God's Amazing Creation - The Amazing Elephant - cloudfront.net

Page created by Rosa Carroll
God's Amazing Creation - The Amazing Elephant - cloudfront.net
5˚ Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario                5th Sunday of Ordinary Time                          February 9th, 2020

                                 God’s Amazing Creation
                                         The Amazing Elephant

The elephant is the largest land dwelling animal on earth! There are only three species of elephant remaining with
the largest being the African Bush Elephant which can weigh up to 6.5 tons (13,000lbs). Elephants have the long-
est gestation period of any animal. A female elephant remains pregnant for between 18 to 22 months. After their
birth, baby elephants (calves) remain with their mothers for about 10 years! The female calves will remain with
their mothers and female relatives while the males will leave the group and live with communities of other males
or lead solitary lives. Elephants are considered to be quite intelligent creatures with their intelligence being com-
pared to that of primates and cetaceans (dolphins, orcas, whales, etc.). They communicate with each other via
touch, site, smell and even infrasound (seismic communication). Elephants have more smell receptors than any
other mammal allowing them to smell food and detect threats from many miles away. Also, elephants are re-
nowned for their exceptional memory. They can remember friends from many years prior but can also remember
their enemies as well. One of the most unexpected things that elephants do is mourn for their deceased relatives.
There have been many reports of several elephants gathering together in a display of mourning over a deceased
member of their herd with even some reports of them shedding tears during these displays. Fun fact: Elephants
are the only animals that have 4 forward-facing knees. With these unique appendages, they can exceed speeds of
15 miles per hour while running! As amazing and majestic as these giants are, they are nowhere near as amazing
or majestic as the God that created them and imparted them with the many unique qualities they posses.
5˚ Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario                 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time                        February 9th, 2020

The Annual Sacred Heart Valentine’s Day Dinner and           Vamos a tener la Cena-Baile de San Valentín anual
Dance will be held on Saturday, February 22nd begin-
                                                             sábado, 22 de febrero. Empieza a las 6:00p.m. en la
ning at 6:00p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall on
                                                             sala de los Caballero de Colon en calle 21 en Clovis.
21st street in Clovis. All proceeds will go to fund the
                                                             Todos los productos de este evento irá a financiar el
2020 Youth Group trip to the Steubenville Conference.
                                                             viaje para le grupo de jóvenes a la conferencia de
Tickets are $40 per couple. Tickets are available at the
                                                             Steubenville. Pueden comprar boletos de entrada en
church office (while supplies last) and with members
of the Sacred Heart Youth Group. The last day to pur-        la oficina o de los miembros del grupo de jóvenes.
chase tickets will be on Wednesday, February 19th.           El ultimo día para comprar boletos será miércoles,
There will also be an auction and 50/50 raffle. Please       19 de febrero. También vamos a tener una rifa y
go out a spend a wonderful evening with our parish           subasta esta noche. Por favor salen y pasen una no-
brothers and sisters while supporting a great cause!         che de divertido con su familia parroquial.

La próxima clase para Bautizar será sábado, 15 de fe-        The next English Baptism class will be held on
brero a las 1:00p.m. en la escuela, salón 1. Recuérden-      Thursday, February 13th at 6:30p.m. in the school,
se que esta clase es obligatorio para los padres y padri-    classroom 1. Please keep in mind that both parents and
nos que quieren Bautizar aquí en nuestra iglesia del         God-parents interested in Baptizing their child at
Sagrado Corazón.                                             Sacred Heart must take this class prior to doing so.
5˚ Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario                 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time                           February 9th, 2020

                                                                             The Knights of the Altar of St. Joseph
                                    Knights of the Altar                     is a men’s group that meets monthly in
                                                                             the Catholic churches in our surround-
                                           Of St. Joseph                     ing area. This group is for men and
                                                                             their sons ages 12 and up for prayer and
                                                                             faith sharing. The men pray the Holy
Monthly Meeting Schedule 2019-2020 / All Meetings at 6:00p.m.                Rosary in front of the Blessed Sacra-
Wednesday, March 4th, 2020 - O.L.G., Clovis                                  ment. This is a wonderful opportunity
Monday, April 1st, 2020 - St. Helen’s, Portales                              for all men to grow closer to God and
Wednesday, May 6th, 2020 - Sacred Heart, Clovis                              to rediscover their calling as men and
Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020 - O.L.G., Clovis                                   fathers of Almighty God. We look for-
Monday, July 6th, 2020 - St. Helen’s, Portales
                                                                             ward to seeing you there. All men
Wednesday, August 5th, 2020 - Sacred Heart, Clovis
                                                                             are welcome at any time!
Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020 - O.L.G., Clovis
5˚ Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario              5th Sunday of Ordinary Time                        February 9th, 2020

  Parish Dinner / Cena Parroquial
We will be having a Parish Dinner in the gym on Saturday, February
 15th after the 6:00p.m. Mass. Please join us for a wonderful meal
                       with our parish family!
 Vamos a tener una Cena Parroquial en el gimnasio sábado, 15 de
febrero después de la Misa de 6:00p.m. ¡Por favor venga a comer y
             disfrutar con nuestra familiar parroquial!

                                                         Sacred Heart
Thank you, Father Michael for walking our ladies' group through your journey to priesthood. And a wonderful sur-
prise to meet and greet our seminarian Agustín Henderson.
Gracias Padre Michael por su tiempo y presentación de su trayectoria al sacerdocio Y la grata sorpresa de cono-
cer y dar la bienvenida al seminarista Agustín Henderson.
Our next meeting, Acts Of Love; presented by Rachel Curry.
Nuestra próxima junta, Actos de Amor; presentada por Rachel Curry.

Date/Fecha: FEB. 20, 2020
Time/Hora: 6:30 P.M.
Place/Lugar: Libr ar y/Biblioteca
All women are welcomed to join in at any time!
¡Todas las mujeres son bienvenidas en cualquier momento!

5˚ Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario                        5th Sunday of Ordinary Time                               February 9th, 2020

Weekly                                                                                               Sacred Heart
                                                                                                 Prayer Warriors!
Readings                                                                              If you or someone you
Monday, February 10th:
1KGS 8:1-7,9-13 PS 132:6-7,8-10 MK 6:53-56                                            know is in need of
Tuesday, February 11th:
                                                                                      prayer, please contact
1KGS 8:22-23,27-30 PS 84:3,4,5&10,11 MK 7:1-13
Wednesday, February 12th:                                                             Mary Shockley (575)
1KGS 10:1-10 PS 37:5-6,30-31,39-40 MK 7:14-23                       799-6402. She will place that individ-
Thursday, February 13th:
1KGS 11:4-13 PS 106:3-4,35-36,37&40 MK 7:24-30
                                                                    ual that is in need of prayer into a cir-
Friday, February 14th:                                              cle of prayer. Parishioners of Sacred
1KGS 11:29-32;12:19 PS 81:10-11AB,12-13,14-15 MK 7:31-37
Saturday, February 15th:
                                                                    Heart Church will then pray for those
1KGS 12:26-32;13:33-34 PS 106:6-7AB,19-20,21-22 MK 8:1-10           individuals to Almighty God. This is
Sunday, February 16th:                                              a wonderful ministry and privilege for
SIR 15:15-20 PS 119:1-2,4-5,17-18,33-34 1COR 2:6-10 MT 5:17-37
                                                                    us to be able to pray for you.

   Religious Education Information
Wednesday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Kindergarten through 7th Grade, RCIC, Youth Group
Wednesday 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm
Confirmation I and II, Apologetics, & Sacramental Prep.
Monday 6:00p.m.
English RCIA
                                                                                                “For I was hungry and you
                                                                                                gave me food, I was thirsty
            Educación Religiosa                                                                 and you gave me drink, a
                                                                                                stranger and you welcomed
Miércoles 6:00p.m. - 7:00p.m.                                                                   me”        Matthew 25:35
Kínder hasta 7˚grado, Iniciacion para Niños, Grupo de
Juveniles                                                           The food pantry operates each 2nd and 4th Saturday of the
                                                                    month at 9:00a.m. in an effort to help the less fortunate of
Miércoles 7:15p.m. - 8:30p.m.                                       God’s children in our community. Thanks be to God, our Food
Confirmación I y II, Apologética, Preparación Sacramental           Pantry is now the largest in Eastern New Mexico! Anyone in-
Jueves 6:00p.m.                                                     terested in volunteering, please come at 8:30AM or call Rosie
Iniciación Cristiano para Adultos en español                        Buchan at 575-309-5040 for further information.
                                                                     We are in need of volunteer drivers for food box
                                                                    deliveries as well as help Friday mornings.
Holy       January 1st -   Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God         The Food Pantry is in need of the following items:
           May 21st -      Ascension of our Lord                    Crackers, pasta noodles, cookies, peanut butter and jelly/jam.
Days of
           August 15th -   Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Obligation November 1st - All Saints Day                            Many thanks to all those who donate their time and goods to
2020       December 8th - Immaculate Conception                     this wonderful ministry!!!
           December 25th - Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ
5˚ Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario                5th Sunday of Ordinary Time                             February 9th, 2020

Ministers—Saturday, February 15th, 2020 (Spanish)          Church Cleaning Ministry - Thursday, February 13th, 2020
Sacristans                                                 Vivian Trujillo, Lucille Conley, Beni Dampier, Nora Quiñones
6:00PM                           Lupe Sosa
Altar Servers                                              Altar Linens Ministry - February
6:00PM                           Christian Barraza         Lucille Conley
                                 Isabella Barraza
                                 Michelle Gonzales
                                                             Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
6:00PM                      Maria Bustillos                      to the Homebound & Nursing Homes
                            Martha Campos                             Sunday, February 16th, 2020
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion                  Retirement Ranch         Rick Rowley
6:00PM L-Blanca Robledo R-Agustin Henderson                Clovis Health Care       Carmen Sosa
                                                           St. Anthony’s            No Visitations
Ministers—Sunday, February 16th, 2020                      Group Home               No Visitations
8:30AM                   Mary Shockley
                         Jesse Alvarez
10:30AM                  Terry Curry
                         Ruben Lucio
Altar Servers
8:30AM                   Joseph Vickers
                                                           Monday           February 10th, 2020
                         Gregory Bryant
                         Kye Conley                                         No Mass
10:30AM                  Jacob Rodriguez                   Tuesday          February 11th, 2020
                         Justin Bouchard
                                                           5:30PM           †Carlos Lueras
                         Julia Spears
Lectors                                                    Wednesday February 12th, 2020
8:30AM                   Megan Palla
                                                           12:10PM          †Norma Campbell
                         John Salguero
10:30AM                  Ester Bocanegra                   Thursday         February 13th, 2020
                         Jim Hicks                         5:30PM           Divino Nino Jesús, Remi Kaplan (Health),
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion                                   Familia Gómez Muñoz
8:30AM L-Sean Little        R-Agustin Henderson
         L-Tammy Little     R-Christy Gutierrez            Friday           February 14th, 2020
                                                           5:30PM           Alfred Romero Jr. (Health)
10:30AM L-Annette Madrid R-Agustin Henderson
       L-Fidel Madrid    R-Mike Lysaght                    Saturday         February 15th, 2020
                                                           6:00PM           Kelly Bradley (Health)

                                                           Sunday           February 16th, 2020
 Tithes and Offerings - February 2nd, 2020
                                                           8:30AM           †A.C. & †Eva Ruth Bryant
  Envelopes                      $5,340.27
  Loose                          $5,401.40                 10:30AM          Guachi & Aida Alicea

  Needy                          $1,103.00                 2:00PM            Parish of Sacred Heart
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