Disruptive technology and innovation in transport - Policy paper on sustainable infrastructure - EBRD

Page created by Gladys Williamson
August 2019

Disruptive technology
and innovation
in transport

Policy paper on sustainable infrastructure
Executive summary
A key objective of the European Bank for                key challenge in the development of the identified
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD),                  disruptive technologies and their applications will
especially in the transport sector, is to support       be their successful integration into new business
the promotion of innovative new technology in the       and governance models, maximising their combined
economies where the Bank operates to improve            benefits to support the end goal.
competitiveness and provide demonstration
effects. The purpose of this paper is to provide an     The four applications of the disruptive technologies
overview of the current state of the market and         that Section 3 reviews in detail are as follows:
opportunities for the implementation of a range
of (disruptive) digital technologies capable of         • Traffic management using intelligent transport
revolutionising the transport sector in the EBRD          systems (ITS) – using new technologies to predict
regions. These technologies include:                      future traffic demand more accurately and optimise
                                                          road networks accordingly, providing a wide range
• the internet of things (IoT) – a system of objects,     of social and economic benefits, including reduced
  processes, data and people connected with each          congestion and pollution, improved safety and
  other via sensors, and controlled remotely using        travel experiences for all road users.
  the internet
                                                        • Personal travel planning and public transport –
• big data – complex data characterised by high           analysing available information on travel demand
  volume and requiring the use of advanced                and travel patterns of the population, to facilitate
  analytics for processing                                the optimisation of planning, programming and
                                                          operation of public transport systems, as well as
• artificial intelligence (AI) – computer science         improving personal journey planning for the public.
  which enables machines to function like
  a human brain                                         • Autonomous and connected vehicles for
                                                          mobility – developing applications for AVs which
• drones – unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or             can contribute to increased safety, a better user
  flying robots.                                          experience, economic savings and reductions
                                                          in congestion, by facilitating car sharing and
The paper outlines a range of digital technologies        “mobility as a service” (MaaS).
and concepts (Section 2), introduces various
technology application areas with supporting case       • Unmanned aerial vehicles/drones for
studies and cost-benefit analysis (Section 3) and         monitoring - using technology to revolutionise
discusses a policy roadmap for their successful           the way we undertake asset management,
implementation (Section 4).                               maintenance and inspections (bridges, tunnels
                                                          and construction sites) and providing an efficient
The summary of the technologies presented in              means to deliver packages (logistics).
Section 2 demonstrates that IoT, big data and AI
do not operate in isolation but instead represent       These technology application areas were reviewed
highly complementary technologies. Big data is          in the context of their contribution to the following
collected most effectively using IoT systems and        policy objectives: (1) transport efficiency, (2) safety and
drones and then processed most efficiently using        security, (3) environment and climate change and
AI algorithms and optimisation techniques. The          (4) socio-economics. From the analysis of these policy
main applications of these particular technologies      objectives we concluded that the technology application
in transportation focus around demand forecasting       areas which have the most profound (disruption)
and traffic optimisation resulting in better traffic    potential impact were new smart mobility (AVs/MaaS
management, asset management, travel planning           and drones) and intelligent transport systems (ITS), each
and operation of autonomous vehicles (AVs). The         requiring and leveraging different digital technologies.

Policy paper on sustainable infrastructure                                                      August 2019      1
The key challenge in the development of the              • Identifying requirements for facilitating necessary
identified digital technologies and their applications     enabling “public” infrastructure and forms of
will be to integrate the business and governance           economic regulation to enable widespread
models for new mobility technologies, services and         adoption.
systems successfully. The following challenges are
critical to this process:                                • Developing cost-benefit analysis methodologies
                                                           and the supporting evidence base to promote
• Harmonising existing and new policies related to         adoption.
  the legal framework for use and operationalisation
  of such technologies.                                  • Launching analytical work and developing
                                                           innovative operating models.
• Facilitating interoperability and data sharing.
                                                         • Developing integrated mobility systems.
• Promoting vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and
  vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication.                • Sharing data and digital infrastructure.

• Ensuring data security and addressing risk-            • Supporting capacity-building, education and
  sharing/liability concerns.                              awareness-raising.

2     August 2019                                                Disruptive technology and innovation in transport
 1.           Introduction			                                                             5
 1.1.         Objectives				                                                              5
 1.2.         Structure				                                                               5
 1.3.         Background
              Economics of new technology                                                  6
 2.           Disruptive technologies                                                     10
 2.1.  Internet of things – a data collection and management tool                         10
 2.2.  Big data – the data                                                                11
 2.3.  Artificial intelligence – a data tool for processing
       complex datasets                                                                   12
 2.4.	Drones – an alternative data collection and exploitation tool
       for monitoring                                                                     14
 3.           Applications in transport                                                   16
 3.1.         Traffic management using intelligent transport systems                      16
              Overview			                                                                 16
              Enablers, barriers and opportunities                                        17
              Cost-benefit analysis                                                       18
              Case study – “Talking Traffic” in the Netherlands                           20
              Case study – City parking                                                   21
 3.2.         Personal and public transport travel planning                               23
              Overview		                                                                  23
              Enablers, barriers and opportunities                                        23
              Cost-benefit analysis                                                       24
              Case study – Personal travel planning in Perth, Australia                   25
              Case study – Public transport in Singapore                                  26
 3.3.         Autonomous and connected vehicles for mobility                              27
              Overview			                                                                 27
              Enablers, barriers and opportunities                                        27
              Cost-benefit analysis                                                       29
              Case study – CAVs on a freeway in Antwerp modelling study                   33
              Case study – Port of Rotterdam                                              33
              Case study – Autonomous vehicles (providing mobility as a service)          34

Policy paper on sustainable infrastructure                                  August 2019       3

3.         Applications in transport (continued)                                                00
3.4.       Unmanned aerial vehicles/drones for monitoring                                       35
           Overview		                                                                           35
           Enablers, barriers and opportunities                                                 35
           Cost-benefit analysis                                                                36
           Case study – Amazon Prime Air                                                        37
           Case study – Elios indoor drone for bridge inspection in Minnesota                   39
4.         Policy roadmap                                                                       40
4.1.       Policy objectives                                                                    40
           Transport efficiency policy objective                                                40
           Safety and security policy objective                                                 40
           Environment and climate change policy objective                                      40
           Socio-economic policy objective                                                      41
4.2.       Policy recommendations to assist with barrier removal                                41
           Barrier 1: Legal and regulatory framework                                            42
           Enabling policy 1: Harmonising existing and new policies                             42
           Barrier 2: Data fragmentation and multiple platform development                      42
           Enabling policy 2: Facilitating interoperability and data sharing                    42
           Barrier 3: Security, insurance and privacy concerns                                  43
           Enabling policy 3: Ensuring data security addressing risk
           sharing/liability concerns                                                           43
           Barrier 4: Prohibitive cost or lack of economic and financial
           evidence of return on investment                                                     43
           Enabling policy 4: Developing cost-benefit analysis methodologies
           and the supporting evidence base                                                     43
4.3.       Cross-cutting issues and opportunities                                               43
Bibliography					                                                                               47
Annex A. Policy objectives                                                                      51
Glossary of terms				                                                                           52

4    August 2019                                    Disruptive technology and innovation in transport
1. Introduction
1.1. Objectives                                           These technologies were selected because:

One of the EBRD’s key medium-term priorities is           • their technological applications have specific
“digitisation and digital development”. An important        relevance to the transport sector
aspect of this objective is the promotion of new          • they have potential to provide benefits from
technology and innovation that can improve the              structural change, through addressing congestion
competitiveness of key sectors and businesses               and pollution to improved safety and a wide range
in the EBRD regions. The Bank is now considering            of social and economic benefits
a range of new technologies and innovations that          • they have the most potential to revolutionise how
are being developed and adopted in many parts               we live, work and travel in the next 10-20 years
of the transport sector. It seeks to understand           • they primarily rely on the use of digital technology
the opportunities for EBRD clients to adopt and           • they have active programmes of implementation
implement such technologies, including overcoming           with test programmes in Europe and in Central Asia
potential barriers to entry and adoption, with the
Bank’s support.                                           Conversely, the following technologies, while they
                                                          are very relevant to transport and have the potential
This paper provides an overview of the current            to significantly disrupt the sector, are not discussed
state of the market and opportunities for the             in detail. This is because they are deemed to rely
implementation of specific digital technologies in the    less on the digital transformation of the fourth
transport sector. It discusses a range of potential       industrial revolution, and would require engineering
application areas including an assessment of the          transformation to be fully captured by the EBRD policy
potential costs and benefits of digital technologies      and business model. Further information is available
capable of “disrupting” the transport sector. As such,    elsewhere on:
the paper will be of direct interest to the EBRD’s in-
country transport teams, but also to municipalities       • electric vehicles (EVs)
and regional/national transport authorities,              • advanced materials
illustrating the potential (and successful) application   • energy storage technologies (for example,
of selected disruptive technology in different              lithium batteries)
contexts within the transport sector, and a roadmap       • advanced robotics and manufacturing.
towards leveraging such technologies better. The
following technologies are introduced and discussed       1.2. Structure
in the context of the transport sector:
                                                          The structure of this paper is as follows:
• Internet of things (IoT) – system of objects,
  processes, data and people connected with each          Section 2 provides a summary of different digital
  other via sensors, and controlled remotely using        technologies and concepts, covering (1) internet
  the internet.                                           of things, (2) big data, (3) artificial intelligence and
• Big data – complex data characterised by                (4) drones. These technologies are summarised in
  high volume and requiring the use of advanced           terms of potential application areas, components,
  analytics for processing.                               barriers to implementation, technology and policy
• Artificial intelligence (AI) – computer science         enablers and opportunities for further development
  which enables machines to function like a human         and implementation.
• Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs/drones)                  This section provides a qualitative description of
  or flying robots.                                       the various technologies considered in this paper
                                                          and a discussion of areas of commonality and
                                                          complementarity. Indeed, many of the technologies
                                                          considered here are typically applied in combination

Policy paper on sustainable infrastructure                                                       August 2019         5
as technology stacks. This is because cost-benefit      car. However, the situation is changing rapidly: since
information is not readily available for discrete       2002, the number of kilometres driven per person has
technologies, but rather for areas where these          fallen by 8.5 per cent (Deloitte, 2015). Meanwhile, use
technologies, when applied in combination, can yield    of public transport has increased. This trend suggests
significant economic and environmental benefits.        that urban residents are becoming more likely to
                                                        consider new ways of travelling and to move away
In Section 3 we introduce different application         from the traditional car ownership model in favour of
areas, related to the transport sector, to help frame   new forms of transport such as car sharing, electric
each of these technologies, focusing on their           vehicles, autonomous cars and mobility-as-a-service
potential impacts and implications. We explore          (MaaS) solutions (Deloitte, 2015).
several case studies for each of the application
areas from Europe, Central Asia and elsewhere,          The past 100 years have also been characterised
together with information on the costs and benefits     by significant growth in car ownership, which has
of those applications and specific schemes              been linked with global drivers of suburbanisation
implemented around the world.                           as well as increasing incomes and consumer
                                                        purchasing power. The proportion of the global
These case studies provide practical examples           population living in urban areas continues to
of some of the challenges and opportunities             rise faster than the capacity of roads and public
associated with the implementation of these             transport. The pressure on transport infrastructure
technologies, and an outline of their disruption        is significant and cannot be resolved by simply
potential. After reviewing the most prominent           building more infrastructure. New, innovative
disruptive technologies and potential application       solutions and approaches are required to address
areas in transport, we identified several areas of      these problems. The use of new digital technologies
public policy that might warrant further examination.   is a key part of addressing this challenge and can
This is discussed in more detail in Section 4.          help to ensure more efficient and sustainable use
A roadmap for implementation is presented,              of existing infrastructure. At the same time, it can
comprising a range of applications that can build       encourage the public to abandon their cars in favour
on these disruptive technologies, as well as            of walking, cycling and shared mobility solutions
potential barriers, bottlenecks and opportunities.      (Webb, 2019).

1.3. Background                                         These new forms of transport rely increasingly on
                                                        exploiting the use of digital technologies, which are
Traditional methods of overcoming critical transport    revolutionising the way we travel and communicate.
and infrastructure challenges are increasingly          The ability to collect vast amounts of data (“big
subject to technology-based disruptions, creating       data”) and process it in real time using advanced
new opportunities. We are now in the fourth             analytics and AI will allow us to predict transport
industrial revolution – but this one is happening       demand better and, as a result, improve our ability
much faster than any of its predecessors.               to manage existing infrastructure. Ensuring that
The accelerating pace of technology diffusion           assets are connected and communicate with each
and its updates, the convergence of multiple            other through internet-of-things protocols and
technologies towards human-centric goals, or            platforms will provide new ways to organise traffic,
common applications, and the emergence of global        travel and logistics, while permitting the remote
platforms are disrupting traditional transport and      control and management of assets and networks.
infrastructure development models.                      The use of robots, such as drones, is already
                                                        revolutionising how we manage our assets and
In transport, demand continues to grow each year,       undertake infrastructure inspections and surveys,
with Europeans, on average, travelling around           as well as supporting logistics and deliveries of
35,000 passenger kilometres per year; with a clear      consumer goods and services in many established
majority (64 per cent) of these trips being made by     and emerging global markets.

6    August 2019                                                Disruptive technology and innovation in transport
The digital age has the potential to bring with it      Economics of new technology
a range of disruptive technologies. Indeed, the pace
and the scale of the changes is expected to increase    The transformative nature of disruptive technologies
due to the rapid development in digital technologies.   makes their economic and financial analysis
In the past, disruptive technologies would have been    challenging. By definition, disruptive technologies
viewed as unknown and unproven, often considered        make more fundamental changes and affect deeper
impractical for real-world application. In many         structures – changing the way existing markets
cases these disruptive technologies would displace      operate, creating new players and displacing old ones.
established firms in existing markets. For example,     The analysis of their impacts requires a corresponding
mainframe computer manufacturers in the 1970s           economic and financial methodological approach
and 1980s underestimated the potential demand           that considers broader outcomes than those typically
for personal computers. As a result, companies like     applied to transport projects and investment.
Apple and Microsoft disrupted the market with their
new products, while major manufacturers dismissed       The types of disruptive technologies proposed here
personal computers and overlooked a market that         have a wide range of potential applications and
did not yet exist (Baker et al., 2016).                 impacts across society generally. Furthermore,
                                                        changes due to the deployment of, for example, big
Today the term “disruptive” is often used to describe   data solutions can have significant implications
technological advancements which are new, evolve        across a range of sectors at once. As such, these
rapidly and have a significant impact on how we         technologies change the context for transport as well
live and work, as well as on our economy. To ensure     as transport itself and result in a changing economic
that society is ready for these new technologies,       and financial landscape. In the World Economic
governments, policymakers and lawmakers will            Forum’s study Deep Shift: Technology Tipping Points
need to gain a good understanding of how the future     and Societal Impact (20), three of the technologies
is going to unfold and make the right investment        considered are identified as the subject of “tipping
decisions in infrastructure and education so that       point” considerations – big data for decisions
societies continue to prosper. In today’s society,      (expected to be common by 2023); driverless cars
digitisation and disruptive technologies such as        (by 2026); artificial intelligence and decision-making
big data, IoT, AI and drones have the potential to      (also by 2026). For these, cost-benefit analysis is only
change the way the transport sector is organised        a partial guide to their feasibility as the structural
and managed, paving the way for new services and        changes they both cause and require depend on a
business models.                                        wider range of factors.

                                                        For the transport sector, the economic impacts
                                                        of new technology will occur through several
                                                        mechanisms affecting the demand and supply sides
                                                        of the economy: (a) reducing the need for travel
                                                        through substitution; (b) improving the efficiency
                                                        and convenience of travel by creating new modes,
                                                        improved route planning, more efficient vehicles,
                                                        and in vehicle services and so on; (c) improving the
                                                        efficiency of infrastructure construction, operation
                                                        and management; (d) improving the efficiency of
                                                        transport operators and other businesses (through
                                                        more competition, new services and new market
                                                        structures); and (e) externalities such as reduced
                                                        emissions, productivity gains, better information for
                                                        public planning and so on.

Policy paper on sustainable infrastructure                                                     August 2019         7
The increasing capability of virtual technologies          Issues of data ownership within and across
will reduce the need to travel by allowing remote          organisations can complicate aggregation. Owners
observation and communication, but will also               of data from one system might not find it in their own
contribute to changes in the relative economic             commercial interest to have their data combined
values of both new and old goods and services,             with data from other systems (see website link 23
changing incentives for travel and transport. Closely      at the back of this report). Another example lies
related to changes that affect overall demand are          in the provision of infrastructure that often is or
changes that are fundamental to a certain sub-             has aspects of natural monopoly. It is complex to
sector of the transport network. A clear example           develop solutions using disruptive technologies
is the retailer Amazon’s proposed use of drones            that address this, are timely and coordinated, and
for “final mile” delivery to customers which would         permit the benefits of competition. With common
completely substitute an existing part of the limited      and widespread infrastructures in place, such as
capacity of the current terrestrial distribution system.   roadside or in-vehicle sensors, a range of value-
                                                           added services becomes feasible. However, the
Cost-benefit analyses of these technologies show           need for, and revenue generated from, any one
that their economic viability is often clear, but their    service may be insufficient to cover the costs,
development is inhibited in practice by many barriers      thus making the implementation of risk-sharing
to market developments (detailed for each technology       arrangements and associated financing structures
and application in the next section of this report).       substantially more complex.
These barriers mainly fall into three categories – lack
of transparency over the potential benefits of the         In the construction industry, developers in
technology; the distribution of costs and benefits,        worksite industries are working on two potential
which may mean that the benefits are not captured          applications that are too nascent to reach their
by those bearing the costs; and regulatory barriers        market potential today, and present too many
that prevent the adoption of new technology due,           barriers for development at this stage: fully robotic
for example, to perceived safety risks.                    worksites and 3D printing of replacement parts
                                                           on-site. Given the labour intensity, unpredictability
For instance, at the technical level, the inability        and danger of some worksite environments, being
to capture and use relevant data from multiple             able to remove employees from the site entirely
streams generated by different systems (ITS or IoT)        would offer substantial productivity and safety
is the result of several organisational, technical         benefits, particularly for assets that are difficult
and commercial barriers. In some cases, a lack             to reach. Many barriers to full automation remain,
of understanding of the potential to use data has          including the need for more sophisticated robotics
led to a failure to invest in deploying tech-enabled       and safety concerns about unmanned operations
solutions. But there are also technical challenges,        (especially for bridges and tunnels). The ability to 3D
including finding efficient ways to transmit and store     print replacement parts on demand could greatly
data. The most fundamental challenges are in data          reduce downtime caused by equipment failure and
transmission and storage. Many IoT applications            could raise asset utilisation and output. However,
are deployed on remote or mobile equipment.                this would require equipment that produces parts
Real-time transfer of all the data being generated by      that meet performance standards. If this challenge
the sensors on aircraft engines would require more         could be resolved, worksites would be able to reduce
bandwidth than is currently deployed. If data can be       substantially the cost of carrying a spare parts
collected and stored, the next obstacle is aggregating     inventory and could avoid delays caused by out-of-
it in a format that can be used for analysis. Limited      stock parts.
standardisation of data means that substantial
systems integration work is needed to combine data         The analysis reported in the literature to date has
from multiple sources. This challenge is accentuated       taken a variety of approaches to the definition of
by connectivity and storage challenges.                    scope for cost-benefit analysis. Skeete (2018)

8     August 2019                                                  Disruptive technology and innovation in transport
notes that “there is no universal, valid definition      The scope of cost-benefit analyses in the literature
to acceptance nor a single approach, but a broad         has typically not sought to represent the costs for
range of theoretical constructs”. In practice, the       overcoming these factors. However, expenditure on
authors choose a fixed set of mainly transport-          lobbying, for example to change regulation, would
related assumptions. For example, a study on             typically be part of corporate behaviour.
autonomous vehicles notes that “most studies
conduct micro-technical examinations of specific         In the assessment of costs and benefits, the types
components within the autonomous vehicle”                of benefit commonly considered are the following:
(Skeete, 2018).
                                                         • Time savings to individuals (for example, from
While this reduces the complexity of the analysis          reduced congestion).
in each study, assumptions are often particular to       • Savings from fewer automobile accidents (health,
the individual themes of the studies and this can          less disruption).
reduce their comparability. Furthermore, a focus on      • Energy savings (from reduced trips and from more
applications (how alternative technologies might           efficient use).
solve the same problem) as opposed to individual         • Environmental benefits (mainly related to
technologies (the many ways in which each                  greenhouse gases and improved air quality).
technology can contribute) widens the number
of situations addressed by each technology,              Less commonly considered benefits are as follows:
correspondingly increasing the number of cost-
benefit ratios that are relevant to each. This           • Maintenance savings (on roads and vehicles) from
makes comparison difficult.                                lower use or fewer trips.
                                                         • Environmental benefits not related to emissions
The scope of economic and financial analysis               (such as noise).
tends to be tied to fixed aspects of the existing        • Savings in the supply chains (for example, reduced
transport system, notably the volume of trips.             demand for road materials) (20).
Using a benchmark of a fixed volume of trips, it
is possible to compare disruptive technologies           The types of cost considered are relatively clear
to more traditional ways of achieving the same           in the specific studies but subject to variability
impacts. For example, technological solutions can        when considered across the studies as a group.
reduce congestion, avoiding the need to increase         In general, studies focus more on financial than
road capacity to maintain or improve trip times.         economic savings, with elements such as road
There can be associated benefits of reduced fuel         costs being excluded (reflecting current charging
consumption and emissions. The methods for               structures, where road networks are free at the point
valuing these benefits are already established           of use), rather than full economic costs. Similarly,
using traditional methods. The estimation of the         elements such as mobile phones may be assumed
costs, arguably the more uncertain element, can          to be available at zero additional cost because they
nevertheless be based on detailed knowledge of the       are assumed to have already been purchased.
new technology. While the costs and benefits can         While this has some impact on the structure of the
be defined, overcoming the issues of transparency,       analysis, it also reflects particular perspectives
distribution (allocation) of costs and benefits and      on the availability and ownership of pre-existing
regulation may be the greater challenge. Overall,        infrastructures which are often key to the incentives
these factors, and their ultimate influence on the       for future participation and collaboration.
level of uptake, are likely to be those that determine
the overall viability of a new technology. Fagnant
(2015) identifies that, among a range of missing
research, “one of the most pressing needs is a
comprehensive market penetration evaluation”.

Policy paper on sustainable infrastructure                                                   August 2019        9
2. Disruptive technologies
2.1.	Internet of things – a data collection                   IoT technologies have a number of applications in
     and management tool                                       the transport sector, including intelligent transport
                                                               systems (ITSs) which use data collected from sensors,
The internet of things (IoT), often referred to as             actuators, cameras and micro-controllers to optimise
the “internet of everything” is a system of objects,           public transport, reduce congestion, monitor the
processes, data, people and even atmospheric                   environment and run security applications (Hill et al.,
phenomena, connected with each other via various               2017). From the transport sector’s perspective, the
types of embedded sensors, and controlled remotely             IoT could significantly change the way government
using the internet (Witkowski et al., 2017). The               entities provide transport services by allowing
applications of the IoT play an increasingly important         transport infrastructure assets to be monitored and
role in smart transport and more recently in the               operated in real time from remote locations. For
“smart cities” agenda, helping to control traffic,             example, International Business Machines (IBM)
monitoring weather and safety risks, providing                 has developed systems that aggregate data from
information about the state of the roads and                   infrastructure-based sensors and similar devices
monitoring accidents. IoT platforms help manage,               to identify and measure traffic speed and volume
analyse and compile data from a wide variety of                on city roads. This provides road agencies, and in
sensors, including proximity, infrared, image and              some cases the motoring public, with real-time traffic
motion detection sensors.                                      conditions, which can assist in incident response
                                                               and routing activities (Baker et al., 2016).

Table 1. The internet of things – applications, barriers and opportunities

 Applications                             Barriers                                Opportunities

 •   Traffic management (ITS)             • High cost                             • Reducing congestion (savings
 •   Demand modelling and forecasting     • Security and privacy concerns           in time, fuel, improved air quality)
 •   Asset management                     • IoT platforms                         • Making transport safer and
 •   Freight tracking                     • Interoperability and standards          more efficient (vehicle tracking,
 •   Logistics (tracking of deliveries)     (integration inflexibility)             travel planning)
 •   Parking management                   • Legal issues around the internet      • More accurate forecasting
 •   Personal travel planning             • Requirement for technical skills        (incident detection)
 •   Public transport planning            • Requirement for infrastructure        • Logistics (deliveries tracking)
 •   Autonomous vehicles                    readiness                             • Social and economic benefits
                                                                                  • Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and
 Components                               Enablers                                  vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I)
 • IP (internet protocol) software        • APIs
   platform                               • Ubiquitous (low-cost or high-speed)
 • Computers                                connectivity
 • Device-to-device communication         • IP-based networking
   (Bluetooth, Z-Wave, ZigBee)            • Computing economics
 • Device-to-cloud communication          • Miniaturisation
   (Ethernet, wi-fi)                      • Artificial intelligence
 • Device-to-gateway (application         • Advances in data analytics
   layer gateway service)                 • Enhanced computing capabilities
                                          • Cloud computing
                                          • IPv6 IP protocol development
                                          • Blockchain

10     August 2019                                                      Disruptive technology and innovation in transport
2.2. Big data – the data                                                                 The transport sector has always collected and
                                                                                         analysed large quantities of data, including traffic
“Big data” refers to complex data that is                                                surveys, data from timetables, and, more recently,
characterised by high volume (ranging from 1,000                                         data from traffic cameras, mobile phones and
gigabytes to 1 petabyte, equivalent to 1 million                                         sensors. Historically, quantitative urban research
gigabytes in size), high velocity (in order to be useful,                                has relied on data from surveys and censuses. All
it needs to be analysed rapidly in “real time”) and                                      of these data sources are expected to continue
high variety (normally comprising several different                                      to play a vital role in urban analysis. However,
sources of data). The rapid increase in the availability                                 recent developments in the quantity, complexity
and complexity of data has led to the term “big                                          and availability of big data, together with advances
data”, although it does not have a universally agreed                                    in computing technology, are presenting new
definition (Houses of Parliament, 2014). However, it                                     opportunities to create more efficient and smarter
is generally accepted that big data tends to be too                                      transport systems. Figure 1 shows the main big data
complex to be analysed using traditional methods                                         sources and the three component layers required to
and requires the use of advanced analytics and                                           support smart infrastructure (Hill et al., 2017).
computational algorithms.

Figure 1. Big data basic layers for smart infrastructure connected by the IoT
                                                                 k in


                                                                                automation                                           Improved
                                                              io n

                                                         c is

                                                                     Decision                  Machine

                                                                     support                   learning
                               Decreasing data                        tools
                              volume, increasing                                Organisation
                                  data value                                     algorithms

                                                                                              


                                                                          Big data                         Data

                                                     Modelling                           Analytics                                   Improved
                                                                          analysis                         mining

                                                                                                         

                                                     Data                          Data                       Data

                                                   cleaning                      structure                   storage

                                     Assets                      Customers                         Costs               Activities

                                                                                                                      
           SCADA Customer GPS Ticketing/             Social     Sensors     Drone     Laser     Satellite GIS Manufacturer's CCTV Scanned Control
          systems billing      counting              media                 surveys   surveys    imagery and BIM   data             images system

Source: Hill et al. (2017).

Policy paper on sustainable infrastructure                                                                                             August 2019            11
In the context of the transport sector, big data is        2.3.	Artificial intelligence – a data tool for
mostly associated with map data, vehicle location               processing complex datasets
data, traffic control information, personal location
data, payment or transaction data and public               Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to computer science
transport information. Big data can be collected           and algorithms that enables machines to function
from a number of sources and using a variety of            like a human brain, analysing complex datasets
methods, such as GPS or satnav, mobile devices             for trends and patterns. Examples of AI methods
(Bluetooth or wi-fi), cameras and sensors (for             that are being increasingly applied in the transport
example, RFiD2). The IoT often acts as an enabler          sector include artificial neural networks, genetic
for big data collection, providing an ecosystem of         algorithms, simulated annealing, and fuzzy logic
sensors and data platforms, capable of collecting          models (Abduljabbar et al., 2019). By modelling
and processing a vast amount of information quickly        a relationship between the cause and effect
and efficiently.                                           of different real-life scenarios, AI helps bridge
                                                           uncertainties and gaps within the data that
                                                           cannot be resolved using traditional methods.

Table 2. Big data – summary of applications, barriers and opportunities

 Applications                        Barriers                                  Opportunities

 •   Traffic management (ITS)        • Data availability and openness          • Reducing congestion (savings
 •   Strategic planning                of data                                   in time, fuel, improved air quality)
 •   Demand modelling                • Data usability or accuracy              • Making transport safer and
 •   Asset management                • Data processing                           more efficient (vehicle tracking,
 •   Travel planning                 • Lack of technical skills for advanced     travel planning)
 •   Route guidance                    data analytics                          • More accurate forecasting
 •   Disruption alerts               • Privacy issues                            (incident detection)
 •   Infrastructure management       • Data storage                            • Integrated cashless payments
 •   Operational insight             • Mobile data                               on public transport
 •   Autonomous vehicles             • Willingness to share
                                     • Lack of information on private sector
                                       data available

 Components                          Enablers

 •   Map data                        •   Internet of things
 •   Weather data                    •   Artificial intelligence
 •   Personal location data          •   Machine learning
 •   Public transport schedules      •   Advanced analytics (predictive
 •   Vehicle location data               and real-time)
 •   Fare and pricing data           •   Blockchain
 •   Payment or transaction data     •   Enhanced computing capabilities
 •   Smartphone sensors (GPS,        •   Cloud computing
     accelerometer, camera)          •   Social media

12     August 2019                                                  Disruptive technology and innovation in transport
The application of artificial intelligence in the               situations and events. An area where AI applications
transport sector centres around road and public                 have also seen rapid development is intelligent
transport planning, traffic incident detection                  transport systems (ITSs), where AI and machine
and predicting traffic conditions. The intelligent              learning (ML) techniques are used to find patterns
computational analytics of these systems are able               and features in the captured data to allow real-time
to represent uncertainty, imprecision and vague                 optimisation of traffic control policies and to achieve
concepts, hence can be used for route optimisation              more connected transport systems.
problems in transport, including dynamic traffic

Table 3. Artificial intelligence – applied solutions, barriers and opportunities for the transport sector

 Applications                             Barriers                                 Opportunities

 • Big data analytics                     • Lack of infrastructure                 • Better detection and prediction
 • Corporate decision-making,             • Dependent on the quality or              of travel patterns
   planning and managing                    reliability of data                    • Better traffic forecasts
 • Accurate prediction and                • “Black box” effect – limited           • Improvements to public transport
   detection models                         understanding of the relationship        (enhanced reliability)
 • Traffic flow/volume forecast             between input and output               • Integration with shared mobility
 • Traffic conditions forecast            • Not capable of forecasting under         (Uber)
 • Improvements in public transport         unexpected events and adverse          • Enabling MaaS
 • Traffic incident prediction              weather conditions                     • Enabling smart city initiatives
 • Traffic management (ITS)               • Computation complexity of              • On-demand public transport services
 • Smart highways                           AI algorithms                          • Improved productivity
 • Smart rail                             • Lack of advanced analytics skills      • Creation of new jobs
 • Traffic signal control                 • Lack of technological infrastructure
 • Asset management                         to support AI
 • Travel planning                        • Fragmentation and incompatibility
 • Logistics                                of data
 • Robotics                               • Data privacy issues
 • Autonomous vehicles                    • Impact of automation (jobs
 • Drones                                   displacement or loss)
 • Customer analytics
 • Predictive maintenance

 Components                               Enablers

 •   Knowledge-based system               •   Big data
 •   Artificial neural network systems    •   Internet of things
 •   Machine learning                     •   Blockchain
 •   Deep learning techniques             •   Computing power and speed
 •   Genetic algorithm                    •   Algorithmic improvements
 •   Simulated annealing algorithm        •   Talent and skills
 •   Ant colony optimiser algorithm       •   Investment and funding
 •   Artificial immune system algorithm
 •   Bee colony optimisation algorithm
 •   Swarm intelligence systems
 •   Fuzzy logic model
 •   Logistic regression model
 •   Agent-based software engineering

Policy paper on sustainable infrastructure                                                            August 2019     13
2.4.	Drones – an alternative data                      Maintaining roads, bridges and tunnels at the
     collection and exploitation tool                   optimum level can be very costly. Inspecting the
     for monitoring                                     deck of a bridge, for example, could take four
                                                        workers an entire eight-hour shift to complete.
A drone, in technological terms, is an unmanned         This would also involve heavy-duty equipment
aircraft. Drones are more formally known as             and could cost nearly US$ 5,000. In addition,
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned             a traditional bridge inspection would need to take
aircraft systems (UASs). Essentially, a drone is a      place during the daytime and would require the
flying robot that can be remotely controlled or fly     re-routing of traffic, which would have additional
autonomously using software-controlled flight plans     cost implications. Using a drone to inspect the same
in their embedded systems, working in conjunction       bridge would require only two people, no heavy-duty
with on-board sensors and GPS. There are two main       equipment and limited traffic control and monitoring,
types of drones: rotor (tricopters, quadcopters,        with the entire process taking about two hours.
hexacopters and octocopters) or fixed-wing, which       This would provide significant savings on staff and
include the hybrid VTOL (vertical take-off and          equipment and improve efficiency and safety (14).
landing) drones.
                                                        The summary of the disruptive technologies
Drones are being increasingly used in the transport     presented above shows that IoT, big data and AI
sector to improve operational efficiency, save money    do not operate in isolation. Instead, they are highly
and time and increase safety. The technology            complementary technologies. Big data is collected
has been used to inspect bridges and tunnels, as        most effectively using IoT systems and drones and
well as monitoring traffic and in logistics delivery.   then processed for optimisation and forecasting
Infrastructure can be inspected and made                using AI. The main applications of the three
more resilient through remote inspections and           technologies in transport centre around demand
multi-spectral imagery, with drones providing an        forecasting and traffic optimisation resulting in
interoperable platform capable of more frequent         better traffic management, asset management,
and precise measurements. Furthermore, drones           travel planning and operation of autonomous
have several potential applications in logistics.       vehicles (AVs). A more detailed explanation of the
Transporting vital goods through the air has been       four applications of big data, IoT and AI, supported by
a staple of international commerce for decades,         case studies, is presented in Section 4.
but a revolution is taking place at low altitudes, on
demand, for last-mile connectivity (World Economic      Drone operations are also inextricably linked with IoT
Forum, 2018).                                           and big data. They can act as data collection devices
                                                        and perform tasks that are remotely controlled by
                                                        humans, using IoT. The one application of drones
                                                        that is transforming the transport sector is in
                                                        logistics and deliveries, which Section 4 discusses
                                                        in more detail, with supporting case studies.

14   August 2019                                                Disruptive technology and innovation in transport
Table 4. Drones – applications, barriers and opportunities

 Applications                              Barriers                                    Opportunities

 • Asset inspections and maintenance       • Regulatory concerns                       • Improved traffic management
   (tunnels, bridges)                      • Safety                                    • Cost savings and/or increased
 • Infrastructure maintenance              • Security                                    efficiency
 • Design process (provision of            • Privacy                                   • Creation of new jobs
   geospatial data) – integration with     • Anonymity and traceability                • Increased safety (engineering
   building information modelling (BIM)    • Misuse (for example, terrorism,             inspections)
 • Construction site monitoring              drug smuggling)                           • Improved resilience of infrastructure
 • Enhancing construction site safety      • Insurance implications                    • Enhancing data processing and
 • Traffic monitoring                      • Impact of automation (job losses)           accessibility
 • Logistics (deliveries)                  • Aviation risk (potential for collisions   • Supports BIM
 • Warehousing and inventory                 with other aircrafts)
 • Remote delivery
 • Disaster response

 Components                                Enablers

 • Predator drone (military)               •   Automatous drones
 • VTOL drone (vertical take-off and       •   Battery technologies
   landing)                                •   Logistic configurations
 • Global navigational satellite systems   •   Internet of things
   (GPS and GLONASS)                       •   3D modelling
 • Flight controller (central brain        •   Augmented and virtual reality (AV/VR)
   of the drone)                           •   Video editing software
 • Inertial measurement unit (IMU)
 • Electronic speed controllers (ESC)
 • Ground station controller (GSC) –
   smartphone app
 • Internal compass
 • First-person view (FPV) video
   transmission technology
 • High-performance cameras
 • Multispectral, LIDAR,
   photogrammetry, low-light night
   vision and thermal sensors

Policy paper on sustainable infrastructure                                                                  August 2019      15
3. Applications in transport
As Section 2 shows, the four disruptive technologies    3.1.	Traffic management using intelligent
(IoT, big data, AI and drones) have several                  transport systems
applications in transport. This chapter discusses
the technologies and applications that have the         Overview
greatest potential to fundamentally change the
way traffic flow is organised and managed, and          ITSs are an emerging field driven by digital
as a result to bring the most significant economic      technologies, aimed at improving the efficiency,
and social benefits to the EBRD regions. These          safety and environmental performance of road
applications have been identified as areas that         transport. An ITS enables vehicles to interact directly
bring the four technologies together, to showcase       with each other and with the surrounding road
how they can enable and complement each other to        infrastructure. It typically involves communication
provide optimum solutions for the transport sector.     between vehicles (vehicle-to-vehicle, V2V), between
The four applications of the disruptive technologies    vehicles and infrastructure (vehicle-to-infrastructure,
reviewed in detail in Section 3 are as follows:         V2I) and/or infrastructure-to-infrastructure (I2I)
                                                        and between vehicles and pedestrians or cyclists
• Traffic management using intelligent transport        (vehicle-to-everything, V2X).
  systems (ITSs) – using new technologies to
  predict future traffic demand more accurately         Big data can be collected using a variety of
  and optimise road networks accordingly,               techniques and is already used all over the world
  providing a wide range of social and economic         to combat congestion, including through the use of
  benefits, including reduced congestion and            inductive loop detection (insulated cables embedded
  pollution, improved safety and travel experience      in the streets), video analysis and infrared sensors
  for all road users.                                   (detecting the heat emitted by objects), GPS and
                                                        social media. ITSs have been developed since
• Personal travel planning and public transport         the beginning of the 1970s, however the recent
  – using the available information on travel           widespread emergence of big data has allowed the
  demand and travel patterns of the population          development of new applications for the transport
  to facilitate optimisation of planning, programming   sector. Over the past decade, there have been
  and operations of public transport systems,           remarkable new developments in technologies that
  as well as improving the public’s personal            facilitate ITSs; however, these are far from being
  journey planning.                                     used to their full potential, as this section will detail.

• Autonomous and connected vehicles for                 Big data is a disruptive technological change,
  enhanced mobility – developing applications           following cloud computing and the internet of things,
  for AVs that will contribute to increased safety,     which enable large data volume and large data type,
  better user experience, economic savings              with high commercial value to be processed at
  and reductions in congestion by facilitating car      a lower cost and higher speed. In the transport
  sharing and mobility as a service (MaaS).             sector and ITSs, all traffic monitoring, data treatment
                                                        and applications can be done at a much lower cost
• Unmanned aerial vehicles and drones                   and higher frequency. Big data analytics can improve
  for monitoring – using the technology to              the ITSs’ operational efficiency. Many subsystems
  revolutionise asset management and inspections        in ITSs that need to handle large amounts of data
  (bridges, tunnels and construction sites) and         to give information or provide traffic management
  delivery of packages (logistics).                     decisions will be less expensive to operate. Through
                                                        fast data collection and analysis of massive amounts
                                                        of current and historical traffic data, traffic
                                                        management departments will be able predict traffic
                                                        flow in real time. Public transport big-data analytics

16    August 2019                                               Disruptive technology and innovation in transport
can help management departments to learn                                                limited dissemination of traffic information, and
journey patterns in the transport network,                                              a lack of experience in using advanced intelligent
which can be used for better public transport                                           data analysis methods to provide real-time and
service planning.                                                                       accurate traffic information to travellers and to traffic
                                                                                        management departments to deal with unexpected
Enablers, barriers and opportunities                                                    events and illegal traffic behaviour. AI and other
                                                                                        technologies of big data analysis, together with
Technical analysis                                                                      increased computing power and storage capacity,
                                                                                        bring new opportunities for the development of ITSs.
The use of big data, IoT and AI in traffic management
systems allows for more detailed and accurate                                           The ITS big data analysis cloud platform consists of
predictions in relation to future traffic demand,                                       a basic service layer (data collection), data analysis
traffic flow and any unexpected events or incidents                                     layer (data integration) and terminal publishing layer
on the road network. Having this wealth of real-time                                    (data release). The basic service layer is the basis
information allows for more efficient optimisation                                      for data analysis and its main purpose is to use
of traffic signals and reducing congestion, improving                                   cloud computing technology to integrate data from
traffic safety and preventing or reducing damage                                        different systems (IoT). The data analysis layer’s
to the infrastructure, as well as reducing traffic                                      function is to process the data in real time, using
emissions, enhancing mobility, increasing service                                       advanced analytics and potentially AI to then help
reliability and supporting economic development.                                        the decision-making process by providing trend
                                                                                        predictions and forecasting. The main function of
Despite significant advances in the use of big                                          the terminal distribution layer is to communicate the
data in traffic management, there are still some                                        available information by releasing it in real time via
problems. These difficulties include a lack of                                          cloud services and smart devices (mobile phones,
integration of traffic data, low utilisation rate,                                      PCs) (Hu et al., 2017), as Figure 2 shows.

Figure 2. An ITS in real time

         TRAFFIC INFORMATION                                                                                                     TRAFFIC INFORMATION
             COLLECTION                                                                                                              PUBLICATION


      Video detection      Coil detection                      INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION                                          Internet     Smart mobile phone
                                                                  DATA CLOUD PLATFORM

      Radar detection       Floating car
                                                                                                                                On-board          Variable
                                                                                                                                 equipment        message board


                                                                                                                                 TRAFFIC INFORMATION
                                                                                                                                   MANAGEMENT
       Signal control     Electronic police
        HD bayonet        Overspeed snap                       Platform (collection, integration, release)

     Video surveillance   Mobile policing

Source: Market analysis (Support study for Impact Assessment of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems, European Commission (2016) and Hu et al. (2017)).

Policy paper on sustainable infrastructure                                                                                                    August 2019            17
The uptake of ITSs has been uneven across Europe.      Cost-benefit analysis
In 2016, the C-Roads Platform was formed to
provide a single point of contact for cooperation      The claims about the benefits of traffic management
between the automotive industry manufacturers and      are varied but, in general, high. A typical set of claims
the European Union (EU) member states. Initially,      is provided in a summary by Transforming Transport,
eight member states were included, which increased     an EU-funded project of a consortium of 48 leading
to 16 as of October 2017. The C-Roads Platform         transport, logistics and information technology
aims to facilitate harmonised and interoperable ITS    stakeholders in Europe (22). They highlight the
deployment across the EU, encouraging cooperation      following points:
and harmonisation between the projects:
                                                       • A 10 per cent efficiency improvement can lead
• C-Roads InterCor (2016-19), Belgium, France, the       to cost savings of €100 billion from big data,
  Netherlands, the United Kingdom. The project           as fast data collection and analysis of current
  links European ITS initiatives with the aim of         and historical traffic data has helped traffic
  creating a continuous ITS network that can serve       management departments with operational
  as a testbed for ITS services deployment and           efficiency.
                                                       • Improvements in operational efficiency
• NordicWay (2015-17), Finland, Denmark, Norway,         empowered by big data are expected to lead to
  Sweden. The pre-deployment pilot project aiming        US$ 500 billion savings worldwide in terms of time
  to test interoperable cellular communication for       and fuel, as well as savings of 280 megatonnes of
  ITS services, enabled through roaming between          CO2 emissions.
  different mobile networks and cross-border
  services.                                            • The McKinsey Global Institute concluded that in
                                                         2013, US$ 400 billion a year globally could be
• C-The Difference (2016-18), France, the                saved by “making more of existing infrastructure”
  Netherlands. The partners involved in this pilot       through improved demand management and
  project have been working on bringing ITS services     maintenance.
  to the market for the past 10 years, investing
  significantly in the development and deployment      • “The Internet of Things has changed the business
  of ITS.                                                performance of many organisations and is
                                                         predicted to cut the emissions from trucks in the
• C-Roads (2016-20) Austria, Belgium, the Czech          US by 25 per cent” (21).
  Republic, France, Germany, Slovenia. The project
  outlines the rationale and objectives for ITS        In a specific study in the Netherlands, the social
  development, including coordinated deployment        costs of congestion on the main road network
  across borders.                                      in 2015 (2010 prices) are estimated to be
                                                       between €2.3 and €3 billion annually. Traffic
                                                       management systems (ITSs) contribute to a 9 per
                                                       cent improvement in overall travel time, which is
                                                       worth €210-€272 million (on a pro rata basis). The
                                                       associated system costs are €164 million, giving
                                                       a benefit-cost ratio of between 1.3 and 1.7.

18   August 2019                                               Disruptive technology and innovation in transport
In a more recent study by the European Commission         The study estimates the benefits of 25 individual
(20), annual benefits of approximately €15 billion        types of improvement that are possible with this
in 2030 are compared with costs of €2.5 billion,          equipment, with some providing more than one type
giving a ratio of benefits to cost of 6:1. This further   of benefit. Of the total number, 15 provide safety-
corresponds with other studies, which have estimated      related benefits, 10 provide efficiency benefits such
benefit-cost ratios in the range of 1.5 to 6.8 shown      as savings in travel time, 8 relate to managing traffic
in the EasyWay and DRIVE C2X studies (20).                operation such as smoothing the patterns of traffic
                                                          flow and 8 provide environmental benefits. Each
This study bases the estimates of costs on the            independent improvement is relatively simple, with
installation of four types of hardware and software:      examples including “warning of slow or stationary
                                                          vehicle”, in-vehicle signage and speed limits,
• In-vehicle information sub-system fitted either         information on weather conditions, signal violation
  by the vehicle manufacturer or retrofitted              at intersections, off-street parking and park-and-ride
  to the vehicle and attached to the vehicle              information, zone access control for urban areas and
  communication buses.                                    protection for vulnerable road users.
• Personal sub-systems such as mobile phones,
  tablets, personal navigation satnav-type devices,       Over 86 per cent of the costs relate to the hardware
  and other handheld devices not attached to the          required within vehicles and a further 10 per cent
  vehicle’s information bus.                              to “aftermarket” devices. Three elements make up
• Roadside ITS sub-systems such as beacons and            approximately 99 per cent of benefits estimated,
  smart traffic lights.                                   with reduced travel times and increased efficiency
• Central ITS sub-systems, which may be part of a         accounting for 66 per cent of total benefits, reduced
  centralised traffic management system.                  accident rates for 22 per cent and fuel consumption
                                                          savings 11 per cent. As with all the disruptive effects
These provide a range of communication and                assessed here, the assumptions on uptake are of
control services (V2V or V2I) but do not provide          great importance, as essentially the same hardware
the more advanced capability for autonomous and           enables all 25 services. Where services are limited
connected vehicles discussed below. While the             by regulatory and other constraints, benefits fall
costs for autonomous driving are estimated as             commensurately.
eventually falling to between US$ 1,000 and US$
1,500 per heavy goods vehicle (HGV) per year (see         This study primarily addresses what can be seen
below), the upfront costs to consumers of these four      as marginal changes from enhanced driver aids
simpler systems for new vehicles are estimated at         to adapting existing systems. The advantage of
approximately €275 per car and €315 per HGV (with         the approach is that the changes assessed are
ongoing annual costs of €20 and €30 respectively).        specific and realistic and occur within a relatively
By 2030, these are estimated as potentially falling to    short timeframe (by 2030). The level of costs and
€180 per car and €200 per HGV.                            benefits are less than an order of magnitude smaller
                                                          than those from autonomous vehicles and can be
                                                          considered indicative of the benefits of “low hanging
                                                          fruit” on a first stage towards the fuller use of
                                                          automation and information systems. Nevertheless,
                                                          they show that high benefit-cost ratios approaching
                                                          six are plausible even when based on marginal
                                                          changes to existing systems enabled by a disruptive

Policy paper on sustainable infrastructure                                                     August 2019    19
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