Grip Fast Equestrian News - spring 2020 - Castle Leslie Estate

Page created by Victor Burke
Grip Fast Equestrian News - spring 2020 - Castle Leslie Estate
equestrian at castle leslie estate

spring 2020

Grip Fast                                                            Equestrian News

Welcome to the spring issue of the Castle Leslie Equestrian           •	1,000 acres of private estate
newsletter. It’s packed with all the latest news from Equestrian
                                                                      •	300 cross country jumps
Centre Business Manager, Elizabeth Snelgrove and her team.
                                                                      •	21 miles of meandering bridleways
Castle Leslie Estate offers memorable horse riding holiday
experiences for riding enthusiasts of all levels. So whether          •	Mile-long all-weather gallop
you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, Castle Leslie Estate       •	56 stables
is the place for you. The Estate offers an idyllic setting for
                                                                      •	Horse simulator - Mechanical horse for beginners
outdoor activity and adventure and we are conveniently located
in County Monaghan, only 80 minutes from Dublin airport               •	50×30 metre indoor arena with indoor cross-country fences
and 60 minutes from Belfast airport. It is the perfect place to
                                                                      •	Tiered seating for 200 plus private dining/viewing room
discover the thrill of exploring the beautiful Irish countryside
on horseback. We welcome riders of all ability and offer expert       •	Lounge and showering facilities
tuition in hacking, show jumping, and dressage along with             •	20 × 50 Dressage Arena
gentle hacks and exhilarating cross country rides together with
                                                                      •	30 × 20 Outdoor Ménage
a range of certified training programmes and clubs for children.
The Equestrian Centre combines the authentic charm of a               •	Sand Gallops
country estate with all the amenities you’d expect from one of
                                                                      •	SJI approved show jumps
Ireland’s best horse-riding locations.
                                                                      •	Horse walker
equestrian specialised breaks
We offer a number of exhilarating equestrian breaks for               •	Lorry & trailer parking

experienced to advanced riders. Please visit our website for          •	BHS, SJI & AIRE Approved
information on our ‘Horse Sport’ or ‘Happy Hackers’ packages.

equestrian leisure breaks
We also offer more leisurely equestrian breaks for novice to
advanced riders that would like to enjoy an equestrian break at
a less exhilarating pace. Please visit our website for information
on our ‘Getaway on Horseback’, ‘Learn to Ride in 5 days’ and
our ‘Hotel for Horses’ packages.
Grip Fast Equestrian News - spring 2020 - Castle Leslie Estate
equestrian at castle leslie estate

Upcoming Events                                                                                                               Nailing’ the showjumping round, in eventing

H o r s e D r aw n C a r r i ag e R i d e s                     25th April 2020, Starts at 10am                               by Castle Leslie Equestrian Manager,                             2	If you feel your horse is flat over the jumps, and is not
                                                                L a d i e s C o f f e e Mo r n i n g H ac k                   Elizabeth Snelgrove                                                 using his shoulders, then bounce jumps will help –
A horse drawn carriage ride is a wonderful way to
                                                                                                                                                                                                  build up from one bounce to a series of four or five, e.g
experience the beauty of Castle Leslie Estate.                  Open to all levels of riders who can walk, trot and canter.   Now it’s March and spring is almost here, we’re turning             with no strides in between the fences.
Journey back in time on an enchanting carriage ride             Bring your own horse or hire a horse and enjoy a 2hr Estate   our attention to the eventing season. Very often, after
through the tree-lined avenues and bridleways, sit back and     ride around Castle Leslie Estate. Afterwards, enjoy coffee    the mental agility needed in dressage, and the physical          3	High cross poles are particularly good for straightness;
be charmed by what awaits you on your personal tour of the      and scones at the Equestrian centre.                          endurance of the XC course, some fatigue is likely to set in        be encouraged to mix and match uprights and cross
most beautiful areas of the Estate. Our Stately horse and       Price: €35 per person on own horse                            by the final phase, with the rider’s adrenaline still flowing,      poles. Approaching in trot usually works better, to
experienced driver make this jaunt a perfect way to enhance     €65 per person for horse hire                                 but the horse perhaps tiring a little. So it’s easy for riders      allow your horse time to assess the task ahead, and to
a visit to the Estate. Carriage rides may be booked through     Spaces are limited and booking is essential.                  to make a slight mistake that can make all the difference           really use himself, and bascule.
reception or directly with the Equestrian Centre. Subject to    Horse Hire Available.                                         to the final result, especially with huge pressure playing a     4	If you feel you want an exercise that can be used around
availability and advance booking is essential.                                                                                part. At this stage, poles will usually fall because of a too-      a course, place Vee Poles on various fences at home or
Price: €90 per Carriage Ride                                                                                                  tired horse, a poor take off point, an imbalanced canter,           at your training venue, which will encourage a good
The carriage seats 4 adults, or 2 adults and up to 2 children                                                                 the wrong rhythm, the incorrect approach to a fence,                rounded jump off the hocks.
and has a 1 hour duration                                                                                                     drifting to the left or right, or the horse not listening. And
Enhance your experience with: Bottle of Bubbly @ €40.00;                                                                      of course, there’s always sheer bad luck!                        Mental & physical fitness
Delicious Homemade Lemonade and Biscuits @ €5.00
per person
                                                                In the Spotlight                                              Keeping your cool
                                                                                                                                                                                               Fitness is the fundamental backbone of eventing. Your aim
                                                                                                                                                                                               is for you both to be able to enter the showjumping phase
                                                                                                                              Pressure is what you make it! You are your own biggest           feeling as fresh and ready as you were in the first phase!
                                                                New Equestrian Centre Manager Elizabeth Snelgrove.
13th – 17th April 2020, 10am – 3pm                                                                                            critic, and to learn to control your emotions may not
                                                                Elizabeth originally joined Castle Leslie Equestrian                                                                           Ensuring you have a super fit horse, together with correct
Easter Own a Pony for a Week                                                                                                  be easy, but is essential for any competitive event rider.
                                                                Centre in the autumn of 2013. She has a Bachelor of                                                                            stable management and feeding program, gives you the
                                                                                                                              Whatever the competition, and whatever the level, you
Get the opportunity to ‘Own a Pony for a Week’. Children        Science Honours Degree in Equine Management and                                                                                best chance of a good performance. With a clear mind and
                                                                                                                              are entering an arena to jump a course of show jumps,
will enjoy the experience of grooming, riding, mucking out      is a certified instructor, having gained her BHSAI                                                                             positive thoughts, you will transmit the power to succeed
                                                                                                                              and each scenario must be dealt with in the same way. If
and playing games.                                              Qualification. She has grown up with horses and has                                                                            to your horse.
                                                                                                                              we simplify everything in our brains, rather than over-
Price: €225 per child                                           competed on her own horses in affiliated and unaffiliated
                                                                                                                              complicating matters, it can make our task clearer and           Only focus on your own performance; watching others
Spaces are limited and booking is essential.                    competitions in show jumping, eventing and cross
                                                                                                                              easier to handle.                                                do well can put extra pressure on you, whilst, conversely,
(This is advanced children aged 7 or older who can trot and     country. We are delighted to welcome Elizabeth to the
upwards)                                                        management team at Castle Leslie Estate.                      Homework                                                         seeing others fail can cause a lack of confidence.
                                                                                                                              1	Nothing will give you greater confidence than being
                                                                                                                                 prepared for the final round. If you feel that your take
                                                                                                                                 off point and rhythm is what is letting you down, try
                                                                                                                                 setting up three canter poles at home, approximately
                                                                                                                                 three and a half metres apart, in front of a jump.

                                                                                                                              	This will ensure you and your horse have an even
                                                                                                                                canter stride and a good take off point, and this will
                                                                                                                                also help ‘train your eye’.
Grip Fast Equestrian News - spring 2020 - Castle Leslie Estate
equestrian at castle leslie estate

Meet the Horses
Our horses welfare is of paramount importance to us at Castle Leslie
Equestrian Centre. Our aim is to provide an extremely high level of care to
our horses and we work with a number of key suppliers including an equine
chiropractor: Ted McLaughlin, equine dentist: Carol Perkins, farrier: Shane
Cullen and vet: Donncha Houlihan MVB MRCVS. We now have 27 horses
in our equestrian centre and in each of these quarterly newsletters, we will
be featuring some of them. In this edition, we’d like to introduce you to ‘Two
Tone’, ‘Wellington’, ‘Charlie’ and ‘Jigsaw’.

                                t w o t o n e - One of everyone’s favourites
                                at Castle Leslie Equestrian Centre, Two Tone
                                enjoys life and hacking around the Estate.
                                Two Tone is a very kind horse and excels at
                                everything. Two Tone is 17hh and is used for
                                beginners to advanced riders.

                                w e l l i n g t o n is used for dressage.
                                Wellie is 17 years old and comes with a wealth
                                of experience. Wellie is 16.2hh and one of
                                the best dressage horses at Castle Leslie
                                Equestrian Centre.

                                c h a r l i e is a little cheeky and enjoys lots
                                of treats. Charlie is 15.2hh and is 7 years old.
                                Charlie is mainly used for jumping and he is a
                                flying armchair out on cross country.

                                j i g s a w is a 14.2hh skewbald mare who loves
                                to jump, has worked at Castle Leslie Equestrian
                                Centre for several years. Jigsaw takes part in the
                                popular pony camps during the summer and
                                also enjoys hacking and cross country.

                                                                                     Castle Leslie Estate,
                                                                                     Co. Monaghan, Ireland
                                If you require any further information, please
                                contact the Equestrian Centre on 047 88 535 or       tel: +353 47 88 100  
                                email                       email:
Grip Fast Equestrian News - spring 2020 - Castle Leslie Estate Grip Fast Equestrian News - spring 2020 - Castle Leslie Estate Grip Fast Equestrian News - spring 2020 - Castle Leslie Estate
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