Great Lakes Brown Trout - FFI Magazine

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Great Lakes Brown Trout - FFI Magazine
Great Lakes Brown Trout                                                Brought to you by:

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS ARTICLE ON FFIMAGAZINE.COM   Some anglers travel halfway around the world to catch giant brown
                                                     trout. Midwesterners can do just that right outside their backdoors.
                                                     By Rick Kustich | August 2021
Great Lakes Brown Trout - FFI Magazine
G      reat Lakes weather can be
unforgiving. Driving snow, howling
                                       America, New Zealand, or Iceland
                                       for this level of fishing results. But
                                                                                of a top predator. Brown trout ex-
                                                                                ceeding 10 pounds occur with
                                                                                                                       mid-December. Some lake-runs
                                                                                                                       spend the winter in tributaries that
                                                                                                                       don’t ice over or those that have
                                                                                                                                                              brown trout that spend the win-
                                                                                                                                                              ter in the lakes will nose their way
                                                                                                                                                              into the estuaries and lower ends
                                                                                                                                                                                                     The autumn months tend to at-
                                                                                                                                                                                                     tract the greatest angling pressure.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Lake-run brown trout go through
gusts, and brutal wind chills tempt    runs of large brown trout have           some regularity and fish exceed-       deep enough pools to allow those       of the rivers and streams to feed.     the spawning process in October
even the most ardent anglers to        made their way up some of the            ing 20 pounds are possible.            fish to ride out the cold months.      The behavior of the brown trout in     and November. While the fishery
put the rods away at times. But, the   Great Lakes tributaries for near-                                               During late winter and early spring    the spring is largely impacted by      is largely supported by annual
opportunity to pursue brown trout      ly a half-century. The returning         Lake-run brown trout begin mov-        the browns that have wintered-over     various bait migrations that occur     hatchery plantings, there are some
that are truly measured in pounds      adults are typically beautiful fish      ing into Great Lakes rivers and        begin dropping back to the lakes       near the warming tributary waters.     pockets of successful reproduction
as opposed to inches isn’t com-        sporting golden-yellow hues              streams in the fall, sometimes as      but can linger, building up their      Some fish can also be encountered      on tributaries with sufficient water
monly found in many fisheries.         adorned with pronounced black            early as the first part of September   body weight in the tributaries         staging in the lake near the mouths    quality. I steer clear of any active-
                                       spots. Males sport deep jawlines         with the highest densities of fish     since the water warms much faster      of the tributaries.                    ly spawning fish to focus on those
Anglers often venture to South         that project the distinct image          typically found in late October into   than the lakes. During spring some                                            that are on the move, upstream or
Great Lakes Brown Trout - FFI Magazine
downstream. In some of my favor-         the states of Michigan and Wiscon-    brown trout throughout the Great       quiring a searching and prospect-         can attract. The crowd is usually a   a certain mindset focused on find-
ite waters the best fishing begins       sin supply Lake Michigan with fish.   Lakes region run the gamut in          ing approach. The northern rivers         mixed lot of anglers employing a      ing the positives of a social fishery
after the spawn is completed. Fish       There is a limited stocking plan in   terms of size, length, fishing pres-   also offer the best opportunity for       range of fly fishing or convention-   while fitting in with other anglers.
that are no longer consumed with         place for Lake Erie tributaries by    sure, and overall surroundings.        naturally reproducing lake-runs.          al fishing techniques. Streamside
the biological desire to procreate       the states of New York and Penn-      Those located in remote areas                                                    manners vary widely amongst such      In the more populated areas, fish-
now have feeding on their minds.         sylvania. Most of the lake-runs       can boast pristine environs and        It’s only natural to expect that rivers   a cross-section of individuals and    ing the rivers and streams that
                                         caught on Lake Erie tributaries are   backdrops leading to a high qual-      and streams receiving consistent          actions not considered fit for your   have some length will help spread
Most of the consistent lake-run          a pleasant surprise by-catch while    ity fishing experience. Most of the    runs of trophy-sized brown trout lo-      typical trout stream may be part      out anglers. The shorter tributaries
brown trout fishing exists in the riv-   steelhead fishing. Some migratory     rivers and streams offering a more     cated closer to population centers        of the backdrop. But even in these    that concentrate the fish receive
ers and streams feeding Lake On-         brown trout fishing exists on a few   isolated opportunity are found         see a fair amount of fishing pres-        higher fishing pressure situations,   the heaviest pressure.
tario and Lake Michigan, and to a        rivers along Lakes Superior and       along the north shore of Lake On-      sure. And a few of the tributaries        when anglers exhibit some respect
lesser degree Lake Erie. The state       Huron.                                tario and in northern Michigan         that experience concentrated runs         for one another, enjoyable fishing    Even on the most heavily fished
of New York and province of On-                                                and Wisconsin. Fish can be more        of fish see the type of close-quarter     can still be found. Enjoyment on      waters there are strategies to coun-
tario both stock Lake Ontario, and       The rivers and streams that host      spread out on these tributaries, re-   angling that only trophy-sized trout      heavily pressured waters requires     teract fishing pressure. On popular
Great Lakes Brown Trout - FFI Magazine
tributaries I focus on the off-peak     move and on the feed.                  fly for movement will be the best        tion I have made over the years on     tary. Often the best fishing oppor-   ple migratory brown trout become
times. Fishing pressure tends to                                               approach.                                my home rivers is that migratory       tunities occur as the water recedes   active all at once creating a period
wane in late November and often         Focusing on slower pools, which                                                 brown trout tend to search out         from a high water event.              of opportunity. This often occurs
corresponds with the end of the         are often located low on the trib-     Almost all of the Great Lakes trib-      softer flows than steelhead.                                                 after an extended period of inac-
spawn and an increase in brown          utaries and into the estuaries, can    utaries that receive runs of brown                                              Persistence is the key to success     tivity. Factors that could trigger this
trout feeding. I also search out        separate you from other anglers        trout also experience runs of steel-     Water flow is a key consideration      when pursuing lake-run browns.        change include an increase in wa-
marginal weather and water con-         while providing a tactical advan-      head. In many rivers and streams         on many Great Lakes tributaries,       Both locating fish and having one     ter temperature and variations in
ditions. The type of conditions         tage. Brown trout can search out       steelhead numbers exceed brown           particularly those that are spate in   eat your fly can take some effort.    daylight.
that keep anglers at home create        these deep, slow pools from fall       trout numbers and in most cases          nature and rely on rain and runoff.    Sometimes success is found in
a literal gold mine for those who       through spring. Some of this low-      both species occupy similar types        An increase in water flow draws        spending enough time on the wa-       A wide range of techniques can be
know where to find fish. Rainy,         er water allows for a slow swing       of water. But over time it is possible   fish from the lake and redistributes   ter to encounter an active period.    used to entice Great Lakes brown
snowy, blustery days with light fish-   and strip, but often there is little   to identify water that is more likely    brown trout and steelhead that         Over the years I have observed        trout. The fish tend to be more ag-
ing pressure puts lake-runs on the      current—relying on stripping the       to hold brown trout. One observa-        have already ascended the tribu-       numerous occasions when multi-        gressive to the fly before and after
Great Lakes Brown Trout - FFI Magazine
the spawning period. Dead-drift-         on larger waters I prefer a switch      mend assists in placing the fly low
ing nymphs and small egg patterns        rod or full two-hander to employ        in the water column. Maintain a
can be quite productive during pe-       a variety of spey casts. I enjoy the    slow, controlled swing by not al-
riods in the fall when the lake-runs     rhythm and cadence of spey fish-        lowing the line to form too large of
tend to be less aggressive. Twelve-      ing and from an efficiency stand-       a downstream belly. Soft mends re-
to 15-foot leaders with an indicator     point this approach maximizes the       position the line during the swing
and light tippet produce a natural       time the fly is in the water. I have    without impeding the swimming
drift that represents a plethora of      also added one-hand spey rods to        action of the fly. Be sure to focus
aquatic insects and drifting eggs.       the repertoire for smaller waters.      on the hang-down phase as the
Rods of 10 feet long or longer                                                   fly swings into soft water. Work the
are perfect for line control. Sev-       The rig for swinging a fly for lake-    fly back with slow strips, trying to
en-weight rods and lines match up        run brown trout is fairly simple. I     entice any fish that has followed
perfectly to the average size of a       typically use a short head line with    the fly or that might be holding
migratory brown.                         a sinking leader or sink-tip con-       in those soft flows. The soft inside
                                         nected to the head with a loop-to-      seams can be quite effective when
Tight-line and Euro-nymphing is          loop connection. The tippet of 10-      the water temperatures run cold or
also very productive for lake-runs       to 12 pound test monofilament is        when flows are high.
and provide a more intimate con-         then looped to the sinking leader
nection to the fly. The tight-line       or sink-tip. Skagit heads and other     Stripping streamers using an inte-
nymphing rods available today are        similar short head designs provide      grated sink-tip line or sinking lead-    Wading along the lake shore can        For streamers, Zonker-style flies      Almost all my streamer patterns
built to handle larger fish and pro-     great versatility when presenting       er looped to the front of a floating     be productive near some tributary      work very well for migratory brown     are weighted, which allows the fly
vide a challenging and fun way to        large streamer style patterns. Long     line can be effective in water with      mouths, but a boat or kayak often      trout. White, gray, and olive are my   to drop through the water column
approach the fishery. Long leaders,      leaders of 10 feet or more, fished      little or no current. Either a sin-      provides better access to prime        favorite colors. The Bunny Spey        quickly. Weight at the head of the
weighted flies, and a low-diameter       off Scandi or hybrid style heads        gle-hand rod or a switch rod can         water both in the lake and estuary.    tied on a tube is my first choice.     fly also adds action during a strip
Euro nymphing line can attain the        work well in low and clear water        be paired with this technique. Fo-                                              Muddler patterns in olive, brown,      retrieve.
ultimate dead drift and sensitivity. I   conditions. I typically combine this    cus on the lower ends of tributar-       Flies for lake-run brown trout can     or purple, tied with a combination
prefer this approach over indicator      rig with a weighted fly and a fluoro-   ies and estuaries as well as where       be as simple or complex as you de-     of rabbit strip, marabou or other      The Great Lakes region offers such
fishing due to the feeling of truly      carbon tippet. The long leader rig      a tributary flows into the lake. The     sire. Glo Bugs or egg clusters, such   soft-hackles, and a head of spun       a wide range of potential expe-
fishing the fly as opposed to the        provides an element of stealth.         lake water can be productive in          as Scrambled Eggs or the Car-          deer hair or wool, are also quite      riences. This includes rivers and
reliance on watching an indicator.                                               fall and spring. However, I find that    pet Fly, cover most of your needs      effective. Streamers tied with craft   streams from pristine to urban and
My preference is to search out agg       Lake-run brown trout can be             spring provides the best opportu-        when dead-drifting egg patterns.       fur or other synthetic materials       everything in-between. Like most
                                         spread out and occupy a range of        nity for aggressively feeding brown      Basic caddis larva, generic mayfly     work well when more suggestive         fisheries, the Great Lakes region
essive fish that react to larger         holding water when present in the       trout in the lake. The best condi-       nymphs, such as the Hare’s Ear or      patterns seem to be failing. Tying     has its issues and imperfections.
streamer-style flies by covering         tributaries. Spey fishing allows for    tions exist when warmer, stained         Pheasant Tail, or simple stonefly      patterns to match natural bait is      But it also hosts some of the best
as much water as possible. Both          efficient coverage of various wa-       flows dump into the lake from a          nymphs can all be quite produc-        an effective approach, too. A wing     trophy-sized brown trout fishing
swinging and stripping flies can         ter types. Focus on structure, such     tributary, as trout often stage right    tive under an indicator or while       of Fin raccoon also creates a pro-     in North America—the type of re-
be productive, but wherever there        as ledges, drop-offs and log-jams       along the transition from dirty          tight-line nymphing. Beadhead or       ductive fly that works well in clear   sults that many anglers travel half a
is current I’ll use the swung fly ap-    while paying particular attention       to clearer water. A slow retrieve        heavily weighted versions of these     water. Long-time favorites, such       world away to encounter.
proach. Single-hand rods can be          to the soft flows on inside seams       works best in cold water but vary        nymph patterns work best when          as the Egg Sucking Leech, Woolly
used on the smaller streams to           and eddies. An across or slightly       the speed and cadence in warmer          using the tight line approach.         Bugger, and Clouser Minnow, can
swing flies. But when swinging a fly     downstream cast with an upstream        flows to find the right trigger point.                                          all be quite productive.
Great Lakes Brown Trout - FFI Magazine
Great Lakes Brown Trout                               Rick Kustich lives in western New
Some anglers travel halfway around the world          York and has been in the fly fishing
to catch giant brown trout. Midwesterners can         industry for over 30 years. He is the
do just that right outside their backdoors.           author of Advanced Fly Fishing for
                                                      Great Lakes Steelhead and Hunting
By Rick Kustich | August 2021                         Musky with a Fly.

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Great Lakes Brown Trout - FFI Magazine Great Lakes Brown Trout - FFI Magazine Great Lakes Brown Trout - FFI Magazine Great Lakes Brown Trout - FFI Magazine
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