UDS-DFKI Submission to the WMT2019 Similar Language Translation Shared Task
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UDS–DFKI Submission to the WMT2019 Similar Language Translation Shared Task Santanu Pal1,3 , Marcos Zampieri2 , Josef van Genabith1,3 1 Department of Language Science and Technology, Saarland University, Germany 2 Research Institute for Information and Language Processing, University of Wolverhampton, UK 3 German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Saarland Informatics Campus, Germany santanu.pal@uni-saarland.de Abstract ing, development, and testing data from the fol- lowing language pairs: Spanish - Portuguese (Ro- In this paper we present the UDS-DFKI sys- mance languages), Czech - Polish (Slavic lan- tem submitted to the Similar Language Trans- lation shared task at WMT 2019. The first guages), and Hindi - Nepali (Indo-Aryan lan- edition of this shared task featured data from guages). Participant could submit system outputs three pairs of similar languages: Czech and to any of the three language pairs in any direction. Polish, Hindi and Nepali, and Portuguese and The shared task attracted a good number of par- Spanish. Participants could choose to partic- ticipants and the performance of all entries was ipate in any of these three tracks and sub- evaluated using popular MT automatic evaluation mit system outputs in any translation direc- metrics, namely BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) and tion. We report the results obtained by our TER (Snover et al., 2006). system in translating from Czech to Polish and comment on the impact of out-of-domain test In this paper we describe the UDS-DFKI sys- data in the performance of our system. UDS- tem to the WMT 2019 Similar Language Transla- DFKI achieved competitive performance rank- tion task. The system achieved competitive per- ing second among ten teams in Czech to Polish formance and ranked second among ten entries translation. in Czech to Polish translation in terms of BLEU score. 1 Introduction The shared tasks organized annually at WMT pro- 2 Related Work vide important benchmarks used in the MT com- munity. Most of these shared tasks include En- With the widespread use of MT technology and glish data, which contributes to make English the the commercial and academic success of NMT, most resource-rich language in MT and NLP. In there has been more interest in training systems the most popular WMT shared task for example, to translate between languages other than English the News task, MT systems have been trained to (Costa-jussà, 2017). One reason for this is the translate texts from and to English (Bojar et al., growing need of direct translation between pairs 2016, 2017). of similar languages, and to a lesser extent lan- This year, we have observed a shift on the guage varieties, without the use of English as a dominant role that English on the WMT shared pivot language. The main challenge is to over- tasks. The News task featured for the first time come the limitation of available parallel data tak- two language pairs which did not include En- ing advantage of the similarity between languages. glish: German-Czech and French-German. In ad- Studies have been published on translating be- dition to that, the Similar Language Translation tween similar languages (e.g. Catalan - Spanish was organized for the first time at WMT 2019 with (Costa-jussà, 2017)) and language varieties such the purpose of evaluating the performance of MT as European and Brazilian Portuguese (Fancellu systems on three pairs of similar languages from et al., 2014; Costa-jussà et al., 2018). The study three different language families: Ibero-Romance, by Lakew et al. (2018) tackles both training MT Indo-Aryan, and Slavic. systems to translate between European–Brazilian The Similar Language Translation (Barrault Portuguese and European–Canadian French, and et al., 2019) task provided participants with train- two pairs of similar languages Croatian–Serbian 917 Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Machine Translation (WMT), Volume 2: Shared Task Papers, pages 917–921 Florence, Italy, August 1-2, 2019. c 2019 Association for Computational Linguistics
and Indonesian–Malay. et al., 2011), which are very similar to the in- Processing similar languages and language va- domain data (for our case the development set), rieties has attracted attention not only in the MT and (ii) transferenceALL, utilizing all the released community but in NLP in general. This is evi- out-domain data sorted by Equation 1. denced by a number of research papers published The transference500Ktraining set is prepared in the last few years and the recent iterations using in-domain (development set) bilingual of the VarDial evaluation campaign which fea- cross-entropy difference for data selection as was tured multiple shared tasks on topics such as di- described in Axelrod et al. (2011). The differ- alect detection, morphosyntactic tagging, cross- ence in cross-entropy is computed based on two lingual parsing, cross-lingual morphological anal- language models (LM): a domain-specific LM is ysis (Zampieri et al., 2018, 2019). estimated from the in-domain (containing 2050 sentences) corpus (lmi ) and the out-domain LM 3 Data (lmo ) is estimated from the eScape corpus. We rank the eScape corpus by assigning a score to We used the Czech–Polish dataset provided by the each of the individual sentences which is the sum WMT 2019 Similar Language Translation task or- of the three cross-entropy (H) differences. For a ganizers for our experiments. The released paral- j th sentence pair srcj –trg j , the score is calculated lel dataset consists of out-of-domain (or general- based on Equation 1. domain) data only and it differs substantially from the released development set which is part of a TED corpus. The parallel data includes Europarl score = |Hsrc (srcj , lmi ) − Hsrc (srcj , lmo )| v9, Wiki-titles v1, and JRC-Acquis. We com- bine all the released data and prepare a large out- + |Htrg (trgj , lmi ) − Htrg (trgj , lmo )| (1) domain dataset. 3.1 Pre-processing 4 System Architecture - The Transference Model The out-domain data is noisy for our purposes, so we apply methods for cleaning. We performed the Our transference model extends the original following two steps: (i) we use the cleaning pro- transformer model to multi-encoder based trans- cess described in Pal et al. (2015), and (ii) we exe- former architecture. The transformer architec- cute the Moses (Koehn et al., 2007) corpus clean- ture (Vaswani et al., 2017) is built solely upon such ing scripts with minimum and maximum number attention mechanisms completely replacing recur- of tokens set to 1 and 100, respectively. After rence and convolutions. The transformer uses po- cleaning, we perform punctuation normalization, sitional encoding to encode the input and output and then we use the Moses tokenizer to tokenize sequences, and computes both self- and cross- the out-domain corpus with ‘no-escape’ option. attention through so-called multi-head attentions, Finally, we apply true-casing. which are facilitated by parallelization. We use The cleaned version of the released data, i.e., multi-head attention to jointly attend to informa- the General corpus containing 1,394,319 sen- tion at different positions from different represen- tences, is sorted based on the score in Equation tation subspaces. 1. Thereafter, We split the entire data (1,394,319) The first encoder (enc1 ) of our model encodes into two sets; we use the first 1,000 for valida- word form information of the source (fw ), and tion and the remaining as training data. The re- a second sub-encoder (enc2 ) to encode sub-word leased development set (Dev) is used as test data (byte-pair-encoding) information of the source for our experiment. It should be noted noted that, (fs ). Additionally, a second encoder (encsrc→mt ) we exclude 1,000 sentences from the General cor- which takes the encoded representation from the pus which are scored as top (i.e., more in-domain enc1 , combines this with the self-attention-based like) during the data selection process. encoding of fs (enc2 ), and prepares a represen- We prepare two parallel training sets from tation for the decoder (dece ) via cross-attention. the aforementioned training data: (i) transfer- Our second encoder (enc1→2 ) can be viewed as ence500K(presented next), collected 500,000 par- a transformer based NMT’s decoding block, how- allel data through data selection method (Axelrod ever, without masking. The intuition behind our 918
architecture is to generate better representations 5 Experiments via both self- and cross-attention and to further fa- cilitate the learning capacity of the feed-forward We explore our transference model –a two- layer in the decoder block. In our transference encoder based transformer architecture, in CS-PL model, one self-attended encoder for fw , fw = similar language translation task. (w1 , w2 , . . . , wk ), returns a sequence of contin- 5.1 Experiment Setup uous representations, enc2 , and a second self- attended sub-encoder for fs , fs = (s1 , s2 , . . . , sl ), For transferenceALL, we initially train on the returns another sequence of continuous represen- complete out-of-domain dataset (General). The tations, enc2 . Self-attention at this point pro- General data is sorted based on their in-domain vides the advantage of aggregating information similarities as described in Equation 1. from all of the words, including fw and fs , and transferenceALLmodels are then fine-tuned to- successively generates a new representation per wards the 500K (in-domain-like) data. Finally, word informed by the entire fw and fs context. we perform checkpoint averaging using the 8 best The internal enc2 representation performs cross- checkpoints. We report the results on the provided attention over enc1 and prepares a final repre- development set, which we use as a test set before sentation (enc1→2 ) for the decoder (dece ). The the submission. Additionally we also report the decoder generates the e output in sequence, e = official test set result. (e1 , e2 , . . . , en ), one word at a time from left to To handle out-of-vocabulary words and to re- right by attending to previously generated words duce the vocabulary size, instead of considering as well as the final representations (enc1→2 ) gen- words, we consider subword units (Sennrich et al., erated by the encoder. 2016) by using byte-pair encoding (BPE). In the We use the scale-dot attention mechanism (like preprocessing step, instead of learning an explicit Vaswani et al. (2017)) for both self- and cross- mapping between BPEs in the Czech (CS) and attention, as defined in Equation 2, where Q, K Polish (PL), we define BPE tokens by jointly pro- and V are query, key and value, respectively, and cessing all parallel data. Thus, CS and PL derive dk is the dimension of K. a single BPE vocabulary. Since CS and PL be- long to the similar language, they naturally share QK T a good fraction of BPE tokens, which reduces the attention(Q, K, V ) = sof tmax( √ )V (2) vocabulary size. dk We pass word level information on the first en- The multi-head attention mechanism in the trans- coder and the BPE information to the second one. former network maps the Q, K, and V matrices by On the decoder side of the transference model we using different linear projections. Then h paral- pass only BPE text. lel heads are employed to focus on different parts We evaluate our approach with development in V. The ith multi-head attention is denoted by data which is used as test case before submission. headi in Equation 3. headi is linearly learned by We use BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) and TER three projection parameter matrices: WiQ , WiK ∈ (Snover et al., 2006). Rdmodel ×dk , WiV ∈ Rdmodel ×dv ; where dk = dv = dmodel /h, and dmodel is the number of hidden units 5.2 Hyper-parameter Setup of our network. We follow a similar hyper-parameter setup for all reported systems. All encoders, and the decoder, headi = attention(QWiQ , KWiK , V WiV ) (3) are composed of a stack of Nf w = Nf s = Nes = 6 identical layers followed by layer normalization. Finally, all the vectors produced by parallel heads Each layer again consists of two sub-layers and a are linearly projected using concatenation and residual connection (He et al., 2016) around each form a single vector, called a multi-head attention of the two sub-layers. We apply dropout (Srivas- (Matt ) (cf. Equation 4). Here the dimension of the tava et al., 2014) to the output of each sub-layer, learned weight matrix W O is Rdmodel ×dmodel . before it is added to the sub-layer input and nor- malized. Furthermore, dropout is applied to the Matt (Q, K, V ) = Concatni:1 (headi )W O (4) sums of the word embeddings and the correspond- ing positional encodings in both encoders as well 919
as the decoder stacks. model. Similar improvement is also observed in We set all dropout values in the network to terms of TER (-16.9 absolute). It is to be noted that 0.1. During training, we employ label smoothing our generic model is trained solely on the clean with value ls = 0.1. The output dimension pro- version of training data. duced by all sub-layers and embedding layers is Before submission, we performed punctuation dmodel = 512. Each encoder and decoder layer normalization, unicode normalization, and detok- contains a fully connected feed-forward network enization for the run. (F F N ) having dimensionality of dmodel = 512 In Table 2 we present the ranking of the compe- for the input and output and dimensionality of tition provided by the shared task organizers. Ten df f = 2048 for the inner layers. For the scaled entries were submitted by five teams and are or- dot-product attention, the input consists of queries dered by BLEU score. TER is reported for all and keys of dimension dk , and values of dimen- submissions which achieved BLEU score greater sion dv . As multi-head attention parameters, we than 5.0. The type column specifies the type of employ h = 8 for parallel attention layers, or system, whether it is a Primary (P) or Constrastive heads. For each of these we use a dimensional- (C) entry. ity of dk = dv = dmodel /h = 64. For optimiza- tion, we use the Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, Team Type BLEU TER 2015) with β1 = 0.9, β2 = 0.98 and = 10−9 . UPC-TALP P 7.9 85.9 The learning rate is varied throughout the train- UDS-DFKI P 7.6 87.0 ing process, and increasing for the first training Uhelsinki P 7.1 87.4 steps warmupsteps = 8000 and afterwards de- Uhelsinki C 7.0 87.3 creasing as described in (Vaswani et al., 2017). All Incomslav C 5.9 88.4 remaining hyper-parameters are set analogously to Uhelsinki C 5.9 88.4 those of the transformer’s base model. At training Incomslav P 3.2 - time, the batch size is set to 25K tokens, with a Incomslav C 3.1 - maximum sentence length of 256 subwords, and UBC-NLP C 2.3 - a vocabulary size of 28K. After each epoch, the UBC-NLP P 2.2 - training data is shuffled. After finishing training, Table 2: Rank table for Czech to Polish Translation we save the 5 best checkpoints which are written at each epoch. Finally, we use a single model ob- Our system was ranked second in the competition tained by averaging the last 5 checkpoints. During only 0.3 BLEU points behind the winning team decoding, we perform beam search with a beam UPC-TALP. The relative low BLEU and high TER size of 4. We use shared embeddings between CS scores obtained by all teams are due to out-of- and PL in all our experiments. domain data provided in the competition which 6 Results made the task equally challenging to all partici- pants. We present the results obtained by our system in Table 1. 7 Conclusion tested on model BLEU TER This paper presented the UDS-DFKI system sub- Dev set Generic 12.2 75.8 mitted to the Similar Language Translation shared Dev set Fine-tuned* 25.1 58.9 task at WMT 2019. We presented the results ob- Test set Generic 7.1 89.3 tained by our system in translating from Czech Test set Fine-Tuned* 7.6 87.0 to Polish. Our system achieved competitive per- formance ranking second among ten teams in the Table 1: Results for CS–PL Translation; * averaging 8 competition in terms of BLEU score. The fact that best checkpoints. out-of-domain data was provided by the organiz- ers resulted in a challenging but interesting sce- Our fine-tuned system on development set pro- nario for all participants. vides significant performance improvement over In future work, we would like to investigate how the generic model. We found +12.9 abso- effective is the proposed hypothesis (i.e., word- lute BLEU points improvement over the generic BPE level information) in similar language trans- 920
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