Green Fuel from the Laboratory - CO2-neutral fuels and their contribution towards reducing pollutants - IAV | Automotive Engineering

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Green Fuel from the Laboratory - CO2-neutral fuels and their contribution towards reducing pollutants - IAV | Automotive Engineering
IAV Customer Magazine | 02/2020

Green Fuel from
the Laboratory
CO2-neutral fuels and
their contribution towards
reducing pollutants
Green Fuel from the Laboratory - CO2-neutral fuels and their contribution towards reducing pollutants - IAV | Automotive Engineering
2   Editorial | automotion                                                                                                                                                                                                                       automotion | Editorial   3

    Dear Reader,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Katja Ziegler
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      President, CFO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      IAV GmbH

    what drives us and our vehicles today and in the future?
    What sounds so simple and straightforward is ultimately one of the
    most exciting and at the same time most difficult questions of our
    time. And if there is one thing we have learned, it is that there are
    rarely simple answers to difficult questions.

                    This also applies to the future of drive technologies.   Because: E-mobility can only make an effective
                    Mobility in urban agglomerations and mega-cities         contribution towards climate protection if there
                    has different requirements than in rural areas. We       is sufficient regeneratively produced energy
                    also see differences in needs between young and          and an ambitious expansion of the network and
                                                                                                                                               Dr. Ulrich Eichhorn                                                                            Dr. Uwe Horn
                    old. The differences between the transport of            charging infrastructure. The situation is similar
                                                                                                                                               President, CEO                                                                                 President, CHRO
                    people and goods are even greater. A glance at the       with other promising alternative fuels, including
                                                                                                                                               IAV GmbH                                                                                       IAV GmbH
                    different market conditions in Germany, Europe,          hydrogen (page 18) and e-fuels, whose potential
                    Asia and America also shows how different and            we highlight in our cover story (page 8).
                    diverse the respective requirements are (page
                    6). Often, however, we see such differences even         Secondly: No single drive technology will provide
                    in our direct environment. One colleague arrives         the solution. Rather, the various technologies
                    every day by bicycle, another colleague by car,          should play out their respective strengths.                                                                     Matthias Kratzsch
                    a third prefers to use an e-scooter, while others                                                                                                                        President, CTO
                    prefer public transport or sharing services. The         An honest and well-founded consideration                                                                        IAV GmbH
                    variety and, thus, the possible combinations are         also includes looking at the CO2 footprint
                    increasing (page 32). At the same time, the new          of the individual technologies and modes of
                    freedom also brings new challenges, because the          transport over their entire life cycle. Such a holistic
                    complexity is increasing – both in development           view (keyword: cradle to grave) is becoming               do even more to help solve our customers’ most       electric vehicles as efficiently as possible in
                    and in operation and the connection to user- and         increasingly important. This encompasses the              pressing problems, especially in challenging         line with demand.
                    climate-friendly mobility.                               entire vehicle production process, including              times. And because the generation, conversion,
                                                                             the extraction of raw materials, and also takes           storage and distribution of energy is also           And so there is ultimately a simple answer to
                    In addition to the basic need for mobility, the          into account possible secondary use, including            becoming ever more demanding and because             the difficult initial question of the optimum
                    issue of sustainability is becoming more and             remanufacturing and recycling (pages 11 and 24).          there can be no change in transport policy           drive system, at least for us at IAV. For all
                    more important to both people and society.               Governments are also increasingly pursuing this           without a change in energy policy, we are also       development contracts are ultimately driven
                    The goal is: climate-neutral mobility by 2050. An        approach: China – the world’s largest automobile          supporting the energy sector with our expertise      by a common goal: better mobility. With this
                    overview of the approaches Germany and other             market – has just adjusted its support and                to an even greater extent in precisely this sense.   in mind, we hope you enjoy reading this issue!
                    exemplary selected countries are pursuing are            sanctions measures accordingly (page 42).                 For example, by making wind turbines more
                    presented in the large supplement to this issue                                                                    powerful (page 35), by developing intelligent
                    entitled “Plurality of Strategies”. Two findings         And what drives us at IAV? With our state-of-the-         control software for network operators, or
                    stand out. Firstly, without a change in energy           art development methods and more than 8,000               by using artificial intelligence to help energy
                    policy, there can be no change in transport policy.      employees at more than 25 locations, we want to           suppliers expand charging infrastructure for
Green Fuel from the Laboratory - CO2-neutral fuels and their contribution towards reducing pollutants - IAV | Automotive Engineering
4     Contents | automotion                                                                                                                                                                automotion | Content             5

                                                                                                                                 Efficient Thermal Management         26

                                                                                                                                 E-test Bench to Go                   27

                                                                                                                                 Putting a Stop to Hackers
                                                                                                                                 with the UNECE                       28
                                                                                                                                                                                Advancing into a New Era
CO2-neutral fuels and their contribution
towards reducing pollutants                                                                                                      When the Car Suddenly
                                                                                                                                 Takes a Back Seat                    30        IAV’s physiochemical laboratory is
                                                                                                                                                                                increasingly concerned with batteries and
The transport sector can make a significant                                                                                                                                     fuel cells.
contribution towards the achievement of the
climate objectives. In addition to excellent drive                                                                               Trends

technologies and new mobility concepts, this
requires an optimal mix of CO2-neutral energy
                                                                                                                                 Car Sharing – Are We
sources, as these can bring their potential to
                                                                                                                                 Flogging a Dead Horse?               32
bear to varying degrees in the various markets.
                                                                                                                                 Favorite Sound: Silence              35

                                                                                                                                 Digitalization of the Middle Class   36        Old Becomes New: Boom Market

                                                                                                                                                                                How can production be made
                                                                                                                                 Projects                                       more efficient and the demand for
                                                                                                                                                                                natural resources reduced?
                                                                                                                                                                                IAV focuses on recycling
                                                                                                                                 Voice Assistant Platform
                                                                                                                                                                                so-called old parts.
                                                                                 Topic focus                                     "Made in Germany"                    38

                                                                                 For a Sustainable Mobility of the Future        BVG and IAV Bring New
                                                                                 Potential of the transport Sector to            Mobility to Alt-Tegel                40
                                                                                 Reduce CO2                                  6

                                                                                 E-fuels: Power of the Future                8
                                                                                                                                 Changing Track
                                                                                 “Electric Mobility Alone Will
                                                                                 Not Make it Happen”                        12
                                                                                                                                 How the Largest Automotive Market              Putting a Stop to Hackers
                                                                                 Advancing into a New Era                   16   is Promoting the Mix of Drive                  with the UNECE
                                                                                                                                 Technologies                      42
                                                                                 IAV Cross                                  17
                                                                                                                                                                                UN regulations make new demands on

                                                                                 Halving the Costs of Hydrogen                                                                  security – a challenge for manufacturers
                                                                                 Applications Expected by 2030              18                                                  and suppliers.
                                                                                                                                 About IAV

                                                                                                                                 Virtual Running Event –
                                                                                 Driving forces                                  for a Good Cause                     45

                                                                                                                                 Code Competition Automation          45

                                                                                 Modular E-drive System for                      IAV Further Expands
                                                                                 Commercial Vehicles Goes                        Compliance Structures                47
                                                                                 into Production                            21                                                  Voice Assistant Platform
“Electric Mobility Alone Will Not Make it Happen”                                                                                Our Engineering – What We Develop              "Made in Germany"
                                                                                 What Does Data Look Like?                  23   Moves You Engineering             50
Which energy source really makes a contribution towards CO2-neutral transport?                                                                                                  IAV is working with Fraunhofer Institutes
                                                                                 Old Becomes New: Boom Market                    Our Product Range                    52
Interview with Shell Manager Karsten Wilbrand and IAV Head of Technology                                                                                                        on the new language assistance platform
                                                                                 Remanufacturing                            24
Matthias Kratzsch                                                                                                                IAV Diary: let's meet?               55        “Made in Germany”.
Green Fuel from the Laboratory - CO2-neutral fuels and their contribution towards reducing pollutants - IAV | Automotive Engineering
6   Topic focus | automotion                                                                                                                                                                                                                              automotion | Topic focus      7

                                                 Share of the transport sector in
                                                 CO2 emissions

                                                                                                                             37 billion tons of                                                                                    46.5 %
                                                                                                                  54.30 %
                                                                                                                             CO2 worldwide                                                                                         Share of electrified passenger cars in Norway

                                                                                                    36.50 %                  CO2 emissions of all countries (2019)
                                                                                      31.20 %                                                                                                                                      Power generation          Total power

FOR A SUSTAINABLE                                                                                                             24 % Share of the                                                                                    in China from coal        generation in
                                                          20.50 %
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2018:                     Germany 2018:
                                                                        15.80 %
                                                                                                                                   transport sector in
MOBILITY OF THE                                                                                                                                              global CO2 emissions                                                  4,432.4 TWh 648.7 TWh
FUTURE                                                      DEU           CHN          USA           NOR           BRA

Potential of the                                                                                                             Total CO2 reduction targets of selected countries

transport sector
                                                 Source: CITI Research/Clean Energy Wire/Statistics Sentralbyra (2017)

                                                                                                                                      USA 2050                                                    Germany 2050                                            China 2030
to reduce CO2                                    CO2 emissions by sector
                                                                                                                                    4,631,781 kt
                                                                                                                                    of CO2 saved
                                                                                                                                                                                                              998,400 kt
                                                                                                                                                                                                           of CO2 saved
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          First decrease in total CO2
                                                                                                                                compared to 2005                                                       compared to 1990

                                                                                                                                                                             Brazil 2030                                               Norway 2050
                                                                                                  Electricity 41 %                                                           149,342 kt                                                51,429 kt
                                                                                                                                                                             of CO2 saved                                              of CO2 saved
                                                                                                                                                                             compared to 2005                                          compared to 1990
                                                    Others 3 %

                                                 Buildings 8 %

                                                                                                       Transportation 24 %
                                                           Industry 24 %
Effective climate protection is one of the
greatest challenges of our time. The reduction
of greenhouse gases is a central component       Source: IEA (2017)

of this project. In order to leverage the high
savings potential, holistic and cross-sectoral
solutions are required.
                                                                                 No poster?
But not every country has the same                                               You can reorder your
prerequisites. Therefore, different strategies                                   informational poster with
are required for effective CO2 reduction –                                       valuable facts and data here:
technologically, politically and socially. An
exemplary look at Germany, China, the USA,
Norway and Brazil makes this clear.                                                                                          *All CO2 savings refer to the overall emissions of the countries, not only to the transport sector.
Green Fuel from the Laboratory - CO2-neutral fuels and their contribution towards reducing pollutants - IAV | Automotive Engineering
8   Topic focus | automotion                                                                                               automotion | Topic focus   9

    Power of the Future

             ow can greenhouse gases in transport                E-fuels based on hydrogen
             be sustainably reduced? The automotive
             industry is focusing on e-mobility, but it will     Hydrogen can be refined with CO2 to gaseous
    take time for e-vehicles to establish themselves             methane or liquid methanol or synthetic gasoline
    on the market. Experts agree that only with a                and diesel fuels including kerosene (power-to-liquid).
    bundle of measures will it be possible to meet               During combustion in the engine, the amount of
    the CO2 reduction targets set. Synthetic fuels,              CO2 is emitted that was previously added to the
    produced from renewable electricity, so called               e-fuels. If the greenhouse gas is taken from non-fossil
    e-fuels, play an important role, according to the            sources such as the air, for example, combustion is
    National Platform Future of Mobility (NPM) in its            climate-neutral.
    latest report by the alternative drive systems and
    fuels for sustainable mobility work group. They can          E-fuels can be distributed via the established network
    be made available using existing infrastructure,             of filling stations and pipelines and, thanks to their
    improve the CO2 balance of fleets and could                  high energy density, can be transported inexpensively
    enable CO2-neutral mobility if fossil fuels are              over long distances. They are suitable not only for
    substituted.                                                 passenger cars and public transport, but above
                                                                 all for use in air, sea and heavy goods transport,
    In light of the European Union’s new climate targets,        where electrification is not practicable from today’s
    2020 is a year of truth – for the first time, the strict     perspective.
    95 gram CO2 guideline value applies. Which OEM
    meets or violates the emission standard can now              “Synthetic fuels are versatile and can make a valuable
    be measured in practice. According to experts, the           contribution towards reducing the CO2 emissions of
    ongoing electrification of fleets and the resulting          the existing fleet, which, due to an average holding
    increase in electricity demand makes it all the more         period of almost ten years, also plays a significant
    important to accelerate the change in energy policy          role in our CO2 emissions in the medium term”,
    and switch to renewable energies.                            says Dr. Ralf Tröger, vehicle drive systems business
                                                                 consulting manager at consulting4drive, IAV’s
    E-fuels offer an important opportunity to reduce             management consultancy.
    CO2 emissions in existing fleets without vehicle
    conversions while retaining the current infrastructure,      The technical and economic possibilities of PtX
    thus, making mobility less dependent on fossil               fuels in terms of CO2 reduction and neutrality will
    fuels in the future. They are currently still in the pilot   be one of the focal points of the IAV “Injection and
    and development phase, not least because their               Fuels” conference on December 1–2, 2020 in Berlin.
    production using PtX (power-to-x) processes is still         Germany.
    very cost and energy-intensive.
                                                                 German energy agency
    To produce e-fuels sustainably, water is broken              sees important role for e-fuels
    down into its core components oxygen and hydrogen
    using regeneratively produced electricity. In a multi-       The EU’s goal of reducing passenger car emissions
    stage process, the latter reacts with CO2 taken from         by 37.5 percent by 2030 (based on the average target
    the air to form the basic product from which synthetic,      of 95 g CO2/km in 2020) already makes it necessary
    electricity-based fuels can be obtained.                     to build up PtX capacities according to the German
                                                                 energy agency (dena).
Green Fuel from the Laboratory - CO2-neutral fuels and their contribution towards reducing pollutants - IAV | Automotive Engineering
10   Topic focus | automotion                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      automotion | Topic focus              11

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          This option would be attractive for climate protection.
                                                                                                                                                  H2                                                                                      A comprehensive study by IAV colleagues led by Marc
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Sens, head of advanced powertrain development, on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          CO2 emissions from the passenger car fleet in Europe
       Electricity from                                                                                                                                               Hydrogen                                                            based on a life-cycle analysis shows that despite rising
          renewable                                                                                                                                                                                                                       new registrations, total emissions fall noticeably if
           energies                                        H2                                                                                                                                                                             fossil fuels are increasingly mixed with climate-neutral
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          energy sources. See also the info graphics below
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          “Comparison of CO2 emissions over the life cycle”.

                                                                                   Methanization                                                                                                                                          “The introduction of CO2-neutral fuels as a substitute
                           H2O                                      H2 + CO2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          for fossil fuels or as a blending in rates of up to a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          maximum of 30 percent after 2030 shows by far the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          greatest leverage on the life cycle CO2 equivalent”,
            Water                                                                                          CH3OH                                CxHyOz                 Methane
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          says Sens. “Despite the high energy consumption
                                                          CO2                                                                                                                                                                             associated with this, this technology should therefore
                                                                                      Methanol                                 Refinement                                                                                                 not be abandoned.” In order to implement a blending
                                                                                      synthesis                                                                                                                                           quota of 30 percent, however, considerably more
                                       CO2 separation                                                                                                                                                                                     legislative support is needed than before.

                                                                                                           CxHyOz                                CxHy                                                                                     What is clear is that we need solutions that already
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          effectively reduce CO2 emissions, because even by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          2050 there will still be market segments and application
       Ambient air/CO2                                                            Fischer-Tropsch                                Refining                             Liquid fuels                                                        scenarios in which internal combustion engines are
        rich source                                                                   process
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          indispensable. However, these must then be operated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          as cleanly and efficiently as possible – with e-fuels,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          for example.
      Raw materials                  Process stage 1                            Process stage 2                            Process stage 3                      Products/e-fuels


     “Feasibility study for the production of e-fuels at IAV's Berlin site”, Dino Pfeiffer, January 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Comparison of CO2 emissions in the life cycle view

                    “We assume that power fuels, including H2, will                 in legislation (well-to-wheel), this could promote           Production abroad to reduce costs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          OEM's       OEM + Blending
                    gradually gain market share and will and must play a            investment in the long term.                                                                                                                               EU Fleet Scenario      (almost CO2-neutral fuels)
                    major role beyond 2030”, says Stefan Siegemund,                                                                              Due to the increased costs caused by the complicated                                                                 10 % blending in 2025
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      20 % blending in 2030
                    Head of Sustainable Mobility and Alternative Energy             In principle, e-fuels could be blended with fossil           production process and the lack of support measures,                                                                 30 % blending in 2035
                    Sources at dena. “Under the known framework                     fuels in any quantity with restrictions, as long as the      it cannot be assumed that e-fuels will be used in
                    conditions, it is not foreseeable that it will be               energy source ultimately complies with the relevant          transport in the medium term. In a research report by                                          Car fleet                  OEM + Blending +
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Europe                     VKM Efficiency increase
                    possible to do without liquid synthetic fuels even              European fuel standard (EN 590 for diesel and EN             Prognos AG commissioned by the Federal Ministry of
                    with a rapid and successful ramp-up of fully electric           228 for gasoline). However, industrial production            Economics and Energy (BMWi) in March 2020, a sales                                   8
                    mobility.”                                                      of e-fuels is not taking place, among other reasons          price of over 4.50 euros per liter of e-fuel is calculated
                                                                                    because of the relevant but missing EU requirements          for the year 2030. According to the BMWi, the topic
                    However, legislative changes are required to                    for the use of green electricity, lack of political          of promotion is still in the testing phase.                                          6

                                                                                                                                                                                                              GWP [kg/CO2 e] · 1011
                    increase the potential of e-fuels. As long as the               support and high production costs.                                                                                                                5
                    EU sticks to a tank-to-wheel approach for CO2 fleet                                                                          However, e-fuels can only be successful if their costs
                    emission targets, companies will lack the incentive             In its report from June 2020, the NPM calls for the          are significantly reduced. Dena estimates that the
                    to invest in infrastructure and production. In vehicle          political framework conditions to be set to prepare          price per liter would fall to 1–2 euros if e-fuels were                              3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Driving emissions
                    operation, engines running on PtX fuels do indeed               the production of alternative fuels on a broad scale.        produced directly where renewable energy is cheaply                                                                                 Power generation
                    emit CO2, even if this was previously extracted                 In order to enable market launch and ramp-up, the            generated, e.g. through solar energy in North Africa                                                                                Fuel generation
                    from the air. However, if the CO2 absorbed during               German government should introduce specific use              or wind power in Norway.                                                             1

                    fuel production were to be taken into account                   quotas for e-fuels or grant tax incentives, the NPM says.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2020                  2035
Green Fuel from the Laboratory - CO2-neutral fuels and their contribution towards reducing pollutants - IAV | Automotive Engineering
12   Topic focus | automotion                                                                                                                                                                                        automotion | Topic focus         13

     “Electric Mobility Alone Will                                                                                       cars plus commercial vehicles in 2030. So we have
                                                                                                                         to find solutions that reduce emissions, especially

     Not Make it Happen”
                                                                                                                         from existing vehicles. From our point of view, liquid
                                                                                                                         biofuels would be suitable for this purpose, as they
                                                                                                                         could usually be used immediately and seamlessly
                                                                                                                         – but unfortunately the enthusiasm for biofuels has
                                                                                                                         been somewhat lost after Super E10. Nevertheless,
                                                                                                                         we are convinced that we will need something like
                                                                                                                         E20 in the 2020s. By contrast, we do not (yet) see any
     Electricity, hydrogen, biofuel, electricity-based fuels – there are many                                            relevant quantities of electricity-based fuels in this
     energy sources available for CO2-neutral transport. IAV’s Head of                                                   decade – at best the first pilot plants. We also see
                                                                                                                         gas fuels, especially biogenic ones such as BioLNG,
     Technology Matthias Kratzsch discussed with Karsten Wilbrand, Shell                                                 as an alternative for heavy commercial vehicles,
     Manager responsible for mobility research, what really contributes                                                  whose fleet turnover is significantly higher than for
                                                                                                                         passenger cars.
     towards climate targets.
                                                                                                                         Kratzsch: As far as engines are concerned, much
                                                                                                                         higher blending rates with synthetic liquid fuels than               Matthias Kratzsch
                                                                                                                         today would be possible. Depending on the type of fuel
                                                                                                                         and combustion process, it is technically possible to                is responsible on the IAV Management
                                                            With its Climate Protection Plan                             replace up to 100 percent of fossil fuels in the existing            Board for the core area of technology. The
                                                            2050, Germany has adopted                                    fleet with CO2-neutral, biogenic or synthetic fuels. And             graduate engineer has been working for the
                                                                                                                                                                                              development partner since 1997, also on
                                                            ambitious CO2 reduction targets                              as our IAV study shows, a higher blending quota would
                                                                                                                                                                                              powertrain and engine development.
                                                                                                                         be the most effective measure to reduce the fleet’s CO2
                                                            for the individual sectors and thus                          equivalents over its life cycle by 2030. What is missing
                                                            also for the transport sector. Can                           are the appropriate political framework conditions and
                                                            this be achieved?                                            investment incentives in favor of larger fuel production

                                                            Wilbrand: In order to achieve the CO2 reduction              Wilbrand: In Germany, for example, hydrogenated                 “One technology alone
                                                                                                                                                                                         will not allow us to
                                                            target of -40 percent by 2030, which is the target in        vegetable oil, i.e. HVO, can be added to B7 diesel fuel
                                                            the transport sector, enormous efforts are required.         up to a share of 26 percent, and the fuel named R33 will
                                                            Electric mobility alone will not succeed – we must also
                                                            decarbonize fuels.
                                                                                                                         then have a total share of one third of renewable energy.
                                                                                                                         The CO2 advantage over purely fossil diesel is then             achieve our goal; we
                                                            Kratzsch: The report of the National Platform “The
                                                                                                                         around 20 percent. That would be the CO2 reduction that
                                                                                                                         would still be missing for ten million electric cars in 2030.
                                                                                                                                                                                         need a coherent mix of
         Dr. Karsten Wilbrand
                                                            Future of Mobility” says it clearly: The speed of change
                                                            is not enough; you must become faster and be open
                                                                                                                                                                                         alternative drives and
         was appointed “Senior Principal Scientist
                                                            to new technologies. A single technology alone will
                                                                                                                         And what path do you propose for                                fuels.”
                                                            not get us there; we need a coherent mix of alternative
         Mobility” at Shell at the beginning of 2020        drives and fuels. Incidentally, this is also the result of   the gasoline engine?
         and previously held various positions in fuel      a study we conducted and submitted for this year’s
         research at Shell. With a doctorate in             International Vienna Motor Symposium on the evaluation       Wilbrand: We can increase the ethanol content                   Kratzsch: On the engine side, this is feasible for ethanol
         mechanical engineering, he has spent his           of CO2 equivalents according to the life cycle for various   in gasoline. Bio-waste materials such as straw are              blends. Of course, the compatibility of older engines
         entire professional life in the energy industry.   powertrain fleet scenarios up to 2035.                       available for this purpose, and plant capacity is also          must be looked at again, for example with regard to the
                                                                                                                         being further expanded. E20 would make a good                   seals. But technically, I don’t see any major problem
                                                                                                                         contribution towards CO2 reduction and would be                 there. Particularly in the case of diesel engines in the
                                                                                                                         compatible with most of today’s vehicles. The biggest           existing fleet, apart from compatibility with the DIN EN
                                                            What opportunities do you see for                            challenge, however, is probably to convince consumers           590 fuel standard, there is no technical problem in using
                                                            accelerating change?
     “We must find solutions                                                                                             of E20 – for this we also need the commitment of the
                                                                                                                         car manufacturers. This is because the share of Super
                                                                                                                                                                                         blending rates of HVO fuel higher than 26 %. This would
                                                                                                                                                                                         in any case make a contribution towards reducing fleet
     that reduce emissions,                                 Wilbrand: We expect the share of electric drives in
                                                            new registrations to rise; but we will still have many
                                                                                                                         E10 has for years been at only 13 % of the industry
                                                                                                                         average - and the trend is constant. If future engines
                                                                                                                                                                                         CO2 emissions in both the new and existing fleet in the
                                                                                                                                                                                         very short term.
     especially from existing                               combustion engines in our inventory – with ten               are designed for E20 from the outset, the high knock
                                                            million electric drives (including fuel cell vehicles),      resistance will also increase efficiency. The CO2
     vehicles.”                                             there would still be almost 40 million passenger             avoidance costs would be low.
Green Fuel from the Laboratory - CO2-neutral fuels and their contribution towards reducing pollutants - IAV | Automotive Engineering
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                                                                                                                                     Wilbrand: In the medium term, however, I see no reason           And that’s where it can make sense to use hydrogen in the
                                                                                                                                     why fuel cells should not become significantly cheaper           medium term. Electricity-based fuels, on the other hand,
                                                                                                                                     than they are today. In addition, fuel cells do indeed operate   are not only comparatively inefficient; they are also difficult
                                                                                                                                     emission-free, whereas the combustion of hydrogen in the         to place in the highly competitive road haulage industry.
                                                                                                                                     engine still requires exhaust aftertreatment.

                                                                                                                                     Kratzsch: Indeed, exhaust aftertreatment is necessary –          Kratzsch: In our strategy for the use of hydrogen in
                                                                                                                                     and that is what we are working on at the moment.                transport, we must not forget other sectors such as
                                                                                                                                                                                                      the chemical and steel industries, as a result of which
                                                                                                                                                                                                      demand will exceed generation potential in Germany. We
                                                                                                                                                                                                      will therefore have to import energy sources, and liquid fuels
                                                                                                                                     Are we following a special path in                               will be available, the production of which in geographically
                                                                                                                                     Germany?                                                         favorable locations will also allow correspondingly lower
                                                                                                                                     Kratzsch: Let’s look at China: The country has cut back on
     There are currently still several                              vehicles come onto the market – and this in turn raises          subsidies for electric vehicles. There are to be government
     competing approaches for                                       the question of what we do with the fleet. By contrast,          subsidies or credits for low-consumption vehicles and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      How much diversity can we afford in
     electricity-based fuels. Do you                                the Fischer-Tropsch process allows us to produce both            use of methanol as a fuel. These credits, in turn, can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                      terms of drives and fuels?
                                                                    synthetic diesel and kerosene. In the long term, we believe      used to reduce the necessary quota of battery electric
     already have a clear preference?                               that aviation, in particular, will be dependent on liquid        vehicles that a manufacturer must bring to market. This
                                                                    electricity-based fuels, as this sector in particular is         will most likely lead to a surge in the development of new,      Kratzsch: That is not the crucial question for me. The
     Wilbrand: Electricity-based fuels can be produced              dependent on the highest possible energy density. And            very efficient combustion engines in hybrid environments,        question must be: From a technological point of view,
     well in the Fischer-Tropsch process for diesel fuels; for      this is where liquid energy sources in light tank systems        as the consumption targets will not be achievable with           what is the best way to achieve the greatest potential for
     gasoline by methanol synthesis, we prefer to work with         remain unbeatable over the long term.                            pure combustion engine drives. And I am convinced:               reducing CO2 emissions? And for us at IAV, the answer
     FT processes. We already make around seven million                                                                              New consumption-optimized combustion engines and                 is: We will have to pursue several paths in the long term:
     tons of gas-to-liquids products in Qatar. Shell GTL                                                                             electricity-based fuels would also be a good complement          on the one hand, the direct use of green electricity – in
     fuel can be used immediately in fleet vehicles – and                                                                            to electromobility in Germany.                                   the coming years, we expect a significant increase in
     leads to significant air quality improvements for older
                                                                    What proportion of defossilized                                                                                                   battery electric vehicles. On the other hand, we predict
     vehicles.                                                      transport can electricity-based                                                                                                   that hydrogen will become increasingly important. At the
                                                                    fuels achieve?                                                   To what extent can the efficiency                                same time, combustion engines will have to be made fit
     Kratzsch: Advanced fuels can make a valuable                                                                                                                                                     for the Euro 7 emissions standard by 2025. In the next
     contribution towards reducing the CO2 emissions of                                                                              disadvantage of electricity-based                                step, we will then have to look even more closely at how
     existing fleets, so it is also important to supply them with   Wilbrand: The energy requirement for the production              fuels be compensated for by                                      the efficiency of combustion engines can be increased
     power-to-liquid and biomass-to-liquid fuels. However,          of synthetic fuels is particularly high. If the necessary        innovative engine technology?                                    – right up to engines that are specially designed for
     if we are building a hydrogen economy anyway, then             carbon is removed from the air, this is (currently still) very                                                                    hybrid operation.
     from a thermodynamic perspective it makes sense to             expensive. But the necessary quantities of renewable
     use hydrogen directly – either in the H2-capable internal      electricity are also far from being available.                   Kratzsch: If we manage to improve the average                    Wilbrand: We should also work on the increased blending
     combustion engine or in the fuel cell. We are working                                                                           efficiency by ten percentage points, this will save              of biofuels, as they are technically advanced. At the
     intensively on both technologies and are convinced that                                                                         25 percent primary energy retroactively via the energy           same time, however, we should not neglect research
     market penetration will not be long in coming. CNG, on                                                                          chain. We can only achieve this boost if we reduce losses        and development of electricity-based fuels.
     the other hand, is an interim solution that immediately
                                                                    Would you use hydrogen in the fuel                               at low loads, for example by reducing wall heat losses
     reduces CO2 emissions by 20 to 25 percent in gasoline          cell or the combustion engine?                                   in the combustion chamber, by using an electrified               Kratzsch: Agreed!
     engines. This path only makes sense, however, if in the                                                                         turbocharger or by driving electrically in low load ranges.
     medium term we generate methane not from natural gas           Kratzsch: In the transport sector, the technologies                                                                               Contact:
     but from hydrogen or biogenic sources such as residual         that have the lowest costs over the life cycle will always       Wilbrand: The efficiency chain of battery electric drives
     materials.                                                     prevail. Furthermore, the use case will determine which          is excellent, with all transmission one still reaches more
                                                                    technology is used in a specific application. While the          than 70 percent – this will never be achieved by an internal
     Wilbrand: I agree with you that hydrogen should be used        efficiency of the fuel cell is very good, especially at          combustion engine, even if it is being further optimised to
     as directly as possible. After all, hydrogen can achieve an    low power levels, the combustion engine is more likely           its theoretical limits. However, heavy vehicles that are used
     efficiency of around 30 percent over the entire energy         to show its strength at high loads. To this extent, the          a lot in long-distance operations would require very large
     chain, while other e-fuels can achieve 15 percent at best.     application and TCO will drive this decision. We believe         batteries and very high charging currents. This not only
     However, it will be a long time before corresponding           that both technologies are justified and will be used.           costs payload, but also an incredible amount of money.
Green Fuel from the Laboratory - CO2-neutral fuels and their contribution towards reducing pollutants - IAV | Automotive Engineering
16    Topic focus | automotion                                                                                                                                                                                                automotion | Topic focus          17

                                                                                                                                                                                                   IAV Cross
                                                                                                                                                                                                   now also optimizes
                                                                                                                                                                                                   hydrogen burners

                                                                                                                                                                                                   The proven IAV Cross (Injection Analyzer) is now also
                                                                                                                                                                                                   investigating the quality of hydrogen (H₂) injectors using

Advancing into a New Era
                                                                                                                                                                                                   real gas. In the future, hydrogen will become increasingly
                                                                                                                                  Simulations with artificial intelligence                         important as an energy carrier for engine combustion
                                                                                                                                                                                                   as well because it does not release CO2. With the new
                                                                                                                                  Besides measurements, simulations are part of the PCL            development of the IAV Cross, injectors for combustion
                                                                                                                                  team’s core business. So far, the experts have mainly mod-       processes with external mixture formation (MPI) as well

IAV’s physiochemical laboratory is increasingly engaged                                                                           eled catalysts, filters and sensors. In the future, fuel cells
                                                                                                                                  and batteries are to be increasingly added. One focus of
                                                                                                                                                                                                   as direct injections into the combustion chamber can
                                                                                                                                                                                                   be analyzed in detail.
with batteries and fuel cells.                                                                                                    battery simulation is, for example, the power prediction of
                                                                                                                                  a cell under transient load and temperature. “We measure         After almost 20 years of market success and continuous

                                                                                                                                  real components for this purpose and then provide our            further development, the next evolutionary stage of the
       he IAV experts at the Physical-Chemical Labora-          with the exhaust gas. Very similar questions also arise in        customers with a model that they can use as a digital twin       device, which is geared towards hydrogen applications,
       tory (PCL) have enjoyed an excellent reputation          connection with fuel cells. “Here we want to know, among          in development”, says Schäffner. This is where artificial        with special and secured measurement technology,
       for many years. Now, the tried-and-tested labo-          other things, what influence pollutants from the ambient          intelligence (AI) is expected to play a greater role in the      enables a fast, cross-functional analysis of injectors
ratory is expanding its spectrum: In the future, staff and      air have on the performance of the fuel cell. These findings      future: Although simulations based on physiochemical             under conditions as close to reality as possible. The new
measurement technology will also be available for topics        can be used, for example, to improve the efficiency over          equations are very precise, they require a great deal of         generation of instruments takes the physical properties
relating to advanced propulsion systems – for example,          the service life of the cell and thus also reduce hydrogen        effort. In contrast, AI models learn from training data and      of hydrogen into account and is based on IAV’s Cross
for testing high-voltage batteries and fuel cells.              slip”, says Schäffner. “We can measure this precisely with        are characterized by high speed.                                 Type P for gaseous fuels.
                                                                the existing systems.” This is because, in addition to the
One thing remains the same even in the biggest upheaval in      experience gained from numerous customer projects, the            Despite all the changes brought about by new drive sys-          The IAV Cross measuring system, which is unique in
the automotive industry: Without physical-chemical exper-       PCL’s unique selling point includes a broad portfolio of          tems, classic topics will also be on the agenda of the PCL       the world, consists of the hydraulic unit, the electronic
tise, neither conventional nor alternative drivetrains can be   measurement technology – all of which are “Best in Class”.        team in the future. “New limits for CO2 and pollutants,          measuring and control unit and the software. IAV Cross
developed and tested. That’s why the 30 or so employees                                                                           synthetic fuels or hydrogen engines are important trends         also differs from comparable products in the measur-
in Jochen Schäffner’s department believe they are ideally       There are also parallels in the aging processes of catalytic      here”, reports Schäffner. “In this area, too, we are at the      ing method chosen, the tubular indicator principle. Its
positioned for the mobility of the future. “We are made up      converters and fuel cells. At high temperatures in the furnace,   cutting edge of technology – for example in the simula-          greatest technological advantage is also the fact that it
of 50 % scientists and 50 % engineers, who combine high         it is possible to simulate how catalytic converters later lose    tion of WLTP measurements in the laboratory.” One of             can measure both injection rates and injection quantities
competence and application-specific knowledge in the            their performance over time due to surface processes in           the highlights of the PCL laboratory is the possibility of       simultaneously, thereby mapping the injection rate with
field of exhaust aftertreatment”, says department head          the vehicle. In fuel cells, the surfaces of the anode and         simulating the sweep operation of gasoline engines with          high precision. This makes development much easier
Schäffner. “We can also use both for new tasks in the field     cathode, the distribution of precious metals on them and          its high dynamics. “Regardless of whether classic drives         and leads to faster and better results.
of electric and hydrogen mobility.”                             the wear of the membrane also play an important role in           or new forms of drive: We will continue to bridge the gap
                                                                the evaluation of aging. “We can measure them using the           between basics and applications for our customers in the         Contact:
This also applies to the equipment in the physiochemical        same methods as for catalysts”, explains Schäffner. “The          future”, summarizes Schäffner.
laboratory (PCL) in Berlin. For example, when testing cata-     transfer to the field of new drives helps our customers
lytic converters, the focus is on how the samples interact      enormously.”                                                      Contact:
Green Fuel from the Laboratory - CO2-neutral fuels and their contribution towards reducing pollutants - IAV | Automotive Engineering
18   Topic focus | automotion                                                                                  automotion | Topic focus   19

     Halving the Costs
     of Hydrogen
     Expected by 2030

            or a long time, hydrogen applica-           While the electrification of fleets is pro­
            tions were considered too expensive.        gressing across the industry and is set
            However, a study by the Hydrogen            to reach a significant market volume in a
     Council shows that one of the central ob-          few years’ time, the ramp-up for H2 tech-
     stacles to investment – the high production        nologies is expected to take place in 2030
     and development costs of the H2 value              according to the Hydrogen Council’s “Path
     chain – will largely disappear by 2030 thanks      to Hydrogen Competitiveness” study
     to the scaling of hydrogen production and          and the assumptions made by the German
     distribution and the economies of scale            government.
     in hydrogen applications. Similarly, in its
     National Hydrogen Strategy, the German
     government plans to build a strong and
     sustainable domestic hydrogen industry
     and intends to promote the production
     and use of H2 to this end. The expected
     cost degression will give new impetus to
                                                            IAV has a wealth of expertise
     the discussion on hydrogen applications                in the field of hydrogen:
     as a promising way to achieve CO2-neutral
                                                               • Development of fuel cell vehicles and
                                                                 necessary infrastructure
     In order to achieve the Paris CO2 targets,
     alternatives to the fossil energy sources                 • Hydrogen-powered combustion engines
     currently still in use, such as oil, natural gas
                                                               • Basis for customer-focused development
     and lignite, are urgently needed. Hydrogen,                 services and consulting along the entire H2
     with its diverse potentials and possible                    value chain
     applications, should play a central role in
                                                               • Ultra-modern methods, test capacities for
     implementing the change in energy policy
                                                                 fuel cell development
     and decarbonization in the industrial sector.
                                                               • Designing the control system and process
     As a company that is open to new tech-                      engineering of electrolyzers for different
     nologies, IAV has been working on hydro-                    applications (after development of an
     gen-based drive and energy systems, e.g.                    electrolysis system by IAV)
     fuel cell drives, for many years now, and                 • Conclusion: With an understanding of the
     also makes use of its profound knowledge                    entire value chain (energy production –
     of conventional and hybrid drive systems.                   electrolysis – use in H2 drives), IAV can
                                                                 develop economically and technically
                                                                 optimal solutions for customers.
20   Topic focus | automotion                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            automotion | Driving forces   21

     Market ramp-up requires                                         five percent of annual global energy invest-
     investments of $70 billion                                      ments. As part of the National Hydrogen
                                                                     Strategy, the German government has
     Hydrogen is the energy carrier of the future,                   announced funds of nine billion euros to
     can be used as a potentially CO2-neutral fuel,                  boost the domestic hydrogen economy.
     as well as to generate electricity generate
     electricity and heat and can also be used as                    Improved market opportunities for
     a raw material in industry. With its National                   H2-powered commercial vehicles
     Hydrogen Strategy, which was adopted in                         and buses
     June, the German government wants to push
     ahead with the achievement of the climate                       “So far, costs have been an obstacle to
     targets and profit from the expected growth                     development in the manufacture of fuel-
     market with H2 technologies. It is aiming for                   cell-powered vehicles”, says Ralf Wascheck,
     a strong domestic market: Germany should                        Head of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Mobility

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Modular E-drive
     become the world’s number one in hydrogen                       department at IAV. “The results are good
     technologies.                                                   news for H2 applications as such and for
                                                                     technology-open companies like IAV.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              System for
     This market with H2 technologies could take
     shape in the coming years. The Hydrogen                         According to the Hydrogen Council, long-
     Council estimates that due to growing                           distance freight transport in particular

     investment in the production, transport                         is suitable for the use of H2 and fuel cell
     and use of hydrogen, the costs of many H2                       technology. It enables long ranges, fast
     applications could fall by up to 50 percent                     refueling and, thus, high availability
     by 2030.                                                        combined with high system efficiency,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Vehicles Goes
                                                                     which is significantly higher than that of
     In order to promote the market ramp-up                          combustion engines. According to the study,
     and to build up electrolysis capacities, filling                H2-powered heavy-duty vans and buses

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              into Production
     station and pipeline networks, investments of                   will be as competitive as their counterparts
     $70 billion are necessary in the world’s largest                with combustion engines as a result of the
     automotive markets by 2030, according to                        expected decline in their operating costs
     the study, which evaluated value chains in                      by 2030.
     China, the USA, Europe and Japan/Korea.
     According to the Hydrogen Council, this sum                     Contact:
     is considerable, but amounts to less than             

                                                                                                                                                                     P                                                                                                 “We are making
                                                                                                                                                                             ollutant-free, quiet and efficient –    facing society. A major contribution towards
                                                                                                                                                                             this is what citizens want for to-      solving the greenhouse gas issue falls to
     Cost sharing for hydrogen applications
     Share of total costs 2020 [%]
                                                                          Cost decline
                                                                                                        Drivers for cost reduction until targets are reached                 morrow’s private and public urban
                                                                                                                                                                     transportation. To ensure that Europe can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the transport sector, which is responsible
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     for a large proportion of CO2 emissions.
                                                                                                                                                                     meet its climate targets in line with the       Many cities and municipalities are working        friendly transportation
                                                                                                        • Expansion of the entire supply chain                       Paris agreement, the German government          on making their transport systems climate-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       tangible in its most
     Heavy                                                                     -50 %                    • Industrialization of fuel cell and hydrogen
     trucks                                                                                                                                                          is also promoting the use of e-buses,           friendly – but there is still a long way to go.
                                                                                                          tank production

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ecological form and
                                                                                                                                                                     among other things. The range of products       Merely converting car fleets to partially or
                                                                                                        • Industrialization of fuel cell and hydrogen                offered by OEMs does not yet cover all          fully electric drive systems is not enough to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       bringing the CO2-
     Large                                                                     -45 %                      tank production                                            market niches. IAV offers an innovative and     make the change in transportation a success.
                                                                                                        • Expansion and use of hydrogen filling stations              flexible solution that could make a major       It is just as important to develop new mobility

                                                                                                        • Cost-effective hydrogen from renewable sources
                                                                                                                                                                     contribution towards environmentally
                                                                                                                                                                     friendly local public transportation in a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     concepts, strengthen public transport and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     switch the energy supply to renewable energy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       neutral age a great
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       deal closer.”
                                                                               -45 %                    • Higher utilization of the pipeline network due to
                                                                                                          increased demand                                           relatively short time: converting from          sources. All these things have one thing in
                                                                                                                                                                     diesel to electricity. The modular e-drive      common – they do not happen overnight.
     Gas turbines                                                              -35 %
                                                                                                                                                                     conversion kit can also be installed in other
                                                                                                        • Expansion of system size and production of electrolyzers   commercial vehicles such as trucks and          For this reason, IAV has developed a further
     Ammonia                                                                                              for the production of environmentally friendly hydrogen
                                                                               -45 %                                                                                 mobile machinery and will be available          building block for climate-neutral mobility
                                                                                                                                                                     to customers from starting in fall 2020.        that can take immediate effect: with the IAV
                       Hydrogen production*        Investments for equipment    Hydrogen distribution     Other operating costs                                                                                      modular e-powertrain conventional diesel
                    *Assumption: 50/50 mixture of low carbon and average renewable hydrogen
                                                                                                                                                                     For the majority of the population, climate     commercial vehicles can be converted into
                    Source: Hydrogen Council, “Path to hydrogen competitiveness – A cost perspective”, January 20, 2020
                                                                                                                                                                     change is one of the most urgent problems       state-of-the-art e-vehicles.
22     Driving forces | automotion                                                                                                                                                                                                   automotion | Driving forces              23

“With the flexible IAV modular                                                                        Strategic significance –                           Technical data for the
                                                                                                      IAV as a system developer                          modular e-powertrain for
e-powertrain kit we can realize almost                                                                                                                   MAN SD200/SD202
all commercial vehicle applications by                                                                In addition to its applicability and technical
                                                                                                      possibilities, the product is also of particular

leveraging fully developed modules.”                                                                  strategic importance for IAV as a company.
                                                                                                                                                         • Voltage range high-voltage system:
                                                                                                                                                           up to 750 V
                                                                                                      The transformation of the industry with
                                                                                                      its increasing requirements and costs for          • Direct wheel drive, Ziehl-Abegg
                                                                                                      e-mobility means that OEMs and suppliers,            - Power (nominal/maximum):
IAV presented the modular e-powertrain in a          and would therefore be an additional possible    instead of developing and validating                   2x 120 kW/200 kW

                                                                                                                                                                                                          What Does
double-decker bus for the first time at the IAA      option for public transport organizations,       products themselves as they used to in
                                                                                                                                                           - Torque (nominal/maximum):
Commercial Vehicles 2018 with the intention          given the tight situation of public finances.    the past, are now increasingly asking IAV for          2x 3700 Nm/8750 Nm
of equipping vintage double-decker buses             In addition, the existing vehicle fleet can be   turnkey technical solutions including tailored
                                                                                                                                                         • Maximum speed:

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Data Look Like?
for Berlin tourists with this technology. The        converted to zero-emissions in parallel to new   approval processes and homologation, says
                                                                                                                                                           65 km/h (limited)
system is in keeping up with the zeitgeist of        vehicle purchases, thus avoiding production-     Brandau. As a strong partner with system
the environmental debate that has reached            related CO2 emissions.                           development capabilities, IAV is perfectly         • Installed battery capacity, e-Deutz:
the heart of society.                                                                                 positioned in this respect.                          147 kWh
                                                     Flexible forms of application, new                                                                  • Consumption values, 20 °C,
Authority approval for on-road                       distribution channels                            Comprehensive development services                   Sightseeing Berlin: less than 0.7 kWh/km
operation in July                                                                                     of this kind, as it was the case with the            (approx. 11 km/h Ø-speed)                      IAV Tronador bundles all the
                                                     The components for the e-drive conversion        concept of the IAV modular e-powertrain
Since its presentation two years ago, the            kit are supplied as a complete set of parts by   for commercial vehicles require coordinated
                                                                                                                                                         • Range, guaranteed in operation                 information from an ECU clearly
                                                                                                                                                           min. 120 km
technological basis of the E-modules                 IAV Cars GmbH. The modular e-powertrain          work across domain boundaries, pooling                                                              in one program and visualizes it in
has been developed to production level               was developed with the support of IAV            expertise from individual IAV divisions and        • Additional equipment features:
maturity and a comprehensive safety                  engineers and partners and is integrated         integrating the corresponding development
                                                                                                                                                                                                          seconds directly in the function
                                                                                                                                                           - Power steering pump and air compressor,
concept has been integrated into the                 individually as a system into the target         scopes completely and in a balanced                    Moteg                                        documentation.
overall vehicle in accordance with the               vehicle, in order to ensure smooth interaction   manner, says Brandau.
                                                                                                                                                           - Heating modules, Webasto
international ISO 26262 standard, which              between the electric drive and the other
has been part of the State-of-the-Art                systems and components.                          For reasons of capacity and competence,              - ABS brake system incl. combination brake     Electronic control units have it all. Their information for the
Co m m e rc i a l Ve h i c l e D eve l o p m e n t                                                    OEMs will in the future assign even more             - AC and DC charging capability                application is usually distributed across many data sources
process since 2018. This also includes               The modular system can be adapted to             topics that do not contribute towards brand                                                         and can only be visualized and processed using specialized
the subsequent implementation of an                  enable various power and range setups, if        topics to EDLs that do not according to              - IAV Digital Service Assistant, Telemetry     programs. This program diversity makes the work of the
ABS system in a vehicle from the 1970s.              required, add a fuel cell range extender to      a study commissioned by the VDA on                                                                  developers considerably more difficult. But this no longer has to
                                                     the e-drive for buses and trucks to prevent      the future value-added contribution of               - Touch display as driver interface with       be the case! In close cooperation with our calibration engineers,
Following a trial and test phase that has now        range losses.                                    EDLs in April 2020. This also includes the             integrated camera inputs (upper deck and     we have developed a tool that bundles all the information of
been completed, the double-decker bus                                                                 development of driver assistance systems               rear view camera)                            an ECU clearly in a single program: IAV Tronador. The software
received its approval from official authorities      “With the flexible modular e-powertrain, we      and energy management concepts – here,               - Revised instrument panel with LED displays   visualizes the information in seconds as an overlay directly in
and will start travelling on public roads fall       can realize almost all commercial vehicle        the scope of development is often too large                                                         the function documentation and also enables the interactive
                                                                                                                                                           - Onboard power supply via DC/DC
time this year.                                      applications by leveraging fully developed       to be handled independently by OEMs, the                                                            analysis and visualization of measurement data. This makes
                                                     modules”, says Florian Brandau, Director         study says.                                                                                         work much easier for the calibration engineer, because he can
“We are making environmentally friendly              of Commercial Vehicles E-Mobility at IAV.                                                             - Power reserves for sightseeing equipment     do everything compactly and clearly with only one program.
public transportation a tangible experience                                                           “S ystem development means more                        are provided
in its most ecological form and bringing             The company is currently investigating           responsibility for us, but it leaves us the          - Safety systems for drive, base vehicle and   Our product IAV Tronador thus kills two birds with one stone –
the CO2-neutral age a good deal closer”,             possible new sales channels with potential       freedom to be creative ourselves in order              high-voltage technology                      increasing efficiency and quality. This means applicators can
says Utz-Jens Beister, Managing Director             partners, including the option of selling the    to develop additional value into the product                                                        produce even better and more valid development results in
                                                                                                                                                           - IAV power supply unit for flexible modular
of IAV Cars GmbH, after a test drive with the        modular e-powertrain for additional vehicle      for the customer”, says Brandau. “We have                                                           less time. Development goals and SOPs are better adhered
                                                                                                                                                             e-powertrain adaptation and expansion to
open sightseeing bus on the Lausitzring.             variants under a partner’s brand. In addition,   also successfully implemented the modular                                                           to in this way.
                                                                                                                                                             fuel cell systems, for example
“Emissions no longer play a role, so you             a powerful maintenance and spare parts           e-powertrain thanks to a special product
can experience your city without annoying            network is being built up through cooperative    mindset in the team and specially set up                                                            Contact:
exhaust and noise emissions. All in all, an          ventures.                                        processes from the early economic business
extremely positive driving experience – for                                                           model to the finished product.”
tourists and residents alike.”                       “This drive system, which has been
                                                     tested at OEM level, offers intelligent and
The technology is appealing for many reasons.        flexible solutions for all kinds of needs in     Contact:
Retrofitting a diesel bus is significantly less      the transportation of people and goods”,
cost intensive than buying a new electric bus        says Beister.                          
24     Driving forces | automotion                                                                                                                                                                                                                         automotion | Driving forces          25

Old Becomes New:
Boom Market Remanufacturing
                     Raw material extraction                    Material production                                      Energy storage

                                         Recycling              Production                      Energy conversion

          Disposal                                                                                                  energy conversion

                                                                                                                                                     importance of the carbon footprint of OEM       remanufacturing of expensive components          to the in-depth knowledge gained from
                                                       Usage                                               Primary energy promotion
                                                                                                                                                     production chains and the generally high        such as battery modules or cells will be in      pre-series and series development and
        Second use                                                                                                                                   cost pressure.”                                 greater demand in the future, particularly for   accompany the anticipated market ramp-
                                                                                                                                                                                                     high-voltage (HV) storage systems for BEVs.      up. The focus here is on electrical systems
                                                                 Life cycle assessment                                    Well to tank               In line with the Paris Climate Conference                                                        and high-voltage technology. This is partly
                                                                 REMAN process                                            Well to wheel              of 2015, most countries in the world have       Before defective electrical components           because the market is growing particularly
                                                                                                                          Tank to wheel              committed themselves to continuously re-        are reworked, they must be tested for their      strongly in this area and partly because the
                                                                                                                                                     ducing greenhouse gas emissions, and have       suitability for remanufacturing according        potential for savings for OEMs is particularly

                                                                                                                                                     set themselves consistent decarbonization       to strict specifications. IAV’s modern test      high in this area.
        onservation of resources and                 Government and the European Union also          Today, remanufacturing has established          targets to be achieved by 2050 at the latest.   benches, which use intelligent test methods
        climate protection are closely inter-        support this type of recycling management.      itself alongside pre-production and series                                                      to set benchmarks for both battery-              According to a research report published in
        twined. The absolute consumption                                                             development as an attractive and sustainable    Subsequently, the OEMs declared electric        electric and combustion-engine drives,           December 2019, the Association of German
of raw materials in industrialized countries         Probably the best known example of              sector in the specialist field of combustion    mobility to be an essential building block      are predestined for such measurements.           Engineers (VDI) expects sales from the
is too high from an ecological point of              remanufacturing in the automotive sector        engines. In retrospect, exhaust-gas             for CO2-neutral mobility. However, a com-                                                        reconditioning and resale of used parts
view. How can production be made more                is retreaded tires, which are particularly      turbocharged internal combustion engines        prehensive consideration of the entire life     “We have very complex knowledge of test          and components in Germany to increase to
efficient and the demand for natural                 relevant for commercial vehicles. Since         replaced naturally aspirated engines in the     cycle, including production and recycling       methods and the relevant processes in            at least 43 billion euros in 2030, up from the
resources reduced? In order to make a                2015, IAV has been developing the key           wake of stricter fuel and emission standards.   at the end of the vehicle’s service life,       remanufacturing”, says Jan Becker from the       current figure of around 8.7 billion euros per
maximum contribution towards climate                 processes for industrial remanufacturing        As a result, the demand for spare parts for     makes it clear that battery-electric vehicles   Department of Internal Combustion Engine         year. Two thirds of this business is accounted
protection over the entire life cycle,               of complex systems and components,              components such as ATLs, some of which          (BEVs) do not meet the climate targets per      Development. “We want to help shape the          for by the aviation and automotive industries.
IAV relies – alongside a large number                for example in the fields of logistics, parts   are very expensive (approx. 1,000 euros         se due to their energy-intensive production     change process towards e-mobility and
of innovative technology and mobility                management, functional testing and              new price plus installation costs), increased   and disposal and the currently available        more sustainability with our expertise and       “At the moment, we are sharpening up the
concepts – on the remanufacturing of                 validation of vehicle parts such as exhaust     significantly and reconditioning developed      electricity mix, and that other technologies    specific know-how.”                              processes, especially for all e-traction
so-called old parts.                                 gas turbochargers (ATLs), automatic             into a viable alternative.                      and measures are also required to meet the                                                       components, in order to support vehicle
                                                     transmissions or complete engines.                                                              CO2 target.                                     VDI sees exorbitant growth                       manufacturers and suppliers in all powertrain
The goal of remanufacturing is praiseworthy                                                          Better CO2 balance, lower costs                                                                 until 2030                                       remanufacturing issues”, says Becker,
and ambitious: It is intended to return              Defective old parts are remanufactured                                                          Focus on e-mobility, HV storage                                                                  adding: “Clean and sustainable mobility
products and components to a state as                using methods adapted to the product and,       “The remanufacturing of components              and BEV drivers                                 With a view to the planned expansion of          starts in development and goes beyond
good as new or in line with their current            thus, allow for safe reuse in accordance        improves the life cycle assessment and                                                          the e-vehicle range within the next ten          the classic life cycle of vehicles.”
value after their regular useful life and, thus,     with general and individual OEM design and      reduces costs”, says Dr. Mirko Leesch, Head     In IAV’s view, such a measure is consistent     years, OEMs must now begin to prepare
enable them to be reused. The procedure              safety guidelines. For process development,     of the Internal Combustion Engines and Fuel     remanufacturing: The ongoing electrification    replacement and spare parts, establish
saves resources, energy and costs and                IAV draws on its experience gained from         Systems Department. “This is an important       of fleets with a focus on BEVs will give        appropriate processes and set up                 Contact:
makes an important contribution towards              decades of developing conventional              topic for our customers and it will become      the general overhaul and repair market a        contingents. IAV can provide optimum   
sustainable product life cycles. The Federal         drivetrains.                                    even more important in light of the growing     qualitative boost. According to Leesch, the     support for these OEM activities, thanks
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