th    Fr   Sa

     		           1   2    3     1 2 3 4 5 6 7                    		       1 2 3 4
                                 8 9 10 11 12 13 14               5 6 7 8 9 10 11
 4   5    6   7   8   9 10
                                15 16 17 18 19 20 21             12 13 14 15 16 17 18
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
                                22 23 24 25 26 27 28             19 20 21 22 23 24 25
18 19 20 21 22 23 24            29 30 31                         26 27 28 29 30
25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      OCTOBER 2021                   NOVEMBER 2021                    DECEMBER 2021
Su   Mo Tu We Th      Fr   Sa   Su   Mo Tu We Th       Fr   Sa   Su   Mo Tu We Th    Fr   Sa
		     		       1 2                  1     2   3   4   5    6     		       1 2        3    4
 3 4 5 6 7 8 9                  7    8     9   10 11 12 13        5 6 7 8 9          10   11
10 11 12 13 14 15 16                                             12 13 14 15 16      17   18
                                14 15 16 17 18 19 20
17 18 19 20 21 22 23                                             19 20 21 22 23      24   25
                                21 22 23 24 25 26 27
24 25 26 27 28 29 30                                             26 27 28 29 30      31
31                              28 29 30

      JANUARY 2022                   FEBRUARY 2022                      MARCH 2022

Su   Mo Tu We Th      Fr   Sa   Su   Mo Tu We Th       Fr   Sa   Su   Mo Tu We Th    Fr   Sa
			       			               1              1   2   3   4    5           1 2 3 4 5
 2 3 4 5 6 7                8                                     6 7 8 9 10 11 12
                                6    7     8   9   10 11 12
 9 10 11 12 13 14          15                                    13 14 15 16 17 18 19
                                13 14 15 16 17 18 19
16 17 18 19 20 21          22                                    20 21 22 23 24 25 26
23 24 25 26 27 28          29   20 21 22 23 24 25 26             27 28 29 30 31
30 31                           27 28

         APRIL 2022                       MAY 2022                      JUNE 2022
Su   Mo Tu We Th      Fr   Sa   Su   Mo Tu We Th       Fr   Sa   Su   Mo Tu We Th    Fr   Sa
			                   1    2    1    2     3   4   5   6    7              1 2 3           4
 3   4    5   6   7   8    9    8    9    10 11 12 13 14          5 6 7 8 9 10            11
                                15 16 17 18 19 20 21             12 13 14 15 16 17        18
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
                                22 23 24 25 26 27 28             19 20 21 22 23 24        25
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
                                29 30 31                         26 27 28 29 30
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

                  A week = Green		                     B week = Blue
The ONLY days that we will be delayed on are:
New Year’s, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,
Thanksgiving and Christmas. If any of these holidays falls on a
weekend they will N O T be delayed

Household waste NOT accepted at the Transfer Station per notice from the
      Mass Department of Environmental Protection {MASS DEP)

                              Mattress Recycling

     As of March 1, 2020, the Town of Milford has implemented a mattress and
                        box spring recycling program.

       Mattresses and box springs are no longer considered a waste and
        cannot be placed at curbside for regular waste collection.

      These items must be taken to the Milford Transfer Facility to be recycled.
       Each mattress and box spring costs $20. Recycling a mattress and box
     spring creates useful products instead of disposing of its valuable resources
              in an incinerator and helps lower our costly waste tonnage.
                   Thank you for helping us provide a greener future.

 Important information regarding changes to our textile recyling program.

 Starting July 5th, Simple Recycling will be scheduling pick-ups at your conve-
nience. No more waiting for your recyling day to have your textiles picked up on

Schedule your pick-up and leave right outside your door, no more lugging it up to
                                   the curb.

      Go to the link below or call 1-888-835-5068 for your next pick-up

            Milford Compost Facility located on Fiske Mill Road
    GRASS, LEAVES AND BRUSH will only be accepted at the new Milford
     Compost Facility located on Fiske Mill Road. The days and hours of the
                Milford Fiske Mill Road Compost Facility are:
			             Thursdays and Fridays from 12:00 noon to 4:00pm
			                    Saturdays from 8:00am to 4:00pm and
                        Sunday from 10:00am to 4:00pm
           Milford Residents will have use of both facilities with the annual
        Transfer Station sticker. These stickers will be sold only at the Cedar
      Street Location. Cost of a sticker is $25.00- check only. The Fiske Mill
            Compost Facility will be closed during the winter months
                        December 30, 2021 - March 31, 2022

     *Any questions or concerns regarding the Transfer Station or the Compost
       Facility please call the Milford Highway Department at 774-737-3117
The following procedures and fee schedule are in effect at the Milford Transfer Facility. The purchase of permit will
allow the individual to dispose of the following items with no additional disposal fee: grass, leaves & brush. From
(May - November), residents can dispose of latex and/or oil based paint. Paint disposal costs $2 per gallon-sized
container and $1 per quart- or pint-sized container. Residential disposal only - no commercial.
Disposal of motor oil in clear containers is also included with permit. The cost for this permit will be $25.00 per
vehicle and $10.00 for each additional vehicle registered in the same family for residents of Milford. A fee of $25.00
for non-residents that pay a Milford Property Tax. Due to the limited disposal area we must discontinue the use
of this facility for NON Residents, Commercial and/or other Business purposes. Below is a list of items that will be
accepted at this facility with a disposal fee. Please note large awkward items such as oil tanks, swing sets, etc.
must be cut up and dismantled. Cash will NOT be accepted at this facility. Checks ONLY please.
                                       See Fee Schedule Below
All other vehicles not mentioned in fee schedule will be viewed and assessed by the attendants. This
facility is for “RESIDENTIAL USE ONLY”.
                                           Items not accepted:
No large auto parts such as car bodies, boat parts, etc.... toxic waste, pathological wastes, animal carcasses,
no rocks or boulders, cement, bricks, asphalt or tree stumps. No commercial or Industrial waste.

Fee Schedule           Transfer Station Curbside             Fee Schedule             Transfer Station      Curbside
AC Units               $25.00           $20.00               Heating Oil tanks
Appliances such as (but not Limited to):                        (cut up)              $50.00                No
    Washers, dryers, water heaters,                          Lawn Mowers              $20.00                $15.00
                                                             Ride-on Mowers           $30.00                No
    dishwashers, etc. $25.00            $20.00
                                                             Leaves, Grass &
Water Heaters
                                                                Xmas Trees            Included w/Permit No
    (lined with stone) $20.00           No                   Mattresses               $20.00            No
    Bathtubs           $20.00           No                   Boxsprings               $20.00            No
Sinks (Cast Iron)      $20.00           No
                                                             Metal Fencing            Discretion
Sinks (Aluminum)                                             		                       of Attendant          No
    Large              $15.00           No                   Microwaves               $25.00                $20.00
    Small              $10.00           No                   Propane Tanks
Batteries (auto)       No Charge        No                       20lbs & under        $10.00                No
                                                             Propane Tanks
Bicycles (Lg & Sm) $10.00               $10.00
                                                                 over 20 lbs          $25.00                No
Boilers (taken apart) $25.00            No                   Refrigerator/Freezers $25.00                   $20.00
Brush/grass/leaves=included w/permit                         Rugs cut up 4 ft bundles $ 5.00 each
Non Metal Chairs       $10.00           No Charge                at Transfer Facility                       No Charge
Computer                                                         Stereos              $10.00                $5.00
                                                             Swing Sets(must be cut
    Monitors/Printers $20.00            $15.00
                                                                 up & dismantled) $15.00                    No
Couches & Loveseats $15.00              No Charge            Tires                    $3.00                 No
Dehumidifier           $25.00           $20.00               Toilets                  $10.00                No
Exercise Equipment $20.00               $15.00               TV’S 35” or less         $20.00                $15.00
File Cabinet 2 Drawer $15.00            $10.00               TV’s over 35” Over 42”
                                                                 to be accessed) $25.00                     $20.00
File Cabinet 4 Drawer $20.00            $15.00
                                                             Weed Wackers &
Fluorescent Bulbs                                                Other Small Metal $5.00                    No
    included w/permit No Charge         No                   Wheelbarrel              $15.00                $15.00
Gas Grills             $20.00           $15.00

         Construction and demolition material disposal fees will be determined
          by the attendants. All Items above are priced on an individual basis
                                   TRANSFER FACILITY HOURS:
  Regular Hours: Friday and Saturday, 8 AM - 4:00 PM, Thursday and Sunday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
   Winter Hours: Jan. 1st, thru April 1st, Saturdays, 8 AM - 4:00 PM & Sundays 10 AM - 4 PM
Telephone 508-478-8093 or 774-737-3117, Your cooperation and understanding is appreciated.
TOWN OF MILFORD                                       PRSRT STD
BOARD OF HEALTH                                       U.S. Postage
  52 Main Street                                          PAID
 Milford, MA 01757                                   No. Billerica, MA
                                                      Permit No. 3
                     RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER
                          MILFORD, MA
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