Page created by Adrian Little

                      Newsletter for Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church

Note from the Pastor
Dear Church Family,

Beauty. I’ve been thinking recently about beauty.
It started when a friend handed me a cup of coffee
in a plain white china cup as I was preparing to hit
the road. The dark roasted coffee against the pure
white of the cup was striking. I said “wow how
lovely is this! But just give it to me in a paper cup
so I can toss it out later – that way there is no need
to return it to you.”

She said, “no worries if you do or you don’t. As a
spiritual practice, we’ve been intentionally trying to
live as simply beautiful a life as we can. You know
there is a simple kind of beauty in little things done
nicely. We’re just trying to do nicely these days.”

 A simple act – a lovely and simple cup of coffee         The latest on
from her hand to mine - layered with meaning.             this month's issue:

Which made me start noticing… noticing little             PW & PW CIRCLE NEWS - 3
things nicely done. And that grew into
intentionally trying to notice beauty in all of my        SESSION, FINANCIALS, &
senses -- noticing beauty in the sound of rain,           ACOUSTIC JAM - 4
beauty in bare trees against a gray sky and beauty
in the lightness of the cream that filled the fat         MISSIONS - 5 & 6
French pastry. There was beauty in the softness of
the hand me down scarf around my neck, and the            CHRISTIAN EDUCATION,
                                                          YOUTH GROUP - 6
warmth of the fire upon my face as the
temperature dipped.
                                                          BIRTHDAYS & UPCOMING
                                                          EVENTS - 7
 And I’ve now started to think about trying to do
“beauty.” Like the lovely cup passed into my hand –
                                                          CALENDAR - 8
with no expectation that I’d return it – just the
simple wish to sip friend and enjoy loveliness.           UPCOMING EVENTS - 9 & 10
Peace be with you.

                                                                          Continued from Pg 1.

There seems so much that is ugly, crass and cheap in the world lately or possibly that is
just where my eyes have been fixed. There is so much that we just want to toss away
because it is easier, faster and less mess to clean up. Let someone else cart out the
trash. The world one step closer to obnoxious.

It has been an interesting spiritual practice this discovering the simplicity of beauty in all
kinds of places – trying to “do” beauty, naming things as beauty that I hadn’t thought as
beauty before. It has increased my sense of gratitude to God for so many “simple” things.
I encourage you to try it for a week. Make a list every night of the beauty you have
experienced that day. Let it wash away the ugly.

Ash Wednesday is this month. Ash Wednesday, a rather bare bones, simple service of
worship. The night we place dark ashes upon our foreheads remembering the watermark
of the cross upon us. A sure sign that in life and in death we belong to God. Being
marked with that little cross of ash - another simple act layered with meaning and life, and
beauty – beauty so wide and sweet it cannot be completely understood even with
five senses.

Nonetheless, consider yourself invited to think on it, to experience it: the beautiful Christ.
Please join us at 7:00 PM on Wednesday evening, February 26th. If you need a ride to
worship, no worries. Please call the church office and we will round you up one. Give
someone the opportunity to “do” beauty in the world.

During these days of bleak mid-winter, I encourage you to seek out and experience the
beauty before you and in you. For surely the whole world is fearfully and wonderfully and
beautifully made!

Wishing you blessings of beauty.
Pastor Trish

              Presbyterian Women Happenings
Presbyterian Women were busy in December and January!

Thanks to everyone involved in hosting the lovely reception following the Advent cantata.
Also thanks to those who made possible the beautiful candle and wreath displayed in
memory of members who died this past year. Special holiday circle gatherings were held in
December, and our usual meetings resumed in January.

Numerous meals were delivered to church members with health or mobility concerns. We
are planning a new approach to our annual Valentines remembrance for college students,
and we are excited to try it out. PW Coordinating Team members will provide the meal for
our youth on March 1st.

We are making plans for our annual Spring Gathering and hope to publish the date soon.

The PW Coordinating Team is working with the Property Committee to improve access to
the cottage for folks who have difficulty negotiating the step. Thanks to all who support the
important work of PW!

                                                                             -- Sarah Lasitter

PW Circle Info
Revive After Five Circle will meet in the Cottage, on February 4, 2020
at 6:00 p.m. to continue our study of the Ten Commandments. Call or
text Joyce Jennings (678-227-9904) with any questions.

                                                       Sharing Faith Circle will meet in the
                                                       Cottage on February 11 at 10:30 am
                                                       to continue the study on The Ten

      News From Session
          Held the annual Session retreat on January 17-18. Discussed the book,
         Neighborhood Church: Transforming Your Congregation into A Powerhouse for
         Mission, and developed action items to set as goals for accomplishment in 2020 and
         beyond. Received a report from the Space Assessment Task Force and agreed to
         consider/act on their recommendations over 2020.

         Held the annual congregational meeting on January 19th. Presented the 2020 budget
         to the congregation as information and presented for approval changes to Reverend
         Gwinn’s terms of call for 2020.

         Held a stated meeting on January 20th where the Session approved the 2019
         statistical report, began work on revisions to the church’s policy and procedures
         manual, and elected Janice Tucker as the Elder Commissioner to represent Grace
         Covenant at the February 18, 2020 meeting of Foothills Presbytery.

                                                                      Respectfully submitted,
                 Financials                                                      Lisa Johnson
 For where your Treasure is, there will your heart be                         Clerk of Session
also- Matthew 6:212019 was a blessed year for Grace
  Covenant —- thanks to each of your sharing Time,
               Talents and Treasures.

     Grace Covenant Financial Report
 December 2019
                                                         Acoustic Jam
                                                         Do you LOVE music? The Grace Covenant
                                                         Presbyterian Acoustic Jam will meet on
 Operating Fund           Month           YTD            Friday, February 28 at 6:30 in the Greeting
                                                         Room. We welcome folks from our church
 Contrib./Revenue        $34,341        $342,945
                                                         community and the community at large to join
 Expenses                $27,846        $362,711         us. Players of any ability level are welcome to
 Surplus/(Deficit)       $ 6,495       ( $19,766)        bring an instrument and sit in our circle to
                                                         take a turn to lead a song or just play along
 Capital Fund           $ 90,707                         with others. If you don't play an instrument,
 Operating Fund Surplus/(Deficit)      $ 68,865          come out to listen! Please bring a snack to
                                                         share when we break from the music to
                                                         fellowship. If you have questions, call
 Capital Fund                                            Rebecca or Steven Huskey at 421-7565.
 Contributions            $ 5,768       $ 93,157
 Remain. Loan Bal.                  $ 250,277

Missions & Outreach Summary 2019
Misssion Item                                Month            Funds Given        Hours Volunteered
PW Thornwell "Cottage" Sponsorship           January          $300                --
PW Safe Harbor                                April           $250               --
PW Presbytery Mission Pledge                 March            $100               --
PW Cottage Updates                           August           $48                200
PW Least Coin Offering                       June             $69                --
PW Thank Offering                            September        $200               --
PW & Missions Christmas Offering             December         $300               --
PW Birthday Offering                         September        $1,183             --
PW Bereavement Minstry                       Year Round       $500               100
Children's Church Missions                   Year Round       $220               --
VBS Mission Activity                         June             --                 75
Clothing Collection                          January          $1,054             20
Souper Bowl (Youth)                          February         $447               4
Upstate Crop Walk                            March            $1,017             56
Youth Ministry Christmas Activity            December         --                 6
Shred Day                                    April            $539               40
One Great Hour of Sharing                    Easter (April)   $1,425             2
Mother's Day (Presbyterian Homes)            May              $961               2
Habitat for Humanity (Faith Building)        June             $1,425             55
Summer Food Drive                            July - August    $150 / 810 items   14
Communion Food Offering                      Monthly          835 items / 100+   24
Faith Walk Stop                              September        --                 12
Mission Trip to Columbia & Disaster Aid      October          Reallocated        4
Bahamas Hurricane Disaster Relief            October          $2,250             --
Peacemaking                                  October          $400               3
Thornwell                                    November         $1,018             --
Pendleton Place Angel Tree                   Nov - Dec        $1,419             40
Blood Donations                              December         6 pints            --
United Ministries Coat Drive                 December         115 items          5
Christmas Eve Love Offering                  December         $1,061             --
Aid to Presbyterian Missions (Water Wells)   December         $1,500             --
Acoustic Jam                                 Monthly          --                 20
Alzheimer's Support Group                    Monthly          --                 --
Interfaith Hospitality Network               Variable         $250               50
Miscellaneous Missions                       Year Round       $1,500             --
Undie Aid: Place of hope                     Single           $200               --
Emergency Aid Fund                           Year Round       $800               --
Discretionary Fund                           Year Round       $7,000             --
Soup Kitchen                                 Monthly          $2,200             250
Habitat for Humanity (Regular Support)       Annoal           $1,100             --
Harvest Hope                                 Annual           $1,760             --
United Ministries                            Annual           $2,200             150
Center for Community Services                Annual           $1,430             100
Foothills Presbytery                         Annual           $9,000             --
                                             TOTALS           $43,478            1,262

Souper Bowl for Caring
Whether you are pulling for San Francisco or Kansas City in the Superbowl, you can team
up with others in our congregation to win in the Souper Bowl of Caring on Sunday,
February 2. This year is the 30th anniversary of this mission to fight hunger in communities
around the U.S. After worship that day, our youth will hold soup pots marked for each
team. Place your donations (checks earmarked for Souper Bowl) in the pot for your
favorite team. Proceeds will be given to Simpsonville Presbyterian’s Food Pantry.

Soup Kitchen
Soup Kitchen - Help needed! We need a
few more people to serve food at Triune
Mercy Center. Just 2 hours on a Saturday
every 3 months. Would you like to help?
Call Ian McKinley 864 607 8080.
                                                  Youth Update
Christian Education
                                                  Happy February Everybody! This month kicks off
The book selection for our Grace Readers          with the Souper Bowl of Caring on February 2. In
meeting on February 24 is "The Reckoning"         anticipation of the BIG game, the Youth will be
by John Grisham.                                  collecting donations to support (insert local food
                                                  bank?) during worship.
The Grades 3-6 Sunday School will be
starting a series on "Life Hacks" in February.    Up next is our youth service project! Since our
                                                  theme this year was "Let Love Lead" and
There has been some interest expressed in         Valentine's Day is this month, the Youth wanted to
starting a movie discussion group at Grace        give a love offering to the church. :) So, on
Covenant. The group would select a movie          February 9th and 16th, the Youth Group will be
and after viewing it would meet for discussion.   down at the Cottage learning how to cook a
If anyone is interested in being a part of this   variety of casseroles that we will then later deliver
group please let me know                          to members of the church. Please email me
at                            at if you have any questions or
                                                  know of anyone that would enjoy receiving one of
                                                  our casseroles.

                                                  Thank you to Pastor Trish and McCrady Gwinn,
                                                  Mike & Catherine Haynes, Barbara Stoop, and
                                                  Jeremy & Heather Trowbridge for feeding the
                                                  youth last month! It was a pleasure spending time
                                                  with you!

                                                                                     - AshleyMimbela
                                                                                        Youth Director

February Birthdays
Earl Bradham           February 2
Aubrey Alomar          February 4
John Forrester         February 11
Kim Russell            February 12
Marcie Russell         February 15
Barry Graden           February 16
Keith Self
Lela Graden            February 18
Gloria Rogers
Chuck Wolfe
Ken Boyd               February 20
Mary Ellen Vernon      February 22
Everett Drake          February 23
Kim Calhoun            February 24
Norm St. John

   Sabbath as Resistance: Saying NO to the CULTURE OF NOW by Walter Brueggemann
             Monday evenings: 7:00- 8:15 PM; February 24 through March 30

   Walter Brueggemann writes that the Sabbath is not simply about keeping rules but rather
    about becoming a whole person and restoring a whole society. He addresses our 24/7
    society of consumption, a society in which we live to achieve, accomplish, perform, and
    possess. We want more, own more, use more, eat more, and drink more. Sabbath as
      Resistance shows us how keeping the Sabbath allows us to break this restless and
      relentless cycle and focus on what is truly important: God, other people, all life. In
  particular we will be thinking about resistance to anxiety, resistance to coercion, resistance
  to exclusivism, resistance to multitasking and sabbath as commandment. Join me not just
                  in conversation but in a Lenten practice to restore our spirits.

                        Order the book and join the conversation!
                If you need help acquiring the book call the office as well.
  Please RSVP to the church office if you will be joining us (288-3951) or (
            Be sure to include your email so we can set up a group message!
                                Nursery provided for study.

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