Governing Tourism Destination with Innovation System in Malang Regency

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Journal of Indonesian Tourism and                                          doi: 10.21776/ub.jitode.2020.008.01.06
       Development Studies                                                            E-ISSN : 2338-1647

Governing Tourism Destination with Innovation System in Malang Regency
                                 Nanda Dwi Meylani*, Kusdi Dea , Yusri Abdillah

 Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative Science, Universityof Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia

This research is a descriptive qualitative research that seeks to obtain a new perspective and describe tourism
destination governance based on the innovation system in tourism in Malang Regency. The types of data in this study
are primary data and secondary data. The researcher collected data using interviews, observation, and documentation.
Data is analyzed by carried out throughout the research process, including the preparation of data management and
data collection. The conclusion is carried out continuously by looking for patterns, themes, relationships, explanations,
and causal paths regarding the results of research on tourism destination governance. The results indicate several
problems that must be solved, such as the lack of tourism promotion, the lack of community involvement, limited
material for tourism exhibition, and mismatch in tourism development. To solve the problems, the government must
strengthen SIDa (Regional Innovation System), which consists of a strategic pillar and policy framework.
Keywords: governance, innovation systems,tourism destinations.

INTRODUCTION                                                    awareness that tourism is borderless, mainly at
    Tourism has developed as a prominent                         activity, space, and regional areas, so it is
industry around the world, and it has grown                      essential to govern tourism well.
significantly in recent years. Each country                           In Indonesia, collaborative governance in
competes to build and develop a tourism                          tourism still has experienced many forms of
destination, which improves the tourists                         hampering factors because of its lack of tourism
visitation. Some attempts have been done to                      actor synergy, including the public sector, which
encourage and enhance the quality of tourism                     has a role in developing tourism. Collaboration
destination management and competition.                          has a vital function in reaching development
Tourism development is not only the task of                      goals; it is a system that connects each other.
government but also the duty of society. Society                 Collaboration with synergy includes Penta helix
as a community is a pivot determinant to develop                 collaboration; they are academia, business,
tourism. It presents that tourism stakeholder has                government, community, and media. In every
enormous contribution to reach the goals of                      single destination have to prepare decent
tourism development dan it can never be optimal                  attraction, amenity, and accessibility, promotion,
without the support of tourism attraction                        and human resources. The main attraction is
management or party that has the authority of                    developed by business and community. Amenity
tourism development management [1,2,3].                          is designed by industry and government, mainly
    Tourism development aims to govern                           the ministry of public work and housing.
resources and create value-added wisely,                         Accessibility is produced by the Ministry of
integrated, holistic, and systemic to increase                   Transportation, and the Ministry of Public Works
experience, sustainable value, and benefit for                   and Housing. Tourism marketing depends on
society. Indonesia has a strong tourist attraction,              mass media; the quantity and quality of human
and it is very potential to be more developed. It                resources depend on academia. The target which
has proof of increasing international tourists and               determined by the ministry of tourism is 20
local tourists significantly. Tourism in Indonesia               billion international tourist and 275 billion local
has already become a development priority                        tourists in 2019.
sector in 2017 after food, energy, and maritime.                      Collaborative governance is vital in Indonesia
Development in the tourism sector, as well as                    Incorporated. It means that every institution,
progress in another area, requires involvement                   both public and private, that related to a
from many parties in an integrated form to                       particular goal, can exchange information, share
increase social welfare. It must take an                         resources, carry out their respective roles in
                                                                 synergy, and share risks, responsibilities, and only
                                                                 if they occur quality continuous communica-
*Correspondence address:
  Nanda Dwi Meylani                                              tion. Components of the main actors that drive
  Email :                               the wheels of tourism development are
  Address : Department of Business Administration,               business/industrial actors, communities and
          University of Brawijaya, M.T Haryono 169, Malang
                                                                 communities, mass media, academics, and the

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Tourism Destination Innovation System in Malang Regency
                                                                                            (Meylani et al)

government. In this case, the government plays a            places visited because it has appeal
role as a facilitator, while the business/industry          (attractiveness), facilities (amenities), and access
and the community (community, academics, and                (access). A tourist destination must meet the
mass media) are the direct partners of tourism              requirements to attract tourists. It has a unique
activities.                                                 attraction, and it has the appeal to be seen
    The principle of implementing good tourism              (something to see) [2,9]. It includes whether in
governance, in essence, is the coordination and             the form of tourist attractions or entertainment.
synchronization between existing stakeholders               It has a vehicle or place or facility that can be
and active participation that is synergistic,               used by tourists on tour (something to do) and
integrated, and mutually reinforcing among                  feel at home for a more extended stay. It also
tourism stakeholders through Penta Helix                    provides facilities for shopping (something to
(government, business, academia, media, and                 buy), both in the form of souvenirs, special foods,
the community). The management of tourism                   etc. that can be used as souvenirs for tourists
destinations in the Malang district has several             visiting there.
obstacles, one of which is the weakness in the                  The destination is a physical currency of a
accuracy      of     tourism       data     collection      local tourist destination where visitors shortly
comprehensively,        especially      about      the      spend at least one night. It includes products and
development of tourism potential. Lack of                   tourist attractions during a one-day trip home,
education and technical training of tourism both            which has physical and administrative boundaries
for human resources as a manager as well as the             by covering management, image, and perception
readiness of society to be involved in tourism              on the market competitiveness. Then it merges
also feed one obstacle to unite tourism                     various stakeholders, including communities,
development programs with managers of other                 significant associations, and networks for
tourist destinations. The Innovation System is an           broader purposes [10].
institutional network and interaction in both the               The view of governance in tourism
public and private sectors to initiate, import,             destinations is primarily aimed at understanding
modify, and diffuse new technologies [4].                   market trends and phenomena, changing the
    Another obstacle faced by Malang Regency is             management environment of resource capacity,
the low absorption of technology and knowledge              locality capacity, and ecosystem. Tourism
that supports tourism. Malang Regency does not              destination governance is a series of actions and
yet have an integrated and comprehensive                    efforts to increase the size of tourism
tourism potential portal that can invite tourists           destinations. It started from careful planning to
and investors. Focusing on innovative activities            consistent implementation and cautious control
can be an option by building efficient networks to          to optimize attractiveness, accessibility, facilities,
other destinations that can contribute to the               and the community in the context of ecological,
exchange of information and knowledge.                      social, and community economy acquisition [10].
Therefore, destinations need to be recognized by                Corporate governance in the context of
the importance of knowledge management and                  corporate governance is the set of processes,
implementation of systems such as, for example,             customs, policies, rules, and institutions that
expertise in databases that might be useful for             affect the direction, management and control of
securing information and knowledge and used to              a company or corporation, which includes
promote innovation activities. Several pieces of            relationships between stakeholders involved in
research explored tourism in Malang, for                    the management of the company [11].
instance, promotion strategy [5], Agrotourism               Stakeholders in destination governance are
[6], the impact of tourism on Malang regional               shareholders, employees, suppliers, tourists,
economics [7], and the role of the volunteer in             banks, creditors, regulators, the environment,
ecotourism [8]. It is still a lack of governance and        and the community.
innovation research improving tourism in Malang                 Tourism destination governance, based on an
Regency. Therefore the research aims to describe            innovation system, will bring innovation as an
the governance based on the innovation system               essential component in economic renewal.
in Malang regency.                                          Innovation is a process that must get a lot of
Tourism Destination Governance                              support and attention. The governance view of
   Tourism destination is a fundamental factor              innovation systems more explicitly brings the role
that encourages tourists to visit some places; the          of knowledge into an institution. Components or
                                                            actors in innovation can consist of individual

[40]                                                           J. Ind. Tour. Dev. Std., Vol.8, No.1, January 2020
Tourism Destination Innovation System in Malang Regency
(Meylani et al)

companies, public authorities, and agencies in           interviewed several key informants, they are 1)
education, research, and development [4,12,13].          the Head of Tourism and Culture; 2) Head of
The innovation system is by defining multi-actor         Tourism Destination Development Division; 3)
structures. A distinctive element of innovation          Head of Destination Management and
systems is the infrastructure of innovation,             Community Empowerment Section of Malang
including research and renewal of science [14].          Regency; 4) Head of Planning, Infrastructure, and
The functioning of a system lies in the                  Regional Development Planning; 5) Head of Sub-
relationship and ability to create actions and           Division of Natural Resources Planning,
interactions that support collective performance         Environment, and Water Resources in the
that is beneficial to the actors and the                 Regional Planning and Development Agency of
community to develop various synergies and real          Malang Regency.
solutions. In the end, the performance of the                Secondary data were obtained from the
innovation system must be associated with                tourist destination planning report of Malang
effectiveness in generating, disseminating, and          Regency, Malang Regency District innovation
exploiting the knowledge that has economic               system planning, and other supporting data. Data
benefits [4].                                            collection techniques in this study were
MATERIAL AND METHOD                                      interviews, observation, and documentation. The
Study Area                                               research instrument used in this study was the
    The research is descriptive research with a          researchers themselves as observers, interview
qualitative approach method [14]. The                    guidelines, and field notes.
researchers try to obtain a new view of a                Data Analysis
phenomenon and describe clearly and deeply                   Testing the validity of the data, standard
about tourism destination governance. Then the           validation (validity), and reliability (reliability)
researchers deepen on the innovation system in           refers to the validity of the construct data
tourism. The focus of this study is to examine the       relating to the certainty that what is measured is
social phenomena that occur or are taking place          the variable to be measured, namely the
in an area, especially in Malang Regency, about          governance of tourism destinations in Malang
the governance of tourism destinations.                  Regency. The validity of this data is also achieved
    The research is located in Malang Regency,           by the triangulation process, namely data
East Java. The area still has a problem with how         triangulation, observer triangulation, and
to govern a tourism destination. The researchers         triangulation theory.
made some contacts with the Department of                    Data analysis in this study was carried out
Tourism as the manager of the management of              from the beginning and throughout the research
tourism destinations in Malang Regency and               process took place with two main steps, namely
Bappeda in Malang Regency as the planning                compiling data management and collecting data
body. Tourism destinations in Malang Regency             [15]. Drawing conclusions in this research is
have great potential in the development of               carried out continuously by looking for patterns,
tourism but have problems in the management              themes, relations of equations, explanations, and
of their destination. As an observation,                 causal paths (reduction process) regarding the
researchers observed tourist destinations in             results of research on tourism destination
Pujon Kidul is one of the tourism destinations           governance and then poured in the form of
that are considered the most capable of                  temporary conclusions.
collaborating with their stakeholders by                 RESULT AND DISCUSSION
stimulating the economy of their communities.               The researcher found several problems in
Researchers also observed tourist destinations in        governing tourism destination with the
Poncokusumo, which is a pilot project for                innovation system in Malang regency. After
Regional Agro-tourism Innovation Systems in              analyzed the problem, we proposed an idea to
Malang Regency.                                          cope with the problems.
Data Collection                                          The Lack of Tourism Promotion
   This study used primary data and secondary               Tourism promotion is not optimal, mainly in
data. Researches applied interviews to obtain            the international scope, in this case. It is essential
primary data, to several informants, which refers        to solving such a problem because tourism
to the qualitative method based on genuine               promotion has a role in the perception of traveler
expression from the people [14]. Researches              and formation of image destination [16]. The

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Tourism Destination Innovation System in Malang Regency
                                                                                          (Meylani et al)

promotion must do with exhibitions, mass media,           SIDa Strengthening Pillar
and electronic media/IT. The promotion will                   The strategy used to solve problems using
enhance success if there is an increase in                SIDa (Regional Innovation System/Sistem Inovasi
domestic and international tourists.                      Daerah). It was developed from the strategic
Lack of Community Involvement                             pillars of improving the innovation system which
    In this case, the community does not get              consisted ofthe following (Fig. 1).The findings
much involvement in developing tourism                    relate to the research that SIDa will be significant
destinations. The local government should                 if there are strong commitment and political will
initiate empowerment for the local community.             within the stakeholder [23].
The model of community-based tourism, which               1) SIDa strengthening initiatives were aimed at
involve several parts of participation, should be             improving the pillars for the development of
proposed; it might lead to bringing more benefit              innovations at the regional level, which are an
to the community as well the business                         integral part of strengthening the national
[17,18,19]. The more active community will be                 innovation system. It was also to build an
represented by the amount of local group which                ecosystem for the development of innovation
gets involved in developing local tourism                     and business in accordance with the
destination such as micro, small, and medium                  objective.
enterprises.                                              2) Development of Industrial Clusters aims to
                                                              develop the best potential of the economic
Data Inaccuracy
                                                              sector and improve industrial competi-
    Lack of data inaccuracy creates loopholes in
                                                              tivenessin accordance with the objectives.
decision making, mainly in this case, the data
                                                          3) Development of innovation networks is a
which relate to tourism destination potential.
                                                              vehicle for building linkages and partnerships
Reliable data in tourism, such as sound policies
                                                              between actors and dynamizing the flow of
and efficient managerial decisions, will provide a
                                                              knowledge, innovation, diffusion, and
more accurate forecast [20]. Therefore the
                                                              learning in accordance with the objectives.
government must create knowledge manage-
                                                          4) Technopreneur development as a vehicle for
ment that provides data banks such as grand
                                                              business/economic, social, and cultural
design for developing local tourism potential and
                                                              development modernization in accordance
local enterprise registration.
                                                              with the goals to be performed.
Limited Material For Tourism Exhibition                   5) Development of thematic pillars policy, which
    Many materials for tourism exhibition in                  aims to improve elements of the system
Malang regency has a limited source primarily                 strengthening thematic and contextual
when the tourism provider does not show their                 conformity with the objectives.
unique product in the exhibition. Exhibition
tourism has generated direct and indirect
                                                                                              Pillar 1:
economic impacts [21]. The government must                                                Strengthening
                                                                                           the Regional
coordinate will tourism providers and make                                                  Innovation
reliable data for their unique products.
Mismatch in Tourism Development                                      Pillar 5:                                          Pillar 2:
                                                                    Regional                                        Strengthening
    The development of tourism destinations                         Thematic                                         of Industrial
                                                                  Development                                          Clusters
does not work well because many institutions go
for their vested interest. Regional development
involves optimizing the utilization of the region’s
resources in an integrated and harmonious way.
This regional development realized through a                                 Pillar 4:
                                                                                                              Pillar 3:
                                                                                                          the Innovation
comprehensive approach that includes physical,                            Technopreneur

economic, social, cultural, and environmental
aspects [22]. The government should increase
the coordination function to run a better plan                    Figure 1. SIDa Strenghtening Pillar
and execution in one management. It will be
seen as an increasing number of infrastructure                The next step must be a need to make a focus
projects and cooperation around different                 policy framework and never forget the
organizations.                                            integration as well [24]. The focus of SIDa
                                                          strengthening is a detailed description of each

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Tourism Destination Innovation System in Malang Regency
(Meylani et al)

element of the Innovation Policy Framework,               tion, testing, and quality assurance; development
which includes six keypoints.                             of utilization of Intellectual Property Right (IPR);
    First, focus on developing a general                  increasing awareness of issues and alignment
framework conducive to the development of                 with relevant international dynamics (such as
innovation and business. It includes the                  employment, human rights, etc.); and develop-
development of innovation and business                    ment of regional branding and/or regional global
database, development of helpful regulations,             position.
the amount of investment in the information               Table 1.   Keypoints of Policy Frameworkfor SIDA
technology, improvement of public services,                          Strenghtening
government procurement that is a pro-innovative           No.                       Keypoints
business,      development       of    fundamental        1.     Focus on developing a general framework which is
innovation and business infrastructure, and                      conducive to the development of innovation and
providing incentives for innovation and industry.                business.
    Second, focus on institutional strengthening          2.     Focus on institutional strengthening and
and supporting the capacity of information and                   supporting the capacity of information and
                                                                 technology or research and development and
technology or research and development, and                      develop micro, small, and medium enterprises’
develop micro, small, and medium enterprises                     absorption capabilities.
absorption capabilities. It consisted of the              3.     Focus on the collaborative development of
development and enhancement of institutions,                     innovation and increasing the diffusion of
development of information and technology                        innovations, best practices, and results of the
support capacity, and development of micro,                      field.
small, and medium enterprises absorption                  4.     Focus on encouraging a culture of innovation.
power.                                                    5.     Focus on the development and strengthening of
    Third, the focus of collaborative development                integration/coherence in advancing innovation
is on innovation and increasing the diffusion of                 systems in the regions.
innovations, best practices, and results of the           6.     Focus on aligning with global developments.
field. It includes the development/strengthening          CONCLUSION
of cooperative institutions, increased diffusion of           A regional development program is a set of
innovations, ethical practices, and results of            priority programs that are specifically related to
wealth, and development/strengthening of                  the achievement of regional development
technology-based services.                                targets. A regional development at least contains
    Fourth, the focus is on encouraging a culture         a program of the elected Regional Head which
of innovation. This key point includes the                provides strategic priority programs that have
development/strengthening          of    innovation       been formulated based on general policies and
culture through education and innovation                  required performance indicators (outcomes).
training channels, strengthening of social                    The results indicate several problems that
cohesion, increasing community participation in           must be solved, such as the lack of tourism
innovative creativity, development of innovation          promotion, the lack of community involvement,
appreciation and campaigns, and the creation of           limited material for tourism exhibition, and
innovative new ventures.                                  mismatch in tourism development. To solve the
    Fifth, the focus of development and                   problems, the government must strengthen SIDa
strengthening of integration/coherence in                 (Regional Innovation System), which consists of a
advancing innovation systems in the regions.It            strategic pillar and policy framework.It is
includes strengthening/developing integrated              expected that all Regional Office will support the
innovation system initiatives, growth/enhancing           programs and activities, to realize superior
coordination of national and regional policies,           regions in Malang Regency, which can compete
and       special    institutional    development/        nationally and internationally.
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