Gratitude Report - Sheridan Memorial Hospital

Gratitude Report - Sheridan Memorial Hospital
Gratitude Report

Gratitude Report - Sheridan Memorial Hospital
How do you measure a year?                                                     Table of Contents
How do you measure a year? Perhaps you are one of the 237 new donors we
                                                                               Equipment................................................................................................................ 2
welcomed to The Foundation in a matter of 365 days. You might be behind
one of the 6,292 total gifts received throughout the 12 months, to support     Education.................................................................................................................. 3
excellent patient centered care for your neighbors, friends, and family. You   COVID-19 Community Support........................................................................... 4
may also be part of the $4.4 million (and counting) in generous                Transforming Transitional Care......................................................................... 5
contributions to Transform Transitional Care for your community hospital.      Events......................................................................................................................... 6
Last year could be measured in countless ways but, at The Sheridan
                                                                               Corporate Sponsors.............................................................................................. 7
Memorial Hospital Foundation, we measure the year in infinite gratitude.
                                                                               Loved Ones Honored............................................................................................. 8 – 9
                                                                               Our Donors............................................................................................................... 10 – 24
Gratitude Report - Sheridan Memorial Hospital
Equipment                                                                                                                  Education
    One of the most tangible ways you support our staff, patients, and SMH        The Foundation’s successful Clinical Educational Endowment was initiated
    is through equipment updates and purchases. Philanthropy continues            in 2003 with private donations. The goal of the program has remained the
    to fund important projects for Sheridan Memorial Hospital and ensures         same throughout the years: to strengthen and ensure excellent
    everyone in our community receives needed care. Equipment purchases           patient-centered care for our patients and their families. The endowment
    made this year support patient safety, faster turnaround time for physician   continues to grow and evolve with new gifts. This year The Foundation’s
    diagnosis, and improved technology and additional capacity to provide         Cato Scholar Award was presented to Miranda Cone, a second year nursing
    the care our community has come to appreciate and value. Funding the          student and LPN at SMH. Additionally, 27 clinical scholarships were
    past year has been given to make purchases in Surgery, Internal Medicine,     awarded to remarkable, deserving hospital staff members who all strive to
    the Heart Center, Griffith Emergency Department, the Intensive Care Unit,     better themselves and the experience for patients at Sheridan
    and the Cardiac Cath Lab.                                                     Memorial Hospital.

2                                                                                                                                                             3
Gratitude Report - Sheridan Memorial Hospital
COVID-19 Community Support                                                     Transforming Transitional Care
    We live in extraordinary times, and our community is cared for by over 1,000   An ambitious community goal: $4.4 million in eight months. That is $4.4
    dedicated healthcare workers in our local doctors’ offices, clinics, and at    million toward an $8 million expansion that will ultimately Transform
    Sheridan Memorial Hospital. We are fortunate to be cared for by so many        Transitional Care at your community hospital. The ambition, the need, the
    hometown healthcare heroes, with such a wide array of talents skills and       passion, the call to action are always met head on by the generous donors
    expertise. After local attorney Deb Wendtland saw the moving SMH video         who also believe in excellent healthcare, right here at home. Thanks to you,
    asking our community for its help in supporting efforts to wear a mask, she    since July 1, work has been under way on transforming the Transitional Care
    was inspired to help and support our community’s frontline healthcare staff.   Unit (TCU), a recuperative and supportive place for patients to heal
    Deb went to work with her close friend Julie Gerlach to raise funds and        following an injury, surgery, or serious illness. You have made possible a
    support our community. By November 30, more than $30,000 in gifts were         more dynamic environment for our care team of nurses, doctors, and
    made to tangibly tell our local healthcare heroes thank you and bring joy to   therapists to manage transitions and help you or your family member
    them. These dollars provided local food, gifts, and holiday cheer              regain a level of independence for a safe return home. We look forward to
    distributed to our hardworking staff throughout a “12 Days of Christmas        caring for our local and regional patients when we open the 20
    Kindness” event.                                                               private-suite Transitional Care Expansion to this community in the summer
                                                                                   of 2022.

4                                                                                                                                                                 5
Gratitude Report - Sheridan Memorial Hospital
Events                                                                                             Corporate Sponsors
    We are grateful for your flexibility as we planned and coordinated safe
    events to support vital programs at Sheridan Memorial Hospital.                 In 2021, Community Businesses, Foundations, and Leaders
                                                                                    committed to a yearlong partnership with our organization.
    In October 2020, we embarked upon our first virtual Link – Partners in Pink.    Contributions go toward supporting healthcare for our
    With the outstanding support from every sponsor, team, business event,          community. Below you will find our Platinum and Gold Sponsors
    and participant, an astounding $56,000 was raised, which now benefits           for the The Foundation.
    the Welch Cancer Center Comfort Care program. Proceeds will assist with
    the special needs of our patients who are going through cancer
    treatment, as well as their families. Cancer education and prevention
    resources, along with the comfort and healing for our cancer patients, are
    now more accessible to our community, because of the amazing and
    caring people who chose to participate and make the difference for                                        Platinum
    patients right here at home.

    On Friday, July 2, over 100 golfers and hospital volunteers gathered to raise
    awareness and funds for patient-care programs at The Foundation’s 12th
    Annual Golf Tournament. This year’s event was a huge success, with our
    participants, sponsors, and donors raising more than $17,000 for the
    Transitional Care Expansion campaign. It is thanks to generous
    contributions, such as those raised here, that Sheridan Memorial Hospital
    continues to drive forward in providing excellent patient-centered care
    for everyone.                                                                                                 Gold

Gratitude Report - Sheridan Memorial Hospital
July 1, 2020– June 30, 2021
    Loved Ones Honored with a Gift                                Fred Phillippi                    Gifts in Honor of:
    Gifts In Memory of:             George Gligorea               Anna Pradere                      Nina Beach
    Edward J. Ackman                Helen Louise Gold             Mary Ann Prior                    Mrs. Jodie Calkins
    Jacob Ajayi                     Gary L. Gold                  Bill & Ruth Redle                 Dana Arney Dent
    Herrich J. Aldrich, MD          Kimberly A. Grasky            Milo Rinker                       Pastor Ken Doolin
    Floris A. Aldrich, RN           Dennis Gresham                Dr. Carl Ritola                   William Doughty, MD
    Edythe Araas                    Jeannette B. Hall             Donald H. & Ermal M. Roberts      Thelma Horngren
    Callie Aust                     Etta Hammer                   Michelle M. Roush                 Hospice & Home Care Team
    A.E. “Al” & Ruth Badgett        Betty V. Harrison             Steve Ruby                        Erin Kilbride
    Susan E. Scott Baker            Gary L Haskett                Walt Sahm                         Garry & Kay King
    Kenneth “Mike” Barker           Adam Haskett                  Josephine “Jo” D. Sare            Jacob and Kelly Lieb
    Susan Beasley                   Loren Helling                 Kelly Schreibeis                  Moe & Dorothy Madson
    Mary Lou Bennett                David Heuck                   Ronald N. Scott                   Riley Malli
    SGT Nathan R. Beyers            Suzanne Hill                  Tom W. Scott                      Rose Marie Nicholson
    Richard Bodine                  Ernest “Ernie” Hoffman        Jeanne Scott                      Dave & Karen Nicolarsen
    Deanna Brenden                  Loyd Jenny                    Emily Shelby                      John & Starr O’Dell
    James Brewer                    Lois Jeske                    Donna J. Shelley                  Dr. Megan Ratterman
    William Brooks                  Frank F. Johnson              Faye G. Silla                     Dixie See
    Carol S. Burket                 John & Esther Kawulok         Floyd & Agnes Songer              SMH Diabetes Education and Support
    George Burtis                   Doris Kemnitz                 Susan Spielman                    Program
    Thomas A. Bush                  Dorothy C. King               Burt St. John                     Karen Steir
    Gerald D. Carpenter             Ellen Kirven                  Jan Sterbenz                      Beatrice Vine
    Robert Carroll                  Helen C. Knepper, Ph.D.       Clarice Struble
    Martha & John Chalfant          Erwin & Virginia Kubsch       Peter Takacs, M.D.
    Linda Clemens                   Daniel A. Lakeman             Peggy Ann Terry
    Joan M. Curtis                  Joseph Laughton               Thomas J. Thompson, DVM
    Richard “Rick” Dau              Marguerite Deserre LaVigne    David Lloyd Todd
    Janet L. Davis                  Robert J. Ligocki             Eleanore Tomsovic
    Robert E. & Eleanor S. Demple   Ruby Anne Ligocki             Pete Trecazzi                     Perhaps one of the finest
    May Pearl Denson                Rudy R. & Margaret Loss       Dennis Tyree
    Eric Destefano                  Reo and Marguerite Ludemann
                                                                                                    ways to honor one’s legacy
                                                                  Edwin Vaughan
    Donna F. DeVore                 Courtney Devon Luplow         Leanna L. Wagner                  or recognize a loved one’s
    Jim Dowling                     Saralee Mackey                Albert Benson Walker              memory is with a gift to
    Michael Dowling                 Marlow Moe Madson             Raymond Walsh                     The Foundation. Honorees,
    Dorothy Dodge Duncan            Sam H. Mavrakis               Ryan Watt
    Cindy Duncan                    Sandy McDougal                John O. Wenk
                                                                                                    families, or loved ones are
    Evelyn Ebzery                   Sara McGraw                   Rebecca “Becky” Wenk              notified when gifts are re-
    Harriet Elkington               John F. Miller                Joe M. Wetherington               ceived. These special dona-
    Doug Estes                      Orvill Nash                   Linda Whitaker
    Frances Fall                    Leo Oneyear                   John Dennis Willey
                                                                                                    tions leave a legacy
    Frank Farrington                Doug & Ruth Osborn            William D. Willey                 and help support
    Sue Fletcher                    Dorothy Pantle                Dolores Wollenzien                healthcare for our
    Maxine Fudge                    Meredith Paulin               Dana Marie Wood
        Victor Garber               Jim Perkins
8                                                                                                                                        9
Gratitude Report - Sheridan Memorial Hospital
Our Donors
     609 Consulting, LLC                    Mr. and Mrs. Jay Araas                Mr. John E. Beasley
                                                                                                                       July 1, 2020– June 30, 2021
                                                                                                                             Mr. William C. Bomar
     Ms. Jianel Acevedo*                    Teresa E. Araas, Ph.D.                Mr. Daniel Taylor & Mrs. Susan R. Becker   Bomber Mountain Nutrition
     Mr. & Mrs. Del Acker                   Mr. & Mrs. Rex O. Arney               Mr. Clifton B. & Heather Beck-Hale*        Mr. & Mrs. Sean Bonnet*
     Mr. & Mrs. Allen Ackerley*             Ms. Christina Askins*                 Ms. Jennifer Beckham*                      Ms. Michele Bonnette
     Mrs. Leona Ackerley*                   Anonymous                             Mr. & Mrs. Tim Becking*                    Mr. Randy Sawyer &
     Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Ackerman*       Associated Construction Engineering   Ms. Teresa Beckum*                           Mrs. Mary Bork-Sawyer*
     Drs. Jason & Julie Ackerman*           Mr. & Mrs. Tom Atkinson*              Mrs. Mary Jane Bede                        Ms. Eadie Bowen*
     Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Adamenko           Mr. & Mrs. James F. Aurand            Mr. & Mrs. El D. Belish                    Ms. Gabrielle Bowers*
     Ms. Emily Adams*                       Mr. Luke Aust*                        Mr. & Mrs. Carl R. Bender                  Mr. & Mrs. Matt Bowers*
     Dr. John Addlesperger &                Mr. & Ms. Walt Austin                 Mr. & Mrs. James Benepe                    Mr. & Mrs. Dewitt L. Boyd
       Mrs. Betsy Pearson*                  Ms. Diana R. Ayers                    Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Bercot*                Ms. Julia Boyd*
     Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ahrens               Mr. & Mrs. William E. Baas            Mrs. River Calkins Berg                    Mrs. Rebecca A. Brandjord*
     Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Aiello*             Ms. Kristen Babcock*                  Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Berger                Ms. Alesha Brannigan*
     Mr. & Mrs. Olalekan Ajayi*             Mrs. Karen Bach*                      Mr. & Mrs. Clint Bersgstrom*               Mrs. Mary Gwen Brayton
     Mr. & Mrs. Allen Aksamit*              Ms. Connie Bachel*                    Mr. & Mrs. Robert Berry                    Mr. & Mrs. Eric Bretthauer*
     Mrs. Ann Aksamit*                      Mr. & Mrs. Dean Baeten*               Mr. & Mrs. John Best                       Mrs. Carri M. Brewer*
     Mrs. Lenora Aksamit                    Ms. Mary K. Bahr*                     Mr. & Mrs. William E. Biastoch             Ms. Rene Brisbin*
     Ms. Melanie Aksamit*                   Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Bailey               Ms. Chelsey Biegler*                       Mr. & Mrs. Brent Brooks*
     Ms. Samantha Albin*                    Mr. Stanford Baird                    Big Horn Beverage Co.                      Mrs. Sandra E. Broom
     Mrs. Amy Albrecht                      Ms. Marti Baker                       Big Horn Mountain Eagles, Auxiliary 4169   Mr. C.H. Brown
     Mr. & Mrs. David Alden*                Mr. & Mrs. Troy Baker*                Big Horn Outfitters                        Mr. & Mrs. Dustin Brown*
     Ms. Lauren Alden*                      Ms. Thelma Baldesco*                  Big Horn Y                                 Ms. Joy H. Brown
     Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Aldrich              Mr. & Mrs. Matt Baldwin*              Mr. & Mrs. John Bigelow                    Ms. Peggy Brown
     Mr. & Mrs. Dan Allen                   Mr. & Mrs. Ken R. Ballek              Ms. Emily Billings*                        Mr. & Mrs. Rick E. Browne
     Mr. & Mrs. Marty Allen*                The Bank of Sheridan                  Billings Clinic                            Mrs. Sharon A. Browne
     Mr. & Mrs. Scott Allen*                Mr. & Mrs. Gene Bard*                 Mr. Chris & Dr. Brandi Bilyeu*             Mr. & Mrs. Carrel Bryant
     Ms. Tina Allen*                        Mrs. Cheryl Barker                    Ms. Lori Bird*                             Mrs. Cheryl A. Buchanan*
     Allstate Insurance — Kyrre Winner      Mrs. JoAnn Barker                     Mr. Corky Bizjack                          Anonymous*
       Insurance Agency                     Mr. & Mrs. Frank Barking              Black Powder Shootout Golf Tournament      Mr. John Burket
     Ms. Kortney Alonso*                    Ms. Ellen Barnes*                     Mrs. Agnes M. Blaney                       Ms. Jeanine Bursell*
     AlphaGraphics                          Barney & Graham, LLC                  Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Blank*               Mrs. Janet Burtis
     Mrs. Lisa Alsaker                      Ms. Rebecca K. Barnhart               Ms. Lora Blomquist*                        Anonymous
     Mr. & Mrs. Dan J. Alsup                Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Barrett*            Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming          Ms. Danielle Bustos
     Altria Group, Inc.                     Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bass*                 Mrs. Kelli Blumenstock*                    Ms. Marie Byrum
     American Legion Post 74                Ms. Leanna Bass*                      Ms. Hannah Boal*                           Mr. & Mrs. Ed Calkins
     Mr. & Mrs. Ole E. Anderson             Ms. Leah Bauer*                       Mrs. Charlene Bodine                       Mrs. Peggy Callantine
     Mr. Tommy Andrews*                     Ms. Eloisa Bautista                   Mrs. Suzanne Bohm*                         Mrs. Cassidy Camino*
     Anonymous Gifts for Foundation Funds   Ms. Danielle Bayliss*                 Mrs. Patty L. Bohn                         Mr. Cody Camp*
     Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Apple              Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Beach*              Mr. & Mrs. Michael Boint*                  Mrs. Barbara S. Campbell
     Mr. Fred J. Araas, III                 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Bealer*         Mr. & Mrs. Frank F. Boley                  Mr. & Mrs. Gary Campbell      11
         Fred J. Araas, M.D.                Ms. Shelby Bear*                      Ms. Sandra Boll*                           Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Campbell
10                                                                                *Foundation Employee Partner
Gratitude Report - Sheridan Memorial Hospital
Our Donors
     Mr. & Mrs. William M. Campbell        Anonymous                              Davis & Cannon
                                                                                                                        July 1, 2020– June 30, 2021
                                                                                                                              Ms. Jane Dunbar
     Campco Federal Credit Union           Ms. Jennifer Collins*                  Mr. & Mrs. John Day                         Ms. Cindy Duncan
     Mr. Nathan & Dr. Lindsay Capron*      Ms. Sarah Comeau*                      Mr. & Mrs. DJ Dearcorn                      Mr. & Mrs. Mike T. Duncan*
     Ms. Morgan Carlson*                   Community Resource Center of           Mrs. Jan W. Deaver                          Mr. & Mrs. David Dunham
     Mr. & Mrs. Paul Carlson*                Johnson County                       Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Deen*                     Mr. & Mrs. Zane Durham*
     Mr. & Mrs. Tyler Carlson*             Ms. Minerva Conde*                     Mr. Trevor Dees*                            Mr. Leslie L. Durland &
     Mr. & Mrs. Brad Carpenter             Mr. Kameron Condos*                    Mr. Robert Defries                             Judy Luken-Johnson
     Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Carpenter            Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Connor            Ms. Jessica Deibele*                        Mr. & Mrs. Alan Dusin*
     Mr. Sean Carroll                      Mr. Clifton Cook & Mrs. Janis DeVore   Mr. Paul Del Rossi and Mrs. Marie K. Lowe   Mr. & Mrs. Johan Dykhorst*
     Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Carroll          Mr. & Mrs. Cody Coon*                  Robert & Eleanor Demple                     Eagle Wings
     Mrs. Mary A. Carson                   Core Physical Therapy                    Family Foundation                         Mr. & Mrs. William F. Eaton
     Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Cassiday         Mr. & Mrs. Casey Cornell*              Mr. & Mrs. Bill DeVore                      Mr. & Mrs. Bob Eberhart
     Mr. & Mrs. Tom Cato                   Ms. Micah Cornell*                     Mr. & Mrs. Fred DeVore                      Mr. & Mrs. Matt M. Ebzery
     Mr. & Mrs. Dylan Cattaneo*            Ms. Peggy A. Corson                    Mr. & Mrs. John B. DeVore                   Mr. William B. Ebzery
     Ms. Sonja Caywood                     Cosner Construction Company            Mr. Stanley F. DeVore                       Mr. & Mrs. Jake Edmunds
     CENTURY 21 BHJ Realty, Inc.           Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Cote*               Mr. & Mrs. Frank DeYoung*                   Mrs. Megan Edmunds
     Mr. & Mrs. Brian Chapman*             Ms. Tammy Cote*                        Ms. Karen Dickenson                         Ms. Alex Edwards*
     Ms. Diana R. Charlson, FNP-BC, DNP*   Mr. & Mrs. Mike J. Coulter             Mr. Richard Dickinson &                     Eighty-Eight Oil, LLC
     Mrs. Gini Chase                       Country Hospital for Animals             Ms. Bobbie Stratton                       Mr. & Mrs. James Eisenhauer*
     Mr. & Mrs. John H. Chase              Cowboy State Bank                      Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Diderrich*                 Ms. Jackie Ek*
     Mr. & Mrs. Junior Chase               Ms. Melissa Cox*                       Ms. Atussa Dillard                          Eliason Financial Associates
     Chase Brothers, LLC                   Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Cox              Ms. Cissy Dillon                            Mr. & Mrs. Tom Elisius
     Chemily Management Company            Mr. & Mrs. Billy Craft                 Ms. Kelli Dillon*                           John P. Ellbogen Foundation
     Dr. & Mrs. Matt Cherni                Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Crocker*               Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Dixon                  Anonymous
     Cherni Auto Repairs                   Mr. Tyler Crossley &                   Ms. Roxanne DoBrava*                        Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ellis
     Cherry Creek Mortgage                   Dr. Rebecca Thompson*                Mr. & Mrs. Wes Dobrenz*                     Mrs. Nicole Ellis
     Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Christensen*       Mr. George J. Curtis                   Ms. Michelle Dodds                          Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Elmer*
     Mr. & Mrs. Greg Christensen*          Cushing Terrell                        Ms. Dorothea Doerr                          Mr. Matt Elmore*
     Ms. Catherine Clabaugh*               Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Custis*             Dole Packaged Foods, LLC                    Eminence Organic Skin Care
     Ms. Chelsea Clarkson*                 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Custis*               Mr. & Mrs. Levi Dominquez*                  Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Emme
     Mr. & Mrs. Ken Clemens                Mr. & Mrs. Mervin Cutright*            Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Donahue                  Mr. Wayne Emter & Ms. Kathee Powers
     Ms. Sharon Clemens*                   D.A. Davidson & Co.                                         Ms. Cindy Eppe*
     Ms. Cynthia J. Clements               Ms. Annie Dahlin*                      Dr. & Mrs. William E. Doughty               ERA Carroll Realty Co., Inc.
     Mr. John M. Clikeman                  Mr. Ronald L. Dailey                   Mrs. Mary T. Dowling                        Dr. & Mrs. Donald Erbschloe
     Ms. Gwendolyn L. Cloninger            Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Dakolios             Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Draznin*                  Mr. & Mrs. James Erickson*
     Mr. & Mrs. Jacob W. Clouthier*        Ms. Kathleen Davidson                  Mr. & Mrs. Alan Dubberley*                  Mr. & Mrs. Rich Erickson*
     Ms. Joyce M. Coates                   Ms. Riki R. Davidson                   Ms. Carol Dube*                             Mrs. Linda Ernst
     Dr. & Mrs. Richard D. Cole            Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Davis                 Ms. Jessica Dube*                           Mr. & Mrs. Michael Erusha
     Mr. & Mrs. Rick Coleman*              Mr. & Mrs. Keith F. Davis              Dr. & Mrs. Sigsbee W. Duck                  Mrs. Linda Estes
     Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Collier         Mr. & Mrs. Roy L. Davis                Mr. Holland B. Duell                        Mrs. Virginia M. Evangeline           13
         Mr. & Mrs. Charley Collins*       Mr. Scott Davis & Mrs. Mary Ludemann   Anonymous                                   Ms. Linda M. Evans*
12                                                                                *Foundation Employee Partner
Gratitude Report - Sheridan Memorial Hospital
Our Donors
     Mr. & Mrs. Mike Evers                    Mr. & Mrs. Scott Friedrick*            Mr. & Mrs. Ralph I. Goodwin
                                                                                                                              July 1, 2020– June 30, 2021
                                                                                                                                    Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Hansen*
     Eye Care of the Big Horns, LLC           Ms. Amber Friis, LCSW*                 Mr. Christian Gosch                            Mr. & Mrs. Vic Hansen
     Ms. Josie Fagerland*                     Mr. & Mrs. Doyl M. Fritz               Anonymous                                      Mr. & Mrs. David Hapka*
     Mr. Diego Fahrenkopf*                    Frontier Asset Management, LLC         Mr. Darrin Goyn*                               Mr. & Mrs. RJ Harbarger*
     Mr. Robert D. Fall                       Mrs. Susan Fry                         Mr. & Mrs. Joel Grady*                         Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hardesty*
     Mr. & Mrs. Heath Fanning*                Ms. Tehya Fulkerson*                   Mr. & Mrs. Ben Graham*                         Harker Mellinger, LLC
     Ms. Heather Farley                       Mr. & Mrs. Jim Fuller*                 Mr. James T. Grainger                          Mr. & Mrs. James Harlan*
     Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Farley, Jr.*            Mr. & Mrs. Pat Gallagher               Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Grainger                     Mr. & Mrs. Kendrick Harmon
     Mrs. Vickie L. Farrington                Ms. Jennifer Gaona*                    Mr. & Mrs. Paul Graslie*                       Ms. Rebecca Harnish*
     Mr. John & Dr. Kim Fehir                 Mr. & Mrs. David Garber                Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Green*                        Ms. Allison Harper*
     Fehir Foundation                         Mr. Richard S. Garber &                Ms. Janice Green                               Ms. Jessica Harr*
     Anonymous                                  Ms. Elaine O. Henry                  Ms. Melanie A. Green*                          Mr. & Mrs. Chance Harris*
     Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Fernald*                Mr. & Mrs. Roy Garber                  Mr. & Mrs. Ray Green*                          Mr. & Mrs. Leonard O. Harris
     Mrs. Jane Ferril                         Garber Agri-Business, Inc.             Mr. & Mrs. Will Greenelsh*                     Mr. & Mrs. Joe D. Harrod
     First Christian Church                   Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Garcia*              Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Greenough                   Mr. & Mrs. Randy Harrop
     First Federal Bank & Trust               Mr. & Mrs. Andy Garland*               Mrs. Carolyn Griffith                          Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hartman
     First Interstate BancSystem Foundation   Ms. Shelby Garstad                     Mr. John G. Griffith & Ms. Janice K. Stowell   Mr. & Mrs. Karl L. Hartse
     First Interstate BancSystem, Inc.        Ms. Marabel Gates                      Vernon S. & Rowena W.                          Ms. LeeAnn Harwell
     First Interstate Bank                    Mr. & Mrs. Bill Gatley                   Griffith Foundation                          Hauffe Farm, LLC
     First Light Early Education Center       Mrs. Shandra Gay*                      Grinnell Street Dental                         Mr. & Mrs. Gavin Havens*
     First Northern Bank of Wyoming           Mr. & Mrs. Tim Geary                   Mr. Tim Grollmes*                              The Haven at Holly Ponds
     Mrs. Patty Fisher                        Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Gentry              Dr. & Mrs. Mathew E. Groshart                   Homeowners Association
     Ms. Tammi Fladager*                      Ms. Rebecca A. Genung                  Ms. Emma Groteluschen*                         Mr. & Mrs. Rowan Hawk*
     Fletcher Construction Company            Mrs. Kimberly George*                  Mr. Michael R. Guenther                        Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hayes*
     Mr. Garrett Flowers &                    Dr. Thomas George                      Mr. & Mrs. John Guinotte*                      Ms. McKenzie Hayes*
      Mrs. Kimberly A. Grasky*                Mr. & Mrs. Joe Gerlach                 Anonymous                                      Mr. & Mrs. Hayden F. Heaphy, Jr.
     Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Forbes                  Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Gibbons*            Ms. Veronica Guthrie*                          Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin Hecker*
     Mr. & Mrs. Waldo E. Forbes               Dr. & Mrs. Derek Gilbert*              Ms. Faye Habeck*                               Mrs. Linda Heemeyer*
     Ms. Anna Forister*                       Dr. Lawrence G. Gill*                  Mrs. Kristen Balkenbush Hahn*                  Mr. & Mrs. Derek Heermann
     Ms. Darby Forister*                      Mr. & Mrs. Lee Gilson*                 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Haight                        Mr. & Mrs. M. A. Hegg
     Mr. & Mrs. Robert Forister*              Mr. Rick Gilmore & Mrs. Janet Twohey   Dr. & Mrs. Andrew F. Hall                      Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Hegy
     Ms. Barbara Fort*                        Mrs. Phoebe A. Gligorea                Mr. Derek & Dr. Hannah Hall*                   Mr. & Mrs. Dean Hehn*
     Ms. Cathy Fortier                        Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gligorea             Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Hall                     Ms. Carrie Heid*
     Mrs. Barbara Fosmire                     Mr. Edward Glomitz &                   Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hall                          Mrs. Tammy Heid
     Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell Foster                  Mrs. Camilla Sundstrom               Anonymous                                      Mr. & Mrs. Rolland Hein
     Ms. Mary Fowlkes                         Dr. & Mrs. Luke Goddard*               Mr. & Mrs. R. D. Hammer                        Mrs. Marlene M. Helling
     Frederick & Patricia Supper Fdn          Ms. Esther C. Goedicke*                Hammer Chevrolet                               Ms. Laura Helvey*
     Freeborn Foundation                      Mr. & Mrs. Larry Gold                  Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Hanft                      Mrs. Lucie Lee Helvey
     Ms. Rosa Freeman*                        Dr. & Mrs. Shaun Gonda*                Ms. Mary Hanft*                                Ms. Cassandra Hemmer*
     Mr. & Mrs. Eric Frey*                    Mr. & Mrs. Damon Good*                 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Hansen*                    Mrs. Della Herbst                  15
         Ms. Teri Ann Frey*                   Mrs. Alyce Goodell*                    Mrs. Sara Hansen*                              Mr. & Mrs. Phil Hespen*
14                                                                                   *Foundation Employee Partner
Gratitude Report - Sheridan Memorial Hospital
Our Donors
     Mrs. Jenny M. Heuck*             Mr. & Mrs. Steve Jacobson         Kerns and Bunting, LLC
                                                                                                              July 1, 2020– June 30, 2021
                                                                                                                 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon D. Larcom
     Ms. LuAnn Heward                 Mr. David Jares*                  Kid Curious                              Mrs. Ivy Larson, CST, CSFA*
     Mr. & Mrs. Ken Higgs*            Mrs. Nancy A. Jenny               Ms. Darlene F. Kiester                   Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Larson
     High Land Inc.                   Ms. Dorothy A. Johnson            Mr. & Mrs. David Kiester                 Mr. & Mrs. Gareth J. Laughton
     Mr. Gerald A. Hill               Mrs. Giesella Johnson*            Kiewit Royalty Trust                     Mr. & Mrs. Nate Lawson
     Mr. & Mrs. Hans E. Hilleby       Mrs. Karen Johnson                Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kilbride                Mr. & Mrs. Tim Lawson
     Ms. Katie Hiller*                Ms. Lacey Johnson*                Dr. & Mrs. Richard L. Kilpatrick         Ms. Danielle Lazure*
     Dr. Michael W. Hiller &          Mr. & Mrs. Lee Johnson            Kilpatrick Creations                     Mr. Rick Leach
       Mrs. Marilyn Winner            Mr. & Mrs. Nick T. Johnson*       Mr. & Mrs. Dick Kindt                    Legacy Pregnancy Center
     Ms. Tori Hinojosa*               Mr. & Mrs. Rob Johnson            Mr. and Mrs. Kurt King                   Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Legerski*
     Ms. Brittney Hock*               Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Johnson          Senator & Mrs. David Kinskey             Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Legge
     Mr. & Mrs. Jason Hodges*         Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Johnston*       Mr. Terry Kintzi & Mrs. Andi Kramer      Mrs. Kelly Lehan*
     Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Hofer*         Ms. Jane Johnston                 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kirkwood*             Mr. & Mrs. James Lehtola*
     Mrs. Sandra Hoffman              Mrs. Leslie Johnston              Ms. Amanda K. Kirlin                     Ms. Teara Leibee*
     Mrs. Janet S. Holcomb            Jonah Bank of Wyoming             Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Kirven*              Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Leibrich
     Ms. Alexia Holliday*             Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Jones            Mr. & Mrs. Ian Kirven*                   Mr. Bob Leiker
     Holly Seed                       Mr. KC Jones, II*                 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kirven                 Ms. Andrea Lemon*
     Dr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Holwell      Mr. & Mrs. KC Jones, Sr. *        Kissler Family Foundation                Mr. & Mrs. Darrel E. Leno
     Mr. & Mrs. Tom Homan*            Mrs. Patricia A. Jones            Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Kjerstad                Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Lentz*
     Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hooge*          Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Jones*            Mrs. Jeana Kjos*                         Let ‘Er Buck Car Wash
     Mr. & Mrs. Duane Horn            Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Jones*          Mr. & Mrs. Vernon L. Kluck               Ms. Janis M. Leupold
     Mr. & Mrs. Abe Horner*           Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Jons*      Anonymous                                Ms. Lacy Levee*
     Mrs. Robin Horsley, AGACNP-BC*   Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Jorgenson   Mrs. Mary Jane Knauss                    Dr. & Mrs. Jacob Lieb*
     Mr. & Mrs. Matt Houghton*        Mr. & Mrs. Levi P. Jorgenson      Mrs. Alicia Knight                       Mr. & Mrs. Layne Liggett*
     Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hruska            Ms. Roxy Joslyn                   Ms. Hilari Knox                          Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Ligocki
     Mr. & Mrs. E. Amory Hubbard      Dr. & Mrs. Corey J. Jost*         Anonymous                                Mr. & Mrs. Merle Ligocki*
     Ms. Dorothy Huber                Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Julian*         Ms. Hillary Kolden*                      Lil’ Sunroom Shop
     Dr. & Mrs. Michael Hughes*       Mrs. Tara Kalasinsky*             Ms. Janet Korp                           Ms. Patricia Lingenfelter
     Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hungerford      Mrs. Jessica Kaminsky*            Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kosine                 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick G. Lippert, III
     Ms. Bethany Hunter               Mrs. Arlene Kane                  Ms. Amy Koski*                           Ms. Victoria Litterio*
     Dr. & Mrs. Ian Hunter*           Mr. & Mrs. John H. Kane           Mr. & Mrs. John Kraft                    Ms. Ann Loretan*
     Mr. Tom Hurst                    Mr. & Mrs. Hal Kansala*           Ms. Erin Kranz*                          Mr. & Mrs. William K. Love
     Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Ilsley       Ms. Lori A. Karajanis*            Ms. Andra Kribs*                         Ms. Jessica Lucas
     John & Helen Ilsley Foundation   Mr. & Mrs. Tony Kassen*           Mr. & Mrs. Bret Krueger*                 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Ludwig
     Mr. & Mrs. Lee Ingalls*          Ms. Rebecca Kauffman*             Mr. and Mrs. Tom Labadie                 Ms. Roxanne Lueders*
     Ms. Matha Inman                  Mrs. Cassie Kehr*                 LaCroix Sparkling Water                  Mr. Ray Lupton*
     Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Irion*        Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Keill*         Lady Ann’s Bakery                        Ms. Racine Lydic*
     Mr. & Mrs. Earl R. Israel        Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Kelly           Mr. Lucky G. Lambdin                     Ms. Lisa R. Lyles*
     ITSYOURRACE                      Marie Kennedy Foundation          Mr. & Mrs. Neil V. Lamont                MAC Exploration & Production
     Ms. Janice Jackson*              Kennon Products, Inc.             Mr. & Mrs. Jack Landon, Jr.              Mr. & Mrs. Martin MacCarty             17
         Mr. & Mrs. Phil Jacobson*    Ms. Kaylee Kerbs*                 Landon’s Greenhouse & Nursery            Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Maddox*
16                                                                      *Foundation Employee Partner
Our Donors
     Mr. & Mrs. Duane H. Madsen               Mr. & Mrs. Otis M. McMeans       Mrs. Gloria Moore
                                                                                                                   July 1, 2020– June 30, 2021
                                                                                                                          Mr. & Mrs. Dan Norris
     Mrs. Dorothy J. Madson                   Ms. Lori A. McMullen             Ms. Michelle Moore*                        Ms. Jonny Norris*
     Mr. & Mrs. Jon L. Maestri                Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. McNickle   Mr. & Mrs. Steve Moore*                    Northern Wyoming Surveys
     Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Magda*                Mr. & Mrs. Brandon McRann*       Mr. Mike Morgan & Mrs. Michelle Fabiani*   Mr. & Mrs. Dave L. Nostrand
     Ms. Annie Magera                         Mrs. Mary Ellen McWilliams       Mr. & Mrs. Nyle Morgan*                    Mr. & Mrs. Terry Novakovich
     Mr. Peter & Dr. Sara S. Maguire*         Dr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Meehan     Mrs. Marilee Morgareidge*                  Mrs. Jessica Nyberg*
     Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Mahoney*                Anonymous                        Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morgareidge*            Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Obermueller
     Mr. & Mrs. Steve Maier                   Ms. Andrea Mellinger             Mr. & Mrs. Josh Morris*                    Mr. Kevin O’Dell
     Ms. Kori Malles*                         Mrs. Sherry Mercer               Ms. Robbi Morris*                          O’Dell Construction, Inc
     Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Maloney*              Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Metcalf          Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morris*                  Mr. & Mrs. Reese Oetken
     Mr. & Mrs. Rod Malstrom*                 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Meyer         Mrs. Christina Morrison                    Ms. Stephanie Ogg*
     Manchester St. Coffee                    Mrs. Aimee Miachkov*             Mr. Patrick J. Morrison                    Ms. Pamela Oleson
     Ms. Ma Theresa Manlangit*                Ms. Gayle G. Miech               Morrison Maierle, Inc.                     Ms. Kristen Olson*
     Mr. & Mrs. Edward Manor*                 Mike’s Electric                  Mr. & Mrs. Tom Morss                       Ms. Sandra Olson*
     Mr. & Mrs. Jay Manthei*                  Mr. & Mrs. Bill Miller*          Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Morton                  Mr. & Mrs. Tod Olson*
     Forrest E. Mars, Jr.                     Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Miller          Mr. & Mrs. Mike Morton                     Mr. & Mrs. Charles Onckelet
       Sheridan Charitable Foundation         Ms. Deirdra Miller*              Ms. Amber Moseman*                         Mr. Dennis M. O’Neill
     Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Marshall            Ms. Emily Miller*                Mossholders Design Center, LLC             Only Co.
     Ms. Paula Martin*                        Mr. & Mrs. Gary Miller           Ms. Carsen Mowry*                          Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Opitz*
     Ms. Tina Martoglio                       Anonymous                        Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Mowry                      Ms. Pamela Oryall*
     Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Maslowski*              Mr. Paul Miller                  Dr. Lance Moxey                            Ms. Beverly Osborne*
     Mr. & Mrs. David Mauck*                  Mr. & Mrs. Rob Miller            Ms. Niecy Mueller                          Mr. & Mrs. Phil Ostrowski
     Ms. Lynn Mavrakis                        Ms. Sharon Miller                Mrs. Angela Mullinax*                      Mr. & Mrs. Jason Otto*
     Mr. & Mrs. Tim Maxwell                   Ms. Stephani Miller*             Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mullins*                Mr. Roger Ouellette &
     Mr. & Mrs. Jordan May*                   Mr. & Mrs. William Mills         Mrs. Renate Munroe*                          Mrs. Mary R. Leonard*
     Mr. & Mrs. Tim Maze                      Mr. & Mrs. Robert Milne*         Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Murphy*                 P.O. News & Flagstaff Cafe, LLC
     Mr. & Mrs. Bob Mazgaj*                   Mr. & Mrs. Loren Minear          Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Nance                 Mr. & Mrs. Sig G. Palm
     Drs. Gregg & Mary McAdoo*                Mr. & Mrs. Ron Mischke           Joe F. & Roberta H. Napier Foundation      Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Palmer*
     Mr. & Mrs. Mike McCafferty*              Ms. Diane Mitchell               Mr. Farhad Nasirian                        Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pantle
     Mr. Thomas J. McClain                    Mr. & Mrs. Glen C. Mitchell      Navajo Transitional Energy Company         Ms. Renea Parker
     Mr. & Mrs. Michael McClure               Ms. Linda Mitchell               Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Neau*                    Ms. Nicole Partridge*
     The McCoy Agency                         Ms. Roberta R. Mitzel            Ms. Amanda Nelson*                         Ms. Hanneah Passini*
     Ms. Shirley McDonald                     Anonymous                        Mr. Todd Nelson*                           Mr. & Mrs. Steve Pattison*
     McDonald’s — North Main & Coffeen Ave.   Mohatt, Johnson & Godwin LLP     Neltje                                     Mr. Douglas Paulsen
     Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. McDowell            Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Montano      Ms. Brandie Neufer*                        Ms. Andrea Paulson*
     Mr. & Mrs. James McElvany                Mr. & Mrs. Donald Montgomery*    Mr. Don Nicholson                          The Pearl LLC
     Mr. & Mrs. Everett McGlothlin            Anonymous                        Nickerson Family Foundation                Dr. & Mrs. David Pearson*
     Mr. & Mrs. Aaron McIntire*               Mrs. Collette Moore*             Mr. & Mrs. David J. Nicolarsen             Mr. & Mrs. Marcus J. Pedroza*
     Ms. Jacalyn McKenzie*                    Mr. & Mrs. Doug Moore            Mr. & Mrs. Lenus A. Nielsen                Mrs. Sallie Peila*
     Mr. Kenneth McKenzie, PA-C*              Ms. Fonda D. Moore               Mrs. Barbara S. Niner                      Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Pelesky         19
         Ms. Melodee McKenzie*                Ms. Gabrielle Moore*             Ms. Samantha Nixon                         Mrs. Joyce Pelesky
18                                                                             *Foundation Employee Partner
Our Donors
 Mr. Jack E. Pelissier                    Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Ramsey*                  Mr. & Mrs. Jason Rodriguez*
                                                                                                                       July 1, 2020– June 30, 2021
                                                                                                                             Mrs. Vanna L. Schwamb
 Mr. James M. Pelissier                   Dr. & Mrs. Jamie Ramsay                   Anonymous                                Ms. Ardis E. Schwerr
 Dr. & Mrs. Peter Pelissier               Range Telephone Cooperative, Inc.         Mr. & Mrs. Bill Rohrbaugh                Dan & Jeanne Scott Foundation
 Ms. Anne Pendergast                      Mr. & Mrs. H W. Rasmussen                 Ms. Megan Roland*                        Homer A. & Janet E. Scott Foundation
 Mr. Thomas E. Perardi                    Mr. Lance Vaughn &                        Mr. & Mrs. Monte Roma                    Homer A. & Mildred Scott Foundation
 Ms. Brenda Perea*                        Mrs. Jennifer Rasp-Vaughn*                Ms. Amandy Romero*                       Mr. & Mrs. Homer A. Scott, Jr.
 Ms. Monica Perez*                        Mr. Matthew Rathbone                      Ms. Yvette Romero*                       Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Scott*
 Ms. Megan Perkins*                       Mr. & Mrs. William H. Rathburn            Mr. & Mrs. Perry Rosenlund*              Ms. Risa K. Scott
 B.F. & Rose H. Perkins Foundation        Mr. Ryan & Dr. Megan R. Ratterman*        Mr. & Mrs. Rick Rossa                    Dr. & Mrs. Tim J. Scott
 Mr. & Mrs. Brent Petermann*              Mr. & Mrs. Mac J. Rayfield                Mr. & Mrs. Steve Roush                   Scranton Craftworks
 Mr. & Mrs. Bob Peterson                  Ms. Ashley Reagan*                        Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Roussalis            Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Seagrave
 Ms. Roberta Peterson                     Real Deals                                Mr. and Mrs. Randy Rowland               Mrs. Cristine Sears*
 Mr. & Mrs. Bill Pettit                   Mr. Matthew F. Redle                      Ms. Melissa Rubie*                       Security State Bank
 Anonymous                                Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Redle                Mr. & Mrs. John A. Rueb                  Ms. Dixie See
 Mr. & Mrs. George H. Pfeiffer            Mr. & Mrs. Leonard L. Reed, Jr.           Mr. Bill Ryan                            Mr. & Mrs. John J. Seely
 Ms. Jennifer Pfister*                    Reed Transportation, Inc.                 Mr. & Mrs. David Sage                    Ms. Sharon Selberg
 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Pfister            Ms. Meghan Reinemer*                      Ms. Bethany Sagerer*                     Mr. & Mrs. Gary Sellenrick
 Pfitzer Pest Control                     Mrs. Sherrie Reish*                       Ms. Pam Sajec                            Ms. Darcy Sengewald*
 Mr. & Mrs. Duane Phillippi               Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Relaford*                Mr. Craig Salsbury & Ms. Barbara Pomar   Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. Severy
 Mr. & Mrs. Bill H. Phillips              Ms. Brenda L. Rendon                      Ms. Eloise Saltzgaver*                   Mr. & Mrs. Jack Sewvello*
 Ms. Megan Phillips*                      Mrs. Nancy Rexroat*                       Mr. Roger Sanders                        Ms. Patricia Seymour-Rader*
 Ms. Rachel Phillips*                     Mrs. Donna Rice                           Mrs. Barbara Sare                        Mr. Zachary Shada*
 Mrs. Sandy L. Pilch                      Mr. & Mrs. Shane Rice                     Mr. Keith Sare                           Mr. & Mrs. Frank Shaffer, Jr.*
 Mr. & Mrs. Terry Pittman*                Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Rickett             Mr. & Mrs. Zach Sargent*                 Mr. & Mrs. Trace Shambaugh*
 Ms. Lindsey Poniatowski*                 Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Ridgeway*                 Dr. & Mrs. Walter G. Saunders            Anonymous
 Ms. Debra Popp*                          Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rieder                  Anonymous                                Mr. & Mrs. Craig Shavlik
 Powder Horn Realty Inc.                  Mr. & Mrs. Dan B. Riggs                   Mr. & Mrs. Mike Saxton                   Mr. John Sheedy
 Powder River Heating & AC, Inc.          Mr. & Mrs. Brett Riley                    Mr. Robert Schaaf*                       Mr. & Mrs. Jerome F. Sheldon
 Ms. Jacqueline A. Powell                 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ringley                 Mr. Karel & Dr. Anita Schamber           Mrs. Kaitlin Shellenberger*
 Mr. Jake Powell & Ms. Michelle Edwards   Ms. Gloria Rinker                         Dr. & Mrs. Kristopher Schamber*          Mr. & Mrs. Gary Shelley
 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Pradere               Mr. & Mrs. John Ripley*                   Ms. Laurie Schankey*                     Anonymous
 Ms. Rochelle Pratte*                     Anonymous                                 Ms. Marcyes Schmaus                      Sheridan Community
 Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Prior*            Mr. & Mrs. Grant Ritterbusch*             Mr. & Mrs. Ernest W. Schmidt               Federal Credit Union
 Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Puckett               Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ritz*                   Mr. Peter G. Schoonmaker                 Sheridan County Board of Realtors
 Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Purcella               Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Rivers*                 Anonymous                                Sheridan County Title Insurance Agency
 Ms. Jean B. Quenon                       Mr. Michael Rivers & Mr. Kenneth Allen*   Mr. & Mrs. Fred Schubert                 Sheridan High School Students
 Ms. Nury Quevedo*                        Robbins Dermatology, PC                   Dr. & Mrs. Dave M. Schultz               Sheridan Orthopaedic Associates PC
 Dr. & Mrs. Hal Quist                     Ms. Christin Roberts*                     Ms. Leann Schutte*                       Sheridan Pathology Associates
 Mr. & Mrs. B. W. Rader                   Mr. Donald B. Roberts                     Anonymous                                Sheridan Physical Therapy
 Mr. & Mrs. James Rader                   Roberts Family Foundation                 Mr. & Mrs. Ron Schwabauer*               Sheridan SDA Church                    21
     Ms. Pat D. Rader                     Mr. & Mrs. TJ Rodgers*                    Mr. & Mrs. Curt Schwamb                  Sheridan WYO Rodeo Inc.
20                                                                                  *Foundation Employee Partner
Our Donors
     Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sherwood         Mr. Ronald Spielman*                Mr. Ken Ellis & Dr. Elise Sylar*
                                                                                                                     July 1, 2020– June 30, 2021
                                                                                                                         Mr. & Mrs. Ken Tromburg
     Mr. & Mrs. Kent Sherwood                Ms. Channing Spradling              Mr. Curtis Symons                       Ms. Jennifer Trotter*
     Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Shiek*               Ms. Jean A. Spratley                Ms. Gail Symons                         TruBuilt Builders
     Mr. & Mrs. Billy Shifrar*               Ms. Merriam C. Spurgeon             Synergy HomeCare of Sheridan            Ms. Stephanie Trujillo*
     Mr. Brady Shoemaker*                    Mr. & Mrs. Roger St. Clair*         Mr. & Mrs. Hardy Tate                   Anonymous
     Mr. & Mrs. Seth Shumaker*               St. Vincent Healthcare Foundation   Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Taylor              Ms. Bernice Turley
     Ms. Nancy S. Silla                      Ms. Amanda Stach*                   Mr. Bret Taylor                         Mr. & Mrs. Ron Turpin*
     Mr. & Mrs. Cody Sinclair*               Mr. Richard Stadick*                Mr. & Mrs. Kirby Taylor*                Mr. & Mrs. Tom Tynan
     Ms. Alice Sisneros                      Mr. & Mrs. Rick Stainbrook*         Ms. Margeret Taylor                     Mrs. Michal Tyree
     Sisson Law Firm, LLC                    Dr. Sierra Gross Stallman*          Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Taylor               UMIA
     Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Skavdahl            Ms. Christina Stampka*              Mrs. Robyn Taylor                       USI Insurance
     Mr. & Mrs. C. L. Skretteberg            Mr. & Mrs. John Standish            Dr. & Mrs. William B. Taylor*           Mr. & Mrs. Doug Valdez
     Ms. Lori Skrlac*                        Ms. Tamara Starbuck*                Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Teague               Ms. Christine Valentine
     Ms. Jasmine Slater*                     Mr. & Mrs. Dean States              Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Teini                  Valley Motor Honda
     Mr. & Mrs. Ron Slater                   Steger-St. Clair Partnership        Ms. Megan Temple*                       Ms. Christine Vance*
     Ms. Amy Sluss*                            CENTURY 21 BHJ Realty, Inc.       Dr. & Mrs. Scott Tenney                 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Vanderhoef
     SMH Auxiliary                           Mr. & Ms. Carson Steinhorst         Mr. & Mrs. Gary Thayer*                 Mr. & Mrs. Frans Van Der Merwe*
     Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Smith             Mr. & Mrs. John L. Steir            Dr. Seymour Thickman                    Mr. & Mrs. David VanSickle*
     Ms. Cael Smith*                         Ms. Shannon Stellingwerf*           Ms. Sandy Thiel                         Mr. Curt & Dr. Cheryl Varner*
     Dr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Smith         Ms. Teresa L. Stephenson            Anonymous                               Mrs. Anne L. Vaughan
     Mr. & Mrs. David C. Smith*              Dr. Frank Sterbenz, Jr.             Mr. & Mrs. Chris Thomas*                Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Vielhauer*
     Mr. & Mrs. Devon Smith                  Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Sterbenz         Ms. Kelly Thomas, FNP-C*                Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Vine*
     Dr. & Mrs. Erik C. Smith*               Ms. Ferris Sternberg*               Mr. Tim Thomas & Ms. Jeanette Repsis*   Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vine, Sr.
     Mr. & Mrs. Jim Smith*                   Ms. Piper Stevie*                   Ms. Evelyn B. Thompson                  Mr. & Mrs. Greg A. Von Krosigk
     Mr. Jim E. Smith                        Mr. & Mrs. Russell Stewart*         Mr. & Mrs. James W. Thompson            Ms. Carole L. Wagner
     Mr. & Mrs. John Smith                   Mr. Larry J. Storo, Jr.             Mr. & Mrs. Mark Thoney                  Mr. Dennis Wagner
     Mr. & Mrs. Mike Smith*                  Mr. Thomas A. Stout, Jr.            Mr. Jeff Thorsteinson                   Mr. & Mrs. Nate Wallace*
     Mrs. Cory Smyth*                        Mr. & Mrs. Brandan M. Strahan*      Throne Law Office, PC                   Mr. Donald J. Purcell &
     Mr. & Mrs. Barry Sodergren*             Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Straley           Anonymous                               Mrs. Catherine J. Wallick
     Ms. Sarah Sommers*                      Mr. & Mrs. Mark Strauch*            Mr. & Mrs. Jackson Tingley              Mrs. Joan Ford Wallick
     Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Songer             Anonymous                           Mr. Charles M. Tompkins                 Anonymous
     Mr. & Mrs. Don Songer                   Mr. Greg Tracy &                    Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Tomsovic               Ms. Laurie Walsh
     Ms. Lindsay Songstad*                     Mrs. Casey Strong-Tracy*          Ms. Loretta Tonak                       Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. Walter
     Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sorensen*            Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Stutte*           Mr. Kelsy Tooke*                        Ms. Charlotte Walter*
     Ms. Faith Sorenson*                     Sugarland Walk-in Clinic, LLC       Top Office Products Inc                 Mr. Darren Warner & Mrs. Kari Husman*
     Ms. Traci Sorenson*                     Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Sullivan      Ms. Bennie S. Tozer*                    Mr. Tom Warner
     Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Sparks             Ms. Tiffany Sutton*                 Ms. Sharon Tracy                        Ms. Marilyn Wasson*
     Spear-O-Wigwam Ranch                    Ms. Sandra A. Scott Suzor           Ms. Jennifer Tranas*                    The Joseph H. & Arlene Watt Foundation
     Anonymous                               Mr. & Mrs. Tracy J. Swanson         Ms. Erin Traub                          Dr. & Mrs. Phil Watt
     Ms. Karen Spencer                       Ms. Bonnie Swearngin*               Mr. & Mrs. John Trohkimoinen            Ms. Edna Wattenberg*                   23
         Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Spiegelberg   Mr. Bryan Swindell                  Mr. Austin Tromble                      Ms. Rachel Webb*
22                                                                               *Foundation Employee Partner
Our Donors
 Ms. Ellen Weber*                          Mr. & Mrs. Jack Wood*
 Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Weber               Ms. Jessica Wood*
 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Weiner                  Ms. Susan M. Workman*
 William F. & Lorene W. Welch Foundation   Wren Group LLC
 Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Wells                Ms. Joan Wright
 Ms. Gayle Wells                           Mr. & Mrs. Joe Wright
 Ms. Susan Wells                           Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Wright
 Wendtland & Wendtland, LLP                WWC Engineering
 Mrs. Grace E. Wenk                        Wyoming Audiology & Hearing Inc.
 Rep. Cyrus Western                        Wyoming Hospital Association
 Mrs. Janice Wetherington                  Wyoming Rehab
 Ms. Barbara J. Whisler                    Yonkee & Toner, LLP
 Ms. Alice White                           Mr. & Mrs. John Young
 Anonymous                                 Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Zaback
 Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin B. Widener*           Ms. Ashley Zier
 Mr. & Mrs. Clark R. Wieland               Ms. Tracy Zinke*
 Mr. & Mrs. Chris Wiley*                   Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Zowada
 Mr. William Wilhite &                     Zowada Plumbing & Heating

                                                                                    Thank You!
   Dr. Rebecca Franklund*                  Herbert G. & Dorothy Zullig Foundation
 Mr. & Mrs. James Wilkerson
 Mr. & Mrs. John Will*
 Ms. Sonia Willett*
 Mr. & Mrs. Bob Williams*                     We are grateful for
 Ms. Mandi Williams
 Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Williams
                                              your generosity. If your
 Ms. Stephanie Williams*                      name is incorrect or                  Thank you for taking time to review our FY2021 Gratitude Report. We
 Dr. William M. Williams
                                                                                    are dedicated to The Foundation’s mission, and work each day to
 Willow Creek Counseling Associates, LLC      missing, please contact
 Mr. & Mrs. Chris Willson*                                                          support Sheridan Memorial Hospital, and excellent, patient-centered
 Ms. Susan L. Willson*                        us at 307.673.2418.                   care for everyone in our community.
 Ms. Kathryn Wilson*                                                                Please use our enclosed gift envelope or go online to
 Mrs. Lorraine C. Wilson
                                                                           for future contributions.
 Ms. & Ms. Michelle Wilson*
 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Wilson                                                            Annual financial reports may be found on the website.
 Mr. & Mrs. Todhunter Windsor                                                       We look forward to hearing from you soon. – Ada and Cody
 Winnelson Company
 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Winters
 Dr. Barry M. Wohl
 Ms. Jane Wohl
 Mrs. Patricia M. Wolfe
     Mr. Thomas P. Wollenzien                                                                                                                         25
PO Box 391 | Sheridan, WY 82801
307.673.2418 |
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