GRADUATE ORGAN SCHOLARSHIP - at King's Ely and Ely Cathedral Application Pack

Page created by Don Hudson
GRADUATE ORGAN SCHOLARSHIP - at King's Ely and Ely Cathedral Application Pack
Graduate Organ Scholarship   1

        at King’s Ely and Ely Cathedral

                                 Application Pack
GRADUATE ORGAN SCHOLARSHIP - at King's Ely and Ely Cathedral Application Pack
Graduate Organ Scholarship                             2

King’s Ely in conjunction with Ely Cathedral
Graduate Organ Scholarship

Ely Cathedral and King’s Ely seek to appoint a Graduate Organ Scholar from September 2021.
This is a new, one-year post; extension to a second and final year is possible by mutual agreement.
The position has evolved from the previous post of Assistant Organist to Ely Cathedral Girls’
Choir. As recently announced, the cathedral music department is about to begin a transitional year
into full parity between boy and girl choristers, jointly supported and funded by the school and the
cathedral. The new position offers the opportunity to work with the music departments of both
King’s Ely and Ely Cathedral, and to be fully involved in helping to implement the exciting new
pattern for choristership at the cathedral. The post-holder will be an employee of King’s Ely.

Ely offers a unique environment for organists to develop their skills. There is a vibrant choral
tradition in the school, and the cathedral choir, which sings evensong daily, has an international
reputation. Cambridge, with its unparalleled organ and choral tradition, is only 15 miles away,
and its links with Ely are strong. The post-holder will have access to a wealth of music-making in a
highly professional framework, and to tuition and guidance from a large number of respected and
experienced professional organists and choir directors.
GRADUATE ORGAN SCHOLARSHIP - at King's Ely and Ely Cathedral Application Pack
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The King’s School, Ely was first established to            Ely Cathedral is the mother church of the
educate the boy choristers of the worshipping              Diocese of Ely, which serves the people of
community of Ely over 1,000 years ago. In the 11th         Cambridgeshire, a small part of West Norfolk,
century, King Edward the Confessor was educated            and the edge of Peterborough. It is the seat of the
here, and throughout our history we have                   Bishop and a centre of worship and mission. The
maintained strong links with Ely Cathedral. In 1541,       double monastery for men and women, founded
King Henry VIII founded a College of Canons at Ely         in 673 by St Etheldreda, was destroyed by the
Cathedral to replace the monks whose monastery             Danes in 870 and re-founded as a Benedictine
had been dissolved in 1539, and the school received        community in 970 by Dunstan and Ethelwold.
its Royal Charter. For much of the school’s history,       Over the centuries it grew into one of the three
the King’s Scholars constituted the entire school.         most important pilgrimage centres in medieval
Over the centuries, the school has grown to number         England. Work began on the present building in
nearly 1,000 pupils, ranging in age from nursery           the 1080s under Abbot Simeon, and in 1109, with
through sixth form, with children of all faiths and        the appointment of Bishop Hervey, it became a
none and from every corner of the globe. In 1970,          cathedral. For more than 400 years, it was both
King’s Ely became co-educational, and in 1973              the church of the Benedictine monastery and a
Queen Elizabeth II visited the school and instituted       cathedral, but after Henry VIII dissolved the
the first Queen’s Scholars. Despite being one of the       monastery in 1539 it continued to exist as a
oldest schools in the world, King’s Ely is at the          cathedral only. The octagon and the Lady Chapel
forefront of educational discourse nationally: we          were built in the 14th century and are
are a vibrant community that offers all you would          masterpieces of medieval architecture; the
expect of a 21st century school and a great deal           building underwent a major restoration between
more.                                                      1980 and 2000. Ely continues to be a significant
                                                           destination for tourists and pilgrims.
GRADUATE ORGAN SCHOLARSHIP - at King's Ely and Ely Cathedral Application Pack
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The Music Departments
King’s Ely’s Music Department maintains a thriving and busy schedule, with a particular strength in
choral music. Ely Cathedral is the school chapel, and the fine senior school chapel choir attracts large
numbers of pupils, including the sixth form choral scholars, the Y9-11 cathedral girl choristers, and many
former boy choristers who progress into King’s Ely Senior. The choir, which is conducted by the school’s
Director of Music, sings regularly at school services in the cathedral, and the Graduate Organ Scholar can
expect to be heavily involved in its work. In addition, there is an excellent junior school chamber choir; the
girl and boy choristers sing with this group from time to time.

The Cathedral Choir consists of boy and girl choristers, professional Lay Clerks, sixth form choral
scholars, and the cathedral voluntary choir. There are currently 16 boy choristers (years 3-8) and 18 girl
choristers (years 7-11). Choristers may be day pupils or boarders, and they receive a generous award of 40%
off the school day fee, as well as free singing and theory tuition. Further assistance is available on a means-
tested basis. The choristers rehearse separately every morning before school (boys on M/Tu/Th/F, girls on
M/Tu/W/F). Currently the majority of choristers are boarders though it is likely that this will change over
the coming year.

There are six lay clerks who sing the weekday services, and on Sundays and larger occasions they are
supplemented by four to six extra singers. The pool of extra singers, known as the expanded choir, is about
25 strong. Both the lay clerks and expanded choir include male and female singers.

There are places for a total of six choral scholars in Years 12-13. They sing in the back row with the lay clerks
in one or two services per week; former girl choristers also sing on Wednesdays with the girl choristers from
time to time. The Graduate Organ Scholar will be responsible for assisting in their preparation during spare

Ely Cathedral Octagon Singers (ECOS), the cathedral’s voluntary choir, numbers around 60 singers, who sing
on a sign-up basis. Glen Dempsey is the director of ECOS. Andrew Parnell is the choir’s Assistant Director.
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The Organ and Other Instruments
The cathedral’s Harrison and Harrison instrument was first installed in 1908, and completely rebuilt in 1975
and again in 2001. It has 80 stops over four manuals and pedal; a stepper system was added in 2015. It is
widely regarded as one of the finest and most exciting cathedral organs in the country. It is an extremely
versatile instrument both for accompaniment and for solo repertoire. There is also a three-stop chamber
organ, three electronic practice organs on the school campus, and a number of excellent grand pianos in the
school and the cathedral. The cathedral’s most recent acquisition in March 2021 is a new Boston grand piano
in the presbytery (pictured below reflecting the Gilbert Scott organ case).
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Edmund Aldhouse – Director of Music
Edmund was organ scholar of Pembroke College, Oxford and held posts at Chichester, Rochester, and Ripon
Cathedrals before coming to Ely. Much of his organ study was pursued in France under Frédéric Blanc and
François-Henri Houbart, resulting in a unanimous Premier Prix de Virtuosité at the Conservatoire de Rueil-

Sarah MacDonald – Director of the Girl Choristers
Sarah was educated in her native Canada and at Robinson College, Cambridge. She is Director of Music at
Selwyn College, Cambridge, a post she holds concurrently with her role in Ely. Sarah has recorded over 35
CDs and is well-known as a performer, composer, and conductor.

Glen Dempsey – Cathedral Assistant Director of Music and School Organist
Glen was organ scholar of St John’s College, Cambridge where he accompanied the choir in its busy schedule
of daily services, tours, and broadcasts. He has held posts at St George’s, Windsor and St Nicholas’s Basilica,
Amsterdam, where he studied with the late Jacques van Oortmerssen.

Aaron Shilson – Assistant Organist, Ely Cathedral Girl Choristers (departing in August 2021)
Aaron studied at Leeds Conservatiore and the Royal Northern College of Music. His teachers have included
Gordon Stewart, Darius Battiwalla, Simon Lindley and Stephen Farr. He has held posts at the Cathedrals in
Leeds, Manchester, and St Davids, as well as at Selwyn College, Cambridge.

Neil Porter-Thaw – Director of Music, King’s Ely
Neil Porter-Thaw was a chorister at Windsor under Christopher Robinson, and studied at Trinity College of
Music. He was housemaster to the boy choristers at Ely until 2016.

The music staff also includes Andrew Parnell, formerly Assistant Master of the Music at St Albans
Cathedral and now Assistant Director of Ely Cathedral Octagon Singers.
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 Graduate Organ Scholar - Duties
 The Graduate Organ Scholar will regularly accompany the cathedral choir. Exact playing duties will be
 agreed with the Director of Music and the Director of the Girl Choristers based on the post-holder’s
 qualifications and experience, though they can expect at to accompany girls’ voices evensong every
 Wednesday, and at least one other cathedral service each week. They will also share the playing for daily
 school services with the Assistant Director of Music. There will also be morning and afternoon
 commitments to undertake, including attending chorister rehearsals, rehearsing with sixth form choral
 scholars, assisting with probationer training, and helping with administrative tasks. The post-holder will also
 take responsibility for management of the girl choristers’ music library. One day off per week will be
 allocated, but exactly which day will vary from week to week.

 Regular Weekly Schedule
 The cathedral’s current service routine is as follows:

Monday Evensong                 Girls and Lay Clerks (Lay Clerks only on first Monday of month)
Tuesday Evensong                Boys’ Voices
Wednesday Evensong              Girls’ Voices
Thursday Evensong               Boys and Lay Clerks
Friday Evensong                 Boys and Lay Clerks
Saturday Evensong               rota shared between cathedral choir and visiting choirs
Sunday Eucharist                Boys and Lay Clerks (Girls and Lay Clerks 2-3 times per term)
Sunday Evensong                 Boys and Lay Clerks (Girls and Lay Clerks 2-3 times per term)

 Over the course of the 2021-22 academic year, this regular schedule will change, resulting in complete
 parity between the boy and girl choristers by September 2022. The new pattern of services is as follows:

                               Week A                                   Week B
Monday Evensong                Girls and Lay Clerks                     Girls and Lay Clerks
Tuesday Evensong               Boys                                     Boys
Wednesday Evensong             Girls                                    Girls
Thursday Evensong              Boys and Lay Clerks                      Boys and Lay Clerks
Friday Evensong                Boys and Lay Clerks                      Girls and Lay Clerks
Saturday Evensong              Girls and Lay Clerks                     Boys and Lay Clerks
Sunday Eucharist               Girls and Lay Clerks                     Boys and Lay Clerks
Sunday Evensong                Boys and Lay Clerks                      Girls and Lay Clerks
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              Job Description - Graduate Organ Scholar
              Responsible to
              The post-holder will report to the Director of Girl Choristers, Sarah MacDonald, and through
              her, to the Principal of King’s Ely, John Attwater. Final responsibility for all matters relating to
              music in the cathedral falls to the Dean, The Very Revd Mark Bonney, who delegates such
              matters on a day to day basis to the Canon Precentor, The Revd Dr James Garrard, and to the
              cathedral’s Director of Music, Edmund Aldhouse

              Responsibilities and Duties
              To accompany the cathedral choir as agreed by the Director of Music and Director of the Girl
              Choristers, and to assist with the musical education and training of the choristers, and the sixth
              form choral scholars, in the context of their function within cathedral worship. Specifically the
              appointee will be expected to:

              accompany     cathedral services, including but not limited to Wednesday evensong;
              play   for school services in the cathedral or other school venues;
              accompany     rehearsals of the choristers and the sixth form choral scholars;
              assist in the training of probationers;

              assist in the teaching   of music theory to the choristers;
              prepare   the sixth form choral scholars for services;
              assist with the organisation of concerts, tours,   broadcasts, and recordings;
              attend cathedral   and school music department meetings as required;
              accompany   senior and junior school music department events (e.g., chapel choir rehearsals,
              concerts, recitals, and ABRSM exams);
              maintain the   girl choristers’ library.
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Hours, Remuneration, and
Starting date
This is a full-time post, with an expectation that the
post-holder will work 32 hours per week during
term time. Christmas and Holy Week duties occur
every year. The successful candidate will be
expected to work to a flexible schedule, including
early mornings, evenings and weekends, which is
required of anyone who plays a full part in the life of
a cathedral and school.

The salary is £10,000 per year. Single
accommodation on the school premises will be
provided free of charge with no charge for utilities
and council tax; school meals will be provided free
of charge during term time. There are opportunities
for further remuneration by taking on extra musical
work at both the school and cathedral. The post-
holder will be expected to have at least one organ
lesson per month, with a teacher of their choice,
chosen in consultation with the Director of the Girl
Choristers and the Director of Music. The cost of
these lessons will be paid for by the school up to a
total of £550 per year. The cathedral's Assistant
Director of Music will provide regular free tuition
in choral accompaniment. It is expected that the
successful applicant will remain in post for one year,
with an option of renewal for one further year by
mutual agreement.

The post becomes available on 1 September 2021.
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                                  Basic Terms & Conditions
                                  The post-holder will be enrolled in the statutory auto-
                                  enrolment pension scheme (age and salary threshold
                                  dependent). The employer and employee contribution
                                  rates for the auto-enrolment pension scheme are
                                  currently Employee contribution 5% and Employer
                                  contribution of 3%.

                                  Members of staff are entitled to educate their own
                                  children in any of the three parts of the school. There
                                  is a staff discount for children’s fees from Reception
                                  Year onwards; the total staff discount value for school
                                  fees is 50% for full-time staff, reduced pro-rata for part
                                  -time staff, subject to an overall school fees remission
                                  limit of 50% of their gross salary. All extra items are to
                                  be paid in addition. Members of staff are entitled to
                                  10% discount on all King’s Ely school uniform ordered
                                  for their own children from Schoolblazer.

                                  The school offers a private healthcare insurance
                                  scheme, which staff may opt to join at their own
                                  expense, shortly after the start of each academic year
                                  (the policy year starts on 1 November each year). The
                                  scheme can only be joined at the start of the policy
                                  year, not part-way through the year. The post-holder
                                  will have use of school gym facilities (during specific
                                  times) and use of the school swimming pool at specific
                                  times (during the summer).

                                  Employment is subject to satisfactory Enhanced
                                  Disclosure certificate from the Disclosure & Barring
                                  Service (DBS), and all other statutory checks relevant
                                  to the position.
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 Person Specification
 For this early-career post, we seek a musician of proven ability and skill who will relish the opportunity
 to enhance cathedral worship in Ely, and who will immerse themselves in the vibrant musical community of
 King’s Ely and the cathedral. The successful candidate will have completed an undergraduate degree (as of 1
 September), and should be of at least ARCO standard, with demonstrable experience of choral
 accompaniment, choir training, and an understanding of good vocal technique. The possession of a sense of
 humour, a love of teaching and working with young people, the ability to be patient with children and
 teenagers, and excellent organisational and communication skills are also necessary. The post-holder must
 be in sympathy with the ethos and mission of the Church of England.
                         ESSENTIAL                                                 DESIRABLE

Qualifications           good honours degree                                        ARCO or equivalent
Specialist skills        previous experience working within a college chapel,       previous university and/or
and experience             university or cathedral or greater parish church           cathedral organ scholarship
                           music department                                           holder
                         proven competence as an organist, accompanist              proven competence as a
                         knowledge and understanding of liturgical repertoire        choral conductor

                         administrative skills and familiarity with standard IT
                           programmes, including Sibelius or Finale music-
                           notation software
                         thorough understanding of Safeguarding and Child
                           Protection issues
                         ability to empathise and relate positively to young

Personal                 passion for cathedral music, and for teaching
Qualities                sense of humour, and a willingness to share ideas and
                           inspire young people
                         ability to work in a fast-moving environment
                         good team player
                         high expectations of self and others
                         willingness to work flexible hours, including early
                          mornings, evenings, and weekends
                         commitment to ongoing professional musical
                         commitment to maintaining high standards

 The successful applicant will be expected to play a full part in the vibrant life of the school and the cathedral.
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How to apply

To apply for this role, please send your application (by post or via email) to the following address:

      Vicky Burford
      Personnel Co-ordinator
      The King’s School
      Ely, Cambridgeshire
      CB7 4EW

Your application should include the following:

     the completed application form;
     a covering letter of between 500 and 750 words explaining your suitability for the post;
     a copy of your CV;
     contact details for two referees, one of which should be your current organ teacher.

The closing date for applications is 12 noon on Monday 14 June.
Shortlisted candidates will be notified by Wednesday 16 June.
Initial interviews may be held remotely;.
Auditions for shortlisted candidates will be held in person before the end of June.

If you wish to know more about King’s Ely, or about Ely Cathedral, please see the websites:

For an informal chat about the post itself, please feel free to contact either the Director of Music or the
Director of the Girl Choristers:

Edmund Aldhouse:   
Sarah MacDonald:   

King’s Ely

+44 (0)1353 660700

All photos in this document are © Sarah MacDonald.
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