Page created by Joel Simpson
Great Wood Home Learning Recommendations
                                                              Year 2 15th - 19th June 2020
        Hello 2H and 2S,

We hope all our Year 2 families are safe, well and coping with the strange state of things at the moment. Hopefully you will find here some activities
to keep your children gainfully occupied this week. There is still no expectation for you to complete every single activity however we would really
love to see engagement of some kind from all of the children every week through their personal email or through your own. Even if the children
have been following their own interests and learning things that are different from the work we are providing, we would still love to hear about it
as it it is all valuable. Reading, writing sentences and doing a little maths is so important to keep up the skills that the children have already worked
so hard to grasp at school.

Working at home is of course a completely parallel universe to learning in school, for the children and yourselves! There are always days where we
need to take a deep breath, put on a smile (and a song and a dance) to keep up the energy and motivation needed to get children enthused. Try to
give yourself credit for doing the best you can, whatever situation you might be in, because everyone is in the same boat, as we all want the very
best for our amazing Great Wood children.


Our theme for maths this week is time, although on Monday and Friday particularly, there are activities to practise number based skills which are always useful. Although telling time can be
tricky, it’s an essential skill for life and once learned, isn’t forgotten. Time can be ‘drip fed’ throughout days and weeks - the more practise children get, the better. Children in KS1 may be
more familiar with digital clocks on phones, ipads etc but analogue time is the main focus in school and will be the focus on the timetable this week.

This week the english activities are themed on the author, Oliver Jeffers. You may recognise him as the author of a number of children’s books your children may have read before and
perhaps really like! This week, we have made an effort to provide an activity sheet for the english lessons each day which are of course optional. It did occur to us that some children may
feel more at home with a worksheet to support them, to add a little structure or just to remind them of school a bit more. Use them if you wish but please don’t worry if you don’t have
access to a printer.

Handy English and Reading Resources
   ★ Free audio recordings of traditional stories for children
   ★ Free children’s audiobooks
   ★ Oxford owl FREE e-book library (need to create free account)
   ★ Phonics play (free phonics games)
   ★ Free children’s e-books
   ★ Free children’s e-books and games

PE and Keeping Active
The beautiful weather has returned and long may it continue! We hope that you are still enjoying some fresh air or keep physically active from
your homes.It is super important to keep the body active especially when spending so much time at home. These are our recommendations for daily exercise (or perhaps even more than
once daily!)
    ● Joe Wicks - daily workouts at 9am weekdays
    ● Cosmic Yoga
●    Strictly Come Dancing video tutorials
    ●    Andy Wild’s workouts
    ●    Go Noodle
    ●    Lancashire plans (on school website)
    ●    Just Dance (wii) routines on Youtube (please check songs are appropriate and supervise children whilst using the site)

Castle Topic
To research and for further reading visit these child friendly websites. DKfind out and Britcannica School (foundation level) (school ID is lvschool to login).

Stay safe and keep washing those hands!!
Miss Smith and Miss Heys

 Essential login details for this week:

 Espresso discovery          IXL                      Phonics play        Independent
 education                   use your child’s         login: march20      activities
 login: student18441         personal login details   password: home      (children can
 password: greatwood         sent in email.                               complete
                                                                          without help)
 if you are accessing                                                     highlighted in
 espresso from google                                                     this colour
 please see search term
 to find activity on plan.
D      Spelling, punctuation,                          English                                                      Maths                                                 Science, Topic, Art etc
a             grammar                   Theme this week: Oliver Jeffers (Author)                                  Topic: Time
y        and handwriting

M   Spelling focus this week:     Watch and listen to the story How to Catch a Star? up     Number of the week sheet:                                       Art/Design Technology: Design and make a
o   HOMOPHONES                    to 3:40 mins:                                             Time: 15 - 30 mins                                              castle with a working drawbridge
d   Play the memory game
                                                                                                                                                            This might be a project you could come back to
a   matching common               Talk about what has happened so far in the story. Can
                                                                                                                                                            throughout the week. You could adapt the
y   homophones. The pictures      you recall all the different attempts the boy has tried
    make it clear what the word   to catch a star? Can you remember why each one
                                                                                                                                                            materials used to include things you already
    meaning is. You may need to   hasn’t worked? Look back/listen again to check.                                                                           have around the house. We usually love doing
                                                                                            AND/ OR this game:
    discuss meanings and put                                                                                                                                this activity at school so we hope you enjoy it.
    the words into context.       Imagine you are the boy in the story. Your task is to     Race to Finish Maths Game (Skill: Adding)
                                  write a letter to an astronomer (someone who              Time: 10 - 15 mins                                    
                                  studies stars and space) asking them for help to catch        1.   Each player uses a random number generator to          pTA
                                  a star.                                                            choose their starting number between 1 and 20          The Heritage England site has some really good
                                  Include all the things you have tried so far and why               and writes this at the top of their piece of paper.
                                                                                                     (google random number generator and fill in min
                                                                                                                                                            instructions here.
                                  each one hasn’t worked.
                                                                                                     and max number)
    Homophones to learn (over                                                                   2.   Each player then spins a spinner (or pulls a number    At school, we tend to use cereal boxes
    TWO weeks - we realise        You can use the joining word ‘but’ to help you join
                                                                                                     card from a bag) to select their step size for their   deconstructed and stuck back together with the
    there are lots!):             the parts of the sentence, e.g. I tried to jump up and             sequence. FOR YEAR TWO: either +2 +5 +3 +10
                                  grab a star but it was too high.                              3.   They then create the sequence that starts with
                                                                                                                                                            rough side on the outside (so you can paint it).
    piece peace
    pee pea                                                                                          their starting number and increases by the step
    which witch                   You might want to use the introductory sentences                   size each time. The winner is the quickest person      We also usually create a pulley (wind up)
                                  and sentence starters on the sheet to help you.                    to write the first ten numbers in their sequence.
    hole whole                                                                                                                                              drawbridge using a dowel rod and string. You
                                                                                                4.   Check your opponent’s sheet to make sure their
    bare bear                                                                                        counting is correct! If you are playing on your own,
                                                                                                                                                            could create this at home using a kebab stick or
    peace piece                                                                                      challenge yourself to see how many numbers you         something similar.
    thrown throne                                                                                    can write in 30 seconds or 1 minute!
    sea see
    paws pause                                                                              Detailed instructions here which includes variations to
    night knight                                                                            change the
    dear deer                                                                               game!
    wait weight                                                                             maths/download/file/Race%20to%20the%20Finish%20
    eight ate                                                                               05-051.pdf
    nose knows
    flour and flower
D      Spelling, punctuation,                     English                       Maths       Science, Topic, Art etc
a             grammar              Theme this week: Oliver Jeffers (Author)   Topic: Time
y        and handwriting

    IXL SKILLS: Level C W.1, W.9
D      Spelling, punctuation,                           English                                                      Maths                                              Science, Topic, Art etc
a             grammar                    Theme this week: Oliver Jeffers (Author)                                  Topic: Time
y        and handwriting

T   Match up the word to the       Watch and listen to Here We Are:                          TIME: Make your own clock                                  You will definitely need two days to finish your castle
u   picture (using memory game               Follow these fab, clear instructions on how to make a      so have fun!
e   cards again)                   Talk about the book. Ask your child:                      clock for telling time using two paper plates.
s                                  Who do you think Oliver Jeffers wrote this book for?           Here’s some inspiration to show you what one might
d   Use the cards again but this   Why do you think he wrote the book? (He wrote it for      classroom/teaching-how-to-tell-time-interactive-diy-       look like. Darcy from Year 4 back when she was in
a   time in a different way.       his baby son to help him make sense of the world).        clock                                                      year 2:
y                                  It is full of key advice.                                 You can adapt the design (using card instead of plates,
    Cut up the cards so the         Listen to the clip again and pause at key points to      making it giant size for the garden, using words instead
    words and the pictures are     make a note of the advice Oliver Jeffers gives            of numbers for some times eg. half past). Just make
    separate.                      throughout the book, e.g. You have a body. Look after     sure you get the children thinking about what the
    Have a pile of the pictures    it, as most bits don’t grow back. Some pieces of          numbers and words mean.
    face up on one side and the    advice are given to you; others you will have to read
    words face down on the         between the lines and discuss! Do you agree with the
    other side.                    advice he gives? Can you think of any other advice
    Take turns to turn over a      you would like to add?
    word and try to remember       Create a poster with the book title: Here We Are in
    which picture matched the      the middle. Around the outside in boxes or bubbles,
    spelling, the player gets to   write down the advice that Oliver Jeffers gives. Colour
    keep the sets they match up    and decorate your poster to make it as attractive as
    correctly.                     possible. Display your poster in your house –
                                   somewhere where everyone can see!
    Tip: So you can play the                                                                 Things to include on your clock that the children should
    memory card game again,        You can use the poster template attachment if you         understand.
    you could fold the cards so    like                                                            ● hours 1-12
    you can’t see the word and                                                                     ● understand that minutes jump in 5s from
    write out the spelling words                                                                       each number
    on a separate piece of paper                                                                   ● what the long and short hands are for
    - that way the child will be                                                                   ● o’clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to
    able to check their own                                                                  If I was making this clock, I would use one bold colour
    answers if playing alone,                                                                for PAST times and a different bold colour for TO times.
    too.                                                                                     I would also count backwards from 12 in fives (to help
                                                                                             the children with expressing 5 to, 10 to, 20 to etc)
    IXL SKILLS: Level D V.15,                                                                rather than carrying on past half past.
    V.16, V.17, V.18
                                                                                             IXL SKILLS: w.1, w.2, w.3, w.4, w.5, w.6
D      Spelling, punctuation,                              English                                                     Maths                                                Science, Topic, Art etc
a             grammar                       Theme this week: Oliver Jeffers (Author)                                 Topic: Time
y        and handwriting

W Handwriting sheet:                  Read and enjoy the opening extract from The Day the      Showing time on a clock and reading clock times              Re-create a famous artwork:
e                                     Crayons Came Home by Drew Daywalt and illustrated        Use the clock you have made to challenge your child to       Since lockdown began, lots of people have been
d                                     by Oliver Jeffers:                                       use the hands to show times. You could do this as one        having fun recreating famous works of art in their
n                                    session or throughout the day. It might be fun to spring     homes. See this link for examples:
e                                     e-Day-the-Crayons-Came-Home-by-Drew-                     the challenge at different times of the day and    
s                                     Daywalt.html                                             compare their clock to a real clock to check if they are     on/arts-culture-news/museum-challenged-people-
d                                     (You will need to become a member of                     correct.                                                     recreate-famous-18028923
a                                     LoveReading4Kids. Membership is free.)                        ● Begin with o’clock times and half past                It would be fun to include the whole family in this silly
y                                     You can listen and enjoy the whole book here:                 ● Next introduce quarter past and quarter to            challenge but it brings a great opportunity to see
                                               ● Next, past times (to nearest 5 mins only)             works of art whilst choosing whichone to do!
                                                                                                    ● Finally, to times ( (to nearest 5 mins only)
                                      Imagine you are another item in Duncan’s pencil case,         ● Children in Year 2 don’t learn minute by              Here’s an example by Lucy who attends Moorside
                                      e.g. a ruler, pencil sharpener, highlighter pen, biro.             minute times at school, only 5 minute              Primary School in Lancaster. Her mum gave
    To keep up homophones             Write a postcard to Duncan to add to the collection                intervals.                                         permission to share this with you!
    learning you could play           sent to him.
    games from Monday or               Think about:                                            Tips
    Tuesday again.                    What job did you originally have in the pencil case?            ●   say the time slowly
                                      Did you enjoy your job?                                         ●   minute hand first: decide on the ‘past’ or ‘to’
    If your child is playing alone,   Might you have any memorable stories to remind                      side of the clock. Count from the number 12
    a time trial to match up the      Duncan of?                                                          either way in 5s.
    words to the correct picture      What has happened to you since you were last with              ● hour hand: is it on the number exactly
    meaning might work to             Duncan? E.g. Have you been travelling to any exciting               (o’clock) or half way between (half past) or it
    motivate them and also will       places?                                                             is just past or nearly at the next number.        Another person in Lancaster has done this slightly
    speed up the activity.            What might you like to ask Duncan now? As if you are     Also challenge your child to read actual times on an         differently by creating chalk art on his windows,
                                      the ruler, pencil sharpener, highlighter etc.            analogue clock. (make sure the clock shows a time that       inspired by Van Gogh.
                                      Write your postcard to Duncan. Rehearse each             they can attempt to read). Again you could do this
                                      sentence out loud before you write to check it makes     throughout the day/week - practice makes perfect with
                                      sense. Keep reading your work as you write to check      telling time.
                                      for spelling and punctuation too.
                                                                                               IXL SKILLS: w.7, w.8, w.9
                                      Use the template if you like:

                                                                                                                                                            On the Tate website there are thousands of
                                                                                                                                                            photographs of different artwork.
                                                                                                                                                   You can search by
                                                                                                                                                            subject such as “flowers” or “dogs” or you can search
                                                                                                                                                            by artist such as “Matisse” to find a piece of art you
                                                                                                                                                            could recreate.
D      Spelling, punctuation,                           English                                                     Maths                                             Science, Topic, Art etc
a             grammar                    Theme this week: Oliver Jeffers (Author)                                 Topic: Time
y        and handwriting

T   Doodles and sentences          Watch and listen to the story Stuck:                     Make a lockdown timetable by telling time:                BBC Ten Pieces: Learn to make a cuban mambo in
h                                                                                                the kitchen!
u   Choose 10 of the                                                                        Do you have a lockdown routine at home? Or perhaps
r   homophone words to either      Marvel and gasp at all the things Floyd threw into the   you’d like to make one up to keep you motivated?          Follow this link to a three part online lesson which
s   draw your own cartoons to      tree that got stuck!                                     Make and tell times for things you do throughout the      helps the children learn about and understand cuban
d   remember the meaning in        Can you remember them all at the end of the story?       day (this doesn’t have to be every day it might even be   mambo rhythms and make their own percussion
a   future, or write a sentence    Look back/listen again to check.                         a made up day!)                                           music at home.
y   which uses the word            Today you are going to write your own version of
    correctly.                     Stuck. Think about: Who will your main character be?     Make a list of things you could include such as:
                                   What items will he/she throw into the tree that will        ● wake up
    Don’t try to write 10 as       get stuck? (Remember to start with everyday things,         ● when you eat meals
    sentences as this is quite a   before your list becomes more imaginative! You can          ● exercise
    lot for some children! As      make your list as funny and as quirky as you like!)         ● when you do home learning
    they draw a doodle to          What will be the last item thrown that will mean the        ● bed time
    remember the meaning,          kite comes unstuck?                                         ● playing                                    
    they could make up                                                                         ● mums/dads go to or come back from work               at-home/zjy3382
    sentences to say out loud      Make a list or series of pictures to act as a plan.         ● walks with the dog
    which would be just as         You may choose to use some of Oliver Jeffers’                                                                      We’d love to see videos of your rhythms from home!
    helpful!                       sentence starters, e.g. It all began when … The          Use the sheet to draw the times of each of these things
                                   trouble REALLY began when … In order to knock            on a clock.                                               Alternatively…
    Here’s my example to get       down … You could also use or make comments as he         You will need to support your child as they do this.      Miss Heys has been thinking about the songs which
    you started:                   does too, e.g. This was getting ridiculous!                                                                        make her feel motivated and determined when she’s
                                   Unbelievably, that got stuck too! I’m sure you can                                                                 feeling down or just not in the mood during lockdown
                                   guess what happened! Write your story, checking                                                                    (which happens to us all occasionally!). The song that
                                   each sentence as you write. Keep going back and                                                                    really got her thinking was “Love my Life” by Robbie
                                   reading your story out loud to check you are happy                                                                 Williams as she hoped all the children in Year 2 were
                                   with it.                                                                                                           feeling happy at home and loving life.
                                                                                                                                                      Could you, with help from family members, make a
                                   Again, use the template for guidance if you like. You                                                              playlist of ten songs that the whole family loves and
                                   could always make it into a real book!                                                                             feel happy when they listen to? Your parents may be
                                                                                                                                                      able to suggest some “oldie but goodies” that make
                                                                                                                                                      them smile - they could become a new favourite!
                                                                                                                                                      You don’t have to actually make the playlist, just a list
                                                                                            IXL SKILLS: w.11                                          of songs whilst having fun exploring, singing and
                                                                                                                                                      dancing as you choose!
D      Spelling, punctuation,                              English                                                   Maths                                           Science, Topic, Art etc
a             grammar                       Theme this week: Oliver Jeffers (Author)                               Topic: Time
y        and handwriting

F   Spelling challenge!               Complete your STUCK! story from Thursday. Writing        Check out these fun time games!                       Castle Virtual Tours! You may be stuck at home but
r                                     takes time and lots of effort. Take it slow and don’t   we can still visit some castles.
i   The best way of testing           be writing for more than 30 minutes at a time!           telling-the-time                                      Windsor Castle
    homophones is to say each
d                                                                                              (Set to nearest 5 minutes)                  
    word in a sentence then the
a                                     If you have finished and would like an extra activity,                                                         Sidon Sea Castle
    child has to think which
y   word meaning would match          you could write a book review of your favourite Oliver
    so they can choose the right      Jeffers story.                                           y/                                                    Blarney Castle, Ireland
    spelling.                                                                                  (Set to nearest 5 minutes)                  
                                      If you go to his website, Oliver Jeffers has posted                                                            tour
    Remember we’ll be working         video readings of his books as well as him talking                                                             Walk around Edinburgh castle
    on homophones next week
                                      about how he wrote them. Its called Stay at Home         Times Tables Challenge                      
    too, so don’t be worried if
    you need more practise and        stories.                                                                                                       VhOvw
    don’t do very well this week!                                                                                                                    Ashford Castle
    Learning common                                                                       
    homophones continues                                                                                                                             More links to castles here (an adult must supervise
    throughout juniors and even                                                                                                                      since this isn’t a site specifically for children)
    adults sometimes struggle to                                                                                                           
    remember which witch is
    One from each pair is given                                                                                                                      in-italy-14
    this week:
    I ate a piece of cake.                                                                                                                           Be a tour guide yourself!
    I really needed to pee.                                                                                                                          Oliver in 2H gave me the idea for this when he
    A saw a cackling witch.                                                                                                                          pretended to be a tour guide when showing me his
    There was a hole in my sock.                                                                                                                     toy castle at home!
    The room was bare and                                                                                                                            Choose your favourite castle, do a little more research
    empty.                                                                                                                                           on things like…when the castle was built, who was the
    The ball was thrown by the                                                                                                                       castle owner, where is the castle, what rooms you can
    athlete.                                                                                                                                         explore, what makes the castle special
    The jellyfish lived in the sea.                                                                                                                  .. then pretend to be a tour guide and write about the
    Chumley licked his paws.                                                                                                                         castle! You could make a poster with pictures, a
    I read my book last night.                                                                                                                       powerpoint (free when you login to your outlook
    Don’t worry my dear!                                                                       IXL Challenge: Can you complete 18 questions on the   email) or write a script which a tour guide would use
    Wait for the green man                                                                     diagnostic section of IXL today?                      when showing people round…
    before crossing.                                                                                                                                 eg. “As you walk into the castle you will see the
    I am eight years old.                                                                                                                            amazing….” “Let your eyes feast on the fantastic….”
    I have an itchy nose.                                                                                                                            “This castle was built all the way back in …..” “Not
    Add 100g of flour.                                                                                                                               many people know this but…..”
You can also read